THE JOURNAL. :..;:.t fa; e.; A Si IV' U.e ..a tl,:.t cf : u.k. . .-3 - u r New Bern, N. G, Oct 5, 1905. LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD meet at - Rountree Hall Semi-Monthly. First and ' Third Wednesday nights at 7 :30 o'clock. .' Visiting Woodmen axe invited. -' " mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF ; , TI A DUOMT -:. Moots 9nA and Mi Wed- iiaumvn . J . . : nesriav nichts in each month in - Roan ' ' trees Hall. Pollock street.' at 7:30 n'rWV ; Samuftl R. BalL President: . - H. Smith. See'y: R. R, HilL Financial Sec'y, i v The trial of Fred Carlton, in the New York criminal court for resulted in his being sentenced to Sing Sing for a term of 19 years. The judge told him that he wished he had the power to send him to the electric chair, for his sins were enough to put him there. ,This is the finish of the man who tried to victimize several ;;r..i;r i... -ara witii Ue oil fcoi-L bigamy, 'iiie king LaJ referred a.ii'.e LUaself. to the Norwe gians us "my Fok-s," st which Ole Bull, drawing himself up, luqulred, "When has a .Norwegian shown himself di loyal to the kiugt" Then, without waiting for an answer, he announced that he must at once take leave. Upon tills tue kmg turned to him with an Imperious "I command you to stay!" , Index U Hew AiTertJscmcaU. Simmon & Hollowell Co Children! Day. ' ; Lost ' "' - Const Line Market-Venison. -, .i For Sale. . It E Whitehurst Flower Pots. KOTiCESln THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST B PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Baslness Uctls. LOST Somewhere between Queen street and my broom factory on the dock, a sum of money amounting to $127.19. If finder will return same to me at No. 49 Queen street I will pay $25.00 reward. Geo. T. Fenner. FINE Venison, Western Veal and Cel ery at Coast Line Market. FLOWER Pots, new lot just received, M. E. Whitehurst & Co. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN One or gan in srood condition. Can be seen at Odd Fellows Hall. Apply to J. H. Nelson, Secty. CHECK FOUND In this city. Drawn on Bank of Richland. Drawee can have by proving property and paying costs, BICYCLE STOLEN Crescent, color black, straight handle bars. Reward if returned to H. B. Holland, E. C. D office. LOST Ladies gold watch, figured case small size. Reward if returned to Journal office or 39 Elm St. FOR SALE-Gasoline Auxiliary Schoon cr Admiral. 29 tons, draws four and a half feet loaded, fast sailer, and in splendid condition, has eighteen horse power Wolverine engine, good reason for selling. For further information address Feuerstein & Co. Norfolk Va. SITUATION WANTED by a machinist and engineer who has had ten years experience. Saw mill or logging work preferred. Address "S" care of Journal. MRS. Carrie M. Willis will open her school on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, in the Primary Sunday Bchool class room of Centenary Methodist church on New street. FRESH lot of New York State Apples, Pears, Bananas, Oranges and Lemons, at J. D. Barfield'a. OYSTERS -Lynnhaven Bay Oysters on half shell To-day. Oysters also served in any way. A few for family trade. Delightful Lunches at all time. When you i re hungry come to JAMES B. DAWSON, 103 Middle St. Phone 209. FOR SALE One fine, large horae, suitable for buggy, dray or plow. A splendid traveller, kind and gentle. C. T. Hancock. CALL on Gaskins Cycle Co. for right good and right price. New bicycles at $15 and up to $40 each. Bicycle tires at $1 and up to $4 eaclj. Coaster Brakes fitted on your bicycle at $3.28 to $5 each. We repair your guns, pis tols, sewing machines, etc. Work done promptly by skilled workman. PHOTOCRAPH Films developed, print ed and mounted, neatly.atsmall cosUAp ply to John Taylor. . . ' f 1 HAVE eight (8) desirable houses part ready for occupancy. v "Several have city water and bath rooms. Can be rented forty per cost cheaper than hounrs don town. House on fair ground property. For terms apply to J. W. Stewart. I a WANTfiD-A young man between age of 21 and S6 years to tell and call Ap ply to No. 41 Pollock St ' DRY COODfl CLERK WANTED Young man with experience or one da airing to fear (ho business. '; Simmon A Hollowell Co. " , .. . young southern w amen, of whom one is But tho violinist shrugged his ghoul resident of New Bern.." . 1; 4 ' ' - 1 flera and replied, "Then I win see, sire, wnetner a .Norwegian, remains free Id The sale of sea Lb for 4 The Clansman" -the palace of the king of Sweden." At wiMpe opened at waters store toaay this, as Ole Bull would tell -when re at 8 O'clock. ; Go . early and secure a couutlug the soefue. there came into the - .face of the monarch the moat winning smile he had ever seen on a human countenance, and, putting out his hand. impulsively, Bernadotte exclaimed : Aay, I beg you to remain, A prince snouid near the opinions of all his peo ple.", And the talk which then resulted was the basis of deep confidence' on both sides. Century. ., "', good place. , : Z Mr. Garrison Farrow haa established furniture store on Broad street. s . The Coast- Line market has put a new wagon on the road which .is an in novation in the matter of delivery wagons. - It is a low two wheeled con-7 cern with a box fastened on the axle which is meant to contain packages of . 'H etck, ike mU Proainr. meat The driver's seat is placed be- ' Christian Henry Heinecken, the most hind and is arraitged h'ke seats are on wonderful of all the world's precocious many farm implements that are drawn prodigies, was born at , Lubeck, Ger- by horses. The cart is neat and many, la Uio year 172L When, but nine handy device. " nnd bait montns of aw ttls ln,mttn .. . wonder could pronounce . ever; word A brick sidewalk is being laid in' contained In the German language, and front of many of; the stores of Broad before he had rounded out bis first year street It makes a erreat improvement iof erthlr eMstence Je knew all the nit rfit he oii tn havA nyf leading eventa of the world's history. " " " " !.!.. m m. 1 il.l. same kind all over the city. - '- , Z uf" BJO"ula uo wmo An accident occurred on the A. & N. passage of the Scriptures and knew C. road late Tuesday evening, in which me history of every book in both the Conductor Pigford of a work train, g6t a sprained ankle, and & laborer' was slightly hurt The accident , was the result of a log train running into the rear end of a work ' train., . Ten ' or twelve log trucks were ' piled up, but were cleared away time enough to let the No. 2 pass Wednesday morning The blame for the accident has not been placed yet George T. Fenner, a blind colored man, who runs a small broom factory on the dock near the foot of Middle street, lost one hundred and twenty seven dollars and odd cents on the streets Wednesday. The money rep resents the hard earnings and savings of the blind man for' months,' and is a severe loss to him. It is hoped that some honest person has found it and will restore the same to the poor man. And if a dishonest person has found it and appropriates it to personal use, i t is hoped that the law will 'get hold of the person. Forty bales "of cotton sold on the local market yesterday at 9.75. Mr. R. M. Warren, a young man who formerly traveled in this , section for a Norfolk wholesale-drug firm will es" tablish a drugstore in the Hahn build ing on Pollock street lately occupied by M. Mitchell & Co. in the near fu ture. I A report has gained circulation that the price of tickets for "The Clans man" had been raised to two dollars. The Journal has been instructed by manager Matthews that the story is untrue and one dollar and a half is the highest price for tickets. Id" and New Testaments, At the age of two and a half years he could an swer every question in the geographies and histories then in use and could con verse with visitors In either German, French, Dutch, Latin or Greek. His fourth year was devoted to the study of religion and ancient history. He had finished the studies mentioned and had started on a course in oriental religion when he suddenly died before complet ing his fourth year. . Three Bar amd Clock. Three boys in a house were told to go and take the exact thorny a clock to tho town. The fust lad went, look ed at the clock, came tack and said, "it is 12 o'clock." In- after life he became a prosaic bookseller. The second boy was more exact He said on returning that It was three minutes past 12, He became a doctor. The third lad' looked at the clock, round out bow long It had taken him to walk, back to the house, returned to the clock, then added the time of his walk to the1 time of the clock and re ported the result thus: "it la at this moment 12 hours, 10 minutes and IS seconds." That boy came to distinction aa Helmholtz, the scientist Theatre Train The A. & N. C. Co. will sell reduced rate tickets from all stations to New Bern and return October 9th. good re turning the following day, account of the performance of "The Clansman. V Special train will be operated from New Bern to Goldsboro after the per formance. . , . R. E. L. BUNCH, T. M. SAFE SALE Pr!: ,O.B, , ' A M vl. VJ 111 i ;: .,; v' la. fK ''-."'. i . . . ; lll.k, WI4. It., !! ISM IO" , . .. fm. n. " e , ' pi. TI4. rwa, VariaM,. aS" iH" lnm4...... WH 14Vfc" 14" w'.rr:. 537.50 . V. M, ' . ' ' mt, Tin.. CHM artCet ' S" WH" " MS ITS" l" W';:.,.r:.:tr. $47.50 MILLER SAFES. "."tOMOl Ilanover 2L, . -, lllara, CIA , NL'EfvE-OUUtlral specialty Canf-lgootb Frtmt atnet. Miasourl . rVill Boy Weiterfl Hori- " Mr, L. 0. DnW4 left for 8t Loula, Mo.) yftUnlay to purchase homa aid Stork for the Daniels- lUhn Horn and Mule Co. He pcU rt etity to t;t ,'J St, Lriil. but other ritM tn the wwt, o4il grt U bMt the bfrMmrki affiin at every W be vi.ita. i Tb homo will be jrrl.Mxl with a viw to n.tire pry rnii-owM ff '. th4 rKoJing h""a In Kv'icti, fsrm, drog),t. drWmr, aa I '.'.p, nr ani , mult It 1 dvoVi "d f-r th tr k, !! will !mj b a ri'imUr f.f f r. g nr. I br?y fcpilftfl tn iV. Tr t two of lhrH csr ' "f K""". 1 f - in few !-). MR3. EMMA H. POWELL will r orta hsr n.wl class cn Monday, Cvto ber 2nd. an a U t i Vt Ni it Irfj A DlTld4 Caarck. There Is a very striking Instance of religious toleration In Heidelberg, an ancient city of Germany. . One of the most Important buildings of that town Is the Church of the Holy Ghost Through the middle of this building a partition wall has been run, so that services according to the Roman Catb ollc and the Protestant ritual may be held at the same time. In tho year 1710 an attempt Nva made by Charles Philip the Elector to deprive the Prot estants of their half of the church, but tqe townspeople made so strong a re sistance that he was obliged to desist and .even to remove the electoral court from Heidelberg to Mannheim. Lon don Mall. - - Maun And Mason At Opera House A Urge and delighted audience filled the New Masonic hat night, and fol lowed with laughter and applause the musical comedy in two acta, Frits and Sniti being ' the principals, supported by a large 'company, among being a bunch of attractive girls, who sang and danced and won the admiration of the audience.. . ' - - Frits and SniU haa enough plot to hold it together, but the choruses, the catchy songs, i bright costumes and witty blu of dialogue make up for plot, and thoroughly entertain. " Of the various songs and specialties, two particular- caught the audience, thsje being Mason and Mason and Penelope, in their base ball act,' and the cat song of Belle Darling and BUlie Barlow. v '. , '., . FriU and SniU cannot fail to please and entertain any audience, and Mason and Mason with their company made a' one impraeaion la New Bern.' " V Germ ti Club Organlnd ,, The German Cbb. which has been planned for several wekj was perma nently organised Monday tight at a meeting in the Elks Club room.. A large number was in atUndance and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. ' There were several name ( for the club propoaed but aararrfW was seMed. ,The following gentlemen were elected officers for the season: pr'fl'it, a K. Eaton, Jr., vU-e-prwd-knt,J. 8. CUypoolecrtUry-trcMur-r, William Dunn, Jr., who isaW Irarkr. La III; AFTER. THE SHIP IS WREr.KPn everybody can tell you how Mt mibt hrm ba aTd After your houaa k biashea many a wiM acre knows how the fire couhj have been pat oat- " -J ".u.wimwio rvasea Ox I lie insurance conpanjcthe only kind whose policie. Phons 200. 11 l " i 1 -.We-aro, ahowingalarge hneofBois' Suits, for either ' i ' H schl Pr dress wear. , ' ..MEN OF CULTURE, , ho understand all the refinement! of beriur well and correctly drawed, are our beat patrons, be cause we know the needs of a gentleman and bow to eater successfully to his taste ia fabrics, as weU as giving his elothtna that elegance of nnish and perfect nt and workmanship that the wall dressed man demands. Our suitings and top coatinga are unrivalled, and our prices res- F, M. CHAD Willi Dress up Your Cuff; ilh il.e U CiT I : r"v-rT t'.sn "I a ' : r . a i ! V-i-i: 1 : at ! -. in I o a 'I ! t b :'-vvC''-.. f'Vf'.f '-'i'v 4" :'.ii.:,--.rf:: ; i e,-,i -' Stw Ff est Stipply Roystet fs Celebrated Candies Just Received at ' Phono 56 Davis' Pharmacy p illii Ml Hhe Opening display )ill be continued 4 mm Baffoot Brothers. I 4 4aa4a4 lliiili's mi. - V . ' . -' . " .. . At Thi? Store. WosHall devote today to the wants of "' the' aiiimiriii f 1 t sT a ai & mj VsLir Ceeaasiiel I . ; Special display of all kinds oi Hats: I for all sizes and ages of Children v lo lhe Ladies : Another dhplay of """7 I . a Our stock bcinT too laro to display J all yesterday vc aro compelled to malto thii UIspl.ij : TO-DAY I ! ; sizes from 3 td 17 in short. pants at $3 and up. Long pants suils from 15 to 20 year size from $5.00 to $12.- We have a variety of styles and are confident that we can suit you in both style and quality. Some reduced prices on boys shoes in sizes from 1' to 5. New styles in boys caps, hats, underwear and overcoats. The best boys stockings for 15 cents that we have ever shown. Come in and let us fit out the little men. J. G. DUNN & C O., Phoa212 55-57 Pollock St. A VISIT t our Etore wil! sVow o'i Iv-w make your dollar ! f'oul lo ("tity at this Sale. tVr A!n;l .;. , Oc.ober 2 lJ, Tucb lay, October :iril iinj Wednesday October 4th. EXTRA SPECIAL. White Table Linen in Remnants at 2J to 10 yards, most of them f.Oo value, Some very rare Bargains in this lot, our price at this sale 25c yd SKIRT GOODS 24 pieces Ladies Skirtinp fS inches wide, assorted colors, worth $1.00 jd, at this sale only 49c yd. LONSDALE CAMBRIC. 20 pieces, worth 12Jc yd, this sale 8c. SHEETING. 1,800 yds, only 4c a yard. FLANNELETTE. 2,500 yards, wortli 10c yd, sale only 5Jc yard. PERCALE. only i.t this ! At the same old price, orth double. Oc- MENS' SUITS. We are Lcrdcrs in Mens' Suits in ntyles and priem. 45 Mens' Griped :ul!s at this sale $4.50 25 Mens' Black Cheviot Suits 5.25 Mens' Fancy Suits, worth 12.50, only 7,25. BOYS' CLOTHING. Buys suits at this sale !!8c. 1.18, 1.69, 2.24 and up to $i!.i:0, if you want a (rood school suit for jo .r boy, come to see u.s. PANTS. Boys Knee Pants from 18c to $1.50 a pair. MENS' SHOES. We have the best styles in town in Mens' Sho.'s from $ 50 to $4.00 a pair ji:sl recehcj ji Pat, Cxilt, Vici Kid, titin Metal ('all', Wax Calf and Velour Calf, Lace, Button and Congress. S COPLON, 76 Middle Street. Are Yoa Ready If you are ready for your Full Sj.ts we're ready to rliow joii the new idea, in ro'oiiriK , nnd the late kinks in the end and make un. Buy f:arly don't allow the choicest things to slip away from you. You'll be pre'.ty hard to fit, if we can't Pt you rinht off, hut we'll make any necessary alterations. Men's Suits in fancy mix-d Chevi j'j, C.-mhmere Rnd Won ted Suits in corrdct style; at price no higher than tlu- ' I -ty justifies. Come here for your Fall Ha c nnd sec the new stylei, ar,d we'll show you what's what fay ua if jrou are in need of n pair of Shoe fur the Fall. We have all the late shapes. YOFFIE On The Corner J L. HARTSFIELD, : Cotitrnctir ami Ilnlldrr. oirnt I jiYddlk pbork is. Would-be .glao to ha&e any one inspect mytyork as it goes tp L Forsait. : I OH PALE or rnt t Coe, N. C-. ivfse grni miSI; tt etton tin; w 60 s Van Wink!; tm ar)f tmptin(t A FEW more of the ta(t ttrU, Balt- brlnf WheWr A Wilson Pin; Ma- fr,iui; orve r.r arjlr,.; cTMt Mst ffaaOy r4uca4 frScmt, for ;:. h'-rot. , iSffahifh mka a ff.tflrt tn. aim e iuu nneo rrtt, o f r t:' r ij.M., f r-! jf tr,1 r'n. t", t-JfT, Camv!-. A'..-i.i :'.rt i' h 7 stal.Ussnd f4 Ib4 Ti-U, IMiann rwrat-Ka and t 2 ri k,t. J. y,t''',t'uW-U CnyYsn)' ltd - J. ar Pw.t ts, (,:;!t!. Star SidY.rv. 1 Mr, i - t ft ' r i r Va Rafffy si.rtt m. T. JIi.U 1 . i V i ',) tL 4 f V. . V - f r k. -