THE JOURNAL . Published every day In the year ex- . .m i "t -r .mi: re a Craven St.- .. .."'; : C'. 'u'iv - PHONB No, 8.. 'v-ri . CBARLE8' L. STEVENS, ':' ." : SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In advance...... (4.00 One Tear, notinadvance......-. B.00 Monthly, by carrier in the city.... 7- .50 Advertising rates furnished on appli- I Entered at the Post Office, New Bern W.-C as tec md-class matter. s - OFFICIAL PAPER OF KBW , BEH AND CRAVEN COONTT. New Bern, M C, Oct , 1 1905, "' KNOWLEDGE BRINGS LUCK. "0, once in each man's life, at least, Good luck knocks at his door; And wit to seize the flitting guest, : Need never hunger more. v But while the loitering idler waits . flood lurk beBide his tire. The bold heart storms at fortune's gates, And conquers its desire." At this the beginning of another school year, too much emphasis cannot be laid upon the question of education, and this is a matter important to parent and child. Education is not mere at tendance upon school, the gathering to- gether of a few rules of anthmetic and grammar, learning to spell easy words and a few hard ones and getting a few historical and geographical facts. Ed' ucation is not simply school attendance, Lut school attendance rightfully and thoughtfully entered upon, is most vital in its effective influence and result upon the educational life of every child. It is the thought beforehand of the parent which prepares the child to be n the just and proper receptive mood so that coming to the teacher there is no awkwardness, no hesitation to begin work, or a desire of anything except to enter upon every school duty with care and diligence. This opens the right way for the child, and there is no grind, no Htrugtflo to get into the spint of every day - school life, which once rightly entered upon makes all study a pleasure, and the hard work to possess no terrors to overcome. It is the thoroughness in any pro fession which brings courage to attempt and du, not wait for Good Luck to knock at the door, for the very pre paredness of any person is the open sesame to honor, fame and fortune, for the one so prepared cares for no warn. ing, no invitation to come forth, for he or she is already un the way to storm whatever may opixxje, or stand in th way of success. Knowledge brings luck because knowledge ix being in a state of readi nesB, urn! this means the acceptance t do whatever conies to hand, or bring J ig something to hand if it does not present itaelf. The possessor of knowl edge cannot be an idler, for the idler U one-who waits for something to come to hand, instead of going forth to seek it, and this very dt-sire, this eagerness to go forth, prompted by the knowledgi of eronal power and ability Is th certain precursor of individual sue cess. $100 Reward The readers of this paper will W tikasrd to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science, hai been able to cure In all lis stage, enc that is Catarrh. Hall's, Catarrh Con is the only positive cure now known Um mdical fra Utility. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's CetaM Cure U taken Internally, acting direct!) apon the blood and muebaa surface o) the system, thereby . destroying Um foundation of the disc, and giving the patient strength by building op Um constitution ami assisting nature in do- in its worfc. The proprietor have murh faith fat iU curative power thai the offer One Hundred Dollar for ant case lhat it fail te cure. Send fur list Address F. 1. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Sold by all dnigg We, 75c. : "' , . Take Hall' Family Ml for eowU Theloflowmf ireVw the peo'uif and rim feg frirW en the New York Cotton Exchange, flpt KX . Open . IIig. Lew on ;no,j3 ;no ion . iqm One ao.K 10IU , :A Cold Sci'Jed In H;Kidne, " K. L JT,r.f- V3 hulUt fit, i! i tg write! "t am, ! am fit in alt klr'l -f :Ur, i - V a M a Y ' h ' in r jr , t ' t in I I It . 1 . ..1 l a - '.it! ' 1 t !. ,. . hau tills cha-a: Coltr of Hair Said to Iaiiioate a Fer- . Boa's Teaiperaiaeat. Many people believe that blonde, or -tight hair denotes affection and dark half constancy. A person without hair Is sot devoid of character; far from it The disposition of tbe average bald- headed man la to show such solicitude for lh welJore-ef others, that he neg lects himself. A germ eauses baldness. Prof. Ssbouraud. of Paris, France, ln aocoulated a rabbit with Dandruff eermi, sauslnf it to become totally bald in five reeks' time. . -To rid tbe scalp of these laiurefoti verms it is necessary to eDDly Newbro's Herplcide. -.. , . : Destroy - the cause Tou remove . the fleet." . -. .. - Sold by leading; dnifrsrlsta. - fiend 100 In tamps for sample to The Herplcide Co Hitroit, Mt'-. ' . -..jy G. D. ER 1DH All, Special Agt. . Td The Confederate Veterans of 7 .North Carolina. Headquarters North Carolina Division, - United Confederate Veterans, Dur ham, N, C.; September 80th, 1905. The Major-GeneraL. commanding' the North Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans, hereby announc es thai he has been requested to inform the comrades of this division and all other Confederate Veterans in North Carolina that they have been invited to 'Occupy the place of Honor ' and vear their uniforms at the reception to be given the - President of the United States at the . Capital of this State on the 19th day of October, 1905. v All Veterans acception this invitation are requested to meet at the i apitol promptly at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 19th - J. S. CARR, N. C. Div. U. C. V. H. A. LONDON,. - Adjt GenL and Chief of Staff. New Cure for Cancer All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes "I had a cancer on- my lip for years, that seemed incurable, til Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly well. " Guaranteed cure for cuts and burns. 25c at all drug stores, For account of th? Van Amburg Rail road Show-., at Goldsboro, N. C., Oct, 12th, 1905, the A. & N. C. R. R. has authorized the following round trip rates: From Bests, 20c.; LsGrange, 25c.; Falling Creek, 30c.; Kinston, 40c; Caswell, 45c.; Dover, 55c.; Cove, 65c.; Tuscarora, 70c.; New Bern, 90c.; Riv erdale, $1.00; Croatan, $1.05; Have- lock, $1.16; Newport, $1.25; Wildwood, $1.30; Mansfield, $1.35; Jtforehead City, $1.45; Beaufort, $1.70. Tickets to be sold October 12th, good returning up to and including October 13th. Plant to Get Rich - are often frustrated by sudden break down due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills' They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At at! drug stores, 35c guaranteed. Basakoe Faraltare. Use a brush and warm water con mining a little salt to clean bamboo furaltode. This treatmeut prevents the bamboo from turning yellow. Tormenta of Tetter andJEczema Al layed.; The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter and akin diseases is in stantly allayed by applying Chamber- lain a Salve and many severe usee have been permanently cored by it Use. For sale by F. a Duffy and Dav is Pharmacy. . . , , The Tree Pfa Are All De. v "A true poet writes poetry bersuse be can't help JL" - , "Oh, no; a true pott write poetry be cause .nobody can stop blm. Chics Ilecord uersld. ... ; L Woundt, Brutu and Burnt . By applying an antieptit dressing' to wound, bruises, bum and Ek injurk before inflaramatlon sets , in, they may be healed wiihoui maturation and in abobt one-third - the time required by tn ow treatment. This la the groat 11 discovery and triumph of modern urgery. Chamberlain': Pals fi.lm Acts ottUii same principle. U i an wtiacplic and when applied to such m juriee, causa them to heal very quick ly. ''It W allay the pain and serenes and .prevent any danger of Hood poUonlng. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm id yotrr borne and II wlO save you time and money, not to mention the rmn ?mlw ind ufferinj aucTTTTJurir nlsSl Foe ai by Davte- I-harmary and F. 8, Duffy. 1 . ' rar tee If a, - For removing band in; try1 twn ennre f. glycerin. te ounn of Witef and four UtilMtjxyjcfuls of ln mi J'lk. all tolil and wpII shntcn Tfate U ID U mMl cm the buiHls sfter waging sod rtixlng. , Aftrlont wiUhry w bnovod in ty nrty s fw hut true irtit nf Ip itt'i Wikb U.) Fair U lrm 1; every one who ha It trt U,rs nre, letter, enwri r,i pi In Orui ( r '. M Hlt1 f f t fw tn ,:: ' i H Jl i ' ! f 1 T" e'i H st ti I f ' I 1 Naval Voitl to Be Wrecked. The hull of tlie oM ujvul stean.boat Pliioi, which has beeu Ijriiig at L'ean' boat yard, a short distauce north of Alesauilrki, Va., ever since she was dlsmnnfted about two years ago, hai been taken to a point ou the Marylaud side of the river opposite Alexandria, where slie will be wrecked to obtain the metal In her timbers. Tbe Phlox for many years ran on a route between the Naval academy at Annapolis and Baltimore and was a very handsome craft. CARL SCHOFIFU. Full of Tragic Meaning.- - are these lines from J. A. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re suited from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: '1 "had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. tried everything, but nothing , would relieve it, until I, took Dr. King's Sew Dis covery for Consumption, : Coughs and Colds, which completely cured jne." Instantly relieves and permanently cures all tnroat and lung diseases; pre vents grip and pneumonia. 'At all drug gist; guaranteed; 50c And $1.00: ; Trial bottle free. " - - - - ;; the- Ilajr lu .CmAitfr". For Lejpug liie hxii la eurt'take gttw arable, ououuee; best moist sug ar, half an ounce; hat water, sufficient to dissolve-1 Make up to one pint with rectified spirits. Moisten the hair with this before putting In curling pins. - : ; Don't Borrow Trouble. ; It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but : the worst thing you can possibly borrow-: is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, billiousness Bright s disease and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your aimptoms, but fly for.-relief to Electric Bitters. Here vou will v find sure and permanent lorgetruiness ot all your trouLles, and your body will not be burdened bv a load debt disease. t all drugstores, race buc,v guaran teed. Care of Rosewood. To keep this furniture in good order It should be rubbed gently every day with a cleau, soft cloth, aud this will be sufficient Preparations of wax, oil, etc., canuot be applied without Injur ing Its appearance. An Awjuf Cough Cured. . ' 'Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had spells of coughing, just like one with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at alL ' We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which acted like a charm. . She stopped coughing and got stout and fat, "writ s Mrs. Ora Bussard, Bmbaker, I1L This remedy is for sale by Davis Pharmacy and F, S. Duffy. : , - Cemeat For Chtaa. Half an ouuee of gum arable dis solved In a wlneglaasful of boiling water, addlne . plaster of pari to form a thick paste. -ppry-wltn bru ih to the edge of broken chin and Join ends evenly together. Nothing to Fur Mothers need have no hesitancy br continuing to give Chamberlain Cough Remedy to their little ones, a it contains absolutely nothing injurious. This remedy is not only" perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine Of great worth and merit- It has world wide reputation for "It cores of toughs, .colds and croup, and can al ways be relied upon. For sale by Dar: Pharmacy and F. 8. Duffy. . ' . ' ' ' . . ... . Bettenaitk ae aooC 1 . Huttermilk I said to be very fatter. Ing and U a food beverage for der tary people, since It corrects certain pbyeical dUabUIUea. Hot buttermilk Is recommended for colds, v ;' .-. Do Not Bt Imposed Upon. - Foley A Co., Chicago, " origlnate3 Honey and Tar as a throat and rung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey d Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refus any substitute of fered u iw otner preparation will give the tame tifacUon. It is mildly laxa live.- it contains no opiates and a feet for children and'deiicate persons. rof sale by Davis Pharmacy. 1 v" Ihaat-r. ka Baaallav.' Itsrry-JatiiM oiiwl a b:g pile rwk with tint iirti tt of la. o. , JoboYea, and be gut a bigger pi I now ana s imller coll, Judge. Sick Hiadacht Curtd. f-ick heirhe I caused by dTrge- rnenl of the stomarh and by Indigent.. Chamberlain' Etomsrh end Uvef Tab- kU wrect thrs disonjprs'and eflVt ur. Pj Ukirig three UI.U as mum a the flrvt In l.ralKifl of the d snue ap p trt, in aiu may hy wsrdrd c fT Far sal hy F. R DufTy Snd UarU n.artrtsry. "It swms f me Tour wife V the eor.k'.-ig ti,tt4 ,f r..k." .' t It S Civti L'p ',!, 1." i . I ' , . To C a. V,-; n. f, rt .v.. . I I , r ,Ht . w 5 j s i r 4 Don't forgtt Graham Crackers Bnttelr Thin Social Tea Biscuit Lemon Snaps . , ' 'V V t, A Galaxy of AUractiv and Gever Young Women with Mason andMasoiin 'vylv, FriUandSnit, Wednesday, October 4th, . . - Hen and Women Wfio are In Weed F. 8. Dut- Tbers are score of people in New guarantee that it costs" nothing unless Bern and vicinity who are starving ln.itcares.'. the mldiit of pienty. ' ThU Is not be-One little uilet out'of i 60 cent cause Uey are in need of food, but be- boi of Mt-o-na before mtm ', and cause they cannot digest the food they yott ctn Mt WD,t y0a like and when at." - , , T" . . you' like, You will bsve'iso (mor Our leading drugglat, F. S, Duffy, headaches, back-echea, heart-bum, or makesa liberal offer to all; who atom Indigestion. JMi-o-n will giveyou a -hi weak and cannt properte dlgeat perfect hcnlUi and strength. r ' ' 'l the food. ' F. fl. lurfy ha recently re- Gctbo of tha UbleU today.' with ccivH UrfeinplyofMl-o-na,areme-- n-B. -' .nlJw. 4a Vf,.t ihA i, for the cure of attach trouble F' 8' Duffy s gusrante to rtfun.1 the awl will !l It nwlrr an absolute th money if they do w t cure. : Silo Pears C:lcrv, . r i t 1 I NEARLY I' V .PACKAGES: of this most nutritious of all foods have : already been consumed but .CHIEER'IJP!' yiriGsda Biscuit Good Wheat is plentiful. Flour mills areX grinding steadily. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY bakeries, the cleanest, largest, most modern in the world, are working day in and' day out to supply you with your favorite soda cracker. So Uneeda Biscuit are still in abundance the price is the same Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I v ' V 1 ( IS " .1 S I fi ,! t A T i 5 - I' t.-i. . r. Brick Brick I Ws have a large atrk of Srii k now ready for shipment. Any good jixlge of bHi k will rnmmmre lhm th bcrt have i-n put on the marktt for ypara. A ' !rca, or Ch!l on the i:iirr;:I f HrUI :rv.. l". 4 i . ' (It 3 i Entry Claim. NORTO CAROLINA. I Craven County, I To Geo B Wnterm. Entry Taker For Cmvun coun ty: I Tlin ilnrfmnioTir.1 E 7. It Divh nf Craven County, North Carolina, cntera and lax claim to the followtaur dcMribed piece or parcel of land in Nor. S and 9 Township. Crnven county, North Carolina, the same being vac&rt and uraj propriated la nil ami subject to entry, va: Near the A., and n, c itaiiroa-i ooumiwi tut !: lows, vz: At the head of sum swamp on the north by Hiiwh Itro. Lumlw Company, on tho west by John Jackson, on the southwest by l. H, I pock known aa the Great Inland land, on the nouth by E. Z. H. Davie, on the cant hy Samuc-I Adams and F. Stewart and. Am brow Iinc"id. containi nK 2f-0 arrift mrc or Itir. Entered this 61 h day of Sept 11)06. t K. Z. n. DAVIS. Entry Notice Rtuti of North Carolina, -Tones county. To J. K. Dixon, Entry Taker for J one couniv. Tbe undenigned, J W Kimr-i of Jonea rtuniy Btata of North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the folrowint denrnbefl pltK'ea or parrels of land In White Oak township. Jor.ew rouniy. N. c. the Nsirw bointr vacant and unappropriated land and ifubjert to nlry, vis: Lying: on the itorth side of White On!; Rivor and bounded on the North by the David llison lands, on the rant by Ken Parmn's land and land known as the Btllhry land, on the South hy J. W. Collins lands, and cn the west by the lands of J W, Collins, rontaJnina by aaUrnation two hundred arrea more or lee. Entered thia the Tth day of Srptcmper ltt. Witrtps:J K Dixtn. Km J. W. x RKeUS, Claimant mark. Rntry No, VTI Entered tVpt. 7. I BTiA, J K Ihicm. Hm Deeds and e-ofTVro. Entry Taker for Jonea county. 127 middle Nf. Full lino of Drugs.Med icineSa-Tollet At - tides and Soap. ; Fresh i Supply ; ot Vflower!Seeas. IMiystclaiia I'reacnp llos 1 Mp9il l ty. ooki Cootslnlag eepori fof f0 Its of Ice In 10 lb. eospoes, vslo Ill beeoldio enuer si Utaee of 10 fT rent.' . wDl hoy llW ortk of IC hook ti t mcan d, either fio lie rtrlf of s.toau fr,na Vk i-C-e 11 Orlff1 ri. !dv Dcrn Ice Company. si;v'!ouk y;. hancock Attorr y r.tL".v;. V, ,' t r; ! .. ' in snd f C" rt. (,f. e a; l r j ; t. 1 F. M. Slmnont. K D. Wtrd. I SIMMONS & WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS T LAW.; Office Komoved aoross Stroct 10 Sori no . K..,rw nf m. i (10V(. Tflt-frrnnh of- fice) K(nilh rront Htrn l, next to HotH Chattawka. Praotiro in tl.o Countien of Craven, Duplin, .)ncs. Cnslow, Cart rol, Pam lico urn Wakn. n t he SuprcnK and FVd cral ("ourtH, and wherever rW-rvioMi ar .1 A. II .I1I, Pli i Vic Ian ind Surgaon, Uf PM'rial Attention flivon to Niht Callc. RfBidmrc 111 Pollock St. PUne 86 The ' 0 LIVBR" TYPEWRITER HEST M ACHINK MADE. ( a'J and esaminc Stock. Owen Q. Dunn. AgCDt . LesdUf Prlsier ev'HuU"fer. Ur Peliecl k t .Ts St CANTEltX Cil OLIHA DISPATCH L'HI OIJ Dcmkioa SleansMCo - CllANCE Of flOlEDULB The steamer A thenar ' wilt sail Mfnday. WdWwUy end ft Wt. . To ru-srwr OrvsAe on Tuesday," TV.oreday and Sunds sit p m. - I loth uwmera will make landlnr at Oriental earn way and connect st Del-'. Iiavaa sritJi a faal tbraturh Ira la far' Norfolk. The train is due te ier Bat hMtat7am snd arrlre taNorfoflt at 130 pm. :' t)!rct connection made at Warkey's 1'erry at . W m for PfymnoU. ad , Wsjihir.gU.ri. 1 : - J Ko 2 trsin will Iht KaifoJk St 14S m, Siririrg st lUlhsTefi St 4 ti p m, iw.t.f. tlr? with th lmr fof O'lT

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