V 1 v "v.-.'i" f.; 1 1 . r . -i .t.r ... Ai:. f-T ji.-:: ' : sL ..- f r : r : soi.-.e cf tU.e t id. for UiKse in mourtii' j, l.. ia The De-,- ", too, lire i ai.d T jilcf.es,' 1 .especially Vi!.:.o tilers are The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought, and ythlch Las beca ; In us for ever 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- Tf-fa ; onal supervision since Its infancy. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-gxod" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Anoints ana vuiidren Jixperience against isxpenmens. 'V What is CASTORIA --?'. 2', Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-.fvi' 1 goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, if orphlne ' nor other Narcotlo -. substance. Its age is its guarantee.: It destroys Worm '.?:- V:v and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures. Constipation-' and Flatulency. : It assimilates the. Food, regulates the; .Stomach and Bowels, giving, healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend J.-; GENUINE CASTORIA AL7AY8 Sears the Signature of . TlioKim In Use: For Over 30 Years. i You Have Always tfoip C.- COLCHICINE! ISAUCYLATtl N1 Trochet's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cur (or RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by tbe highest medical authorities of Europe ana America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. .Price, $1 per , bottle. u Sold, b druggists. Be sure and get the genuine.'-'- wiiiaJAus u.n. vo., (jlkvklaxd. Ohio, a Vei Boldiii New Brn by FS Duffy for ellerly women.' ' .' "Fashionable Frivolities Lr Feminine 'fancies" pic tures and describes ne stales in belts Fasljfofts ;ahdj FaliiT' displays the picturesaue bolero in .many forms and msieriajL 'iThS Millinery; Lesson tells howtbmaW mournitsr toque, and 'Points on DresamakingrV gives in struction in finishing cloth skirts.' The regular styles of the month embrace every desirable garment now in vogue, from the out-of-door wrap to under.; wear. Two most excellent short stories are among the 'miscellany presented; The Little Schemes of. Mrs, .: Shera, " and "The Face Framed m Tears, by Edith- iyimrston Smith."; Jessie Gar wood Fritts, in her talkson silver, de scribes some of the larger table ieeet aories TnaoV of the precious metal; Myra " Emmons ? continues - Etiquette Hints, and Jane Eliot gives further hd vice for feminine beantifytog.;."7.i' ;-a'v.v " '-"-"j- M jlj. jr' ' ' i ;t - . ' " i c.$mat9vniuB'- miuojoraoa. Springs, ;ai(Ji4 an Oregon clergyman, "there used, to be sVflMW oM,,crusrj character, Boot 'who was noted for his profound knowledge of the Script tures. !. lectured in that church on evening, and after 'uie lecture tbeScof and A and ome lewothers fell into- conveMition;4?: 9 "I ;:wa torgeip ';.tIie''oIA;:'iDisii's' Scriptural knowteage to the test ; I was-urged to iuestlea bint and to let him 'question toe. He. would get . the better of me that, every one said, was certain but I had .my ououbts ana, turnlnar to die Scot said conndently: i " 1 wfll ty TOO. my frleM, with the grand, leading, Insurinountable' ques tion. How long did Adam remain In state of inWKwrT,';;,;" r:.-iT.'1 . "The ScothsWeea: , --riii ne- gw. a wiie.- ' . s ' , "Then, with a grim chuckle he:weot on: ';-';... . ; . : - . :;.:; j? "'But can you tell me, sir, how long he remained after? ?, - DR. LYON'S French Periodical Drops . . Ate vcu to become a mother? "J li o, do too reaiue tiie great amount of turteiing that most women ai 1 o.iijecl to undergo, tht pain they have to bear? u yoa ' would then read carefully every woidV- r,.'-.-:v:ixr.T..v;; 1 . couid do anvihine to relieve that pain wotud Ton not . do it t Yoa are a sensible woman, and of couim yoa Is a liniment to potant that It will greatly lessen the ftennf of anv case of labor, do matter bow aim- cult. With this liniment. Motherhood li a beautiful dream: without It. a nishtmare. No mors (utter ing, no more needless cares, but on peacet jl Ideal motherhood Is voura if vbu will but open your eyes. For external ' use. aafe to adminster,- and C L wonderful in resnlts. A word to the wise ! lllf.Lul. -t 1 If : ,11 -all I, .t It.oo oer bottle. "Ws send our book,. "Mother- V J ss x r ii v-v, wa, zrec, u you bsk jot u. . - .' r " - a ; : crjiznzLD nzr viator ctht At I mm UM. -. . - Tivo Spaciali to State Fair. On Wednesday, October 18, andThurs day, October 19, 1905, special excursion trams will be . rua . fropi A A N. C j. stations to Raleigh and return en the following schedule:, - ''l-:''S: Lt, Morehead Cy Piei-'i;" X.'M, Mansfield.' :-..v..";; '', 07Sv"& , Wildwood,': i': 10 Crescent;: Tobago in .7p.to.tkta. Cigir mid i Where the most fastidious taste can ife satisfied either in a smoke or chew. Also a' first' class ' Soda - Fountain where U popular fountain drinHs'.are served. , ' ' , ' s - J)totiorxi5 $att A Cream that is Creaoti ;:' '; ' MAJMAUKB. , ; ".. " i 1 NewDort. ; 4fc'. Croatan'' :'A " Rtverdaie ' .'ti'Kewern-'., .Cove,.; " iV-Dayer,;;.; CaswelL- . FalltagCreek 'LaGrangeJ ' Bests, -Wii llUwiivj SJuem ot uioiphltK X II kfc?S?LirS RETURNING 16 " 4. 6 81 V' 6 46 " 720 V K 742 764 ' 8 08 8 18 ' 8 4Q ' 8 68 ' 904 ' 914 ' 9 40 ' 11 10 ' V y nrLt.L.- ft;.. J J r. a. Box 2hj. .W Mil II II U. III Ul . . . . Avian Uk,' Gorl Strlctl RE5U ly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED; LTS. Greatest known female remedy, price, $1.50 per bottle. ItlHTtnM Beware of -connterrel'i anil Imlutloo-. Tke awnalne It pot a onlfln paste-boara 0a vnv bwi. iuo wun lMT-.iniiie ii.n.inr. uu .to. m in www inii I tot ciieaiar u wiujams Mru vubwo Anenu, UMaiaaa,uaio. ft Id Ij Fl Iully, New Bern, NO VU!sJri ,.fi ,JT, J. i iVr . I DUrrhocs, DviUry. and ins Bowel TreubUt of CMIdrusi ny gw.-.AkbDIjentloa,-keulates the Bowsk, Siren eth. " Hi. rtiiu ui Mtrn i CTEETIIItIO POWDErtLLJ tebthimq easy. UjIiCdIt 25c at Dnicdsls, or mail 25c to C. IKOFFETT, ILDSt Louis, Ko. Mothmr I Hetltato no longor, but mk Vie health and Htm ot your child, mm thoummndm have done, by elvlngthomo powdeim. TKBTHIMA Im ommlly given end quickly counteract and over oomom the eBecta of the summer's heat upon teething children. . I vr J Tbe rfft remedy for nerfoos nrea trail on aad alt dlseMes o tti generatlft tt4oi ti hot nx, utia aa rurroua rroairauoa, v auinaor uoai Haauooa, fi.fii.-T. nnrntiy cniitnioDH, voaioiui .iror. Menial worry, sxeemii or Untum. which laad M Coniumntloa ard loaamir. Wltd i MOTT'3 PEN N YR 0 Y A L PI LLS hey overeomt weak nesa. Irregularity: and otnUMloos, inereast rig- 'or and banish Mtaina f aoenstrnaUoo." - They are "LIFE BAVlilW to glrU at womaabood; aiding deralopment of organs and body.. - Ko ) beeomeo a pleasure, fl 00 PlHt VOX BY MAIL. BoW : SPEC I A L RATIOS ;T) K A LEIGH; Via S0UTHEEN.RilVWAYon accquntj North Carolina' State Fain Oa account f the sbove occasion the Southern Railway will seQ round-trip tickeU to BALE103 from all points in North Carolina, la chiding Norfolk, Richmond. Lynchburg, Danville and intermediate V points in the State ot Virgin's, at rats of sns Brat-class limited fare, . plus fifty (60) cnts,vfor the rooad trip, which Includes on admission to the Fair grounds.' Minimum rat,. Including one admission, one . dollar (fl)." . - i.' ..'Ji;-;--;';',..-; fc ' The following rates sppty from points named r ' ' Abeboro, N. C...... H6. Luington, N. C.. . Ii.20 . AabeviUe. 0 40 M ebane....... 2.16 Box. nrtoo .......... ....... 145 - Mount Airy .... .'..! &40 Chapel Kill......... . . LM llurphy . .. 13.40 aM 6.15, Norwood....... ........g.lO Coneofd 6.V3 Oxford 140 . . p4l batfl t ...m m.. , tV. . .lsS ReidsvillsH't.-tAkMM......1 8.06 GastoTiia ..--.......-. v C&S Salisbury .... 4.80 " Coldabor9'............u.'. 2.06 Selmt . .. ...... L40 Craham. 140 StaUrvUle ltta. I 146 Ciostubora.........; .'.lit - TbomatvfJ, ...... &K6 High roint.. ....... "V..;...i 165 Walnut Ci.v 4 10 . HilUborO........,.......,'..l.W WilVejbofo 9.60 ' Kemmvitte. ,..... .4. 170 Winaton Salem 4.10 V For military compaaWs and brass bands, 20 or mors on one ticket - spatial fairs will be furnibd m ppliraUn. .' , Tkaeta e ' 0t. 1Kb to 2 Kh, and for tra'ns to arrive Raleigh forefmun 0-tobt Zlsb, wilb ftnul return I mii Oct 2M. . Fnf full partkutaJ fall mi any agtt or a.Wr - . ' , - T. bcrm:n. c. t. a., .' - ' ' , .: -j . n.-.!h, K. c. Uaklng a rmger la tbe 'pitching if quoits must have been . 4 part pf ?the training which made the English iong bowmeu to terrible la Siege that by gauging the distance and taking" tbe lay of tbe wind they con Id Send up a deadly volley at the exact .angle; to drop tbelr, arrows with, destructive force Into the heart of a beleaguered city." Getting the lay of the wind 3s the first thing to be learned in tbe noble art of pitching, horseshoes -.If the wind be contrary the nicest -cab cnlatlons as to everything else will be lu vain. It ta jonly a supreme master of tbe game, a dasallng genius In Its mathematics, ; who can-play. agslnst the wind that la to say, one who. If the'; wind be f iyraf tbe east,can.; by throwing st exactly that degree of sn oblique angle needed to make It moet tbe wind full t tbe point opposite the goal, may hope to have It carried, to the right spot-St Louis Globe-Demo- crat. ' --t' : ''T. ' ''.'-"'' ' ' -Bzaet OMIeacti '.. J ,', Native' servsiiU In India bsve tlie' generally desirable, though sometimes Inconvenient' yirtne. of tho.Chlneso doing exactly, as they are told! Jhe trouble Is tliat they seldom use Judg ment - 'r"' '''.'' :.r.- "'' Ixird Roberts during a campaign is India-fend ordered bis man to prepare bl bath at s certain hour. One day a derce" engagement was going on, but the servant mad bis way .through s torm of ballets and appeared at his commander's side.1 ''- Tr? v'. -.;. .BabJb.,, said be, -jour bath Is ready." " ' . ' - ' ' Xvea a better story cooes from SB unknown soldier who was awakened one morning by feeling the servant.of a brother officer palling st bis foot . "Sahib," ..whispered too man,' sa bib, what am I to dof My ouster told mo to wake bun at balf past fl, but b did not go to bed Oil 7." II1H Don't Have to 7ait for Weeks. A JUvr Bern . v Illustration , , : Waiting b dlscoursglng. ." ", Prompt action plcaaca everySxiy. . A burden on the back la a heavy weight Hard to bar day after day,. Harder still year after year. V. ' . Lilting weight, removing the bur Jen, Brings appreciating responses. ".. - New Bern ppople tell of it 'i . ' Tell bow (t can be done, fell of rein f that's quick and sure. Hrre b a reof It: C I. liartl!ng,.rt)prlplorshsvirg par lar Sfii rhrr ahf.p, plai-a of .) )rr tr-t, aaya: "I ub1 1 con's 1,-OVUi. Kwlnry I'll! wl.n h I rrorurp4 at l'm l ham's i'lifvrii.ary, fr,r mr hock n-l knl r.ryn, a 1 1 found U-'n to t all tl.nt I rUirtm) (,y tdrm. I haj troiil.lt ri my taik ..r irM time, t!. ti-it' frn ti ki lueys fr vry jiurk sn f..il of s-!.:r;rtit snlrry l.k f ve m ary m"U' t .f trm 1 . It r.i- I n J. M. HOWARD 4 Farmers Tolir.cco V,f lK ! f,f Iaf T' Tt j-t ; t U !' : I T' ' fa'r prl '' ton, nd we will lo -! Int:' '' " "; la) KW SS ry l'.,r fr.arkc-t In K !''(. V. ..J I- Fvjr, srxl ill Mir bl to J ' r rC ' '3. ( '. A-e "t lt, K "i. l'W-a trpry i!sr ( II ''' ' WaUf Sr) S(tT;'.n. Wll.lt." r.oclli:: i wUk t.Tn. a i ,r i an I r t !" : t 1 1 !': t I 111 1 a t I 'i r ' 1 I . , : . I I m " i i n. at t: t . ' a - o rr t r - t t 1 1 - ; r- i 1 ( f i. !1 I I ( f ' r -I r ChaiDLiberlain(S . Vvuvi liuviiban our v Diarrhea Heme f A few doses of this remedy wilt; t Invariably cure an ordinary st- . .tack of diarrhea.. f.'C 'fJi has beea jised In ntes eplff demies of dysentery with perfect; '. SUOCesS; - - . ,V .- ""' ' " : ; '.' j It i Can 'alwsys be -depended noon, even la the more severs.; .; attacks of cramp colio and, choir s era morbus u ., ""r;a;v It is equally- inccessful fori' summer diarrhea and cholera , Infantum in children, and ts the . means of savlugthe lives of many children each year. . , . 1 ; i. When reduced with water and', sweetened it Is pleasant to take.; 7 Every man of a family should keep this remedy In his home ; uy it now. It may save lifer icg.85cv',ti'? Lawn Stat; fool Ar.oldsboro, Lv. Goldaboro AdmlnlstHtorsotte ?T Prithell deceased. late of Craven eo.N. C.thk la ia noaif an persona nanmr ctatmi airauust tbe aatats of aaid deeeased to nraaent them doty, veriflfd to cue unneraignea on or Deiare tneintn aayotflem 1906.OT this notice will be steaded la bar at Umir r. eov-ery All person Indebted to Sold estate will pmur mane unmeat payment, , : , -XSISiWadayot oevT iif.S v. ,' MOtAJtiH I.. Adnunanrston 6 00 P. M. 735 " 7 4Q " 813 " 8 45 " 9 07 " 9 67 " Dover, New Bernj Morehesid Cv I Untownl 11 9) V I 1 Passengers will arrive stand depart from the Union Station at Raleigh. R. E. L. Bunch, T. W The . Atlantic . and North Carolina Railroad has authorized rates one plus 60 cents for the. round trip from all SXMU U I BSm-'..;rK - J.W USJISe ATT:::AT:lA;.fi'. mcttce -in tne counties of cravsa. nl In thA KtafA HnTMama Bn ITHAMr I U.-l 1.' 4- T1; XT w J '-in I i uuuiui uu no hub tu naieiKU,.!.. aiiu i Mram; . nnnnnr rna - ruv.K- bm im. Offlos; Sonfb Front Ptreet, over Tele .T."L nT' . .1 . gpboffles. Mev nra, II. O I state air, uct. lu, to,zist, .i5W5. This ir;'-''?'.:'''.1;. irate memoes admission to tne fair brounds. Special trains will beoper ated from Morehead City and interme- P. O." & W -Ri ILWAY. da e A & N C sUtlons to Raleigh and f ' IretuinOct 18, and 19. It will notbe Beginning Monday 'August 14th, the I neeessarv to have these tickets sie-ned d.i.. ui.i a nr..i d.:i . . . . x ttiiiiicu, uirhiuu a, f t csiviu awiiiwv I m KalClgn. will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on .'cllowing schedule: I, East Bound West Bound No. t. '" No. 2. 1 Z, (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) A. &N. C.R. R. Effectio' Sunday, Sept lTth, lSUft :' at 7.00 a. m. Eastern Standard J"..'''';. Timar-j - eart sotnm. f " ' BTATiuWflv. . Na 1 .; . . DAILY --- tv.GoMabora lit P.M. LaGraac ,.. 4.18 Kiastom -.J? 4.SS : - Dover S.0T " Cove n ' LSI " Ar. MEW BERN asi "'" Lv. Mew Bern , . 6.67 P. SL Haveloek ' aS8 Mewnert ' &S4 " Ar.HorBUadC.' J.f0 " ' " WEST BOUND. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. atorebead Cj. 7.49 A. M. newporc . 8 11 Baveloek AS7 " Ar. MEW BERN : S.05 " L. NEW $EHX ,9.10 A. 1L uova , . Dover 10.68 u - Kinston 10.22 LaGranaw 10.47 " Ar. GoUaboro IL20 " NO.t DAILY . SSS A. M. i. f ! se -iais:A.M 1(160 U.0S " U.4S No. 4 DAILY 4.10 P.M. 4.41 S.57 - aos 6.14 " 7.18 -I 7.80 " CONNECTIONS. AtGoidsbom: With8outheiBBnw ul At lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Line.' R. P. FOSTER. " S EL BUNCH. uenerai raanatrer. iratnc Of- WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN TOPS FROM $10 to $15 iotoTonier'an1 cartwh-' ble pric 5 made to your order; a very We put Rubber Tires on your old or new wheels. We shrink your locme tires in a machine without cutting them, or without taking tire from wheel oa ruggy while you wait Everybody is invited to see thn machine at work putting new bolts in oat placer,' aHM fx. . Waters & Hen, Phone 185, 78 Brosd.St. Nsw Bsrn, N. C. Pi M. 5 00Lv. ;6 54 ' 6I2 ' -6 24 -6 27 ' 680 6 45 'i .'- 5.,: hi NEW BERN Reelsboro Grsntsboro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro , A. M Ar. 8 15 721 Having put in machinery for making sasn doors, moulding, etc., try me and see what I will do. J. M. REGISTER 7 6 61 . .1 Faetnrv Oiiireh AHpt. K IK I ' t ' ---" new cern, un, v. 6 No. ?. Ae M 8 30LV. 916 80 40 ."WilT cure iir ewe of Kidner or Bladder disease that-it notlooo beyond the reach of medicine, y OIVIM VP TO Oil. W Bplawal, 19)4 N. Virginia Bt, afflJ lad., writes iFoT ova fou rears I was traabled with a kidae and bladder ehoetioa. Ikcwknaak and was ana Us to work. TbMphyslelaas tailed to keisameaad 1 waafivea an ai akiDey Core was raoosjaieajded aad (Passenger Sunday Only) No.4. A, M. NEW BERN Ar. 8 00 Reelsboro , - 7 13 GranUboro 6 68 Dees 6 48 West Atllancfj 6 46 East Alliance 6 42 Bayboro "We want everr man and women In tbe (Tnlted Btatea Interested In the cure ot Opium, W Maker or other draff lssblts. either for themselves or friends, td have oneorpr. woolley's books on these ala easea, Write Dr. B. at. Weolley, Atlanta, Chk, Box SSTa andonS will he sent yoa tree, am (Passenger Sunday Only) i ap to die. rotoyis eaded aad the Brsi kottle save aw treat relist apd after lakiaf abe eteeaooUtol was eaurelf tareo.- n . Two BIsm 10 Cetxis suU $1.01 Forsal by DaviPbarmacy, Ski- te, Oranncsfiv v No. 6. eooLv. 6 45 , J 700 710 J 7 12 716 780 NEW BERN r"'r Reelsboro ,. Grsntsboro' '...vDees'-: .. West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro i ,i MOtUSTXIt -.- I 6 so Hocky . Mountain, Ita.KTu,det3 k Jsty KsdaSss 1st Buy yasyla. 'Bases uUdas Hsalta sad laseval Tiger. A STteeiSe (or OomtlMtloa. lDretloTi TJve I KWoer TnwUea. rlmptea. aVsaema, Snpur. ori. Bad breath, Blutrflsh Boireta, Hekdach 4 llaekaob. It'saWeky JtounUiaTeain lab -. form. SS eenta a hos.' Omnia made b , iusTis Dauo,Cvuv K41aa. W,le No. 6 P.M. Ar. 4 36 848 828 S18 ' 118 112 see J. r. hXwkins, Oa, WUIIaaW Indian Pfla Olnlmeul will euiw Bltnd, BtosOlar aad Ivohiaf Ptlea. U sbaorus ihs Uimora, rs the ttobins at ones, sees touiuea. rr.es instant re lict. Dr. VVUi lams' Indian Pile Olat 1 SMatlHDrewaredit PI lee and lu -tnf e tbe private parts. Every 'box U relics mis I !'.. SI 11 . i J" arrawted. v dmrft". by eaatt o ra- Buvnuiwiusuwi" l snt m nrtre. eeaita ana vi.ihn WtLUSPS v : I sukw 4UUWII ca isw uiX?m& Bahanas; homo madd Candles." Russell Hoii66 ' OentrallT locattd,, . AH theddt caoiM of the seasosv-, Well recti' la tea rooms, Good beds, I'booO coo Tenieaces, rol'te aad attentive. Bcr vanta. . : Rates IU0 ' ter ' dar. Special and liberal v twins bj wet Q.: A. RUSSELL, if:'-y--'-"'"-..V.v'v- I f n t til vmxvs?. , ; U IIAilVAAft.J 1 j Ileal Estate : A geit. 118 Broad St, ' Nsw Bera.'N. C i" Broad St. rrui Correct Dress The "Modem Metrlofl' system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co, of Cincinnati, O, satttfies good dressers everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure at moderate 500 Dries of (orafa aad doineshc fabrics (roa wncb to choesa. RApi4Msm4J kjp J. G. DUNN & CO. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Broad St., New Bern, N. C. Well equipped to search titles by rea son of many years experience in tbe office and a Register of Deeds. Practi ces in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or where ever services are required. '-" "SURGtON DENTIST Lata Dr. Early offices , Hughes - , PHONE 92. - .PHono 33 RIVERSIDE STORE. 17 res Ii I.: ,. l.V --m SS frt t atta a nr v r- . SM ( f'". fc 4) ' a' l--! mm-- u -4, i Sy .. S .i--t r TaiiX MaSM - Ot is - . ; . .-Cr'T AC a ! -iwiae4 CaTI No. 1 5 Craven County Rtlirotd '' v Bondt. Nolke U lbTeJTrBivfB that- (14) Craven Omnly Hail Koad bomls of the denomination of VX) each have ti.ls dav bwn draw a for the sijiVIng fund of said lOJnty in Srrnrr1;mce SawmLly suthciri.;Pit lows: Five Kuiuli r-1 dulUr rai!nje4 bm1i isumVre-l I2i, 127, 1. Y:"). 12. r.i, i;t, 1'.', r". v, i7!, t i? i 1- l r' uu- V-1 fr. t , ..niLl.. - ( aii. Butaaia-ia ( ' UlSisaSasi.f' - 1 - sue rJfcrl "tr-u' Tli'-' !' a' ir. ......ailv.uod ' ' - . - fcg -a ,,js W , , v.i,h th, of SASH. DOOHS, AxND BUNDS. I.IMK ANDCkMKNT.'v ME.UCANF.KL. FtKCf. .J)KY0i;S PaINT ' w.'.l l-a.. 1 rm-!!, and I i- . -e t ?.'..vri. ' j-r 1 , l..,J. n s! IU. mal I'ank . I r n (, rn or Irff .rt the y i f ( (, ' ' ! -r 1 ". Jr.tf-rcst rin 0 1 ' m ."i (' n art sr 1 . ftrf Id, y.f ci, i.r 1 r, c. r. r-r, (" ..'i r. rn i GLACIKIl RF.nUGEllATDltS- I ;::.:i!.f. ;!(::; LAND FREF.ZKI13. PILES I PILL. 1 1 PIUS lh Dr. Will'smj1 IndUn PUe Otntnte will cure Blind, Bleeding, Uloeratod a keblog Piles It absorbs tbo Susso allays ths Itching at onee, eta as s prnl loative Inataos relief Sold by DAVIS' pHARAtAOY. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH BY 1 "TELEPHONE? r ' ' . The Number is Constantly 0. W.r, vrAi being Added to uu otrm JUXAGU ah sn gf - .-a , . . . S . A TELEPHONE LINB IS THE : DOORWAY JHROUGH Kl WHICH TO REACH ;::THnr,1v WHY' NOT OPII? For Rateo ; , - - APPLY TO LOCAL MAN AO IX ff ev . Hems Telepheno snsl .. Telegraph Cemesey, . AdniInl3trator3 Notlco ... i-. I., i. V 1 i,v re A'lmlr,Ml v f' i. J