tr 1 Vol. XXIlI.-ffo. 150. r.'cu ITcra," II. C, Thursday lloniii:-; October 5, IOCS. ?w?n fy-Fourlh "Tear ,4' Pi, J. IJ; MITCHELL - & ,C0OJ Are in their new Store. "You can't miss , J-fj--' ' .. the place .'' v ,r:7Pt,v - f 61 Poikt Street, Opposite At Episcipal QritL" ' They are receiving daily Pall and: Wintrr Goods They are showing the. Prettiest Dress Fabrics andlrimmings ever brought to this market! They have v also added millinery' line of Ready-to-wear and trimmed hats that are beauti Marked preference is shown for iintrim , med hats for Dressy Wear. - They have the Popular hats ot the Season. . J M Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. lA 61 Pollock St., Opp. Episcopal Church;; New Livery and Sales Stables. JO IN B. IV E S. 98 MidJle Street. Noleaka Cement I an pfflcinnt, durable an! water 'proof covering soluble for old or uW f .It. tin or mrtal roof. Hyman Supply Company, . Ney BernN C! Sole Aetata In Craven, loot, Pamlico, Carteret and Oiulow Counties. . M toufaetofer are Holtm and Collins Co., Philadelphia, Pa. . 9 mm i New Wheat Flour !' ' - ' ' v ; at a Low Price; " Attention Is specially calloi to tho Monumental' brand Roasted oeo at twenty cents prr pound Frcah Fox Itivor Hutter i'rlnt3, aha Cutter In tuba Full Cream Chorea of the finest quality , C v riKsr infs ukui A grl elTwft ' W 1 1 f I f :ilc :;o. oi V!141l ' lift I. till I I V. Fine stock of Horses, Mules, Young and well-broken, either for driving or farm work. Buggies, Harness, Whips, Robes.and everything kept in a well equipped ata . ble. TERMS RIGHT. GIVE US A TRIAL. . C H DUfiGiH & CO.. 6 6 Bread St New Bern, 1NT.C You Will FIND A F0LLL1NE0FFURN1TURF, II BATING AND COOK STOVfc I'lCTURKS, GO-CARTS, IIO0SI-. FURNISHING GOLDS', ETC-, Large and complete line oi Bugs Picture frames made at Compound . ikiis or ivist kisd. f"TjW! Will b r : In trrjr in. HELPS i-is POLITICS he Constitutional Amendment, Says - V : Governor Glenn. : " ' Governs ktkti to tpaak la MaryUoa Suf frage Campaign. Btthal Hag.' WY C.'" , VCMtotloa' Ead!-- x Raleigh, Oct. .--Governor Glenn is urged to go Maryland and make speeches In the Suffrage campan there, -j He is asked to speak October 12, and again later. The, Governor has informed the committee that after President Roose velt's visit' here he will consider - the matter of. going there to speak. In the letter to the Governor, theiquestion was asked what was the condition of North Carolina since the Constitutional Amendment limiting the Suffrage had gone into effect ,-Tha Governor, in re ply said that it was betterthan ever be fore in Watory of the State and that he did : not believe any self-respecting democrat or republican desired to Bee a return to an old condition of affairs. He said good had "been done bth to political parties. . That the republicans were getting in better shape and that matters ; were coming to such a condi tion that later on ft would be simply a question of which two parties would be chosen, both of them haying meritr, and the negro question being entirely ihmmated- The' Governor had talked to prominent republicans who expressed themse yes as well satisfied with the ame. dment and its results, among them fudges Pritchard and Boyd. ine .ipiqiwipg'furai iree aenvery routes are established: Cedar Grove, John E- vTojeAicarrier, Cherryville, John W. Quinn; ilooresboro, L. W. Green; Sbelb O. U McFarland. Among today's arrivals were C. B. Watson, of Winston-Salem and E. B. McKethan of Fayetteville. The latter brought to your correspondent the flag of the Bethel Regiment; not the flag which the Regiment carred in the first battle of the war, but the one which was made for and presented to it when it was re-organized m the autumn of 1861, after its six months term of ser vice had end. The flag is in very bad condition but is on the original staff. The flag which the Regiment carried at bethel has been in the. possession of the State a number of years and is in the Hall of History where the flag brought by Mr. McKethan was placed today. The case of Gattis-Ogo in the Su preme court IS postponed until to morrow. The State convention of the W. C T. , ended today. "There was a scripture lesson 'and prayer by Mrs. Elizabeth Turner of Asheville, followed by re ports of division superintendents. Eastman Kodaks And Supplies The Eastman Kodak Co, has estab lished a new agency for a complete line of sundries and kodaks at J. 0. Bax ter's, the leading jewelei. A large line of the folding variety expected shortly. The Origin of the Clansman. -The story of how The Clansman" came to be written ought to be of In terest at this time as the" play l an nounced for presentation in this city at New Masonic Opera House next Moo- day night Thomas Dixon, Jr., the au thor, while the guest of Senator Ben Tillman of South Carolina, heard of Nortn Carolinian wbo killed a negro soldier who had insulted a white woman on a train. The negro's companion leaped from the ear, summoned his comrades, and marched te the depot, where the train was standing: The defender of the . woman's honor had gotten off, howtver, but another wh'te man was arrested, charged with' the killing, and after a harried drum-head court martial 'was sentenced to . be hot . .-. When the man who did the shooting heard the news be promptly surrender ed to the bUdt troops and was txeeoUd A monument was recently raised to his memory. Mr. Dixon was so dVpty im pressed with the Ule that be wove oo of it the story of "The Clanaman,"- A. P. N. ibt rt. TbT ) s qnwar llit rf Unftia;q In ttit i.ire "U i lm.l pie." Tl wont "tiomlilV t a mrn;H"J tirra f Ih. or:s'.ul ''tinBibl.," wlilrb U m Iw- ertltil. ri of Hi trruw ot S Avr aiwi wouM n pt !"" TT WfT1 , "hntuM. t'!" Hit Mm. or! cl m,iif In !f. Tlt ' .J .H"iJ 'f lo t!.i t r'-. ri1 t 1o titim'iio" t' t t j I- t :i.r tu.., A 1 U t : r ' jr nt f ,1 r;, , f ',0 J ' 6 . t t t ) Smith-Taylor, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Taylor on Hancock , street was the scene of a . very pretty ' wedding last night when their daughter, Miss Elliiro Lovick, and Mr. Frederick Grist Smith were joined m matrimony in the pres ence of a large number of guests. The ceremony took place under a handsome bamboo trimmed arch placed in the bay window of the parlor, . - ' A bank of terns and bamboo which was surmounted . by a figure of a dove. holding a wedding bell" was also s part of the decorations of the house. - - - ' The bridal party were led to the al tar by the ushers, Messrs Cecil Taylor and Wallace Smith; Mr Luther Bar foot acting as best man and Misa 'Bertha Woo ten as maid of honor. ; The grooms man was Mr Carl Taylor, a brother of the bride and the bridesmaid, Miss Fannie Smith, sister of the groom. Master Thomas Lee Taylor and Miss Mabel Taylor were ring bearer and rib bon girL " V The entry of the bridal party was an nounced by the wedding marches played by Miss Annie Harmsod, during the cer emony Beethoven's marriage song Hearts and Flowers war played. Rev. f . P. Noe, pastor of St Pauls EpiscL; pal church at Beaufort officiated. The bride was attractively attired in white silk crepe voile trimmed and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Wooten wore a gown of white organdie over pink and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. . , After the ceremony a very pleasant reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor at which delicious refreshments were served; Misses Lottie and Mamie Caff rey of Beaufort Lena Sanf ord and Annie Hardison waited on the quests in the'dining room. Miss Mamie CaffreyJ sang at the. reception with Very pretty eifect 'My Hearts Long Dream of You, Mr and Mrs Smith are occupying a handsome and comfortable home on Metcalf street. Mr Smith is the popu lar and efficient electrician for Tht Western ' Electric Co., formerly thi Home Telegraph & Telephone Co., ana Miss Taylor is well and favorably Known in musical circles, havinsr been pianoist at the opera house for severa. Masons. A large circle of friends join in wish ing them all that a propitious fortune an bestow Upon them. REPERTOIRE SHOW Will Appear In the Play This Weak. Sunny This Afternoon. The Runkel Stock Co. went to Kins ton yesterday where they played last night the break here being eansed by the Mason and Mason engagement They will return .today ,and complete the week, appearing this afternoon in a performance, "In Sunny Tennessee." Tonight the play will be"My Old Kentucky Home," tomorrow night 'Uncle Josh," and Saturday matinee 'The Tiger's Den." A beautiful $25 doll will be given away Saturday nignt at the upera House, It is on exhibition In the win- dew of J. J. Baxter's millinery store and is pronounced a beauty by. every one who has seen it - Superior Court Hews. The cases on trial before Judge Jones yesterday were as follows: ' , : -' ; State vs L. B. Habicbt and Maria Hablcht keeping disorderly house. L B. Habkht fined $10. Sod coats, Maria Habicbt discharged.; ' ; Bute vs D. BHatkh (Syrian) sell Ing goods without license; fine of $10. and costs. ' . State vs Wetherington and Oneill, asaanlt with deadly weapon;- compro mise, l judgment; each defendant pay ing costs of action. SUU vs Lewis Moye aneaalt with deadly weapon; found guTltyand fined Stole vs Henry .Brown, guilty, $00 and costs., ' ' - V The case of State vs Long, asasult with deadly weapon, which was 'tried on Monday , a mistrial resulting on ac count of the sickness of a juror, was taken op again yceterday t ftemoon wIlnoaMa were being examined wbm court adjourned. THET CC?iE AS3 CO. Mr. A. 0. fi' Kfrry of Newrort, n In the city jotr(!y. Mr. T. C. J.rne of Wilmington, wh in ti city yeot'r lay. Vr. P. 1L AM'.tl of 1UV'ic ri ! !-w iVrn on i.i wy ? I'dm'o f.-mly. j Mr. 1'aril S, An-nn tf Oflow rfuri r, a In V " rj lout r-'el.t l'r. K. f. V,''rnl rfCrsr, Jt:'.!. i. in U-' n t -a. Vr. If. C, y ' ' I 1 f t ' BANK FOR JONES COUNTY. - t . , c 0. Warrts ana Others, SteckhoMm. As- Rtial Convantiea W. C, T, U. Officers : ; " ' elected." Special to Journal: - , i , . . Raleigh, Oct' 4. A . charter , was granted the bank of Jones county, at Trenton, capital stork $25,000, Thos D, Warren and others stockholders to do commercial -and savings bank busi ness. ' - The annual cpnvention of the W. C. . Vi of N. C, vended this afternoon, Miss Laura Winston of Morgan ton was elected president, Miss Elisabeth March of Winston, VicorPresident, Miss N. 0. Johnson of High Point , corresponding secretory. Mrs. Mary N. W. White of Guilf ord College recording secretary, Mrs. Mary E. Cartland of Greensboro treasurer, Mrs. Branner of Waynesville Mrs. Shore, Kernersviile, Miss March Greensboro and Mrs. Battis of Raleigh were elected delegates to the national convention, to be held at Los Angeles, Cal Oct 27. An addreBs was de livered by Prof. E. E. Blair of Guil ford College. Feel tired, no appetite, cannot Bleep, work or eat? That's tiredness and will disappear at once if you take Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. 85 cents, Tea or TableU. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Simmons & Hollowell Opening Th9 autumn season was in full evi dence in the woodland scene in the dec orations at Simmons & HoIloweU's mil linery opening yesterday. Nature'e plants were arranged in a most novel display, arches made of trailing bam boo extended the whole length of the room, terminating in a half wheel, the spokes being covered in bamboo, Pined, ferai ani brown and red autumn leaves consisted of the other decora tions. Tne display of numbers of beautiful iats was undar the direction of Misses iuFranee and Stanley of Springfield, .via j. The prevailing shades for the coming season are plum, Alice blue, ra)U33e gresn, greys, and ceil and- irow.1 combinations, the popular shapes jemg the Katie Berry Sailor, Johnny Jones Turban, Shovel hate and Feather turbans. Among the mo it noticeable pretty ones was a plum velvt hat narrow to the front, flare back finished with three Urge plumaa, shades from dark to light plum, a butter collar made of narrow lace afforded a dash of color and finished on the sides with ribbon bows of gold and violets. A pretty lavender turban beaver tarn turned in the back and trimmed with shirred rosetjsand roses was very mich admired. An odd and chic little hat waa the shovel , turban plateau green bound with black' telvet finished with small red rosea and black rosettes. The KUie Barry sailor is made of black velvet with- stiff black velvet bows with buckle and three pairs of black wings. The" Johnny Jones turban is a neat little black taffeta hat with band of Velvet for coronet wings to the sides and across th back is three distinct loops of velvet finished with small buckles and a bunch of black velvet forms the ban deau. ' ' ' ' The dress goods in the store wss tastefully arranged for display. ( - j 'A wonderful tonic Drives out all; impurities, gives yon strength, health and happiness. That's what HoUlstsr'S Rocky Mountain Tea will do. SS cents Tea or Tablets. For saw by F. 8. raff. : , - ..; i A full line of the U E. Waterman1 fountain peoa, inks, " suppll? etc, t O. Baxter's, the leading jeweler. New. 'Masonic Ttealre! A CRE4T FLAY OF THE SOUTH ' ' " ' THE n inn trf k. J i -. By TMCMAl DIXON, if. - From Hmi Tw Nov.U, - "The Clans- rran" nd "The's frxits.' Cmpld. trtr:o, LclMlitf S Url C.4 t ' - - k i " r. h . tr- ckevs Fresh Oyster Crackers, Fresh Schredded Cocoanut, Cracker Meal, Fresh Grits. Fancy Elgin and Fox River Print Butter, Mapie Syrup, Fancy Cain Syrup, Marachino Cherries, Queen Olives, Sweet and Sour Pickles. Fresh Macaroni and Fancy Cream Cheese just received. J. L. McDaniel Wholmale & Betail Qrocr. rarker Store. JT. Jk.- Jones, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Largest and finest stock of Horses and a car waa or eacn just in. Also a complete line of B unifies Waironu Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheel, Etc. X- TOIfcTES, Proprietor, Broad Street, The Boys Cluthes Q uestion It is an interesting snbject to study and, sr a rule a most difficult problem to solve Vo HaveStud ) I Boys Clothes Concluded that Boys are "bound to be Boys" and that they mu.t have a certain amount of sturdiness, along with the tyli in the inake up of their garments. Boys Shirt Trouen SuiU, Single or ; Pooble Breasted $2.00 to $.oa) guarantee goes with our Boy'. Clothe. BAXTER Biers- and XAno . orn. - BCarxd- ffow is the time for Fall painting. Use Heath and Zlllllgan. Tail weight, none better, General Hardware- nd Builders Matorlal. :.o!;ill llila t Hill Supply Co , A Card r firir t- ! ( rrr.r pT.t K' 1 ( i.rtrr ' I V ;!? ft i4 r r r.f j V 1 I I ) .- 1 v Buckwheat BLES Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern New Bern, N. C. tttf Meo.s Cook Stoves USAAaAAaaAAAAaiAAAaASa 13002(13-. A i ri- l;t Py Yl of isf j U-.( tr In th. (it. f' ho4, ' .'! I. t r ? ; n, i::!?iat,ni:c-;,:r!':r3

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