IWWIRP-'T'iV ... " "ffiW 1 XfcgdablePrparatLonfbr As similating teFoodandBegula iing iheStoaadB andBoweis of JO Promote3DigC3tion,Cheerful nessandftest.Contalns neither CMum.Mof(4iine norfipeiaL NotUahcotic. fimptfOUO-SiMlinjlKUa Apofecl Remedy forConslipa (ion, Sour Stomach.Dianlwea Worms ,Convulsions,Fcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. i V fffr'Ww tl jit? exact copy or wrapper. For fronts and CtlHren.-" : lb Kind You Have r: Always. Bought;;: " X v. 1 Bears the Signature. of .ir iy - In Use For Over Thirty Years I.v-C, YIMOMItMfAMMWM JMW VMI4HfV -if'". Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules; A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, whch dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation ot disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. ' WILLIAM Mm. CO., CUE VIC LAID, OHIO. Bel Soldin New Bern by F S Duffy ..EflLTlI AND VITALIF COLCHICINEI I SALICYLATE I The great remedy tor nervous prostration and all diseases of til generatre orirana of eitber aex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost aCanbooC I id potency, Nlebtly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive oa of Tor-aceoorOplwn. which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With ever uu per un oc Toracv'oorupiuin, wo ion lead o uonsumptioo ma Innnitr. AFTER USIN8 J,'"k rf lVftf.,mr(JDlc tocure or "f'ul the money. 9old at tl. DR. LYON'S French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED KfcSULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ftaffTIAH Beware or ronnlarfeh. and imitation. Tbeoeaalnelsirat np only In paste-board Oaf VltelllUSI tn w.th fae-fOimle ,natnre m M. of tb bottle, thus: SIu. Circular to WILLIAaia Mk'U , Bol. A,aula, Clerelasd, Ubla. Sold ly It Iti,ly,NewBern,NO gilim Com Cholera Infantas Diarrhoea, Dyieatary. aaal the Bowtl TrtwbUa el ttlMrtna Jiny JtM. AlADlftsstai, Rcfekte th BMStrtngtk. a. h CiJtA mmA MKM (TEETH WG roWiaLJJ mmiMO kamy. CuttMj 25c at Dnoists, ir mail 25c Q.L KOFFLTT, I.D,SlLMis,Bi Mother I Haaltata no longer, but aava tha maaltk Msf Ufa at your child, aa thoutanda hava dona, by giving thaaa powdara, TKKTHIMA to aaally given and quickly eountaractm and ever wn thm affect ar Ota aumnter'a hast upon teething chlldnJt, fits mk ia-iii MOTT'8 PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They ar "LIFE SAVKIW to girl M vsomanuood, aiding development of orgvoa and body. , No kdowd remeay lor woman eqnaia i neni. 'Aanot do nana -Ufa become a oleaanra. aJlHIU Mfiuli MMJJL lit HAIU Tliey overeom4 ' WeaJt - urefularlty and ona, inorsaat) yIon nd Iwnialt '"pains SoltJ BLOOD P U R I FYI U O TAD LETO. MAEEt IICH IEI BLOOD, HEALTH AN I STIENITI. A BLESSING TO BRAIN WORKERS ' AND NERVOUS PBOPLB. A POBITITK CVHB FOK BCZBMA SCURVY RHEUMATISM NERVOUS DISEASES WEAK LUNCL5 CONSTIPATION NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA ERYSIPELAS . aouT'?' .. v .. TUBERCULOUS BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLE ' IRRBOELAR flENSES UVER TROUBLES. SA-MU-LAM ubleta are compounded f rem the etrmc of tire Bast Indian PUuta, and ar the perfected remit of over , to yean of medicftt research. BA-AU-LAH set protDptly oa Uu Lung. Llrtr ud Kldstyt, Theae ttu are directly retpotulble for the cotxUtkm of the blood. 8A-MU-LAM b blood porifrlos tnedidtM pot Bp lo tablet form, arid -coa tales tvxbjnf of an Injuriooa ham re. ,Tbey ore Invaluable la Cae ; of pecTfic febrile disorder where the blood baa a large excess of febrine or uric add. ;. Every diaease or disorder tbat flesh la ; heir to can ba traced to Impure Blood., SA-MU-LAM baa helped tbooModa of (nfferera. It caa help jrott, , . ;' ' CDCP ''A asauli retS-aU4.MUMaararlUeMM.e . rllaK.ai piriia arftueaj seal leatnlig t ver aaea al tiiiasa, i mm Oti SALS AT PUffiOPAL DRUOOISTS. . PRICE PCJt BOX CONTAtMKO'aS TABLETS, SO.CENTS. If yoar oVatiar eaaaot strpply 70a, amd priot aad order t ' ' . . : POWELL DRUQ & CHEMICAL CO., 440 NASSAU ST., i! . NIW YORK, ;" WAS VERY SICK Batt Cnrt by Ckainkrlal1' Cellc, CkolK - ia DlaarhoM llsmtdy. When my boy was two years old he had a very aevery attack of bowel com plaint, but by the use of Chamberlain 'a Colic, Choleri ana Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him out ail right, " says Maggie Hickox, of . -Midland,: Mich. This remedy can be depended upon in the most severe cases. -Even cholera Infantum is cured by it Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by Davis, Pharmacy andF. S. Duffy. ! Catlike Ftaktaar Umea. - - 'That Ashing song In the new opera 1 clever, font you think T Asted the critic. "No," replied; -the hard lnck angler; "It Isn't at all natural." - "No; the lines are too catchy." rise lUatavefce. " Ttit boma of the mustache 1 in Spain, and" here to the history of Its origin! -After the Moors first Invaded the country the Chris dan and Moslem population became so mixed tbat it was difficult to say which were Moors aad which . Spaniards, .v The Spaniards then hit upon a means by which they could at once distinguish their, breth ren. . They did not shave their lips any longer and they allowed a tuft of hair to grow below their under Hps, so that their beard tottuea the rude outline of across: Thus the mustache became a symbol of liberty 'and fraternity,' Ancient witchery waa believed in by only a few but the true merit of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ia known by every one who has used it for boils sores, tetter, eczema and pile . ' T OaHa. "To endge? -le "to sponge on or live upon another.'' The "cadger" may as sume to bf more respectable than the plain beggar, but the difference be tween them Is barely perceptlbUv Chlcago Tribune. tf n ia kind of billions mood, Vou wish an aid to digesf food, No other pill ia half so good a DeWitt'a Little Early Risers. When e'er you feel impending ill, uid need a magic little pill, Mo other one will fill the bill L ike DeWitt'a little Early Risers. At a recent m'eiiug' of Orient lodge, Culght8 of Honor, at Holyoke the nine of a woman was proposed for lembersblp amid Wild cheers from the aembers present. This Is thought to e the first case of Its kind In the Lis orr of the ordar the genuine. Sun Cured Tobacco flavor by -1 the- taste rand aroma of Scow GSm'sdl and have made it the largest seller by refusing imitations advertised-as sun cured Learn the Genuine Sun Cured Flavor oa out -this advertisement and aeod, together with ac. atatnp, to R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co.,WinstonSalem, N.C., and they will mall free . a jc sample of this tobacco. Writs your name and addrea plainly. : ; tHoniilaR) A? Nann, it ATTOBNfil T Ur Pntotioe In th jooantles of Orsvea; Carteret, Pamlloo, Jonaa and Onslow, and ia the fctate-Saptem and Federal Court. ' - - Office: Bdnth To Ptreet, over Tl raph offtos. Mar fSera, M. O P.Q. & W RilLWAY. ' Beginning Monday August 14th, the Pamlico, Oriental A Western Railway will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on 'c Ho wing schedule: PltlSf PILLa ! I PILES I II Dr: WiUtama' Indian Pile Ointme will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated a tching Piles. It absorbs the tumor allays ths itching at once, ctaasaprnl tiaavgives instant relief Bold by DA VLB' PHARMACY. Henry s Pharmanv a uvui iuuiv I Attacked by Mob tnd beaten, in a labor riot, until cov- ired with sores, a Chicago street car lonductor applied Bucklen's Amira ialve, and waa soon sound and welL "I use it in my family' writes G. J. Welch, of Tekooaha, Mich., "and find it perfect. " Simply great for cut and Mims. Only 26 at. aildrue; stores. A Savoyard shepherd nainua v achat entered . beru . near Vaoeluae and found a cow In the act of chewing up bis seringa, wutcur eenalstlug of 3S0 In bank apt, had bea bidden ta a corner of the barn. Only two note for SIS remained nheaten. Brick ! Brick ! W have a large stock of Brick now ready for shipment. Any good judge of brick will pronounce them the best, that have been put on the market for years. Address, or call on the ? Eu surprise Krirk aft TileJIPgeCo. J. T3T. STKWABT, Secretary & Treasurer. New Bern, N. C. SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK Attorneyat Law. pT Will practice In State end Federal Court. Office 46 Broad St. 1 Dr. Woolley' PAINLESS 1!I t AND ,- . Whiskey Cure! I3KNT FRKK to al' users of morpblnt opium, laudanum, ellxirof opium, eo ealneor-Dlkey,a larae book of oar- tleularson home or uttialorlum ireai. meat. Iddms lir B M. W0)L1,EI P.O. Box 287, Ivlanta. Georalft If you have any sGrap iron or ma al, write Abrahams &Co New Bern, N. C, and Savannah Ga. They pay the highest cash prices. Write today. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD Am a dressing for ores, brniaea and burns Chamberlain's Salve U all that an be dealredV It is soothing and heal tog in It effect It allays the pain of burn almost Instantly. Thia salve Is also a certain car for chapped bands and diseases ot the skin,' Price X eta. For sale by. Davis Pharmacy. It I aaitl that the Importation, pf dla moods Into1 tbisJceuntry ba Increase 3d per crot daring the last teo yoarv Tht customs official who Inspect all be stone tlken thiingh the port jH .New York says that th increase la bound to eoaHiia.' r ?s ' , - J. M. HOWARD. i.'i. HCSTCR. Farmcrs-Tcljacco V c!:ou rat IH 1 of Leaf TohnccA TM proaparl i fhat T lr-n will soli f.-r alt priore tht aeaaon, and w will be prepared to tt Ui alW gn4 prk ta New BfT, a any other tnarket In the KmL Wa will hav full c-.rr r,f Bayers, knd will do our b4 to ptaeae our Cutomra. Dme to tl.e rj-r ii j ale, Auguat 1st, Balx eyi-ry day at 11 e'clnrk. (;il 'nlW V--t Water nd bet attention. W have IWage and Cradling r.r,i.i,.a for all U wish them. ; iiovAi2D4:::;'.;rr.: r-- -3. i;M1HAT3fANTB).- A. CItiua of Niw Btrrt' SupplrH ' thi " ; InformalltMi.. - - . Over orr half the eoniplamU of man kind originate) with the kldneya,:, , "A slight touch of backache at first, Twlrsreaand abootiag pains m the loins follow. They must be checked. they lead to graver eompllcatlon. . The sufferer eeaka relief. i-, Z" Plasters are tried, and liniment for thebaek" ; f U ;'..'.; So called Kidney earea, which do not 1 he long-looked-for reaurt. seem un- kttainahla. ' ' , ,.' -. t , ., v ' If yoa suffer, tfyea want relief? , Follow th plaa adopted by thia New BernelUsen. "'.,-v C Lopton, ode of th beat known p hVemen m New Bcra, of IKS Et Front street, says 1 " We think Doan ' Kidney Pill are all right. . I have tried them and recooirneod them highly My back and kidney troubled rnaj'Xor quits a while. The - trouble wa riht acroa th email of my bey-k; vrhkh lem to he the woekmrt part alntit me. 1 tried plaaUrr and oilier rmIlMi hut rkmeef the actd like Daa' Kllny Till which 1 oliUlrxKl at the BnuDjim Pharmary. THy are a goctd pill and I will not to y so la anj'ie." For eate 1 y all d o!ra. TikeMrta, box. Vn!r ",' :1,11m Co., ISufTal-i, N. Y, a..!, r...-. l the t!. a RernernUr IU r,nie-Iion'v nrl aVe rm od.r. ( r 1 1 ml1:' WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN TOPS , FROM $10 to (16 suite te year eroer, axai eart whmla eel utm froaa tl ta II meoa M yeur order, a very reeeoae We eel aheev Turea en mer old er eew vrjeeej. We aaernk yaw tooae Urea aa a aMcklae srtUMUt eauiae team, ar wltaeet Uldae ttre hrm wkaal eeSaevTvaUeyoaarart, Bveryhedy la Ievfte4 te eae U nial.l et weriipatlle neat Ma kaeai G. S. Wmtrm A fieyas, : .- .'V'Phon 185, . 7I.Brs4TSt 1 Sew Sem, H. 0. " Farm ead CamplasrJaa FartH Be beae saaeaei rateaoh tae rae al CM ei a4 uaa eetTaTaeili safe feea RKMOYINO WN INKLES etfbraeaete.iaa aaiSieeareftea aeei LtmamaVmWaaettSMJ at tU riaaa ew SNaareaa weaari aaaaaataaaeSb" Per Bevel plag tke Bm ansate iknaaw traet aaMian tl sea rkal Mrtel taairaiaiiat W aeyrialaaa. Twel au t aaieJiTatxirt snraua ajtw oaoaoiar. Mai? anciAL an aa4 ee eae eeltev, we vtll aaa Ma M aeaja,ilaae WMi . , I FREE b m, Tt ttf n east Ire mwa"aas 9 4 DrtjCHAKLCS Cb) HrTVwlaH East Bound No. 1. ' (Mixed, Daily, ex. P. M. 5 00Lv. 612 624 6E7 6 30 6 45 NEW BERN Beelsboro Granteboro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro West Bound No. 2. Sun.) A. M Ar. 8 15 7 21 7 03 6 51 648 6 46 630 127 Middle St. Full line of Dmgs.Med lcines, Toilet Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supply ot Flower Seeas. Physicians Prescrlp llos A. Npeeial ty. (Passenger Sunday Only) ICE JNo. 3. A. M. 8 30 Lv. 915 9 80 9 40 9 42 9 45 10 00 NEW BERN Reelsboro Granteboro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro No. 4. A, M. Ar. 8 00 713 658 6 48 6 45 642 6 80 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 5. No. 6 P. M. P. M. 6 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 4 30 6 45 Reelsboro 3 43 7 90 Granteboro 3 28 7 10 Dees 3 18 7 12 West Alliance 3 18 7 15 , East Alliance S 12 7 30 Bayboro 3 00 Books Containing ooupors for 800 lbs. of Ice la 10 lb. coupons, value will be sold to customers at a dtscon of 10 per cent.' $3 60 will buy 91.00 worth of ICS 1, book Is procured, either from the drive. of wagon or from the office 19 Grlffll street. New Bern Ice Company. R. HAWKINS, Superintendent. Russell House BEAUFORT, N. C Centrally located. All the deli cacif of the season. Well ve.nti la ted rooms, Good beds, Phone con venienoes, Porte and attentive Ser vants, Rates tl.60 per day. Special and liberal terms by week or month. (3. A. RUSSELL 8um EbSale. Publication Of mons. NartaCavaBiaa,! I la the gtrparfar CoarC OrTeaOaaarty. 1 F, W. Ruahaa. Biaaataref J a. B uasftae, tec, ' KM. Rlletiar. Let P.M. PaUatlar. aWaaaaurl ahrrra aaaiarl take a nil a.' Tket aa action eaUtk a abava for tke traraese of reeaaartaa ntamve kaaeaad eaUare arttk ka- ee ky aoaa. ae lertaae tkaC ckewat tkarafa baa kaaalaaaa m aaal tke aabi ain in (avthar take eattaa tbat te ra ta aevenr at Oatnkar leras of SaaorUa aoert 1 eeuaty u be aaal ea Sa aaw of Ot.lW a kouae ei aaid aaaau as Maw Hare. f. an4 anrwvor mr aaa an at Met fe or tna ptalatur wal apirfr a baa eeert warrant W ati MafteatRom Having put in machinery for making sash doors, moulding, etc. try me and see what I will do. J. M. REGISTER Factory Church Alley,- New Bern, N. C, We want every man and women In tbe Onlted States Interested In the cure ot OplLtn. Whlakey or other drtiaT habits eltlie r for themselves or friends, to have one of Dr. Woolley 'a books on these die sua 1 'Writ Dr. B. at. Woolley, Atlanta, fehv, hii aeT, ana on wiu be sent yoa tree. HOUlwTf R Rocky llmmtaln Tea Nuggets i Buy Hadlera. for Buy PaoyU BrliiS-OoUaa lebltk sal Beaevel VIor. k r-maAe rnrOoeatlparloo, Inelae-tlOB, IJ id Kl'lney Trouble. Fltopfc. aVrtema, Impiir lno.1. lhf Arealh. Wuniah Bovala. Hcerfa. b at Haeaacha. It's Kooky Mountain Tee In 1 ah tvMirk so eeete a nox. uronian maue n' i.raa laua OoarT. kbulbwo. Wis tbES KUGS'Tt FOR SU0W PMPUS Urn aaket d-mandod m aaM eoaraaUaa W. et WATftUN. Coat Saaaital tViast W. D. Hal VER, AUarear. Serylee ot Mummoni by , Publication.-. Morn CABOUMA, ) "- Cnvee Uraaty. t aO-Slarety btke Caart . On fhict of land containing tOO acrea mora ' or I, 206 acre elearad lartd, omlortable dwelling house, tetvl - wJ. ant botiaea, tobacco bama, ela,- v Thia I r? mmTm? 1 r ,tkatee aaKkm eaiMkat aa aii't kaa ram ta known as tbe ioobloe isrm ; mn a. ua cmt Orane caaarty and I situated In Craven county, ?'ZZLur rT, rrr-l."rT' mil from Fort Barnwell, 9 mil tt'jrr "FT" amT!mmi . ,, ,.) . Saporlnr Caart far eaal leanty te ka kakl aa tbe UVVW,- ranis WUUling ID rOOei ervwr tm MnaSay of OoC kta th. aaaaa eay ar eabt Ill .u.u .u U r f C" '.wmmxtk. at tke Oaurt lliaai ta aakj imih whi pi.oHo awa o, , as, lamw ao, P. Hartley at For BareweO. ' ' - Fbrfurther Informatloa apply to iff" I Met u fs: Dc. WlllktaM' ladtan Ptie Olatmaotelll cure bllud. Bleeeia aa lichlua Baaniea. ii aoaorie uie uiatora. alkay tke Iteblae at onae, ecu as jpouiuoe, atvea loateat re lr. wuilams indiaal'lleOlDt M.I tm - it t r Pliant 1 1, h. rvtr er lee privaia yena. ?! Kverr box , warreatert. Ry dnirfUta, by aaal I en re ikhit etjorlAa. a eaate aad !.. KimiiSU SaiaManUlttH CO., rieaa, Clevekvadnjaia. 10 DISCOUNT A. & N. C. R. R. Effective Sunday, Sept. 17th, 1906 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. BAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 8. DAILY Lv. Gil iaboro C.45 P. M. Lntiraiute 4. Iri Kirutton 4.U Dover 6.07 Cove 6.21 Ar. NEW BERN 6.52 Lv. New Bern 6.67 P. M. Havelwk 6.88 Newriort 6.6t Ar. Morehead Cr. 7. WEST BOUND. No. 2. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Uorehead Cy. 7.4U A. M. Newport H 11 tlavelock 8.27 Ar. NEW HERN LOS Lv. NEW UEKN ,9.10 A. M. tive H.4I j Dover 10.:H KinHUtn J0.:2 l.tttiraiure 10 4. Ar. Uoldsoora 11.20 NO. 1. DAILY 1 00 A at. 8.ai 8.66 ; B.ia " S.41 10.10 lo 16. A at 1060 11.06 1L40 No. 4 DAILY 4 10 P.M. 4 1 6.67 6 86 1 6 40 8.02 2S 6 62 7 18 7 60 " CONNECTIONS. At (M.M.iro: With Southei a R.Uway and At ntic totmt Line. At KinHton and New Bern: With Atlantic Coart Line. R. P. KOSTCR. K E L BUNCH. General Mnnag ;r. Trarnc kianasar COLDSIIOKO. N. C AdminiBtrators Notice Ha virtu- tiiia ilny ntialinwl an Adntinktrator of the ew Lam tif Hnunali Kllit". UeciarMtiJ, all pereonti havintr rlaitnn ttxHintit thu tutui pflLate an? hereby noli fie J to preau'ril the Harm?, July vorlfid, to tha untitTBurnwl, m or .bpfortj the 14 of Sfpt 1806, ur thin notice will pli-Hiltxl ia har of their rwovory. All rornonn murhU-d to Haul eaiLaU) arj Itvareby rv '4ueritil tu makv uunkwliat itayinatnl. Thia 14th day of Kept. 19UfV A FONVIIXK Administrator L. J. MOOKK.AtLurn?y. Administrators Notice llavins adinininterod uprm the cwtat of Dr E P Early, uil pe-wMiri ar huruby notlflad . nsnt Uj the undiMiiieTned nil claiin-i hld hv therm ajrainnt naid 'nUtte, on or before S?pt 16th. It), otherwise thia noLue will tap pleaV(id in bar of rttrovCTy. All ywntmii lnibUd to mtud aatata are rwiu'ttte) u nuakc inimfuliatl payment Thia : a llfth. I1KNHY A PAtiEAdrninirtrmtor O.T. HANCOCK Ileatl ute ARent. lis Broad St, ' New Bern, N. C V C Vhtte, VANCEBORO, N. C i prnest M. Qrcen, .nORNET AMD COUNStilON AT U. ' Dboad flr., " Ns Buita, N. C Well txitiir'peel to arrh titU-aa by l arm of many yrera tirri'lc In th olftre and K-tri"tr rif l(a. I'rar-ti-rae In the (VmitU nf ( raven, Juneat, I'artiUm. rrU;rt t, Onslow, or Where vr toriiiia are r"'i r"i. Administrators 2.rotlco eanlk, at tbe Oaurt Hoeoe ta aabt Coaoty la How n-oa. M. aa aaower a ioaiar aa cb laaa.l.lnl bi aaM artha at ab. ateiatur w arir ta thai .nam Iw r4wf ..waaava to mom W. M. W ATHON. Ckvb af Oa JklalMkeayW AaeX twt m en, ,t e' -.' ' V I)' I). CiEOLIKi DISPATCH UH1 OH DoziiqIoii SleiiMp Co CHANGE "OF ' 8CHEDULK KFFECTIVE JULY 2, 1904. The atxemer Neua will sail oa IfoO- day, Werlneexlay and Friday, ; The steamet1 Orrvilt on Tueaoay, Thurwlay and Sunday at I p m. rHh atramrrs will make landings at Oriental a-h way r4 connect at Bel rnypo "with a f at thrvMith train for 'rfuiif,, Tt.e train I d ie te leave Del havpn at 7 a hi and arrive In Norfolk ett.Wpm. i ir t r .! liui) ma'ta at Mar-key's rrry at R a m t t Ilymmjlh and "13 ' at 5 yt. it4 m vtaur -tXPgrJIENCf m DfMNI AnrnM. aMartlrtfl twtrw fevl rrm m! it' Coe-rnwKT ., bl-r jMwrt-iS aitnt-e fraaFtotoor aa b...rUa I. av-h,',T aMopi.' K faa,oiwea. . ojrafollrnama ' a faloata aont r.- thno ao-m , t oM . I tl.nn. Pa'.o Ca. IVWlaS - ty4 awa, a it boat ya, Ua - vVimxiIi J...bllvtle a Mnli ty rol-4 wookHk I"1 ' o.,.;. ', i't r ,n i. t..fl.Ht, lv.NI i. , Mv-,tMa.i, ,ae aya.1 evoatwaia ,,.;. Co New Tp a, oaav M Bt, Waatuealiav 0,0. , EjlV.Smdll-vood SlSlI, DOOHS, AND BLINDS. , lime and cement. v , aiiicak fikld fencf. " dlvolts taint p 4 ' p m, ' r f r ! p w- CAM IUTRIGERATOFtS. Telephone Service AT YOUR OPFICG la to-day an admitted Business NECESSITY t WHILE At Your House It's at one Convenience and Ne cessity, that you cannot measur by any money value. One Emergency Call, in One Year, Pays the Rent. ASK YOUR NEiaiiBOR. . WHO HAS ONE. ' For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL, MANAOKn oe ' Heme Telephone and :. Telegraph Company, MgNOtneON. . H. w Citizens-'Bank1 j t. Oaf MXMTW MmmMf PtmO, The people have aa aye te thing convenient, xmforUbW and eheerfui. Ilavtng fitted up our banking tosana ta meet theae mruireanenU, W ar ready M erund to all who want Banking Facilities, hearty wttoco. Cbtn andaeeaa.' ,' '. . '. . Capital . V : " V t ; . $50,000.60 Sarphia and Profibj ,--.i 130,000.09 Depoita -1 i - ."; tOOO.00 T. A. CREtM, Prldnt - . x -C II. MlADOWS, VleIWdJt,' T. A. UuaxL, CashW. .,,' A. T. Iiiix. Teller. i ', air ! ' vi) it.:"'