' I Vw - . .1 Vol, XXHI.-Wo. 135. New jCera, IT. C, Eat a relay Morulas, September ISO, ICC 3. Twen t jVFourlh Year TDDSICfi': WASHINGTON LETTER FROM PEABODY FUND '1 A f. Are in their uewStore. You can'tmlss the place - - ' - 61 KIccl Street. Opposite lis Ipiscipal Chnrcp. T ; They are weiving daily Fall and Wlat-r Goods. They are showing the Prettiest Dress Fabrics and Trimmings ever brought to this market." They have also added millinery line of Ready-to-wear and trimmed hats are beautiful Marked prefe-ence is shown for untrim med hats for Dressy Wear. They have Popular hats ot the Season. . .. j m Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 61 Pollock St., Opp.. Episcopal Church. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitlliiiAi a.aasaaaaaaa New Livery and Sales Stables. f t JOHN Noleaka Cement Compound Is an efficient, durable and water proof covering suitable for old or mw flt tlo or metal roof. e Hyman Supply Company, New Bern, N C Bole Ag enU in Craven, Jonet, Pamlico, Carteret and Onalow Counties. M Mafactorm are Boltea and Collins Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Sickle Celery, . .. .. r es, Oranrji ananas,- ' And all kinds oi homo xnado Candles. Md St. Fruit Co. Fine stock of Horses, Mules, Young and well-broken, either for driving or farm work. - Buggies, Harness, Whips, Robes, and - everything kept in a well equipped sta ble. TERMS RIGHT. GIVE US A TRIAL. C H DU & CO., 66 Bread St New Bern, N C You Will FIND A FULL L1XE0F FUItXITURF, IIJiATLG;NDOW)KSn)YES IMCTUKKS, GO-CARTS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC, Large and complete line oi Bugs Picture frames made at B. IVES, '18 Middle Street UmaUaiAU;mUilU I L NO SCHOOL CHAI1GED A price list may be had of isny Uecher b the CraoVd 8cbof4, or 8upt Crsven. . f EnnctVBBookDtoro re set ' . Holies. m ..t t .. . M Ex-Confederates to . Fire : Salute for Rooeevelt xlct tti Confederals War VtUriaa tt Parade Before PmUwd.x Judge Pur asll Decides llew QesaUeses Horns steal Owners Outside Stats. Special to Journal; V " Raleigh, N. C, Sept, 29-rOovenwr Glenn declined to further interfere with the execu ion ' at Marshall of Peter Smith; white, aged 64, coavicted vof rape, ' The Uovernor says he beueveg the statement'1 f Smith' victim her evidence being fully corroborated and hehas no doubt of Smith's guilt The sheriff is directed to bang Smith Oct. 2nd. , The special committee on the recep tion of President Roosevelt of which Governor Glenn is chairman, grants the application of Capt John A. RamBey, cf Salisbury, whose battery fired the salute when President Buchanan visited Raleigh, to fire the salute her e to Pre i dent Roosevelt Ex-Confederate Ar tillerymen of Ramsey's pld battery will fire the salute from a Confederate can- . Mexican and Confederate vete rans apply for positions in the pa rade. Judge Purnell of the U. S. District court has filed a decision in the case of D. A. Owings, bankrupt, from Craven county. He decides a bankrupt is not entitled to a homestead in lands owned by him outside of the State. Owings claimed a homestead in Maryland. It is the first time this question has eVer arisen. Ladies if you waiit a refined and bril liant complexion' free from blemishes, use HoWster'a ' Rocky Mountain Tea Brings red lips, bright eyes and a cream like complexion,' 85 cents, Tea or Tab- ets. For sale at F. S. Duffy's. High Praise For Corlnne Runkel. The Corinne Runkel Stock Co which appears at the New Masonic Opera House next week in repertoire is meet ing with immense success as will be at tested by the following clipping from the News and Obeer of the 29th Inst The News and Observer said thai the Corinne Runkel Stock Company de served 'standing room only' audiences. and last night the theatre going public of Raleigh showed its appreciation of the splendid plays being given by this most clever company and every seat in the Academy of Music was occupied; while many stood in order-to witness the play. Early in the night the sign 'Standing Room Only" was hung over the ticket office window. ' "The play of last night was "Uncle Josh" er "The Old Homestead" and it was presented in a most admirable manner, in fact uya manner superior to many companies making a specialty of plays of "The Old Homestead" class In it "Uncle Josh" was something of a natural being, not the idiotic guy and caricature thought by some companies to be a trus picture of a man from the country. The play had the home spirit to it, and m parts, .was indescribably humorous. The great audience enjoyed ttyid there was ewch applause, all of tt deserved, the lively specialties com ing m for a fuu share.' - The company m an aO-roand good one, way n toe lead of any popular price company ever showing hers, and at the matinee today and the dosing performeanee tonight deserve packed bouses. .The bill this afternoon will be A Man of Mystery," a stirring melo drama, aad tonight "Little , Tampa' which won so much praiee here at the nrevioua visit of the Corinne Runkel Company., Popular price, are the rule but never such performances have been m m Rligh before at these figures as those given by this company. : liduua tU scythe of ralher thnei drives away wrinkle ef approaching ftld age-the elixir of life, , that puts fcopem the human heart-DollSsters Rocky Mountain Tea. 2S eenta, Tea or Tablets . P 8 Puff. , School Kotict. At a meeting ef the school board June ft. 196 all formef rrala'.iofts In rgard te pay pupils were rwpmUd and the follo4rg.ntle was adopted fur si pupil who live ooUMe of the city litnlu: "Pvpls Kvlig ouUUe of the erp"T ate timiu ef Ui city ahaQ pay tullk as folknri: lt am! 2nd Cr,W-I.fO. Sth, d'k r.i C'h Gr.!o - tl.M, 7th. th, SIh and Vnh Cnrft--12.00, AH t')a'. H t frit arrfl rayif ie ha tH f rst " ' i t tur ri. Arf -T.n I . ; i r ; j (it Y,v-- - Special Correspondenc. . - . Harking back to the days of their grandmothers, women prominent In Washington "have taken op the weav ing of rag carpets. Of course the prod ucts don't: bear, the ugly old name. They are called "souvenir rugs."- Hot are they made of bits of all sorts of cloth, as sln the old days. They are woven from . fragments of . modern gowns." The pretty daughters ot Sena tor Wetmiore of Ehode Island started the fad in Washington, and many girls have succumbed to It, not only daugh ters of resident families, but some who are only temporarily Jn the national capital It Is said the erase is stron gest among aristocratic old Washlng tonlans, wbalook down from immeas urable heights upon .the passing throng brought thither by politics: and who rum a com snouiaer on tne newiy ncn. poor In modern. carpets and the where-1 witnai to tray tnem. ; Vllt of the RchBblc. A meeting of the Washington mem bers of the Independent Order of Bechabites was recently held here and arrangements .were made for the re ception of visiting delegates and past representatives ,to the forty-ninth an nual session ' of the "high tentr to be held In this city commencing Oct 10. The high chief ruler of the order, John 0, Moore, a resident of the capital. Wit of Cltr War, The city has a new filtration plant In operation which has been Several years lu building. Water from It is turned Into the mains, but not enough greatly to influence the supply. It has been discovered that the very day the plant Is finally completed it will not handle so much water as the City with Its natural growth of population and busi ness is then likely to want and that the clean water will have tr be supple mented all the time l;y a certain amount which has not been run through the filtration plant " This is very dis appointing. The trouble here Ilea In the frightful waste of water through lack of meters. A strong opposition against the meas uring of water always shows itself In congress, even though the plan pro posed be to give at the regular mini mum charge a quantity sufficient for all ordinary household uses and needs and to let the extra cost dependent ou the measuring begin only after that limit has been passed. But for the activity of those who had meters to sell this sentiment would have been lr reslstlble. A small appropriation Is now available for the introduction of meters, but the movement must pro ceed quietly. The privilege of letting wster pipes leak year In and year out and of tolerating defective plumblug many people regard as among the in alienable rights of an American cltlseu, with which the law should not try to Interfere. But unless there Is some such Interference the filtration plant, completed at a huge cost will perform but slight service. FrerM (,1'aUa Stattojt Work. It will be eighteen mouths, If Do, two years, Euglneer Hunt predicts, before the union station Is ready for occupnucy. aitnougn steady program Is being made. Foundations for the ststlou are nearly all completed and a large amount of the steel framing and granite and brick work ot the super structure Is In place. Tke lirwn 0eral's Lthrmry. The government printing omce h completing the tenth volnme of an Index catalogue for the office ef Ux surgeon general, this belug the second series of the same Import An Idee ot the slse and complexity .of the library of. the surgeon general is derived from the statement that there nave been twenty -six large volumes of Index est alornes published, and tt la said that by the time the present series Is com pleted there will be saffldent materisl pa hand for a third series. .' Ppeeklng of the character and scope of the surgeon general's library, L. C Ferreli, . superintendent of public dorumenta. said that this collection ot books wss undoubtedly the, largest and most complete of Its kind la the United flutes and probably the most up to date, If not the targeet In the -world The medical moscutn to net only the home of this wonderful medical Ubrarr Dot toe depository oi a greal number Of specimens of Interest to the medical fraternity, said to be the largest collec tion la title eountry. Xr SUS Baaae . The range ef the Rational Capital til S sod JicvolTer club, aa organise ttoa tbst was cfcsrtrrvd eerly In the spring, Is "now mdy for business, li Is located at Congress b dub is, : tt le the ctob's purpoee ta revive th tatervet la riOe work, whlrta has loos. b-n dnrtnaat bcr for lack ef proprr fadlHlMS eapertnny 200 yard sclinet era oct snd rTolr-T shooting at Cftr yards. Tniv shooting will tlo be feature If the member dmlre It' II le purvty a Mrlliau club, open te all and b elrwdy on In rolls t! Bmn f a anenbor of protniwnt bn!m-i ami prnrraalmAl men, sa writ mmy cf the bvt slits of tin stil'itisl (iur-1 and nHmp3lHia ftoll-l lurn. Any fid or rrf)!rr nny le Duol. rs with tnrb a flub fbr.l tn fr'rni for n- trlrtlim. a mil Itm jloi.ur of It 5;ntrr It to I n x A FEW mors cf t U!Hit style, TnH tl-lnee at gTtit!y r-! it-1 prt'-wi, f.r t t cmK A'. s f-i'.l I'.l t t V.WjAt , (.., V., ?,', fli-T'.S'crt, Curt r . r a, I )od .',;, t" ' n r,' i; rs; ! J....r'., (') .i. 1 ' t;n;' k r , ', Vi- r 7- ' ' t ?' ' ! ' f K '1 Y i T. r t: Moore 'fncendlirr Cass Postpeasd. II. C. , Booklat Valuable to StMdeqts. ' "' Raleigh, N. C, Sept 29. The Moore case, in which the def endent is charged with burning the plant of the Standard Oil Company here, after robbery and murder, is postponed from this term of the Superior court to the January term at the request fi the defendant.' ; By, that time the State will get mora evi dence and-will probably have in custody other persons wanted for the triple crime.' . The last number of the North Caro lina Booklet is perhaps best ever issued and is of great value to the student. It contains articles by Charles Johnson of naiein secretary of State Bryan, Grimes and Rev. Hight C. Moore, the first on .the old Capitol at Raleigh, second Colonial History and third North Carolina poets. . The State Superintendent announceB that there were received from the Pea- body fund last year the following sums for public schools $2,000, colored nor mals $1,600, the Greensboro. 1,000, Summer schools $2,000, and that there was on hand from the previous year $460, the total being $7,050. There was disbuised for local tax public jchools $fel,000, colored normals $760, summer schools for whites $1167, total $5017. The balance on hand is promised as follows: $350 to public scho ls, $850 to colored normals and $1832 to summer schools. Death of W.H. Griffin- The friends of Mr. William H. Griffin were greatly pained and shocked to learn of his death which occurred about six o'clock last evening. He had been ill with typhoid fever for about two weeks but. it was believed that his strong and rugged constitution would. enable him to recover his health is due' time. He was born in Rocky Mount 54 years ago and has been a resident of New Bern several years. He has at different times been employed by the Atlantic Coast Line and the Atlantic & North Carolina railroads. Lately he has been connected with a company manufacturi ng concrete blocks. He is survived by the widow, two sonsy and two daugh ter. The remains will be taken to Rocky Mount for burial tomorrow morning. Valuable Little Book of Interest ta All Women Sent Free. Every woman looks forward with feelinirs of indescnble toy to the one event in her life, compared with which all otherspale into insignificance. How proud and happy she will be when her precious babe nestles on her breast- how sweet the name of "Mother." And yet her happy anticipation is clouded witii dread of the ordeal, so that it is impossible to avoid the feeling of constant fear. The danger and suffer ing attendant upon being a mother can be entirely prevented, so that the com mit of the littlo stranger need not be looked forward to with fear and tremb ling. Every woman who reads this paper can obtain absolutey free a valu able and attractive .little book entitled "Motherhood," by sending her name and address to the Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. This book contains priceless biformaUoa to all women, and no one should fail to send for it. BEOADUURST and CL'RRIE present lMasoD and 1I; Supported by a Company of SIXTY PEOPLE in the Musical Comedy liilz ad V ' big Chorus of Breutlfnl Girls -Minifint Kcenle pTodoetkP. Uwplay of Rich and LiaiUing , Coatumea. . y Prk 60 eta and $L00 Scats tt Wsters Oct. tod Coricnc Ucnlcl ; ' ,i i i . V New Mwc Me) 5: so PaepaccJ I Buckwheat Fresh Oyster Crackers, Fresh Fresh Grits. Fancy Elg,n and Fox Fancv Cain Stnn, M v: m reliT ' ri' T w cuasu macaroni celved. J. L. McDaniel Wholesale farker Store. m 1111 w Car Load Just deceived. Cook M;oves, Heaters. Full line Hardware and Builders Material. Heath and Millian Paints, Oils and Glass. Gaskill Hrfw. & Mill Supply Co Phone U the Boys Clothes Question It is an interesting difficult problem to solve We Have Studied Boys Clothes Concluded that Boys are "bound to be Boys" and that they must have a certain amount of sturdiness, along with the style, in the make up of their garments. Boys Shirt Trousers Suits, Single or Double Breasted $2.00 to $6.00. i guarantee goes with our Boy's Clothes. I I BAXTER re m i m sryug row and m. New Wheat Flour at a Low Price. Attention la specially called to the VMonumental" brand Roasted Coflee at twenty cents per pound Fresh Fox Elver Butter Prints, also Butter in tubrfl" Full Cream Cheese of the finest quality- ; riMr class e hoc i r 1 13 or ivm wind. I r- A ' great effort to pleasT C :-stane : Whoitiale ond It cull Grocer. : ' No. 81 South Front fit. Stove Rep a,r,n0 Time to put op yoar stoves for win XfT. tkm't select them until cold wither. Send them to 61 South Front rtrwt snd I will repeUr at artce! - JtiivQT thsra when wsnt4 - L II Cannon 0 CI South Front 8U Schredded Cocoanut.Cracker Meal, River Print Butter, Maple Syrup, . ... ' "J"" "JiuFl "-nerries, yueen Olives, Sweet and and Fancy Cream Cheese just re- A Xtetal Groeer. ' Comer Broad and Hancock Sts. may iuuuu. snbject to study and, as a rule a most - iTTTTTTTTTTTTTHTTTTTTTTTTa ii.ii everybody will be made in every In - A Card Our new and permanent Iteedquerter on Craven street, (Daniels' old stead) earing completion, I take pleasure ta announcing that I have moved mytfY fice to same, where 1 will be pleased t entertain and accommodate my meny frlends, customers, and the generous) ' public. Thanking aU for pest patroa age, eernMtly sotlciUnf a eontiauaae ofsiune,Ism ' Very reapertfully, FERD M. 8AHH. : CASTOR I A ta i.-.r.ir.!i ar.i c:.::.:r'x TT.3 r: J Y;3 i::;j.::-:r:";M V'mly morfilrtf Ortilr 1'. prript!y t I e'flk a. m. J. T. PA": ' : f I 1 f rr nn 1 t I a Is J r- 1 rf ' rs the .-.'iretf rhono 33 r. v,v