TT. " . . "'v . 4 a ' V Ci-pf ember S, 1905. Twenty-roiirlh Tear V,' If you have any ft 1 , r Sp ccial in Ladies Inasmuch m we Will move in our New Store on or about lGth inet. hence these low prices. .' V,1,, -V ' Ladies NigHTiobes made of the best Cambric or Nainsook at 60, 75c, 11,00 and $1.50.,r. 7- , , 'V ' - ' .Ladies Underskirts at 50c, 76c' $1.00 and Jl. beautifully :, trimmed in Val Lace or Lawn tuck flowered, " . , 1 I: Pants at 25c,' 35c, 60s.tvV'"V-V" Cf s-'i"' Corset Covers at 25c, Ii5c, 60e. , -l , v i ' ' "', ; t ' Take advantage, of this sale, a look tfill convince you, the gar-:, tnenta speak for themselves. 1 ,s' ' ' , j J M MitctcH & Co., f , PHONE 288: ' E 43 . Pollock St, Opposite Post-office lAAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASA.AA Goods lew I have juBt returned from the Northern markets with a Bran New Stock of Gents Furnishings and other Dry Goods and Notions. - Which f. am opening in i my former store In the Bryan building 'at the corner of Middle and South Front ' streets. - . Fall and Winter-Suits of !the latest Makes and Styles. HITS, SR0E3, AND A FULL LINE OF, DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.- ' Everything New and Up-to-date at prices to suit the buyer. Call and "see ; me. . ' . " ' ' Bryan Block, Corner Middle This Week Better . As our Buyer, Mr. H. A Good Chance to Got Bargain: the Northern Markets ,to ; purchase, his Fall and Winter stosk August 28th, we have re duced our entire stock for fall Gooda. If you gains you must come at : ;U v .,75 Middle ' i ' . , 1 VOur.PerfectMwTrsj Trunk. - JOHN I. M. HOWARD. Farmers Tobacco ;7arcIiouc3. , For the sale of Leaf Tobacco. The jropwt in that ToWro will fair pric this seawm, and we will bo pr.i.riHl to t?it Ih- f. i. r y ) j la Nw Horn, an any ollior market In thn H t, Wo will 1 ,. ,. fl f Euyni, oJ will do our lx '.t tophiiio r,nr ('i)i I mm r. ( , i, I , sal, A' nit 1st, 1 1 ",. fair 4vi-ry il.iy nt 1 n ,M V. , , Water ,id bent attention. V.'e liavo ! lr)rti;n pi,r C,i , f r WUh thrm. ) c 2 tON(, ::(!:, a,,i ,,,r. Muslin UrideWea : lAAailiataAa4aAAJAAA J. and South Front Mreets, Than Ever Before. Cop on will leave for in order to make room are looking for Bar once. . Street... . .' :. : . , . CaGO ! FURNITURE, ' RUGS and HOUSE , - ". : FUJRNISI1INC3 AT B. IVES, 9fl Middle Strmt E. J. ULSTER. 11 f. r 4 1 ( - lOHQ President Harvie Jordan Tells of Its ' v Influence, ," ' , - Hi EiUmstM Crop Nine te'res Half Million ' Bale. Hsarlng Begun Is Cast of v NtU. Baltlgh and Pamllce RyCon-"-K ' itraeUoav- - . , ' Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 1. President Harvie Jordan of the American Cotton Growers Association - is ' here as the specl tl guest of the State Farmers Convention which he addressed at the Agricultural & Mechanical College - to day, '. He was especially interviewed by your correspondent who . complimented him upon the wonderful work; done in reducing the acreage of cotton and in holding the crops; and in; the -securing of good prices. j; Mr Jordan said:. "We have done very well' for boys so far, but we will show the world later what men we are. . Wedonot desire or in tend to sit down on our laurels. To give you an idea of our power as an association, the correspondence yester day between Theodore Price fhd myH self tore the market; to pieces. , The Southern Cotton Association today has a more powerful influence on the cotton situation' than anything else in the world, I want to say that this is the first time that the world has paid any attention to farmers.' It is time that the elements this: year have aided us, but our own efforts have counted for great deal. , Th0 elements have always been giving us aid, but this happens to be the first time in the minds of some people that they have helped us. " The cotton crop will not be a large one this year, yet it will be 'larger than it has been in some years.,;. Sentiment is ciys- tillizing In the direction of a more com plete organization, - We are not going to take anything for granted, : but we are going to do things ourselves,' not wait for them to happen, but go out and get what we want The figures on this season's crop rwT all the wi y from nine", to ten and a half million bales, ' The best opinion is that tht crop is one-third off. That I am told is about the figure in North Carolina also, as it is elsewhere. When our associa tion meets' at . Asheville on the 6th inst, we will prepare an estimate which will show exacth what the crop is and we will give this to this world at noon on the 7th.- It will b a full and fair report Our organization is becoming very firm ly welded together. JJorth Carolina has done well and has certainly , done her part in reducing the acreage. ; The fatmers in this State are very' loyal and very - enthusiastic"" . Many more farmers arrived today to attend , their S tate convention. Among them wu A, 6. Coward of Grifton. Lenoir eounty, who bad not been to Raleigh before since the i- inauguration of, Governor Vance, January 1, 1877. j The attentioa of the -farmers;. to the speeches was very market' A' number of them to day, under the direction of Prof,; Bur' kett of the college made an early morn ing tnp through the big farm and there were short running talk as 'they went from crop to crop. - ; . ,y Very good progress is now being made in the construction of the Raleigh & Pamlico Railway, doien miles hav ing been finished from here northeast ward, Crabtree Creek' would, have been, crossed by bridges three' times within a distance of a couple of miles had not superintendent Turner thought of the plan of changing the course of the creek so that only one - bridge has been made necessary. ' -, ' ; A great many - persons went out to the Agricultural A Mechanical College this afternoon to see the dedication of the new agricultural building, one of the most beautiful public buildings in the State. Governor Glenn was not pu lent but Lt Gov. Winston repre sented him as one of the official apeak era, . .. ' ., ; - "Governor Glenn will send through Brid. Gnn, Arm fluid an invitation toaD the National Guard of this State to be present at the occ anion of the Visit of the proHulftnt to Raleigh In October, There are no funds to moot the pernio and so thy will have to be met by the troops. Tents will be put on the gj'l link on the fair grounds for all who come. Tins morning coroner Jordan b-an the h"annir in (ho rn of Nail, Urn piiticrit Bt the Onlral Hwp'.tal her who tli'.'i 'nut week uinlor sun.irious C.rcoiiistnix', rharji of rniclty hav ing U'l-n niH'If. bujx'nntciiileirt M- Ket of the iutl v.r a l'ltr-r u i Cllor J: tr ii)) i wiry In h. ! 7 t t h take th tiiat 'j d'nl p If C n r, . i t i-ii i i f ( 1 ' n , t It, ,i ,1 J I P 1 'f ' 1 It- . ' CCNrCCERATE FENSiCERS Rotter Computed For This Yar. ; Supt. loyner Ana Br. Molvsr OR For m . Europe. -,"" Special to Journal. - -' - 4 Raleigh, Sept 1. State Auditor Dixon has completed this year's roster of Confederate pensioners.?; There' are 14,035. an increase 'of 719 .over last year. ' Of these 8,044 are soldiers of the 4th class, an increase of 616, and 5,068 widows, and increase of 119 " State Superintendent of Public In struction J. YJoyner' and President Charles D. Mclver, of the State Nor mal and Industrial College ' t: Greens boro, leave tomorrow for Europe for a two months tour. "V,' ' " REPORT OF THE CONDITION tlutual Aid Banking Company. v - , at New Bern, in the State of North Carolina, at the close 01 business , , Aug 26th. 1905. " - RESOURCES. Loans and discounts , f 6,015 04 Overdrafts secured .. , . m as Banking house,- furniture .- and fixtures .i... ,.. . . . . . . 957 78 '676 66 2414 04 810 00 All other real estate owned..' Due from banks and banker .! Gold coin ..V. .... Silver coin, including all , ' minor coin currency .' National bank notes and 259 38 other U. S.' notes ' "'l ' ' '' " " Total ' - - LIABILITIES . 232 00 11,038 25 Capital stock paid in.'... $ 1,309 25 106 73 surplus tuna Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses ana taxes Daid.. u 193-69 Dividends unftaid Bills payable ........... .. . . .. Time certificates of deposit 2160 - 69 87 8,731 92 5,605 19 Ueposits subject to checK... Total. -, . , ' 111,038 25 State of North Carolina 'County of Craven f ? t , L' John H.' -Fisher. cashierr of the above-named bank, do solemn! swear oiat we a Dove siaiemem is u-ue ui wa best of mvTtnowledcre and belief. . . - 4vnti n. nsuKK, Uismer Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 1st, day of Sept 1905.: - ' j . J (JAM, JO. HAKKI&UIN,- -,r - Notary Public, Correct Attest & C. POACH, . -WM. CHRISPEN," J. P. STANLY. ; -- ' Pirectors. ' Why suffer with headache, eonstipa' tlon, stomach, kidney and" liver trou b'es, when HolUster's Rocky Mountain Tj will cur yout :, No money wanted atleea yon are cured. . 86 cents, Tea or Tablets. ' , Sold by P. S. Dulry. , !! tn the Anlarotlo. .. - We complnlu of the -difficulty of ob taining refreshlug'rest during tn heat waves la tondon, but the men with the Discovery found that lu the tow temneratorc sleep was practically Im possible. Describing the men's expert ence 'on the' sledge Journeys, Dr. BdV Ef rd "WIMbn says: "One's very flannel shirt,- wit)) nothing but a vest between It ana the skin, I full of boar . frost, the result of f rosea perspiration, and all . one's-clothes outside It -are-th same. . AH the .accumulated wetness then begins, to thaw wherever one's body come In. contact with the sleep ing bog Interior. After It has set In properly one begins to dream, and but for dreams, the most absurd under the sun, one wodld not believe that one bad slept at Ml.:. K very boor or so one wakes 4o shiver, aud'thea again the dream begin, and this goes oa until at last there Is light enoogh tn the tent to cook by nd one knows that purga tory Is over." 8L Jame Gatett. , A nmt Wllhamt Htr. It la on of the many blsarre pe cullarltlc of ronstantinoplo that bo one, not eren the moet experienced diplomatic, appears to uudomtand the character ot th next brlr. The tliron belong br Mumulman law to th eidnt male of the bouse ot OUimaa, but whether any competent male sur vive' older than ' the Bultuo's soul wtii to be oratlilng of a myatery, the holr, Mohemmrd lirohld EfTcndl having liwn kft In strict nwlimlon. AH we can be aurn of I that a fUiliaa will i'prr am! will be iiiMTtM by (ho Oltimmii alntimiiien ami gcnnalu, who In th lnt ort control the vm plro. 1'hvy ml(;!it Dot f!oo til clili-t mn, whi UiT lirothcr or mm, b"t ttier cvrlnlnly lil not ( p ont!iI the (inline of Otlitmiii, mid the ncvv " reign nilcht .iiWy b a viry a I it man. No ?e!j:i.lMg ! ever 1'nv (1ik h1 nwuji of (In) P - .t fun an tint of (Mliinan. Iti'loii 1 , 'nt-ir. V .' h ? it' W I ItTJ. I . t lu scrap iron or met al,' write iik; Abrahams & Co New Bern, N. C, and Savannah. Ga.' ''They pay the highest cash- prices. Write today. "- . ' . ' s , I Delicious Uefresliioi! ! We Sell You ' Greatest'care taken In making i our cream, and only best mate- rials. . It is Pure and Wholesome. Can -be eaten by the most delicate per son without fear of injury. '35 cents per quart, packed in ice, delivered at your house. Also Sherbets and Ice Cream Soda. - ; McSot ley Grand Opening of New " Masonic Theatre I W, PIS VAtFDmLLE B?03I. - latsfBatiostl-MTills Stars, MayYohe' ' ' : uradlee strong, ' ; : Flo Irwin. ; James Thornton, Rhodesia;' 1 - Walter Hawtey, Seeley & West, , Mosher & Woolston, Z" 4" Mahoney & Lake, ; . z Al Casey. . " - and. BONNIE THORNTON - , ' together with , -10 ?IG ACTS 10 MODERN VAUDEVILLE IN THE y "..SOUTH AT LAST. - ; c i Proj ectoscope. " Regular PrIces-25, 50, 75 arid Sl.00 Seats now on sale at Waters' Book Store.' . , fb'd hh hsm Snclc h Sail AFTER THE SHIP IS WRECKED yvasrrborjy n trU mi Vrw itw mfa Li bw mvm1. A.f tr your Kohm ! In biUmi mai.y a wim t ef kiw how Un fir flouM have hn i-Jt olt but ft wasn't. TrMreV jutt onrn'-nd only n Mtf Inauu-Krve fKmiMiny,Vh4 only kid whui poll Fancy Fruits, AITLLS AND BANANAS, F:cc!i Arrival hi St, Fiflit Co, Ice Cueam if i hoi Nev- Af m cDAWIEL'S Corner Broad New barrel large No. 1. Shore Mackerel, New Lot Harvey' Small -Monumental Hams and Breakfast Ptrips. English. Cured Shoulders and Pic Nic Hams, Fresh Cakes and Crackers in Packages Pnes Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter, Queen Olives and Fresh Olive Oil, Walter Bakew Chocolate, Fresh Roasted Java Cof fee, ground to order 20cts lb. 'topleeyouUlkyOUf0r08hare fyUr Md do our best J. L. McDaniel j WhoIenaJe & ISetall Orocer. . Tarker Store. Corner Broad and Hancock Bin. TTTTrTyTTTtTTTyTyTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyTyTTT Bit. Petty's NATURAL STOCK LICK, Special Prices on Califor nia Hams. A complete Line Sugar Cured Keats and . ALL KINDS PROVISIONS. M Butler ty Ik Mm ni ij lie Retail. X 3E3C Ervin, TFliolcsal and Retail Grocer. : No. 81 South Front St. iUAAlUUiaaIalaitilAAAAAAAAaAaAtAAAAAAAAi.A4j Picture Have WHILE THE LEAVES AREOUr. SO CENTS AND $1.00 The " Wootten Studio. 92 EAST FRON f STREET- CCO C wCOCCCOCCCOCCCOOC Last ) ; We have a few dozen nice straw hate ) ; left that were one dollar, to one dollar p J .and a halt a Every one hew fin order to? II close out this lot quickly we have made j the price at 60 cents' for your choice t J : .ltew line ol Negligee Bhir.s Just re 1 k ( i -cejvfd. . U u n ti 1 1 1 ,J.' vowWHWywW Car Load JJust Received.-.;:... Cool: fctoves, Heaters. Full line Hardware 1 r-iiifdrrM ' ?.Tntr.!ft.L TTfiHth and llilllr&n ''-tj. Oils and 0Ias3. & St Hvals at and Hancock Sts. of Your House - M Ghanc o u o. o (I () hi 1 S B. -V w W W W W W w't.)J W " . ' .. ... v . " LV1II Supply Co ,1 rbmvU ; v t ) rv