THE JOURNAL. w Bern, N. a, Jan, 12. 19M LODGE DIRECTORY. wnonv of the world meets I'ountreHaUSemi-Monthly. First snd third Wednesday nights at 730 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited, i CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed- neadAv nitrhts in Men month in Roan - trees HalL Pollock street,- at 730 nVlnrk. - RamDnl R. Rail. President: J ' H. Smith. Sec'y; R. RTHilL Financial ST Into t Hew MtrtrtUementf. r Notice. ' Administrators Notice.. Monday January 15. Opera House. ,BB Wright," Sons. Wanted. - A1NC Dividend Notice. Strayed Cow. I H Bmith More Light. Wanted to Buy. Certificate Lost. -s J. L. Home Oyscers. , Simmons & Hollowell Co Inventory Sale. V, NOTICES IH THJS GOLUMN FOR LESS THAU ONE 1QNTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. r Business Locals. X EXPERIENCED church musician is r prepared to instruct classes, choirs, and glee clubs in sight reading. Voices trained. AHrii-enn Prof. Brown. P. O. " box 172. WANTED To buy a second hand coal stove. Have a wood stove, nearly new for sale. Call at office of Clark mill, on King street. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OYSTER CONSUMERS: I always like to fill all orders that come to me satisfactorily, so please do not wait until you are ready t use them to order, when two or four quarts are wanted. I try to open each day just the amount we can use. We never open any to carry over from one day to another. Home's Restaurant, opposite Henry's drug store. LOST A fine point lace handkerchief on Hancock or Pollock street. Finder will please return to the Presbyte rian manse and receive reward. AN AUCTION sale if furniture and household goods will be held at the rooms of the Tryon Club on Craven street, next to court house tonight at 7.30. Articles to be Sold will be tables, chairs, matting, couchef , portieres, rugs, pictures, &c, &c. A fine lot of good furniture will be disposed of. LOST Between A. & N. C. depot and ' Citizen's Band small black leather purse containing eleven $10.00 bills, one $5.00 bill and two silver dollars. Finder will please return to Journal Office and be liberally rewarded. Alvin Adams, R. F. D. No., 2, New Bern, N. C. 'BIG BARGAIN-One upright piano and one Cable Parlor Organ as good as new to sell for cash at one-half regular price. 132 Middle street. FOR RENT-Four nice unfurnished rooms, conveniently situated, very thing . for light house-keeping. P. O. box 285 New Bern, N. C. Terms reasonable. LOST A small brown bull pup. His return to 34 New street will be re warded. PlinKTRHF.n nwm to rent:eonvenient- t Jy located. Gentlemen tenants desired. Apply to ad T, New Bern Journal. SPECIAL NOTICE After Jan. 16th Ull zaciory win umcuiiuuuc , Gillette blade. Bring In your old blades at once if you want them ex changed. Wm. T. Hill. 91 Middle street, I Vina 320. NOTICE to my;frienda and patron don't forget that you can rely upon J. L. Home. 128 Middle street, for a fine ovatera at all time a tho market af- r ,UIM, MN f - reached by phone No. 71. FOR RENT Nice furnished room soluble foe oo or two ( eotletncn. Ap , ply at No. t Graves street. "ANY one wanting to purchase split hII nr ntuma Cutkln Cvclfl Co. 92 Middle St - r INK corned ham st Boon' Market, phone 201. ROYAL A Borden Felt MaUree "Snniulre" Iron Beds St John B. Ives, rEOPLE Jt mingry after Christmas as they were before. Ry man's resUnrmat is Just as well filled with rd thing to eat a before Christmas, and an abundance of mty thinsj, wBl. bt found ther Oysters amd ta en-ty styl Ryman. corner Broad and MUV1U atr U, , . k Popular Company. Tk drlane Runkel Stock Company will flay week's engagement at the t-m house, eurwif w - mwj n .X, Janry H, except January 17. Tl opening bill wiD be the sensational ,virma, "fa the Ttf'i Den." 1 ?, it entirely fw h ;:h eteiUng aiUalkms n U Wsf r rfh. Kiss Rkl t4 very U , , t making several ehsnf, Klwe r i h"ft to 0pW several rw ; o ap:i1Ue have been add! z a t.rone"f company 0aa ever. ,,:; will be b et Vive; 11, n ar-1 f) rTif. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. . Dr. Caton left Wednesday for New York City, where he will take ex ten sire pas graduate course in disease of women and children,' and, general surgery jts Polyclinic and past graduate medical schools. -. - Farmers and all interested in farm ing will remember 9e Institute to be held at the court house Tuesday Jan uary 16th.' : - ; ; . ' ': The average hen, if she; escapes the pot or pan, seldom survives the vicissi tudes of life over eight or ten years, but Mr. W. R. Daw, who live&in New Bern, has been the happy possessor of a, cute little bantam for sixteen years. During all these many years the dimin utive fowl has industriously kept np her end of the egg business in Mr. Daw's barnyard.but now biddy is gone, is dead, and her affectionate owner is in tears. There was a turn for milder temper ature yesterday, the thermometer get ting towards 60 degrees above zero. There were slight rainfalls last night. The forecast is for rain with no special changes in temperature. J. J. Baxter's store was thronged all day yesterday with anxious buyers. A great many people had to leave because they could not be waited on- Mr. Bax ter says the day was the biggest he ever had. New York Cotton Market. The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, Jany 11. Open High Low Close Jan 11.34 11 35 11 24 11.24 Mch 11.54 11 56 11 42 11.42 May 11.C3 11 66 11 51 11.51 Receipts 22,754 Last Year 24797 . A Touch Of Nature "A Mother's Hesrt," which will be presented at the New Masonic Opera House, Wsdne3day, Jan. 17ch, is not one of those noisy, rabid and impossi ble sensational melo-dramas. "A Mother's Heart" is built on natural lines with a deep plot, a dialogue of un usual brilliancy, and exciting Incidents resulting in thrilling climaxes that rivet the attention of the audience to the fall of the curtain. It is a play that appeals to every human being and thrills the heart of all mankind. This play is founded on absolute truth and vividly illustrates the emotions that constitute and control all events of human life. The characters are drawn with a naturalness that stamps them with realism. With it all there is deft- woven a vein of love, hatred, grati tude, jealousy and revenge. "A Mother's Heart" has obtained a stronger foothold in the hearts of theatre-goers in a shorter space of time than any melo-drama yet produced. The play is full of human interest and ap peals to all classes young and old, and both sexes. No one can afford to miss this beautiful display of scenic effects and its wealth of handsome gowns, and the powerful and perfectly balanced company. , A New Enterprise The Women's Home Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church have adopted a novel means to raise money for the purposes of their organization. They will establish a system of markets in different parts of the city and will soil baked goods. The plan is unique and it will doubt leg j be appreciated by housekeeper. The market will open tomorrow and for tho present the plan will be fol lowed on Saturdays only. An announce ment will be made in Saturday' Jour nal where the markets will be held. Don't let your face grow old, aallow, hollow and wrinkled. If you care at all for beauty, take Hoi lis ter' Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Toa or Tab let. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Dividend Notice. Office of Secretary uil Treasurer of the A. A N. C Railroad Com pany. At a meeting of the Directors of the A. N. C. Railroad Company In Nsw Bern, North Carolina on JanoarrftPth, 1006, a semi-annual dividend of 1 per cant, on the capital stock of said Com pany was declared, the same to be pay' able st the office efthe Treasurer of aaid company In Go Id bora. North Car olina, on February 1st, 1906. The stock book for the transfer of stock In said Company wiQ be closed at 13 o'clock an., January 20th, IMS, and re-opened oa February 2nd, 1001, at U o'clock m. D. 1. BROADHURST, V Secretary and Treasurer. , NOTICE h Lim im ml U ha rMtat C-EKC, tm mmm III) iliml m UK l imn Pm4 mmmir mt tnat 4 n - ' I i vmm i" ir niiilim P'aisJ psi vaMas fss tAssfpsf , 1h uu t Jmn. , - Laua tiuCRta. Administrators Notice Ol W, S m. il i i I. thtm M tn -T rm tmm tmm wm tkm mm4 mlmm m t. h.f'- tIK Hf ml lemnart (J. m Mm (Mto iih U'm .r )'"-r 1 7 (I OAD'rontA. -,-4 1 II'' ll. J . . In ttemoriam. v Editor New Bern Journalr " . V Permit me to join with others who have placed kmng tribute on memory's casket to our departed companion. friend, and brother, W. B. Lane.' ; We were schoolmates together in the early fifties, he a large boy and I a small one, as we grew to maturity our friendship grewas age came on they grew stronger. . It was more han half a century of congenial companionship growing stronger with the years. In the social circles he had no su perior and few equals but it was in our church counsels that I knew him best For about 0 years we have met regu larly in the counsels of our church and it was there that I learned to love hint more as a brother, a genial companion, a wise counsellor, a faithful Bteward. We 'shaU sadly miss hire in the social circle and especially shall we miss him on the Board of Stewards in Craven circuit where he has served bo long and faithfully. Gods work will go on, but in looking around for his successor in community and church, we fail to see thus far on whom the mantle of W. B. Lane will fall. m D. L. Try a package of cocoanut dainties at F. at. Bowden & Son, No. 71, Broad street. Died In New Jersey on January 7th, 1906 John A. Charlotte, in the 70trf j ear of his age. He was a native of Olev) Bern, and was for years a well known traveling salesman in North and South Carolina. A Card Editor Journal: Please allow us, through the columns of your most excellent Journal, to thank the many friends of New Bern, for their kindly condoling messages, tender expressions of sympathy, and material assistance afforded us, in the deep bereavement sustained by the sudden and sad death of our beloved daughter, Emily A. W. C. Anderson, New York City, Dec. 8, 1905. J. HARNEY ANDERSON. Obtained Their Judgment. For several years the Superior court has had for trial at its various terms suits against the Mutual Reserve In surance company on account of can celled policies which the holders claim ed was illegal. A number of these policy holders went to law to prove their claims and the decision of the court was rendered in their favor. Af ter considerable timehad been spent to get a settlement Messrs. W. W. Clark and A. D. Ward went to New York to argue their clients' causes in the courts of that State and to collect judg ments. The judgments amounted in rough numbers to $100,000 all of which the attorneys collected. FarnellProvow. Dr. J. W. Mumiord, of Wards Mill, officiated in the marriage of Mr. Doc Farnell and Miss Hester Provow of Duck Creek, which took place at the home of the bride Wednesday evening. Both parties are prominent people of heir localities. t ,1 Obituary. Mary E. Lewis, danghter of Mary A. Lewis died at hor home on Bay river at half paat seven Sunday, January 7. Interment was made at C. E. Ipocks fsmily grave yard. Betsey, as she was familiarly called was loved by all who knew her and she is not only mourned by her relatives but also by many friends. A brother and sister survive her and they have the sympathy of the community. r Success is stamped on every package It la the most successful remedy known It makes you well and keeps you well. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea doc. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. 8. Duffy. Sterling Silver Saje. For 15 days we will sell our entire line of sterling Silver- Toilet goods such as brusher and combs, manlcnre sets and pieces, soap boxes, puff jars tc, without reserve at add below coatr Z ' y - J. 0. Baxter, : Leading Jeweler; The Secret : tf nearly all eye trouble is eyestoiiv-and eye ; strain, let It be explained, is not a disease to b2 overcome by drurs. It is a mechanical defect to be corrected oy glands. Men women and children suffer from this strain without the slightest idea what ails them and in thece-days of tree eye examination ruch ignorance is wholly uncalled for. To know how your eyes sre is worthwhile. Come in and we'll examine then and frankly tell whether r,r net y):. - - arc r ' OeJ A TOY PISTOL VICflM. WiMlMr IrtUfls SuRri as Attacks! lock- " Jaw Csmei ky ttittttts Mateasca. t New Bern now has a ease of lockjaw through the good offices of the toy pis tol, Windsor Ireland, 'son of Gearge Ireland, a respected negro resident 'of Lee street, Duffy town, is in a very crit teal , condition on account of a wound made on the hand by a toy pistol during the holidays. Lockjaw has set in and it is doubtful if the boy recovers.' Dr. Leinster Duffy was called to at tend the ease of the boy on Wednesday and found htm in great pain. - He sus pected that the - trouble was due to some injury and noticed symptoms of tetanus but tne disease did not develop until yesterday morning and when Dr. Duffy called the case was so pronounced that there was no need to question the malady.'. The victim suffers terribly and the hardened lines of the face show how tense the muscles are and how firmly the jaws are closed. Tetanic anti-toxin has been administered but at last accounts no results had been no ticed It perhaps may be a little latbut the suggestion may be of some account and if followed it may be the means of avoiding much serious trouble. The use of the toy p;stol has come to be a menace and it should not be allowed in any form however innocent. One boy died in Wilmington a few weelcs aero on account of the toy' pistol, and 'another fatal accident happened in Nor folk and enough accidents of a minor nature happened with the accursed play-thing to put it out of commission ("forever. A law should be passed against the sale of such dangerous toys Let it be done while it is still fresh in the minds of the people and when the time comes again for the small hoy to "celebrate" there will be one less thing for anxious parents to fear. THE! COME AND CO. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Bennett, who have been guests of Mrs. C. W. Munger, left yesterday for Pinehurst. Mrs. Robert W. Haywood, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Scott, returned yesterday to Greensboro. Col. P. M. Pearsall left for Golds- boro yesterday. Miss May Sabiston of Jacksonville, passed through here yesterday, return ing to St. Mary's at Raleigh. Mr. A. E. Stevens has returned to Black Mountain, after a few days visit here. Mrs. M. C. Mansfield, of Mansfield, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. J. E. Hudson, of New Bern, spent yesterday in the city and return ed home on the afternoon train, accom panied by Misa Hattie Randolph Kins ton Free Press. Mr. L. H. Lumsden, of Raleigh, was in the city on business yesterday. ' Sheriff Lon Taylor, of Kins ton, was in New Bern Thursday. Miss Mattie Phelps, of Riverdale, spent the day here yesterday. Mr. Percy Mattock, of Harlowe, was in tho city yesterday. Mr. Frank Russell, of Augusta, Go., haa accepted a position of clerk at Ho tel Chattawka. Strayed. From Riverside, about two week ago, a red and-white marked cow, butt headed. A suitable reward will be paid for the return of cow to J. S. MILLER. The Opening Day of tho new 6 and 10c store 132 Middle street (next to Kafers bakery) has been postponed on account of carpen ter and painters, who will start work this week. The arrival of new goods will be advertised. Watch for tho big sign in front of store. THE 6 AND 10c RACKET STORE. Closing Out Sal ol Crockery 10 pieces decorated toilet sot, regular price t&OO at (215. 8 day clock, regular price $5 at (2.25. Decorated dinner plates 60s set. Large cup and saucer 30 and 40c set Blue enamblcd cooking ware GO per cent leas than asuaL also other big bargains, t : : Large globe and S goldfish 60c each. . E. WALLANU, ' ; IS2 Middle street. lor InlaaU sad ChiMrtfl. fti Kin 1 Yea Ksti AIwsjs E::ght Bra the fUgsfttareof CASTOR I A .-WjMawwMhaiaaa)Ma Ajn A vAt ,AAAJ ; .. y Use Hudnuts Liquid 1 Green Sbdp, Perfumed. Cleanses the scalp and leaves the hair soft and brilliant. On sale only at' ' . Phone 66 OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE The disturbance ot stocks caused by the greatest Holiday sales in the history of this store must bB set to righfs now, and at this great sale you will find S, C oplon's tore thronged with buyers eager for this veritable Bargain feast which we shall spread in lavish abundance. DRESS GOODS TO CLOSE CLOTHING. 376 Mens and Boys suits of clothes oc mouair oi yaiu, Ca- ira neavy oivirung, uo iiivnca wiuu, worth 76c to close 47c a yard. 10c PAIR Ladies and mens shoes in broken size, value 1.50 and 2. 00 the pair, our clear ing sale price 1.00 the pair. SILK Now is vour chance to buv silk at a bargains 32c, 48c, 75c and 98c per yard COPLON 75 Midde Street. To Reduce Stock of Shoes we a f Every pair of our I Kid Shoes that sold up I $2.75 a pair. I I Barfoot fe, Vr The Greatest Money Sav- j ing Event of the j Round Year. The Annual Inventory Sale Prints, Ginghams and i c: Not another word tions. Here they are: Best Calicoes 5c yard. Apron Gingharris 5c yard. Best Lancaster and Amoskeag Ginghams 6c yd. Best 15c Galateas in large selections of designs 11c Buy your Boy's Waist now for the Spring. : -Outing Flannels I The best 10c quality very heavp, in Fancy Stripes J t)1,Md nnd enlirl Heavy Double Faced in igns, 15c quality- i' - .' " Lot of odds and ends all the very best makes 8nd best quahties.but only one or two pairs of a kind, v Sizes arc from 8s to I 10s, nothing larger; Worth up to 10 pair.. To S make them go quicmy 1 This is an unusual I School Shoes. Don't, priced low that they are k. M .1 saesweeGcaotwauwAMiaMiMitaual t AAXAAJlit Davis' Pharmacy niceIy madc 8. 00 and 10.00 values to cQSe 4 Bujt ' ' mwun O U 1 lNO 750 yards outing Clearing Sale price 3Jc a yard. FLANNELETTE 1,800 yards to close at 5c yard, worth double. The wide awake ones who read the . advertisement and act quickly will se- cure the best bargains. Our Immense I Ladies Fine g offer finest Patent Leather and to $3.50 a pair, all sizes at 4 I Brothers. $ p Wasli Goods of all Kind s needed but the price reduc ? of all Grades. J JULni frtlftril - I WC a variety of handsome de r; - , 10c of childrcns school shoes price wui u urv au. , . chance to buy the Children J think because; .they are no good. ) ) G))RQ e'dtietaon. We have been Luy the last few days selling Mens" and Boys' 5uits, Overcoats, Rain coats and Trousers at tl e reduced price.-'. EAery garment in our 'are Stock is re dvced and now is the time for yo j to buy for clothing is cheaper mw tha i it will be for some years to corn e. owing to the advanced prices of wool. If you hive clothing tj buy, doit now and save money. J. G. DUNN & CO., 55-57 Pollock' St. Phon- 212 OUR GREAT SALE MOW Everything Reduced. Everybody Welcome. Prices Lower Than Ever. I I BAXT Ellwood Wire Fence. HEATH AND MILL 10 AN PA I tfTS. Pure Oils and Lead. Full lino BSniiding- Ma terial and Builders Hamwaro. 6askill Hdw. & Mill Supply Uo WoDtten Latest Styles r The Stores of Stock Company Are Crowded From Morning Until Late at Night Thi8sh0w8 the good judgment of our custom ers. They know a goo4 thing when they sec it. This sale will be remembered by the people, as the goods we selh can not be replaced at twice the money people are paying for it. Only 6 more days remember. Hew cases of goods arc opened at every sales day. , v No broken stock, no odds and ends, no old ;'Aop worn goods, but everything clean and fresh from the Manufacturers.- ii un n y up ; iiuk ix y up : . AMERICAN STOCK CO., 59-61 Middle St."- ' . - - - z ..-tx '2ZZJ" , vcrJ; h ll-.rd Vork vitl: t,t ClOl.) DVSTJI On ER ill in Plioto Portraits The American a 7F1 4, l ' . 4