Jf ... - i n j t The Kind Yon Have Alwrrs l, r " " 3 Lcca la use for over SO years, ; - U. j t lure off i i Jf r. '(7?JW, vponrj '! on i infancy . , aEott 3t3ec .ajuaintWtu ; 1 C-All Counterfeits, Imitations t 1 " Just-es w are but X-eIltperimenta that trifl Vlth an 1 endanger the health of . Infants wad ChMreaPjjlence sainst pxyerlmentr L f - Cantor OA, Pare-) )T3ru;3. It U rieasant; It v 'tjastorla u A hftrmlee r - .-goric, Drops and SoAtltii " , contains neither Opium,' I 'pL'ae nor oCcrj narcotic) substance, .Its age Is Aiajru iantao. I h destroys Worms and allays FeYerishness,vI curt E" rrhosa and "Wind, : Colic It relieves Teething Troir '--, c, res Constipation - v vBtomaGllaDd Bowels, giving tieaUhy rod .natural sleep. fr The Ciaidren's Panacea The Mother Friend. ; v jy cehmine iCASTORI A," 5 Bears tft&Signatgija of The Kind YonrHayeilwys Bouglit i; In Use For Over 30 Years 1 HS ttCMMlM' WMHMMVfl IHlNHIkT'OTNttf NKW VONH 0HV SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1306. 118 136 108 112 PaUy Daily.'DailY. Daily. P M I P M I AM AM 1 27 7 20 1 IE ..... f t 40f 7 33f 1 30 ..; 1 53 7 48 1 41 1 58 7 53 . J 63 2 08 8 05 2 06 2 13 8 10 2 U 2 18 8 15 2 17 2 30 8 27 2 33 f 2 42 f 8 38 2 45 2 51 8 47 2 58 3 03 9 00 3 12 6 45 3 25 9 20 3 40 6 67 3 35 9 30 8 55 7 16 f 3 43 f "9 37 f 4 10 7 30 3 58 9 51 4 27 7 42 4 10 10 02 4 40 8 05 4 86 10 30 5 15 1 52 f 10 4n f 5 33 4 6810 Bl.f 5 40 6 11 11 02 5 54 5 25 fll 18 f 6 09 1 5 43 11 30 6 29 I" 6 60 11 86;f,6 85 6 06 11 48;f 6 46 f 6 21fl2 03 6 40 IZM 7 15 TU I P M . ! AM s 0 8 15 17 21 23 26 32 37 41 46 65 67 61 6J 73 81 87, 1 0 is is i 4! 1 Eastern Time. Lv. r. 107-Daily. 136 i Daily. GRENSBORO McLean.. Gibsonville..., . . Elon College.... Burlington Graham ........ Haw River Mebane.."...'.' Efland Hillsboro UNIVERSITY . DURHAM East Durham... Braasfleld MorriiTilie. CARY I RALEIGH Garner Auburn l06j Clayton. Alt 11 w mm 11 27 11 W 1112 1107 1101 10 601 no 10 28t 10 161 10 001 0 4 f 9 87 9 13 8 46) 8 8 8 08 Wifion'aMills. SELMA Pine Level Princeton.. Rose'. GOLDSBORO-Ar. 7 7 7 7 1 AH fl 85 f 6 16 6 00 5 65 6 461 5 391 5 S3 K fi2l t e io 6 01 4 49 ; 4 80 4 18 f 4 10 f 8 68 8 49 8 80 f 8 12 f 8 061 2 6a 7 m 2 4fA 111 Daily. 2 25 212 2 01 f 149 TU 117 Daily AM 6sa 617 6 05 6 00 4 47 440 4 30 4 17 f 4 021 8 47i 8 80 00 2 48 f 2 85 2 16 2 06 1 40 11 46 11 31 11 23 11 06 10 60 10 S8 f!0 25 flO 10 19 9 PM AM 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 60 AM This condeneed schedule U published aa information and is subject to ehauR WlthKll208 eonnectat Goldsboro with .Atlantic Coast Lin. tntlnVbrththbound and Northbound; and with Atlantieand North Carolina trains for IftraMad City and Intermediate points. " , Train NoTlUeonnecU at Greensboro with train No. .83 for Charlotte, Colum t1.? t.?LLTi,' w vt utHH Pollm.n train, drswinff-room sleepers New York to NswoJlss and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro. Dan- TTI17'h.ndlss through coach between RaleW Chase City and Rkhmnd. where close connection la made with Washington Southern Railway wn,f. Ch'sW'Ctt and Richmond v No '& for Waihinirton and oomU North, etoee connection for inston- - ialem, Hteh Point, tialui bury, yip ruTt nhimhia J ' i Train No. 136 connect at Greenaboro with No. 89 for Charlotte, CohimDtS . ; . i . " ,r7iv? .c a ,Unfi m1 ttl! mIhU South and Southwest: Nos. 'I V UtSutS'-WaVhingUn ' bury for Western Nortn taroima Ppina. f a ft. Hasdwick, P. T, M. W. H. Tatlob. 0. P. A. R. L. Veenom. T. P. A. T. E. G"!. A- ' CharlotM, N. C. , Ralelfn, N. ,H. B,'SrBNcia, 0, M New Livery and ; ; Sales Stables; fcrc::g antiquities. Dr. ouver j uLM in tlie Outlook Maff- Hiue snow s tlJti. uuticutuea or uisuu fUtsUms real from Biunons autniu!tie. iK-re ij title of Ills anecdotes: At times tlie torgtf Is content to take indent fm;uieut of nncleut rases or Itatuettes aud complete tbeu with clay plaster of parts. , Tliwe new "old" area he Uieu puluts up uJ passes to the nususpeotlug, aud souietiuiee sua jectlng, ..purL-Uflser jiareaj antiques. rhe storyis told ef- a forger la Atueus bat be protested that when lie had Cu l.lied "imiirovUig" ,au 'antique he liitn- elf could -jwt always tell Tvuereiihe tenulne part censed nndrlbe faNe bo-.. BanT: Vnder' such Iflrcmnstaaees It may not be vondered -that at "times even ejtpertsjtre-tricked, im- f . v The follojvlug'.JucKleut shows how forgeries turn up ta very unexpectea places; One hot day a party of us were toiling up a steep ascent In thajsland of Me,los Vbcu we saw abdVerUS a number or Ureeas seated on a parapet Of ruins, had beeu yulsing long enough among tie cean Islands to know bat these people of the place had lecu our snip urop aucnor in,yw waier . oeloW aud were now waiting tQ8ell us( antiquities. r At ? the "Sight f ol " these Greeks one of . our number, a tireless Bcotchwomnn, scrambjfidaheai.of us to: the top, where -we could soon see bet, wind blown and outlined against th- blue - slty, bnrgtiinlng for a vase. tVbetfive reached the top after a more leisurely climb she put her purcunse lu my bauds dtifl UHktd nie what 1 thought of It.- Wy bauds were moist with per spiration from the exertion of the climb. and for answer to her question 1 held them out to hor all blackened, from grasping the vase. Tlie sweat had at tacked he uififipfu pamt with-. which it WaS covercd,nd by thus coming off 6n my limicbj tlio'cdior Unit betrayed Its falsity. ; Tbo . whole vatte had been patched up from sis or seven pieces and then painted over to conceal tile repnlring. " r 1 1 COWCEBNING DREAMS. . Often Indicate a Serious Illno The pit ml jice In DreaiDa. Harvey, wli j discovered the. cireula- tiou of the blood. Is salil to have re corded a di'cai" iu which a,. bumblebee stuug binv In hta left tliigu, on a pti.ee wuere a. poupe or oays later appeared aa uglyuij.-er. ' Muleaherbe the re nowned French author, found himself In a dream attacked by a rowdy, whu stabbed him in his left breast with, a dagger lu an area where the following evening he felt ine first attaek or sc? vere ' (Vueuraonia. "The archives of- medica) 'rcpprts.T'-says Dr. Axel Emll Glbswn. "u'rfe' heavy with cases of a slmllar.-cliarncter, which have either received no explanation at all or ..else have been explained away entirely." Dr. Gltibn calls attention to the fact that dreams Ci;:nd on some other media than those known as the five senses. A conclusive evidence -In fa vor of this view is found lnthe -clr-curastautea that even the blind are able to see lu dreams, as. witness ex perience recorded by. IIelen( Keller, "Blind Tom," the poet Milton and oth-' ers; hence tbo couciuaion seems" to be unavoidable that it Is only as far ds physical vision -is concerned that the optic nerve guides and limits the field of vision. This same author arrives at the de duction that dreaming and waking dif fer. In. degree aud form' of manifesta tion Only.'iiot. in principle and essence. "Like waking consciousness, H ho avers, "the dream Tcvenls, but does not cro-ate.- The same world that suiTouudi the waking Individual surrounds the dreaming! only tho viewpoints and media of observation are changed." Chicago News, - Give Us Men v wili by gobd team workf build up;? : the' circulation" oTXThb Saturday '' , I Evening Post to inheard-of figures It is now three-quarters of a million . H copies weekly, so mething never ."-before attained by a weekly maga-' ,zine.We .want one good man in - - this town to orgahize a sellirig force and. push ?it thoroughly and-sys-tematicallyi ' auLINA'TirAKB-LIN -AND 013 Mm THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY r PrilLADELPHIA, PA. , 605 Cherry Street.- - : . ' CHANGE- OF SCHEDULE4x -'The steamer Albemars-will sail oi "r J The steamer Oencoke on Tuesday, I- Thursday and Sunday mt6 p m.' Both steamers wiji make hmdTngJ at Oriental each way arid connect at Bel- I i haven -i witk' fsstVthrough' traM foi Norfolk. ' The train is duo to Jeaa:B rpaven at 7 a m and, arrive in Norfolk atL30 p m. r v- ' ; Directconnection made at Mackey't Ferry at 8. 55 a m for Plymouth' and Washington,- 7r . ' :No 2 train will leave Norfolk at .4t a m.arriving at BeDiaven at 4:55p mj connecting with the steamer for New Bern, daily except Sunday. ': " GKO. HENDERSON, ' ' Ne BernJ-Sept 29.-1905. jChamberlaii i. tr en with, j po;& w; iLWAir. HLACKSMI' H & WHIILRlGIir Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays al ways kept in stock. -1 reset tires without cutting with the latest im proved tire shrink er. ,1 keep a good supply of cart wheels always in stock repairing done at quick notice.- Shopon South Front street near the Railroad. V NOTICE! Notice is given that certificate num ber 1203, ior one share, of stock of the A. & N.- C. .railroad company yhich was issued to me, has been lost, and I shall make application for another cer tincate. -' . . Nov. 28th 1905. H. G. FRANKENFIELD. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will establish- passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on allowing schedule: East Bound tFOLEY'S ' .Will core any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine."- '' IVI Ul TO Dll. V K fplHWl. ISM N. Virf-nUSt, TMMTflii bi.. rltw t ,Foi arm torn mn I wu troablaa ithkidnyaaablsd4rftftMtlon.- IlortflMk tnt km immol to work, Tan phrsieuaa hilM Htlp Ba41U(lTa op to dia, FoUjt t vnra wu moninaw ana in bin Sbt m tnt wliel eaS attet lekiaf the I boMU I vueatlralr rand." fwf SO Cisaie. and fl.O for sale by DayislPharmacy. West Bound NO. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) P. M. A. M 4 00Lv. NEW BERN 4 54 Reelsboro" 5 12 Grantsboro 5 24 'i'Dees 27 , West Alliance 5 30 East Alliance .. f 45 Bayboro Ar.'afc m 7 S3 7 21 71 7 is 700 (Passenger Sunday Only) For Salet i Hd stecK tl Horse, muios, xotr k C'O vsn4 wsTtbtoksi, jJUksTf Ttr IrMnf or farmlrork; , ' Bngfiea, Harness, WBps, Robes, and V sTerytaiag kept la a'wsQ tralppwJiU' bla. TERMS RIGHT. 1 GIVE US A TRIAL. CB.DMfrtfl...; r ' Broad Bt - New Bern- W O .; Why Buy-McCiures? )y M-C1ur's Mafstins ta bouffM and rd bi aomos sot bocaans It k a sasgt ,' , a'asJmt bcsi. tt l the tnesiutlna. Why T . v. , - . -u " fl KJlT-TH E PRICK. It cneu bot m dollar a yxar.or Ut than tea cnt . r " a aombor. forever thlrUn hundred two coin ma page of rdLof matter This V, SBWoxta m actual bttlk to twenty or twenty-ore books costing anywhere from , a dollar t two OnlUrt eolu-n,, . , ' '' , 6KCON1).. QUAUTY. TMra'bif matter is written by America's leading t Wriler th beet short nry writer, the beat writers on t! m!y art K-lea.tSe beet wrtters of laportant seiltla, soch ss Bchort's mialacocS or Hater's Kail, road enirlea. - TlIIRI-TtME!.INESS. TH rtdlf matter h HcCTore's ! not only rood; It is wot on enterlaining. smflilnr. ineutire and Inepiring It U sleo tnv)t . .' tbe aub' f( in wM h 7 on and all Americana are moet In tore ted la at the time, . He aubu In tSe at twlr months are rinf te be g irf-rrtnt as the " tbo qiteelKHt of raiimad rate and rlte sivl Um quftkw ef life Irwiiranre. - fatk of theee ijuatton iU be dtaruated by saUxritie la aa Imrtlal, cartful, , klteeeetirr war. FOURTH !T4 CJlAtUCTr.R. M-Oure'e f.r.,ine Is oot 1 eKi Wrr, but St the Samt time, there U ftrrer a l.ne In it that ny yoyrg girl ' aiht Oct ret 4. . Ju adrerUaing pc sre a tla aa lu d.torlal pf e. AlcCItire's Alnnzine ref bm ia Inte-vl .- to w-nV r-'' t ,'e" ; ", Vf l''e n "T ' r ,( y-.-i IfOS wis aew I,!- r:i't.,-'.a f-.f f 1. J' r t4. f" J tl.M t r 1 store, ' - J9Trn! S. ft. KcCLUr.fi COW PA. NT, 7 r,t 14 f r ts'. cp tl t -' - ' f-.r f--e jrar'i ' r nl Iifren.l'ffr Ymi ran srn f l ! -,nwr'.; ' t,TrF li ; . n t i I z '5: t h IVaa Jaat a Dream. "Some old fellow over at Fort Sill who lias been hi this section of the country - for good ninny years ouce dreamed ' that tlicro wag nn Indian massacre on Ihe summit of ' Sigual mountain.' Uo afterward urgan to tell that dream, and at leugth told the sto ry for the truth. That dream has goue down In history ss an actual' fact There' never -was a massacre on this mountain, por eveu a battle of Buy sort. In early days, after the establish. mcnt of Fort Mill, the soldiers had a signal, stat lou 'Uicro built the bouse that Is now crumbling iu ruins' and possibly observed the maneuvers of aiauy Comsucbcs. I-'iwtMt Xeffs- Repubtlcafi. " ,1111 On Wednesday, Dec. 20th, 1905, I will sell at auction to the highest bid der at 11 o'clock a. m., at the yards of Tthe Atlantic Coast Line freight depot in the City of New Bern, N. C, n en tire saw mill outfit, requiring fourteen men to operate same, and consisting of the following pieces: - - 1 30 HP Liddell boiler used very little, fine condition. N 1 26 H P Erie City engme m good condition. 1 Sergent Saw Mill fair condition, some repairs needed. Equipment for a band edger track practically new, except boxes needed for saws. 1 Swing saw complete with iron frame, good order, including shafting-, muley stand and belting. 1 30 " Exhaust fan in good condi tion. 3 ' Lumber carts with single trees, chains snd grabs, and stretchers. Boiler spoken of above has necessary fittings including pop valve and Korting Injectoh . Terms of sale: Cadi; and the right is reserved to reject any bid. - W. L. WATSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the W. W. Mills Company,' Bankrupt ' W. D. McIVER, ; Attorney. IA!J!E- EVERY KlORKIriG.Q New Bern Won (n . . -a. A Bad Back la Alway th Morning. -'.pli art finding Rellel; ' A baclf that schej all day and causri discomfort at night is usually worse'la the mommg. V Makes you ' feel as if yoa hadn't slept at ML : ', t ; Cab't curs a bad back until yoa curs the kidneys. ' Doan.s Kidney Pills 'curs sick kidneys makes you feci better, Work better, nst better and sleep bet ter. -A V -;' " s:''.' . Permanent cures In titwj&em provt the merit of Dona's,'. - " - V, T, P. Avery foreman at the A.Jl N. C,K.L shops reslJIng" at 33 Graves street, aayes ' . ' . , "I can recommend Doan's Kiilncy Pills which I obtained from DrdUm' Iliarmary. - My brk when i would pet op In the naming felt weak and lame and tli ue of Dosn'i Kl lney Pills re lieved It. I he felt much bo'ter snd stiYmar aine I u4 them, My bark wm a wk ft and if I raught coW it eett!l there and 1 Mmed In lm kll yaeofiU P-Ui't Using Doan'e Kkir." PiHs my bm k baa tni irmil ld me one 't. Vul rn i)e fny hm pa an en- I No. 3. ?.M. SOOLv. 6 45 6 00 610 612 615 6 30 NEW BERN Reelsboro Grantsboro Dees West Alliance! East Alliance Bayboro No. 4. A, M. Ar. 9001 . 153 968 7 48 7 1' 7 41 7 88 u Russell House i lBEATJFORT, N. (L V Centrally located. All the deli cacies of the fieaaoa. Well venti lated rooms, Good beds, Phono too vemences, Pol'te and attentive Se vante. Kates "tl.59 per ikf. Special and liberal term, bj ek 3t month, f 1 . Q; A. RUeSSELLi proprleiur. SEKM0UR W. HANC0C1 Attorney at Law. Will practice in State and - reaerai courts. : fWflce 46 Broad St- HOLUSTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets . ' - ' ABny Madltuw for Buy Paopla. BrliS Ooldtn Health and Renewed .Vigor. A apectflo for Constipation. Indigestion, Lire and Klitney Troubles, PimplM, Bcremn, Impure pldod, Bad Breath, Slueciah Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab fofrohn, Ki cent a box. Genuine made by BobUBTsa Daua Companv, UadlaonrWIa. fiflLDEN NUGGETS FOB SALLOW f E0PLE -Itomnlns A; JVoon. $ ATTORNET AT LAW. Practice hi the counties of Craven Carteret, Pamlico, Jones snd Onslow and (n the Ptate Supreme and Federa pourta. JOfaoe: Sonth Front Street, orer Tel. (Qaph office, Nev "ecu, N O ICE 10 DISCO UNI ... NOTICE! The annual meeting of the stock- Holders of the National Bank of New Bern for the election fits directors and the transaction of such other bust ness as tasy come before them,' wilt be held at their banking house, on the second, Toesday of, January, - being Ute 9th day of January, 1906. w - " . J . -' The polls will open at 12 o'clock noon and close at 1 p ra. ,L, v .;. pc.8,06..t' G. H. ROBERTS. . ' 5 .rrf rf I 'can's K i ry I'il onrl 1 lliOO) ( SPTOtin," f r t; V. X I ,r s' l j a'l d at-.t."V'r-M r. l . p;;t r 1 . Crescent -Tobacco : 'Company; New Line of Pipes ; : ASD; SMbKlNG GOODS Choice Cigars? all brands Fine Lots.From Which To Make Christmas Selections! VV. D, Barrington ... , '' MANACKIt. ' - NOTICE! At the request of many friends, I have concluded to become a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds; sub jectto the democratic primaries. 1 have never asked for an office before but have been a democrat all my life, 1 The support of tho democratic voters-'ef Craven county will, be," greatly ap preciated. . GRAHAM T. RICHARDSON. ; En try i Claim. l icow CASOUHA. ' , .unH Cwnrn, Te Oeo B Waten. CaWr Taker fur Orwvea Ce. ' Tneeedentreee oeuvteea rfgeeeet utevea oe. NtrtliCareUae.eetarean4eva-lBie)te thefel kretne ectlbW Dteel ar aerael ef lea In JNe I ttownehh. .OreTea Coenlr. State o4 Merta Caroline. Um eane Wi4 nut a4 BieoTOv"e-J auie, ai4 eubjeie ee eelrr,. : u um a Ude CMTtk of we line rrttckKHtle.1 Book i Containing cos port for 800 lb. of Ioe In 10 lb. coupona, value $4 trill be told to cuilomera at a dtacon 4(10 per cent.' fr8o0wlllbuyt4.no worth of ICE I book Is procured, either from the drlvf of wagon or from the office 1 Griff' Itrtet. . Hew Bern i Ice Company. koene e4ea the aortb e W Meeek) eeteUer, km O norU aee eart Wy aearr axwHe, ea the exittv far iewe IUMM ea Ike Mia ee weH ef T-U WeUwrtnatea eeS DarM Trier eeS keen a Mm CleaerWre kHul iwIiMum T eeUeMtli Sue feeam ww let r M eeir i. I r... . - .K.TAViUU8 MHtg.ZZ Entry notice NeHh Cafntlne. Creeea mate. ToOeeH, Warn, Knlry Tekr fbr O ae eeeety TaeeeeweieBea t LQuneWI at OreewMitr Vwik CeraUne. eetoea4 We tkM ae tke ; lowlnc SwrleeS aleie er ! W lane t( wMreileCnMaweeiy. t)eef Herui Celine Uie bum betn neael M eeeertlaead leM. eea uhM taantrr. etei l.rMW ' mm Um tw'fc etee W lh Creek a4 eartk ueee Knn rl.w knenrM ee Ike earlk br Waiewtee Hea ex UMkeetW mtmtm d Onivlf ( upM ee tS eeeik ke 1. 1 Mreltk eee Keek rmnka (ue, u weet br BWa tiiwliw Cemeeee, ealekin l)f eMeltoe W ere wm I m Wee. , . ' . Katerealkkdayef Pe. " - ' . , , CLCAatrSKU. e" Oood Luch toYou Guro Tv nn war.t to be 'ir',eful In all vojr uri'iorUk intra, carry my wurlrfgl ood lurk thrn. My charm i Hied by (hotiaarvla of nijatno ana e-iai meri. .' end H.00 and set it now, do not de lay, ir,. rr.or. v t ri.MAn. C X J"rkimr, f t, 1 .'; n. N. Y. : ?.'- r.m, ti. t' Horse -Owners I -... ...... v . y r ' If your bom ! sick, tarns, or suffer mf from any ailment that yoa 04 hot sndcniUnd, wriU to Dr. P. E. Whit, the Vetemarian of Norfolk, Va. Bend eyrnptoma of the trouble sn4 be' will a nd you ad viae sbeolutel free of all charge.. ' . ' i 4 fi , ft rs 4 Novr is tho tlmo to buj Artcrlcan Tnr:n Fcnco. it". It..' v ' f ... Ith- "ri-c? '.;S!l AUTUMN OVERCOATS the aueatlea ef all rM Siewen fell eaaMctae eWrerehr lanewirU. kereaa I tl MTaHetraf fekrwe wakai etfer, trfeMaarefrM'rMaeaepM tewenVwle. eSer k wearer awieeSeld fcreeleelkat. tr27jWlddle lit. Full line of Drusjlled Viclnes, : TdUet Ar- . w ticloa and Soap. - f FitsK '';Supph ;i ti; 7 : Flower :: Sceas. i riijalclatii Vrtncrip tlwr t 4 ii VrItsr. , - - , eo YtAHt h 1 1 ... 3 i f , i wa. ! t N4 r h t , t A . ''V i . CotifihB mi unudren's Favbrita r Cteutrha, JOolda, Oronp aod v '..' i. Whooj4ng Cough. Tkl. Hmtf ti taaow lor laranae ever i,5f 2 tteelTUiaea worUlteS Jriwan be SependeS anea. ' It eontabVae ailua or other barmlU4n anemar be tea aa eoaadeaU toe babj aeto aaaaaM Prtco ao et; Large bisoso ota. FEELING This;MoitIiiJ? iTAKI c. . I. -4 a a ' i aa. ea- . , ,t I . ie V . i. . Jrl a.;ui. en. n. KUyo Su.VpW 10th, .V:190S ' r:atAQl a.; fistero LStandaN : jc-r..T--.TiiBei'.:rir.Vv. I'Croattui Baetock- MewtMIrt fitflio Creek Stf -JuajaeleB. , Lea -sUoeeii ft 23 " fvaiaraa- 10.84 10.38 '" 1060 " 11.M " 11 18 " WKST BOUND. STATIONS: DAILY Y-fWildweod 8.05 " ?(iewport In - 4 Hew.Lv.L at ah aa r M Cat vLCrpttan . 8,89 " a Hiverdale 8.03 Le.' KftW BERN 9.10 A. It. Cove 9.41 ' IJovrr j.6g Caawell 10.08 Kinston . 10,22 " Falling Creak 10.85 LaGrance 10.47 Rm.'b in co Ar. Goldaboro 11I20 vn a " . , 5- DAILY s i i-a-Ot.-f: 4.W - ,r -,.v 4ja5 ai an su . a - ' MS . No. 4, DAILY Alt 4J7 4.tt 4.6 .U e.is 5.48 &29 (.30 6.46 7.00 7.1S 7.26 7.87 - 7.S6 r.n Al tlftlAalmJ.. lUilo?iUP5- . . ..... lantk CoutLtne aaa ai , At aiaston and New Bern: With Atlantic Caaat R.P.FOSTER.. H K L BUNCH. jrsuiwrai manager. ntmO Ml A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer evai iaJea Having put in machinery for making sash doors, moulding, etc., try me and see what I will do. I. M. REGISTER Factory Church:Alley, T Z ' New Bern, N. C. Tou ttv us your niciHiirnmPiiU-yOii elerl ( ht iti-Kxln from rrutUn wo tund you n ffuainnire lo fit yon- nnrnntr th ftnlhfd mlt lu pUtttt jmi iirtly If it rlfw-nn'l- ati pet yomr monry V takr mil th tlnk. rilo for Ox Hinplrg. Wf want you io r-a1 ! on thlnaj ihor tmfhlv. li in Un1y impnthlf for uli on to m-ktv 14 tainfmt tory nit for iesi money. Many hd mivrrijwl, i xhry are nol fooil rnOuKh fnt tja lo pI1. You may rtl) pon It mm nri iTifHrtpiilMlilo fr 1 that mn Yeif U 4 sir i 4 m ltlilkilit n" fftt-nt "lilt 1 w ofTcr Ill-re foi rmn 1U.ITI ONf-frSud tor momrp Owr 4 utaliin ss (It a frrn shown mnny ftthfr rtinl'U i,1op nn ifm mrrn I Nw York Hl 1r- W'rlle f.r t hi ratuloiiw larn wkm rvi Urk I. vta.rlai II rotxintna $00 Page oi New York fashions fer fal Cloak., ajiitia. rdra. Skirl. Hhlrtwalaia. eecrylhlnc nt,l for mn a or wumtn't areer or In Ihe luime. A )nral Kncyrlo pe4la Of Ihe l-rari Ur, Ilu4i and leee4iwee aiere uodrr one roof In Iht entire country. If you are Inlereatwt In knowtna ao4 karrna the advanrw Naw Tork ( InlereateS la eeTlaw mmmr. writ, ua for fhla ratable; im. II ptacee the Kw Tork M.rk'l at m)r dltnoaat, Ihe plMieiire ol New Tarn Stytee, M.ry'a rl.e.-.l ert eeera fer Me eefcte. Write ua a peelai toOay eew a.klni for ourcai.iofue. 0r . Crirtetmi Gifts Catalogue Ie Bow reeily for mslllng smfwIU be aent fre -on. rrewt loaleeid of reeking year brain In the aelertlon ef e antt SbUt fSarlklmsi HI ft, write a pnatal card WW, for or Cstelngue. 4Jos; tain a liKroeefnle ef eagiMUobA, lliw. trsted, wlli prlcre, ef altt4e Kotlday gifM for man, woruin or rlilW. ITS rHKC -r Ae4Wa leee let iC Hi MACY iV CO. Citizens - Banlt .i.or as-arwasxmar'asr.cM -: " TV peopla Kare aa fys twlhtagt epriT anient, eomfortabW e4 ervearfnl, Hsvlnf fitted p nr backing rooms te meet thee rjiremecU, we afs raoxf tosiUndts sTllwko wat akhg riu-;iUlea, a baaii tnlragu "Ccuo anJ see asvj . ' v Dfr.iUl , . -. . .. , t71.O0O.60 Burpms Sn4 ProfiH . - fy,la00 DerexeJta ' ; -. tZ7-SfM Aaeete . 4 ' . tt, 000. fli T. A. f".Err, rree' Verit t It. I'rir' , Ykw-rreeljo T. A. 1, fe-VW, a l i t,, ri 1 . M. Slmmonk. 0. WsrS. SIMMONS & WARD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Removed across Street to Seceao) diory 01 no. w (above Telegraph of- flee) South Front street, next to Hotel ChatUwka. Practice in tho wwvm.wvo V 1V01I,. Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret. fv- licrt nnrl Wnlrp in rh Qim..n...Jrj eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. X" 4 Correct Dress The "Modem Method" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L E. Haya & Co of Cincinnati, O, talisfies good dressers everywhere. AU Garment. Made Strictly to Your Mea.ure al moderate prices. 500 lyle of foreiga and domeitic f .brio (rom which to choow. Reprrwnt.il by J. G. DUNN & CO. Ernest M. Green, "ATTORNEY AND COUNSEtLOR AT LAW. Broad St., New Bern, N. C Well equipped to search titles by rea son of many years experience ia the office and a Register of Deeds. Praeti cea in the Courts of Craven, Jones,' Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or where? ever services are required. l. I' . X S.-" A CENTURY AGO tber daln'l h.ve the I,W nf carrier we ka 4e" r d. wi eoaifart .nd njl. efeatanea. They . W't k.T. rap.lr alttr wHN euck telenakt . J uipiMni u our that have. We are near tor i any kind ef repair work ra ra brrea-. Wa will ee It tkoreoahlr .d prompdr. tea wea l Saw t. ' eo rkarrei lea hick. , ' 1 W pot RobW TTr 00 ,oor tii . . . j Weetwliik rear k. Una la a awklae wttkewt enttln tfcera, er wlthnet uklec lire front wheel J" eat berav whihreawalt. a.w,bud barrtudie the jeiikl.1 a work bwtUae new katea a, mti ' ' ? Irate It. New lers, , C. " j h "HAS JfR OCCURRED ;tp;,Y6u'1 f. ? Hrrw Many Pcople;Youf tw Reach' without p . . A Telephone Xlnc It a M0R T0 YOU. .'' NO TELEP110lt; , tt lOCWUff TMC - .won " ' Can;You AffcrlJt'r ! tCTwUlMls:3 -i.:. TaUtT6Yr1 V.:: I For R, ; APTLV 1 ) IOCAW. MA i-.' . T Te'.-