i -:-L l The Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 yeans and has been made under Ms per---"fflffn ' ona supervlsloii since its infancy. . 4ccA44ij v AllownoonetodeeeiveYouinthiH. . i ' : ., All Counterfeits, Imltatlon and Just-as-good n are but ; - Hxperimentg that trifle with and endanger the health of ' Infants and Chlldren-Experience against Experiments IWhaCASTORIA' A- Castorin is a harmless eubstitute'for.Castor Oil, Fare) Eorlc, Props and . Soothing Syrups. -0 It is Pleasant. Ib , . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marcotlo1 , substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feyerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.7 GENUINE GASTORIV ALWAYS .j ' ; - , . M - , tY J Bears the TKe Kind You Have Always Bought Jn Use For Over 30 Tears. :'' ' ; ' .iiitmh counm. n aniaaar sraarr. KwwMem ; SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. 118 I 136 108 Daily. Daily. Daily. 112 Daily. Eastern Time. S Lv, r m r m I 1 27 AM AM 7 20 7 33 7 43 IE 0 8 15 17 21 ENSBORO .. Lean - bsonville 'on College Eurlington Graham , Haw River MeBane Efland Hillsboro UNIVERSITY . DURHAM East Durham... Hrassficld Morrisvilie CARY RALEIGH f I 40 f 30 1 53 1 58 2 08 2 13 2 18 2 80 47 53 06 11 7 63 8 05 8 10 8 15 ,8 27 f 8 38 23 26 32 17 33 45 58 f 2 42 37 41 2 51 8 47 3 03 9 00 12 46 6 46 3 2f 9 2fM 3 40 3 55 55 57! 61 6 67 7 IB 3 35 9 30 f 3 43 f 9 37 f 7 30 .7 42 9 51 10 02 10-00 73 8 05 4 3R 81 52 flO 4 if 87, Garner Auburn 1 . Clayton Wilson's Mills SELMA Pine Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO Ar. 58 no 5i f 11 It 02i 5 54 fll IS f 6 09 11 IW f 29 25 431 5 11 ;i f 6 3 05; 11 48!f 6 4 .'f 6 21 fl2 03 , 6 40' 12 2oi 7 1 I PM PM I AM This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to change without notice to the pulil'c. Train Nos, 112 and 103 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and. North Carolina trains for More-head City and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colura bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, 'drawing room sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winaton-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan villa and local stnt iens. Train No. 117 bundles through coach between Raleitfh, Chase City and Richmond, where ck-xe connection ia made with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. . Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 36 for Washington and points North, close connection for A inston falem. Hieh I'oint. Salisbury. Charlotte and intermediate 'Stations. - Train No. 136 connects at Gretnsboro and Jacksonville; no. ,j lor Atlanta ana all points South and southwest; Nos. 84 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. a fl: Hardwick, I'. T, M. w. H. Tayloe. G. P. A. OL-B, Spencer, G..M Washington, D. C. R. L. ViRNON, T. P. A, T. E. Gbekm, C. T. A. , Charlotte, N. C. Raieif h, N. C. Sale and Exchange Stables r i ... . T .1 m liivln o rul il 6v& 6f Uw ' rarnrvd and owtner to oar inciMln( k jvMt rurrliAwJ Z3 head tt Hnrw tra UI. all wen brokt ami ajafiua to me irm, ron. uinocr. am arart pvr p ' Thin Uork w npc within next 3 dajra. W le carry fat Mark rotr Utttljr a full al nnii'U Una of open and Uip Bufpl", Surreys, Tranfir, Wfn, Carl W I lam of rry iwrrii-tlon, loi, blankets, W hip, ate. Horn will b ntl c fi f'' muffin for caab Of "curd fpeT, it Will VJ yen wil to wait and ae ua Ufora Uiyinar. - .. r , i - - ; - Vw Truly. ;.;'r DANIELS : ) rv -nn Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of ii- Signature, of - 107 135 111 1171 Daily.ffiaily; Daily. Daily. AM PM AM AM 11 59 fll 40 11 27 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 50 flO 38 10 28 10 16 10 00 9 44 9 37 9 13 9 05 8 45 8 26 8 20 ' 8 08 6 35 6 15 6 00 5 55 5 46 5 35 5 17 5 6 4 4 4 A 05 00 47 40 30 5 5 33 5 221 17 5 10 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 4 10 3 58 3 49 3 30 3 12 3 06 f 4 02 3 47 3 30 3 00 2 48 920 9 W f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 50 f 2 35 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 45 11 31 11 23 11 08 2 55 2 "40 2 25 10 50 10 38 2 12tfl0 25 2 OlfcflO 10 f 1 49 If 9 65 1 St PM 9 40 Lv. PM AM with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia rw - nl two car VvU 6f Iloros and MuIm tr'k md damarM4, our air. U U. Isntl and MulM wclghinf W U IZM IU. 6 to 8 &IIA1IN. . rORiiy CHILDREN --A.f f RIv Dy. v' The following soma is very popular with. 11U& TfB,c.k. children and may help ou to- pass jorn -pleasant mo-1 Choose a letter of the alphabetsay rD,". for tnstaice.a Each player, with pencil, and 'pn per, ls.toid to .writa the namer otsaeountrjr," rlverTOonntala, City, sotilicr, artist ".writer' musician and at4iesuion,'iiO beginning -witb the letter "IX?,"-' ? -.: XX the nd ef fire minutes the lists are closed Ana reads the names from Uls-list nnd" tliose- baring, the same anmes od their lists scratch- them off. The wlnuof of the,' contest is the one having the most names not on -the lists of the otliera,''-The Tact of bis names being wore' uncdmmon hows him to have the greatest knowledge and mem- This game Is woll worth trying and will be enjoyed M every membeaof llUtorr of Earrings. Girls who are fond of earrings may perhaps be interested In hearing a few facts- about them.' i Sad it is for the emancipated vroinnn of the present day to learu that these fashionable orna ments were triglnq'Hy a mark ofslav cry. In' bygoae days the slave always wore his master's earrings. In the east they were a- slgu.of caste and were burled with - the doad. Some ancient earrings wcro very elaborate, and many statues hod their ears bored in readlnesa fo? votive offerings of ear rings,, says Homo Notes. , In our .own country the earliest ear rings were very cumbrousllnd made ol stone or wood. The eighteenth century saw the glorification of the earring, fashionable beauties outvying each oth er with the rarest and most beautiful Jewels. amoua Bora. A boy used to crush the flowers to get their color and painted the -white 'side of bis father's cottage in Tyrol with all sorts of 'pictures, which the mountaineer gazed at as wonderful. He was tho great artist Titian. An old painter watched a little fel low who amused himself making draw ings of his pot and brushes, easel and stool, and, sold, "That boy will beat me some day.? So he did, for he was Michael Angolo. A German boy was reading a blood and thunder novel. Right in the midst of it he said to himself: "Now, this will r.ever do. I get too much excited over it. I can't 'study' so well lifter it. So here goesT And he flung the book out Into the rivet. " lie was Plchte, the great'Gcrman philosopher. Floating Keedle. Take greasod needles and float them In a basin of triiter. First '"7 1 piece of tissue paper In the water and put the needle upon It Soon tho paper will become "wet And sink, leaving the nee dle floating. ' Each person has one needle, and it Is funny to watch Its action. Sometimes it will rush to the edge of hfi'.vnter. Sometimes It will ran into another player's and cling to It In a way that Is regarded as pro phetic. BIsT Bella. Russia ia famed for tho manufacture of great bells. The "Olnant," cast In Moscow In the sixteenth century, weighed nearly 820,000 pounds and re quired twenty-four men to ling It In 1732 it fell, but ks fragments Were recast along with other metal Into a bell which weighed 443,000 pounds, the metal of which alone Is valued at 300,000. now We Beoam YaskeM. The word "yonkee," at applied to Americana, originated with the North American Indians when they attempt ed to pronounce the word "English." Thoy cnllort ItTanghlea" and "Yeng hies," from which camo the ' name "Yonkee." In 1775 the British sol diers, la an offensive manner, dabbed the American colonists "Yankees and -Yanks.'' ' ' ' Naturi Civet Timely Warning Ditt No New Bern Citizen Can ,.' Afiort to lQnore.7 . DANCER 8IGNALN0 1 comet from thektdnty.aecNtion. They will warn yon when tho kidneys art lick. WU kidney excreta a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidney. Mud out a thin, paw and foamy, i or .thick,' red, 111-imeIUng urine, foil of etUmtnt and Irregular of passage. ;'- ' i .,. , ,: -'. v DANCES SIGNALNO. cornea fforo the back. . Back pain, dull and ha avy or aharp and aocute, tall yon of tick kidney and warn you of tho eomlnf of dtopsy, diaboUa and Crighl'i dlteaao. Doan'a Kidnsry Fills euro akk kidneys and euro tLcm permanently. Ilsra'i New Bern' frroof: i'. .; "- 'L A. fimllh, 8orwrbtmdontof Crys- Ul Ic Co. ,13 Crimth itmt, rcatdlng H13 Grimth ttreH, aaya:. "I-naod Doan'i Xklncy I'ilU for mj kWnpys and back, Tha aecreUooa from tho kidneys wcro all out of aoru. and too frequent In acuon. Doan'a Ki'lney tills aloppM) an thla. My littht bny,wu trouhlod wkh o kMn-y wvaknow ami tho soctp tiona wr hlghl eoVrl and full of ailment I favo Mm mmo of tb pill and thoy cleared Uis lee rr Lion Up to lhrHY,ns.ltrl color, I cannot but fnni!(r lwi Ki(tno- j"iiia an xrrirni kxv rpy eur and do not hwlU'e to . I blitalrwd Uvem at iirs'lham's i'har- mn'-y' Kr onus by all rlralrra. Trk 6o ft, a Ikx. Kusir-M .ii um i'.ufTnio, N. Y. ! bet f r iht V. 6. FUfWfm1 't U.i namLKin'a. and ts no otixT. Advloo to Young Husbands, If you are a husband, and as such soon expect to become a father, take heed. Before you can realize your fondest dreams it is necessary that - C.T.HANCOCK Real JEstalc Agents 148 Broad St, New Bern, Nl C New Line BuekjCigars JwtlReceived Fine Line Smoking Tobaccos. Smokers Comforts For Usersof Tobacco Crescent Tobacco Company. W. D. Barrington MANAGER. Sale of Valuable Land. KNOWN AS "SPRING GARDEN FARM " Br virtue of the powers contained in a certain Deed of Trust made and executed on tho 23d day of December 1908 by R. J. Wetheraboe to E. H. Meadows and recorded in the oflice .f the Regis ter of Deeds for Craven county, N. C 1 will orter for sale to the highest bidder for CASH at tho Premises, known as "Spring Farm" near Neune Dl U 1 IUtA Jn.. Uniinn lUftK nl 12 o'clock m., the following tract of land, known and designated as the spring Garden tract.' W(iiiii(iit a DM.no uii ...w ...... r . . . v. . . river, and running South 62 dgs west 40 poles to an old marked Gum, the original corner of the tract of land, then south 52 degrees west 444 iolcs along a line of old marked trees to an old marked pine one of the original corners " of the tract ot laud, then north 60 degrees west along a line of old marked trees to a light wood stake, now the dividing lii.e between the lands now or of the late John Rhem and saiiftract of land, then north C degrees east along the line oOnarkod treeB the di viding line between Baid land now or luu- ot John Rhem and said tract of land 279 xloe to a gum, then north 22 degrees east to the river, then down the river to the beginning-always save and ex cepting so much of said tract of land as is descri bed In a Deed from Ueorge Allen. rlwarn ai iioiu. Ellsha F. Arnold and Caroline ArViold to Rachel Ann Arnold, recorded In the'Registcr of Deeds office of Craven county, book Hi, folios 53 tj which reference is made for a more particular descript ion. Also saving and excepting that iartotsail tract of land which was conveyed by Edward Am old and others to T. 1. May by Deed registorol in olllco of Register of Deeds of Craven county book MO and book 100 page 352 respectively, to which reference is mode for a more particular descrip tion. Also three head of Team, all the Harvested crops of corn, hay, etc.. all carts, wagons, bun- gtea, harness and all farming imp'e.-nents of evu-y kind and description belonging to and used I" cul tivation of said Spring Garden r arm. Decern bar. 19th. 1906. y E. II. MEADOWS. Tr"tee. Notice io Creditors. XNOBTH CAROLINA, I , CraTSO County. I Harir qraUftrt as AOmlnlstratnr ot v 10 a Rarpsr dacaascd .lata -.f Crsvao eo,N. C.this is to "T01" th.undor.umed on or brtor. thsWU. day of Ik. bouit ui Mnora naviua caim unrnwi iiiv miM. - pieaas mass munsaiata Daymam. This ltllh day of Use IWM. LUB1 JBY 8. HARPER A4rtnlarator. Entry Notice North carol I na. Craven County. To Goo, B Waters tin try Taker for Craven Co. Tna Bndaratsnail Tho J. Brrsn. ot Craven eountr, North Carolina, snUrs and lay claim U tha roltowliur Diwa or panel of land ia No, a Township, Cravaa County, 8taU of North Carolina, tha aanvs hetnj- racantans gnsppruuila pad land, and suhjaet io entry, via! Iyimr on the . .l - i , . -.m & vr tl 1) - I . , ' IFHU1 OMN Ol n m vnitMN w mmm wa v,i Cmk bounded as follows: Us tha north by T. J. Rryaa on th east by MiIcImII land and others on tho south by Drsd sliuh.ll and T. 1: Hry aaaadetnaa4by(rSonis tlryaa and others eonurlnina by satiraaUon SO aeraa. AKotaradthis lath darof D- IWJ , TUOti i. BRTANB Notice to CoiintryMen. and ' : Farm! . . W want to boy all of lour. Sheep, CittW And Pork. Bring tera to Soulh' Front Streot Market, number 1M. FOR 8P0T CASH. . -. - ; Yotiri to fcomcrabor,- ' BIO DILL, D. JONES. 1- ,. . ' rm lifr-fil nr rmr Tir cnrtJ lt.Ml4V tt Jtisg tnr fr tsvtltui nrvl irVwV Ha. iwwua wn i hi w ! bAr pal eat. "crc.flacr.ovjci co. ; " MoiiitTt n-a " -HocVy founta!n Tea Wuggcls A fUry ,'.:. U Brf '' ' . Brlr (W." 01 is 4 T.fw A SnrfAe f nv fVeljMlfe. tn-tir4lrwv We and h t'tr Tntii 1 1 .r..4.- xorHi. Iwpwra hl. H4 lirMfh. t.icr h tlt 11 lw fcK- M R,tf M ..n'i ! in l. W-4 f S. emia a W. ( w r.,le y ll'iu wn laro 4J'.r. t, W ha. COUCH UGGtTt fOR tALtO ttUflt Fcr E::,t tr LC3SS great suffering be borne by her whom you love better thao yoursclfT vou would do anything n your1, power to alleviate her suffering, would ou not ?J Iir-. j;f 'id',-? liniment of unquestioned value in pregnancy,' wil wonderfully ease 'the-. Ordeal '.through. which your wife-must pass; it U-easily vthinyoutpower to procure it 5 surely it cannot be other than your duty to ao so. On 4o(lm bottle at all drag Kore. var -nlubk book, " Motherbood," a lie to U t r Bradtteld r Regulator CO; Atlanta, Oa. SEYMOUR W. HANCOCK v , Attornejrat Law. 3T Will practice in State1 and Federal Courts. Office 46 broad St. k O. & W B.A ILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on -allowing schedule: East Bound No. 1. West Bound No, 2. Sun.) A. M (Mixed, Daily, ex. P. M. 4 00Lv. NEW BERN 4 54 Reelsboro 5 12 . Grantsboro 5 24 Dees 5 27 West Alliance 5 30 East Alliance 5 45 Baybdro Ar. 8 45 7 51 783 7 21 718 715 TOC (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 4. A, M. No. 3. P. M. 5 00 Lv. 5 45 6 00 6 10 6 12 NEW BERN Ar. 9 0C Reelsboro 8 13 Grantsboro 7 58 Dees 7 48 West Alliance 7 45 East Alliance 7 42 Bayboro 730 lb to con Notice to Creditors. Havirtfc qualified as Executors of the last will and testament ot Kate E Till ins:, deceoaed. late of Craven County N.C. this ia to notify all persona havwiff claims ajrmnnt the said doceaaed to exhibit them to the under! ened on or before the 16th day of Icc. 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bur of recovery-A II Persons indebbati to the said estate will make immediate payment Dec, 16th 11)05 Wm: A. TILLING. ELLA E. HOSE. Executors Notice, to Creditors. Having (juaHflod upon the estate of Mrs Nancy O fckymmir, nil perBons are hereby noUliod to present tojA D Ward New Bern. N C, or to tho undcrninrned all clnirnn hold.on or before Dec X7th lyotl.uthoi wihc thin notice will be plcadoti in bar of recovery, A tl persons indebted to sakl estate are nviiiostod to make immedlaU) payment This 1--. 27lh. ltffHi JOHN H K-:yMOUU. Executor of Nancy O. Seymour, doceaatd. Entry Claim. To Geo B Wato.a. try Taker For Crayon ooun ty. 1 Tk. . i I I t a i : .v . . Cr.v, County. North Clini. ,.ZZ?inl Uj. cIum th. following aWribM nl. , JZZ tiwi.i. u.'. nntiu ltiu( vacant and unao I I- i'i.i.n ihiiu MitU suhjvcl xi otttry, viz: On thw north nide of Neuae rlvar and south side of owtftXroek, bnrlonlnc st Hog Savannah cor ner runnina thence northwardly with H. J. Mur' ru iiooioumv A. wethermston (Oee.) lino. thence with said line northwardly to th. Samuel WiKirln 10 aera patant then with said patent weatwardly, to the luu aera Arthur Butler patent, then with same to the Henry Lilly and Berry Nel son pstent, then with said patent to th. F. C, Nelson line, then with his line to the James Reach line, then witn his line to the J. B. Baantsht Kn try, on the Bay Bush and then with said line to the bea-lnnlnc. coBUtnins by estimation 1.0US Entered LSIs lHh day of Deo-1906. J. 8. BASNICRT. I THEN WITH, BLALKSMHH k WHIELBlGlir BuKifleii, Wjroi, Crt and Dnjt ml ways kept in stock. I reset tire without cutting with tho Utait Im proved tire shrinker. I keep m good upply of cart wheel always In stock repairing dono at quick notice. Shop on South Front atreet near tl"cock 8u Horse Owners I If jour bona aick, lame, or suffer ing from any ailment thai jrrw do sot Dndnrstand, write to Dr. P. E, White, the VeternarUa of Norfolk, V. ..Send lymptotni of the trowbi and h win end 700 adviso absolotel fm CI all charges. i,"-.", " 0 : ICS I -Now ia lh Umo to bus I, American Fttrm Fence. i has reached its Iov7 price, tho noxt chaiigowill bo higher prlcoa. Threo .Car Loads on hand. Oct. ::otht 1005, E;l7.SmaIIv;ocl Not 1 Pneumonia follow L Qrtpp'Xr' but never fottowa th of It stops the Cough and heals the lucgv. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. . . If a. a. Taokbb, a 1ST Osgood St., ChicMn, Wrtt: "M.J wif bmd U grippa mi It left haf with a wj bad eoogh oa hat laogs whiek (OLbt'i Bom AMD Tab earad compml. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. Russell House ' BEAUFORT, N. C Cenb-ally loeattd. All tho deli- oaoifw of the season. Well vonti lated roonip, Good beds, Phoue eon veniencea, I'orte aod attentive Ser vants. Kates $1.50 per day. Special and liberal terms by week or month. Q: A: RUSSELL CAROLINA DISPATCH 1ND- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The steamer Neuse will sail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The steamer Ocracoke on Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. bow Rteamers will make landings at Oriental each way and connect at Bel- haven with a fast through train for Norfolk. The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in Norfolk at 2 p m. Direct connection made at Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 a m for Plymouth and Washington. No 4 train will leave Norfolk at 11.55 a m. arriving at Belhaven at 5: 10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. ftEO. HRNllMBRnM M. K. King, V, P. and Gen. Mngr m. w. MACuire, Gen. Supt H. C. HuDfiiNS, G. F. and P. A. New Bern. Dec. 29. 1905. limn ii hi A, Nii.in, ATTORNET AT LAW. Practice In the counties of Craven Carteret, Pamlico, Junes and (ftu- ind In the tote Sui.reruo ami Fedmn Courts. Office: Soith Front Plreet, over TU iraph-ciflloo, Ne "urn, N C Made from pure dis tilleri filtered wa-ii:i " ter. NEW BERN ICE .COMPANY. g!9-21-23 : Gri f f ith" Srreet Phone 23. AUTUMN OVERCOATS fasmnaad ths attantlna of all rood dmawni fullr a. moth as ollw rrarular rarminta. W. havc'an andlsasva of fabrlr. whlrh rotor, wmwt snsl pattern, from honwvpan U) arnratmls, ofTnr lo tlw tarr s wkU (WU Tur snWctbn. F, 11. CIIAIHItK 127 Middle Hi. Full line of Drugs,Med . lcines, :1 Toilet Ar ; v tides and Soap, Fresh: Supply o, Ktfltymct ;Seeas. . riijulclarif Trcrlp iIon A NpecUUy. ' r ... I ' 4 jfa!i CnvrniowT s0 - ' -f ll..,'4lt Old Domioiop Steamship Ce Dcbrys Pharmacy Chamberlain's 1 CoughRcBmedy me ctuldren's Favorite on BBS Coughs, Colds, Croup and -Whooping Cough. This rsmadrii famous tor Itsonrss orsr IsrtSjpartotthsolvlUsad world. It eaa always D. depsadsd upon. It oontalm no oplom or other harmful draa and mar ba firea as oonildeotlj to a baby as to an adult PHoe 26 ots; Large SUe, 60 eta. FEELING UVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE Having put in machinery for making sash doors, moulding, etc., try me and see what I will do. J. M. REGISTER Factory Church Alley, New Bern, N. C. OUR. FAMOUS ANNUAL JANUARY SALE Of Uudermuslins and White Goods UNPRECEDENTED PRICES. Ton may hur In this nvinr-y s.-ivlng of porlunllr as wtli as th. rollouts of Now Vork city UNDERSKIRTS: 0 4 -'ambrlc. umtirrlla ruftl..wlth hro c stltchinj. "amhrrr, urnbiflla ruflla, tiirks. torrhon lar rdu.. N1CHT COWNSi 0(l--ra4nbrln. low nel. with hsm- stitched lawn rum. OQ--Cambric, squara nsck. smbroldar OtC inaction and cambric ruffis. DRAWERS : 1 Qctml,r)r' nnibrll cam brio ruftla, a-w torrhon lacs and laca oda 0 .Cambric, tucks and atnbroldsrr -10 rum. CORSET COVERS t 1 ar Cambrtr, V sbapl nck. lac Ibmt LOU tioa, hMsdlna ribbon and lac Kirs 19o- -CambrK, Frmch stria, wW. lac 9 ( :rirtrk-. V Shapod nark. tlti t- Xing, two rows nnbrol'Wr r rrt.-"ambrl, low nark, back and front OJV trlmswi) with two raws nf Maltaa tatrw Inaartlona, bMdUuj ribbon ancl lac rstna. fUnd for cxnpMa ealaVxTM of thla aala MaJlad frt. R IVmBm CO. " -MOADWAf, WW T0t Citizens : Bank I A Gentle Laxative I I And Appetizer I laMlme mm ' J 'j 99c a wrmwmwaaMt ar. - Th pl h aa ty to thlnf eotjTwnknt, totnior(ll turvd ehwrfuL Hiring titUd ep oor bulkf room to tnc li TlrwmafiU, un rvl toiW4t allha vnt iUnklrg rciliU, a' arart-irt)coria. Cvm rA 4 n. - , ". , Correct Dress The "Modern Method" system ol high-grade tailoring introduced by L. E. Hays & Co, of Cincinnati, O, satisfies good dressers everywhere. All Garments fAnde Stricily t to Your Measure at mocWate price,. 500 styles of foreign and domestic labrica f.cm whith to choose. RpprpantrH by J. G. DUNN & CO. A.&N. C.R.R. Effective Sunday, Doc. 10th, 1505 at 12.01 a. m. Eastern .Standard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS No 1 NO. 3. DAILY 3.40 P, 4.01 4.13 4.26 4.40 5.02 6.16 DAILY 8.00 A. 8.21 Lv. Goldsboro u. Uet s LaGraiura FaUinK Creek Kins ton Dover 8.81 8.43 8.66 9.23 Cove 9.41 Ar. NEW BERN 10.10 6.4S 5.56 0.18 0.22 K.3( 0.62 0.68 7.30 LiV. IMew Bern 10.15 A. M P. M. Kiverdale Croatan Havelock Nftwnnrt 10.34 10.38 1060 11.00 Wildwood 11.12 Ar. Morehead Cy. 11.40 WEST BOUND. STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. No. 4 DAILY 4.16 47 4.43 4.6'J 6.11 6.15 6.40 6.48 6.20 6.30 6.40 7.00 7.13 7.2(1 7.37 7.55 P. Ii wildwood 8.00 Newport 8 1 1 Havelock 8.27 Croatan 8.3'J Rivcrdalo 8 03 Ar. NEW BERN 9 05 Lv. NEW BERN 9.10 A. M. Cove 9.41 Dover 9.58 " Caswell 10.0K Kinston 10.22 Palling Creek 10.30 LaUrange 10.47 Best's 10.68 Ar. Guldaboro 11.20 P. M BEAIIEOUT ANNEX. NO No. 3 1IAII.Y 12.20 I'. N. 4 Daily 3.36 p. DAILY Ar llcaufort 8. Hi No Dr.;).. J'. M. Lv " 7.00 A. M CONNECTIONS. Trains Nor. 1 anil 4 connect ,-it (,'oi..Mro with S ;o''Jr,".n,'",f"""w,: N"- " Knulhliound: NO. 42. SIorth..1Mll -....(..Ml. ...I trains N03. 111. WufitUmnd. and No. 112 East bound."' .TAt GoldBbnro: With Southc: n Railway and At lantic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Una. R. P. FOSTER, It EL BUNCH. General Manager. 1 ValKc Manager GOUlSBOKO. N C. F. M. Slmmonj. a D. Ward SIMMONS & WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Removed across Street to Socono Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph of fice) South Front street, next to Hotel Chatlawka. Practice in the Counties of Craven, Duplin Jones, Onslow Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELtOR AT LAW. Bhoad St., New Hern, N. C. Well equipped to search titles by rea son of many years experience in tho office and a Register of Deeds. Practi ces in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or where cver services arc required. A CENTURY ACr Ovajr dUn't hara tK iqrW at rtrTlur we. hav to. dsr. with oranfrat and !! rx.m).lnv.l. 7hy sloa't hara iwpair hori wMh u h rlkl wjstpoMmt as our thosi hsrti. Vi rw r'lr for . ' ' 1 .an irrirnr w will dolt tharaxalr and prtmi.il, You won t nad oor rharfas u blah. w Wa pvt BabBsy Ttras on ywr old or nn wbewta. -- - rmw ur m marnirw wnrmn rattta Dam, or wHnwt uklns; tiro tram wKorf SSKirT wHiW ram wart. sTrwrhodr IS lartinl . rai pwiunsi aw aona la 01 1 1 U. H. Wftleni A Ho an, rhocxj ir,, 71 lr. It. Nss Br. H. C. -IS DO TOO KNOW HOW MARY PEOPLB YOU CAN REACH BY ' TELEPHONE? The Nambcr is CoDStanUy V Ibclng Added lo -m cui tea RmACu un lit i i&tvmBLmii'nm -' DOORWAY TTIRQUGIi; ; - 1 2 K'.ro fr farm, m t-V) -r-s In trurt ,. 1. I i ' .' ! lrri, I iro !'rV fart lr r C'""! 'T'S. o. nvertrrf . ' f 1 I . . i i - .. . I - i ft tmatl ( :...: - -ta . y V I I J S I l V, . 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