5.1 1 - v '5-J THE JOURNAL PublUhed every day in the year ex cept Monday, Journal Building 66-60 Craven St. " .. . ::r -; - Phonb Na. 8. CHARLES L. STEVENS, 1 "KDITOa AND PBOmBTOl. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year.'vln advance,t.i...i.$4.00 rv---"-: One Tear, riot toadvarce.;.j..M 6.00 - Monthly, bv carrier in the dtyw : ',60 - - ... Advertising' rates furniahed on app- ' iation. J v ; Entered at the Poet Office, New Bern 4. C. as scemd-clasa inatter, . 7.' jPFICIAL ?APEB OF NEW ' BBEN AND ;:' CRAVEN tCOUNTT. ; f-' New Bern, N G. Oct 6 1905. i DANGER TO HOME SUPPLY CROPS 'With the agitation on the cotton question, and its price, with the South ern Cotton Growers Af sociation-ori one side and the speculative syndicates on the other, both contending that cotton is low at eleven cents and . likely to Sell at fifteen cents, there is danger to the South, in that so much cotton talk and controversy, there will be a loss other crops, and that the Southern farmer will become cotton infatuated, to hi3 injury, and to the commercial detriment of the South. There is always the impetus to pro- duce what pays largest returns. Cot ton has ever been a money crop, that is a crop which could be sold at any season for cash, and was a product that might be held for several years, upon which money could be borrowed, and an article that could be readily sold- to make cash assets. Being such a valu able agricultural product, and with an assumed and fixed value, say a mini mum price of eleven" cents, the' incen tive must be for every Southern farmer to plant and raise as much cotton as possible, and this means the neglect of other crops. The folly of neglecting first to plant and raise the needed home supplies, on the part of the farmer, means loss to him, no mutter what price cotton may be sold at,, for these home supplies must be had. raised on the farm-or bought from those who produce them, and even with eleven cents for cotton and an average yearly two third crop. the farmer who does not raise his home supplies, lirst, and bis cotton second, is going lo make a failure of his fanning, Let no Southern farmer be carried away with cotton raising, so that his home supply crop will be neglected. State ok Ohio, Citi of Toledo, i.w.An county. ) ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the Arm of F. Cheney & Co., doing busines in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, ami that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ouc h jind every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall' Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. f). 1KSC. (Seal.) A. W. G LEA SON, Notaky Public. Hall's Cat.-irrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggist, 76c Take Hall's Family Pills for constf- tion. Maple Grave. Oct. 4. : Mrs. Mary Andrews and little daugh trr, Annie Marie of Jacksonville is visiting Mm. Prudy HarrMoa of this place. , : - 'f,-. . a Mr. R. A. He Daniel of Olivers Visited" Hr. W. W. Pollock 8undy. Miss Carrie Harrison of this place spent Sand In Trenton. U'm Lattrm Jenkins, -Mr. A. W. Mc- Danid, 8. H. Jenkins and Ham Jones were the gupatsef Wum Ljd and Ieah , Pollock Sunday afternoon, ' . . Kesars. liarvy Foy and ClyHe ows of near Tmi loo was In our midst Sunday. t-'i ' , - Miss Bertba Jenkins of this plac ' . who is Visiting Irk-nda sod rrUtives at Omfort has sot returned yet m. r. ' , Sick Htidachi Cortd. ' ;; , Atck lUsdacne U ol iy . tWar,g ntit t stnfnsrh and f lrwliEtiiri CnsmWUlw'i Ptomsrb arwi livrr Tab fure. py taking tf.e ul at vw.n SS tli prut iixlii-atUm of the illaosn ap- part, the Mtrf"rnT j sirW (,(T For sal V,f T, R. JhjfTy r.J imt ITisrma'f . iCASTOnif lm- 'art if C, -f.' ' COT t.:3 H.IS Eit. Wae Prrfertly BJ Wer-a If Started ( tse evttru,a Hrr ' -tde . V Frederick JJanuell. Maryland fciocK. utte. Montana, bought a boule ol riew- bru'a Htrolclde. AprU 6. 19, and began to vsc tt for entire baldness. Tbe hair fol licles Irf Ms scalp were not dead and in tft day ha bad hair all over his bead. On July 1 ha writer, "and today my hair ns thick and laxurtanf as any one could wish.'' Newbro'a Horplolde works on an old principle' and with a new fla eoYery destroy the- cause nd -you re move the effect . Herpiclde destroys the ferm that' causes dandruff, falling hair, and Anally baldness, so. that with the cause rone- the . effect cannot remain. 8topa falling hair at once and a. new growth starts. ' Sold by leading drueglst!. Send 10ft In stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co.. Detroit, auco-. .:. C. D. BRADHA1U Special agt v , a celebrated;; actress -v i 1 VW AA 4" Miss Effie Ellsler will appear here Tuesday, October 10th, in Hazel Kirke, an old and popular play. : . A Prominent Trainman The many friends of G. H. Hausan, Engineer L. E. & W, R. R. at present living in Lima, O., will be pleased to know of his recovery from threatened kidney disease. Be says: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure, which I recommend to all, especially to tram men, who are Usually similarly afflict ed." Sold by Dovis Pharmacy. An Atlanta Enterprise of Great Merit. It affords us pleasure to call especial attention to the. advertisement of the 4 'Mother's Fjiend, " appearing in this issue.. ' . . ' 4 - The Bradfleld Regulator Co., of At lanta, Ga.,; have , at great expense Is sued a most attractive and meritorious book, which they mail, free, containing information of the greatest vJue to all ladies expecting to become mothers That the ? "Mother's Friend'' is a remedy wonderful in its effects;'and relieves the expectant mother of much suffering and robs the final hour of its dread and pain, is fully attested by the experience of happy mothers all over this continent A persual of the book will convince any lady, and the use or "Mouier s Friend" cause her to become its en thusiastic friend, blessing thev hour when first she beard ol it and was in duced to use it , i Send yokr name and ' address to Tbe Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Go. and receive in return free, this excel lent book, "Motherhood," containing information of value to all ladies. New Cure for Cancer All surface cancers are now known to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Vs., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, t u Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and , now. it is perfectly welL"" Guaranteed cure for uisand burn, 25c at aD drug stores. Winterville Items. rZ:-i Rev. J. W. Nobles of PollocksvlUe cams up yesterday morning to visit his daughter, who is in school, here. ; He preached a . very" able 'sermon at the BspUst church, also lut night '. Tbe Episcopal church 'was dedicated yesterday. ; Bishop Strange ptwhed tbe dedlcation'serrnon. ' Afur the aer- vks a family re-union was held in the grovs near the church, where a most elegant dinner was spread in honor of Mrs; Poll Smith, woo is in her eigh tieth year, . b early all of. her i children and grand-children were, present . - v R Claud Sniith of Washington', D. C celivered a most InleruUnir talk 1 1 the studmu of Winterville High School Monday mor4lng. rf 4 ,f Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Uwll of Sbven SprlMjpi hav bwi visKing Mrs. Evelyn Cc for several dnya, . ; Thf new dormitory wiil be-sboul reiy to occupied by the last of Ue Week, It mskes a fine appearance arwl adits no Utile to th appearance of tlx school ground. Q ule a numlxr of tK rooms have already ben eiig;vl. Tn enrullrrwmt has rrar bed sbool ion Bnd new mm eftior trry e k, Mr. ThHxlir ("s (iiUng hi moth or, Mrs. Evelrn Coi. . N. Y. K. " Coniumptivii Made ComfnrlaUe. Iwipitmt tiinutrip(,n u i,rl I FolPf'a ll.-nny sil.Tar, b'it tmhh' hftJd out fa' rn- t t ,Tf: hj r!airr.irt that j( ; rUT, t ,,, . I,U! In l!,o l v,i C1 ..(. a; 1 ; tt, In . ro ri'l t"i fr -.no j.. ai.'l Tar w - tl rs '. . ..; ) i- r- ! , r i l('i"l'r T .1, : ' C' i f- - ' I- f A ': i f Cn V.f-'i lit ol Krnmai Did fc'ar Thai Six Kon'.h'i Trlmtut by Sptcliii. - In the treatment of deafness which is often a result of catarrh, Hyomei acta almost immediately upon the in flamed membrane and the hearing Nbe gins to return at once. ' ' i ; . lMies Meeks ef Mattewan, N. Y., says: 'Hyomei is truly wonderfuL I have used it but a short time and see a great change in my condition, ; . My hearing is improving rapidly,, and I had no idea I would improve so rapidly in so short a time, My breath which was very offensive to myself . and then,, has lost its bad odor entirely. 1 have spent 1 a great deal of money with catarrh specialists, and can truly say that six months of their treatment' is not equal to one month of Hyomie', F. S. Duffy is selling Hyomei upon the unusual plan of agreeing to return the money if a the medicine does -not cure, r" " - , 'A complete outfit costs imly $1,00, and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest pocket, s medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. JJon't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything. but t4he ""worst thingyou'ean possibly borrower is trouble. When sick, soie, heavy, weary and wom-out by the pains and poisons-of dyspepsia, billiousness. Bnght a disease, and similar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over our simntoms. .. but - nv . for relief to lectnc Bitters; , Here you will find sure and permanent forgetfulness w ali your trouLles, and 'your r body t will , i. i a . j V . . . j j .1. a. jj - not ne Durueneu oy a ioaa aeui uibcusb, At all drugstores. Price SOc.i guaran- teed, President Roosevelt has decided to go to New Orleans on October 26th. He will return to Washington -on a United States warship. ..: ; Full of Tragic.Meaning. are these lines from J. A. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might hare re sulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the' medicine about which he writes: 'I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, v which completely ; cured roe,' Instantly relieves -and " permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; pre vents grip and pneumonia. At all drug gist: guaranteed: 50c and 1.00:- Trial bottle free. ';,; ' " John Mitchell, president of tbe an thracite coal miners' -organization, will call on President Roosevelt to urge the appointment of a candidate for a Fed eral office. - , - : ; An Awful Cough Cured. "Two years ago our,litle girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left: her with an awful cough. She; had spells of coughing, just like one ' with . the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at alL We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which acted like a charm. ' She stopped coughing and got stout and fat,"writea Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, III- This remedy is for sale by Davis Pharmacy ana r, a. uuuy. ? ' Emperor William of 'Germany has presented to the President valuable en gravings relating to Frederick the Great- "JV: ::.'C:rv: ;v -V --.The Originate Folev k 'Co.. ChJrjuro." oHtHnatM Honey and Tar as a throat and lime remedy, and on account of - the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered for me genuine, ask lor foieye Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute of fered as no other preparation will give the tame Mtisfactioa. It Is mildly bit tive.' It. contains- no 'opiates and hi safest for children and delicate persons. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. New York City, according "to the re- pert of the department of health, mads public, is blossed with tbe lowest death rate in more than one hundred years. " " Plane to Get Rich r-k" are often frustrated by sudden break down due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and Uke Dr. King's New Life Pill They. tak out the materials which are clogging your enerpir. and give you a new start Cure headache end dullness too. At Sll drug store, Boo fuaranteed. K bullfight. In whkh the bulk and tlin mla)'rp were bally paklod. tofk place at Sea Monica, Cal Tormcnti of Teller and c:cmt A The ltiU-ti itching rharar tTnnl ie of wmt, UtUnr and skin dlswaem li n slnnlly allaypd byapj lyipg n.m).rr i .. . t? i . . ... tain fnive ann n.sny torore c, hare lxcn prrr.snrjilly mrwl r.y ( i.-f, F,,T j . K. sn4 Ier i' !" arm a' y," 1 1 j' - ''I to I! i .-.f i , f .) T-- - 3 L.. -.1 i i I.i ! 2 eitlnj Session. .. Eayloro, Oct. 2. line r&miico leacners Union was called to order in regular quarterly meeting by President Ross at 11 o'clock Saturday Sept. SO, An elaborate pro gram had been arranged and all inter- ested In education were invited. Supt, Eag3dale of Pitt " county de-1 livered a very able address in the fore noon, in which he set faith the in vi table passing of the private highj school, i bence the necessity of improved public schools is to run ten- months in the year. " The need for local taxation end consolidation of districts was fully set forth, and heartily approved by those present ' ' , - After the coftdusion of Supt Rags- dale b address a sumptuous dinner was served from the numerous lunch ba8- xeti present v - .,. T - v - '.The afternoon session -was given' to the business of the association; It was shown in the business meetingby Supt 1 E- S. Ross that Pamlico county has one local tax district, 'several -others that have petitioned for the privilege to vote on .the question- and that others are moving to follow. . AH in all the meet ing was a most encouraging, one for the teachers of Craven county. They have many reasons to look forward to the great prosperity that awaits them. Presidential Erection Will Make No I . Change No matter which candidate is elect- aA ' IPrilaf TTrTaTr anA Taw mY1 wnmAin , ',B,t . 'if mma, f nnUa veav f IT " f v u w a v" vvij V vWHgUU I colds and incipient consumption:. It cures colds quickly and prevents pneu monia; A. Nusbaum, Batesville, Ind., writes: "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. j A druggist preparedme some medicine, and . a physician prescribed for me, yet I did not - improve, f then tried - Foley's Honey and Tar and eight doses cured me." Sold by Davis Pharmacy. Lower North River Items, i . October 3rd. Mi? Ralph Howland is again oil the sict list, much to the regret of his many friends. Mrs. Ben J. Bell and Miss Bettie Warren Howland of Beaufort, were the guests of Miss -Emma Howland Saturday-evening. :y Mr. C. H, Dudley and daughter, who have been visiting relatives and friends here, returned to their home in Kinston yesterday, Misses'Mamye Wade and Addie Mer rill were the guests of Miss Sallie and Bessie Wynn Sunday. Misses Nannie Lewis and Janie West of Kinston, who have been" visiting in our berg, have returned home. Misses Lena Simpson and Nellie Pruer, and Mr. Henry Simpson, were the guests of the Misses Wynn Satur day evening. ?The ;moet enjoyable event- of the season was that of the : oyster roast ... . ' . - given at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, . September 30th, " in honor of their niece, Miss Anna Dudley of Kinston,, and the visiting young ladies.-) A large crowd attended and reported a nice time, oysters being plentiful. . , - - Blue BelL' If a kind of billious mood, You wish an aid to digest food, T" No other pill Is half so good - ' km TV.W(ff'a I MU DI.M When e'er you feel impending ffl, " And need a magic little pUT, ' ; 4 No other one will fiU the biU 7. ' : Lflcs DeWitt's Little Early Rise ' . .- a.'-v . - - ' r ; ., New York Cotton Mtrket. Tha following were the cienlng and dosing prices on the New YorlT Cotton Etchang,'Oct4. Open , t 10.U 'High 1001 Low 'Close ' 10.00 Oct Dec' :102S t 10'' ?: Jan :101 '1029 ReceipU 68,000 ''t WounSt, Bruliei and Burnt V . By applying aa antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruUes, bums and like tajurh-s before inflammation sets in, rhcy may be healed without maturatioa and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment This is the treat- eat discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acta on this urns principle, It hi so sntiscptic and hn applied to aura hv jurWn, csuars thrtn to hr-al very julck' ly. It s'io "rv 0 pain ar.fl firTneM aiij'" iivtn ar.y danrr of bkind poianrimit. Kop a bottle of Pain I'-alm in your hnrr. Sn! it will save you llmi and rm-nry, wit lo mrrtk.-n U,e lncm-ver,i-n''e and si.JTrrif.g su"h ir.Jnrice I mlaiL For !b 1 y Jsvia I'V.arrr.ary and F, f, DufTy. , There is sai-1 ti . a r.t h j f- r prrat- 'if;. I i:ai j. r, c.f .' ct I .-i' t nit ra;!y t! o f' itj. (.-r -! r-i,,t fcri-sj.'lf t '-it :. ' .-' f. i i i' A man' markb his Honor. "It stands for him and he stands for it-.". It's the old Saxon way of signifying , r ; ; ' r;l' ' ' good intentions. v . ; vA "Z : law and enforced by the chancery courts of England ,; i;. nd this country.' . . --':The Government puts its mark on a bond to give it ' " vsluev.:;'5'V :.1 The "National Biscuit Company put3 its trade mark " h - iu red and white on each end of a package of biscuit, crackers and wafers to distinguish these products and : . guarantee the quality, and it does. To more clearly comprehend the real value of this trade mark, try packages of BUTTER THIN BISCUIT and LEMON SNAPS. NATIONAL BISCUIT : COMPANY 1 4" SPM S . bBsbbbHBss :'"'. Citizens' Bank r.-.i The peoplehave an eye to things convenient, comfortable and cheerful. Having fitted up our banking rooma to meet these requirements, we are ready to extend to all who want Banking Facilities, a hearty welcome. Come and see Us. Capital $50,000.00 $30,000.00 $225,000.00 $334,000.00 Surplus and Profits Deposits Assets T; A. Green, President E. H. Meadows, Vice-President T. A. Uzzell, Cashier. A. T. Dill, Teller. Brick! Brick! Ws have a large stock of Brick now ready for shipment Any good judge 0 Wck Pronounce them the I . a 1 . .i la. that have been put on the market for years. Address, or call on the Enterprise It ri'k Jfe Tilejarg. Co. Secretary A Treasurer. New Bern, N. C' Entry Olaitn. -,, ''j 'v- Mottm Carolina, i . -. -. . .'' Craven Cooatr. . I TlOeeBWstsrs,tMtTTkkrrar Craeaoaen. Tk. ...m.t m.l W & TTia of Craven Oamty. NarU Canllna. eatsre and bus elaiai I Uw folknrinc dmnliM ptete or parcel ef tens' la Nan. S sad t Tow-hie. Oovee oounlr. earoe; aaa BnaB- Jar te entrr. via! . Salbul eoaauM as fol- lon rim At Vm Iwe4 aim mu ea the aorta br Ha ana, Uunear Cwpef. ea the I WZZr'VZ? '"JoZ mat br Jona Jaehana. aa tbe eoaUwaat by T. a. ITJ. V.Vit a,i2 Mtai&sM HA srtaasreanfl lataa Baa taatw mm aaaraBsa I sajsa. 1 - - 1 v Entry Wotlce - Slalaaf Katfl anllM.' Jaaaa Te J. X. IHEoa. lifiUy Tkr JaMaanntr. The aili i-ri. J W fcuen of imm ana tat at smtUi rarollaa, antara tha 1 iVrwr ilnnit it ia,i ar si iU af laaS WkiU Oak towaanta. im moamif. M. e- laa am Mnf eaaant a4 ajiaaprarlata4 leas mmA nab UmI Ia aaurv. rtair l.rtna aa laa aorta aV4 ef Wait Oak Tttrar lnrf aavraiM a Oi Kata hf Iva1 aMItaaaj laada. aa the aart tar Kan Parana' U'M ana auat krrrmn aa ih ktilWr awae. aa tlx Snaitlt ar J W. (..n.na Wada, an atUaeaa a? in la Mia at t. W. Carina, aantalalae; by astawaasa taa inan kiiaal tKa ta Tlk V ef OiaiaufiUat ISt. Wnaaaai- K tnaaa. eta . 1 , - t- W. S K4UUm tsaMW ' ' : ' a . T ISM. 1 !". W. taHla F aaa) as-oOa (airy TaaaT fa Joaa awaty. , T The "OLIVER" TYPHWfUTHR 1 - 1 !M( Tii h ' CV7n- . " t..-V . , - , s..: -. . .r- - , -w . ' ' X ': ',ie "S11 to" protected in the exclusive ; s'K trade mark has been long tecojrnized by the Trade - fWgTUIl j",lSSSM II II SJSJSSSSI L - 1Vllrt H HI Ml 1-41 mHI . miHal L " SSBms iinsl T JmT laaSsaas a Ti SCENE FB0M THE CLANSMAN One of the most exciting and interesting plays ever proJucod In the South. Played to standing room only everywhere it appears. At New Masonic ' N Opera Houso Monday, October 9th. lichrv s rharmacv 127 Middle St. Full line of Drugs.Med Jclnes, Toilet Ar 7 tides and Soap. ": Fresh -Supply' ot Flower Seeas Plijalclftr.n Vrrmcrip iUo 4. NpaeUl ty. ' Books Costalalsf eoapotl fof 00 to r,f Ice fat 10 lb. ooor. Jo '111 be eold lo eeatooers at a 0Uor cf lOi-ef Cent.' - , , " ' I W will bey IIM wort of 1CI ' x u hrra,t'tef frosj iM Sflvr f Mna or froia ifcecnV II Oftff i!cv Bern Ice Company. snnorit w. Hancock Attorney at La7. j . , ; t r : -In 'tte ; I , ' -- t r. I C 't!t. snj f, ' ' ; - ! ri il ' t. use of a common Mark lipNIJILlMSJSJIIUflJIMipil SMI II r TUsiasl f Till 1 if 1 II lie J. A. D17GUID, Phfllclaa astf tsrgees, MrSpecial Attention Given to Night Calls. Residence ill roMock St Phone 86 EANTU2r CiEOUNi DISPATCH LINK AND- CHANCE SCHEDULE The alAemr Aihewnars will sail on Monday, Wednesday and Pridsy. The steamer Cxracoke oa Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. fUilh teameri will make larvDnfa tt OrWiUl each and connort st Bei hsvts with- a fast through train for Norfolk. The train it due to leave Bel haven at Tim and arrive la Norfolk at 1.80 p m. . - ' ' Direct frrniKrtion mad) at Meckel's Frfr? at 8.M a m for PlyioooOi and Wellington. .' ' , ' .'-' No S train will Wave Norfolk at MS a rn. arriving at Belharcn St 4:66 p fa, t nncting alth the sleemet for New Bern, dally eCPpt Sunday. , ' ; V- ; CEO. it ENDCR30N, Agt New Bm.ept. 1.. ' . Xtrx Claim. yirirrn tyrt.W4,' , ri n r'V T.t- t- r .. f a. .... .-.. (. ia 1 ( . r . t - . . - 1 , r. tK f.. - p , ; r t ! t.J i ' a Mg S,0WItls,v- - . srtil V 7. - ... ' .- ' "''. v. (ry V v 1 OliDoioifiQtetipCo or

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