THE JOURNAL Published evwv day to the year ex cept Mondar; - Journal JBuOdinr 56-60 " Craven St ' - - i v1-i ': ' Vi Phonk No. 8. . CHARLES L. STEVENS. " J "editor and pbopwetopJ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Qne Year, in advance .$4.00 One Year, not in advance 6.00 Monthly, by carrier in the city 60 Advertising rates furnished on appli cation. Entered at the Post Office, New Bern 4. C. aa second-class matter. JFFIC1AL PAPER OF NEW BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, N C. Sept. 24 1905. PERCENTAGE OF SUCCESS NOT THAT OF FAILURE. A statement which has long been ac cepted as true, is that 95 per cent of those who engage in business untimate ly fail. How this statement started, or what was the basis for its origin, is not determined, but its falsity is easily'seen when R. G. Dunn and Company,whose accuracy as statistical compilers is so well known, give it as their official fig ures, that ninety per cent of the men who engage in business, win success. The Mi-lual measure of success in life, is not easily determined, for business success i.s from the point of view of the individual, so that one person may envy the apparent successful commercial ca red of another, while the envied one may feel that lie has fallen far short of success. ( Commercial success in life in most casses, may he spasmodic, for even in established, trade, there are the lean years of trade, which only the credit and money of large business houses enable the m to tide over, until trade revives anil again restores the transac tions to he recorded on the side of prof its. It is tlw one, tv.ii or three time pe riods of adversity in the lives of many nun, v. l ii I: v. i . iime, lead them to a final success thai would never have been theirs, had a mediocrity of success at tained their first efforts, for adverse conditions will sharpen and brighten, where easy and smooth sailing, will lead to lassitude and a quiet acceptance of model ate siicee;,s, without the desire to increase il . Hiil it i ; not the percentage of failure that i alls for serious consideration on tie pari of any one, for only the weak ling, f he i ou ard, contemplates in any degree that I i, oi liei efforts are to be in vain. It .s ii e initial fainthearted ness that counts for disaster before the tiri t Hot i i; made, and assures failure Success can only prove real substantial v, hen : t rm:t h and character enter inti the und. i lakin;:. and entering in, re- main throughout, and bravely ride over Heeming obstacle, cast aside adverse conditions, and refuse to accept any failure, which seeks to stop or prevent ultimate attainment and success of the abject sought. $100 Reward $100 . The readers of thiH pupcr will be pl nsed to Ii urn that there is ut least on! dreaded disease that science has been aide to cure in all its bUrcs, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, rcquir a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct)) Uon the blood snd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strengdi by building up the constitution and ajtsutting nature in do ing its wo-k. The proprietors have, to much faith in its curative powers that tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any cis that it fgiln to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addmw K. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo O. Hold by all I'niggists, 75c "fake Hall s r amity Pills fur const! palion New York CotUm lUrttf. The following wer the opening and closing prices on ths New York Cotton Exchange, Sept 23. (Pi High Low Host it 10.74 10 74 Ian ilM 10 to lo.W law : receipts 41.000 by ChmberU1'i ftln asj, , ,K little child of Mlrhari flUattsa, of firmm. Conn., aa recently kn frai - pain from a born on lbs bsrai, and at rttWeppucalKonly Increased the m fUmwtstta. Mr. 8usj cam to Ut - James. R Nichofa, local rtmi. rsr "ruiitif to stop ths pam. r "MafWa aayat 1JrWw blmtoi, OambfliW rm Halm, snd lbs firm ' ,rid ' eJiww out lbs Inns mm Us and tT imirdiats re Kef. 1 fc,,, d this motil myiN-lf and fwrara wtvd (J ry aft. fr eats, bur. , strain sod lame lisrk. snd Kits n.-t la II to dipfmirrf." for fak 1, fta tlnotnf ard F. 8. ruT. . NIP fT IN THR BUD, rM innm t Dmiu s aws- -V Fsrtasw Brnltm ., ,--. -t That saeh Is ths cass hag. bees oon claslraly woven bv ar-Untlfln srofc TJnna, th noted European akin ajwxsaiurt, aeciares that dandruff to the burrowe!-np outlets of the scalp,, caused by parasites aeatroylna- the vitality la tba hair bulb. Ths hair become lifelest, and. In time, falls, out. This can be pre vented.- -s ' i-: ' VV.'i- -v Ksvhrtfi lITerntfifei Villa tMm A -At germ, and restore the hair to It natural , . i . . uiiucBi mm aoairasncy. .ii ': BerpleMe is now tired by thousand! ot (wople all satisfied that It Is the most wonderful hair preparation on -the market-to-day. Sold by leadinr drujrjrlsts. Send 10c. hi atamps for rarople to The Rerplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. r t nPaDHAM, Special Agt. An Auspicious' Opening In eager anticipation of the fall mil linery opening at Baxter's, many Wom en assembled a half hour in advance of the appointed time, and promptly at 8 o'clock the doors were thrown open, and a laughing, chattering throng poured in. A flood of mellow light from shaded lamps revealed a bit of autumnal gor geousness, arches of golden-rod,' every spray suggesting imprisoned sunshine, and that graceful vine bamboo, or'more properly southern smilax outlined in a delicate tracery of green on the white background. A novel feature of the decorations partook of the nature of a reception. A life-like wax bride, arrayed in all the paraphernalia common to such oc casions and carrying a boquct of white lilacs, with the attitude of a most en gaging hostess, was installed in an alcove,surrounded by a drapery of crim son plush. The autumn millinery shows new and pr nounced features. A conspicuous note is the lavish use of flowers. Roses and chrysanthemums nestle against the pile of velvet, made briliantly effective by the sombre contrast. For wear with the tailored costume, and walking dress, the "Gage" hats are unsurpassed combining style and general utility. The feather turban with its soft changeable effect, is smart and becoming. The softening effect of ostrich plumes was portrayed in a black velvet picture hat, wrth the addition of a lace scarf, which is extremely popular. Among the most conspicuous, new colors are plum, and "Alice" blues, silvery hues in many gradations of shades. A strikingly beautiful hat of all white chenille braid, and long graceful plumes would entrance the charmj of a youth ful wearer with a dressy toilet. Mr. Baxter's chief milliner, Miss Annie Hardison, has shown excellent judg ment in her selections, and much skill in their construction. The young lady assistants were most courteous and obliging, und rendered valuable ser'ice. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural you can hardly realize that it is produced by a medi cine, these tablets also cure indiges tion. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, "vTOg,y Teonc ownt hi UttCiat. !, tUIUmcl an las trUUimt ; ! Klllilst mi NUsUCI. Lecnra Halls. UbmtorlM. How ltd an Diapcua riM salr asalpss tot sacmsfal tracking, (mfitr Twain. Hits mors baton km soarst. llrr Sure Af'fuaipllMliiufnf. Her Hlval -What n culor Miss Ijnve Unit tonight! I wonder if she paints. Iter Adorer (turning wistful eyes to ward the central figure of an admiring circle) 1 don't know. Mm certainly draws well. - Hrooklrn Life. Attacked by Mob and lcaten, in a labor riot, until cov ered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Buckler's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family " writes G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha. Mich., "and find it perfect," Himply great for cuts and burns. Unly gc at all drug stores. .m Heart! I.Mi1r. Mr. Ilr.itt'n-Well. I Rues I'll tun) off tliat electric fan downstairs. Mr. IlMwn t)h, Ixivld, don't! If some poor liurglnr got In he would aim ply stifle -Indianapolis Journal. As dressing for lire, bruises and boms Chamberlain's Salve Is all tha', can tat (Wired It U .wwtV.U. v ing In lu effect It allays the pain oi s oum almost Instantly. This salvs b also a certain curs for chapped hand snd disease of ths akin. Pries 2& cts For ssls by Davis Pharmacy. slew M4 She Kamr He-Funny thing sbont surf belblng It makes my muatscbs ttnell so salt) far i wbols day afterward. Kbe-It does so. Thars a fact - Bos U Trasscrtpl, . A Cold Ssttlei In' Hit KMniyV. - A. J. Jmws, 920 butlef St., Ch estv-WT)tssi "1 sm a swHchmut arx tm ootta all kinds of wssiW 1 took cold whlck seUled In Bis kidneys gnt I wssuibsd shaps. J tjisd severa td vsrtised rsmsdtsa wiUS no befMrfit, anU I WM rseommsTKM to try Foley's Kid. T Cors. IwoUHH of a botlk com m.n For sals by Davit rbtrmscy. t ' " A 'H ! . . ' Tawtieo pm went botno with HId ITtrosa lot lumbers) today, aUT Won- aid yom? , . . nroww-AB appetdS fjf dlnaef. rtillsdelphis frms. ' Coi c ciiuf ;;V'"' Us may well think, he he g o hsp, who, ftf .lng t,,ir,t tonstlpatlno or todSeoallon, Is jtiit 4 sxrfertle rrtnre Ms K-aith. K.,t ing will do this but Ir. Kirg's ?. Ufe fills. A i(.i-k. I'.as.rf. an ..r-rU In r o.e t- t , i , . . t". ' f" c. . - ., ' . ,? . -' . ""vV 'r.' THE GREATEST EPOOH , OF MARRMA0E The first jt ths most rradal tbae! If for ths first time ths greatest event In your married Uvea Is about to occur, how expectant, how wrapt op in it yon find yourselves. Yoo try to overlook, but is vals, that element of uncertainty and dan ger tbat you have been led to expect front the experience of those mothers and fathers who- have struggled throueh this ordeal in ignorance of Mother's Friend what it is, and what it does. ''J If at this time, every expectant man and wife might know of this greatest of boons, devised for the express purpose of alleviating and disp Jling the suffering and consequent danger of chila-omh, how quickly would 111 doubt and worry be dissipated. ' liniment foi external massage, through whose potent agency countless moth ers have hen enabled to experience the joy of parturition for the first time without danger to themselves or their off-spring. ; ' , BRAoricua acauiATon oo I Jtffamav mm. A.& N. C. R. R. Effective Sunday, Sept. 17th, 1906 at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 8. NO. 1. DAILY 8.00 8.81 8.66 S 9.23 8.41 DAILY 8.45 P. M. 4.18 " 4.66 6.07 Lv. Goldsboro T LaGranae Kinnton Dover Cove Ar. NEW BERN Lv. New Bern Havelock Newport Ar. Morehead Cjr. 6.21 " 6.62 " 6.67 P. M. 6.38 6.64 " 7.S0 " 10.10 10.16; A. M 1060 11.06 " U.40 " WEST BOUND. No. 2. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Newport 8 11 Havelock 8.27 Ar. NEW BERN ,06 Lv. NEW BERN l9.10 A. U. Cove 8.41 " Dover , 10.68 Kinnton 10.22 LaGrange 10.47 Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 No. 4 DAILY 4.10 P.M. 4.41 6.67 - 6.86 a 6.40 a toe t28 - 8.62 " 7.18 " . 7 60 - CONNECTION?, At Goldsboro: With Sonthei a Railway and At lanlie Coaftt Line. At Kiiuton and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Line. R. P. FOSTER, R KL BUNCH. ueneral Manager. Traffic GOLDSBORO, N. C FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will care any cam of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. eiVIN UP TO DIB. B. SplaseU 194 H. YlrsiaUBt,, gvaasrme. lad., writes i Pur over fceur reaie I was troeblad with a kldner and bladder akeetloa. licet flesh sod wee unable to work. Three pfarmloiaae falWd to help me sod I was fives ep. to die. ruler's Klda.i Care was reeoaiaMBded sad the Irst bottle aave sis ires relief aad aflet sskiBg ths second bottle 1 wasesttrely ewed." Twe Use SO CuU and 91.01 For sale by Davis Pharmacy. If you have any scrap iron or met al, write Abrahams &Co New Bern,N. C, and Savannah Ca. They pay ths highest cash prices write today. Rates one and one-third first-class fares plus 26 cents for the round trip have been autborUsd trom all points on IheA-AN. C. Railroad account ths following occasions: . Primitive Baptist Association, Rom' Church. Durham N. C, Sept 19-21. IMS. Certificates to be signed by a P. ferry, Moderator, and vised by J. i. itrickler, Special Agent, Agents Dur ham will honor certificates or before Sept 3HK IKS. '; - . : Presbyterian Synod of Korth Carolina Red F prints, N. C, Oct itOOt, 1906. CsTtiflcstss to be signed by D. L Craig Clerk, and vised by H. E. Toon, BpeeiaJ Agent. Agent Rsd pnng will hot artilkaUe oe or before. Nor. tod, 1006 notice,: rrr or H"r rssotjus, I or v rtf Tabi Ml M Thm atwl.,cs Ml.HHrwr f la ne I 4S ( MlM, SMt lr f 1 f'-iW- s k4 '. m ,r W mrt m M.M. i i -wi linlr. W I r-r- i M fc.,e awl MtvnTH.i r a4 mm v mrr. vl.! I.. f w LI SM ant Fip.. IK. . o4 ilnfM h'WI) ft. J -r. S a ' wa iw m. o m tw a r WM. I W ,ia IK. til 1 W fa . r. II'". H tfwm.i ...v, ImmI, 1'. mn4 u ,1 a a wn, Ik. m Kr S H ) IpM, ' kv Mn-MilMa m a'M 1 - e.r Ix. a I. Ii' , I wm4 ' we. r-' .., ix, S -M. n'M - ' -r t S I . I M XmA ewl S-0" i l..4ju OAf'"' f Crescent Tobacco r Com ps nyj ; is .rp,t..JitiJi2j a&l IsVaSM St.iv ;' Where the most fastidious taste can be satisfied either in a smoke or chew. Also a' first ' class Soda Fountain where all popular fountain drinks are served. . . - ' . Dont forget' to try our Ice Cream. A Cream that is Cream, . W; D, Darringlon - MANAGER. , Chamberlain's COLIC, CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy ' A few doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea. r It lias been used In nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect eaccess. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of -cramp colio and chol era morbus. It is equally successful for inmmer diarrhea and cholera' infantam In children . and la the means of saving the lives of many Children eacb year.' When red need with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take i Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Bay It now. It may save life. Price. 85c. Laroe Size. 60c. Bomalns A, Numi, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In the counties of Craven. Carteret. Pamlico, Jones and Onslow and In the Btate Supreme and Federa' Uourts. Office: Soith Front Street, over Tclf graph office, Ne ?ro, N. 0 P. 0. & W Rj8 ILWAY. Beginning Monday August 14th, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will ' establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on allowing schedule: East Bound West Bound No. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) P. M. A. M 5 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 8 16 5 54 Reelsboro 7 21 6 12 (Jrantsboro 7 03 0 24 Dees 6 51 6 27 West Alliance 6 48 6 30 East Alliance 6 45 6 45 Bayboro , 6 30 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. No. 4. A. M. A, M. 8 30 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 8 00 9 15 Reelsboro 7 13 !) 30 GranUboro 6 58 9 40 Dees 6 48 9 42 West Alliance 6 46 9 45 East Alliance 6 42 10 00 Bayboro 6 30 (Passenger Sunday Only) 1ot5. P. M. No. o P.M. ! Ar. 4 30 ' 3 43 3 28 6 00 Lv. 6 45 NEW BERN Reelsboro Grants bo ro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro 7 00 7 10 7 12 7 16 7 30 3 18 3 18 3 12 300 J. R. HAWKINS, Superintendent Russell House BEAUFORT, K. a, CentrsJly located. All the dell. .aolfs u( the season. Well venti- ted rooms, Good beds, Fbone oon vrnienoes, Tol'te sod Mtentiva Ser vants. . Rates ' IU0 per day. Spedal aod liberal terma br weak .smooth. 0. Ai, RUSSELL 127 Middle HI. Full line of Draftstied v lclnes, Toilet Ar ' ,' ' tides and Boap; Fresh Supply or Flower Seeas, rhjulclatdi V rr ncrlp tloi A. flpssUI ly. ICS ii viRtoum looks Costlolnt ens port for r0 ITU if Ifl t 19 lb. trnflposs, trsJoS.M. Ill bssoldU caatort St a dtsM f U iy rl.' 1 m will N t t.frt worts of ICI oil U prrord, s!tkT fior la drlrs of ? of fr,s Usr.fSr t (Jrl!T 0:rn Ic ...... ,- t. - . i'a. it ,7 Aeai sCf Newbro's Herpicicle. THE ORIGINAL REMEDY THAT "KILLS THE DANQRUFF CERM." 5CHOOL CHILDREN. ar d of h-tters from h .sic'sins. -l riryrm-n and lay- 1 ni.'ii tell the s im s r nl' il um-.i!' ! I'ul su c ss. Eiery school child should knowiha balilnes9 is aeon- ...n, taglous disease, caused by a microbe Prof. Unna. of, AIN H"-'1- HAIW Hamburg, Germany, discovered that (lanilnilV, ltihint; 'it. is fortunate firtlio-i hn nmli i tand the new scalp, falling hair, and final baldness are piMtlured by nilf.? for scalp rl :ii,liiu that i In - ;nii 1sji ic qualities a germ or microle that passes fiomi head to of NeArhro's ll'.p;eiile make il the most delightful another, whjre it burrows into the alp fiiid by miilti and r -freslia h.i r ilressin,; ima;-inahle. ( hionic plying and extending deeper and deeper into the hair hal hiess is iii.:iiiaUI ; save o ir hair while yi u have follicles, saps the life of the hair mot and ;n.ilu ei hair to save. Daianess. IT TKES YER3 to produce complete baldness, for the ai tinn of the uaiiuiuiL iiiiuivuc i iiul LonLaiiL in troverned bv nrwiisnosition hv the " . . . T. . . . environment, but particularly bv to combat the grow th anu development of the mi crobes, which can only be destroyed with Newbio's ' flerpicide. This new antiseptic scalp germicide h past the ex perimental stage. It was made to destrov the germ that causes dandruff and falling energy back into the im ovenshed liulus, it enables Newman, (".a" the hair to grow naturally and luxuriantly. Thous- C Destroy A HeaHhy Hair. THE FALL STYLES a. shown in our nuprlcr l.'nrrl l...iti -r me cieri by iw brief wiilrni : Tin- I .-.1 t . I . Had in town. W. .par. im ..m. in l.n mmii j . .1 rloth, propr .potiifiiiR. rart-ful .iiIIiik uti lit tins. uwins anil flnihinir Wv J lk' ! m.-ii. irt yo fjr your Kali .uiU. whether f.,r I.i.mii.-.-h ..r for .T.nin wmt. F. Al. CIIAItt I ' K Entry Claim. NORTH CAItOI.INA. I Cravrn Com. ly, I To Oao B Watr, Knlry Taknr t or .'invi-ii c.uin. ty: Tn andVnlrnoil K It 11. vi. n( Crarvn County, Nrth Camllna, pnu-r. and !, claim to tha folluwlns dMrrilvd plfr m- pan rl of land In Noa I and tTownhti. Cr,yrn cmnly. North Carolina, Itta SUM btHng var.rt and u . . nroprlalMl band and aubjwt to .n t r i . v.x: Naar tha A. and N U Kailna I luoiukd a. f.. lowa, rla: At tha Mad of rum i.unn m ih. Txrta by Hlaaa Braa. lumhor (tomiany. on Ihr want by Jfrfia Jafaaon. on tha pnutawct l,y T. n. Ipork known aa tha Graat l.utn.1 lan.1. ontli. aotrta by K. 1. R. laj.if, on tha ia.1 by Samu.1 Adams and f, Stawart and Aniliruno kinff.'ld. aoatalntns BS arnw aMa-a n, waa. ataras thai Hiiday oi ftWrt llot K 7. R DAVIS Hrr t f ii i.fii'i . PAINLCSS oi-tum. If.' Ji;rrf o, .1.1 ,r. IICMIIT- '' (ITU. samniailnm trf t 1. Arldnw ir tO. tr if wVll Ernest M. Green, ATTOBNtY AM CbUNIEUOR AT UW. BROAO BT., , ' Naw BrUH, N. C. - WsB squlpptd lo tssrrh titles by its srm at many yssrs expsrnce in the offlos snd S Ronstr Of IWds. pTMti- XrZlZ fLr .wt PamUcsu Cartsrst. Onslow, or whart- svsr sarriesa srs rsquired.' E. Fine Im Sibeitzer Cheese s Today ' A - IT f1 Tl J . - n It s s i 1 I 1.1U1IM. W).WliLskijCyr8,,a.L,i' RIVERSIDE STOR oorted "a. ' , .at '':,JliilMmi,. mm milk PHYSICIANS rKKSCIMI'.l-: IT. I received the lioltleof llerpieiile v"H were kind enough to send me nisi?. ll i i" r st ile of health l.v 1 vor-v suus :1VI".V . y :tl,,. iii-.n;ir:ilinn an the endeavor mad all eases win "e it. Ca Ha ki sville THE 1 e inniil pra s hair, and by coaxing! hest remedy I ' D BRADHAM. Special Agents. the Cause You Remove tin Effect. Send 10 cts. in stamps lor sana lo to Tl e Hrrpicide Co., Df.l. I f. M. Sim oons. A" D. W.-.M. SIMMONS & WAlih, attorney and counselorsjj law.: Office Itemoved :ht.w Sire t in Sen rn Story nf Nu. til' (i.biwo '1 eli'grapl. of fice) Suutli Kront street, next to Motel fhiiltwka. !rai ' ce in li e t m:t tics of 'rav ", Duphi:. J..r-s, 1 'u-il. w. ( 'aiier.-t, I hco:.i..i V.Ae. in Ji.r. ii.ean.l I 'I er d I'oi.rt.-. -uid n. n-wr -ia e: an deiirnl Entry o'ie T..J K I- '1 u .. II . ! in Vi Il . ,.i ,.ii H.c N ' in- inl I iv K'- llr SI llll-y tun I l.'ll IaihI- l y III . "f .1 r.'lh.',.. . t Mil.!, U llj .1.(11111.1" 11 I llii' 71 h ituy "f Sci'loi'i" III.. ,ii. In. j. w . una 1 111.1 1 i';. t'."''.. J K Hi."!- i 'lill 'I.kiT f " J. il. "i . V. itn v No iil .-.-! .III. I". i:. i. nil ' Mortag' 8a!'. i m..rtirBf riw Otl try ' r n." f n- r.i-,,Hi w,, k.IIa M.lahplo N K. I,,,,.,,, il.irll,. .'.tli Cay nf J.nn.iy Hi' ,ojni. Ini,, i'.nl".! in th.- itir. olthi'lW -'-t f k. l. i.f f'ravfn c-wnty In Iw. lu. i I .it. ,.H .t ik. (,irl Honm door in N.w iu-ir.. N ('.. ,.n Halm-day Ih. aoth day i.f Spi. ,.Jsl i 1W rsh, )i(.fl(4 dfolU wirir fi il .Mpsn1 r .nvrrrf in I K M (firf f' ""' lo-wil: Kifl-sf. Mtt rrt nf Uml in No r. I. -Iim. H b4M i.ait nf lh lanl I to;sht ..f T U!in;'in inr)ti . follow. If"' 1. J It Iss'll. n ths. S-rtith .ij IWIir IMI. t.1 ! Jl Tl"r on Hie K- lion, N ( .. An IW'.. If. H ilANC'H K. A-ir'-- -f M -nuMi WII.UAM WiNN. J . Aiony. SALE OF STlAriLli'i By virtue of s power of ssle eontnin- d in s mortgsgo from W. H. Tarris to ms rrvistsrad In Ui ColUwtors oftirr. ; District of Psmllco, N. C. port it New Bm, N. C, In libw IS of MoTtK8(, folio B0, I will ll U ths highest bidkr f. cJ, t llollislrT Cox's whsrf 'n N rws, N. C, on th X dsof 8ptmbr, IM. st Uo clock m the Stcsm Tug or f esrafl rslW ths "Mary Uk" of ins trunian oi tu-tw ws. or tnsraaboats, tofrsUtsr wiw n wrw tprit, boat, anehon. eshUs, chains, rg ting, tack Is, apparst, furnllurs, Ac ke Thli Brd dajtof AwsraaUHOS. .-' B. E. Moors, Hortffscs. mm h9 jrt rw TfWwa-i llfPf -iat. ff iK,M? rfcfflfcCTK Hs.'vf) r1-i, lu.VtfTLifc. fry. '. tmlr.lJ w ?o.A.cxovr CO. rav- ' r WMiibrrr1.0.C. OA.wx'Ji Tyv. tWita 11 14 t srs I- 'tNI of . 11 which has hern fully tested wilh li results I have every euiiliilence in I lo use it and pri'M-nhe it ...i is in ucati il. UK. It. C. Ultl'.NNON. BK - !T EV Ell 1 1 SKI). iirnle too highly. It is the yom - II eri'r usi il Uti' niv ha.r. MKS. EUXA IMIUCIl. . Detroit. Hid.. An Unhealthy Hair. A t J MP AN Y plu;!, ;r.')hcts Association of Virginia and earnings. Cli.trlotlsville, Vn. Oct L'a-2C. 1905 'II,-,,- r. ', rt pi i:. l; I i authni" . mi th . tl ; ...I i' ti i Act ut' ( l'..r. 'lie f'. rati "i. lie ' a ,tl. "ii"! ' i W.i. leu M A X.i "i. I i S.'i.t i:t :A. Mhed ii I ! tar. aii.t m Av'.'i.t '1 ,. he I. or r. it.-' mil I r 1 1 ...M'I'. I n . i: ...I'. I 1 i.;. ( r .i" '. .i ii ,i I,, .! . II M. , i A,-, i.i Li. ite i . 1 ann i:l .. I.:,,t.'t II. .11, ,l."i "ui. s "V. fo i't w.. entl. ,l, I ,11 , t II. Ian I :..', ( ',- t i h t.. lie hi, i .: I .. Mis. 1'. ;. .N....r.. N'vr. i.n v i.ii'l i-.-d hy Mi . .1. A. Ii... . r, S- .:,! A. tit. Ai:'-nl I In rt. e wi.ll...T...r. ert ilii-Bles re urnii i n : l.-t'ei '.111. V'r' Kmi;lii ..I II .i.i.r .if tin- World. Win Blon S:il. n. ' I'.'1' I '' II. I ' -1 1:. :il, i I,, I . . .,! .1 l.v Mr. (' W. :,:..r. . ,.v. and m-M Ly Mr. W. II I'nrnill. S..-ial Air'-nt. Amenta W i ihli n Sal'-m ill ho'ii. r retlfirate.; nil f.r I- fore t l( t lllh, l'.ll.'i. Tl'.- A ,t N ' I! It Kive. I .tire that Ih.- I'nrlor Car "n " hi h has len opfrat") on tlo ir Iraina N n and 4 lietwern 1 i"l l.lwiro and Mi ri-lieail t ity I for the iirr-rtont fa h. l!i: ; rni,H ) r nf the 'i"rnf -dersry, North Cjnli.". I)itnun, Mory-irttori, N , (K.t 7 i t rt,f,r.ti U 1k ,nr i,y Mrs. I). Hosnt, cnnirmnn Italejeh N ( ..andvaWhy r. j. ,;,.,.,. A,,t. Morusnton, N. C Agrnt Morgsnt.m y,, crtifl. att . nn or bfor OrL 19, Independent Ordr of (Jnod Ha marl tans and Isiightr nf Samaria. Char aotta. N. C, (t. Z 6, lfi. OrtirVa Xtm to he signl hy Mrs. Adrlakka Jorass, SecrwUry. HMh. snd vkaa b Mr. T. J. Wlthprapr-on, Spsvial Aa, CharMU, N. C. Afrnt ChsrWHIs will honor rsrtlfWalasi on or Ufors Oct 10, '' N'rth Csrslins (Aristlsn Tsmparmars Uolf h. lUMfh, H. C.. Oct 14, HO. Ortior.tna to besiirns, by Mka tlisa halh Mrh, frvaios)!, Wsnstoo osUta , N. C. and vis! bf Ml H. A. Moraoa, ( Krwrial Att, RsWfjf, H. C Afwal Ralr'sH will hmf eatllfkaUsJ oa af ba " ! frsra Oct, , I9f. - ' O A t V O XX X A. . ' ' WaasswM asW A """"" I e-aaav 41

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