i J The Kind You Have Always Douglite and wLlch has beca In use for over 30 yean, has borne the signature of . .. and has been made under his per- ;- fJ?-f-- . sonal sapervlslon since its Infancy. f-CUcJuM ? Allow no one to deceive you In this. - All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and. Children Experience against. Experiment, . - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH. Fare i -goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. .16 . contains neither Opium, Morphine; nor other RarcotlO substance. Its ago is its. guarantee. It destroys Worndl and allays Feverishness. . It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . . ; Colic." It relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConBtipatioa. ' '.'-and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the';. ,A Stomach and Bowels, " giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. - A Csumn li'foreacfi New York. Vd.iso Annual rnt ncJ to o;-.ial nuu once or tw .ee evea e-tctl its biriU raft. h:is of late beca showing n change for the better, ana last yer.r there was an excess of b.rtas over dentbs of some C0.O0O. rcrii.ep this la nnolber evidence that Ne-rr York lr no lougt-r an American city, as rr gnrds. tb nnHanflUfy of the majority of Its people Montreal Gazette. - - No p!H in as pleasant and positive 88 DeWitfa little Eariy Kisera. These Famous Little Pills are so mild and ef fective that children, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold.- Never gripe. Said byF. S Duffy. ' Bill I culled, ftC'wt'J vtSliH- day. x ? V'3 """Cf, Jill-Ana then they ha;. f ciH ntv other doctor. 1 1 Bup?oie? To'akers Statesman. ,, '! - , The Original. " . Co., Chicago,- GENUINE CASTORIAjAivAYO Bears the Signature of , aT.av SIX : sS(7---jil. FnW : Co:, c Chicaaro. ( originated Honey and Tar as a, throat - and ' lung remedy, and on account of the .great merit. Ann nonularitv of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honev and Tar and refuse any substitute of ratuui An tin Atner Yirprtflrarinn wiu. krive the same satisfaction. , It is mildly laxa Hv Tt. icnntaina; no ODiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sals by Davis Pharmacy., The Kind You HayiB Always Bonpt V In Use Tor Over 30, Years. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. If you are naturally not t strong as your, more fortunate', sisters, and for this reason fctpedehce dread rather than joy at th prospect of becoming a mother, take courage and assurance iro-n this fact i Mother's Friend is meant for you, and by its use you may pass through that glonous martyrdom which is yours by divine right with no more discomfort than that experienced by those who by nature are possibly more adapted for the role of motherhooa. is a liniment of proven merit, and its great-Worth can be no" C 't" V. u .-J .1 1 . . . il , 1 t .1.1... . T V , children who through ltsr kindly offices have entered -tliis world unhandicapped by any deformity or weakness.. It is a liniment which by external application acts upon the abdominal muscles and permits of a painless parturition. " BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO ATLANTA, OA. Wli IU bUUimjLCI! m Attorney at Law; Farmers! ' " 1181 136 I 108 112 Daily. Daily. 'Daily. Daily. ; FKi'r M Cam " m 1 27 7 20 1 IE . : . f "l 40'f 7 33 f 1 30 1 53 7 48 1 47 . , 1 58 7 53 1 63 f ..... 2 08 8 05' 2 0C 2 13 8 10 2 11. ... ... 2 18 8 15 2 17 2 30 8 27 2 33 f 2 42f 8 38 2 45 j ,. ....... 2 51 8 47 ; 2 58 :...... 3 03 9 00 3 12 i ,; . - 6 45 8 25 9 20 3 40 - . 6 67 3 35 9 30 3 55 S y. 7 15 f3 43 1 9 37 f 4 10 V 7 30 8 68 9 51 4 27 y 7 42 4 10 10 02 .4 40 k-; i 05 4 36 1(30 '6 15 4 52 HO 41 f 6 S3 A 4 58 flO 61 f 5 40 s n n 02 5 54 ........ -5 25 fll 18 f 6 09 ......... 6 43 11 30 6 29 ; 5 60r 11 38! f 8 35 6 05) 11 48 f 6 40 6filfl2 03 .' . ... f 6 40 12 20 7 15 ( ' H- I M 1pm Am Lv, Eastern Time. 107 Daily. GREENSBORO McLean.... Gibson ville Elon College.... Burlington Graham.. Haw River Mebane... Efland?. Hillsboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM-.... East Durham., lirassfleld fi MorrisvlUe 73,CARY. 81 15 17 21 23 .26 32 iS7 41 -46 55 67 61 87, I RALEIGH.......... j Garner Auburn i Clayton Wifson's Mills. SELMA Pine Level Princeton..... Rose GOLDSBORO Ar. Lv 136 Daily. AM 11 59 fll 40 11 271 11 22 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 Bffl flO 88 10 28 10 161 10 00 9 44 f 9 37 9 13 9 05 8 45 8 26 8 20 8 08 7 45f 7 26 7 141 7 m PM 6 361 f 6 15 6 00 5 65 5 48 39 5 33 6 22 f 6 10 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 181 f 4 10, f 8 68 849 111. Daily. 117 Daily. 8 ! f 8 121 f 8 06; 2 66 7 55lf 2 40) 2 25 2 12 2 01 f-I49 1 85 AM I PM AM fr85 f 6 17 5 05 6 00 4 47 4 40 4 80 4 17 t 4 02 8 47 8 80 8 00) 2 48 t 2,85 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 45 11 81 11 23 11 08 10 60 10 Sffl flO 25 flO 10 f 9 66 9 401 PM AM "But Is on oiwrntioii nbsolutoly neces- rary, doctor?" , ;"Certainly: J've g,t to hnre a vaea- Hon net msnth." S'i'rt Set OASTOIIIA. b(M,u:-''k. -) ira tw nan Always uonp ":'iV:uii't Map c Mrs. BrWey-Mrs., NnybOr gave nie a recipe today for, a fruit , cake, and, I made one. It wllj ; teep ror luree months- Mr. Brtdey Yes, dear. It trl.l, so far as 1 am concerned. rhlladelpala rre3s. OASTOniA. Bausta. '' A MM 1 Blgoatow of Hatii'tl o:lic:ittu. "Children ia3t ia c.lUMle;l clu youug to "rosnuct their pareuts." stii I the.lsclp:in;t:lsil, "Yes," ainwerfd the fnnS iionoa. "and parents hI-.ci'.IJ so c wuc t dion selves that the til.ea wiiea they g? oldor won't foul t!wt they hare boei Imposed on." Washington Star. We want to buy alt of your .Sheep, Cattle and Pork.- Bring them to South Front Street Market, number 153.' FOR SPOT CASH. - -Tours to Remember, . :r - . ' BIG HILL, D. JONES. - ' - ' - HOLUSTCR'S ' ' - Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Meditda for Busy People. Brings Qoldea Health and Henewod Vigor. t TtOTibles, Pimples, Bciejiinj Impure 9 20 1 07 f 8 42 f 822 812 7 50 Who Got the Money f Neighbor I dnn't'see rhv yoii hol(: bo so poor. Your husbacijs Uiawa? heavily InsureJ. WldowVYea, but It too!: nil tha mon ey to pay t daetxj w'jj didn't cari h!m. the undts-takors who TWlel bin and the lawyers v.-lio dc landed lUs will New York Weekly, . . - AM . This condensed schedula is published as information and is subject to change " qv.ina Nni nnrl 103 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morcneaa uiiy ana mvernicuw pumi. , , . ,' Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 83 for Charlotte, Colum . '. : l: . i Vn HI Holid Pullman train, drawinir-room aleeneni New . York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan- ' rain No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh,' Chase City and! A burden on the back to a heavyweight Richmond, where close conneciKiit i ummio mm nHuwiHiu dvhuiuh wuw; nara w new mj wwr gj. : Train Na 107 conta at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and. Richmond; KJnZtarf-, XJnlvewity Station W. Chapel Hill daily except Sundays at Greensboro with Wtlng weight, remoring the burden, V train No. 3C for Wattir..ton ana poinw norm, cioeo connection xor wuisvon-i DruiguiK nppiwiaiuiK myauaam. Catem, High Point, Salnhury, nanoiw ana uiiermeauwe puwiu, .. i New Bern people tU 01 It. v ... -Train No. 136 connects at uiwmwra wim u. w ur u-riui.i, wviuinuw i TaII how it can be dona. I Don't Have to Wait for Weeks. New Bern Illustration. Waiting Is discouraging. - Prompt action pleases everybody. and Jacksonville; No. 85 for Atlanta and all points Soutn aitf bouthwest: Noa, . ... .... . . . ind 88 for Washington and au points worm; connecuon w aiao maoe at oaus l ' - HA mnA 1 Vv., usi.n Nnrth Tarolina noints. a H. H ARDWICK, P. T, M. W. H. TATLOB G. P. A. . ..- ,' .... wasningvon, u. . - : . R. L. Vebnok, T. P. A. . , T. E. G8ra, C. T.X T.f.'.--;. flN",Chartott,' N. C - .Balelgh,N. & sure. H. B, Spknckk, G,M ! Arrived 'Si Here to case of ItJ-x C. P. . BartUng, ' proprietor of the BartUng Shaving Parlor, plaea of ad dress 109 Middle St. aayn. "I used Doan'i Kidney Pille which I procured at Bradham's Pharmacy, for my back and kidneys, and I found them to be all that to claimed for them. 1 bad, trou ble with my back for sons time, the ,W have Just recefyad a Am ktotecreUona from the kidney were very nurses auitaou lor rarro wont or an-1 dark and f aU of sediment and toy back Ving, whfch we win aeQ at reaaooable lgve ma any amount of trouble. It prices.' , '. -- . i -. ' I nalnod me and aclied so hadlv at tWaa We have aleo a full Una of Wsgona, I that I eould not attend to bualneM. Baggies, Ukraosa, and everything Doan'i Kidney Pills went to the rleht usually kept tn an up.to-daU stable.1 Iipot so quickly I eould hardly believe 4" ' - v We will make Terms Right. ; Sena. ' ' -1? r 66 Broad Bt r ARNOLD, IL The first did mso much good that I bought a second and used four pilla a day. My back has not hurt ma tinea and I can stand on my feet aU day and do not get tired like I used to. - Yoo caa naa my nam and welcome for 1 know th great value of Doan'i Kklnrr flew Bern. N o miia. For aala by all dealers. lYkT&O cU, box. FotVar-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the U. 8. Remember the name Doaa's," and take Mother. Successor , to' . M.. Hahn & Co., - CASTOR I A . For InfAnU and Chlldrea. - - Tli Kfci Yea K3ii Rm t:-l Bmti the aTgnatore B? WHl "practice io 5tate J " v-. Federal Courts. - ' Offfce 46 Eroad St. ' and Pneumonia follows La erlppe j but never fotlowa trie use of ' fOLEV'SK It stops the Cough and heals the longa, Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Ma. a. TAaaam, el 151 Oarwd Bb, CUeaao, Vritwt "Ml wit. bad U arlppa and it latt bar with vary bad oogh oa bar- lone wbah toLn's Hoaai ajtd Xaa aond opital. - For sale by Davis Pharmacy. : V; : ? ? ; a smclfle for Constloatfon. Indlcrsstlon. 1,1 ro and KUneT TronbleR. PimDleH. Eciemn. Imouw Blood, Bad Breath, Slufcfrish Bbveln, HoadAohe and UncltBcne. It s Kooky Mountalu i in tab ff form, 35 cents a- box. (tenmne ntado by cOLLlvIBa DRDQ UOKPANT, UlIHIlSOn, WW. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Publication Of Sum mons. North CaroUna, I - - " ' I In the 8aperior Court Craven Coaiity. t v .- - Annls Uray s - -J. E. "Gray ' - . Tha dofendant a bore named will take notice that an action entitled as above hu been com-' menced In the Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and the (aid defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the next term of Superior Court for RaH County to be held on the ' utfidaroi f ealaUBatUourt House of raid county in New Bern. N. C. and answer or dr.inur to the eompiamt in aaid action or the plaintiff will app'v , to Toe tjoart ror renel aemsnaea m Mud con pUurt w. M. w A'niUN. uierK of the Bupeiior (Jourt : lhU 10th day of January 1906. - Admini8trator3 Notion Havine-thia day auallflrd ra Adminiptratrr rf ! the estate of Lhiauf a K. B. Cunts d..-ctaa!.: all persona havirg claims fgairet the said etat brc nereoyaotinea to present tre rime, auiy vail.to, .lea. PeO.&,W. RAILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st,- the Pamlico,-Xriental & Western Railway will establish passenger service be tween New Bern; Bayboro, and Inter mediate stations on 'cllowing schedule: East Bound West Bound No. 1. ' No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) " P. M. 4 00Lv. 4J54 512 'r 5 24 5 27 5 30 5 45 NEW BERN Reelsboro Grantsboro Dees West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro A. M Ar. 8 45 7 51 7 33 : 7 21 718 715 700 on (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. P. M. -5 00 Lv. 5 25 6 00 6 10 6 1-2 6 lr 6 30 NEW BERN Reelsboro Grantsboro West Alliance East Alliance Bayboro INo. 4. A, M. Ar. 9 DC 813 758 748 745 742 7 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The steamer Neuse will sail Monday.' Wednesday and Fridav. a ne steamer ucracoke on Tuesday. Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. I Bpth steamers will make landings at Oriental each way and connect at Bel haven with a fast through train for Norfolk." The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in Norfolk at 2 p m. Direct connection made at. Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 a m for Plymouth and Washington. No 4 train will leave Norfolk at 11.55 a m. arriving at Belhaven at 5:10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. GEO. HENDERSON, M. K. King. V. P. and Gen. Mnsr M. W. Maguire, Gen. Supt H. C. Hudgins, G. F. and P. A. New Bern. Dec. 29. 1905. ' to theiodarsUt.i . on or lefcre the 7lh of Jan. Administrators Notice Usri"g qualified as administrator of the estate 1907.ee tha r.otrce will be pleaded In tar of-the.r of W. IV I.ate, deceased, this ia to notify all per- rrcoYtry, .Anpenocs ii.on.oo to taid eetatRarc bereby icqueCtd to make inrmrdlate pnymvAt. V. i. cuAfclfa.i. Aommtetrator. J T A. Jan 1th IM. ice to surs iivtnz claims asrainst the Raid estate .to ex. li bit litem to the jindersigned duly verified on or be"' tiie 12th day of January 1907, or thia notice . ;il Lm pieaved In bar of their recovery. All por- atni i -idebted to said estate will pleaae jnake un- r.i:o iat e payment. I 4 ins lliu .ay of January, 190. . T. G. HYMAN. Administrator. ; . L. WARD. Attorney. ITavlna on116ad as administrator of the 'iio : of the hue ttobart J Weatherabee deceased, th a is to notify all persona . bavins claims ag-uirDt the I nideetate to exhibit them duly verttiud to tho underaicoed on or before the 4th day of Jauua-.T, WOT. or tttie notice will be nleaded in bar of tueir 1 reeoverr. All persona indb4ed to said extate will O beymour, plesaeaiase Unmodmte paymcut- .--j K . J. WEATHCR5HEK, . . .-' Administrator. D- t.WARl?. Attmey. Thia Srd day of Januanl9W,- ice to NOTICE To whom it may aoncem: Notioe at hervny riun of tha loss of certificate C-ai4. for eiffhUwn 18) tnaiee, and cenitlcate &43ol, for alereu C 1 1 J anaisa ei the Uunron Capital Stock of the V imbiia-CarUina Chemical Company, Waned to Lama rjdgnea. Ibet appli cation will be made to tha Company for new cer Uiicatea to (apply said tsea, and alt peraons are ealled upon to show causa why new eartiflcataa anouia not uaroe m ileal tneraor. Having qualified npon the estate of Mrs Nancy beymour, - all persons are hereby notified to present USA D Ward New Bern, N C or to the undersigned aU claims hekLon or before Dee !7th lJCottuarwise this notioe will be pleaded in bar of recovery, AU persona indebted to aaid estate are requested to make Immediate payment - This Dec. 27th, 1908 JOHN - B SEYMOUR, Executor of Nancy O. Scjqiour, deceased. Thia Uta day of January. lttXt. URA HUGHES Bale of I Ity Lot ' a a bet being reo Bv vlrtae of tha Dower aontaanad In a certain mortaace deed made and executed on the nth day of Jury 1904, by Hlmea Heath and wife, Buaan rJeath. te H. V. Armstrong, tha aama ordod ia the Jinrirtw ef Ueeda eflkee la eoonty, aj A. 1 will eSer fa aala U tha highest heoaar for eaan, at trie eourt bouse doer tn New era, M. J Monday, February ltth at aeva that certain am lot dseerlhed an aaid mortgaaa deed. i same aetna? attaatad oa Borine street m the city of stew SMe-n, and adjoin by the Elila land.the Odea lot, the John Warrea lot and other, bring in sisa about as H feat wide by 21 1 1-1 fnrt deep, the same brine a lot eorrered by (. O. Hilt and wife to Margaret Ana Pneraaa by deed deled May UliaAreeorded aaBaaaatar at Deeds ethee, la orarea aaaaty. - ' ,. H. fl AtMSTBONO, Mortsmgea Jtm. mh. Uos, i. . -jt Administrators Notice naetna Uikj da mallfled aa Xombilatraesr at the estate af Mary Willisana, dissaaid, all imauwa b..n. aaeM aaabiat the said estaaa are liasalu notlfWd W pieasnt the aairav duly eertned, to the undareie-aad. an ar hefies the trd of Jaa 1907, ar this aottre win ba pWW ra bar of theer i iia u eeranae to aakt asteta are aaeway re t-kXl an waUe lamawriieta persMni, , , - , , . .aitlraaayet Jan im. ' . CJ. Mi( ARTUT. Admmarlratar K. UUARA, at Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a power of saua contained la that certain Mortaasa exesuted brW.it. Waaka and i. M. Wesltste Julius al. Arnold, bearing dat uie inn aay eg r eornary 1WM, uie some aetng re cord od la the office of the Her later nf Deeda of Carteret county in book XX. page 1ST. I wlU aaU at the Court Hoeue door In Hew Bern, aa Bator iley the loth day of February 190 at the hour of U O'clock m.. to the highest Didder for cash, all of the rm tow tog described property aa ceetreyed as the Mortaaare aforesaid to-wit: One fourth bitar eat in a eertaid tract of land eoatainlna lutt aaraa "I asna more or Hen lying la Uartera asanty and mine the lands of Oao Tayk aa Use north and lands of Ed Taylor on the west and lands of Rl N. )Hl on thn South, oa the east by mill tract It sown as tbe w. r. BeU traru Terma of aala aaah. 1. M. ARNOLD, New Bern. N. C Jutth. 19UC ? Kotice ' to Creditors NORTH CAIWIIJrtA.1 . Cf area Casiaty, I IVTBENWITH," blacksmhh twaiURioer Buglet, Wagon, Carta and Drayi al waya kept in itock. I reset Urea without hitting with the latest lm- proved tire ahrinkef . . I keep good apply of cart wheel alwaya In atock : repairing done at quick notice, ' ' Khopoa South- Front atreet near nancock gU . . , - ,-y.-y. Special RatM Via Southtrfl Railway Kow Orksana, L., Peruueola, Fla., Mobile, Ala.:' Accotut Uardl Graa Car- nlvala, fcirruary 22-87th, one far plua tl J tee . A . a A i f s s . -al era I ' rtM ueaa rrnuiras m saaj armiinMriinr ra Miwn-rwnij . a . Heresy i, ... I.lsleef awlee.W.C.HMS lata Cent tot round trip; UCKSU WtU be SWirMllseeeiSaTire'hMsnMlloMiils l,,14 pi o., ,1.:M H-.t tt MrlMls " - ih. enomsra-l aa bef.ee theinh day of Jaa, , Mfh. 3nl. akerut tkketa Can b ax lend raf tKtrre .... ... so.v . .e. .s ss sate fU pis. 4 a Bin i i t Mora duly wfwe IB Wassvt-llnbs lkU7.es Uila antJni w ill he sl-st-l In ba "! Afl s in ns hwMeed tesaai WaaswaV HWatV ttnaaVWrj ta)l tJM Ttfasyeye, Ibis lit ear af J l4 IVotIc oi ft'al I .A r A rar I V--U. Livery, Feed, Sale end Exchnnc Stables. ' t ami Fmrt Etnk of llnraaa arl Mulwt oyer c,!Tr.xl Jn New liorn. i,f r.rh Jiit teeaiyrtt' Onr,;Jto lino of TueEti-e,, WE"na, Ifarneaa, I a ftt1 ( art Wheola. KORTM TAtir t tNA. f tsl I s ea tr. f 7S, lett thy B. Ust r. '!l'r.''e. ef T e l;esrer I-? sl ft l' r OS S r.i.l Ws ' I m m- . r . - - t i ( . i . ...... A ... , , I II ; , ... ... . , . .., am d to jrtch lHth on pnymaot of a fee of Adawaastrator, I IxiuitvlHo, Kf. Account American ' " ' 'ilWling Congme Mch 17-2?th; one .' ' . ' J fare plua CO centa on eeiUtkaU plan, IS IM ruDIlC. HkUu willbeaold Mch 14Ui to7th ' Kotle to hereby ;ivn that aHaW , with final limit Mch 80th. bid for furr.hMng ratitma for the poof J Kahvi!lo, Tf nn: Account ' SUxknt ef the fnanty fur the year ending Feb. VoiUnUcr Wovrm' fit For Foreign Wi L, 137 mi l be mrirryi by the Board of ninrm Til). ZVJti f i Mch 4th. One fare Comniisalfriera cf Cravrn touftty on rr ti'M 5 cr.U fur the rmrhr trip, tickeU brford U, f.rt Wjt:y In l"tb li'.fl ;iU.e.,M r.b, avih, with final at Jlo'tliKk a. m. ' . i lis,!; lUh. 10ih. Russel! House 'rBKAUFORT, N. - -Centrally located. -: All the deli cacies of thV season,;; Well .vetttl-' lated rooms, Good teds, Phone cod Yemencey Porte and attentive Sei rants. .. Rates 11.80 per day. Special and liberal terms by week 3r month. ; . G. A. RUSSELL CAROLINA DISPATCH . . SND Oil DbmiQion Steamship Co RomnluH A, IVnnn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice in the eountie of Cntvau Carteret, Pamlloo, Jones and Onslow and In the Btate Hapreme and Federal Court. Offioe: Sonth Front Streel over Til irraph offioe, Neir rViro, N. a Made from pure dis tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE COMPANY. 19-21-23Griffith Srreet.Q Phone 23. . AUTUMN OVERCOATS airmail Uie attesrtlsa W aU tooi In si in faOr aaasaeaaa otker resressr Vanaaata WafjarraVa lasssra - - affalsriea vhkhla eoior. wseve seal sstlsra. frasa sraasstiaa se wonteds oiler as Ue wearer a srtae tld far asUttkw. , , PeM.-CIIADHirKI lenrys ltecv A'J mM l,U)n ahouU be T't Uh Ui tUrVTf t) sU br.atl. The Vor4e O.rt.rr.Ui'n nTl hrrtty retert'rj l!io licl.t to rrjoct try t r 'J tf i.J b.dt. !.'t t' rn, Jer.J C'h, , r,: tft, I?, f,r.o. n. wat rr.;?, d r k ff no.rr.r. T. E. QM.r.U, C T. c, : r!r!Kh.N. c. e ft . A -e e Vf r.r l!r. : - ' 13 thn Hi A.iarrlcan I' . It h' ;r ' ::-) to ' J27 Mlddl Rt.v-1 Full lino of Drugs.Ueci ioUies, Tolleteaj tides and Soap.- Fesh Supply , Of) Flower SecasJi rtijulclantt I'rrfscrlp tlona A. Hpoelaltye txPtniENCf I 'as i 1 1 If ,WT if, J 1 lj Chamberlain Cough Remedy ne unudren's Favcaltej i -JDBaa-. - - Oongha, Golds, Oroop and Whooping Cou4rh. ' Thlsremedris faaoea for Its seres srer a large Bars of th i.iiia t.IZZ Y alwara be depended a pen. It eoatalne aa. opiam or other karatfal eras; and mar ba firea ss confident! toe bsb ss to an adult Price as eta; Lara-e Siae, 60 eta. TlMornin7 ; . . i I 1. XaAAJet A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer Horse Owners ! If your horse is sick, lame, or suffer ing from any ailment that you do not understand, write to Dr. F. E. White, the Veternarian of Norfolk, Va. Send symptoms of the trouble and he will send you advise absolutely free of all charges. 4"Aa7i A Typical New York Ton aoinptlmca envy your city alnters their advnntARc In living to near the great New York (tore and their abil ity to take advantage of ton wonderful Bargain Sale held from time to time. We nave decided to allow our Mall OrdiT customer to participate In these special offering, and we will at aalde quantity from cacti Bptetal flat for our out of town cn torn era, but orim maf be went at owe, aa th? quantity will alwaya be limited and the price will not hold good after tbe reamrred quan tity la exhausted. .The wslst Illustrated above la of food quality Wblte Lawn; round yoke formed of Ave row of Vilenciewnre lac lneertion and edgw, full bkmae front racked and tact Inserted, full alscrea with deep rocked trimmed cuffa, tec collar, When ordering, do not fall tostatesise. Tbe Specul Price, -' roatage 6 centa additional 99c fend for Mr Jaouary Fperlal Mas tin Undenreer Bale ntalogrukr afallttf re posj r7asf,. if jon are not oa tror mailing rut,' ' write - vat tnda. Our Ppring and 8ummef CataloftM wfll be tavrjed early la Marcs, and yovj should not fall to bate a cory. AddreM Jtnom 201 : . BROADWAY-BersM leea-HtW YOU R. H. MACYa C0., Citizens Banh Bargains in ., - all Tl:l Weefc Sweitzer 20c lb. " Cream Cheese 15c lb Finest Butter 30c lb. RIVERSIDE STOR L B HABICHT Phone 246. A.&N. CR. R.; Effective Sunday, Dec. 10th, 1305 T at 12.01 a. m. Eastern Standard . 0 Time. ; M EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 1. , DAILY Lv. Goldsboro 8.00 A. H Best's &21 LaGrance 8.81 Falling Creek 8.43 Kinston 8.66 Dover 9.23 Cove .4i " AT. Haw BERN 10.10 Lv. New Bern niverdale Croatan Bavelock NawhiwI Wildwood 10.15 10.84 10.88 1060 11.06 11.12 Ar. atorebead Cy. 1L40 WESTBOUND. STATIONS: DAJLY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Wildwood 8.05 Newport 8 11 Havelock 8.27 " Croatan 8.39 Riverdale 8.03 Ar. NEW BERN 9.05 " Lv. NEW BERN .10 A. M. Cove 9.41 Dover 9.68 Caswell 10.08 Kinston 10.22 Fallintr Creek 10.35 LaGranse 10.47 Best's 10.68 Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 no. a. DAILY 3.40 P. H 4.01 i 4.18 4.26 " 4.40 " , 6.02 " 6.16 " . 6.4S 6.66 6.18 6.22 6.86 6.52 6.58 7.80 No. 4. DAILY 4.15 4.S7 4.48 4.69 6.11 6.16 6.40 6.48 6.20 &36 6.46 7.00 7.18 7.26 7.37 7.66 P.M No. 3 DAILY 12.20 P. M No. 4 Daily 3.35 P.M BEAUFORT ANNEX. NO. 1 Ar Beaufort 810 1. M No 9 Daily Lv 7 on A M CONNECT IONS Trains KTra 1 ..H 1 j 1 .. . A r t. i. " i",T" v,-. "l.V"'""uu w, m jo xi . . ooutnDouna; No, 42. Northbound, and with Southern Railway trains Nos. 111. Westbound, and No. 112. East- HVUIKI, At riAlHalmwx. Wbl. O , 1 n.i, . . . --------. ., .... auuum u nauway ana ill lanhc Coast Line. At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Line. a P. POSTER. BEL BUNCBJ UVaatUaal mUlUlgVT. ITtKOiC GOLDSBORO. N. a 'it- F. M. Simmon. a d. sYsrd SIMMONS & WARD. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office Removed across Street to Secona awry or wo. b9 (above Telegraph of fice) South Front street, next to Hotel Chattawktf. Practice in the Counties of Craven. ijujjuii, tiuuea, tmBiow, uarteret, ram hco and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever service are desired. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bboad St., New Bern, N. C. Well equipped to search titles by re son of many years experience In the office and a Register of Deeds. Practi ces in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Pamlico; Carteret, Onslow, or whure ever services are requirec. lviwi.-..v.vwAwiWt Ml Hr1J jj-"" roPYKcHTorTtltt MGIECTIOH, Benrl mooet, ssptckaepltota. or free siserlnsuoa and advlra. BOOK ON PiTEIITSfe:! "TG,A.SXOW&CO. nWiiuiiir.TAM n r Notice to Creditors., J Rartrsjaaanraalae Adtalalatretar ef Uaseetata ' ' at lues &. Cerawar. I Ltliai la so Bettfy ell ' swat havtrei .Is lass sarahx the said eateaeta " ' pa so BM er sir sttrT D L sxd oe ar sAre i I U) ears Jaa. 1K7 sr Ula netVe wlU ke paaai , laUref .sf,.AP una last. tsssl a tU.seM iaa Talk in GBORGR W . CARRA WAT. AaasasJstrater ' i ta f sVlbn A .a J mm TV JaVaVI-ea niaWPRfi -J Application for Certificate CsrUarata I ii far ftre eaarsa la aWiaa . iraasharMlagieaaaetai stork ertaa New . , isaiatlasrs4Laaa AaaoriailnB aela saamleas. ' - aatass Is MreW etesa at aaatMreiWi arm sa ' far dsjessaete. JtmftPU O, rvUMkO J earear "Thn fr j la fcava afl eja (o tblnjt rmvenif nl, romf.rrtal.la and rhrful. Having f!Mr. ,ip (flir barAlng rrwm to rrvt U'ifaa r'iiremoTiU, ve are r'?r t i hIm, 1 tt lJstKo ht 1'ar.liinji J a' lr-s, liearty Wfloome. CV'Tna. s ! ta. ('- t ' on J - I IV-'.'a I ' ; i t ' -i ' ? :. ') do yoo iKow.Bow Miny PEOPtB :n YOD; " C'RQ BY ' TELEPnONE?" - - Tbc Number Is Constantly ' tdc Adlcl to cm or xariclx m ui A.mtrnon on n tith u- i mil 1 i... ..1 ;r -T) i ::.c!i ! f lUhnsOidClaUc. Mi.

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