THE JOURNAL. . New Bern, N.'' C'Sept 19, 1906. .1 LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at RountreeHallSwu-Monthly. -.- First and Third Wednesday nights at 730 o'clock. - Visiting woodmen are invited. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS pF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed- nesday nurhts in each month in Koun trees Hall, Pollock street, at ?. 7;80 o clock. Samuel R. Ball. President: J. H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. JHffl, Financial Sec'y. Index to New Advertisements. J O Baxter Still Selling. Administrators Notice. L B Habicht Sweitzer Cheese. Lost Watch. . Found Spectacles. J L Home Shrimps. Broad St. Fruit Co Peaches. ' Lost Watch. Simmor..) & Hollowell Co. Silks. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Locals. L7)S"T- Between Barfoot Bros, store and George street, a lady's gold watch and black fob with gold buckle. Find er will be liberally rewarded by return ing same to Barfoot Bros. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. TKEY CCV.E AND CO. . .' All women who wish to join th vil- f Miss Mary Smith who has been visit- lag improvement ; department ing Mrs. Mary Williams has returned we r woman ,,- Club, are request to her home m Duplin county. M Xr "I r" .r i Mis. Moffi Heath ha. returned from o'clock.. -'.-'"v. ' i. ' The funeral of 'J. E.- O'Hara took place -at -St. . Paul's Roman Catholic church Monday morning at half past ten. The church ,'was crowded with , ",v'""'v V:""f: aaranl month. ;. jiu. Va, k ' : Miss Etta Parson of Belhaven is visit ing Miss Mary. Hooker. ' Mr. D. T. Edwards, editor of the Kin afs Wu. Dmuh II t . wwjjm wwm T. 1 OS j. ... i tokens of respect- Rev. Father George "u,m ' conducted the services .and pronounced - Mr. M. Suskin went to Baltimore on an eloquent eulogy to the memory of business yesterdsy. the dpnAanpH : .1 ... w. ' I i Miss wannie Street returned yester- Mrs. J. W. Moore is suffering a ee- day irom a visit to Black Mountain. vere mishap by both arms being u, Rmnu i n. ..(.ji. eprained. - While about her house d fmm hin.. fv m. and fall with the abo-e mentioned re sult; ; Revival services are being held in the First Baptist and the Christian churches. Miss Henrietta Hancock has returned from visiting Miss Mary Barhee in Ral eigh. - j . Mr. S, B. Parker returned yesterday xrom a y.isit to Hampton, Va. FOUND Pair gold rimmed spectacles. Owner can find them at Journal Office by paying cost and proving property. SOFT Peaches today at Fruit Co. Broad Street SHRIMPS cleaned and ready for cook ing at J. L. Home's. LOST- Between Barfield's store and Johnson street, through Academy Green, a lady's small open face, red enameled watch with an old nickle chain attached. Suitable reward if returned to It. J. Disosway, 169 George street. FpR ALE One yoke. of work oxen well broken, medium weight. Apply to Scott & Co., New Bern, N. C; RETURN IT- -If the person who took a cake basket away from my place on Uroad street will return same at once no questions will be asked. If not re turn 'd proceedings will be taken to re cover it as the person who took it is known. E. J. Matthews. JAMES GRAPES, from Newport Fruit Farm. Extra large and fine, best va riety for preserving, 85c peck. Geo. N ves & Sun. WANTED Board in private family, for man and wife. Can give best reference. Address B, care Journal office. Mr. Bayard Whitehurst went to Jack sonville; Florida last night where he is c. ,r ,V . i'' : . take a posiUon as aalesman in the mr. v,. o. no lister naB receiveo an store of the Kntoht flw.v, rv entire Car load of tnhniw'n- frnm tha . - crreat Ravnnlda nlnnt nf winat, Miss Mamie Sanford, who has been This is the first solid ear of tahawn viaitmg her cousin, Miss Eunice Davis, ever received here. ln lne cuy 1,68 returned to her home in Thirty, w of .m WewBern-Kinston Free Press. local market yesterday"at 10 to 10.15. Chief Harget received a circular yesterday from the Pinkerton Detec- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Koonces formet- tive Bureau making an official announce W ol Kichlands were in the city yester ment oi a Dig jewelry robbery, it says cay enroute to Koper, Mr. Koonce has the robbery took place in a residence accepted a position as superintendent on bound Beach, Connecticut. The oi tne graded sshool there. 77" over mty amcies Mr William Kuhn of Kuhns, Carteret al valuable piece. .of. jewelry, and the C0Unty, is in the city a gu of the total amount of their worth would ap- ri,tf.A proximate $50,000. Diamonds, pearls, j heavy silverware are amon2 the croods ra- J"6' Patrick who has been visit. taken. It is one of the biggest rob- '? ner parents Mr. and Mrs. Eugene in ' f.1lft.n ..1 ... Charles Bailey was taxed the costs in the police court yesterday morning for disorderly conduct. ....... ... i. i .- uug yii uiq uig&cai. luir - ' nuu i.ll n. Jug beries on record from a private house. , Tucker, has returned to her home ' r-:eL rr . . . , uiuuni. ner motner accompanied her ana will visit, there a few days. Miss Inez Kinser left on the Bteamer Weuse last evening going to Norfolk. Mrs. J. W. Wallace and daughters, Misses Bertha and Edith, of Hartford, Conn., are visiting Mrs. S. W. Willis, on Metcalf street. . Death of Garrett Taylor. Mr. J. F. Taylor received a telegraph ic message yesterday morning annouc ing the death of his son Garrett in New York. No other particulars were obtainable as the telegram Was re ceived just prior to the departure of the train and hasto was necessary in order to get away. Garrett had been in poor health for several months and some time ago he came to his home from New York and then went to Asheville. He returned to New York in a short time but the disease from which he was a sufferer, had made such in-roads on his constitu tion that he could not witlistand it. Further announcement will be made in the Journal concerning the funeral arrangements. MKK. l'MMA 11. I'UWtXL will re open lu-r music cluss on Monday, Octo her nd. OH, HEATERS, as well as all styles and hizrs of air tight wood heaters at John It. Ives'. OYSTERS today at James B. Dawsons 1U.'I Middle street, Phono 209. CRAVEN CAFE - Having established a restaurant in the Slover building, corner of Pollock and Craven street, i re)ectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Everything new, neat and clean. Meals served with dispatch, J R. Hatch. FOR SALE Good Safe Buggy Horse thorough bred; eight years old. For particulars apply Journal. A HOUSE and lot in Dunn's Field for sale. House almost ne, lot measures Mixzoo fit, A too a house and lot on Pollock street and a vacant lot on Change St, C. T. Hancock. ' I HAVE eight (K) desirable houaei part ready for occupancy. Several have city water and bath rooms. Can be rented forty per cent cheaper than houses down town. Houses on fair ground property. For terms apply to J. W. Stewart LOST, Strayed or Stolen, on mars bull Terrier, weight about 38 pounds, color, white head with fawn colorJ body, i inder will pleas notify Jour nal office and receive reward. ' ' FOR SALE On Kohlar 4 Cambell up right piano; also or Crown piano or chsstral grand, with electrical pianola attachment Enquirs of F. F. Mst- thws, r FRESil lot of Fox River Print Butter an cents pound. Coast line Btors. FOR SALS or rspt at Cava, - N. C Ons grist mil!'; 6ns cotton gin; en 60 aaw Van Winkls; on slf tismpllng cotton pnm; ons 26 horn ngin; or . 2& bora boiler which make a complete outfit for ginning cotton, grinding meal Abo a building with 7 stablessnd a fsd ' room and 3 houses and tots. J. W. HteWorV , , " - "" " ' ' -CA8KIN8 CYCLE CO. hat IHUd out a portable wood sawing ftsrfcint whkh . Will enable th itiins of New Bern to Ct their wood sawod at their own lot without oVIay aod trouhl' at. 40c rr cord, on cut, ?5o per sord two cuts. 1'him ?Hf.. '- ; fON'TRA(.TOUS l.lrinr to emj loy Is You will need to prepare your system for the coming cold weather, get your organs to work like clock work. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month will do the business. 36 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should remember, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their diges tions in good condition with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. C, says- "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, com plicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and be came a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made Ker entirely well." She is now strong and health." All druggists sell snd guarantee them," at 50c a bottle. Baxter Still Selling ' The Auction Sale is now over, but I am still in business, and with New Goods, shall ask my patrons to call and see m for what they want in (In jewelry and optician goods. I appreci ate the splendid attendance at my sue- tion sales, and am prepared to serve the trade. . J. O. BAXTER, J., ' . Leading Jeweler. -. Pntoffice Notice). ' On account of the chang of achtdul of th train going ' West to Goldsboro, the evening mail going Worth and Wst will tlos at 6 JO p. m., Instead of 6:25 . ; S..W. HANCOCK, . " Postmaster. Electricity in Medical Practice Dr. J. F, fihem has returned from New York where he has been for a few weeks taking a course in ElectrTc-thera petics under the celebrated physician and electric medical authority, Dr. Wake. He has received competent in struction on this new and important branch of medicine. Whiie in New York Dr. Rhem also purchased a static machine and an X-ray outfit which will arrive! in fan days. The useof these instruments i-new to people of thiscity but their efficacy m many diseases nas often hn ri and there is no question about its value A Card Our new and permanent headquarters on Craven street,, (Daniel' old stand) Hearing completion, I take pleasure in announcing that I have moved my of fice to same, where I wiU be pleased to entertain and accommodate my many friends, customers, and th generous public Thanking alt for past patron age earnestly soliciting a contmuauce of same, lam - , Very respectfully, FERDM. HAHN. Ladies ! Business For Sale. A BUSINESS FOR- SALE Profitable epecialty at this season, can be bought and operated with small capital. Lo cated in the central part of the city. For, further information apply to P. O. Box 134. ' Have your, Fall Coat Suits and Skirts Steam Cleaned and Pressed We make them look like new. A. BLOCK, MERCHANT TAILOR. 96 Middle St, P. S. We call for and deliver work A tonic that makes sick people well. Drives out all impurities that collect in your system. A family tonic for the sick and afflicted. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Mtwf(MKara(xy torn : See Your Doctor. if you are not well and have him prescribe for you, Ihen bring us the prescription to fill. FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS IS OUR SPECIALTY. Phone 56 Davis' Pharmacy Hart Schatf'ner & Maix 1 1 Fall I Fashions. We are now ready with the new iall style and can make your buying easy, as our clothing is not only known for its wearing qual ities but as well for its perfect fitting and shape retaining quali- ues v Prices from $10to$22 50 Sio.4 from :12 to 48 in Slims, U,-Kulnrs, and Stouts. M Wr can lit the hard to fit. MMnmilMlMUfmiMWinfMiMiM. .1 last and Final Reductions. Took The Water Cure An amusing little incident at the market dock Saturday morning is worth mention. For, a week or more the supply of watermelons ha.flln off and he quality hss grown poorer uuwi uie meion proposition wsj "bum an A 'nUM i Ulb , IllUCn CO Lha . rliamia A leisurely "coons." Ssturdsv a boat load of real nice melons came in' causing quit little stir on th market snd much mouth watering. The kud was soon disposed of, being hauled off inswnuy to ail parts of the town n buyer was unable to take all of his purchases away and left a f board th boat A strum m. peared on the scene. The melons were the magnet,his eye sparkled, hi teeth shone and had it not been for the ebon stain of Natur' brash, his cheeks would have flushed. Hi. became brisker, in fact they became u iubb. i ne attraction 4nl..l,l A. J . " ", "f"" un uwa cnon wu m Idragging hunself from the depths of th re. in cnarra was over Amid the shouu of hs wharf loungers, the croKZBJMn and dkarnnlnli nwteo away, the WatM-stnamin. t M - . omiBni u n went The Profit is Yoors. These ofterings will throng the store and kindly remember as we said above THE PKOFIT IS YOURS. One lot of Ladies Black and Tan Oxford ties worth up to $2,00, your choice on table 75c a pair pairs Herrick high grade J2.50 Ladies Oxford's now $1.97. Silk Mulls, all shades, buy today at 10c yard. ' Corsets worth up to 76c amongst the lot the "Armorita" at 3ilc. 1 A table full of fine dress goods lawns and ginghams, worth up to ' 15c yard, must go at 8c yard. Three beautiful dress patterns of Pongee Silk in White, Chum- ' pagne, and Brown, worth $1.00 yard, now 69c yd. September fashion sheets and Patterns are here Barfoot Brothers. , J. G. DUNN & CO., Phoiif 212 55-57 Pollock St. Whitford Hardware Company. We have removed to our now fstnrft. next to W. U. T.legraph of fice, whr wo will carry a complete lim of General Hardware. Paints, Oils, 4 'tc. Whitford Hardware Co. 67 South Front St. N-w Eeru, N. C. -''''.."PiiaB Pin VMllind VenUon ai Coast line Market' . ' ' . ' in i..', Cbuic meat at th Coast Lin Mar. kt ',..-, . IIL J. A. J)UtJII. 1irlcls rnni tttrs, Sdrspeclal Atbmtion Given to' Night .Call. w Rwldenc 111 Pollock St. ' ' Phone B6 It you want sour Hiiu 'u bealthy and robust, gfv( th.m HoUV tkJ, ""Ultf Tea. A toil for the wbol fsmllv. Tk '.kiu rnnd. 88 cents. T r.kut. , Notlc Stocknsldirs Meeilnf, Thr will b a puMtinc of th stock holder of th A. A N. C ft. K. Co. In New Barn at 12 o'clock m. on Sept. ffl, 1906. The ttock books for th trans- ler oi stock will t cloMd from 12 a ciock Sept 7th to It o'clock. Sept 80U, 1906. : D. J. BROADHURST, .... ' Becty k Tress. OAHTOniA. " One of the Best Values i Ever Offered in Sills. This store is to maintain its its posi tion as Silk Headquarters throughout this season. We shall sell more ftilks, ,'for we have morV to sell. You will get the greatest value ever provided by any store. 59c For 76c. Taffeta. . This Is a superior Dress Quality, lull ' i 10 inche wide; and we have only three hundred yards to sell at . this price. You'll have to hurry to get your share. J Holli and ' Changeable effects In J. Brown; Navy, Bed and Green:, )1J III k 1 lively hi .In it H -tiirn ! IV at trai l iv i- Shirk rv.T worth will In- fair pn- : V businc in "i SILKS :',(', iih-Ii 1 a I f. si-ri'iit sIi.-iiIch worlh $ . "iily iir,i- yd. F.MIIKS SHOKS W. this week TH pair l.aili wurlh $.il(l, fur nnlv d. li I IAN .' hi th. i ntv. I- I I 'I TK li i I".- yd lln -1 -1 : K lar(Ht and mogl I vory dollar w i Lh the large 4 d Hi-ri i,t deriglj week only 5)1 it is jrone. NI'JW l-'Al.l. cinthin m i. If you want clot lies i-ijinu tn s In $lU.fiii per suil TYI.K-: I i-ut ami d'i-il- J'ood III. W In hlu -li 1 1 . pink and sa yd, this weel TAIU.K CI.OTII 'in IDS in to looli ind wmlrr nhoes. Wi ladn-i', mc-n' and chil mil Mir lu $f.(MJ. il J . yd. COPLON 75 Middle Street. ' of fe - ' ar Mig ovororlid In donfuxjuimc of their plkU up wnrk or books. H.t nI folicf for tird and ttralnod rjf my b obtained srul serious twible-whwh is sum to U th oi.trom if the jr r nVgttp.1 msf U Tert4 bjf wearing ptir of our pr!r!y f5tlml glas. (fcun Mt4 nwW kMi -4 1 - 1 i : m 1 S .!, ! VtUc . or Gr cy Canton Blankets at 59c Palf.' i ..Canton Blankets have made grrak ctridca in popular favor during the pist ilvo years Thi3 Is a special value Corntr YoffiCo On The Clofa, Fariiisliiiip, Hals ar:d Stioa Ludips f'liiill'ildrcii's Slices. Clothino;, Clothinjr, Clothing lat'-st i-ul.-t anil ii.-itlcrriH nf fall clnthea for A n cnl in- line of I hr yanth anil child. SHOES, SHOES, A complrtn linn of hHoth, nil fhf HATS, IIATP, II ATS, Lit S9IOES. t HhftM'4. II ATS- Autumn westhcr brin(j" thoiichi.H of nr-n l vlp hats. Come nd tsk p"ep St our new utifT hats. All Hi-- luti nlmpi-a. Alsos bi(f lino of soft halH. YOFFIE, On The Corner N&v;Livery and ;;r; A - ' Sates Stables. ( - A r'lnc tock of Horsf, Wuls,Younf snd well-hrokm, lUter'for driving or tmrrn work. . v . v. Buirplm, HamoM, Whips, aab,snd mrerythin kept in rU qulppMl iu. ble. , - , ; TERMS RIOItT. ' . . ' , . CIIVK UJ A TRIAL. ' - C B. 01161.1 6 Cfl CO BroadBt - . ; V Now Bern, W 0 biirers in Work on rsilrotuls will J rd It ... J with J. F, Tykr, P. O. t! 671