'1- v j j .. j j J ..- U . Vol. SXIII... 187. fcvr Cera, I. C, Tuesday Hloruins, TfoTexabcr 7, Twenty-Tonrili V n 1 t it i-k r 9& ."'-:j 5- t - There is f a . quality, in Baking Powder which pro motes digestion. This pecu liarity of Royal has r been noted by physicians, arid they accordingly use and J recommend J t ROYAU BAKINO POWDER BNTBOPBISE We can ship First class Brick in any tju antity up to 1 ,000, 000. If you need Brick, ap ply to J. JT. STEWAET, Secretary & Treasurer. New Bern, N. C I Turners Almanac for 1906. AT Ennett's Bookstore We Are Not The Exception No doubt we have cheap unreliable g ods, the same as you wiil finl in other sto 'es, but such goods we do not offer to the trade , ' o )y as t e come in and ask for them,-' Wo . could never hop to ;' luild up a trade offe iaj- etch trhy goodi to the people. It'f only ' Reliabe and New Gcoda Vm we push and effef to you. '. . . - - We Tive our cut tome rs the best value for the least money. Quality it 1 1 ays considered when price hi s besn forgottn, . . ; We make a specialty of Children, Misses and Ladies Shoes, ,v. 8ee us for Boys and Girls SthooLShoes, and Buster Brown hose, the only kind that will last a boy.' Have just received another shipment :r' of ladies Ktmona FUnnoliv Night , Robes, at. 8So,: $L00 and i J 1VI MitcEeU &; Co., - i I 61 Poiloek 8t. Opp. A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A.' A : EXGELLENT VALUES ' In Ifew Beasonable Selling Every Item in ,"'h' t x'. C j , v '': BLANKETS. ,V fi , , 1 ' . . We offer at UU sale 00 pair extra site heavy Cettoa Blankets, worth . flOOapelr, eWewbere al only 89e a , tir. , '- V' COMFORTS. - - j. VA eatr rivy Urge slw CcmfotV, wort 11. H, eur tpecial, price 94 . ' ; - srrciAL rale V ; ' a CWlWnf and SVwa, vrcoeU vry thwip. IVij-s OvrrcU $3.00, tlu saWIl.W. vnrs,3 coom sale 5jicf,n quality tilk lualre '.o- V.n'f wi Ttnrj Dtp. Cix!, a! an M nrh h'j haTf I mi Clcpth.all IT exclusively. CO., MEW YORK. fin d Soilsr hnm VA for Sale AFTSR THE SHIP, IS WRECKED cmrvbodr on toll Ton how she mlffhfwv M. ssved After your home to In whm many wic. mam Imnwa how th f ira oould hmvfl been nut out - bat it vm't There's juit ono-and only ovfmmt ny to UTe yourself ajralnatth. ravasc. of fitr inauranoe company.th. only kind wfaga. Ooliciea w. write. Prods ZOO, .': P. TB EW W IX 11 BLACKSMITH & WHIEU16HT Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays al ways kept in Bocki I reset tires .without cutting with the' latest im proved tire shrinker. -1 keep a good supply of cart wheels always in stock - repairing dons at quick notke. Shopon South Front street nearceed tolanttnanumbetofihade the Railroad. " - - Xpiscopai rhurch. v 3 A A A A A A A A A a a 1A A ail A a ' f 1 1 1 g Goodi Tor This Week This Ad. A Bp eclal . Bargain. ; ' - v'.'. ' JACKETS.' ;.i 600 nice quaJtlV Jscketji, for ladles, Miaaee and Chi 1j Iran. Fiieeial price for this week from fiiic to f 10.00 ar1b J:V MONEY SAVED , : . ' ' is money made.- Don't pay 10c for your flannfletu. Cwn to an end gt some at 6c a yd. - . . UNDERWEAR'- ' " Tot thoM few day we cffr yon an rttra good q-ia!iy jv. ,V.tw r..i-Ud twnwu rinijit iinn r.ravy f"- lind urn!t-rtar anj drwer, wmHliirg with wr'k'.l an J sarrr.'h in them t 4r'l". I'njl tr mitjt f.w l.ntwl t' irta atvi dtwra, a ; a T ' - . I'n'um f ..il f'if Bnji rni "r i- r.i i and fie 'h. THREATENED Sheriff if Warren County Asks Gover nor' Permission Rwnovi Nejro llurdtrtnL to Sato Pise. Special to Journal: S i- Raleigh; K. C Jtov; . --The Gover nor received a telegram . from Sheriff Davis of Warren county,: telling- him that two negro men in jail - there " for murdering farmer W. C King on the public highway Saturday , night were in imminent danger of being lynched by a mob which wasformihgtotake,him from the jail. 'The sheriff said he thought It best to remove them immediately j to a safe place. The Governor wired him to bring thjrt into Raleigh.if necessary, .o call out jpeal troops and ocerUinljrpie vent all violence. The Gov talked lover he J!hS was the'troublet "The Governor said he would give a special term of court Sheriff said he thought this would quiet the people." The Governor ordered the men brought here tonighVnd will order a special term as soon as h can secure a Judge, He directed that If troops were neces sary, they ghould e ordered as guards to Ithe train on to Raleigh, the Gover- nor sai4 ''t mteid to do my best to maintaih order and decency in this country, King the murdered man, was return ing home when negroes, drove up behind him and: attempted ' to pass,' --..One cursed Kta, who got out of his buggy. At the moment t negro leaped out of his buggyi cut King's throat from o r to ear. King died in a few moments, the horses ran away two miles, King leaves a wife and two small children. In Defence of the Silver Maples. The excellent article in Saturday's issue was most timely, and should we Itrees it is most important inatuiocuy look after them carefully, and strictly enforce the penalty for leaving horses unattended to browso ad libitum on our young trees inflicting injuries from which it takes year to recover, and at the expense, of sightliness, - The . writer to speaking of nlver maples,says h"auckera so badly that it is almost nineance, ' evidently mis taking the White Poplar for the Silver Maple.; That is a common erroc very few people study the characteristics of closely alUed 'species,? but there are certain habits which mark definitely the tree family.: "We . have very few Stiver Maple in' the 'city, the white poplar being mistaken for that variety those nv the front of H. Piaosway', residence are ' undoubtedly white - pop-" The following descriptions are taken from "Our native tree, and ho identify them", by Miss Harritt L. Keek r, which la a vahuble book on the subject. r f'i.- ' ':, 'fThe white poplar Va most effective ornamental tree, but it la never safe to allow It a free band, far the root creeping, aid produce suckers indef initely, so d a1. Vv parent tree wOl be summndd by numerous and well grown fsinily that will soon convert the1 place Into a thicket. .The bark of the lowertrAnk ie dark and farrowed, the upper trunk and branches a green ish grty, 'with' dark markings and bkrtch. '' the young shooU are cover ed with white down, ay! contijrue ( xne oot fr in midsummer, thps In- ereasing the white appeeranee of U tree The are either lolled, or eoareely and' sparingly toothed, tery dark grean, and SToooth ' above, and A ...... a a . covered with a w oowa Deniin, ana t emulou 1;V All their kind." The lllvtr maple, both la potae and ootlne iitcU tlie elm, the truet divkkw in (rx-on ! ry slems.iU branches have ah a y y; H and outward Itm. kvi4 iu lt mlnal branchoe ere dentin -"! (".,- r;.injr, thent o the bar is oftu Al.aiTk'7 f,n tlie trunk and llmis, malin? Ih ft r.Vawe itill fratr.' fha fino'y f it h av hanjf on lr jf mi !er U r fi.t ';, and away vrry p, z ) if ailrrry l.i'w nf their erwlar lav ir. ffe s-vl U foliage a dr of ot! jf all iU own. The trf U t ra; . I prjwor, fnjr lireljr fr f.- 'n (1 r.-ae, anl it I ')' r'( t I a ' ' ! it I J (if , ' - ! Progress on the CoasL,- ;-f. ' : ? ",Nov.". We--have just returned from the coast in Carteret , country, We have ; never known any country to make the materal progress that has been - made on what is called, , or what -has been called quarters. -i. This country has been buitt up by the- oyster and fish industry. Most ef. their boats now move by, gaso lene engines and wa.it pot for wind or tide, y i ' - The greatest progress has been . that of education, just on the border ' of the most beautiful grova- of Jjve Oaks, there stands a handsome building, - an Academy, 70 40 feetwith two full stories of 12 feet pitch. v4i The room in which the principal teachers is 20 4 feet, the passage is 8 feet wide, then opposite room named are two rooms 17 x 80 feet each:' Then up a single flight of ateps from the passage puts yon into the spacious hall of 70 40 feet furnish ed with large a rostrum and with mod- rn gasolene lamps, " IWelshbach burn' era) .-"This hall iato; be "used or en tertainmentsliterary society and gener al pub ic occasions." The entire build in is f ullv Minted inside and out It has already cort more than $2,000 and will cost $2,500 When the hall iseeated. The recitation rooms are furnished with the latest patern desks with best seuica blackboards. Mr. R.D. Holton, who graduated in Peabody Normal College; Nashville, Tenn., 1898, and graduated ; from Uni versity of North Carolina, 1904, is the Principal, and is assisted by two college trained teachers, - The school- now has enrolled 95 students, several of whom are boardinsf students.-5 This school will no doubt be one of the best attend ed academies in the Eastern part of the State, beautiful her situation, over looking the Atlantic - Coast. What a delightful place for the up country boy or girl, injthe summer or spring sea- son. We must not forget to mention" that at the town of. Wit, they are-building an academy and will soon have it com pleted. v' All along the coast we nfid this improvement going on, on Cedar Island. Hog Mand and Dear's, wo see this enterprising spirit, in the -way ox building, school houses, chJurcheV and n Dear's the Baptists are building handsome parsonage for their minister. May these . good people continue to prosper in all goods things. C. r. s, . In Time ef Psaee. In the first months of the Russia Japan war we had a striking ' example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of those who, so to to Speak, "have shingled their roofs m dry weather.". The virtue of prepara tion has made history and given to us our greatest men. Th individual well as the nation should be. prepared for any emergency.. Are Voo nrepared to successfully .combat' toe first cold voutake? A cold can be cured much more kUicKiy wnen treaiea as soon aa it has been contracted and before it has become settled in the system.; Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures of colds and It should be kept at hand ready - for instant use, i For sale by Davis pharmacy, and T, Dnffv. .1 r Duffy. -'Arapahoe r ..l , November 2nd. Business is ' In good condition; our people have made a good average crop this season, which leaves them no right to complain. i", '1 rIHe advantage of .the Wh price of cotton with an average crop has re stored many of our people back to the position they hadJaUen from by the dt fault in the spring potato crop, ' r There were quite a good many of our people away last week, tome attending court, others attending the Christian Convention at LaGfange, while a good number attended the Christian Union St Reebboro,. '') .V ,y ;' Meears G. W. Brlnson and J. B. Ben nett, and Miss Carrie Bennett attended the Christian Convention, and reported a pleasant trip, except being hindered by P. O. 4 W, train failing to connect wit the A. A N. C train which great ly frustrated their trip. Mrs. L- M. ' Watm of Edward re turned home but Monday. ' , She has ben visiting her mother, Mrs. Rich i Ida Bolangte. - . . - ; - - The Christian people of Arapahoe,' have n-cured Rrv, D. . II. rtree- aa thrir pastor fur a no liter jmr. He will Gil his appointment nvt Sumlay, Miat lionie IVnnrti of New ftprn U vUiiing relative and friend in our eommtinlty, e Mr. IL N. Hanks W lull'Arg nw rai(3ffi)p nar hr. A. B. H.llhy,V.nyUI: ! r-r aj n I l t! r ' I 'l I '., 1 or that H-!,;f'T'a luxVy U t1 O f restrnt l a! r IT r wur",.i, S'ai'i I! t!t afr-.' ;, t' r ' ' . " i r 1 ;.' ,'a Yf T I Tv I, i n r 1 t ! i Oi f r i i , t ' i t fi Swansboro - - v ' " K November 2nd, Winter has come at last- and it has drawn us all up in a knot,.,,-. The farmers are about through hous ing their crops and they have not gat much to do now v.'-ei-; . We regret to Sear that the saw nUli at this place will railrofdnear White lite 'Oak. station., h )mpanyean'4 got room r mtu Al Iriln n4 seems that the company to build a planing mitty dry., kiln nd right of way .for jrailroad, so we under stand they have decided to move: . It has been a great help to Swansboro, Our town is full of. drummers, book agents and Insurance agents. Prof. Kemp was in ; town yesterday in the interest of the- Great Western Oil Refining aud Pipe Line Company. Mr. Herbert Land of New Bern was in town vesterdav. Dr. N, A. Culbreth, a dentist from Wilmington, is spending a few days in Swansboro. Mr. Tom Davis of New Bern, was on our streets yesterday, Mr. Kelly, who represents the firm of R. W. Hicks of Wilmington, was calling on the merchants here yester day ' - Sea Side. Theiirice of a pretty face is tl.OO-l three packages of Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Brings red lips, bright eyes and lovely color. 86 cents, Tea or I Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Tenneys candy at Warren's. 605 school tablets at Warren's.- Distribution of Mulberry Trees TheN. C. Department of Agriculture will beginning November 16. distribute among the farmers of the State 20,000 seedlinar white mulberry trees. This distribution is inttnded to encour age the growing of silk in North Caro lina, but the trees will at the same time furnish shade and food for poul try and hon. Every farm in the State should have a mulberry - grovel The trees should be planted 12x12 feet on dry soil and cared for like peach or plum trees, These trees will be sent by 'nail, poet paid, in packages of 60 . to ISO. Not! lees than 60 nor more, than- 100 tree will be sent to one address. . , To cover cost of packing and mailing applicants must enclose one cent fori each tree. Postage stamps act eled., 1 ' This is probably the last distribution of mulberry trees .that will be( mad by the Department The who want them them should apply at once. Those 'Who have not tried silk grow - ing should send for a copy of Bulletin! 101. . ' ": " . Address applications for mulberry trees to the undersigned. ' GERALD MCCARTHY, Biolodat N. C Department- ofJ Airi - 'eultuiw. " . '.. ' ' , r- y, au women snwws wpe.u - tifuL-BeanlyruIeamsnkW fw - tor's Rocky Tea brings red Ia. ,brMl - - ... 4 f' ' eyei Lt ?? -TPT; cent, aea or iaoieva. r j vj a rw-i-.i ., , . We sell It for less at Warrenlk , . V ' ' hi" ' .iOjsV Best Extracts at.Warre 'a, iv 1 CrURRH '.CURi "NfeeMl Ceets Tee IMMm I Falto, .Among the' many madidae upon lb market that el im to cur catarrh fton Ki UnrMlkuMMiffk faJO Is Itaovtllrf alwiatoUi.iwOiW WUWibre merit to offer to rtfund the money if it . . . . ' . doee not cure.- :v o;, im ?.. . -; Hyomei Is the only method. f treat-' ment that aenda by direct inhalation to the most remote barts cf the. air r- . . w-l .1. tV.t A4. .11 tairtalgerwfathebre.til enncneeana purmee wie owm.wiui M dlUonal ot m, and makes , permanent and eompleU cures Of catarrh, "1 ; t TbocornpleteoulfltcoeUSl ana com prlnes aa inhaler, a bottle Hyomet end a dropper. Th inhaler will laatatlr lima, and additional boitl ox Ifyocnr can b obtained for SO Cent. . P,rlb Hyomei fr a few mlnut four time a day, and your catarrh will grow boUer from the rt day u, and will b eomiiWu-ty cured within short tlm. . a It I the only treatment tor a.tar thpr ym fan f?t yourtrKnr b from a loral d.W-F. 8. DufTy M It J'H 1)01 hrip. ; ., t .. - - Anrii.t rr,!y f-1 V.'.'f V - y ! a..;---', t " L witr-hrry ws b!lvdmj hi.t t' t"i mrr't cr J ' 1 la krrfjwn 1 ' . ' , 1 it f-.r ran t. Vuj z t it Pi 1 ft LITTLE GIRL m rir ::i!8ss;s;fi)r ..Mother -;( ? ;(jf $$0. . . ' 1 "1 l"i:Zii'l L CURED BYCUTICURA Hai GtYen up AlLHope of Ever Making Any Cure. Mrs,. I. B. Jones, Addington, Ind. T., writes : '! My little girl had been , suffering tor two years from eczema, and-during that time I ciuld not get a night's s'cep, as her ailment was very severe I had tried o many remedies and spent so much meney, deriving no benefit, I had given tip ail nopeot making any cure. As a last rtsortl waa persuaded to trv.Cuticura. and to my great dejight a marked change was manifested fiom tlie first application. . I gave, the child ai,batj V"H tupeura poap, using a son piece Of muHu cloth. This I did twice a day, each time following with Cuti-Cura- Ointment, and at the same time gave the Resolvent, according to directions. 'One box. of Ointment and two bottles of the Resolvent, to gether with the Soap, effected a per manent cure, I submit this for pub lication, hoping it will assist other, sufferers in curing themselves." COMPLETE TREATMENT Consisting of Cutlcura Soap Ointment, and Pills. thtr first step in the treatment of chronic Eczema is to remove the scales and crusts and soften the skin, by wrm haths with Cuticura Soap,' tiry careiuiiy ana. apply cuticura Ointment, lightly at first, and where advisable spread it on. pieces of soft cloth an1' bind in place. Take the Resolvent Pills, or liquid, In medium doses. Do not use cold water in bath ing, and avoid cold, raw 'winds. Sola Ihmuftimit th VArld. Putfonn Rtanlvpnt. Aft (t (nrm ol ChoeoltK Owlcd Plllt. 1m.: per vl.l uf 00), Olnluictit, fiOc., Htmp, Mor Potter Drug ft fhriH. Corp., Baton, Holt frapk aoTSwd a "Uo to Cur. jCcuraE.-- "Rummagi Sale This Week. I There will be a rummage sale for the benefit of the circulating library com lmencuig Thursday Nov. S, and ending I Saturday night. I Everyone in New Bern is asked to give something to help this worthy cause and doubtless they will find some I thing in their possession which though j discarded is still useful andf may meet I some one s else need exactly Thewagon will call, for articles on LWednesdaypIeaee have your con th buttons ready. ' The place- for holding I sale will be announced In Tuesday's I paper. ;i Lunoh Counter. I - . ,1 - ai you ieei line eaung a nice iuncn 1 ' v .' m i in.- ...n . . . I 1 1 stop at E. WJnau''8tore, 132 MiddU 8treet All vinos of aandwiches, also lj SweUlOTi ymburger and Nwf a Sardines. Ruas el'BW VUWI WUIITO Caviar, and Holland Herrings. I i E-rvthine- utvtrwfcU. - i - ' ' .Mortgage Sale 4PalimiteUi.aowraf aal. kUliMd In thai rartata BMtta nmntimt or Jama M. ClUa and WUU.OhrHa.bia.wUa, ioum namtM, Mar- Hw ato m twui im. law c4 t)M Bm&wtmr kf lMa.1 Msk (ilMta US' 1 artU at onr la Kn bva, . C ml Aawim lal. ISM, raaarcta ta to. omet M.for qnvmm nntjr laaUat tn. anurf houmt am MtmxUw thm Hh day DKwibar NK. a Ut. homt at U-e'Hocb at., to th mmm bfcfctw (or cm), all Om folkowtaaaV aribmi nmj artaaa to wit: A wtaa tract a par ot of tan la dtaawi awty, porta oaHna.ad ioinint Um land ).&. tAa. ' a. a, Kuwil aad otaara. kwWn at tM mtt ? . WUaarao.-, ranch, o4 raw aorta .! aotaa a a whit, aak u U lk ml mmM hracMti. tnm a-th W. to taa bum barUna trmn In a-watltnlr hnmmm af aaW a. a tan. pmtm I. a ila.twaad auk. whar. Uw craaa (rw Wh th laa. 'tva. wull aua mrom tmrnrm . S. 1 1 flat Swanp; Vmkn 4owa Uto raa . I tk baaiMins, ivrulnrM Mrnli jmm woaai. amon ; Mm mtm lana ! . ; Exeoutora Noiicei- RavtnaanWaaRtiref ta laatwtlaai 1 tmnl ml M.rt M lim I -. ammi, Iato aa - iof . ihbv. wujbmmhi Will Mir. m mi i ii r Vm erf g-rt't fcof Jrtj imV rw rwrwtf - H x Wl4 aaaae mr V, f fw- W -i w k iM e--r. 1 "M etfj-4 , a - , I a T 'M OT T-f M ff W laMl t , v. w--- W 'KH " m. ' " 3 "1 - 1 ' a)-vA , !'lrx1'''1"-'' r . . . i A CXNTL.'RYAn9 V f New f Goods JJj . Din Pickles. Tm Sweet Mahfrrwa Sweet Cucumbers and Pour Cucumber Pip.lt U Sauer Kraut. Mince Meat. Cape Cod Cranberrie?. Fresh-Carolina Rice. Oatflakesf. Big Hominy. Grits. Buckwheat. Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter. New car load, Snow Drift Flour, ground from New Wheat. 1 And Uie best Lard sold. Try a pound of it and yoo will Be sur- ! prised at the improvement in the flavor of your biscuit c s J The very higndst grade groceries at the lowest possible prices is V ' what we offer you, and guarantee everything as represented. f Your3 to please, : J. L. McDanieli! VholeaSe & Hetail Groeer, larker Store. Comer Broad and Hancock tit; eeeeee4at.iTttttttttiMttittt Winter Winters knocking at our door, 1 - f With no uncertain sound he's demanding entrance everywhere'' Are you ready for him ? How about your Winter Sui t and Overcoat ? ' ? : Are they in proper condition to weather the storm of the coiik :" ing season ? " How about your Winter Underwear, your Gloves, your Shoes, V Hats, Shirts, Neckwear and Hosiery. If there are any weak spots in your wardrobe we are here to '" strengthen them with the t BEST THAT'S MADE. '. I In the Dry Goods line we've everything ready for you and wo f trust that you, Madam, will examine our stock and get your outfits -: nere. ' "' Get your Dress Goods here, get your Shoes, your Cloaks, you ' Neckwear, your Gloves, your Underwear and Hosiery here. ' We have an exclusive Millinery Department where you can get a" ? The-Best at Moderate Prices. We've no Bcheme -Just good I I BAXTER' 4e4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeoetjieeeeeee J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor orricfc; 93 1-2 middle st. Would be any one inspect my as it goes Malaga Grapot 20 eta lb. Basket 0 rapes, 30c banket Beet Banana 20c dozen. Apple 35, 40 and SO ct peck. Lemon 20 ct dot. Florid Oranges 40 and 60 cU dozen. Raisin 60 tl a peck. The bert Celery on the market Date. . rig. Cocoar.ut.' -, Cranbarric. r . " " t fretfi ChicolaU and Jon bom, AQ for today at th Lumsyen & Stith ' lXSCRAKCE AGLOTe'r;- 'strong Un of,.7 Iivwrae.CaiB pnl..- " : ' - ' - :' ,i kl Pn,Iiv. ftamTj allewdW t ' r-- L V- 111 r ' " , . H X- . . iVti1' Kalicf. v. ; - " S'jyettTaan' K M efTrre hi tW sr. " !;it . Dan'!, Ilahn Horn : , M-sU'O-i'iWiy, fl Cmwi strvet, rs sen ' , 5g is GoecSs goods. ' ,; v". and Builder. . J .TH05I 236 V gka to up. For.Snlc Vt . Juet Recelerf."7r A new supply of th finest Jspanoan Gold FUh. Turtle, Lhxarda, etc. A1im large globe. Invest from ST: to for a eompleU miniature afiuarium an ! you will get ome thing that give you pleaaur for year. . ' A 10c rebate ticket gtven away : every purch from fOc to plrk o ' hat you lik from Our .lOc eduntor. Don't mia it. r ' E. WALNAU. Old Paper! To St'l. Tim to put dowa 'tarT.r- a': cleaning. Papers will be r.' - : !. Journal offtee and eecura U.;:, per hundred. Cee earner. etV.' Ur. WIH be given anUI'Kov. I t their water rent without ehanr of i per eeet f ' AfUr UMcroartarpaIr- u , U days iMtead Of 10 d , v E nrt eft afue the ftnt ; . quarter, If aot paid by t - B. t ..' Secty V,'. . i BhuttU. Bobbin,! Otallty Oil, and mar.J ehin ttehwal, r 4 bad' mail of snachln, i pint machirr. CW. will save you mor7-. aiiea. , . " - ; j. Orhia. (f V,r'i.T ; I ! a Ml ' ' 1 r,-Jf ( V. Ar- rii Y r. '. 4'c s yH f t t holr. - i C a, c, .' w h i'l M j!ii to a ! pr , ; t ha V' a ' i:h llm, ri 1 ;'' rbl4 14 hi ra f.-' ' w '. '8 -.llrVe ''"' '.. ! ... - , . . t . r w i r

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