XT'" A C HA" A1 VOL XXIIL247: NEW BERN,' N. C.. WEDNESDAY MORNING JANUARY 17. 1906 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR i I ill I i t li - i a i i if aiai,i i BACKBURN'S Fancy and: Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Everything as We tty to please in Qoali ty, Price, and SERVICE. ft TLe old year's gone The time is on For New Year's house arranging You'l ral ways find Us up to the time In the styles that are ever changing. In tabouxvtts and Chi na Sets We have ihemrare and many. Table Spreads all kinds of beIs With prices, well most , any Bargains too, we have for. you In chairs both oak and willow Mora than these you'll find wbn pleased To call on J. S. MILLER New Bern N. C. Coal and Wood The very best free burning White Ash, Egg, Stove, Chestnut and Furnace Coal, alsolthe only C. C. B. Poca hontas Steam and Domestic Cump Coal on the market. WEIGHT GUARANTEED. WOOdl The best quality of Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Prompt delivery and person al attention riven to all or ders. -Phone No. 47. Union Point U. A, 3 ICO LI : fa d l&t hria bid: fcril insurance tayu. M hi ml ft .1 - t nll lj f rm or fltmtg i by it i 1 t n rtrinnir'fli tif. , e . let (K orff4i fif inirr.r m ocTir t j ( m-. li t- i ' ef Mt J ) 1 s TP. T : STORES. Staple Groceries Represented OPERA HOUSE Wed. Jan. 17 th THE SCENIC COMEDY DRAMA A Mother's Heart. As sweet as the odor of the pine woods by John Arthur Fraaer Author of "The Little Minister." A pant of unusual excellence including Miss Mary Athling and; Baby Dorothy The New York Journal's Prize Child Actress. Balcony 25c. Main floor 60 and 75c, Corrinne Runkel Stock Co., Thursday Matinee. "The Shadow. Specialties between the acts. Matinee Thursday and Saturday. Prices 10, 20 and 30c. Sterling Silver Sale. For 15 days we will 8ollour entire line of sterling: Silver Toilet goods such as bmshep and combs, manicure acts and pieces, soap "boxes, puff jars. tc "without reserve at and fcelow cost. J. 0. Baxter, Leading Jewels. Uur Groceries are First Class Give us your orders and we will please l n iLvmcnT Phone 244, A A A A'aYa'aIX 4 a a kA 4 4 T Turners - 1906 Tbj Ben. Ennott'a BookStoro neerteeeeeeeeeea. ; tlnrteV, ttrm ftrmM, abM tw wi I CJ, a t4 and V.it marked fnvfritu Ho Uxl. A i'tt ! rrd wi;'r-e paid f" th rt'm nf t Ar, mm sot Ulcer - Of The Stomach Intldlout Nature of The Disease How to Rtcognize and Curt It. - Ulcer of the stomach may exi3tfor years without very marked symptoms, excepting those caused by indigestion. In good health, the stomach resists the action of the gastric juices, but when weakened, the membrane is bad ly nourished and the digestive fluids act upon it as well as upon the food, keep ing up until perforation of the stomach occurs. In advanced cases of ulcer of the stomach there is much' discomfort after eating, with a constant) gnawing sensation between meals, pain Irom the pit of the stomach back to the shoulder blade. At the first symptoms of indigestion, treatment should ..at once be started with Mi-o-na. This is a scientific rem edy adapted specifically to one purpose the cure of stomach troubles. It is so uniformly successful that F. S. Duffy gives a signed guarantee with every 50 cent box that the money will be re- f jnded if it docs not cure. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C, Jant 15 1905. men's list. A Rev H D Albritton. B Leverine Barros Suares No. 153 So. FronSt, C R Ball, 31 Craven St, 3 F Brinson, Earl H. Boyd, d. 1. D J as L Day, Patrick Diggs. F Til French. G J as II George, col., Craven St No 30. H Arthur J Hastings care Schr. Chas T Stran 2, W H Hill. J Major Jackson. K James S Knight. L Chas H Latham. M Nidhart Mann, D W Mason Box 444. P Edward Pigott, 206 Queen St. S-Victorla Smith, M E Smith, E A Smith, E P H Strunck, cor 4 and Church St. T N W Tarkington. W Daniel Whitley, Jones St No. 34 Norwood Williams, care Campbell Wil Hams. WOMEN'S LIST. B Miss Barton, Florence Brinson. F Mrs M B Follman, 103 Hancock St., Miss Mary A Fulcher, Killmoniter St. G Mrs. Hollon Green. H Lela Harnes, d. I , Lim Lasson. Miss Kate Rawlings High, Mrs Bettie Hodgins, Bellare N. C. J Fannie Jones, Lima, N C, Georgie Johnson. M G A Mattocks, 63 Now So. F. St, Mrs Katie Murrell, 73 Miller St. R Miss Jaine Richson. S Miss Peter Spencer, Long Setter St. No. 3, Mrs Nan;Sutton, Rev W M Sudder, Miss Edith Smith. W-Mra Maggie .Whitley So. Front St 180, Emma Williams, d. 1., Miss Tenia Whitfield, Northon St No. 23, Mis Mary Williams, Mary Webb, Jas per N. C. Persons calling for the above letter will please Bay advertised and give kt of list: The regulations now require that (1) cent ehall be collected on the delivery of eaeh advertised letter. 8. W. HANCOCK, Postmaster. Hargett-Royill Friends in the city have received the following invitation: Mr. and Mrs. John A. Royall, requwt the honor of your presence at the marriage of their tietcr Maude Hunter Byrd, N to Mr. John Thorn e Hargett, Turaday evening, January the thirtieth nlnirUei hundred and tlx, at half-past aeven, MethodlH Eptecopal Church, M-xintOUvc.N. C. THEY COME AND CO. Mr. C L. free went to Norfolk last night ; . ; , , - . ; - Mr. D. E. Uenderwa was la Jack eonvUie yeeUrday on UuIoam , Mr. R. A. Norm was (n Jackaonville jeeterday. , , - Mr. and Mr. M M. Marie and 4eeghtr Eelher returned yeaterdat from a vWl with friends ia JlalUmore and Rocky Mount ,' Mine Margaret D. Cowling, formerly the neree at the Stewart Sanitarium, reterned to ber home in Baltimore yes terday. . . . Mr. Guy Ot has returned from ielt in Norfolk. , Mr, John A. Dill, of Beaufort, wu in the city ywUrday. Mr. II. t. Harding, who bee bn visiting i!Uvm hre for verl , return! to Charlotte ytr-day. LITTLE HELEN WALTUN Restored U Health By Vlnol. Her Mother'! , . Story. Mrs. R. Walton of Hornellville, N, i., says, "Our little daughter was Ttroubled wild a bad cough which noth ing seemed to relieve. - We trieddiffer ent doctors and medicines without ben efit. The cod liver oil preparation, Vinol, was recommended, and before she had taken one bottle her cough had stopped, and her condition 'greatly im proved. She now has a splendid appe tite and is gaining in flesh. I advise every mother who has an ailing child to try Vinol. Noth'ng equals it, and it tastes so good there is no trouble in getting children to take it." HELEN WALTON. Our well known druggist, Mr. F. S Duffy, says Vinol in a grand medicine for children, it produces bone, muscle and rich pure blood. Itis not a patent medicine, as everything in is is named on the back label of every bottle; so parents know exactly what they are giving their children; it contains in a highly concentrated form all the cura tive, medicinal principles of cod liver oil, but without the nasty oil and chil dren love its taste. It soon makes puny ones strong and rosy. We just wish every mother in New Bern who has a sick, puny or ailing child would try Vinol on our guarantee F, S. Duffy, Druggist. OFFICERS COTTON ASSOCIATION Mott Are Re-elected. Salaries Fixed For Year. New Orleans, La., Jan. 15. The Southern Cotton Association held its annual business meeting with almost a full board sitting. Harvie Jordan was re-elected presi dent, Richard Cheatham was re-elected secretary, H. H. Hiatt, of ColumLia, S. C. was elected treasurer, and George T. Jester, of Corsicana, Tex., was chosen vice president in place of Mr. Peters, of Texas. The salary of the president was fixed at $5,1)00 a year. Secretary Cheath am's salary was raised from $2,500 to $3,000 a year. The salary of the treas urer was fixed at $500 a year. The vice president is to serve with out salary. The salary of the general financial agent and organizer, F. D Smith, who was elected according to the suggestions of tho mass meeting, was fixed at $5,000 a year. Sometimes nervous woman's afflic tions are imaginary. Again they are a form of actual and terrible illness. In any event, Hollister'e Rocky Mountain Tea makee you welL A great nerve tonic 86 cents, Tea or Tablet. For sale by F. S. Duffy. AN EXPEDIENT ALTERNATIVE. Twe Yeans Bleei Item Biltlmere Meet Will Male Treatment at eaefert' A gentleman coming from Beaufort but night told the Journal of a rather tcnutional incident there Monday night with satisfactory culmination the mom ing after. It teem that Sunday a schooner from Baltimore eame Into the harbor for safety from the storm. ' On board the schooner, or yacht, wu a small party, eoneiatlng of pereona of, both white and black penuat ion and the boat anchored within eay reach of the city. The men claimed to be eelling gaeolese engines but it took no second eight of Insight or any other, kind of light to ee that the young men were, "ont for a time" and the whole outfit were of such A character that they , were tot wanted la a respectable eotnnjunlly.Coa eeqnently a committee of "vigibuitee whoextst there only for (itch occasions waited on the men and quUtly but ! firmly said evacnale the JweUrs at once jotUre would be a neck tie party wi'ha rwgncm. Thing! looked dark for the Ik faring party and they bged frt a Utile time U locnre lurmtiee which w rlurtanl!y granted. . In the morning a large lining rmft unoVf full sail wai tm gonlly amliling oul Uie inieu w ho the party wee or how many, nobody knew, but their 1ft tle fun u evidently not what lhy ex. pected. , , 1 r- - SEVERE FIRE LOSS Capital Club Raleigh Burnpd. Is Badly Flames, Smoke and Water Injure Entire En terior. Case ol Murderers Continued. Wanted Expensos Besidos Reward. To Show Right Corporation L Commission to Help Travelers. Raleigh, Jan. 16. The case of the State against Moore and Bunch, charged with the murder of the watchman at the plant of the Standard Oil Co., has been continued, as it cannot be reached at this term of Wake count Superior court. It is supposed that the Lillaton Clark case wi'l consume the remaining days. Shortly after 8 o'clock this morning an alarm of fire was turned in from a box near the Capital Club, in speedy response the firemen found the hand somely appointed building of the Cap ital Club in flames on the inside. While the damage may not be accurately p'.aced, it was estimated that the losses will reach between eight and ten thou- sind dollars. The fire had its origin supposed'y in the basement in the dumb waiter. It was first discovered by Mr. Tom Stephenson, who, smelling the fumes of the burning wood imme diately gave the alarm. The handsome wall decorations are completely ruined and all of the wood work is defaced or turned throughout more than three- fourths of the building. Losses are en tirely covered by insurance. The offi- ;es on the ground floor occupied by the Southern Railway Company, the Ral eigh & Pamlico Ry Co., the Merchants Journal and Norman H. Johnston, At torney General of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association suffered lamages proportionate with the other, part of the building. The ruin here wrought being due to water which destroyed or injured many files. This building was e 'ected about eight years ago at a cost of something more than $8),00) and is considered one of the prideful parts of Raleigh. While the fire had it:-- origin on the east side of the building, no part of the structure is unhurt-as the dense smoke and steam incident thereto has discolored all the walls, blistered the furniture, broken the glasses and marred the handsomely fi'iished wood work The floor of the ballroom recognized as one of the best in tiu ;:.t w k.n.eti u; in j-arts by the firemen, the tlames having pene trated even to that height. Tiie fire men made a record breaking fight and coolness and discretion saved even greater damages. Very fow members were in the club rooms at so early an hour, but such as were rendered able and immediate assistance. Whilo the interior damages are great the outer walls of the building are not affected. Governor Glenn has been applied to by the officer who arretted Alt Holland the Cherokee county man in the Indian territory for an additional allowance for the expense incurred in such an ar. rest. Owing to the fact that the four hundred dollare reward was supposed to be deemed sufficient, the governor will make no euch allowance until it is passed on by the counsel of State. Attorney General Gilmer haa very skillfully and carefully prepared a map which ho will introduce before the United States Supreme Court in con nection with the 8elma connection case, it u unaerstooa inai omasa una case U called during the week begin ning January 22nd, it will not be reached until after the February re cms, which will continue until the lth This suit involve a point ai to the reasonable right of the corporation com mission to mike in oder promdUng the nubile good of travellers. J Hon.. F, It. Woodard of Wilson will be aaeoelat- d with th Attorney Cetieral ln tfcU Lumsden & Stlth IXSUKANCE AGLNCT.. : Stncg Uim of Fire Insurance Com- fwnle.'' ' v ' ' : ' . All nuiiMi mmotU lo frtpouli .Wanted. .; prrKils fur plans afrd tnnxlnclbtn of GfvWI FkHooI biWinf for rokrpd r'e in U tliy of New Hm lo emit not 1p4 than tJKfl tiof more than - 1 W. M. WATSON, fWnHary tf Building Gjmmit!?, r t' '--I I "'I 1", 1 . Drunkenness Physicians pronounce drunken ness a disease of the nervons sys tem. No "will power" can heal the stomach membranes which have been burned and seared by alcohol. Cures Whiskey and Beer Habit ORRINE remoTes the craving for liquor by acting directly on the effected nerves, restoring the stomach and digestive organs to normal condition, improving the ap petite and restoring the health. No san itarium treatment or publicity. Tocure without patient'B knowledge, buy ORKINENo. lj for voluntary treatment, buy ORRINE No. 1 Price $1 per box. Cure Effected or Money Refunded A registered guarantee in each box. Book on "Drunkenness" (seaTed) mailed free on request. All correspondence confidential. ORRINE mailed (sealed) on receipt of price by the ORRINE CO., lac, WasnWtou, U. CoreoUby 37 C. D. BRADHAM, New Bern, N. C. Notice of Sale NORTH CAROLINA. I In the Craven County. I Superior Court Luby S. Harper, administrator of Viola Haapcr deceased vs. Eva Harper, Laura Gladys Harper. Ruby Hopton Harper and Carolyn Virginia Harper, minors by M. D. Lane, guardian ad litem. Pursuant to an order of court made and entered in the above entitled cause appointing the under- signed commissioner to sell the timber on and undivided one half (1-2) interest in the land here inafter described to make arset. I will suit for cash to the hurhesl bidder at the court House door in New Bern. North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock m.. on the 19th day of February 1906. the timber on and undivided one half (1-2) interest in the following tract of land in No. Jl township. craven county. North Carolina near the town ot Fort Barnwell, adjoining the lands of John Bir die, heirs of Mosos Jones, J. B. Lane and others, Land being lot No. 1 in the division of the land of t!ic late Ihomas E. Gaskins deceased between t) heirs of Baid Gaukins, and being the same allotted to John daskins brother of said Thomas E. (.as king deceased in said division, and being the same given by will by said John Gaskins deceased to his son Josepheus Gaskins containing 22'! l-li acres more or less. This 16th day of January, 1906. D. L. WARD. Commissioner. Sale of ity Lot. By virtue of the power contained inarortain mortfrage deeil made and executed on the 27th lny of July 1904, by Simon Heath and wife, Susan Heath, to H. C. Armstrong, the aame being rcc ordert in the Krpister of Utia untce in craven county, N. c, I will otTer for Bale to the hitfh.'s bidder for cash, at the court house door in r Bern, N. C, Monday, February 19th at noon that certain town lot described m Haul mortgage deed. the same being situated on Sprint: street in tb City, of New Bern, and adjoin by the KHis land, the Oden lot, the John Warren lot and othern, leing in size about 6 1 -li feet w! by v.i 1 1-2 fwt de- the name being a lot convcyi-d by K. (1. Hill uu wife to Margarert Ann 1'hcrson by d-d dated Ma 13 1K90, recorded in Register of Ieeds ofTU-e. i craven county. H. C. ARMSTHONd. Mortgagee. Jan. 17th, 1900. to NORTH CAROLINA, I Craven County. I Having- (luallflod as Administrator of Hairirtt Harper deceased, lata of Craven co.N. C.thui 18 to notify all neraonn havinff claimn aroinKt the entte of aaid doceaand to present th.'m duly verilWdtoJ m urKiornttrnwi on or Delore me win (lay ol Jan. 1907.OT thiH notice will be pleuiod in Iat of their re covery All perao.na indebted tofcuid cataun will pleaae make immediate nayment. Thia 17th day of Junior, C. J. M(ART1IY Adminiiitrator. Boys Take Notice For soma time the boys of ,'the town have used the Presbyterian church yard as a play ground, and have not only destroyed some of the trees and shrubbery but have recently broken windows and made fires on the grounds, using church fuel and endangoring the church property. The sexton haa repeatedly told thiiu that it was forbidden to play there and they have been impertinent and pro fane to him, and have utterly disre garded hia requests. The officers of tho church have taken action in this matter and if it cannot be stopped otherwise it will bo regulated by law. Parents will please take notice and keeptheil boys out of tho yard, as if this nuisance is continued the matter will be referred to the police and ar rests will be ms'lo. Butter at 3) to 3.1 cenU wr ound at Oak market. te I'orc'l riortf. Ia It prt nt elnlKrralr form (lie liooi Of t torso la the iiioh! perfert Inatnl moot Of nri'"rt which haa !.od Ue rlnorl In Ilk- ninmn.1 klnst1ni;i to cplioia S Uircr iilii' ar inly lit iriiiK ni linal In Itl pa.-unfn o; or the CTmii.il. The orig inal toe lin.l iitnl thr nr'glilHirl.ia noft part eoniicrlo.1 Mb It h.nve liecn uiod liled lulu a itnu-tun' v. hh Si In Mi rx tmordlnnry inniimr cduiIiIhc wilrilltj With flnallrltr. o (hnt It may strike Violent blown pD the hard surfsct Of (be enrlli wilhoul hurra. Tto rmalt to thtt tbo linrao ma rirry greater vtlglit at a swWn-r pm) tlian sax Other ahluial approach lu It In !. A nalre Trtvh. "There are tricks la eer trsu, yoe krxrw," anUl a New Tors clubman. "Erea In rUU bat eeUlof dm ay 4o6fiw are eoi ployed. "I aaid to better ooe day: , " 'I-doo't m bom joa rta afford to Iron for nothing all the eUk feat fo ell' . "TTe tuaa baOrlefJ at a gnttlf. "'W tr to do It, eir, be aaM, Te hata wotokl lait too lod If w dwv" ' ..' - . , . Batktt farty v, 'TWcwIUbe basket party at 04 home of Mr. M. F- WblUhonrt on Cr vnti etreoi TharwUy tnrt, January IRth, for the bewfil of TaWmarU PpVit Churrh. AU art cordial bv ile4 . - - - ' Cutrher rwvi'f'ed krtl 11 ronla. Oak! Market. Yrr -h nipply of l'lor- ' ' : ",l J. L. TTTTTTTTTVTTTTVTTTTTXfTTTTfcfgMT f 1 t fTTTT TTTTTTTT J. M. MITCHELL & CO'S 9 Days Sale. The use of money is atl the advantage there is in having money. We take a load off the shoulders or the people of New Bern and vicinity bysliowing them just how the use will bring the advantage. In order to emphasize the success that follows our efforts in this direction and' to bring our methods more forcibly before many who may not be closely acquainted with them. We shall hold an advantage sale for 9 DAYS Starting Monday Morning January 15th and Continue Until the 23rd. Remember this is no odds and ends and left over Goods, but fresh New Goods. $2,000.00 worth of Staple and Fancy Goods just come in that will be included in this sale. See hand bill for Prices. J M Mitchell & Co., PHONE 28?. 61 Polloek St., Opp. Episcopal Church. Special Prices For January Suits, Iron Beds, Chairs, Heating and Cook J OH N B. Phonr- 257 93 Middle vJ. Livery, Feed, fcale and Exchange STABLES Largest and finent stock of Horaes and Mules ever offerci for sale in New Hern car load of each juBt in. Also a complete line of B igK'('s. Wagons, HamesH, Kobes, Whips, Cart Wheels, ttc. J.-. JOliTES, Proprietor Broad Street, New Bern, N. C. J L. HARTSFIELD Contractor and Iliillder. OK Fine. 03 1-2 MIDDLE ST. PH0NK 2:!h After having ho much trouble to get Tin work doni' when I wanted it an like 1 wanted it done have purrhaHed the Tin HuriinenK of I.. II. Cannon, llav opened n Kind Clan Tin ahop No. M Middle Street, next to C.-iMkins Cycl Store, where I have competent and i xp'riencel men to do rn work, I wili run this huines in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and IllTI.DINC. Any work Bent me will receive I'KOMIT ATTKNTION, and will !.- I)K I.IVKKKI) when PROMISKI). I have an EXPEKIENCKI) SI.ATKK. ALL KINDS OK SToVK VVOKK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made;tn,Onler. Office Phone lJ, Peidi -m . New Livery and "Sales Stables. Good Responsible Party Wanted in New Bern, Bayboro, or this section to handle Pulp Wood, ' Poplar and .. Sweet Gum, in quantities for ship mcnt by water to Philadel phia. ' r .', Particulars can be learned by writing V ; . . B. B. Di:M's IX- Purchn-ir.; AT.t.i, " : . : 1 r 1 Vs. 1 e 4 i 4 -4 on Furnitnre and Stoves. Stoves, Rugs, JWatting8,etc IVES. Street Kine atock of Ilonu-K, Mulee.You and well-broken, either for driving o farm work. Buggies, lUmnw, Whin, Itohra.and everything kept in a well equipped sta ble. TERMS RIGHT. GIVE US A TRIAL C H DUGE1H & CO., 66 Broad Bt New Bern, N.O Coal! Coal! Full supply of the best quality Hard Coal in Broken.; Egg, Stove "and""Che8tnut sizes? Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Domestic" lump. . 4 All orders given prompt and personal attention. Phone 34. ' '-V . Office and Yard NoTi6. Craven Street , A

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