NEW BERN, N.- C, THURSDAY. MORNING,; DECEMBER 14, 1905.- VOL XXIII.--29. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR X.Ik X' S 0 0 A: THE TTTTTTTTTTTTf TTTTTTTttfTTTT fgf tf f f IHI ITTTTTTTTTT TT 4 HANDKERCHIEF Is a necessary article. ..Then why xf not provide yourself with one of K ; pure linen. :- -'H' v ' We haves them in prices rang-... ; ing from 5 to 50 cents. ':' i X ; Spetial -'i.' Attention is callecVto our line at 15 cts., a 25c value. Hemstitched and Embroidered.' ATrare chance. Best ever offer ed. . We have aline of beautiful lace Neckwear, 15, 25 and 50 cts, died i:i o.o Sudden Deati lo1 Federal Court of . Bynum J M Mitchell & Co.,. PHONE 288. 61 Pollock St., Opp. Episcopal Church. J L. HARTSFIELD, Contractor and Builder. OFllCk 93 1-2 mTdDLE ST. PBONK 83b'- After having so much trouble to get Tuvwork done when I wanted it an like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. H. Cannon. ' Hav opened a First Class Tin shop No. 99 Middle Street, next to Gaakins Cycl Store, where I have competent and experienced men to do my work, I wili run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and BUILDING. Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, and will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I have an EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Office Phone 129," Residence 185. f 1 L Buy a BRIDGEPORT MOTOR AND GET THE liEST "A Motor That Motes." Built for Service. It will do your work. Special Price for Dec. For catalogue and price list write John B. Ives, New Bern, N. C. Agent forNeifle & Levy's Wheels k Prominent Citizen of Chilhim County and Confedersti Soldier.Vi Crtvs County's M f Educational ApporilpnmsntTeachsrt;; Cannot Break Contracts, Will " ',. '. " : : vS's B'a:ikllited. , '. ' ' Special to Journal: VX,?--?V:'' Raleigh, K C.V Dec 13.-The Board of Education apportioned what is known as the first hundred thousand dollars appropriation from the State Treasury to the publj schools at the rate of four teen cents per capita. ' This gave Wake county $2,735, Mecklenburg, $2,782; Buncombe $2,262, New Hanover $1,989 and Craven $1'01Q. The featufe of the anhual State con vention of County superintendents here, was a report by Supt McBryde of Cum berland, who saiirspme teachers under contract there, had broken their con tracts, and gone to other counties to teach. He called on the State Superin tendents for a ruling putting on the black list, all teachers who do thir.' Their certificates will be cancelled. Luther B. Bynum, a merchant and cotton mill owner, of Chatham county, died in the Federal court room here, He was present at the instance of at torney R. H. Hayes, as a character witness, and had been unwell for sever al days. He' was seated, with his 9 year old son beside him, when suddenly his head bank down. He was taken into Judge PumeU's room, but died while being moved. He was a director of the State Hospital for the Insane atGolds boro. and was on his way there to a board meeting. He was a director of the Methodist Orphanage here, and the superintendent's wife, is his neice. -He was 65 jean old and was wealthy. He was a Confederate soldier. His oldest son is a lawyer at Los Angeles, Califor- Tin ul Soikr wmi fob for Sals is AfTIR THE SHIP IS WRECKED M rmm ha aka aU Ktxmrmmhmtm la la aba aim a art aarakamaaUMriraaaaUlaikaaaial aal -ka M wmmX TWl )aa( lai an aaJf aaa-aafa r aaalaat Ika tanwaa af tt . n laj'.Ux mit kfi hmm aalartai fae 200. Think of 4 ' , CHRISTMAS Think of a nice chair, ta bic or othef article of furni tutc for a present ,Ve hivei very attractive stock to select from. . A new line of. bcauttful color pic-. I . we are running our Factory now in full blast and if you want Pure,!.Gpcd fresh Candy, such as- Lime Lemon, .Orange, and Hore iioiind Drops, made' fresh daily, or any 'other 'id.' on ds- . ' t-lri Co, rhone 33 v? Fine lot of Chriatl ma Cards and box tn,' I Owen Q. Dunn, Agen t. Ldlnf Pi I i Iff Buttniiw. Uf rIIk A (r.ifi n aV4AAAAlAiiAAA4aJlAa4AA4AA , ' . . A beautiful , ar-r-ort-mcnt of plcaoing .Christ mas Gifts. ' - Many children inherit constitutions weak and feeble, others due to child hood troubles. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will positively cure children and make them strong. 86 cents. Tea Tablets. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Passenger Station For Morehead City. Special to Journil: Raleigh, N. C-, pec. 13. The A. A. N. C. Railroad has withdrawn iU suit to prevent the Corporation Commission from ordering the erection of a passen ger station at Morehead City. The matter is. amicably settled and the Commission will at once order the erection of the station. Crushed lo Pieces. One of the large fancy dolls at E. Wallnau'e 5 and 10 cent Novelty Store, In the rush they had on the big bargain day last week a larger and more Com plete assortment encludlng a variety of the latest bisque figures. Imported brie-a-brae china ware, fancy dolls, lamps, vases, toys, etc. baa Just arrived and will be sold at close margin. , wait lor our tpecw advertisement Gold Ash sale. E. WALLNAU'S 5 and lOe Store. Dealer In all kinds of Musical In tru ffles (a. , , . i ; , . Rector' Aid Society. I, . There will be a meeting of the Bee- tor's Aid Society at the Rectory thU morning at 11 o'clock. , All members of Christ church wbo are not BOW mem bers are requested to be present and join. r MRS. 8, W. ff ANCOCE, Prest. Pipe all prices from le to M.00 each. In briar root and meerschura with ' am ber bits, cigar and cigarette folders. tobacco pouches and eiga cases, pipe cleaner, . The largest Une of the kind in the city. The very thing to give a man and at pricts to suit. Duffy's Pharmacy. Wanted at Once., t " Two experienced fi eoej burn ers, by the Water A Light CommUlon wage tm oo pt month. Apply to d T. WATSON. B. 8. CU10M, Vx Q.m'e. 3cijr. Don't wait until th best havo'bccD aolcct rd. Coraonov7 and se lect your Christmas rrcrcntn. Vatora' Chin?, r.f.rn. RALEIGH Llvtly For Hoenihinsri u Conrl.. Bid Cos . sllios Portico Agricullunl Building. v P0- CslHskM LeBjLstsV RalehTDecember 18.- The Federal court in session here, is making things very lively for thtf .moonshiners; who constitute the bulk of the defendants. Very few of them aft missing convic tion. They are findingtheu crime one which meets with even severer punish ment than that formerly inflicted. ;y Judge Purnell had a letter today from his daughter, whois in Richmond with his' wife, who is in St. Luke's hospital. giving the news that Mrs. . Purnell was doing very well. The workmen who made an examina tion of the portico of the agricultural building found that it was so badly de cayed that it will have to be rebuilt to aconsiderable extent. -This . calls at tention to the fact that there is quite a general comment that the front of this building ought to be entirely modelled and bo made more attractive and wor .This morning a very curious thing happened at the market It was found that a cat was on a roof about fifty feet from the ground and had been there three days. As the clerk of the market was standing at the front the cat suddenly leaped from the roof and struck an iron grating beside him. It did not appear to injure the animal at all which ran off. He caught it . and gave it food, it appearing to be about half famished. "3e Gracious to Thy Servant. Sleenlno." s ' The last loving rites were paid to all that was mortal of Mrs. N. O. Sey mour, wife of the late Judge Augustus S. Seymour, yesterday, the funeral ser vices being conducted by Rev. H. S. Biadshaw, in the Presbyterian church, of which denomination the deceased was a devout and valued member, From the church the loving friends followed' the remains to Cedar Grove Cemetery, where interment was made. The death of Mrs. Seymour was one which deeply touched this community for she was a woman that made not merely friends, but by her graciousness bound to her in all sincerity those with whom she come in contact, and in New Bern, this meant a great num ber. It was not the mere outward Christianity of Mrs. Seymour which was so impressive, but it was tbe sim plicity and sweetness of her manner, her impartial sharing of her goodness and love with those with whom she had assxiations, her freedom from all dis play, at the same a liberality of purje and soul that won love and esteem. It was a life which was a sweet benedic tion, and one which even though the body has passed away, tbe spirit con tinues to bless those who remain and knew her. Elks' ClubToes Broke Kinston Free Press 13. . The handsome furniture and appoint ments of the ElkrClufe were sold under foreclosure at the club rooms Tuesday to discharge outstanding obligations, and were "bought by Mr. E. E. Eutsler, trustee, at SL40L The sale of the club furniture, while in effect disband ing the Elks Club, does not free ess trily affect the Elks lodge, which Is separ ate from it as an organisation. While nothing positive ie known. It ia rumored that there will be organised an Independent club to take the place of the Elks Club, and probably the fttmitnie, pool tables, angelus, etc purchased at the sale will be need there. , . ' Rediiced Ratss to Kinston. . Seduced rates one and one-third first class fares plus SS cents for the round trip are aathoriied from an points oa tbe A. N. C. R. R. to Kinston, N.C and return account New Bern District Sunday School Conference, Kinston, N. C Dec. 1&-I?th, 1906. , Agent Kmston will honor certificaue retarntng on of before Dec IS, 1906. . ., R C L, BUNCH, T.U. Taxes ! Taxes I Taxes ,v . S N AKCTH V I N IT I ES. : ' VjJ .- Av .f. : v ' Kantaatlc : ForlUK v pi .Weraklv - BoulliWMt Const 'ot -luAla'Q ; Serpcut worobip' and tbt propitiation of suaWe diviultleB, ;vrlUcU ouoj spread iill over Asia, ' still iniiintatn-; a-, tena cious hold -outlie little uatlve wtates ft Cochin and Travancore, on' the ut- west .coast of India." . Here Hindoos high; and low revere the .cobra as they did it thousand years >, and it la con sidered n heinous crime to injure the reptile or neglect its interests. In the district of Travancore alone there are between 15,000 and JSO.OdO shrines', dedicated exclusively to tne Worship of snnkea. which possess ex tensive ands valuable properties for their maintenance "and for tbe cost Of the ceremonies which the keepers bare to perform lepm time to time. In these sbriues the Hindoos set down fantastic idols of serpents on n stone base, and the shrine is protected' by a mud wall. Householders to assure thwlr welfare should mnke s otferlngs of dough, milk and cooked rice to the ser pertine habitues of the shrine and place lights and chant hymns In order to he assured ot their favor. . Every monilns the kins und iiuecn of the serpent lire biitlied, and fruit mid milk are offered to them, to lie followed at noon by cooked riep and fried grain. On certain days tlie idols In grove and household temple are carried in pro cession to the house, where prupltia. tnry offerings are made. The presiding functionary must be tire oldest female meinber of the family, who has to prac tice celibacy from tne.uay sue attains tbe position. At famous.snake festivals at Travan core pious folk gather from all parts to Join In the worship, bringing offer ings of pold, silver, grain, pepper. spices, oil, sandalwood, silk and other things. The cost of the festivals Is de frayed by the revenues of the paddy fields and gardens attached to the shrines. It Is believed that unless the ceremonies are conducted with rever ence the largest C3bras of the grove will come out nnd show ttemselves to tbe members of the house. The mv tlyes also believe thaf snake bites In the neighborhood of theso shrines nev. er prove fatal. Be that as It may. deaths from snake bites are very rare, though many groves contain as many as thirty cobras and the shrines In Tra vancore number between fifteen and twenty thousand. -The snakes of India are rarely ng gressive, but generally keep to them selves, and, being so kindly treated nnd benevolently attended. It Is not aston Iphlng that they become docile nnd harmless. All over Travancore the peo ple wbeu they see a snake approaching say. "The gd Is coming," and make way for the divinity. Children play fenrlcsdy nboirt the groves while their serpentine friends arc gliding about or basking lu the sun and have uever been known to bo harmed. When the groves become overrun with serpents the sur plus population Is removed and sent to other shrines, certain pious Brnhmam lielng esMclally appljeil to for this pur pose. New York Herald. AVATTLICFIEALTH r r , The Ui payers of Craven county art hereby sgsln ootifld that their Uxe tor 1 Wv, have bon due since Ojitam br last and must be paid It once. Tbe Bute and county are dtmsmling mny to py ctirrvnt txpensof. and are ergirig me to collect at rspidly a a pn. ibl. My deputir will nil on all d lirvi'ifiU M frm in p-';M! arxl do not Intend to mak mrr.y (alia s herinfr. The Uim, tr.uil c 1 Wt. i. W. EIDDLE. n.'rllT, fit's. U St War- I ir is re - ' at 'rrr,'. Fcr E::;l cr le: 21 h:r I 'tM i '". I" ' I I . I ri p farm, im r it - i f 'a f f r -I r r n. 'tlr.!- St ( J cut 1 1K Salable Ulaaa. ' Soluble 'glass, or water glass, as It iu somellmi'i culled, Is ail urtlficlal sill cnte of sodium or isitaisluin er a do ble illlcsle of both of these alkalis, and thus lu Its essential Ingredients tbt same ai ordinary glass. But ordinary glass Is to a slight extent soluble h) water, owlug to the alkali which contains, end by varying tbe propor tion of tbe alkalln constituents tb compound becomes readily soluble to Sdy de:dred degree. Attention wu first directed to It by Kucha, a German cbcwlst, about 1824. It bss bees used to some extent, sod- quite successfully, In preventing tbe decay of stone wells and edifices under the action ot tbe weather. Tbe surface Is covered wltf a coating of a suitable solution, sad. the water soou evsporstlng, a thin, transparent glass Is left over the stone, effectuslly protecting It from tbe dis integrating sot loo of the atmosphere. (Several' public buildings In various pans of the world bare been special folly treated la this way. - , Arrtste'd Far Unceny. Harvey Douglass, colored, was be fore Mayor Patterson yesterday on the charge of larceny, tie stole an ever eoat and gloves belonging to If r. Mal colm Arnold out of tbe office of J. M. Arnold the Uveryman, and ran eft with them to hta sister's home "on the Rock Spring pbvnUUon, where . they wire recovered yesterday. ' " " Douglass was arrested there. 'He wu bound over or trial In the Superior court for criminal easae m trie sum Of ISO. He was notable to secure bond and was committed to JaiL Here's Your ... - - . Chance. If Ycj IVznt Er;::s D;a' , I'.'Eii fcr.Tc::rrra-';' when yrxi hvt them t!a. WtofTorst lh et.V.otrJ ef low fri rc y-n't rfia TV. vij 2.W,prlce 11.13. l!ii'i fiia IsthT, v!mp.W, pit- I? za. :: I'o's Ki I J'.V-e t 11 rta. 'r,. t ril n (1 Oil J, Von'e tlO a;i iv"i !.! I" fi t-1 ia r-!H to 'ir to 1 7Ak- lis ' Absolutely Puro OAS M SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos phatlo slcld ROY At, BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK, STOLE MONEY AND FLED But Thief Captured After Rids In Buggy And On Train to Escape. A young -white boy named Ernest Jones, aged about 18 years, had a run with the money he had stolen yester day but was captured on the A. & N. shoofly train last night between here and Kinston, and last night was held in Kinston jail. The story goes that Jones stole a bunch of money, amount not definitely known from the captain of a boat a this port. Upon getting the money the boy took a buggy and drove f,o Tuscarora, on the A. gi N. C. and caught the shoofly last night on its up trip. The captain of boat, from whom the money was stolen seemed to guess what direction the boy was going, and took the train here, last night, hiding in the baggage car. As the train reached Tuscarora, the captain looked out, saw Jones and recognized him as tie got on the train. With the assist ance of Capt. Hancock of the A. & N C, Jones was taken, and Kinston ad vised to have an officer to meet the train. Some of the money was on the floor of the car under the boy's feet, and at Kinston, about $50 was taken from his person. Jones is said to come from Washing ton, N. C. If you are troubled with indigestic n, constipation, sour stomacn, or any other pain, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you welL 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For iale by F. S. Duffy. New and Beautiful things now in stock. More arriving all the time. Waters' China Store. Get the habit, and go to Warren's. Carkly is cheap at Warren's. For The Holidays Every train brings new goods. All kinds of fruit, fine cakes and candies, Fresh mince meat. Every customer will get a $1.00 rebate check free. RIVERSIDE STORE L B JIABICHT - V ' Phone tiL' PUBLIC SALE. . I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cask on Friday, Dm. LXh, 19U&, at my residence oa the Cray Boad, my entire lot of household snd kitchen furniture, eoe big bay horse, one mute, 12 bead fine liobrtoo bulls and heifera, 4 bead bogs, iot corn and fodMer,' hay, farming u tensile, boggle, carte, chicken, ducka, f eeee, tie. Time of Ml II o'clock M. ' - ; This December 4th 1906. C. R. WILLIAMS. Onl f.und pVf. figs lf per pound at Warren,. . - f!t lUinlni Vk. pit ptund at ' War rwi's. . , R K4 ttprrxund it Wsr. rn e. li,rl! OTr.t tJt fatlt pt do, it V. n'ren's. Lumrdcn f: Silih Good Thins ;s to Eat For 5 .uuuiiu v- uiv uyiiuaj O! g An immense stock on exhibition, at McDan-' ids Grocery Store at prices to suit the times, -German Soft Shell Almonds, Pecans, English Walnuts, Mixed Nuts, Brazil Nuts, Big Florida' Oranges, 40, 35, and 30 cts a dozen. Fancv Ancles r- - -r-x ... . ' f f - risms, uron, unea rigs, Mince Meat, Evapora- S tedPedches, Walter Bakers Chocolate 30 cts. a cake, Cooking Butter 25 and 30 cts a lb. Fancy 8 cakes and crackers, flavoring extracts and spices, whole wheat flour, buckwheat, maple syrup, 'fancy v Elgin and Fox River Butter, and hundreds of nice & ; things which our space forbids us to mention. Call and examine. Polite Clerks and prompt delivery. j J. L. McDaniel H I'D Wholesale St) i. eft Retail Ctroeer. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. FAY STOCKINGS We have a complete line of Fay Stocks for Boys and Girls in all sizes at 35c per i)air If you have never used them tryjja pair. They Fit Fine. Button on the waist, no supporters, protect health. They prevent sickness r They gr1 FAY STOCKlXQSl T I BAXTER rf M. E. Whitehurst & Co., FINE CHINA PARLOR LAMPS ii DOLLS, TOYS, BOOKS, GAMES. Finest Line in the City. Prices The Lowest. ' M.LWhitehnrst&eo. 45 Pollock Street. HOLIDAY GOODS. . Silver hair receivers, jewel boxes, mirrors, irfold ar silver frames, calendars, etc., Buckhorn comb ; and bru seta, ash receivers, manicure sets; Leather goods, pure card cases, bill books, something elegant in traveling to;! cases, medicine cases; A fine line of stationery. 'Call and examine these goods, prices are right an 1 is a pleasure to show them. . :- DUFFY'S PIIARMAf -" CorrTcr South Front and Middle Street i 92 Er. lutes. . ". j. s. mini Latest SlylcG in 1 V 1 K 1). ii. U 1 1 lidiJ, r::vn -1 - f r . . ! c.