i ; a V: 0 i The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which lias beat ' in use ror over SO years, has and has TJ?-f-fl.. onal supervision slnee its Infancy - 1'CUcr4 ' Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeit Imitations and M Jnst-as-good'' are but -Experiments that Jxifl with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. -. What CASTORIA -, Castoria )s a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-) gorie, props and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. 'It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other , Narcotic ' ' substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. . It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pamicea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CSTQIRI AALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You In Use For Over 30 Years. " eawraua ooamr. Tt aMiaaar aracaT, irnriw crrr. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. 118 Daily. F M 13G 108 Daily. Daily. 112 Daily. Eastern Lv. P M I 1 27 ' 1 40,f AM AM 1 IE 1 30 1 47 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 3 40 3 55 4 10 4 27 4 40 5 15 7 2J o 8 ENSBORO Lean , bsonville 'on College 7 M 1 515 1 5H 2 08 7 4H 7 53 8 05 8 10 1: 1 21 urlington "raham Haw Kiver Mcbane Efland..... Hillsboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM East Durham Brassfiold Morri8vilie CARY RALEIGH J Garner Auburn Clayton -. Wilson's Mills SKL.ViA Pine Level Princeton Roue GOLDSBORO Ar. - Lv 2 13 23 2G 32 37 2 18 8 1 2 30 8 27 8 88 8 47 9 00 9 20 2 42 2 3 3 3 f 3 3 4 51 41 03 46 55 57 61 6J 73 6 45 6 57 7 15 7 30 7 42 2 3Ti 9 30 41 f 9 m 9 37 51 10. 10 02 8 05 4 3f.i 10 30 81 1 52;fl0 4f 5 33 4 5xlfl0 51 f 5 40 5 11 11 02 5 51 87 5 25 fll 18 f G 09 5 43 1 1 30 0 29 5 50 11 30 f 0 35 6 05 11 48 f 6 4G f 6 21 fl2 03j fi 40, 12 2oi 7 15 P M I PM I AM This condensed nchedu'j is published without notice to thi pubi c. Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and .North Carolina trains for Morchiad City and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colum bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train. draimr-room sleepers New -York to New Oilcans and Memphis, also ville and local siii'ions. Train No. 1)7 handles through coach Richmond, where clone connection is mado for Washington and tiastcrn cities. Train No.-107 connects at Durham for University Station for Chapel Hill daily train No. 36 for Washington and points i alem. lliirh Point, Salisbury. Charlotte Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro arui Jarkannvillo' Nn HJi for Atlanta and M and 38 for Washington and all points bury for Western North Carolina nomla. 8. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. W. H. Tayuo G. P. A. H. B, Spknceb, G, M Washington, U. j. R. L. Vkbnon, T. P. A. T. E. Grgkn, C. T. A. Charlotte. N. a Raleigh. N. C. Daniels & Hahn Sale and Exchange Stables rvv c.we, - tla!n(iHirlil. dtupoted of the recent two car tosulf of IToTsca and Ualw rarsited sikI owlrtf to our UirmiRinK trade and dWisnV, onr Mr. U U. Daniela Us Jisl MirrhasM U bemd of iloru and MuUa welfihUif no to IZM lbs, I to t art eVf, all wed broke and adapted to the farm, road, timber, end draft pur p This aterk we esport withm Mit i days. We also carry in stork w tanlly full srvt eotnplrte line of op and top ItupeW, Surrwr. Trsnftw, Wagons, ("At VeU. lUiro-M ef evwy deacHtitioa, Kobe, lltankea, Whipe, Hm ill bi fold on flow msririii for cah 6c secured jpT. It will pay yon well to well and eeew before bwrlmf. . " - DMIIiS & HAHN. J. III. ARNOLD, Livery, Feed, Sile and Exchange Slablci Lerct srxl f kt Sl-V of H'lraot M Mule T offtTJ U Nrw T-r. A rr V'-1 of rvh jml roived. Complete line of Psf fS, Wntona, l!rr, F.aa. W h'p nd Cart WhpeX ' : " . ' T TT ft P.1TOT .Ti ' Ulin- I' m borne the Blguature of been made under bis per- Time. Haye Always Boup 117 ; Daily. AM 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 f 8 22 8 12 7 50 AM as informati n and is subject to change for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan between Raleigh, Chase City and with Washington Southern Railway Oxford. Chase City and Richmond except bundav: at Greensboro with North, close connection for W inaton- and intermediate stations. with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia nil nninta Kiinth nnri RmithwMt- tin North; connection is also made at Salis : H Successor to,'-- ; M. Hahn tt Co 107 135 111 Daily. Daily. Daily. AM PM.AM 11 59 6 35 5 35 fll 40f 6 15 f 5 17 11 27 6 00 6 05 11 22 6 55 5 00 11 14 5 46 4 47 11 07 5 89 4 40 11 01 6 33 4 30 10 50 5 22 4 17 f 10 38 f 6 10 f 4 02 10 28 6 01 3 47 10 16 4 49 3 30 10 00 4 30 3 00 9 44 4 18 2 48 f9 37 f4 10f235 9 13 f 3 58 2 15 9 05 3 49 2 05 8 45 3 30 j J 8 26 f 3 12 11 31 8 20 f 3 06 11 23 8 08 2 55 11 08 7 55 f 2 40 10 50 7 45 2 26 10 38 7 36 2 12 flO 25 7 26 2 01 flO 10 7 14 f 1 4 ( 9 55 7 00! 1 3f 9 40 AM I PM PM t An, TO.A NEW V. v; Clan, crisp, innocent V, r f . t. Fresh frorh the mint, . v. ,. Sent forth la this hart world To do your stint, - 'r : v ' tt make ma rather sad. - . To w you go. , I For aooft your name will bo . - "Tainted," I know.v l. v. ,. : ,- JotfH pass through dlrers ways ' And crooked deala, - r . . Ami wicked avarice v Witt dojr your Secla, y IvUrfcly enough twill be - - : Your wretched fats .- 'ft'lth "gran" besmirched note to '.Associate '- . Tou may be held In soma Trust piraws thrall Till there Is Idft you no Honor at all. ' . Then you'll be ostracised Dy people good; -Condemned for others sins, .. Misunderstood. Tou could not even be " Given away For service with the Just; You'd have to stay With outcast caph, and all Your days be spent Under a ban, despite Your good intent. -Life. Good Reason Why. Old 6lood But, my dear young man, I cuu't understand you being a Rad ical. Young Blood Ay, dear old chnp, my mother-in-law's a Conservative. Tat- ler. Hncb Simpler. At a country fair out in Kansas a man went up to the tent where some elk were on exhibition and stared wist fully up at the sign. "I'd like to go lu there," he said, to the keeper, "but It would be,--mean to go lu without ill' family, and I cannot afford td pay fur my wife and seven teen children." The fceopev stared at him in astonish ment. "Are all those your children?" he gasped. "Every one," said the man. "You wait a minute," Bald the keep er. "I'm going to bring the elk out and let thoin see y3U all." Philadelphia Ledger. Polite Tarla. The French peoplo arc said by theciHplvos td be the politest nation. A signal proof of this was afforded to a lady trnycler from the "wild west" Entering a crowded omnibus In the gny capitnl.-aLe saw Just one sent va cant, filic had nearly gained It when a fat Frenchman who had entered Jus! behind her pushed her aside and cap tured the seat, saying, with a gallant bow as his stout form dropped Into It "Pardon, uiadain!" Llpplucott's Mag azine. Tb Bpolla of War. Benevolent Old Lndy (to little boy In street) Why, why, little boy, how did you ever get such a black eye? Bninll Boy Me and Hominy Jones was flghtin' for a upple In school, an' he smashed uie. Benevolent Old iJidy Dear, dear! And which gluten rvt the a pule? Small Boy Teacher, ma'am. Har per's Weekly. Rame Old Clock. "I bought a new clock the other day," observed Bcjlggcrs, "mid had It set up In the halt That very evening my wife ami I went for ar short walk, and when we returned we found the clock" "Conef Interjected the flulsb-oUier-people'B-rvDiarki person. "Not quite," explained lie Jiggers, "but we found It golng."-Tlt-Bltjk HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warning That No New Bern Citizen Can. Afiord' to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO 1 comae from the kidney ecrctloa They will warn yoo when the kldneva are sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or thick,' red, UUmeUlfif urine, fall of sediment and irregular of pessaffe.' DANCES SIGNAL NO. 3 cornea from the back, , Back peine, dull and he evy or hirp aod tecute, teQ you of akk kidne) i and warn you of the coming of dropsy, dlabetea and Bright'a diseeee, Ootn'a Kbift7 hlla euro tkk Jitdneya and rare Utn pernartetiUj. ' Uero't New DerA'a proof i . w L. A. Smith, Buperinleodcntof Crye ta) Ice Co., 19 OrlfTlth street, residing at 13 Orimia atreet, aeys: . "1 veed Deea'a Kidney I'ille fof mj kidney and back,' The secreUone from the kUlrx7i were all oat of sort, and too frequent taaecti'ia. Doaq'i Kidney IUU tppd all this. Ut little boy waa ttwXM wlt)iakilney weakaeaeand the -r- lirma were highly eoiored and full of MllnvmL ' I gv him anme of the pille and Owy t!rxl the ameUorui op to thHriliiral color. 1 eannM but criridtf lon s Kulrw-y Tills an rireiletit mi nn and do not hool'.ita In aay ao. 1 ol.Uinod thera at ilrsdham'e Itisr- tnfl." for a' by stl dWr. Tfire 0 eta, a ho. KrMUr-MiUrtJm Co., Uuffslo, N. Y. w-le ru i't the V. B. ppmMTiir the riame iMmn't, and tAk no oihr. CASTOR I A 3 r l-.'r u ar,4 Ci'.lra vs. Prompt Easy Recovery. Qs I JTZ M I Tat rraatest mine in ine world A Mother's Lore: the lora she hviihes on bar childrra; the love her child shonkt have lor her; without this lore she could not endure the agonies In cident to childbirth ; appreciative of this lore, Mother's Friend was devised to les- - ten the pain and anguish of childbirth, that her lore might not be strained to the breaking point. Mother's Friend does all this and more It enables the fond mother to speedily recuperate from the labors of maternity, enables hei to regain her lost strength, preserves her youthful lines of beauty, and makes pregnancy her crown. Ing joy without any thorns to mat it. Mother' a Friend tt applied externally, is most harmless in its consistency, most happy in its results, and is of such merit that no case of labor ' should be conducted without its use. It is a liniment for massage of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy, and by its use their tonicity and power of contraction it greatly enhanced, enabling them to sus tain the great strain brought to bear on them at this time. It is Mother's Friend. The name should be enough to recom mend it to all who expect to be mothers. Send for free book containing Information of priceless value to all expectant mothers. BRAOriCLO REGULATOR CO. Atlmntm, em. ' , C. T. HANCOCK Real stale Agent. U18 Broad St, New Bern, N. C New Line Buck Cigars Jujst Received Fine Line Smoking Tobaccos. Smokers Comforts For Users of Tobacco Crescent Tobacco Company. W. D. Barri'ngton MANAGER. . Sale of Valuable Land. KNOWN AS "SPRING GARDEN FARM'" lir rlrtue of tho nowor contained in a cor-talr. Deed of Trust made and executed on tho 2&1 dni of Doeeinbor 1W3 by R. J. Wellx-mlxf to K. H Meaaowa and recorded n the olnre f trio Kriris- ter of Deed, for Craven county, N. C. 1 will ulloi for Ml to the hiaheat bidder for CASH at Uu rremwea, known aa Hpnnararm m-ar Nruai River on Monday trie Bind day of January 1WM at 12 o clock m.. tne followina tract of land, ktwiwi and deaia-nated aa tha "Sprina Garden Tract Ueatnntiur at a atako on the manrin or Ncum river, and ninnina South 63 dva wmt 40 polwa ti- aaold marked Gum. the orijrinal corner uf thi tract of land, then math 62 degreea wrat M pom alona a Una of old marked tj-eea to an okl markni pinaorwof theoria-inal curneia of the tract of Laud, then north BU degreea weat alone a line of old marked treea to a lurht wood atake. now th. diridinff lli.e between tha land, now or of the lnl John Khan, and mxi tract of land, than north di aiaaieaatajonar the Una ofmarkad trer tho it vuinai una between aaid land now or late of Jt.hr. Khean and aaai tract of land rry pole to a rum. then, north B daMiiiw eaat to the river, then duwr. tha river to the beainnina aJwara aave and ea oeptlna ao much of aaid tract of land aa n deacH bed In a Dead from Ueonre Allen.Kdward Arnokl. Eltaha f. Arnold and Caroline Arnold to Rarhel Ann Arnold, raaordad in the IWtatar of Doeil. ofnoa of Craven county, book H, folioa U to which raff enc la made for a more nartkrubu dearnnt. , A Lao earine: and a-uwetinar that part of aaid tract of land which waa e-emverad by blwanl Are aid and other fT. 1. May by Dead ran-Utered In erne of Hawla-taar of Uwada of Cravea eoantv book aad book 100 pace V& raapaetivaly. to which ai ante la fnade for a aaora parltruMu- dearrrp L Alao Uirae kaad of Taaan. all tna aarvaul eran of core, kay. etc. all rarta. waarasa. bua a-taa. haiaiaa) and all famina Imp'eaianu of a-wry kind aajd daaailiilawi rjewrarina: U and uawl 1" cul Uvation of aaai "Hprlna Uardara farm." baeembar, UU. IWaV K. H. Mr.AIKlWw, Tr".t. Notice (o Creditors. ZfOVnt tAROfJNA. I Cra-rwa Cawaty, I Haewat awattfte-l aa Aaaatalaratar of VMa Harp- a i i ! Oavaao.H. Cthla a to tif f el pal anna laaewl ea-uaaa aaralnat Urn aatau ealaHiiiaiitranat lawaa del vwifl U I ain 1 1 aa ar tartar uu lath day f Dra. aaai will t btaaala aa bar of taaar r Al la rl X-w to aa aataw wal a baaiaaula aaraaaat. Taia lata day of ttaa Irua. . u;ur a nnrm Entry Notice Nertli aaavala. (rtwa Caajarly, TaGaa I W, (aby TaiMW lar Urema Th ' awdi St auWMIa, (if ewaartf, NarUi Caralina. aiiam aaaf her Italian a 'la; twee err t in 1 aa auaa aj T i4ia. Crara) CaararU. arf rtarU flarallaa, tk aaaa balm ii aal aaal wan awn lad laaia. and aaAiarl toantry. vlai Lata a aartb aM all aj c a a aaa araral akaa ar Or f-raa biai III a MVvwai O taa) arlk a T. I larraa aa Ua aaaa by MH-1 laaalanddllM aa Uaa aaath M lieaal MM-na aaal T. Ji P-rr- aaaalalha by Ui.i'aa PVyaa aaat etbar IkapwMniwwrwf WRJ awaaaBft taMa) fawaVMaV ItKaaand Uai letk aay af Vf l4 . - - JUtaj 4 PHTArl ir ii n. tort tic, pit W W vui f I (. i 1 1 f K, nrvia,. V -V fc, 4r p, f' fy 0mmrl ' m "I t-ai CA.SHOW&CO. tA. 1 a t I M .aaiaal- ara.aia) 1" -r jai ai a aa ! . mm m -ad-,ai Fer M cr lease t hnra r" r f 'Tn, r.r, '. t f"4 i n.T. T- In rar. f ,.!1 '.a f-if f'li' tl ra. r'laifa. Kilra f f t 1 Tina alrwV rrro. C''rt'fi"f'l Mil (rj tra-aTi-ry i .Srf ' T. X . r Z r.l -.;- Kalice to - Countrymen ;anp . :- . -. . . ... -. v We want to buy all of your Sheep, Cattle and Pork. Bring them to South Front Street Market, number 153. FOB SPOT CASH. ' Yours to Remember, BIG BILL, D. JONES. HOU-iSTtH-a ' Rocky Mountain Tea, Nuggets ' A Bony Medioiue tot Boa? Pooplo. . Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. m. hwciiic tor jonsiiDrinon, lnairostHm, lAve Kidney Trouble, Win pit, F.c?nw, Impure and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tah -""' Mswamt siiubioii uunrin, tuaA:iJO lot form, 8.1 cents a box. Genuine mads by BorxwrEa Drtcfi Company, Madiaon, Wig. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Seymour w. nkcoci Attorney at Law. BP" Will 'practice in 5tate and Federal Courts. Cffice 46 breed St. P.O.& W RAILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on cllowinpr schedule: East Bound West Bound No. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) M. " A. M - Ar. 8 45 4 00 Lv, NEW BERN 4 54 Reelsboro 7 51 6 12 Grantsboro 7 33 5 24 Dees 7 21 5 27 West Alliance 7 18 5 30 East Alliance 7 15 5 45 Bayboro 7 00 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. No. 4. P. M. A, M. 5 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 9 0C 5 45 Reelsboro 8 13 6 00 Grantsboro 7 58 6 10 Dees 7 48 6 12 West Alliance 7 45 6 15 East Alliance 7 42 6 30 Bayboro 7.30 Notice to Creditors. Havlnjc qualified as Executant of the laitt will and te: Uimvnk of Kato E Tilling, deceawni, late of Craven County N.C. this is to notify all perrons having claims aRainRt the said deceased to exhibit them to the umU'rottrnod on or before the lfith day ir ucc. liHMh or this notice will be pleaded in bar )f recovery-All I'et-sons indebted to tlie said estate vvill make immediate payment Dec. ltith 1906 Wm: A. TILLING. ELLA E. KOSE. Executors ice to Having qualified upon the estate of Mrs Nancy ) Scymfiur. all iH?rnons are horebv noLilltvl m prettent I'iA D Ward New liern. N C. or to th amkTKitfnl all claims hold .on or before Dec 1,7th IDOft.olhtrrwisc this notice will be pleaded in bar if recuviTy, All perHons irHlcbtcd to mid Mtatc rc rriiru.t4ii to make immediate payment Th' Ik. 27th, 115 JOHN It StYMOUK, Executor of Nsncy O. Seymour, dtvajanod. Entry Claim. To Geo II WuU-ra, Entry Taker For Craven ooun- ty: Tlie urxlrralirred J- B Daanlrht of ravvn Gmr.ty, Nurth Carolina, a. itera an I kua claim to the folkrwina dfveribad piece or parcel f larhl In Nn. rwv Tiwn.hip. Trnvon county. Mf.rt t ' I . ti c Aa,m ht'ttLa varant and utau i .:i Liiul a d .uhji-ct u, cfitry. via: (hi thr rxalh .ale of Ncuan river and aouth aide if Hwift trtvk. bctfinnliia at Ho.- Savannah rur nor running thonc- na-tbwarily with II. i. Mor ria' line to the V A. VYethrrinirton (Dec. I line. thenre with aakl line northwardly to uSa Samuel Wlaainn 10 acrv paUnwt tnen with aaid patent wratwardly to the 100 arra Arthur Uutler patent then with earn to tha Henry Lilly and ilarry Nat ion iwtmit, then with aaal patent to the P. C. Nelann line, that, with hie line to the Jam Reafh Una. then with hla Una to the J. H Uaanlaht En try. on tha llay Buah and thai with aaal Una to tha baainntnc, eoatainlnc b aatunatioa 1.000 craa. Ko tared tSIa 1BU day of Ike. IfttaV I. 8. UABNIUItT. rn VWWTTII a Ml m uu ii aa Mi ILAIKSMPH & WHIILEIGUr Buffalo, WaRona, Carta and Drmyt al wayt kept in stock. I react tire without cutting with the latcat im proved tire ahrinkcr. 1 keep a good upply of cart whevla always In itock rcpalrinat dmo at quick nolle. Hbop on South Front atrevt mmr Hancock SU Horse Owners I -v. - If your nor U tick, kmc, or mffer- irig from any ailment that 700 do not anJonUna, vriU to Dt. t. E. Whit. th VtUrurian of NorfoLk, Va. 8nd jinptomsof tlva troubU and h4 XB ml jrwi adrlM aUoluU!, fr af aO cWarfM. i Now is th time to buy "American Fnrm Pcnco. Ithaaicachrd its low prlco, thanCxi chaogo will bo higher priced' Thrco Car Loads on hand Oct HOth. 1005, E.V.Smallvood Notice mm Pneumonia follows La Grippe u never follow the uee of. JQHoney O and Tar Ititopt the Cough and heals the land. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Mn.. Vacua, of 151 Osgood St., Chicaro, vrltati "My wife bad la gTippe and it left her with a Terr bad eonsh on hsr Innn whinh i toiai'l Hokbt Am Jam eared compWtelj." For sale by Davis Pharmacy. Russell House BEAUFORT, N. C. Centrally locafrd.' All the deli- caciei of tho season. Well venti lated rooiiiB, Good beds, Phone cod venienceB, Pol'te and attentive Ser vants. Kates $1.50 per day. Special and liberal terms by week jr month. G. A. RUSSELL CHANGE OP SCHEDULE The steamer Neuse will sail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. i ne steamer ucracoKe on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at C p m. Both steamers will make landings at Oriental each way and connect at Bel haven with a fast throutrh train for Norfolk. The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in Norfolk at 2 p m. Direct connection "made at Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 a m for Ply mouth and Washington. No 4 train will leave Norfolk at 11.55 a m. arriving at Belhaven at 5:10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. GEO. HENDERSON. M. K. King. V. 1. and Gen. Mmrr M. W. Ma(;uiki;, Gen. Supt H. C. Huix;ins, G. F. and I". A. New Bern. Dec. 29. 1905. IloiniiliiN A. IVimn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In tliw counties c.l Craven, Oartoret, Pamlico, .lining and Onslrw and In the rtate Supreme and Kedera' Cou rts. OtHce: 8ontli Front Ptreot, over Tele trmpli iilBoa, Ne "ni. N 0 ICE Made from pure dis tilled filtered wa v. ter. NEW BERN ICE tCOMPANY. El9-21-23;Gnffith Srreet.y Phone 23, AUTUMN OVKRCOAT3 lh ltwnlV-a of All rnnrl diniri fully mm morh odvr rvuUir trmrftvantat. W kaiv'ftn MrIUm vft of fa.br) whirli in rolnr, VMrt mi pmiUm. from (vtmrxitt in unia, ofTw to Hi twwt rkU IUU for JWlioav P, .11. CHAD .V If K 127, JIM dl HI. Pull lino of Drugs.Med iclnes, Toilet Ar ' tides and Soap. Fresh Supply o, v Flower Secos. tlijrn!clanr rrmcnp Uon A NpecUlty. 0 VfAMaV . V txrt RitNCf . TM Maw N Ofaaaar 1 1 . 1 CuaianaTi a a. a MV' I mm aaaavaa a-.-. .. t. , - - t iri4 rfi a ' r fca a r r"a a-rt f I mm . Tel T 1 in f:-.t FOLEY CAROLINA DISPATCH OM DoBifljpJtpsliip Co Ucory s Pharmacy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite CURBS Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Tbla ramedr la t amooa for Ita earaa orar alarga part o I tha olTlUied world. It eaa alwaja b depended npoa. It oontaina aa' opium or other harmful drrja and mar be fiven aa oonndenU? to a baby aa to aa adult Price 25 eta; Large Size, 60 ota. if U.J. 4 J2al2alalIaU UVER-ISH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer Having put in machinery for making sash doors, moulding, etc., Iry me and see what I will do. J. M. REGISTER Factory Church Alley, New Bern, N. C. OUH FAMOUS ANNUAL JANUARY SALE Of Undcnnoslins and White Goods UNPRECEDENTED PRICE. Totj may ahnrr In (hli monny aavloa op- pirtunll)- aa well aa tha reeldenU of New York Htr UNDERSKIRTS : O 4 j, -Cambric, umbrella ruffle, with hem rtllrhlna mbrl. umbrrlla torrhrrn tare ,itga lX--Cmbrlr. umbrrlla ruffla. NIGHT GOWNS: Hln "ambrtc, low nark, wlih ham at 11 -bail laaTh rufTle 0(J 'amlr1n. aquare oafk. ambrotdar t0 ,,1 inaarllon and cambric ruffia. DRAWERS: 1 Cambrvu umbrella rambrla rurBa. v inrrhn tare ana lar a a4a O Camhrtr. tucki anol aanwroldarr -'I- rufTie CORSET COVERS: l."C" 11)0 Camrifk-. V ehape-1 ark. lar I near ttnn. baaillrur ribbon ana lace e)aw -ambfV. rraorh atrU. wHa lar O 4 --Oambr1i. V ehard . llM (II- aVf una. two row rmbroWarr eriaw tWi TambrV'. low ar. bark ana fnml OJQ (ianma1 with two rnwa ol Mailaaw Uum tnaaril'me, baadlng ribbon and u rudla. An4 frrr nrinplaia ratakwv ef tkla aaia MalM rr. awa IM R. II. MACY a CO. ttOAAWAY, W TOU Citizens Bank mmmmt sr. 04 TU tMWrrU iuittu 7 U Ihtrari He at Hie NEW JSTSOK . al M. 1 rF. Covr VyKN y; : ,'V) I Paataaa Ja. (wrrat, tonforuUei mi eMitul tTartrW( BU4 rtr Wntr rotrnU mmi thM rTulniwnUa, w ar rv1 to Uw4 to U h wt BaaVlnf rrlliti, m wVt WtlCwar)-. , ClaM w4 -". . -. rturpilu kixilYoCU pn.oco.w Aaat ' 1441,00100 T. A, Hnrr", fr' Ur.t r it. Vii , v- rvi unL A. t:i-f :i, (;.;'r. Correct Dresi The "Modern MethofJ" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by U E. Hays & Co., of Cincinnati, iatisfies good dressers everywhere. All Garments Made Strictly ' ,i to Your Measure - Ji at moderate price. 500 styles of foreign and domestic fabric from which to chooae. Rerreiwned by J. G. DUNN & CO. A. & N. C. R. r, Effective Sunday, Dec. 10th. 13; at 12.01 a. m. Eastern .Standard Time. EAST BOUND. ft: NO. 3. - DAILY ' 3.40 P, t 4.01 ... " 4.15 " 4.25 V 4.40 : " 6.02 f;r 5.16 ',; STATIONS: No. 1. DAILY Lv. Golrkboro HI) A M Bout's LaGranse Falling Creek Kins ton Dover 8.21 8.31 8.-13 8.M .2S Cove 9.41 Ar. NEW BERN 10.10 6.48 6.22 ' 1 6.S6 ' i 6.62 i 6.68 7.30 " Lv. New Bern 10.15 A. M Klverdale 10.I14 Croatan 10.38 Uavelock lii50 Newport ll.Ofi Wildwood 11.12 Ar. Morehead Cy. 11.40 WEST BOUND. No. 2. No. 4 '' ! DAILY :? 4.15 P M 4.b7 j' i 4.43 " 4.59 6.11 5.16 ... , 6.40 6.48 P.M 6.20 .fc 6.86 " 6.46 " 7.00 " 7.13 7.26 " 7.37 " 7.66 " STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. wildwood 8.05 Newport 8 11 Havelock 8.27 Croatan 8.i Riverdalo H o:t Ar. NEW BERN S.0S Lv. NEW BERN 9.1(1 A.M. Cove 9.41 Dover .rjt Caswell 10.08 Kinston 10.22 FallinK Creek 10.::r, LaGranire 10.47 Best's 10. r H Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 I1KA1IKOUT ANNKX. Nu No. 3 N DAILY Mil No M ll.-ulj- DAILY ' 12.20 P.K No. 4 Daily 3.35 P.M Ar Hoaufort Lv I'. M. 7.IKI A. M CONNECTIONS. Trains Nne. 1 nnil 4 roimi i t nl Golilshora with A. C. L. trains ils fnllow-.: Nn. 41. Southbcund; No. 42. NortlilKiunil. utul with Southern Railwav trains Nos. 111. Winlbuund. and No. 112. Eaat- bound." . At Goldsboro: With .Soutlici n Railway and At ntic Coast Line. At Kinston and New Burn: With Atlantic Craat Une. R. P. FOSTER, R E I. I'.UNCn. Uenervl Mnnntrrr. 1 rulllc GOLll.sllllRO. N. C F. M. Simmons. A D. Wira. SIMMONS & WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. .X Office Removed acratm Street to SecoM bttiry of No. (i'.l (aUjvc Telegraph of- nee) South rmnt street, next to , Hotel ChatUiwka. Practice in the Counties of Craven.' Duplin, Jonea, Onslow Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the.Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services an desired. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEtLOR AT LAW. f. Hkoad St., New I!rrn, N. C Well eriuiiiped to search titles by ret aon of many years experience in the office and a Register of Deeds. Pmcti" in tK, l.iirla .if l'i-nn Iarm .ii nn ..u.v.. ... i i.i i ii, w UIIODi Pam)li.n l. i-l ..r.i llul.iiii & , lu, vn t in v, I'ii.iiun, ui w iicir A CKNTl'RY AGO r1bjl Kar rfr Uts mrh Hf.lxafi4rnt m our ph'if Kvo W nm4f tW tnr - n4 of raailr wnra t"w ran hrirtff. W vttl io tt OwirqaugHy rwi pnmplli'. Yon rii' mm am 9hmrwM too hmK w W pwi Umhbmw TlrM nn rwt oki or I W Xrwnl! vnmr knm lirm in MMfM tmiUfW Oiawwv, or vlOwwl Ufctn Mr trmm ml imj mm Uw MthkM 4M work ptti mrw mm tmm G. H. Water A Hobs, rhone 18S, 71 Iraaa U. law lara. H. C. ' DO YOO KROW HOW MANY PEOPLB YOU CAN REACH DY TELEPHONE? f Ttc Nnmbcr Is Constantly being Added to - - - ., CALL OCI RAJtACtt 1KB ttl ATaEPHoirkinmisTiia ' DOORWAY -TIIROUGU " wincnTonrxai WnY 'KOT OPEN IT? f y. , I 1 " ' ' If J J? m 1 . . f 1 . 1 ' ' ' . . ' I