Chamberlain1 ENGLISH ETCHINGS:" r i J 1 1 if. , fc , r .. i i., ' " 1 -r;-r ' - t s. v f w 1 I ' h I P , AVegetable PreparaitoriJar As similating tbeFoodandBegula bug toe Stomachs anCLBowels of Promofes DigealionJCheerrut' ness and Rest.Contairts neither Opmn,Morphiae norKuemL Not Narc otic. ti SPPPJSPaaSCnsf Aperiecl Remedy f orCojnstips tion . Soar Stomach.Diarxhoea and Loss of SI.EEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. .1 "ry, , J tiCiCf .CQPy OF WRAPPER. V SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1:05. 118 I 136 Daily Daily. 108 112 8. Daily Daily. Lv. MIPM AM AM 1 IE ' 1 30 1 41 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3.12 3 40 3 55 ' 4 10 4 27 4 40 5 15 1 27 .7 20 0 8 15 17 21 23 26 GRENSBORO .. McLean Gibsonville Eton College Burlington Graham Haw River Mebane Efland Hillsboro UNIVER-ITif DURHAM 1 40 1 53 f 7 33 7 48 1 68 2 08 2 13 7 53 8 05 8 10 2 18 8151 2 301 8 27 32 37 f 2 42 8 38 2 61 8 47 41 3 03 3 25 3 35 9 00 9 20 9-30 46 55 e 45 6 57 5fl East Durham . Brassneld . ". Morrisvilie CARY 7 15 f 8 43 f 9 37 61 ej 7 30 3 58 9 51 7 421 4 10, 10 02 73 81 87 'dat 8 05 4 36 10 30 re a 1 1 52fl0 4f 5.33 4 58' flO 51 f 5 40 5 111 11 02 5 54 5 25 fll 18 f 6 09 5 43 11 30 ft89 6 60! U 36 f 6 35 6 05 11 48 f 6 46 ! 6 21 fl2 03 40! 12 2o 7 15 Glrner 1 0 06 i i i 9 l 4 1 9 PH Pal I AM Tht mnHAiMfld schedule is nublished as information ami is subject to change i 1 L . i (L. nnkli. t;, m ii9onrf 108 rnnnct tralna, both Southbound and Northjbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for" Morehead City and uitetmediate points. Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 22 for Charlotte, C nm bia and Jackaonv'.lb. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawiasr room sleepe New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkeaboro, Dan- ,Trm1nNa m'bamlles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where close connection is made with Washington Southern Railway orWaahingtonandEastnicitiea. .. . . .. Xrain No. lvi connects ai uumm ior unwu, wj tlnlwaity Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with titB Wo. 80 lor wasningxon ana pwuiua v ,. w L n . i O 1 : .. U. . rkavlAttA w Train No. 136 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 85 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. 84 and 88 for Washington and all point North; connection m also made at Sail- wiry xor weaieni woixn v-roiin iFuuiia. STH. Haedwick, P. T, M. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. H. B, Spencer, G, M Washington, D. C R. L. Vhwon, T. P. A. T. E. Green C. T. A. Chariots, N. C. Ral.tgh, N. C. J.L. HARTSFIELD, C oiitractor and Bnlldjer. orrn:k i middli st. . prose tzt ; Would be t any one inspeu -my I aS lt gOeS : -5 W&w CIYOI y jl I I 1 v V VV -YnfTnn YH At;o uitalif T1" f'' t--lF ? rTrwH fW4l 4i t -S1 tV tV r..Sl j ( ' f 4 hi r-sj cf'- pfmniw '?m pii' r ' ' v il i For Infanta and CM13ren. TIi3 Kind You Haye Always; Bought sears tne : vxrr :Sgnatee Atfv In Use For Over Thirty Years TMiaSWMIM MMMNV. ! YORK OIT. -.W-if.; I A 71 mm m:.ios n Eastern Time. 107 135 111 117 Ar Daily. Daily. Daily. IDaily. AM 11 59 PM 6 35! 6 ir. 6 00 AM AM 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 35!. fll 40:f 17j.... 05!.... 00:.... 47;.... 401... 30 11 27 11 22 11 14 11 07! 11 01 10 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 17.... flO 38 f 4 02 10 281 10 16 10 oo! 9 44; 3 47 3 30 3 00 9 20 2 48 9 07 9 37: f lii'.f 2 35 f 8 42 'I i:i,f. 05 58 2 l.r)f 49, 2 05 8 22 8 12 pirni 1 40 U 15 11 31 .. 11 23.. 11 08.. 10 50 .. 10 38 7 50 . r. 1 v 1 n -, o w. u wv ! i 8 2Ci 3 12 Ji 20i 3 Ori Auburn Clayton Wilson's Mills SELMA Pin Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO Ar. Lv 8 OS1 7 5.7 f 2 of) 2 40 2 25 2 12 2 01 1 4!I 1 8C PM 451 36 26 If 10 26,.. flO 10;.. t 9 55 .. 9 40 ., PM 14 f 00 AM AM at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line nmui, vmh.i...... . anfl tntArfrlAaintp fitstlun!. glao to naPe Up. : For Sale emu; V - : ptilW CiUUA'. . . .. - 1-WriM stock of KonMa, Moln,Toif w4wn-fkrt?)liVr for drlrtrfor Pugfi, Itartif, Whips, ftobf,aiid vrytilnt kept In well 'PPT' ' ' lis, " TERM3 GIVE U Vi A TRIALA : ' -' C H Dl'fiGlS &;C0. :: Now Born,' N O t. ff I W JW lZ work OEciil ftguies sUo'vr ttat only twenty persons in Crest Britain bare lncoaies exceeding $250,000 a year.-7v!" T-'-'S-,-;.. Flftreir tbousaud elfflit hundt'ed Riid fortT-eTou polfce constables are? re j qnired to protect London, aud for this nrotcction the citizens pay 1,200,000 a year.. . X-'-'fr . One of the machine exhibited, st. tie dairy- show recently held ' in Jxndon t was a poat eontrlvnnoe by which bnt-J ler could bo made ont of fresh milk In sixty .second at the tea table.. ' r A soldier lu charge of the canteen at the. barracks, at Chestev'Eugland, is underi'ttiTestV JTlfteeU'. barrels In bla cbarpe tlioj should have contained beer were found to be full of water. ' . J. v r-The taxi)ayers of eastern London are omplaluIng bitterly of -the rigor . of their assessment. The case. Is cited of a tuan who had Ills' assessment-raised because be erected a"cuenmler frame in his back garden. , , ' . . ; A -modem widow's mite Is reported "at a ctiurcb.ftt Blacjtpool, KiiRlanA, At R harvest decomtlon of tio chureh 0 poor woman, ttnnble-lo jiffovd trait Ofveg etables. lllled n bottle with water and, laltcllng it "Thank God for the rain," sent It to the 'church. The. vicar, ap preolatmsr her gwd Intentions, placed it amonsrthe gifts ort the altar,, SHORT STORIES, Bait cosN tlieprodiiccr less than ofiio tenth ot ft cent d pound. The govwn lnoiil's 1904 figures are 27.S32 cents for each burro! of yt)8 pounds. rine- tliist njlxod thoroughly with u small .pm'tio: of pliiy has boon uied Buc-ccssyijlly fl at the Johnstown plnu,f of the Catnbt'la Steel coiupnny. Six nWfiths , wider "Pemicll llceuso" In Portlo'iid! JtC; iu 1904 show.. 1,202 niTwts for dnwiUenuess against G04 fgr the correspMdlng ' six months In lOQo Under 'Touuell enforcement." . Served Coring . th6wiuter by dog teams, a permanent postotllce hus beii established by the Canadian authorities at Fort-McPhersori, In the arctic ciro le. 0,000 (iulles frotn; Ottawa mid 2,000 miles north-of EOhnon'fon, the capital of1 the new province of Alberta. Workmen' at Richmond, Va., whe were renovating the old capital build ing recently found Thomas Jefferson's name cut In the wooden railing. It had teen . covered by repealed coats ol paint, and it Is thought that It nnisl have been there some score of yearn. EPIGRAMS FROM NOVELISTS. There Is nothing lu life worth mak ing a HPCi'Ct-rOxcvpt one's Iiiciniie. Setaii Slerrinmn. low exquisite In life Is the art of w: seeing muny things and of forg.lll'"? many that have been seen. Jaiue: Lane Allen. , - Civilisation means universal civility, nnd to be .civil to everybody argues 0 great power of telling lies. Eden Thill I'Otts. . , Truisms, whether thry lie In Uip depths of thought or on the surface, are at any rate the pearls of experi ence George Meredith. Have you never observed that If yon conscientiously neglect to do your work it somehow mauages to get doue with out you? nenry Ilarlapd. Relations, as somebody in id. are dls agreeablo acquaintances Inflicted upon iis by Providence, but It l no nse los lng one's temper about what they say It only ptesaesibciii. Richard Ungot THE RULE OF THREE. Three things to be brave, gentle nnd kind. ' - Three tilings to love-purity, truthful ness aud honor. Thrco things to think nboat-lffe. death and eternity. Three things to - govern temper, tongue and coudu:tr Throe thin? to admire power, gruee fulnen.i at,u dignity. Tliroe things to dollght In-frnnltness. freedom and beauty. Thrtw thing to Iwte-cruelty, sir gsnce nnd affertatlon. Three thlnfrs'to avold-hllcneM, lo quacity esd flippant Jenting. Tlire things to Irish for bcalfi, friends and 1 cheerful splrtL L'x ctinnge. -r ' 'T I ItT TtU ai Lin I lu Ooan'l Xfdnf Pillif Broughl Slitngtb . Ana neun tut sunercr. nn- y lng HiniMel Twenty-fivi Sick kidneys cans a weak, lame or aching back, and a weak back viake weak man.' Csa't be well and strorg ontii the kidney are cured Treat them with Doan's Kklner PIU. UeT U the teetUnony ef one man eure4. : J. . vorton, farmer and lumberman of Deppe, N. C ey: '. - ' - "J euffereej fur yenra with my park. it w so bad lhat I eouldaot walk ihy dieteare nor even ride in an er bngry I do not twlleve I could have rirJ tm pounds cf we'ght trotn the (ruua-X Me pain ws e severe. Tkli.eM nf m 4itiun wlien i btsn iming potn't aty Pills. Thoy qnlrkly rvUeveT fr.e and now t am never troubled as 1 wm. My lack is strv.-ng and I can ' i t fvie a kf.g d aunre. ind feJ', jut rs r.r rg a t d'-J twrnty five yars ::. I think e much of Doan'i Kl.lney l ii that t have glvon a of li e f m. e?y to erme ef my i';Wrt sudltiy h s'" f c .'.d vJ r ..!'. , If yta raaeift an;Wrg from thi ninMm o "! t' at ,il b t t any oiv io rr ti -y r e 'T'l'rtt fmm l. 'r-j tTM't'", I' T" el fatTy t' do "," Fn M; 1 1 1 ffe. WC. W..r.'.T l!."!iya (A, I:4.''n, N. Y. '" fE'" f'T t' U. .1 nfT,rTl-cf Ue t ame- Ihn't, M:&JVes DSAnnt Timrt cua vmy own i' How jiany vta dearer to ui thai cut very gun havs been placed ia needless jeopardy by failure to provide against and forestall the great suffering which too frequently accompanies and follows the. bearing of children t That w could da tnyihiiig'wfthin our power to obviate the possibility of such an .happening is .too pSttfft to admit of question; therefore ihark Well this fact a hoimeoV; -by name, lias been" devised,5 whose function' it is to prepare lnadvance the muscles and tissues Intimately associated MAptihnltiott..i:-VM' rvHit - ' "Tbs Hnlmeat is for external spplication. "By Its -nse the parts are tetuted -and enabled -to withstand not only the actual strain brought to bear ob them during accouchement, but also to rally from this ordeal and speedily regain their normal proportions and tonicity' It hr-not irritating to he most sensitive sur faces, and is appliable to all cases. - It's not enough to call it Mother' friend iff the friend of the whole family. $1.00, aQ druggists. Book "Motherhood Bfre, -y. BRADFIELD 'REGULATOR (COm, Atlanta, Ca. F. TttESWITIJ;, BLACKsMIiH & -WHUITHBH I Buggies, 'Wagons, Cartsand Drays al ways kegt in stock. 1 reset tires without cutting. wJth:tHe .4atest im proved tire shrinker. I keep ja good supply of cart wheels always in stock repairing done at quick notice. . Shop on South -Front? street near the, Railroad. . m. j'' NO i ICE I :'.t ... Notice is given that certificate num ber 1203, for one share of stock of the A. &N, C. railroad company which was issued to me, has been lost, and I shall make application for another cer tificate. - Nov. 28th. 1905. ' -H. G. FRANKENFIELD. Publication" 6i .Sum mons. North Carotin?, I I lu toe superior unirw Craven County. I V va - Maria Wallace Tho dofendant alwve named will take notice thntcn artion entitled aa above has been conv mi noiin tho Superior Court of Craven County to obtain ajtivorcc a vmtiiiomawmionu oeiween the plaintjB and defendant upjn the urouno ot adultery and dtfrndant will further take notice that fiie i required to appear at the next term ol Huprriur Cuiirl fur Bald V only to ue 1MMI on Hie I'thdny of J h. i;.iit at the uran nouae in N. v.-Brm, l. C and answer or tleraur to tne coins 'aint in K..-3 attif n or the plaintiff will apply to lh I oui t fur relief domanuo in naw cowpiainu V. hi. WA1SUN, Clcra 01 tne superior voun This iLh day of November W05, Kutry Claim. , NOIllH CAROLINA. " fjiiAVSN Count. To Geo E Water. Entry Taker for Craven Co. Ti'-: -I' ncd OcUvioiis Joncx ol graven ca Nuuh i n.olina, enters anl laya claim to the fol- !.jv.iitt.dt ',ribcd piece or parcel ol land 'in no. 1 T . i slvj. Craven County, State of North Car.ili. u, thu beins vauant and unappropria ted ta-.ij. a id ajbject to ntry, vix: On the north i dcf Nuusc river near Pitch Kittle, bound rd o:i tue uonh wtst by Nannie uoateller. on the north nnd cai.1 by Henry Morria, on the south by JiHif e Baanijrht on the south and west by T. L. Wo! henng-l -n and David Tripp and known aB the Cladoridgs lard containinln hy estimation 200 acrea.i Entered this 16th day of November 1906. UllAVlUUO jush FOR SALE. - One 18 horse pbwer en- gine and 22 horse ; power boiler. Inquire'at Hzelton Hotel,. no a uu., Horse Owners! If your horse is sick, lame, or suffer ing from arry ailment hat you do not underfilling write to Dn, F. E. White, the Vetaroariajiof JJor(plk, Va. Send symptoms of the trouble -and he will end you advise absolutely free of all charges. r - GoodLucktoYou dure - Do you want to be suceeMful fn all four undertakings, carry my wonderfol good luck charm, My charra Is need by thousands of business and to:lal men. nA 11.00 and get it .now, do not de .,VM.: ' - -Brooklyn, N. Y.. ? FEEIJljG. : -IIVER-ISH Tills Morninfl? f All ,.f. ,,.W.,.. ' An t Arpvtlzcr ' flsr -Wta'". una VA- i I l"!'!t :m l ll HDIHI1AI t f f !- . ' I tP, n. & K4ILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov. 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western'. Railwajr Will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on -.'cllowing schedule: East Bound West Bound No. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) P. M. ! 4 00 Lv. j4 54 5 12 5 24 5 27- A. M NEW BERN Ar. 8 41 Reelsboro 7 H Grantsboro . Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro 788 781 718 7.15 700 5 30 S45 ''(Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. . No. 4. P. M. A, M. 5 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 900 5 45 Reelsboro 8 13 6 00 Grantsboro 7 58 6 10 Dees 7 48 612 West Alliance: 7 45 G 15 East Alliance 7 42 6 30 Bayboro 7 30 Russell House BKATJFOKT, N. Cn Centrally located. All the dell cacies of the Season. Well Tentj ated roomg, Good beds. Phone con veEiences, Pol'te. and attentive 8er vauta. lutes (1.50 per day Special and libertd teinu by wet'h jr month. Q; A. RUSSELL proprietor." NOTICE! At the request of many friends, -1 have concluded to become a candidate for- the office of Register, of Deeds, sub jectto the democratic primaries. I hae never asked for an office before but nave been a democrat all my life. The support of the democratic voters af Craven county will be greatly ap preciated GRAHAM T. RICHARDSON. C. T. HANCOCK Real JCstate : Agent. WiBroadJSt, f New Bern, N. C A, CENTURY AG6. , lWa4fit kav tae tU a aaev kav k. Mr. Willi iirin .uat atykf iona. tim atJn'i We ranlr SM wtth awah auhsnal eauliis pit aerbope kef, We an paxlrfer any a tuS at nMir enrk yee (a Hatf.-WewOl daNUOTMMHlrae amnUy.. Tee m l SjrI wehartnaseakitrk, j ... - We Sibr Tlrse ae rear et ar eew W aknnk m fcMa Mna k a aaaaatiB willm eattina' Omsk. vtUivae taVln lira fMa U1 e ktHrar "le 9 anak lrM p knltae to aw maaarsisi ae per MUa aw patie a w tfeft. Wteni t tf nu 23 71 1 reel tt3 Mew Sers, U. C & Executrix Notice . , Tavfrrtt-SW aa t-"titt part e lmi iMit.ll atiiiai bavin atiaan aeWaat tb aa. Uf ears Willi ax.iad Hann mm1r NrtiH lwyf R 0'Mra. Attar tr af tha itt. aW M f". I', ar V aAan UeptoW as aa W IMriMi, a lOTwata t4a 1 i a4 are aaaaaa; m.iu lliiMMaatVaMi I'nm kf wivifri' tw.l. How Is the tlmo to Fence, It haqicaclird lis lov prlco, tho next prices. Thrco Car T I JL ' efieaO. --- -wl" . e1 Loid3 cn hantl. . Oct.-::oih. IC03, mm T'i CTANGE "OP,, SCHEDULE - The steamer Albemare; will" sail ion Monday, Wedneslfly and Friday, .Tbe steamer Ocraeoke on Tuesday Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. s .re Both steamers will make landings at Oriental each way and connect a Bel hfiven withi a I ast through . train for NorfontT The: train is dvw to leave JS'sj haven t 7am and arrive in Norfolk , at tSOpm. . . y Direct connection made at If sckey's iFerry at 8.65 a m for Plymouth and Washington. ' ' No 2 train will leave Norfolk' at ' 9?!' a re. arriving at Belhaven at 4:55 p ra, eonnecting ' with thft steamer for New Bern, daily except Sunday. f GEOiTflENDERSCN, Ag KewBerrt. ;Sepfr. 4906- , Will enra ist mi tit 1TMnw ot PUdder disease that is not beyooa the reach of medicine. i -b' " . BllWail IBft ajB aa. e.i Ff lUi i "For ever few nan I aa with kidney and bladder affection. aadwaannaolatoiwk. ipnTileiV Sojrave mum relleT and after takiu the aeeoo bottle ; wu eatiieir eeJed.. . - for sale by DavisPharmacy. SfeilHOUR W. HANCOCK en -AM - i Attorney at Law. Will "practice In itate and Federal Courts. .; Office 46 Bread St. HOUf9TER'8 Mountain Tea Nunaets nay auaiew lor nnjy people. 4 Brings Golden Health and Benawei Tlgoz. 4 te,fl0 Obnstlpntlon, Indigestion. Mve l?ife.7jrro,,bleBl '"Ple. Eenerne, Impure Mbog, Bad Breath, Sluenrlgh Bowbj, rjeadache d Backaohe. It'a Rocky Mountain Ten In Ub- M lArm ft r n n kn. i . . . HHtuara Dbov Oompaht. Unduun. Wi ttOtDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Executors Notice t7Ww ..,,.!ifil ..TT . , , , ... V . ' . u. " wib last will and wMunrrem. or aiary M tiaklll. decwed. labs of Py C?"" N.a thiaUto notify all persona IT "T. Y? wm".'"1 ,n" so q-aaed to exhibit 1-? nae,.fld.0rhotor.l,(.th day j-t. -tj y o viu dv nweoca in bar racoverv-A I anra.mj In.L.l.Lcwi i , ..... . . . - . - - . ...... . . n u rv ma hhu wtate win maKe iitifneduita payment fioi. in two Wm: T. HII.U Executor IOE IO56 1)I91UU.M Book! Contklnlnir counors for 800 lbt Ot lee in 10 lb. ooapons, value win b sold to cnstomeTS at a dlecon ofiO per cent.' 13 0 will bay 94.00 worth of 101 I book Is procured, either from the drive of Wagon or from the office 16 Griff' street. Bern Ice Company. AUTUMN OVERCOATS aaeae the al tad Una, ef all eoaa dniaiii forty pa paak as ptkar we alar gaiaanta. Wo havvaai a Me seiiity f tabrtee vkalai eelor, peeve s sauna, tram kiietaiiee p pa slits, effer aa wUe BaU for salaabkav i M. CUAlH lt K JS7 Hldtlle Bl. SMlIiind of Drurt.IIea icine8, Toiiot Ar . , tides and Soap. - '-Fresh-r Supply nt rii jalclatig Prrscrtp tllxl i 4 ) llU7e , ' . "' - . V. le-sespassaspTapMsssPl sWapPl ! , T "'"a , e '.. Ci"' a a. . . , v j -n .e . . . if FOL S2 .1 . h fc- . . a ' MMll .1 . . M I , jl .11 . SI, ' UrfraTi4' 1 lemei keaasaeeMeaar Km apXeSaSbS .fflfa W otsj .lrfa Slae, cm. E STORE. " Tiiipdrted Settzer Cheese 35 cts, ' Domestic Sweitzer Cheese 25 ets Xmpdrted Limburcer Cheese 20 cts, line Cream Cheese 15 ets I. B IIABICHT Phonft246. Having put in machinerv for making sash doors, mouldimr. etc..' try me and see what I will do. J. M. REGISTER Factory Church Alley, : : Z New Bern, N. C. Tea sir us your rneanurwments yeu avatct lite Roods from sampiss we eii4 yOu- faarailra to f( yotl-farea( the netshed Milt to plaaae you paWnf!. If It doran t-m art sr mtmi o We take oil the rlak. Writ for In aamplaa W wfif)t yon 1n re.illa ono thlnf-OW-avWy. It la mllrrly fnauiilk for any one In mukf a asllaarlory aiUt for Iras money. Many are nlverUat. bin tlw-y am not Io4 enough for ki lo sell Tou mny rl upon II n nn Ir.iHavuinble fm I lhat aa kesar la 4mbM Is m.iklii a ro4 a aull aa.wa offm U.i fur Iraa than eisUWiS Oer (elaWa (H a M showi nwny olhrV models ilive yon tbe mna l Kaw Vurk HlypM. Write lor ikle taLalocua. Iare what Mas Tark U WHrlil. It remains 500 Par of w York ft&m far Fl tWln. HiHM. nrre, Nklrta. ariwrwalsla, evpniiktne; eupilsd for aura's er weroaa'e weee ar In Ua kviae. A (taoeral KoryrW--JU kf UK Laiese Drr O.tli and laaawMPMp mimr andir ene reol In Ihla enllr enanlrr. If rea ere NilpraeloA la knowlner and Kpvtee trie tfnws- Ww Tor Slykea. If Inlefpla4 q MTlasT swaieri rtts pa far thle awlaiestie. It plwwe the few Tark Martat SI yaut Olspuwi Ike pUaeure of Mw Tarti Kylse. Mary e fve all pee f" tf fe es4a, Write ue e pota tydsij asp nasi U is for evr vaiasn-v. W ChrMma (lifts raletaewee I aerarfedy for raalllog ami wilt be seat (re on ravjoeet 'j lipneed ef rarklng ytrr tvaiaa ia the 4-tu of a ewtt ahk fVlaimee urt, wrlie a twartl eahi , VOW for mc Celalorse. (en tntM dpoeaende of sontloeje, iniie Irsted, With prWe, of atillahle kulWsr jflri a for ansa. wwea er rWM. IT4 rttttt. ym Aiiiawea M ru liMACY V CO. kH : ir . 1 Made te raw ' rtwre CitizcnsBanlt aeisTWataust aa.tx, ''. f The pexp'4 .se a yt' ta thlaira Miv"n';.-r.t, rmr,.' k.4 an4 rAeerfpl Ui-1 f i'M Up ovf Unking Kerns) la rftoet C-ewe fw; ::roTr.'js, We Ire rf4 Li !t.1 14 sjfwf e) wa tir.ik-ie FsttV.Uam, a , Werty w!cme. Cie r4 ee ta. , C'ej-UaJ ' - ' .; - t-rw. r r v sr4 fretes ' -f f v 00 I . . ', . t ' ' 0 -'a , . - -- I . i,'.. if - at 12.0t . a. m. - lprilStandazd 1 Time, , . 4 0 f VA1LI O.aVi Dawr, 1. a.23 " ,?.1p1. " t '7 iliiTSi.i. "" 10.10 ; i ar, mw Mra 10.15 Klvsniale Croatan Havalock - Newport " ace w. it:- '818 10.8s 10.38 1060 LL Ca ll. 12 At. slnraksaiCy. u.48 J.SB WEST BOUND. STATIONS: DAILY iM.e. DAILY l-v. "or. bead Cy. 7.40 A. M. 4.15 4.7 4.4S 4.69 til t.16 6.10 (.48 1.20 f.36 6.40 7.00 7.18 T.2 7.37 7.6S F. W ; 8.05 811 &.2T IS 8.03 9.05 Newport Bavetoek Croatan RivAnlalA Lv.NSWiiatN 8.10 . S.58 10.08 in on A.M. t (Java IknMV Caswell t unas Creek 10.36 LaOtasce 10.47 Rest's' in co Ar. Goals bora h'jm a.W.NNEOTION8. ".. ai aantoa and New Bern: With AUaatie Coast fcP.POSTBK. SELSTJNCK.' ueneral Manamr. Traflla Mas GOLDSBOHO, N. C. r. si. Bimmoni. as n im.. n j ... narut SIMMONS & WAfih ATTORNEY AWD COUNSELORS AT LAW. ce Removed across Seconej i u d laDove xeiegraph of-j lice) South Front street, next to Hotel Chattawka..;. . . Prsvtua in thn nt . n . Duphn Jones, Onslow. crfet Pam lico and Wake, in theupremekndFev?. feral Courts snH .u...... aeeirea. Correct Dress The "Modern Method" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co of Cincinnati, O, tatisfiej good dressers everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure at saecVFTatr prkn. 500 styles e( foiein labnes trotn which to choeee. Rl'Oerpp)BrtsjeJ by J. G. DUNN & CO. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSeLLOs AT UW. Broad St., New Bern, N. C. Well equipped to search titles by rem son of many years experience u the office and a Register of Deeds. Practi ces in the Courts of Craven, Jonee, Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or where ever services are required. ItemuliM A, If an b . ATT0SKET AT LAW. Practice In the oooDtlea of Cravea Carteret, Pamlico, Jonee and Onelew, aad In the Bute Supreme and reeerai Outpl .Offloe: Boath Front Street, eve Ttto graph office, Nee: Bera, N. 0 Order of Bale. NOtTI CAROLINA. I voawsWCoert. Cravaa Coemty. I Wore tap OUk, v. t. BMsarrpy I ill SIS PI I Saa Of Betsy Wallace Wallam, Maiar Warkhas. tespss Walk. Latkar Wslkac aad Ism Walsaaa. . '. By vwtpapf a awwer aeenatiHe as eateeW k aaaailatkpakmasiUtiad mpsp I wm sail aw as i Mwlapiay katXamnaaT lam, HbaSeUM I list . eVae f Daaasaaaw at Uw esaMaaaaas desa la aww I Pra. M. at 11 I'llnri as. imr alt ia.4jl. Wn easarlbid real astaU in asm. a,, bataae aoaan aae m Hiiiily asrssal ky Beter1 WaAasw eaasaat Pa. kaim straet, MM saikasie aasakesj lis w say off ladies i pi aaraiaMeaaS eataaa a, a. panaevpr. A4ealaasrrass of tka s4aea kept Wasaee a HAS IT EVER i : . OCCURRED TO YOU f rvll9W Many PMpffttqW rpUii 'Rtich'U'lUw-t p ii kervJni yoor oun if flee i ATelcphoni Line' NO TEUPilONC 1 m uctunt me 4- -., Cain TnpLrAffcrd 'it? ''? ttt ttafVMCrT '. - T5i IT tntt friT.t i . For. Rat. am.v to kOCAU P.1ANV Ti'--rs;SC. 1 1 PEtJiIYROYAL PILLS --'-; 'I a l. t ' v -. 1 i f t ' - V V I I 4 I ' i V ' ' E ' t !!::. k - - e 71 "I II I'. Hl !-', r i T. A. r 1 r r f ... 1 - I in JO' I

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