- r y , . , J . ." ' . .. - - ' - . 'J .- I- A ' ? T: - r ? Tol.XXHI.--Wo. 145.; New Eern, IT CM Tnetday Moruing, September 10, 1905. Twenty-Furth Year - For Fall, Its New, You'll find It Here. - The New Neckwear Supporter, flexible born for Ribbons, Lace Col!ar8, Mid gives pretty fashionable girdle effect. No1 swing required, we have it in all lengths. The price is only XO CENTS. While in New York we bought 500 pieces of RIBBONS all colors and widths. These ribbons will be on sale Monday Tuesday and Wednesday at one half their value. Always buy in the cheapest market and aave money. W You may find everything very much torn up, as we expect daily to move to our new store. J M Mitchell & Co., PHONB286. 41 Pollock St., Opposite Post-office. ANOTHER . -ATTACK, On Dipenarjf On Ground of Subiti - v : tution. Appeals l Fosrik District. Wika County ffmet Fsj, lvt C.nt Cbttos. : Ssrasass by CanMarat . D u r.Csrps, Wonder In! Escape From Dtstfc. - TO CATARRH SUFFERERS Hyamei J L. HARTSFIELO, - Con tractor and Builder. OFriCK 93 1-2 MIDDLE ST. PHOSI 138. Would be glaa to have any onetnspect my Ifoork aS it goes Up. UForSaIe, You Will FIND A FULL LINE OF FURNJTCRF, HEATING AND COOK STOVES PICTURES, GO-CARTS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC, Large and complete line oi Rugs Picture f fines aide at JOHN B. I V E S, ;98 Middle Street , New Masonic Theatre 1 THAT5 OOOD ! The Original and Only IIOYT'S Jl Bunch of Keys (OR THE HOTEL) I VeMIUwaan Q I new.- TWhAeM ) ywinpumiwi uuiai mm aw, GR Specialty Artiste, Originalities AT Novelties and more Entertain EST I ment to tne minute than all J others. A REVELATION IN LYRIC ART, PRICES 26. 60 and 75c 0e Budred Twenty Flre Cent Hoveli Mirked Vowi to flfteea eti. Ennett's Bookstore EUGENIE EL AIR HER COMPANY OF PLAYERS . V IES11N3 GRE1T SOCUL STUBT vA DOLL'S nOUSK." - Illlli ; ; MR. W. a NANKCVILL8 SS.:'' & " ANNOUNCES ,':, v ' ;X ' TBI NiNER CEA81N0 SUCCESS '''V'-Tf T" 4 ' '- !AH;IDEU2E0 STORT OF LIFE ': '' W THE ARKANSAS HILLS ; ; . rmcHuo with A CAREFULLt ClIOSCN CC"PANY Raleigh, N. C. Sept. 18,. 1905-The Sipreme court will tomorrow take up the appeals from the fourth district. There are only two state cases, one of these being out of the ordinary. A man who was hunting turkeys in the woods saw the bushes move and thinking this was caused by a turkey fired and killed a man. The man who shot is really be ing, prosecuted under anold English law as a poacher and the Attorney General has been looking up -the English laws or that subject. He was hunting Ion fo r bidden land and also at a time when tur keys were out of season. The Wake ceunty farmers who grow cotton will meet tomorrow and will defi nitely fix the price at eleven cents. They know the crop is a short one and they have securities from the buainei s men that cotton can be stored in wai e- bouses. They and the business men have co-operated all during the present year regarding cotton. Tomorrow the saloon men will start another form of their attack on the dis pensary, this being that there was pre ference in selling certain brands of whiskey. The Dispensary management says that there ta no truth in this and further that there has been no "substi tution" that is the brand of whiskey asked for was given, and if .it was not in stock no other sort was offered in place of it. This afternoon the drum corps -of the oca) camp of Confederate Veterans here went out to the Soldiers' Home and gave a serenade to the inmates, to their great delight. This, as has been stated, is the only Confederate drum corps in existence. The number of students at the A A M College has reached 400 and that number took dinner today in the large mesa hau It would be easy to have 1000 students at thecollege if roc m we e provided for them It would cost about (200,000 to provided the additional do. mltory room, lecture rooms etc EarW m August a man who was til ing thejroof of the Agricultural building at the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege slipped from the roof and fell 46 feet to the ground, breaking both arms one leg and Injuring hi back. - Yes terday he left here for his borne In Virginia. Ashe passed the eoUegehe showed your correspondent the place from which be fell and said, a showing his presence of miad, that be fell head farnxnt, bat bent his body so that he struck on his hands and feet and thus saved himself. Bsarastsei la Csrs By F. S. Dally Or Messy Rsfssesd. " The popularity and increase in the sales of Hyomei are unique in the an nals of medicine. -; Such astonishing cures have .b een made by this remedy that the proprietors have authorized F. I S. Duffy to sell every- package of- Hy i omei under an absolute guarantee that it will cure catarrh. If it does not, the purchaser can have his money refunded by F. S. Duffy. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00 and consists of an .inhaler that can be carried in the vest . pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyo mei The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if one bottle does not cure, an extra ! bottle of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents. It is the most economical of all remedies advertised for the cure of catarrh, and is the only one that fol lows Nature in her methods of treating diseases of the respiratory organs. Breathe through the inhaler for a few minutes four times a day, and your catarrh is cured. That's all. If not cured F. S. Duffy will refund your money. BABY'S ECZEMA I Top of Head - Covert r with Scales Which Peeled off . Taking Hair with Them.' CURED BY CUTICURA Now Six Years Old with Thick Hair and Clean Scalp. Cure Permanent. SHOT AND RAN. Two Ntgrow Engage In sn Encovntrs en Csdar Strttt. Shoot it Each Othtr and Etcapt. No Arrttts. The usual Sabbath stillness which is generally the rule on Cedar street on that day was rudely broken Sunday afternoon by a fuss made of pistol shots. The suggestion of a sanguinary affair had a tendency to make most peo ple timid about venturing oup and the shooters shot at each other quite boldly until one of them, apparently getting shy on ammunition did the next best thing and burned the wind. His capa bilities as a sprinter were fully demon strated as he ran down one street to the other with policemen and citizens after him until he reached the Bteamer Ocracoke lying at its dock. He had run steadily over a mile and when he reached the steamer it proba bly seemed to him that he had peached a refuge. He was fireman on the steamer and knew the ins and ouU ol t ie lower hold perfectly. He felt that culd he once e ensconced in that place he could defy. the officers of the law with impunity. He reckoned widely; for ah :n he got aboard he was down in t le furnace room and hidden in the dt rk recesses of the nether part ol the steamer where no one could find him who waa not perfectly acquaint ed will the place. A long search was there for ineffectual. The other man also escaped in the excitement and nothing baa been heard of him. The duel for auch it apparently was, waa like similar affairs that take place in France once in a while. There's lota of shooting, honor vindicated but no gore shed. The cause of the shoot ing is not known. Crescent Tobaao v Company. Ji U;,ls,Cigir til Tosses Start. Where th moat fastidious taste eaa be satisfied either in a smoke ar anew. Abo a first class Soda, Fountain whsrs all popular fountain drmka aw served. ' '.v V' ;" ' Don't forget to try ,oor lee Cream. A Cream that la Cream, A a ' W. D. Barrlngton MANAGER, V IDE STORE. Fine THE EQUINOX The kaaaal Mara Oseara aaa Bess laslsesi WMmmI Aay Pass. s W hava passed through the equiaoe- UsJ storm period a few days earlier than usual. ,Xat Friday mgbt marked the beginning and it continued fatter mittaotly until about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. - Although the rain fad in lart quantities mostly during the night time, then waa no disturbance either by lightning or wind; It wai a straight out twin and earn in big Iota, With all the moistnra that w hart had It would be natural to suppose that the humidity would be lessened butoa the other hand, M has Increased mak big th weather vary disagreeable. The temperature stood at tne 86 degree at the maximum and It degree for th minimum Sunday. Yesterday th ther mometer regkterad about. M dogreer, Th total rainfall for th period waa LUInch. Tb greater portion of It falling on Satorday and early Bondey morning. Thk) I th largest nmuunt oi rainfall that w bar had for several monthar. Impo At Rmyma, N. C, Monday Sept. IS. 1M6, Mr. SamiM W. Hancock, aid 78 ysara. " . Mr. Hancock 1 th fUr of Cspt H. T. Usnootk of this city. Th funeral service will b hold todny t Smyrna. ; Sitoeitzer Cheese. Iddp: Former New Bernian Dead Doctor J. M. Da vies died at bis home in Warren, Tenn., on Monday Sept. Uth, aged 77 years. Doctor Davie will b remembered by many of our older citisans, aa successful practicing physician, and mayor of th city about forty years ago. . H removed to Pennsylvania m 1808. . Two son and a daughter survive Mm. ' " Ex.tr fin celry at Coast Lin Mar ket SHOOTING AFFAIR IN ONSLOW. TWM ia M I 'a Mil- at lei- A FEW mor of th Utt styW, Bull h'arlnf WbofW A WiW Rawing V tlilri st grUy rliK-H p'l", f'r pfit r -h. AUo s f..! I nf IHi-yrlo., Gui.n, F..flwi, V-vt, t ami f. II - llo,,,, !.. 1 t f f '-nil. t. i.i ; r 'J . ; :i (.,;;. u M a ! :i. Hi, J i r i d V. i , T. M A most sensational shooting affair oc eurrad at. Richland. Onslow county, I ist Thursday night in which two man ar said to bar bn badly, wounded, Th name of th thr negroes who war principal war not known to th jMmal'a Informant. - ? Th facts a related to th Journal arc that a negro shot at two colored mn broUiOT, whit thsy wr In their boa; th ahooling being don through thdoor or window. Tby rtumd th fir but mlad him, , Th man ran away and a crowd of negro ran after blm but h kept them at a distanc with his gun which was t Wiarhmter rrpaatlng rifl . of Urg- caiibr. , Th man continud his running on til he was nrounter by a whit man named ftumfthrev who was armiiL Th.nMmi tried U avoid Humphray aridth Uttari snot ai mm ana wiwum mm. l n a gro sUo fired st Humphrey but fallod to hit him. 11) fti-gra was found m tirrm UtT In a cotton Held weak fran th laa of bknd, II waa arreatad and UV'n to the Jeonvill 1L ilia wound la not rearll as Mriou. Thrana of th ihootinf waa said to t the Sfufation wlikh th brtjthrs n -l. . ft i r t ta priw.npr, snd their tlirral ronri-rnir t; him. I! waa ao- r iw'l nf a-! i!rry with t'l'ir mother nd .-) tl.rr 1 ti t,;j ,inr ft a'.hL 1 r ' ! ar i f it i r-r.-'ir-d 1 r ( , . y, r. H f f try lr.,.,1 te a " My baby was six weeks old when the top of her head became covered with thick scales, which would peel and come off, taking the hair with it. It would soon form again and be ss bad as before. My doctor said it was Eczema, and prescribed an ointment, which did ho good. I then tried Cuti curs Soap and Ointment. I waited her head in warm water and Cuticura Soap and. gently combed the scales off. Tbey did not come back and her hair grew out fine and thick. She ia now a year and a half old, and has no trace of Eczema." MRS. C. W. BURGES, Iranistan Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 21, 1808. CURE PERMANENT Mrs. B urges writes Feb. 28, 1903 : " Mr babv. Who had Eczema verv badly en her head, as I told you before, after using tne cuncura Kemeaiea was cured. She is now six years old, and has thick hair and a clean acalp." Instant relief snd refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies snd reat for tired, worried mothers ia warm baths with Cuticura Soap, and gentle anoint ings with Cuticura Ointment, purest of emollients and greateat of skin cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent snd economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply akin and acalp humours, with loaa of hair, of infants snd children, as well as adults, and is sure to succeed when all other reme dies and the best physicians fail. Sold th'-mrhMa th. wnrid. Cntlnu SMolmt, 10. fin mn oi (.uu4-ulU. Ooatrd lil!f.lc. M of Ul. (Hot- ul.W,aMP.e. I'.tw Unit . CtMttL Corp., Bcfa, SeURgpt af-bnU tor M 1'U Uxtu lluuwur Cm." New Barrel Fulton Market Corned Beef lit McDails Grocery So i F0.1 Cured Hams and Break fast Strips. T" Fresh Grits and Rice. Mixed and Plain. Sweet Large Corned Mackerel. Large Cucumber Pickles, Heinz Sweet Cucumber Pickles, Fresh Prunes, Nice Try a pound of our mi utHo ...-j j Lard and your biscuit w ill taste better. J. L. McDaniel Whulewale Parker Store, A Betall Groevr. Corner Broad and Hancock Ste. - corner Uroad and Hancock Ste. g fed Wire Fence. Car Load Just deceived. Cook fctoves, Heaters. Full line Hardware and Builders Mate ial. Heath and MilHg an Paints, Oils and Glass. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supp'y Co1,' A Novel And Interesting Play. At the New Masonic Theatre this eve ning Miss Eugenie Blair and her com pany of players will be seen in the moat interesting of Henrik Ibsen's drtmi 'A Doll's House." Miss Blair has for years been a de voted student of the great Norwegian dramatist, snd her presentation of this play should prove the most interesting dramatic event of the season. Even from his earlist writing the best critics have conceeded to Ibsen the possession. of remarkable srenius, and it is in "A Doll's House" that this master of real ism reaches his high st plane and pre sents a study of social conditions that has never been equalled. Miss Blair's production of "A Doll's House" will follow minutely th con ception of the author, great care being exercised to retain the true Ibsen atmoe phere, and the supporting company has been specially selected because of their intimate knowledge of the works of the great Norwegian dramatist A. P. N. Auction Sale On WdndayL September 20th at 10.30 a. m., the household and kitchen furniture, dining room set, bed room eta, carpets, pictures, hasting and cooking stoves, etc, of Dr. Early, will b sold at his lat residence on Pollock street; a bo about 19 cords of good dry wood. - 8. B. Street, Auctioneer SCBiP IRON, OLD HTML IwlUseU to high bidder on Mon day Sept 25th, th old scrap Iron, ho and other material .belonging to th elty of New Bern, which can b seen by ceiling at city hall. -' K. W. Simpktna, Cbm. Watch int Clock ReMlrind. I am now located at tTB road strwft, when I am randy to repair watch, clock, Jewelry, te at priaa tnat eaanot fail to p)av Notify ai. and I will, call for your work aaddsHver 'I'll 'St it K. S. MATTHEWI m Id hm - -T - - 9 KetTt Pftr Oriixei, Biitui, Freth CocoiidU, fiup'i, Leo og, ippln, freii Lot- if Cbocoltte Tiffj, Feint ! Brittle ill focoiiat . liDij. llisEtTili'i ' on hihin Mo-; : lir.cilUsciTl dij ii ibi Phone 14 I waFnonrM SELECT IT NOW Select a Kail Suit that will proclaim your Up-To-Dateness and Do It Now Oont be one of the Lag-Behinda. Come out in New Clothes in time to wear the Latest Styles bi foro every other man has appeared in a New Suit. You Certainly will be sur prised to learn what $10.00. $1 2.50 or $1 5.00 will do for you here in buying a hunilxome new cut and new tailored FILL 8 U I T Big Line of Boy Suits. Nvwont Styles in Stet son Hats, Howard Hats, I)out;la and Crosaett Shoes Examine our stock J. J. BAHTEB. -:.t..7.y.o f f Tf TTf f TTTTTf TTTTTTTTT . fTTTT TTTTT TTTTTT TTTTTTTT?) Everything- Sew and Fresh. New Wheat Flour at a Low Price. Attention is .pecially called to the 'Monumental" brand Boasted Coflee at twenty cents per pound Fresh Fox Elver Ilutter Prints, alsu Butter in tubra Full Cream Cheese of the finest quality nasr class crocirhs or ivitiv kisn. A great effort to please every boriy will be made in every in atanc. L 3E3C Ervin, Whl ale and HcUll Orocer. I - ; Nd. 81 South Front 6t Vt.titit(i.f aaaAasaaaaSaaiAAaAAAAAatti ifejijijir he t 1 flj V J 11 ' H.-r.ll h J l.a.irn Late sex nd I, 'nr! I ' I A "1rt-T 7 Srreled m i I ' i 1 3 I I 1 1 L j- ' l' ' . " ' . ? -n in at.V, ' ' J ti -.all a. To Mefchaats . Only. ; W sr doinc s ucUIrt wtnlsnsU ' and Jobbing Baauxan aad .seU te ataw cbanU only. , rpaiUvsty a gend asf atrwtniL. , - ;. , . I i W ar her to protect th nwwhan AD mall and phono nrdare rseair prompt attention, ' , , ' ' nd twk fwnpany's Safe, on of tht boat Winning th UoU NedaJ at Wertd ( fair, I - ' ' - 1 mm 4" II s to if) II. lnrt ! Militant sj.r.l.jt ttf l v