, - f ' THE JOURNAL- New Bern, N. C., Dec 8, 1906 LODGE DIRECTORY. wAnnMM nv THF. WORLD meet at Rmintre Hall Semi-McmtMy.TFirst and Third adnesday nights at JSO o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited, .-t-j- CRAVEN LODGE No. i KNIGHTS QF ' HARMONY.' Meets 2nd and 4th We aAnm nicrVihs in each month in Roan v ' Hull. T Pollock atteet. at 7 SO v O'clock. Samuel R. BalU President; - .!. H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. HiU.' Fmancji Sec'y.,. Index to Rev AiTerthenieBto. , Broad St. Fruit Co-fine Slabs. C E Whitcomb-Orangea, . ; j Home's Restaurant OygtSrs. . ''Auction Sale. -" Position Wanted. ' F 3 Duffy Ice Cream. 'A&NCRRChange. Cabbage and Celery Plants for sale. Ennett's Book Store-Xrot3ifts. t: HniinwAll fSi Table OJU1XUUU0 w.v .. r, srf , Linens, "llOTICES IM THIS GQLlJWfl FOE LESS THAN ONE MONTH MUST BE: PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Business Local. CHOCOLATE ice cream at F.S. Duffy's " - w 4tag store toiay. -"i, - " 'POSITION WANTED 'Man with ex 'perience desires position a collector, .latiir Ar niitAida work- Address vv, MICTION SA.LE Saturday, Lecem ' J ber 9th, 12 o'clock noon, corner of South )f" 'Front and Middle streets, punary r- i'f; ticies of household and kitchen fumi . ture will be sold to the highest bidders. . S. R. STREET, PECANS ! for sale. Call at 112 East ' rront street or phone No. 804. T'iME KT.ARS At New Bern Lumber Co'sMill. James City, at $1.50 pel wi delivered in votlr yard. Orders left at Broad St Fruity Co will be de livered the following &y. OR AN GEE for my holiday trade are yet on the trees getting1 ripe. My ob ject is to place them before m pat rons in the best possible condition? Mj determination is to please -md I haVt the quality of fruit so to do. My prices are charming as well as well as m oranges. Am now taking ordets, bj 'the dozen or by the box for fututej de Ivery. C. E. Whitcomb, 83 George Si " '"i : ORDERS taken for Christmas present Prices from $1.00 to $500. Bdn;bor dishes, match boxes, cold cream jarb, candle Bticks, card cases and ;,fan- jars. Phone 49, Miss Alma Basnight FOR SALE-Ono Collendar Standarc pool table complete; in good condition. Apply to foreman Atlantic Fjre Co. WANTED A man of sundry experi ces medium education, good charac lier, wants book and pencil job, insiiie or piece work for a while or longer. Reference or bond. Address M, Jour- - . " nal office. WiNTED-Bv the Village improve-4 ' ment Department of the Woman's Clu! three your.g elms, about four inches ii 'iameUr, to plant on . th,e . Academ;. ' ' green. If you know of any growing or vacant lota that can be moved, pleas. , notify this office. - ! LOST - Pointer dog, whiU with lemof ' -spots, eyes pink. Any one picking do? up or letting Ellis CoaTYard knew of . dog's whereabouts will be rewarded. " . TOR SALE A fine 'new nack, harness, 2 robe, horse blanket all for the ex ' - trembly low price of 1265, Address N. ' A. Cray, Hotel Hasehrt. NEW GOODS1 have In stock now .; Nsw Nuts, Figs, Date. Grapes, '."..Orange, Fresh Candies, New goods arriving dally. Give me call when I .wanting anything in my une. New pV. cards, Oyster, etc J. B. Daw ' m, 1 OS Middle St, Phone. 29. FOR SALE -Nice dwelling house on Itaaeock tRJ. AJso a (Urge dwelling ' wiift1otl2fset'l!eep Kfe store tad , dweliing bouse wllh. largf Hf JIv ';ec4k8t near railroad ! statija ! E. A. I'tt.nu, Atty. s i fc HAVE one small neptha bo4t if sJ A'Urees or apply to I. W. 8Urt. ; ! - r r- j CABHIER WANTED Yowrg My for eaahlef, apply peraan. fiimmoni 1 HoItowettCo. FOR tENT-One f the lffM boeste at BrWgstjn. C t. liaftcockf' , . , - ".i'.w 04 y ssssrapMaaafj mtENProw the plh kunck, nixie, a dowble , barrel . hammeriese tXilomU thot gw. A liberal reward wiQ be paiJ if W ft, st t Matthew Me- piiiiel's home, ITS SouUi Front St CABBAGE PLANTS Early iertej V.-akeflikl, 100.0UO plants M h lota to Mit irthsepra. Aprl 4 W. . white. HUv;Rrotmwia tni Ityman's re- ltkriit, neeet el Broad $m MtAw tret. f Hi pb ,fr rfoeta, ' R vie id t-iil rf fare Bnri-! CsH mr4 frrtft fwtt Tl.T.l i jUr. r-,.;e frwn Kr LK Marks A u;cai passing events. at ..o iucal cotton market fcrieoa took nn-a r f fmm 11 tn 14 (nt- A larPT i.t variation than kas been given for tome tinioi--Tjrtjriftw lM jfr J lvittetion called to th chingft of trains Nos?8 and 4 ' aSseted,1? both arriving and departing 'fir 'mmutaa earlier. f ' ,--,. J ,''-' i.. ' i A big CoHaid val Shown: at thi four- i er i 3 ' I . . ' nai omce yeBteruay Groan Spring farm by IfevJohn Boyd, The shoo fly tram waY'delayedfover n hour lart night by Tfreight ftrain which had one car oil fhe track at .a I pomi near luveruaie. ; I The regular monthly German of the Clarendetf dub "will take place" tonight self up and tells a story which all be in the armory. Heve. He bears a good reputation and Householders are jontinuing to careful about leaving their doors open, especially towards night Prowlers are ffpottedB being about. The weather has again moderated,! and cloiidiness prevails. Rising tem perature is the forecast Low water continues in Neuse river, jtho ;preva)Kng westerly and northerly winds being the cause. . , . Bishop Thomas Steaiige is to be m the eityfen thel9th fast, and while here wilt be given a big reception at the Episcopal rectory, by the members of qbxjst churcty , t rm display ads in the Journal, and the display of goods in the door win-1 dows, are significant ol Uhnstmas. i New Bernians do not need to go away i3-.nr::"" xuujr DuW., w:i iwiiuaj unorr oi r? were to oe seen in tne uaKsmarKex, yesterday. The supply of venison m the local market has been large since I the game season opened. Not many J birds for sale, altho local hunters bring I in some, but few find a Dlace in the! onan market. ' "' ... . I raicning up cue aixeeia wiui uyai sheila has commenced again. It is a verv temporary refuge for better roads, I tcr it will onlw he a few months beiore these same shells, crushed under wheels and well watered with rains will prove almost mortal beds, and the city will fcrape off the, slush and haul it away, or patch.up aide walks. t, Odd Fellows Social. The regulat nronthly social session of Eureka Lodge No. 7, L O. 0. F. will be held tonight in their lodge rooms and it is expected that every Odd Fel low will attend and bring his friends with him, The ladies Of the city are most cordially invited and they will re ceive a warm welupne by doing so. The Knlghtfl of Pythias Band will render a flneveoncert while the refresh ments are being served. A Brilliant Germam A very fine society event was given in Kington Wednesday night by the Lenoif g erman elub of that city. It was said by many to be the most bril liant that has been field there for many years. " Every detail given attention and everything In connection with the event was as enjoyable aa the pleasure loving young people of KInston could maks.it , The dance was held m Loftin's opera house and an elaborate banquet was served at Mrs, H. C Baileys board, ing house. The german was led by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webb assisted by Mr. Vi. A. Mitchell . Those who attended the dance from New Bern were Misses 'Mary Emma Street, HaUle Marks and Miss Ethel Hancock. Remit of Civil Service Examination.! ' . I Portmaster. Hancock received last night the result of the dvil service ex- amine tion which waa held Saturday, Nov. for Um purpoee of securing clerks and letter carriers. There werel ten who took the txaralnaUon, three of whow were ladies, successful. We Only three were give names and Cecil Taylor, 84.10: Miae Mabel BarV unt,H80;'W. T.-8mlOip t2.2; Our ; Toys are going right along Fiiees so reasonable. W a t e r i China Store. ' , . ivva mm yt pw, w.m " www wp ! 1 I-. - .-J - Uft. X eleaaer, Ac The largeet liaeef the klod la the city. The very thing to f fvt man aad at price to eoit i Duffy's ftutrmaej. , MBBSMMaNaaMBleMHaBaBaeaaseaMasM f - r- w- tidln' Sititr. - TWo" VnS of ChrUt ahurfk fH held i iiAr la connectioti with Che'sele f 0 Girt', rrieftdly Fodety for Ue b fit ef the farkh bouse. To-??, l)m teskber 12, aomavmclnt' M VIi p. tn. The betaar win be r.r'.i tn I! trfe ttmtlf erupt9 by the Whnf.irt f!rdwre Cwr .py en V! r.rt r.ry wwk as wU p''n sM'u..fu'. enU aill be en U. Th'j ii fleYxfrnt rfrstis! !'! Ix tv-4t yntT, ehkk 9hA, O,- .-'t n ) fflfTf-e, A varWy of Ko-m r ' jit, cka, fc-ie'endtreain. !' t. km wnrtfyre Sf4 lb.ls s t l.Wl rtmsj. ( TRAGEDY 1M CARTERET Trsubki Ess la J- v Msrrlatoa. - Murder Bob Rice is confined, in the Carteret : it- T .,V t' Merrimon. - The affair occurred la3t I Sunday.'' - and . arose over domestic-. troubles of which -Lynch is alleged to ; It is said that Nboth Rice and Lynch j. formerly uvea in ramiico county ana i were on friendly terms. -. Lynch Vas accused by Kiee as to his relations with r -n: ' ,, pUU vt ski i; st wuy nouuvw - to tease. As a means to get free from i " T . ; Merrimon and' was shot. The' exact icircumatancea of the shooting' arenot known. ' Lynch died in a few hours as . a result 01 ine wouna. : Rice went to Beaufort to give hira- has tl sympathy of too tommun.ty. THEY COME AND GO. News and Observer. Dec. 7th. Mr. W. W. Clark, of New Bern, is in the city. He is here preparing legal mat ters in the suit for the annuling of the lease oi me auanuc ana iwrauuv lina Railroad to the Howland Improve- mftnt . CoL P. M. Pearaall returned from a business trip to Raleigh yesterday. Messrs R. P, Foster and C. E. Le- Qrand,of Goldsboro, were in the city yesterday. Mr- E Wi R08enthal returned from jtaWh yesterday. UtoVm Street, attended a dance ftt Kingt)n wgy night Mrs. L. E. Bryan, of Tarboro, is the Un Tol8on 6 , Mrs. 'A. 8. Culpeper and children, Richmond, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hines "' Large Fine Nelson Bay Oysters at Home's today. Nice fresh uysterS for family use at Home's every day. 128 Middle St, Annual Bazaar, Centenary Church. The ladies of Centenary M. E. church will hold their annual Bazaar in Vti' basement of the new church building on December 19th 1905 Thev will have quite an array of serviceable articles on sale, suitable for Christmas. Refreshments will be I served Fine line Toilet Goods at Warren's. The Presbyterian Bazaar. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will hold their annual Christmas Ba zaar on Wednesday the 13th beginning at four o'clock in the afternoon, in the in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church. Fancy work of every descrip- n. Oysters, chicken salad, cakes of every variety, icecream, ices of various flavors, and all the delicacies of the season will be served at moderate prices.' A great attraction will be the candy booth of home made candies served In sweet attractive style. Docks, wild turkey and venison at Coast Line Market today. HA VINO engaged Miss Margaret Cowl ing as superintendent, am now in posi tion to accept applications for pupil nurses. Address all applications to the Stewart Sanatorium, Miss Margaret Cowling, Sopt PLENTY of turkeys and prices to suit purchaaera at Coast Line Market A NEW and complete stodr of Loaded Sheila. PbonoBTaDhs and Record. Clllotte Safety Raxora, Guns, Pistols, .-lJJ . - M a, t 1 1 A T"?. . ' i. !? 5l "ITZ JivT "'" " awui I 'trtxH, Pboae K0. .y I Cm Gaakms Cvwe tios rieht nmda and richt orice. . New hWrl I . k tnd bd to 140 each. BkveU tires at tl wwf up to M each. Coaster Brakes fitted oa jour bicycle at12S to (A each. We repair your guns, pi tola, eewiu' 1 machine, mte. : :. Work dow promptly by skilled workman; NEW Ftee Mailings and bugs at Joha B,tvaa.. - .- x HuyVar's CryrUUiied Ginger at War a. . - Fie stationery et Warren'a. V.?bCAgc giants,; celery mats and gardea plants of all kinds raised la the cpfln air and will eland f great cold, tore beadera, price, small lota 11. B0 per thousand,large ' lots of five thousand and ever 11.00 to IL22 per thou and, T. 0, B. , Meggetta, 8. C , N. K. BUTCH COMPANY, Mcggctt, S. C. The Man Who a train because hi watch is tlow or becauvi . he has none, -should mike the acquaintance of our clock of v,;atchca .at once. The best v,',itch for the money whatever the sire of ycur purrc can be found vghi here. Our lov.xst priccl v.xtf'h ii gtn.rantccd to be en ' ' rCCUfatC tirr,e4;t.--"f. av;ful si DM Sores Covered Neck and Cheeks ; Itched Day and . Night Noth . 'Ing Did. Me Any Good VYa$ : Growing WorseT . ' CURED BY CUTICURA AT COST OF $4.5a Miss Nellie Vender Wiele, of Lake "aide, N. V., writing under date of April i8, 1904, says: "I do. wish you would publish this letter in tne news papers, so tnat otneTS suttenng as 1 nave mayisee it and be helped. I suf fered for many months with an awful skin disease, sores covering my ears, neck, and enceks. beans would form and. they would swell, and itch day and night Then thev would break open and blood and matter run out. k . . . . . . . rt . . . 1 naa inea many uinercm remedies, but none of them did me any good. I was growing worse" when I tried "i the; Cuticura Remedies, The first application helped me.jnd when I jhaa used two cakes of Cuticura Soap, three boxes of Cuticura Ointment and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, was completely cured." ING, Dl Humours, Eczemas, Itching, and Chafings Cured by Cuticura The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the fright ful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigure ment, as in pimples and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter, and salt rheum, all demand a remedy of almost super human virtues to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt by the testi mony of the civilized world. CutiruK Soup, Ointment, n4 Pill, re wM UroMhoul tho world. lottcr nrufi ft Chenl. Corp., Sol, Proprietory Bocton. 09 Send (or 41 How to Curt Skin Hamlin. la order to make room for a fine line of Christmas Csndies, we will sell at cost; our present stock of Wiley's Can dies. Also prepared to take orders daily for ice cream. Crescent Tobacco Company. Bryan Block. Coal! Coal! Full supply of the best quality Hard Coal in Broken Egg, Stove and Chestnu sizes. Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Domestic lump. All orders given promp' and personal attention. Phone 34. Office and Yard No. 16 Craven Street. Hollister & Cox APPLES! IUST RECEIVED A SOLID Car load of Choice Apples Onions, Potatoes and Cabbage, King and Baldwin Apples, 4.26 per barrel. & vta APP f?!?' Wine San $3.85 per barrel! Irish pota toes $2.S0 per sack; Onions $2.50 per ssch. - 6. B. HAWK, 42 Middle Street' xmas i 4 pair Of eclenUflcalry fitted eye glaasee for a common sense Xmas pres ent for mother or father, makes t good one. t Our eye Work ia pronounced the best by the greatest aye Institutions and oculist a the world. , . ' - Do not wait until the rush Is oa be fore having the eiamlnaUoae snade lor the glisBoa. --'." J. O. BAXTER,' . ' Graduate Optometrist 107 Middle St - New Bera, N. C Misses BARGAINS THIS WEEK. ?i 900 YARDS Nice quality iia in icauiauis irom , & xa 2S 50and75cualitie4 your pick azcya. . s;. Mohair-r65c Mohair, made in Brown, Black and Blue at ya . LADIES CLOAKS. The kind you pay $6.50 for, we will, sell this week for $4.98. - v- '.- 3 M, , SPECIAL SALE on Dress Goods, Underwear, Shoes, Lace Curtains. Fascinators n 75 Middle Strest.. E3E'OLc3Lii-a.t!"j3 and Toilet Articles at 1 Phone 56 wUrWUIiawUIWawBWWlHWlHBn A Great Glove Sale WEDNESDAY, December 6 1 . We will place on sale Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock One Hundred Pairs Ladies Fine Kid Gloves m all the best colors, including Black, Tan, and Grey, worth $1.00 pair, in all sizes at 69c Barfoot t t 0O"0eeeeeoe$"$e.5' After Thanksgiving Sale TABLE LINENS. Too Many Table Linens to carry over, is the secret of this sale, and you get the benefit. " Our Entire Stock of $1.50 Linens $1,25 $1.00 85c ?5C 65c 50C ii ii ii ii Napkins to match and prices in proportion. iiC3li:.3 " la Ejjf jand Table Oil Cloth. :. rK7T?prn ATcinn k Qvercbats, worth $8.00 for $3 , m Rnw nvprrnt. $5.00 at $3.00. .wvy iw noi; Suits, sizes from 5 to 15, worth" $2.50 to $3.00, your choice this sale $1.98. avv&T rttmmamt qt v vatArfa ijiiruiMi x ...... . a In Percales, Worsted Cash- mere ajid heavy Cloak Goods. II I Davis- Pharmacy a pair Brothers, linens Marked flop. at- $1.15 at 95c at . 75c at 65c at 59c at' 49c at 39c Ycr CMslnas Presents f ) I n : - - . I' fimn1 I mm 'tygg ' Copyright 1905 by Hart Scliaffner & Marx J. G. DUNN & CO., 65-57 Pollock St. Phon 212 sufi i at aa 11111 mm fa rst k i ID iiaaaiaL a Another year is fast drawing shadows -its withered leaves an Joyous time. Happy hearU. Cli" the glorious anlicipationi of cxp.'Ctu 1 v Kind hearts loving reniembran. ( "Home sweet home" It's Christmas merry. Accept Our "Merry Christmas" as a personal one fro n fricn I to frlM thanks for the lib.ral p.itr .-. s ;o v year. We certainly fe ! tin! w.- h friends A YRI1Y M' !!I!V How about one of our haix't'ome $9, $11, and $12.00, or one of our elegant $50 to $14.50 Over coats for Christmas Gift. We Appeal to In the matter of Clothe we offer the best value", in We have a x air 1 nave, we ais things that others haven't. Howafd Bi?os. ' 85 Middlo Mn-et. rTTTTTTYTTs Scudder's Canada In Cans, Sizes From Pints to Gallons. Old Fashion Buekwheat ami Prepared Buckwheat f (lKVio ra lnntaa TTIrtrlHo flronosi uai I W (tw " I either by the package or retail. Evapor: ated teache3 and fies. cit) on,rai8ina and currants, and a complete stock of iancy I and staple groceries of every descrip tlon at the light price. Everything Ruaranteed as represent ed, only atrial is required to convince you. ' 3Lj-3EC Elrvoii .,Wlio(cftatea!il Ilctall Grocer s No. 8 1 Bouth Front Bt. VaiaaaaaaasaaalssasaaUsasj Furniture, Stoves; and House jF'TDLrzLislLiio.r largest Airtmcnof Pictures in the city. New line of Hot blat aad Tippof Oak Coal Hciter. Get our prices. . Large stock of moulding from which to m-ike frames. " ' , -' ' - J Oil N B. I V E G, Raincoats We will have by express today some new and nobby styles in Raincoats for Men. i All sizes mblack and fancy mixtures from $15 to $22.50 -These coats not only shed water but are dressy and swell " fitting. It will be worth your while to see them for they were bought cheap and will be sold in a hurry. to v.i-r t c!o with i's s nlight and ant iio.vers. i Til! hum'., m ide lri hter by a : i K( l'.ectiors . of. t ( v, ry h 'ai t be ' .l.a'ii! o :r f irnest and heartfelt .1 'ii I vi t) ui during the past r ' is n t wih all our illlM.MAS. ii The Corner Your Good Taste ; a,i'l the (. (J. ; ici'iens' Furnishings, that others ? a T W IV TT f rTTyTTT?TTTTyTTTTTf TTtTTa fv1ap!e Syrup." 3 a w. VIHU5VWL )i .V-J ;1 un 1 r h T'rrrl.

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