JOURNAL. err &J in the year ex- Journal. Building 66-60 PhonA Na 8. . c;:arle3' LrsTEVENS, idttob Amrsonarto. S J2SCRIPT1CM RATES Year, in advance..". ,;.4.oo Year, notinadvancei.M. a 00 !,1 v. hv m-mex in the city.. i .60 ' dvertising rate furnished on npplir "an. 3' atered at the Poe Office, New Bern J C. as second-class mal FiaAt. FaPEB or HW ' BBBM AND , CRAVEN COUNTY. , New jBeni, N G.v'Jan I m'J CATION AND ITS ASSOCIATES Gettinir an education ought to be more . than the acquirement . of the knowledge of books, just the learning which gives its possessor the ability to read the sighs which " shall make the daily pife one different from that of the purely illiterate persdn. There are ; many young person who go beyond this mere knowledge of I books'; whose parents and guardians place them in tha way cf acquiring an education, which Bhall make them self- proyidersyS therefore useful to the worltL- and , beyond this, even, they have acquired a knowledge which right ly employed, means a special value to their community. It is not simply learning, but its rightful application which means every- thintr to its possessor, and those with whom this possessor of a good educa i twn comes iri contact. Every youth ought to have the kind of education . I - :- - I which - enables the individual self- j examination, to deteel; any flaw, and 1 correct it, bo that the individual may have a clear perception and be able to skilfully associate with the education gamed, self-reliance, self-respect and i personal usefulness, for with these goes the ability to earn a satisfactory live lihood, and prove a valued member of any community. ( . Jn this day and age, the importance .. of ' an education which embraces a thorough manual training, ought not to be overlooked or under estimated by parent and guardian, for the young man 'or woman with such a manual training, cannot make a failure in life, unless through personal wilful ness. - - The value pf a manual training of the youth of either sex, proves the need of -'such A course of education in every school,' public and private, so that it jmsy not be out of the reach of any child. And all friends and supporters of education should use their influence in establishing manual training branches in every school, so that no child may grow np and go forth to do battle in the world, without some knowledge of a -trade which can be employed to secure . uvelihood, and such a trade learned, that the oerson shall hnd it of a char acter that is suitable, that is a prof ion or trade that is congenial as possi Lie, therefore inspiring to the worker, for congenial work is , not hard work, and nearly every person may find a life work that means not slave work, for work, however, hard is easily endured, if the worker takes (attest to it V 1 OeateM Cass B Certs , bylocal applications, aa they -cannot reach the diseased portion of U ear. Tiers is only one Way to core deafness nnd that is by cotaTlltatlonal remedies. iwfrttas is caused by aa inflamed con dition of the tnueuous lining of the KusUcbian Tube, ; When this tube la '-.named you have A rumbling sound or I, fxrfett hearing, and when it H es t ruly closed, DeafMtt Is the result 1 unices the mfUmmation ca Le nout and this tube restored to 1U mal condition, hearing wlQ be de uypd foreven nine eases out of tea r cauiwd by Catarrh, which Is Both in? lrtil an inflamed condition of Ih mucous surface r "V 1 "' "'" - ' ' We will gtve One Hundred CoDars ! t nr.1 ee of IWsea (cawed by c .rrh) that cannot be ear ad by Ball's f starrh Core. rVnd for dreular, f re F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a r- ll by ITipjrisU, 7E. " . TWs lUfl's Ksmlly Pille U const? --.:,' , ' - ' ! r .r-n. WWW Is ill srlih fmw at the home of hk In '. '.n. He U In a rrJli-al roniDik. v isU'r rtfWf ef ' Ha:i cik aei, ; " 1 art Jtart f t the u - t r 1 ( rt Fftrm si Kirr a, Wt lr..le llari'1, a I f t ". yrre I ! em- t I . hi -t.,iy 1r r'-i .; . i -; r i j i: 1 ani f a j l-.r', ;,l ! '.a $ fm. ' i I ii r . rv.,'.J fV t I P n . U r.f it in t T.f 1 , p - y ;! T. fi NATL'nE i?AKZi Tke SrrlekeB Bwt Frm Orlrt. YTbat a firtunata provision cf nature It la, that deprive tlia roea ot B.enia.1 Buffering; for how poignant would b lt grief t diucovtr. in ma neigni cr ua b loo mine elory, that a canker fed at tut "heart, and that Its beauty and fragrance wera. doomed rorever. ivaiure aiwaya spare the uttering; she U a veritable (tore-houaa of pleasins rewards, for those who reeK ner aia. - in me years gore by falling hair and sraynesa have caet a eloom over the Uvea of thousands of youns women, but thanks to tha In vestigations cf scientists- the true causa of, hair destruction l( now Known xo o a, germ or psrasne inai ourrowa nu tha hair follicles. Newbro'a Herplclda absolutely destroys - this frerm, thus permltrtnfT tha Hair to grow as -na ture intended, nolo OT jeainus uma- rists. Bend 1 . in stamps far-mpla to The HorplcMe Co., potroit, ncn,. O s.BRAOHAM. Special Agt - . I - Josenh Austen tJhamberlain was re- elected to Parliment ; by -more, than 4,000 majority;; - ' i-. 'jk:-', v;-tv "Before . we; can .sympathized . ,wh others we must ' hava suffered ; our selves.,' No one can realize the suffer- ing attendant upon . an attack oi the grip, unless he baa bad the actual ex perience. There is probably bo cisease that causes so much physical andTmen tJ agony, oi which so successfully" de fies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by .the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of; thou sands who have used this remedy,: not one case has ever been" 'reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has ont jecoverecU For . sale by Davis rtniay and F. S. uffy. . ''4-; Austra-Hungary has closed heirfron tier against importations of geryian cattle, and Servia is boycotting Aus trian merchants. May Live 100 Yain. The chances forlivin a full centur are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jen nie Duncan, of HaynesvIIle, Me., now 70 years old. She writes: 'Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, nnd made me feel as well and strong as a young girl, Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders, Gen eral Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at All Druggists. ce only 60c. The Census Bureau reports that 9,998,.- 111 bales of cotton had been ginned tip to January 16. I f n a kind of billions mood. You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill -is half so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risen When e'er you feel impending QL And need a magic little pill. No other one will fill the bill Like DeWitt's Little Early Else Secretary Root received the commis sioners from China who came to. study American business and governmental methods. A M attars It tracts. "Truly miraculous seemed the recov I ery of Mrs. Mollis Holt of this place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up pus frm her lungs. Doctors de clared her end so near that her family had watched by her bed side forty-eight hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. Kine's New Discovery was given her. with the astonishing result that im provement began, and continued . until finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman today." Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds. 60c and L00 at All Druggists. Trial bottle free. While trying, to swim the creek at Hampton, Vs., to elude the guards Samuel Schwalf, an aged veteran, was drowned. Anstbar dees' Mas Sees kWreef H neglected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first signs of Kidney Cure at the first signs of Kidney trouble, hoping It would wear away, and be was soon a victim or Bright oaeaee. There is danger in delay, hut If Foley's Kidney Cure Is taken at once the symp toms will disappear, , the kidneys are strengthened and you are soon 'sound and well . A. R. Bass of Morgan ton. Ind., had to get up tea or twelve times la the night, and had severe backache and pains in the kidneys and was cured by Foley ' Kidney Cure. For sale by DavlsTharniacyv, ".. - -- t Aa old .white woman and two As groee were,froceo to death In New Or leans. ', ., , , aaaasstJBassl i " ' J - , ""aSSSSBaaaBBBBBBBaBaBi The Original Laxative Cough Spnrp is Kennedy's Laxative Jjowey and Tar, It expels sU cold from the system actina! as a caUxrtle on the bowels, Kennedy's Laxstive Honor and Tar certain. Safe and barmleaa cure for cokls. CToub and wboufing couch. Bold by F. 8. Duffy. , r ' Arift ofll,iO,ooobyJohnP. torft ef Def le the Chkage Ururanuty was anpounced, t ,; .' , Ka Is Ae44 fl4. I We hava tirf twri of S single In Unr of s rJ4 rutuhitu h Prwim. ,t,m or otrr lung trrnil'U whan . Koi-y If' nry arwl Tr f-a bft an. It r,"t only sii tha cr, Nt hta arJ lrmgthm. thahmira, AA for Flry'i arwl Tr and rrf.iae tny elitate o?Tt1 l'r. C. J. 1 p cf Aen, VWh., Writl "I l.ava tiawl Kotfy'i Iliitwy arvl Tr In Ur rcry aoTrra rum ff tutn"r.La wi'.h '-! r i:!e In rr-j mo," fur U ly 1'uAuy i.ii A .l:.Uu;i.l ooi.i.'lii exhibited lu Cl.ui-w and Eva After they Eve. la despair, tU-s fc.j -i' rwi.i.... rt'juv TEs A Jam ln'.d left L K-u. Rt Adam's feet TLroufe'h a mistake uu lutfiiifent. at tendant placarded It with thla descrip tion: "Motherless." At the sane exhi bition was a sleeping nymph, by a well fcnown sculptor, which by another mis take appeared la the catalogue as ?Mrs. r , greatly to the horror of Glasgow. A Sunday , school bo recently gave thla account of: the prophet Elijah: "Elijah, the prophet was carried Into heaven by whirlwind, and the chil dren -stood bp and cried: Go up, thou vMhAai t I ia wiYi rnfin rui iiiiikhiii . ts. mi : - ' t-i-J: - . . - - ' - . ' Dragging to Death 'TO miserable invalid suffering from disordered female unctions, monthly pains, nervousness, fallings, dizziness, indigestion, . biliousness,' constipation, etc, will find relief in wine of Cordui and Thedford'a Black-Draught, two of the. most; valuable, reliable, scientific, curative medicines known for the treat ment of sick women. ; They are sold at n drug stores, and should be in every home.A.Try Om-iMSPk Five Italian m iners were: hurled in "a Colorado snowslide and perished. Th Orlgl nal. Foley & Co.. Chicago, -originated Honev and Tar aa a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. -Ask tor jroiey-s ttoney and Tar and refuse any substitute of f ered aa no other preparation will give the same satisfaction,- It is mildly laxa Uve. .It contains- no opiates and Is safest for children and delicate persons. tor sai9 py uavis rnarmacy. :-; Andrew Paul, marshal atGirard.Ps,, Works for the glory of working. His alary is 11 yearly, and he pays fifty cents each New Years to a man who swears him in. To draw the fire but of a. burn, a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles.- Get the genuine. No remedy tauses such speedy relief .- Ask for DeWitt'B-the genuine. Sold by F. S. DuffyT The most favored man in the King dom of Siam is an American named StrobeL ' He is the King's . counsel, and His Majesty takes no important step without consulting Mr. StroebeL Bests th Mutlo Cure. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's New Life Pius. They -are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found.',' Best, for the Stomach Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by Al Druggists. Price 25c. ' To purchase Sarasota Key,' a tropical island, 10 miles lonx by a mile In width, about three miles off the western coast of Florida, just below Tampa bay, and there set up a huge menagerie for the zoological market of wild animals la the latest . plan of A group of eircti owners headed by James A, Bailey. Fear Nsserte Isbles. - St Vincent's Infant Asylum, Chi cago, shelters homeless waifs awaiting adoption, And there are nearly 400 ba bies there. . Sister Julia writes: "I cannot say too moth in pralaoof Foley's Honey knd Tar for coughs, cokls, croup and whooping cough." Contains no opiates an Is safe and sure.- Ask. for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon having it, as it is a safe remedy and certain in results. . Refuse substitutes For sale by Davis Pharmacy. ' ; . . . ... . ; - v . Xooui uaia oi Xuvi to j ea tt enauoj eaj, uru,iita 'Vaj -VK Wit tuixii.cp o) uM oi ea wiAt 4aU uioa jo pJX (ooi eie ad( oi aot) saejeirt v '- iee irv . . ,. "aaajj aiA )ox)ea-oi oi stqnea) ilqi rr Suittii) Xq ssjbi SuiXuoa jo )ne oS awtn y )ai sq) Xta eq )tqi pawAooatp i-i3 jqni tixj& j,uoj q oxmj bJbj not Pip .Ne p8l la as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Thee Famous Little Pllk are so mild and ef fective that ehiklrw, delicate ladle and weak peopte enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are th best Hver pills told. Never gripe. Bold by F. & DuiTr. ' 'h - - eaaBBBaaBiBjBaaaaBWtBafaBaBaiaBaaBaSBMS ;'S;;cizl lo Fzrr.zrs! W would advise sQ ho contemplate nalnff lime on their land this aoaaoo to try granulatod oytUf shalls, the be snd eonrenient way of rrTring hf '.! for qylf k rulU and laiiUng e.TerU. U nee with fertiliwr distributor.. Tble form pii'si'i ree at! the virtue of th original she!!, whkh la known in b ttm, smnvinia, ultrngen, and Salt, l--AAf morh snimal matter, kUr arvl etfar to harvtle tKn qtiirk lima, and rosU Joa al tU Vrcrr, ftfuVo-l n Olhl?.' T.Wi!it ff tia j iar.t limiUd, ao wtaiI I a4vi your rr ler iff alr-'sl V at or'-. p W: , j tttrm Jotirna'.a of lK ff.ur.'ry art tr..r-!y ft i I tM n tit Jin ar. I m t li.'.iy j-t ran I (T'i astray In tjj ir-g r.-' f.f !.! h ftirj farrier li s.rt m Car'. I r.a I rv.u a lKo (rij.j, ' -, f " !1 ai C. fi f If c r.f UL EXHIBIT. (Continued from yesterday.) Office of Register of Deeds I Craven County. - - . ; ' ' ; February, 1905. , ab-. - . . B B Wooten, election officer, ? i; 11 21 I' u I J . 1 1 . 1 , . n n x o uum, moor on onuses, ou w u V Richardson, . per diem, r : 9 40 8 S Lancaster, keeper Neuse -a bndge'uj3.ffl: ?w?";80 00 N Arpen, keeiwTTentbrkige; 61 85 S Singer, sup, for C S k v.V-Vv-i'TO ,D B Wood, labor reg. deeds,' 'i; "lO 00 Fannie Williams, keeper county home,-y v'-j; 20 00 MurreH & Bakerl sup. 3 S C.-.-'v"-l 6 ,n uasKins, post ai"pnorv;i' gs: "ft house, -$iM0S$, &?SS;S4igpi4. :80 CL Stevens, prtg. for county,-- 11 60 G W Hamilton wood at.county' . S:hbme ja r-2,:'v' J H Stanly, election officer,-; ' -Remington.' typewriter ' ma chine and booksyl . -. J":"'; 83 13 1 00 68 90 10 00 117 00 E W':Smallwood. mdse fence FS Ernul, bridge voucher. . 46 07 City of New Bern, rent water and sewer :.v,;- ,. - : 25 go R D V Jones, viewing remains-' F Mann and Wnv jonesj - Merrett Whitley, burial pauper, ' Whitford Hdw. Co. mdse. for 10 00 3 60 bridge, 10 00. J M Morris service Smallpox,"' George P Dudley, ' election 50 00 officer, . A Meadows, mdse. court house, 3 00 28 00 35 25 6 00 Geo, B Waters, mis. co. work Silas Fulcher sup. of poor, Irene Cooly cook at county home, . . i 5 00 25 00 240 2 00 13 95 60 00 2 00 G D Bradham, mdse co. home, A B Wallace, work at jail, E D Avery," rations ti poor, E & Broughton, sup. to treas. E M Green, legal services W R Barrington, per diem, McGehee & Willis, .sup! to poor, G D Barnard & Co, sup. to 117 60 CSC. 10 10 16 72 30 00 22 60 5 00 Gaskill Hdw. Co., mdse. for bridges, W A Wilcox, keeper streets ferry, ; E W Dickinson, janitor, E W Smallwood, .- mdse. for bridge . ' " Dr J F Rhem supt health and small pox. 224 66 M D Lane mdse. fence No. 8, Dow wire wotk, railing reg. 26 25 deeds office 31 18 D R Davis, mdse. county poor Hollister & Cox, coal at court house v 66 00 M B Sauls, election officer, M D Lane, material for bridge. 1 99 18 00 134 70 8 10 100 W Blddle, jail bllL J H Smith, witness ticket, John Amesing 1 month support Llda Salter, do 1 60 200 200 200 200 200 10 00 Caesar Conn, do Mary Gilsard, do, . W Bonner, do , Sarah Hancock, do Mariah Styron, do Naval Reserves, do L Beasly do - ' Peter Ward, do M Beasly, do E Washington, do Eliza Blount, do . ' , March, 1906. B W Wooten.labor fence No. S, F 8 ErnuL jury ticket, . W D Barrington, per'diem, McGehee 4 WUlla, eup. to '. poor,,..''.;.'; 's W 8 Ham, election officer, HarreU Prgt. Co. eup. to C 8 C. E F While tup. to poor, ?-. f 8 Baxter, labor on bridges, O 0 Dunn, wp. to county,' G V Rkhardaoo, per diem, .' A E Wads worth, do - ' Dr J F Rhem upt of health, -L J Taylor sup. for small 160 200 200 1 00 200 1 84111 22160 6 00 105 82 6 00 810 18 00 6165 '-125 :u 40 -.9 70 218 66 8845 : 1 60 2000 6 00 pox, -.. . . . narrcU Pig. Ca edp. C 8 C ; Fannie WUUama co. hotoe, Irene Cook, nook co. home. S 8 Lancaster, Neuse bridge, t- 88 75 , 12 00 18 40 18 00 .18 8S 14 04 Ed. Wetherlngtort, tup. poor, E W Dickinson, janitor, C L Stevens, pub. proceeding, State hospital, nane, , A M William, tup. for poor ; Wbtlford Hdw. Co. top. for brilg. ' - . .-, . : 7 8 Emul brldg Toucher, . ; ' Calvin McLarob, small pox George D Bernard un, reg. dWds . . J W Cwklla, ahTife, " d jil bill, Voo Vtt U 60 0 00 $7 & -110 40 II M r.rovr. eu.IL tr, hook, ,1 10 W J CW'., Core crk brilge 8S W i.i w, fene ha. Z, 17 00 40 00 W U 1 do W J V. ikot, Etr-U ffrry, B B Wwttl. am all pof, !t Co, np C 8 C J L 8 r,, K M (iren, kgaj aeTrke, C E Ti'7, r-' d:rm. fj n V'!t, work, U K r, H x. so 00 23 fc 10 U) 7A M V, 10 V, V) M n M CO foe u r-... 1 I 4 ' ( tt t ti 1 - , - 1 I -la I' Z V it!y Ck Lbor 8 00 II-;;h La;.e, S pox, 20 00 B B Wooten, do ;- 4 00 B C Feteraon, do - : 89 00 E & Broughton, sup C S C, . v V- i 40 W C White, S pox, . - - - 60 22 Hyman Sup Co, StreeU frry, . -23 ?0 J B Harvey, per diem, . . . . 7 80 W F Lancaster, S pox,' : - - - 10 10 A M Williams,' do f : '.j;. is 13 Hugh Lane, do ... .-V "'fi, 8 99 D R Davis, mdse for puor, 14 25 Ed.Pama, Vanceboro bridge, 16 75 Jno Amony, 1 month sup v ;-;;. 1 00 Lida Salter, doic.'uf -t-60 Caesar Conner, do ..'P.'-'i, Z.'??:-iZ 00 Mary Gelsand. do!;K 2 .00 W Bonnov ''f'-Vf ' w Sarah Hancock, do v c " , v 2 00 M Stvron. do v- ,s.r". A- .- 2 00 10 00 Naval 'Reserves, ' do t?J- ''"- V. Peter Ward,- do : i'. .-r ;. -- . L Beasly, do ; : ' 1 60 :2 00 2 00 ; 1 00 2 00 8 65 1 00 42 40 25 75 69 00 1 60 10 00 9 80 35 45 5 00 Washington, do ". '. Elija Blount, do '"-., Cutler Hdw !t Co,- mdse small April, 1904. Jno Amony, 1 month sup. David Tripp, lence No. 1, -. a ar'nTsii-. i 1 vT uuarns, sup smau pox, - 1 uooa Uo" lence No. 1, r J cryan unmes, copy V & c, Israel Mullen, bridge keeper, J B Harvey, per diem," Oscar Gatlin, Swift - Creek bridge, ' Irene Cooley, cook at county home,-; 1 rauue wiiuams, Keeper county home, . - 20 00 G S Wilcox,, sup poor, 4 60 CM McGehee, do 112 65 4 62 L Satherthwait, small pox, F S Ernul, bridge voucher, G B Waters, mis work, -E W Dickerson, janitor, E M Green, legal services, C L Stevens, work for county,' Telephone Co., rent of phone, 61 41 38 00 15 00 25 00 10 9 44 7 7 Hollister & Cox, coal for jail, . Merrit Whitley, burial pauper, Ed D Avery, sup of poor, A B Wallace, labor on water pipe, - 1 00 E & Broughton, sup for court house, , 16 as Spiriten Chem Co., mdse for bridge, 67 11 GrV Richardson, per diem, C E Foy, do J S Simpson, small pax, J W Biddle, jail bills, S S Lancaster, bridge keeper, C W Russell, fence No. 1,- 14 38 138 30 13 8 W R Barrington, per diem, T S Baxter, bridges, J W Biddle, exp Geo Thompson, 52.60 18 W A Wilcox, Streets Ferry, A Wadaworth, per diem, 30 5 J W Biddle, indgt claims, 92 D R Davis, drugs to poor, J F Rhem, sup health and small 16 238 pox, 00 1 85 G W Hamilton, wood county home, R D V Jones, inquest A White and J Cully, 52 25 A H Bangert, juror at inquest, 3 00 3 00 L A Taylor, do M Disoaway, do E Wsdsworth, do W B Hanff, do N C Hughes, do Claud Gipchint, witness at in quest, Tom White, do Caesar'Conner, 1 m sup, N Arpen,. trent bridge, J B Harvey, court fees, WR Barrington, do J A Arthur, witness at court, J A Arthur, do W G Avant, do Howard Allen, do DF Atkinson, do R Bonner, do NBeaaley, do B D Borden, do J WBowden, do A L Bryan, do M Bryan,' dt M Bryan, do W R Barrington, do A Chandler, do ' Alma Cox, do A Cheney, do - , P Cappa, do Ruf us Carter, do NedCUrk, do A Carter, do Ja Dent, do . LG Daniels, do . Virg Fdhvllle, do nnry Fonville. do .. - Silai rrazier, do ' . , ' : C Fkmlng, 49 ; ;' Arthur Foy, do ' '. JL." y' v.'1. Mat fwma,do:V.,:.-r; O Gaak In, do " Joe G arris, do K , " i :- ' J M IlergPt do V Mry Gllaard, 1 Bio. support . W Brown, do 8 Hancock, no t -J M Styron, do . . , . -Kara! Reaorvea, do . . L Ufaalcy, da . - , refer Ward, do ' Ifranlry; do -E WsntiingtjO F.Uta bUmnt, do Z Knjatrk)t, fence Na I 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 52 8 97 4 60 70 60 2 66 1 06 1 60 2 06 6 60 9 10 8 00 L65 206 3 86 ,266 2 06 4 10 2(6 278 265 205 65 .105 2 10 -2 16 2 65 2 00 196 2 05 120 .8 70 1 60 too 200 . 200 200 10 00 160 too 200 100 200 . 464 May 1. W M V(jaon, fourt fe I, I It vr, Ut j w i .,! :;. do A L l-r7", d4 J W f a Vn, di V3W ?r, . 7 V. 13 t1 215 WOCUrk, do - - , W H Grimn. do -J M Harget, do : r C Lupton, do " . 1 R P Montague, do - : ., .. W W Prescott, do --V r W B Parker, do M Styr on, do Constable 3rd township, do Sheriff Wayne county, do ;.' Sheriff Orange county, do . , 165 80 : - 1 60 v.r'890 4 25 ',.'125 '106 : T 235 2 25 -vso 14 38 -7 49 Wm Ellis, do 5 s K street, do - ; ? AS Dixon, do F T Patterson, do 2 C-n Jacobson, witness at court -Isaac Idlet,; do WKellyv;:-ci;, ; S W Latham, do, . .: . J Latham, do 1 ; -' N Latham, do ; ' . Isaac Long, do " C Lupton, do V; 7 S Lipman, do -' R P Montague, do Jno Moore, do : W McRae, do 205 205 2 05 Thos Murphy, do Fannie Moore, do WB Barker, do G R Parker, do J Pearson, do RNPughdo M EvPerry, do E Roberson, do Henrietta Rohn, do Ella Rhon. do 2 10 515 1 55 85 -JH Russell do S R Street Jr., do M Smith, do Carrie' Smith, do 195 2 10 1 65 2 50 2 55 3 30 20 00 2 05 165 50 50 1 55 1 75 1 50 1 80 2 55 2 05 255 155 S Simmons, do Joe Scott, do J E Smith do B F Taylor, do Sperling Thomas, do M Valentine, do W F White, do R W Williamson, do W M Watson, do J W Wallace, do Alex Watson, do B Williams, do W N Wynn, do J T Copland, do L Ham, do Thos Carter, do J T Ford, do Wiley Russell, do Albert Harris, do Jno Foscue, do Mlnne Foscue, jo Isaac Idlet, do Ben Harris, do J W Duguid, do Walter Jones, do Joe Buck, do Shade Heath, do. R D V Jones, inquest M Wiley N C Hughes, juror M Wiley Ed Bangert, do E W Howe, do A II Bangert, do D B Wood, do Guilford Lewis, do R A Sawyer, witness M Wiley T Latham, do L Simmons, do Sam Jones, do N H Russell, do J B Davis, do C E Cove, do Alonzo Williams, do Ike Tillery, do Joe Scott, do R D V Jones, inquest Allen Riggs D W Bailey, do N C Hughes, do J H Carraway, do M L Mason, do K F Taylor, do Jas Taylor, do 00 00 75 00 50 55 38 40 2 05 2 05 2 05 2 05 200 10 00 1 55 2 75 2 70 14 80 300 300 3 00 300 300 300 50 50 60 00 45 60 00 00 50 15 00 70 59- 65 41 05 40 50 50 66 63 Dr Wlndley, do Wm Daniels, do J Q Adams, do Ned Jones, do Hasty Grocn, do C E Foy, per diem HarreU Ptg Ca, sup C. S C GD Barnard, do L U Cutler Hdw Co., smallpox G V Richardson, per diom D R Davis, sup. poor M Green, legal services Geo Green, U 8 Court cost W R Barrington, per diem E Broughton, tup. cat C V McGehee, tup. poor Fannie A flliama, work county borne Fannie Williams, keeper coun ty home Irene Cooley, cook county '. honied- . -L S Harper, election officer TR Smith, do Blade Lombcr Ca, lumber . for bridge '-At J-f-E Broughton tup, e. A e, C L Steven, county printing , Raymood Pollok, smallpox, 4 8 Fulcher, tap. peer, - " M E Whitchuret, tup. ' reg. - deed '."'- ': J A Meadows, tup. eoqntr 16 30 SO 14 00 78 19 70 563 U 40 16 40 25 00 137 00 400 4 8'j 12190 38 60 . home ,' V.c F S Enmt, Jfy Urkel y 1 . Str Howard, frt en lumber, F 8 Emul, brVlge voucher W Mann A Co., stamp court houe ' ' , . J V Hhem, nipt health ; A E WfliiwoTth, r-r ilipm -1 244 (To Be CfUnud) 0afei at t'el est Hew le AreMTkeai. Hore faUlitiee hev thlr origin In of ri't frn s rH l4n from any othr rauw, Tt.'n frt atie hrjl make j-v j lo fr rn r-irrfiil a O.era la fxi da-t-cr wl.cVvrr fr'rn f'!l mfrf-o U a I f ' r'j trrn(-I In tV e t.rirg. or J ) - -n C1 ' 1 t " n r ' ; ! P.- I t; r I 1' !n's ('.- ij Em - a the '. Ir.a In um on r'..r' , t ' -. -a 0 f I a r. t 1 ' - n ti a r I 1 . I ! ,.r. BLOOD POISON CURED -?.;-i?A Derate Struggle ai How it Ended V .c Joat 27 ttiiee froot the clattie 'etty'ef AthenvGiu, is located the thriving kltietownef Maxey's, the reaideoce of Mr. lobtrt Ward, who baa just bec releaed from the most perilous predicament the parfhulars of which he has consented to give to the public, He writes as follows: V;' ; ' ' r'-'". VAun'Bi. Ogutmorpb Co , GX., July'L 01 'twelvecr fourteen jeare I have been a great suffer with a terrible form of Blood Poison SypJulis,) which ran into the secondary, and finally it was pronounced a terliarv form. My head, face opd shoulders became almost a aond mass of eomiDtion. and finiiu tKo A ' skull hone 1 r WarA. owk XZ2L '-oa-i ji : icpuiu- uni. hit mree veers ' 1 aosomtav :V tISJ0i0Pl-l?1 ,n I Entities of the most noted blood lffi nLT3 .p,,h10?e but my condition con- 05:vto.r-": "d, I must surely die. My bones became the 4K'ISC-etJfhw"d,imnht8W,!rc P3' in misery; I was tufttgt? m kl5ney were terr,bly dtranet'd' and ,ife be- v'55L ; Idianeed'to aM Advertisement of B. B. B., awl 1 sent one dolUr to W. 2 30: vnmorMa-n;eMh place, and they procured one bottle 2 30 . -4 ii,? "f1 Wlth aec,ded benefit. I continued its use and when eight or ten bottles had been used was pronounced sound and well t, r! 'fStZStt wW 8n nnm,e' lookinK like a mB who bad been 11 50 burned and then restored, My case is well known in this count v. and for th 166 Denentorothera whomaybeaimilaily 9 on ct8to the public, and to extend my heartrelt thanks for so valuabl, 1 dy' h h8ve been wel1 oyer twelve months, and no return of the diaea 160 curred. Uoiieht V . . . , v, ; rt?' . underspei.1 "now Mr. that the wets as above stated bv worst cases of Blood Poison WA ever 9 05 cured by the use of B. B. B. Botanic Wood Balm. """" """ 2 15 A. T. BniciiTWELi., Merchant. 1 65' TA Hart- w- c- BinniiMOHE & t:o.. Merchants. a ai1 o. . D1 w-.,c: Campbeil J. H. Brigiitwell, M. 1). oor -Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is guaranteed to cure any Blood r Skin 2 35 Disease if taken m sufficient quantity as directed. Il is sold by all (rood druir- 2 05 K1848 at 1-00 Per large bottle; 6 tor $5.00. Valuable book free 2 05! Our Mr. L. G. Daniels who is now in the wo.t will roturn in about 10 days with 50 head of the best selected Ilorsei and Mulea wciliinK fr .m 950 to 1400 lbs, to be found in the State. We have now on hand 25 head of Rood woila-rs an I IhoroiiKldy aci limal.e Horses and Mules. Also a complete lino of Waous, Surry , Buggies, Car Wheel and Harness of every description. We ('iir .riivs the hwest quality the best, See us before doing business. Very truly, Daniels 60 50 50 60 60 50 60 JT .A.- Livery, Feed, 1 STAB Largest and finest stock of Horses and Mulo ev r iJlnnl for 1 A car load of each just in. Alan n complete lm. ..f f n j Harness, Kobes, Whije, Cart Win i 'r. Lie T.-A- JONES, Proprl- , Broad Rtroet, New Hern. N. c:. J L. HARTSFIELD Olllrnctnr liIKl ltiilUr. MTU k A3 I t Mill IlLK ST. I I DM 7!ih After having 0 much trouble to get Tin work tl'.re ),, n I wanted it an 20 00 600 100 100 lik I waatod It don hat porvhasoil the Tin KuHineM f L. II 'aunon. Hev opened A First Claa Tin shop No. 90 Middle .Street, next to ;kine Cyrl 8 40 Store, where I have compt-tent and enprriencl men to do m wotk, I will run 4 86 this Luainewe in fwj'itirtlin with my CONTRACTING and BUII.DINCi, 1200 Any wotk tent me will receive ritOMIT ATTKNTKiN, ami will U b 64 40 UVEUED when PROMISED. 2 00 - lhaveaa EXPERIENCED SLATER, AI L KIM'S OF STOVE WORK t. DONE. STOVE PIPS MadrojOrder. Office H,.ne 12. Hoidence IM. 4 60., . ' ' - . :j;m.mold, 66 6? 2000 Kill 870 . For' f!vt Llvciy, Feci Silc and Exchange Stable.' rrel and irr at Htrk t,f Ilitaee an- MgW ever (Tere4 in New Bert, A rar 1 i bt f'h J t L OrrleU line of P:ifs;i WC'". Tfaftte, :M, V.) - I(..iw;i. - 'ZIT.. "WV m affected, I think it my duty to give le e a reme- inease has oc ht WAnn. MAXEY'R, (Ja., July I Robert Ward, and take pleasure in stating him are tn ,mH n,.ti ;. .u? knew in nnr ivmnttr on.l iL.f u u 1 liLOUD 13A.LM CO. Atlanta, Ga. eJToiies, .Nalo and Exchange -fcllfflEi leA iMBi- .liiO x 'V4 -"Ntt,- iThr aMrX '"tJ liKI V & Hahn HsE3S in Ni-w Waco.. Successor to M. Harm & Co., n , Sr. A.BIMOLD, I r vt

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