UUUNAL. L. L, t mm N. C.Jan. S). 1306 UuOi: DIRECTORY. a :D"EN OF THE WORLD meet at -. Hall Semi-Monthly. First and i ertnesday nights at 7.30 o'clock. . j:a Woodmen are invited. " , " AVEN LODGE No. I KNIGHTS OF I A f.LlONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed- . ia iirrVit in ch month in Rous es Uah, Pollock street,'.-t 73? .'clock. -Samuel R. Ball Preeident; 3. ;l. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Hill, . Financial Index t New l4TcrUicmcnt. Auction sale city lot ' - . Two furnished rooms for rent .a -v: J M Register-jWood furnishings. . Southern Life Insurance Co, of Fay- etteviile, N. C " i- 'f . Eaton Insurance Value of the Eyes. Ennetts Book Store Poems. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Laces. .,- NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ORE 30NTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. ; . " W I Business Lcl. TWO FURNISHED Rooms For Rest Two nice furnished rooms for rent, one a south front room, heated by furnace, and supplied with.hot and cold water, Apply to No. 8, E. Front St OYSTERS Fresh opened every day at " Home's, customers will please put in ' their orders early in the day, so we can iret them out in eood time. I never , open ahead so far as to have to carry - an over for another aay. uan db ,128 Middle street WOOD FOR SALE Dry split pine or hard wood either lone or cut to stove length. Phone 63 Brooddus & Ives Co'i Mill ' JUST received by schooners, a lot of Red and White Bliss and Pride of the South seed potatoes, also a line of oil ,. clothing and rubber boots pine and coal , tar in cans and barrels, all kinds of net- bUlgO, ItUIUg, OllU mwo v. v mj, t 11 r i i: jjt, - . TOR SALE Several desirable, well located residences from $1500 up, and one vacant lot also one store' on Mid die' street Some of the houses are practically new, and some nave unus- .ually large lots. A partial payment . Will put you in possession, and easy . terms given on remainder. C. T. Han- cock. LOST On East Front street, a pink coral necklace. Finder will be reward ed by returning to Journal office. - AUTOMOBILE for sale, 2 horse? power Winton touring car, in first class condi I tion, carries five passengers, has top, 2 carbon search lights and full set of ; tools, cost (13,000) three thousand dol lars; will sell for best offer. Automo- bile can be seen at Beaufort N. C. J. F. Dey, Beaufort, N. C, box 34. WANTED Nice 6 or 6 room house by Teb, 10th in good neighborhood: prefer - near as possible to comer Pollock and Middle SU. Address McC, Journal . office. FOR SALE Ono 16-foot Clinker bu yawl in good condition. For further in formation apply at 48 East Front St WHITE Roman hyacinths for sale at Mrs. W. S. Simmons', 118 Pollock St, 10 cents a doxen, also boxes of flowers packed to send away. NAVEL and Florida oranges today Broad Street Fruit Store. at ALL kinds of Ice Cream Broad St Fruit Co, every day at MY Customers will please remember that I am still handling the floe it oys ters that can be procured ia this mar ket Can furnish them in any quantity delivered at the residence, or will serve them in any style at my restaurant J L.' Horn, 128 Middle street WANTED The people to know that flyman's Cafe, cotmt Broad-and Mid dle street, win sefre meals promptly and satisfactorily. The best the cleno- mL the krraat rariety. Call and see him when yo want to be fed. ' . HOARDING I am ow . tocauxi on South Front street between East Front and Craven, ia the ' Stewart building where I am prepared to furnish board and rooms to those who deair aceom modatkma. fable service the beet the mirk tt affords, 0iL comfortabU t!a. and good rooms. Mrs. A. D. Wsfkworth. IX li NISHED room U rontjflonvenient- )1 Wtied. ' OfttUwcO tenants desin d. A i r'y 1 T, lfw Bero JoumtL f PI ClAL NOriCE-AfU Jan. JfiU. I! o factory will discontinue exchanging i,. !otu llsdp. Itrlng In yoor ekl l !rn st ot- if ywi want ttn ft '-ft r"" r 1', . V r.io nrX.'-g ptlrr.he Split ' " ( I I am t lion's MmVpI, Sylvester Barrett and Jerry Cobb, B who killed a Constable at rarmviue. N. C last Saturday night while he was trying to make an arrest were tried be-1 fore court setting ajt Greenville, Bar-1 rett being found guilty of murder in the first degree and Cobb guilty of the same offense in the second degree. ; Barrett is sentenced to be hanged Feb-) These extracts from some letters. re ruary 26th, while' Cobb gets 25 years at certtly received from old people should hard labor in the pen. This is speedy .be interesting reading:. - ' ' -justice. The two negroes killed the offi-1 Mr. A. J. Baker of EvansvfflaT Ind., cer late Saturday night January imp, made their escape, were run down, and capturedtr ied, convicted and sentenced by Friday evening January 2Cth, all In less than one week. Such despatch is the way to discourage lynching. i-J ; The robbing of clothes lin.es seems to be a tad now. The Journal has pub lished several items about this sneak thieving lately and it Jhereare grades of stealing ;. this kind belongs to tho lowest No decent thief would do such, a thing. Clotheslines in yards on Dunn's field were tided Saturday night . Pos sibly a trap will do some, good service by catching the guilty party- ; 1 ; Mr.;W, S. Jones who has been in the grain and feed business several years in this city, has formed copartnership with Mr. Dan; Willis and the firm will conduct a grain and feed business at No. 29 Middle street , i Mr. C. L. Spt neer has bought ani in. terest in the grain business pfrSV Ear riett & Cb.K " . "'V The picture of Miss Matilda Hancock, daughter of Postmaster and Mrs, S.' W. Hancock appears in the Sunday Char lotte Observer under the head of "Beaus and Belles of the Future." All - departments of the Woman's Club will meet" this afternoon at the Elks Club rooms promptly at 4 o'clock, AH members are urged to be present Mary L. Hendren, Secretary, How about this telephone fire alarm system? What the public safety de mands is a bell alarm, so that those on the streets may have some no li ;e to clear out and not be run down by the rushing and racing hose wagons. The dash to fires is all right but the people on the streets need some pro ction in way of fire bell so as to get to safety and cot be run down. An alarm of fire at 10 o'clock last night was caused by a little blaze in the small store corner Cedar and Bern streets. There was little damage. Well Known Bridal Couple Return The Wilmington Messenger of Sun day says : "Mr. H. A. Bsown, accompanied by his bride, returned home on Wednes day, and will be at home to their friends at 308 North Front street Mr. Brown, who has in this city a large circle of perse nal and business friends, was married in Norfolk, at Epworth Meth odist church, to Miss Lucy I. Odell, of Norfolk, and, after a bridal trip to Washington, Richmond and other cities, visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Brown have returned to make Wil mington their permanent home, where they will be welcomed. Mrs. Brown is not a stranger to the State, as fhe resided in New Bern sev eral yeam, and there taught vocal and instrumental music. Her accomplish ments in music will contribute to the musical circle in our city an additional artist and her own personality add a further charm to our soc'al circles." The Payton Sisters. The Payton Sisters made their first appearance in a week of repertoire at the opera house lflfet night The house was crowded to standing room and the audience was very favorably impressed with the performance. The play "the Man Outside" was a detective play with strong problem features. Although some of the charac ters were not above criticism, the play ss a whole was greatly enjoyed' ' The specialties are the best of any repertoire show that has been here. Premier among these are the Manning Twin Sisters who appear ia song sad athletic work and do aa act that most clever. They have recently joined the ompany. . Tonight the play will be the powerful melo-drama ''The Power of Love;' Wedneeday matinoe, "The Fatal Rose of. Red;" and Wednesday sight, "Utah." Cons to 8s Marrlti Mr. John Iiarget left for Mount Olive Uut'eveolng where be win be uni ted la marriage tonight to Miaa Maod Hunt Byrd. Acconipaning him were Mr. W. F, Richardson, who will act as best man,. Mr. target's uncUj. Police uuei jona liargtt, and tney wtrt Joined at Cove by Mr. Harris Lane. - Auction Sale Cily lot TwrmmM taifc fvWi lw4v Hi lal rvvwe m tW'tf 4 m'im W nliawn, i, Krr Um ptivm w4 h 4 rw 4 i k'm mhm mtjff w essil 94 4mf t MtK. (-. I er1 fiM hw4 pMrtiM fiUWwvi A riii M nk A m -tmf mw mvrs l fee ew44 m aVT 4 tK f Mq( m Vt( '4 VA I , r lit vf hnr i m IM TsnM ml M vye ri'Mf1 - iimf f im C. $. Wm-f -m Ht rf Silr Sale Slill 1.1 Projrtu Th of trlirij toil t K'"' rs1 dnt j iwHI st rwl llnw rU Tvct 2 f) purrhuM will h eitch a 7' tft t Kb I I ' n tt t . i; rr 1' sf f re-o. 3. n. vkxi: Old P!s is K, Ears And Thilr Childrss Tiki Katies. A time comes to every one when the me lorces oegm io lau, re pegiu w feel that we are doing down till and perhaps that the end of activ3 service, not oi we, is near. 'Bays, "4 doubt mere is no omer mea- line equal to Vinol for old people would pot take $1,000 for : the good has done me. " ,-v,-.r t-i '.:?f4. i Mrs. Sarah J. Windrom," cousin' of the late United States president Zach- ary Taylor, says, "Vinol is a Godsend to old people. 1 am seventy-six years old, but owing to the strength-creating qualities of Vinol, I feel young, active and well today..": . Mr. Jos. Bankson of Decatur, 111., seventy eight years of age, says, 'fVl r ol has made me strong, active and Well" . M:. Mr. F. S. Duffy says, " "Vinol owe its virtue to the fact that it contains in a highly concentrated form all the ac tive," curative, strengthening and body' building properties of cod liver oil It makes rich; red blood, healthy Doay material and sound, steady nerves. . In thisrway it repairs worn tissues, checks the natural decline of the aged and re places weakness wMrstrength, I : JJvery aged person in New Bern 1 should try Vinol on our guarantee to refund the money lf itfailn to give satisfaction. F. S. Duffy, druggist THEY COME AND GO. Dr. A. W. Disosway returned to Maysville yesterday after a few days visit in the ciiy. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Marks returned yesterday from a two weeks visit at Savannah, Ga., and Florida. Mr. Frank Prettt man has returned ro his home at Marion, S C. Messrs. W. W. Clark and W. D. Mc- Iver returned from Louisburg, where they went on legal business. Mrs. J. W. Stewart returned from Core Creek yesterday. Miss Ora Borden, of Beaufort, is vis iting Miss Bessie Thorpe. Mr. Owen Dunn spent the day at Goldsboro yesterday. Mr. WT M. Buys of Havelock, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Arthur Van Buren, of Wilming ton, District Manager Southern Life Insurance Co., is in the city. Miss Julia McSorley returned last night from a pleasant visit with friends in Wilmington. Mrs. James A. Bryan returned Sun day night from a visit in New York. Mr. J. C Caughey, of New York. president of the Carolina Stave Co., is a guest at the Patterson house. New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, J any 29. Open High Low Close Mch 11.22 1122 19 98 11.09 May 1L36 1186 1113 1L26 July -11 43 1145 11.22 1L86 Receipts -18,917 Last year, 82,167. A Pleasant Incident Gas ton ia Gazette.' The first meeting of the Gas ton la Chapter of the Daughters' of the Con federaey slnca their ,organlUUoo was held la the public library Friday after noon and was a most enthusiastic one. The new president Mrs. T. L. Craig, presided with tact and dignity, and 1m pressed every one present with the wis don of their choice. The work cannot do otherwise than prosper under her capable management. ' , . '.. About forty names have beea en rolled for membership, and many more will be added as the ladies become more familiar with the work. The ehapfer eould easily kava a hundred members St least '" : ,'.. A pretty Incident of the meeting Fri day was the presentation to the chap ter by the preakient Mrs. Craig, of a oeeutlfu! gsvet la ebony and Ivory, fit tingly Inscribed. Mrs. A! A. McLean made the speech of preeaatalion. It was a soarte of irgret that tie Chapter was nnsble to ekbrate Lee and Jackson's lirthdsy.iu orgas Italian being scarcely perfect. -. ' , Witch And Clock Repairing. . Reror ml-fr I will call for yoor work, rrpslr It and return It Work on Wtche, Clks and Jewelry ilt; forntrl Arn still st f.3 tirosd street E. J. MATTHEWS. The accident ir.r.urancc policy lint J3.000 in caz? of dc.ith provides an indcnir.ity of J2,:00 for the lorj of both a blind man is practically cT3 with due care. Too it V.r: tr.cm aurr.ti'.-n trj. If anvil. :r.," h tl - Of course you know it ia a little cold settled- there. Yovt hope it will i;pass off." There is a chance you will pass off with it Be tareful I - Cure the cold, be cause it is dangerous 1 A sure cure, ' external powerful, ' ; penetrating, harmlessthat is Cowan's.; ':f?, Yoii tub Gowan'9 over your chest or throat f It goes in and works on the cold at once, f Doesn't have to be digested. i. ' ' v Have Go wan s ih,the house ready to cure croup, colds, sore throats, pneumonia. All .druggists, sell ft Bottle, $1.00. . Croup size, 25 cents. By tnail, if "desired. . Gowan Medi-" cal Co., Durham, C w Gowan's Pneumonia trf Cute ' : " r -''Lest We Forget" ' From the Journal, Jan. 27, '05. ' The temperature yesterday morning at Jacksonville, Fawas 16, at Tampa, 22, at Jupiter 24. This makes our 19 degrees look comfortable. r The forecast ior the weather today is fair and not so cold. The severe cold has kept people away from town for the last few days, which gives the merchants an ague appear ance. But ; the clerks are very well satisfied no doubt For the past two or three days the water pipes of the city have been doing business over time this week and it has been very fortunate that no fire has broken out as it has been impossible to obtain a pressure available for a fife. From the Journal Jan. 28, '05. The steamer Neuse arrived at her dock at 5 o'clock yesterday morning; eight ani one half hours late. She was well sheathed in ice and bore evidence of having had a hard struggle with the ice. The waters of the Pasquotank river, Albemarle andCroatan Sounds and some places in Neuse river were fettered with ice and it was slow dif ficult work cutting through even the thin crust of ice that hindered hei pro gress. Basket Party. i"here will be a basket party at Galilee SUpplefotd's school house, Saturday night, February 8, 1906. Proceeds to go for purchase of supplementary libra ry. Everybody invited. E. A. STAPPLEtORD. How Much Was Stolen Editor Journal , Thefmost important question has been kept from the public by the State' witness or the minister of St Cyprian church concerning the church stealing money affair.' The- main question is, how much money was stolen by I. H. Smith from St Cyprian church. If this question Is not nor can be an swered the public will know the charge to be absolutely false. To the vestrymen of St Cyprian church: I demand that yon investigate the charge and report your finding to the church and to the public. We have a colored ministerial aasoclstlori here or the colored ministry, I demand that you investigate the church stealing money affair and report your finding to the churches and make one report to the public Signed, I,H. BHITH. New Code-Revltahf 1905 . t Each Justice of Peace la entitled to a copy of the new Code of Laws of North Carolina. Call at the Clerk's offli and receive receipt for same. '" , : ."W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court - C. T. HANCOCK. ' Ileal JIatato Agent. 48 Broed.8t, .'' New Bern, N- Wo. guarantee ful valuo and iiricos. If you can got it cheaper anywhere olao in Now Born. Como back and get. tho difference," i boiongs to you. Watera China Dtoro ( ettrr st V to 85 trU rr jvwjtxI s lOsksmsrVct yiclda tyrx Th Inlf AvL tl.U Gvnr.i rr 1 1 y i - 'A ;;:v, :.t- V.. m f f 'A William Simpson Cigars ; ' : Named for the most prominent druggist North Carolina has ever produced. Sold only, by drug .stores and in New Bern only bflp-zty'; :. ii , -DSpPHMraACYi Your. Money Cannot do More $ryice. thaa we ca.tj.rnake it sible than-we offer every day. Read the list today , and call Today. ' Bargains No. 1 - 10 pieces yard-wide silk, all colors, black, brown, white, greeh. and blue, reduced from $1.50 to 95c. . Bargains No. 2 1,000 yds sheeting to close out at 4c. ' . ' , Bargains No. 3 10 doz. large size towels , 10 and 12c kind, special 8c each. Bargains No. 4 500 pair ladies and mens shoes $2.50 value, choice of the lot $1.40 a pair, Bargains No. 5 75 Midde i4AAAAA AAAA&AAib AAya & a inl ATirnnT Great Clean Sweep Sale. All Goods Throughout the Big Stock. I lommencmo m t inursaay a ui and lasting 10 days You know what a big saving this sale always S means to you and what SO WAIT FOR IT. FINE BROOM FREE. T During this sale we will give a way absolutely ? free of charga with every purchase of $5.00 as a T souvenir of our clean sweep sale a fine quality lohg Remember the day, THURSDAY. FEB. 1st. 644 NEW EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. We place l Morning- the ful Line Embroideries ! Shown. of Fine '-1 rv 6 do. Better values are impos Mens 10.00 Suits 6.40 " 15.00 " 10.00 3.00 Pants 1.75 2.25 " 1.25 4.50 " 3.00 Childs suils $1.45 worth double. Bargains No. 6 Comforts ouly 48c each worth dou ble. Bargains No. 7 Repellent 58 inches wide all colors, only 47c a yard. Bargains No. 8 Mens Sweaters, heavy quality only 45c each. 'ILON Street. innTiiriic' big bargains we distribute 44 on Sale This most we liaveever 1 in tahw liPlattJMuH Beaiiti Laces and Look out for Are you Prepared for it? We are selling winter goods at reduced prices Jnd now is your time to buy. All Suits,. Gvercoats, Raincoats and Trous ers at greatly reduced prices. Twill pay you to buy now. J. G. DUNN & CO., 65-67 Pollock St. Phon 212 New Line Buck Cigars Just Received Fiue Line Smoking Tobaccos. Smokers Comforts For Users of Tobacco Crescent Tobacco Company. W. D, Barrington MANAGER. Sash. Door and Mantel Factory No. 22 Hancock St.. New Hern, N. C. Having yut in a line of up-to-datt machinery to do ail kinds of hoime building work, turning, otc, at the same old stand on Hancock street, I am prepared to fill all orders at ahort notice und in the best and latest style. All orders eutrusted to me will have my personal attention. J W MOLLIS, The old year's ;one The time is on For New Year's houa arranging You'il always find Ua up to the time In the styles that are ever changing. In tabourr tts and ChS na Sets We have ihemrare and many. Table Spreads all kinds of bels H'ith prices, well most any Kargains too, we have for you In chairs both oak and willow Bloro than these you'U flndwbrn pleased To call on J. S. MILLER New Bern N. C. (J A NH'OM fin d Ecr Irrna. hi h Sili D ' IMURAKCS TAYS, V'htn 1'x tiBs th miaf.,rtnn toloo Ton' C"l hjf Pre Of rim(r j lir vl h pn rrminTtiim fm ill $Uif in r'UMtUof th ronr f.H of n'ironr i ir rr ay trrvr t snjr tirrm. It Is to r ICO. Gold Weather Coal and Wood The very best free burning White Ash, Egg, Stove, Chestnut and Furnace Coal, also. the only C. C. B. Poca hontas Steam and Domestic Cump Coal on the market. WEIGHT GUARANTEED. wOOd. The best quality of Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Prompt delivery and person al attention given to all or ders. lis Ik! k Phone No. 47. Union Point Lumsden & Stith INSI K ('K Aiil.NTV. Strong Line ,f Kin- IriMirnnce Com panies. All HusinoHS pm.-iptl to Coal! Coal! Full supjily of the best quality I lard Coal m Broken,' Egg, Stove and Chestnut sizes. Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Dom-jit.c lump. .All orders given j.iumpt and personal attention. Phone 34. Office and Yard No. 16. Craven Street. Hollisfer & Cox NEW MASONIC GPtRA HOUSE IIT..L tm &2z Jan. zviii. t t MATINEhS WEDNKSDAY AND SATURDAY. ; te a) ' a rajiofi fs tug toiiipy, In McHkm Itf prlolr, TUESDAY N10UT - "The Power of Love." Exceptionally Fin VandcrllW Bslsa Art. ' " . Complete change of prof ram aacb Performance. , ; , ' . . .. Ktgnt rrW. 1(1. V) and Sfta. . " Mattnes prices, 10 n4 ZSe. ten iiM the down Oran for fd.'.". k . forZSc t ttr Vu ' ThrM Orfiei tn socond to norm In ih rity, ars frwh, Mn skin and hrj in juiro. Tt st tbnri fHrs i!J r,u ft.r a ff tt'f. ) J I . - ... I 1 v,, 1 1 ) OA r . T 1 1 1

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