THE JOURNAL Published every day to" the yearex- Mortday." JoornalPuilding 6- ' - PfioKim t j - CHARLES L. TJSVENS, 2aiSUBSC8lPTK!BITS: One Yeaty ,4n Mvujejj.m One Tear, not inadvapc.- -00 Mnnthrv' bv terrier in the City.. ... .60 K T Advertising rates furnished on appli- 1 ;, T J., . - 'cation. - V ; tJntered at the Poet Office, New Bern H. C. aa second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER Of NSW BEEN AND i i CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern. N C Jan 12 1906. STRANGE MAIL SCHEDULE ROUTE ? V ARRANGEMENT The change in a man rouie irom v rnule carrying, to steam carry ing.might be supposed in this day to work much ' W.tor Rprvicf? to the oeoDle. But an instance to the contrary is to be found fmm the star ill U1C ICVCIlb Lliui'tv ....... . toute service per mule or horse to . points in Pamlico county, to transpor 'f tation over the Pamlico, Oriental and western ranroau io oayuuxu onu wwa- . 1 1 . T U 1 infaii. Under star route service, there was a daily mail, Sundays excepted, from New Bern to Bayboro and other points in Pamlico county, which left New Bern at 6 a. m. and returned at 5 p. m. thus giving the people ot a numDeroi ''v tunny vi tectum: iiewsuauem mc "ojr J "i C iUn .1 of publication, and letters the same day and in time to answer and return : replies to letters received to this -city, or sent to northern points from this 4.v : u i With the change to railroad, the mail leaves New Bern at 3.30 p. m., is due to arrive at Bayboro between 5 p m. and 6 p. m. and the mail destined to any postoffice off the railroad is held at Bayboro over night, sent out the following day, which means, newspa pers a day late, and to letters, means another day, for the return mail to New Bern and points beyond here, must be in Bayboro the night before in order to leave Bayboro the following morning. This mail, outside of Bayboro, from postoffices not on the railroad, and this . also includes the Bayboro mail, is sche duled to reach New Bern at 8 45 a. m., and instead of making railroad connec tion here, must go to the postoffice to be made up for points beyond this city, thus leaving here at B 35 p m instead of 9 10 a m. 'The hardship caused by such a mail schedule as the present one, is apparent to every one who will look at the situ allon. The reason for its establishment - is not quite visible, except it may ap- ' peel that a steam carrier is more mod- I era, as opposed to horse or mule car rier, but with such a mail schedule as now exists, it is not surprising that the . -people who must suffer from it, are dc , l nous of the mule or horse anil the mall the namo day, rather than a mail - one or two days old per railroad. The ; Postoffice Department ought not think that the people of Pamlico county are so far out of the world and indifferent to time, that a day or two in iheir news papers or letters makes no difference to . . L. ii r i . .i . I i nmi i n.iw vim rm h mnii mmr. vie tbat shall improve. If not. return ' to what they previously had, until an Improved service in Ucne can be given tbem, be it by railroad or any other mean of trans porta lie. ; . tsalasss Caste Be Cars' by' loral application, a they cannot rsadi the diseased portion of the r Thcts Is only one way to cur deepness tnd that U by conetttauonal rentedJaa. Mdm ia raoaed by M biflaoxsd coo (Mtk of the moeacof Heing of the Eustachian Tube. When this) tab Is inflamed yon Kara a rambling sound or imperfect hcrin& and whe it la eo Utvly ckajed, DeafneM 4a the mull end onloM the fajflarnmatioo can te ue out and this tobe reetnred to its - anal condition, hearing will be de vyed forever: nine cat oat of ton re caused by Catarrh, hleV ( noth kit but M tnilanted eondiUoa . U rnmcOal sorfstes . . 1 W win xlve doe tlaaidred Dollars fr any mm of Ifne (eaoaed by rsurrti) that rarmot be cured by tlaO'c Catarrh Cora. rnd for tirrulars, frte F. . CHENEY eV CO., Toledo, a by DrutzWts, . , . 1 Take ItaH't Family HOe tt cowrli. - CASTOR I A iQt XataaU and ClUrta. T.Vila r.:n ' ,;E:r;lJ ' ro lh f'", ft 13 FOR LADIES, TOO. Ttor Cmm St Tk-Ir Hair PaOtec Urn : : With UersMte ; i -Ladles whe tare UJn kar aad whoet balr Is (alUnx oot, ea prarent tbe ball WXtag out, and thlckea the growta, wtta Newbto's Herjrtcldo." BesUes, HerpU dd Is ' one of the most aereeable hair dressings there is. -." Berpiolda kills tho dandruff garm that Sats the hair oft at tn root i After the aera Is- destroyed. the root wilt shoot up. uai the hatr grow Ions as erer. Evea a sample will 'eon- Yince any lady that Newbro's Herplclds Is an IndlspensabM toilet requlalt.T It contains no oil or grease,-It WW not stain or dye. Sold by leadlnr drusglsta, ' Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpl-j one Co., Detroit, such, jy'i , O o.BRA.DHAMi Special Aei r Harry SL George Tucker president of the Jamestown Exposition Company, who was introduced by Charge D'Af f aires Carter, was received in audience by King Edward. His Majesty receiv ed Mr. Tucker cordially and showed much interest in the proposal to send British naval and military contingents to the opening ceremonies at James town in 1907. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honev and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit ana popularity oi e oiey s noney and Tar man v imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey- and Tar and refuse any substitute of f ered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mildly uxa tive. It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sals by Davis Pharmacy. The United States Court at Cincin nati rendered a decision upholding the ffalidity of the Chinese Exclusion act t' April 7, 1904. Half tha World Wonders how the other half lives. Those who use Bucklen'a Arnica Salve never won der if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Sores and all Skin eruptions; they know it will. Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130 E. Reynolds St. Springfield, 111., says: "I regard it one of the absolute necessities of housekeeping. Guaran teed by All Druggists. Price 25c. Governor Heyward, of South Caro lina, in his message to the Legislature calls for a correction of the dispensaxy laws and declares his purpose to have lynchers punished. The Grip. "Before we can sympathize, with others we must have suffered our selves.,' No one can realize the suffer ing attendant upon an attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual ex perience. There is probably no disease that causes so much physical and men til agony, or which so successfully de fies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thou sands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has ont recovered. For sale by Davis armacy and K-8. Vu ffy. A total of 903 persons were killed and 1,961 injured during the year ended June 30 last on the steam surface rail roads in New York State. BMnth f it M HiW Ahsift ftagM Iha kiflfynHMAhnxG Blgutur of, Tho town of Berkley, containing about 10,000 inhabitants, waa annexed to Norfolk. Dingin ot s Cold snd How te AveldTfts. Mure fatalities have their origin in or result from a cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as there is no dan ger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the beginning. . For many years Chamberlain's Cough Ben edy has been recognised aa tho most prompt and effectual medicine In use for Uiia disease. It acta on "natun'a plan, loosens the cough, relieves- tbe lungs, open the secretions and aide ha ters in reeto ring the system to healthy condition. Sold by Davis Phar macy and F. 8. Duffy. Trade between the United BUtoa and Germany, whose commercial rela tions arc now the subject of negotia tions hejween the two goternmcoU, aggregated in the fiscal year 1906 over $300,000,000. , Dragging to Death. .... - . . . - A miserable mreUd sugaring iron disordered female functions, monthly pains, nervousr, fallings, dtsxlneea, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, etc, will find relief bt wise of Cordoi and Tbedf ord'c Black-Draught, two of the 'moat valuable, tellable, ocleoUfle, carat! v medietas known for the treat, moot of sick women. They are cold at all drug s lores, and should be in every Try them. V r '-'.-. The Washington " nertpepora bar I protested against so alleged attswpt 14 dictate what nowspsperf shall print la rtrd to baftxtilAgs at the WhlU House and osccotirc Hews, -. V ' Vif live 100 T sen, : Tbe eh amwc tat Rtbf fait Ceelur arc eieellorit m the ! of Mrs, Jris bie Donran, of IlsynesrilUi, Me., now M years etd, - 6h wtiUe! "KlwirW Bitten rwred trw ef Chrwiie r7rp!a cf 20 yre ctandinf , snd made me fl as well and simrg as young glrL" Poflfte Eiltors cure ptnwh and lit iiw-sw, l!V dirrors, ;n- ? l'r :::ij ri (.;;:y rMlirM. 1 00 gnarar.W at All Drugs U ffK f-. vAsniricTori lette:?, f '. I Special Correspondence. tVTUte ribbon advocates' are once moreeamping on the trail of the mak era and consumers of liquor In the Dis trict of Columbia, It ta not long since the W. A T U. and other advocates of temperance made a campaigngalnat the aale of liquor In the copltol of the nation. : Their campaign was success ful, and now they feel encouraged Jo try-to atop the liquor traffic throughout the District of Columbia.. iJ.v.M It la true' that there la much tgla about 'the facilities that will be af forded for sideboards and sideboard belongings In the rooms of the new house and5 senate office buildings,' and It may be that in case tbe legislation now being sougbt gets -through there will not be absolute prohibition In: the District. ' At any rate,- tiio -white flb bonera" are strongly urging; the b(l which has-been Introduced by Repre sentative Webber of Ohio and- which provides, for absolute .prohibition 'of manufacture and sale, excpt for cer tain 'prescribed purjwse. v Memorlala of the KeTolntton. : Numerous bills are being Introduced for tbe auitable commemoration of events In the Revolution by the erec tion of monuments or otherwise. One of these measures ft for a monument to commemorate the battle of Prince ton and appropriates 130,000 therefor. Tbe Princeton Battle Monument asso ciation baa been formed la New Jersey to promote this enterprise, and it h making a strong effort to get congress to provide for a memorial column on the site of the struggle In which Wash ington defeated the British. Another bill Is for the appropriation t SinnnftA n mitt' a 'wnnmotif' In I York County, S. C, on the field of thp I battle of King's Mountain to the mem ory of General William Campbell apd the men who. fought there. Still another bill Is for the appropria tion of $25,000 to erect a monument in Cherokee county, 8. 0 on the field di the battle of Cowpens, in memory of General Daniel Morgan and his men, who defeated a part of Cornwalfls' command under Tarleton at this point Supreme Comrt Bnlldtna. A government edifice likely to be constructed In the near future and for which It is generally agreed there 'Is need Is a supreme court building. Rep resentative Llttlefleld Introduced va measure authorizing the purchase of a site for such a structure. It is proposed to buy a plot about SCO feet square a short distance to the northwest of the grounds of the library of congress. Tbe bill has been re ferred to the committee on public buildings and grounds. ArcbMept the Library. Enfeebled and decrepit John L. Smlthmeyer, now old and 111 Id t Washington hospital, but In his prime the distinguished architect that plan nod the beautiful library of congress, Is asking In bis closing daya relief at tbe hands of congress for himself and his assistant In tbe great -work. Sena tor Dubois of Idaho has Introduced bill for the "relief of John L. Smith meyer and Paul J. Pels," and back ot It Is the story of how the two men planned the magnificent library build ing nearly twenty years ago. The gov ernment never paid them a sum com mensurate with their services, and now relief Is sought It appears the total cost of the library waa f 0,600,000. The "customary architect's share would have been 5 per cent'. 8mlthmeyer charged but half that bat of that f 11100 has not been paid, lad ho Is pow seeking the allowance of what bo regards si due blm. The Inset Cssei. Whether Senator Bmoot of Utah ,1s to be expelled from tbe senate on the ground of Mormon Ism la a question that promises to arouse much strife In the upper house In tbe near future. Tbe Bmoot case haa dragged along most tediously, bat It is now under stood that Senator Burrows, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, la anxious to bring the mat te, to conch ton. and now that tbe holiday recess Is ever be will take more testimony and hi committee, will make a report Indications art tht tho sonata will oot expel Bmoot At tho same tlms Senator Burrows' committee will bar a Republican added to It- who Is op posed to Smoot's retention. This Is Senator DolUrer.'f Tho Iowa mac Is rated against Srocot'e retention, espe cially aa tbe women of the Hawkeys State are making a concerted effort for emulsion. Moreover, thnrs la large colony of non-polygamous Letter Day Saint In Senator PoIUver'c stats which la opposed te Bmoot'a conting ent u tbe senate. . OUert IWteleat, Senator Millard. of -Nebraska, who has been glrea new promlMnre by hit selecfioa u cbelrnua Of tbe committee on uterorcanle eaatbv te ooc of tts oldest national bank precldcnta In the Culled State. .In fact, be eonsldts himself tbe only bank president who baa errd tinder three charters, -' Ills beak, the Onsba .National, bs Just bee framed by the comptroller of tbe currency Its third charter for twenty years. The Irurtltuttofl wis or ganised li a nttlooaj bank In 1905. Venator Mtlltrd became president of rt la UfiO, when H wse work teg orxler toe Bret Charter. -", - v .,. ", rie4 rfce Store.' " When tbe m merits bayt Virnod of the Or rlflr of Mane. Orofolrv de W!nkla from Mils eoootry tbolr row wave great Mm Wllewittn, wife Of the flneartsl krtl of RomIs. took special totereat tn the nrrtilm thai came te br WsenlnaVtm home with aeassne and eft asked them If UVy wr buegry. Of coore tlwy aretyi sl4 they. wens wbrreupot abc pre decsd good thtnge that, made thetn gasp with 4llW. ',- . ; : . . CAtit tcnonttn. ; i . k laltta Lsdf ffetts Hsty et Oss keHels'i Ceek $tm4j , . Mm. MU-Wl Itsrt. if ef ts -per in t if Cert F-rrire et kir,p. twi, Jsmirs, Wl n:,t lilun',, ( thet K ! fnr yore iH ( l.a -n- berlin's ( o irh Rom.y fnr rr,' , rrmip sn-J eiijiri fwir li srnl rs fomd it "7 I " 'f !. ; ),o h i n plkit V- rs In It sn m t ;!K,t a I-'!". '.fit in 1t ,'1.'-;. f-' ! 1? r''e II n-'y r.- f, ft FACTS IN FEW LINES More than . 40,000,000 jcalendara are given away In this country every Jan uary. f - S . ; ; A cousin of Lord Curson, late vice roy of India, is a truck driver In Mew The railway scran-beap of tho coun try last year reached the value of fl There Is one ftwn in -London which is' not made a single bad debt In the whole) course of its fifty, years exlst-' ialser bad aa "ugly - face" Mstblas Ttohrmann of phalsbourg, Alsace-Lorraine, has" been sent to prison-fofctwtf months. :iif'- In Switzerland rery-aiale between the hgos of twenty jind olxty-nve ' ls obligad to Vote unless be be a pauper, a ciinainal -or a bankrupt These have not the right bf voting. ' ". The authorities of the Band, South Africa," are havingtrouble 'with an or ganization called -the "Red - Door" nmonir the Chinese coolies. Its oblect ia to "remedy grievances by force.",;: A landmark of Paris dating from the city's most' ancient days Is to disap pear. This is the street Du Petit-Pont Which commemorates the struggles ot tho city against the Norsemen. Qerieral Cronje passed a short time In London recently on his way to South Africa. "America,1' he said, "yes, very 8ieV very big, very quick. But Eng land London unspeakable." Now it Is said that pumpkins cannot be raised" in Aroostook county. Me., because, the soil la so rich there the vines grow so fast that they wear the puttipkiii3 all out dragging -over the SfOUHtl. - . A rjritlsh army order advises that wjjerej possible mules should be used (i) draw machine guns. "When, howev er, pule is not available nny intelli gent noncommissioned officer will do tosteaxl." "'Pbrined from the trunk of an oak troe," n canoe seven feet six Inches long, bearing distinct marks of the stone nx which hollowed It out, was recently unearthed -at Acharacle, Ar gyllshire, England. Tho' sultan of Morocco owes his well organized nrmy of 20,000 men, to which In wartime 80,000 Irregulars could be added, entirely to the Scotchman, Kaid Sir Ilnrry Muclean, who draws a sal ary of $30,000 ft year. A sfone resembling a moccasin with a foot In It. with the toe marks show ing, was recently dug up at the farm of Fred D. Clark in Mllford, Conn. Some believe thnt the stone is the pet rified foot of nu Indian. - On tho occasion of the conferring of degrees at Dublin university, Oct. 27. a number of students stormed tho or gan gallery and prevented tbe playing of "God Savo the King." They sang instead "God Sive Ireland' 'The police .of Andovor, Hampshire, England, have been so active In arrest lug tnbtorlsts that the latter have boy cotton the town, to Its loss in n very heavy sum during tho year. The mo torists even stopped their subecrip liolis to local charities. Three railroad signalmen, whose prompt action In an emergency recent ly prevented great loss of lire on an English road, are to receive the Albert medal, a prized decoration which la given for "acts of heroism performed by civilian ou land or sea." In an official return issued recently it Is shown that the total deposits at tho postoffice and trustee savings banks of Ireland liavo grown lu the hut ten yean from MO.853.000 to 103,480,000 while . tho number of depositors has risen from 328,022 to 518.570. Honolulu has on exhibition a aped' men of tho llllll, or "stone that breeds," from XCau Island. Tbe natives say that If toe atone is placed In a glass jar and water, poured over It nnd the Jar be corked, for a conplo of days the stone Win reproduce Itself In tbe form of fonr or five smaller stones. Itubosana, a full blodded Kaffir, a lavage until his eighteenth year, is today a poet, a pastor and a patriot a scholar wbo haa mastered - English, Greek, Latin and Hebrew and te en gageoV In London la completing the first authentic translation of the Chris tian Bible Into bis native tongne. On tight acres of land J. T. Daniels of Brintol. Vt, raised 250 boshek of outotus, 2.200 bunch co of email onions, 1&00O cabbages,- 000 cauliflower, 100 boxhebi of cucumbers,' 100 bushels of turalpe, 100 bosbeta of table beets, 100 busbt of green peas, 200 bushels of ntrtatoos -and three acres of sweet corn. Tbe modern. steam turbine waa la. some respects anticipated by an lavon t)on of an Italian architect - named brine, wbo fired In tbe seventeenth rectory, tn far more die tact times tbe eoainodcvUd by Hero wai at least a hint or tbe turbine which la now took log boadwiy against the familiar te- dprecatlog steam engine. S- A novel and apparently tocceeaful btirglnr alarm which waa recently put up la the store of Daltlmore grorec bM tbe merit of simplicity and hAsr ry. 7,Uo placed ow the door of the grocery en ordinary shovel, bang on nail m tTut When the dnor rn&uM the sliTVt i wuM rail and make a rsrket lints'.ars visited the plsre the othsr ti'gVit, tbe shsrvl did all that was ex lertd of tt, and the borglsri, iiermed by tns nttise, took to their beck - - i. ft. Werti of AHotms, Pa, has come In! 3 peetoa of a valuable and Drti'iffC oeirwnm. una wsirntnetwat onccoTod by Lsfsydtrt. Ilemc lj the srntrti UtrolHtl Ibe iWth of a Tele tl, J )h Vsfl pelt M Ormson. The V! strfe, a r(W ntiinw UrrTlr. nse If Orvgwn. rsrls, rC Ifj jff. It U rosile of gnld nnd ( united v::1 Mm rr1, srd irtHil of a tf)!fx rfnc a smell rttn i(lr'W t!i flrnnt efvl stj tHe wb tn Meets lr! tfmf,t, M- ... ft ... l t',nra cf a r"l 1 rii''-rg in'.r. ft p?hf litre; tr.l mhn I ' W Jl rr erJ 7r i ltn 'iti, U t. t f-r iy s'r-t f . ;, l ;t h''s and 'ro--thrne,rf. Ask f r !' V, -,-y ant Tr ' I tf r' srf ' '' -! f 1. Ir. C, J. I ,--. V ..).. f-',.: "J f ,t'i !' 'i - I !f In l1 -fa r Ko dangerouS drugs or afcoholic con coctions are taken into he stomach When Hyomei is used. Breathed through the inhaler, the ' balsamic . heating of Hyomei penetrates to tha most remote cells of the nose and throat, and thua kills the catarrhal gonns, heals the ir ritated mucous membrane, and gives complete and permanent cure. . Hyomei is the Bimplest, most pleasant and the only guaranteed cure for c&- tarrh that haa been discovered. Com plete- outfit, S1.00; extra . bottle 50 cents. . For sale by F. S. Duffy. Another Good Mas Gone Wrong., He neglected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first signs of Kidney Cure at the first signs of Kidney trouble, hoping it would wear away, and he was soon a victim of Bright's disease. There is danger in delay, but if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at? once the symp toms will, disappear, the kidneys are strengthened and you are soon sound and well. A. R. Bass of Morganton, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had severe backache and pains in the kidneys and was cured by Foley'8VKidney Cure. For sale 1 y Davis Pharmacy. When President Loubet presented a handsome typesetting machine, fitted with the Pers aa alphabet to the Shah Of Persia, that suspicious monarch feared it contained an evil spirit and had it thoroughly boiled. Beats the Music Cure. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by A I Druggists. Price 25c. -Mrs. Francis Alexander, Florence, Italy, is one of the oldest women, if not the oldest, .writing today. Mrs. Alexander is in her ninety-third year, and has just translated from the Ital ian more than 120 miracle stories and sacred legends. If n a kind of billious mood. You wish an aid to digest food. No other pill is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risers ' When e'er you feel impending ill. And need a magic little pill, No other one will fill the bill Like DeWit t's Little Early Rise - Mr. Quesatla, the Cubian Minister, called at the State Department to in form the officials that his government would be represented at the Jamestown Exposition. and would send a military delegation to Jamestown, Hew to Prevent Bilious Attscks One who is subject to bilious attacks will notice that for a day or more be- Jore the attack he is not hungry at meal times and feels dull after eatinge A dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when these first symp toms appear will ward off the attack. They are for aale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Mr. Longsworthis said to be engaged in filling his eighth scrapbook with clippings about his engagement to Miss Roosevelt The clippings ar from pub lications oe all corners of the earth. A ctfera tJlracls. "Truly miraculous seemed the recov ery of Mrs. Motile Holt of this place," writes J. 0. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up pus frvra her lungs. Doctors de clared her end so near that ber family bad watched by ber bod side forty-eight boursTwben, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Discovery waa given her, with tbe astonishing result that Im provement began, and continued until finally completely recovered, and ia a healthy wotnan today." Guaranteed cure for cough and colda. ' fjOc and 11.00 at AD Druggists. Trial bottle free. ' V.. - " ' .. . " , Vc:d'5G::dDc It ron ioog v ' ' le one of the bandsnmest and ' most valuable pub) lions ot . he kind ksmed. The aseaul ' , ' .. ami practical hints contained , - ,lnU)nniiJlso!Sof Woods '- . . '' Seed Boa. make it a most :. eJii4e help to art Famvwa - end Osrdtitort sod it bsw long n rirnliieU aa aa np-fc. 1 . date authority on aQ , Gan!:!) en j Farm Seeds, rr"rTirly t-r ' hrrn 1'tanlln;f. , , V 00f e BJ Coot IDIllWj tn to Isnnors stwl tisr-lroerS " . Jion rjoeet Write for It 4(atsMAm C - w a w ' w I r:c::vCNO, rrn-ire-ej rx .r etf flsel 4e- Me-e, $ y eA frwMf y -' e P-e e-r- ., ..J Administrator.! Nctlco WOMAN AND FASHION p t-n. V . - Aa Aftractlr afole, -1 - TmT skirts cut in narrow goref that serve tp-brtag out the curve pf t hips arc hmong the moat: attrq'ctlvg of the sonyTbe smart ino lul Uorp shown was developed in hiiiW broadcloth and may bo in round, short round or instep length. The back may be In habit style or nuulo inverted box plait. Etmnine, voilo, serge and granite cloth will all make up well in this design. The New St'ittionery. No wonder Jcttcr writing is becom ing a lost art. Fashion now makes the paper so thick that it is about impos sible to get more than two sheets into one envelope, and the modish hand writing has grown so large latterly that one barely gets a letter started before two sheets are covered. Pure white and a very delicate pearl are still the lending colors. Monograms are conspicuously large, heavy block let ters taking first place when used sep arately or lu a monogram. Slllt Tnllor Coirn. Tailor gowns are made of silk a great deal,- For a time the silk tailor gown was regarded as tho property of sum mer nnd between neasous, but It has been found so mnart and effective that winter clnims it also. There is'a fancy just now for trimming these with braid with rows of stitching between, mak ing a most effective decoration. They are trimmed n good deal nnd made to look as heavy nnd rich as possible. Concerning? Feathers. Flaunting plumage of most vivid col orings decks the winter hats of the woman of fashion, and, curiously enough, not oven the most brilliant feathers are left as nature colored them. They are dyed oven more bril liantly to suit the millinery freak of the moment. Peacock tail plumage Li used In Its metallic blue green shade, while the tail feathers of tho same bird are dyed a rich brick red. Fnnufon Fanclce. Shoes are getting more pointed defi nitely so. Those rounded muffs flat, of course are as good this year us Inst, and that's saying a great deal. Short and long neck pieces are both good, tho preference a little given to the long. Lynx Is more popular than it was Ulst season The Corset. Corsets have changed a great deal. The old Idon of n small, round waist Is coming back Into faror as rapidly as can be, but, llko the return of nil old Ideas, with radical differences. Un like tho trim straight frout corset, a poor figure Isn't Improved by It, but It emphasizes the Much of a gjod Dgure In the prettiest po miblo way. A Rew noat. A nnflf l.rt-il Inlnl. hr.nrrli) out calleil tho spat boot It In, as the name Implies, n walking boot with an attached cloth upat, which fornui tho uPPec part of the boot, hut It overlaps the rump exactly os the spat does nnd Is finished will) the little bucklo and strap under the foot. For Tonus I'alke. Bright red silk, pin Ided with stripes of browo nnd dull green. Is the fabric nsed for this very pretty child's cos - tumo. Tbe circular skirt has two box plaits laid In the front, and these are a,ii. kwin vain.i l.iittna in -. - orkL'4 oumnatv tosortMl tSnre, Tbe esme trtmnlnf If mf"! t-1on b frsnt ef tbe waist, wbHi t Ut plait tmQost! to as. Mtltnc . f,H,nd ti.r. and tbe foil- tens of w untrtmmI s Is take at U liTf.ts with mst1 s-Jb feed tnrka, rs- tf.MrMt.sisa, . 4 R V;tvw,i' Ir A.Ylum, Chi- r.eo, rsr.oT.'ks:fs slllr.g ,iu.n, stvl there are n-r! iO U thors. f;'f iu'.is writ: " l'-- 1 t and Tsr f-r t".r e. t U. rrr-in ' t ih" c.iV's ' end Afi f-.t ; 1 7r sr. it it a 1 r- I' !,:) - - A . Li Vv r Ft ed," Sal Largest and finest stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bera A car load of each just in. ANo a complete line of Huitki Wago: 8, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Win els, Etc. T..A. TOHES, Proprietor Broad Street, New Bern, N. C. J.M. ARNOLD, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stab'es. Largest and Finest Stock of II jrses anil Mules ever offer. 'd in New Bern. A car load of each just re -eived. Robes, Whips and Cart Wheels. J M. ARNOLD, Hahn's (Xd Stable, J L HARTSFIELD Ollt factor niMi ISiiilili-r. (Fflf, !i:i 2 M I HIM.K ST.. PlONIt Ub After having so much trouble to get Tin work done when I wanted it an like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. II. Cannon. Hav opened a First Class Tin shop No. 91 Middle Street, i. xi to Caskins C'yrl Store, where I have competent and experienced men to .! mv nrk, I wili run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTINC and I'.l 1 1 1 .1 MNC. Any work sent me will receive 'PROM IT ATTKNT1: i'J, ;,iul will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I havean EXPERIENCED SLATER. A I.I. KINDS Ol STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE I'li'E MadeJtolOrder. ('ffiec l'hone lL'.i, IV, , u.celHf.. New Livery and Sales Stables. BLOOD POISON CURED. A Desperate Struggle and How it Km led I Just 27 miles from the classic city of Athene, O.i , i little town of Mnxey's, the residence of Mr. I i.l.i ri W:n, I released from the mcst iwrilous prcilii-Hnicnt , lie pjni, i consented to give to the public. Ho wril s : toilnw M A X I -W S , dill - i I 1 1 ' I . F I I For twelve or fourtiH'n vcuirs 1 hav, form of Blood Poison (Syphil.s.) whuli was pronounced a tertiary form. My li a solid muHH of corruption, and fimilly ii, disi-as ' , ekull Imnes. I became so horribly r. iiu Ihi t tint refuKi-d to let petiplc sec me. I used large .iianli;i rcmcdiis, snd applied to nearly ull pliyHiruin.i n. ai tinued to grow woriM", and ill said I m i hi I' seat of exciui inting aches nnd pains'; my ingl.1 , , reduced in flesh and strength; my M.:nc came a burden to me. 1 chanced to sec an advertisement of C. Birchmoro anil Co., merchnnu of our 1 forme. It was used with decided h"neflt. I out um.-i! it or ten bottles hd bn ul was protMiunred iwiuml nn.l u I Hundreds of scsrs csn now he sen burnel snd then restored. My case is i hnrnt oi omers wno msy ie simiistiy TTscts to the public snrt to extend my dy. I have been well over twelve months, ami twi return ,,f the .iiese hnn oc rurred. Ronkkt Waku. Mim s, ( a. , July I We, the undersign' rl, know Mr. Uobrrt Wnrl. ml tko pleaHure in ilstuw that the feet as above stalmi by him worst case of Ulond Poison we evrr knew in our ccHinty. an, I that he In. en rured hy the uw of II. II. II. Botanic A. I. nRKJPITW Kit., M, Tenant. John T. HaBT. W. C Hisxmmomk A Co.. Mfrohsnts. W. C. CAMratci L J. 11. llRK.urwKi.1.. M. I) Botanic Blood Ili'pi (It B. p.) Is pusrsnteid o rurv any Blood rr SVin Dteae if Isken tn t Iflritnt (,ui,te v ss Hirn-leH. It in uild hy all (;ood druf gists at tl.00 per Urge b-iUle; fa lor l"0. Velunl.U- U,k frc. BLOOD BM.M CO . Atlanta. (; City Ordinancen. By the Board of AUennen of the City of New Bern! Be It ordslned that 8oc. 187 of tbe ordinances be amcneM so as to read: Ni hog or boffs shall be kept pined et at large la tbe city HmlU botween May lat end November IRb. Aaf per so rioUKn title erdinance shall ee roatlctlor) be fined two dollars for each horeekept. tit tbe Soerd of Aklormen of tie City of New Berni N IU tt otdaW. tbat ft aball be nnla w fa fat snypropn'srarsf any re-tsursnt, Urtf r olW pt. Urieed fof th asle or to selUr inks sf any k.v4 epoe fUe, la any Store or foont le whir b ihcre le any. scree ee otW it- ,vkfr pHWy. w any. itoveer w (,wtM frnwt iivw, .f wl,lH. IW i 1 pelnt, turt-Ui or OiVr ov tic of taltifft off the vi!W ef tbe b - UW from perenee eitbe eWewelfc or I eww. tvb mem of store shsll t Srrte 9 (TnS Sod Srh po'by ti nr f'rt willow arrn fe'.nl rf ciri n ' U M msintatnen er t ; -lie ,"" !.'. " A f re f t'tl ::,3..r lm;d f r ' H "'". e and Exchange SuccessDr to M. Fahn & Co., Co.nplete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Middle Street. Eino stock of Horses, Mules, You and well-broken, eil 1 1 -r fur driving o farm work. Buggies, lla-ii'v ', Wliij's, Robes, and everything kept in a well equipped s .t ble. " TERMS KhDIT. GIVE US A TRIAL. C H DI & CO., G6 Broad St New Bern, N O I... ;,t , v U o I tUf lliiiving lias jiimI i'en s Iik Ii he liBH ( ;. . .Inly 1. u il li at ,'rnlil.t In en a i " 1 1 int.. Hi fa, r :,n I , . :ui. linall I i' line alinoHt .1 , :il on' iiwhv my i mi . 1 al nollll .-y Hi.- i: I .1 I,I.h,.1 '.'I I'llll Ilie I v. a llr I..;- In W. I ii tie i, . i,'ht I hi e, M v I, 4 .1 i.ii.i h w lert.l. H. B. B., n I I . nl , place, ,in, lb. , pi. rll. on n e, I.Kiking like a man w iolind been well known in lliw rnuniy, ami for this niieccti, i uhiik n my ny duly to Kive v al lalile n re me- hcsrlMt thank for arc true, i n I that Inn was on-- of the Blood Balm. Publication Of Bum- ID OI18. NarOi Cmltn. I I In the Superior fanrX r,mmCamn.T. I Annie lirnf J K Qnr T1e etMM thni nem4 witl UAe Uwlea win" entnfed tn ene mb II mw. ie tn Hmprr" I -rrt nt inrwm CwMr InaMetn H. ne frn Monona at nWlnnr ta4 U m4 nW'Wlt t Iwttxf take MM UM4 hn la rt(ir4 tn t"'' e tn n lane t . SeiiHX WH f nwl Caante tn ni en : lakeeratr l l n-t !! m rMntf 1 M Hro Sn, N (.. e4 en r Anwf to le ' mwuM te et4 s u m in Hnlfltis eevt. te tnn I m f- MM M.iMrii te mm mv W. St. WATJON. ! ef tneBneVrtw '.:K3tice'to..Cii(i!ti. ;' Wnte s ita-fe eWrinnM ef Um mtm 4 y IM0 H e.-Mfc S S I', in 1 tna e te i M pi in ! in nln1 thm mul ertau !- tm hiH rm,f-4 M tne in 1 1 w w. an fcf IM lab lu nl leal, wIMi H to tmt mUtmit' . A e VI'. teetS eeleii wit i ieee in fwanSi er t. , f . , - t , f. t. tATHSf SUA, A M"if fn)SBr f. f. WA ID. Attmmee. , . . tin, tesee H rM, - f- i i Admiulttratora Notlco tw 4nV ni.-4 M A wt' n fh f Mmv W 'i' . 4. mii 9 mm ,n HMm iriMl H W 4 m4f wt inn 11 in, ' , n to. m )- M 14 -4 Jn fr. v tl ii an n p, ' mi-f fmm at SftSfSseereW . ' J 4 ' M 1 ef f 1 tmiPiiji aw fj fjfif I !