JOURNAL. N. C, Feb. 1. DOS L I HECTOR Y. I OF THE WOPwLD meet at . :i Semi-Monthly. First and lay nights at 7:30 o'clock, oodmen are invited. I LODGE, No. 1 KNIGHTS OF ;V. MeeU 2nd and 4th Wed- hts in each month in Roun .ail, Pollock Btreet, '-30 Samuel R. Ball, President J. .h, Secy;R.'R. Hill, Financial 1 1 New AfiTcrtisement. . ra House Minstrels. i. und Nose Glasses! ' i .;;is Coal and Wood Yard.",'! , . r. J. M. Ward Physician and Sur- ii. ' , afoot Bros Sale. " , ,'arren Prescriptions. Jose-Glasses left at this office. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Laces. KOTICES 1H THIS COLUMH-f OR :SS THAU 0H SOUTH MUST BE AID FOR IH ADVAHCE. ? r Business Locals. NOSE GLASSES Left at this office. Owner prove property and pay for this FOUNIMPair gold nose glasses in case, Owner can get them by proving prop erty and paying costs, at this office. TWO.FURN1SHED Rooms For Rest- Two nice furnished rooms for rent, one a south front room, heated by furnace, and supplied with hot and cold water. Apply to No. 8, E. Front St. OYSTERS Freeh opened every day at Home's, customers wul please put in their orders early in the day, so we can get them but in . good time. I never open ahead so far as to have to carry . any. over for . another day. Can be reached by Phone 71. Jas. L. Home, 128 Middle street. WOOD FOR SALE Dry split pine or hard wood either long or . cut to stove length. Phone 63 Broaddus & Ives Co's MiiL : : JUST received by schooners, a lot of Red and White Bliss and Pride of the South seed potatoes, also a line of oil clothing and rubber boots pine and coal tar in cans and barrels, all kinds of net tings, Rump, Clear and Mess Pork. B. B. Davenport, Middle street. FOR SALE Several desirable, well located residences from $1600 up, and one vacant lot, also one store on Mid dle street.; Some of the bouses are practically new, and some nave unus ually large lota. A partial payment will put you in possession, and easy terms given on remainder. C.T.Han cock. ;-l. ; AUTOMOBILE for sale, 2 horse power Wintoa touring car, in first class condi tion, carries five passengers, has top, 2 carbon search lights and full set of tools, cost ($3,000) three thousand dol lars; will sell for best offer. Automo bile can be teen at Beaufort, N. C. J. F. Bey, Beaufort, N. C. box 34. WANTED Nice 5 or 6 room house by Feb, 10th in good neighborhood: prefer near as possible to corner Pollock and Middle St. Address McC," Journal oflkev ALL kinds of Ice Cream every day at r.road St Fruit Co. WANTED Tha people to know that P.yman's Cafe, comer Broad and Mid die slreeta, will terra meals promptly itnd aatlafactorirjr. The beat tha ctean ntt, tha largest variety. . Call and aee him when yov want to be fed. HOARDING I am now located on :-nith Front street between East Front uml Craven, la tha 8towart build Inf here I am prepared to furnba board nnd rooms to those who dstlre aeoora-r-xluOona. Table service the best the tnarket affords, , Clean, comfortable U1, and good room. Mrs. A. D. .V id worth. . ' ; LT.NISHED room to rot;ocrenient- 7 Uled, Gentlanst) tenants desired. a ; ; ' to ad If New Bora Journal ; ( IAL HOTXCE-After Jan. 15U i artery will discontinue exchanging tie blades. Brine hi your bid ' at onto If yoa want them :-'L Wm. T. HllL M Middle , V tm wanting to pcrchasa aput !. rail or j Hmjs Caaktna Cycle Co, " ' !' H. " ' " ' " ' ' ", fitn-A hama M Boon's Market, .rioVTaTViilaoii t Mimtrtlfc A WiWm's Minstrels bold tt t!. Hpw Mason OpT Houss -rivy. . " ' . i u wki ard the com ;, rinr lS dajri of f ,r i t ty rt ni frwn in ! ; f ,rml s trut cm the SOth ! insL.. contain a very in teres tin? ar ticle about New Bern from the facile pen of CoL P. A. Olds the well known newspaper correspondent. The article is about one and one-half column in length and is largely a record of the im, preesions made on him during his recent visit to this city. J; ' ; . '. r The vitalized brick walks which are being - placed in front of some of our business places will serve to show a material for a 'sidewalk that will be as satisfactory as anything that is made. I In. the line of ity improvements noth- J ing is more needed than good sidewalks and there ia yet to be found a " mate- rial for walks superior to thia pecially made for sidewalk and paver ments.. w y,: ,;v. r Mr. H. W. Simpson's "bandaome hew residence on New street is completed and he is occupying it v , Mr. J W. Hollis, wood turner, has fashioned some very pretty articles cut of bits of the old hickory tree which recently stood in the yard of Christ Church. Remembering that the old tree was an original forest tree flour ishing when the town was first settled, and its other historical associations, these articles become very interesting souvenirs. The local fishermen report that they are making a fairly satisfactory catch of white shad now. The best roe sell for $1.25 each, and bucks bring 75 cents. The market seems to be off on. eggs and fresh pork. Many ' farmers carry their pork back home rather than sell for six cents a pound. " Since early in the oyster season, the New Bern market has been well sup plied with the luscious bivalves, of most excellent quality too. While they have been more plentiful than last year the retail price has kept up well, poorest quality bringing 25 cents, the quart, 'while 35 cents is charged for selected ones. ' Messrs J. G. Williams and Herbert Bryan have formed a copartnership under the style name of Williams & Bryan, and will conduct a grocery business at No. 42 Middle street. The two young men are well knownyjiav ing been employed by the Weddell Grocery Company as salesmen since its formation and before that were with Ferdinand Ulrich, grocer. Being po lite and hustling there is but little doubt they will make a Buccess. Some person lost a costly meerschaum pipe in Calldwaya barber shop a few days ago. The proprietor will return it upon proper description; The big special sale of Barfoot Bros., advertised to start today had to be postponed a few days to give firm more time to re-arrange the stock for easy selling. We must commend the Opera House management for the way in which they have heated tho theatre. It must be admitted that a place with so many doors and windows is bound to be cold as drafts of air can not be prevented, but notwithstanding, that they have kept the house comfortable and no blame can be attached to them for any bad results from a cold bouse. Mrs. S. C. Schrocderia getting up an autograph quilt, the proceeds of same going to the Parish house fund. Any one may give his or her autograph by pitying ten cents. The quilt when com pleted will be voted to some parsonage in New Bern and will be a fine souve nir. Mrs. Schroeder may be found at 17 Change street, or names can be left with Mrs. H. R. Bryan. Mr. Oscar Draney purchased of B. McFrater, a colored man and a carpen ter 6,000 empty half pint whiskey flasks, Which McFrator had picked op on the streets during the month of Do comber. McFrater is said to be a good carpenter and can always command a job, but it acorns that ho muat fiod the picking op of bottles mora profitable than working at the trade. To take m consideration tha fact that four-fifths of tha botUos sold have the name of the bottle blown Into the glass, which make thorn non aaleabla, only plain bottles have a value, one can form slight conception of tha ' soormc number of receptacles that art emptied of their stimulating coo tents djiring on montfe in this temperancs city. New Bam, There are people, however, who claim that the prohibition law is working Cka a charm, Dr. 3. U Ward who win . be . remem bered as practicing surgeon and phy skiaa la this city soma years ago, baa again resumed bis practice tn this city. Dr. Ward was In tha government ser vice Lin tha Philippines for several yesnc . : y, - Otata of Mr. J. O.'Buttr At bis homa Stonewall, Pamlico county, tart night, at 7.45 p. m. Mr. J. O. BaiterS,, depart"! this If Ilia sgs was 7t fesrs, lis was taken sick Iwrt Monday, death being due largely to old age. He was a highly rwrpwtod tnd well known ciUwn of bis cnwly, Unwi J. J. Batur, W. K. lUtUr, T. & lUxier, T. ). BiuUf of this city.arx) Mr. R II. BaiUt Durham, are hit sen. Hi daoghUirs era Mrs. Co, Robert of l't.ilvMi'l''. tnd Mr. Chart foUntiM tif Wi!mlfetJt, IMwr. The fimfl !'! rrbMy Uk JUr FriUy t f,tonraiL The Charlotte Observer of t,.:t c : Mr. J. A. Liattoeks of SllvenLJe.wi a in the city yesterday. ' Mr. S. H. Meadows of Hubert was in New Bern yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L C Yeomana are vis iting relatives in Morgan ton. JUng reiauves m Morganton. ; - i Urr and Mrs. A. J. B vbour, accort- panied by MissSpeight of North Har- lowe, spent the day here yesterday, Mra - caroour leic on we steamer , w.w ui m Hyde county. ' f V - Mr, Herbert Tisdale of Parkersbnrg, W. Va,, is in the city visiting his par-( ants, Mr. and Mra. N. Tisdale. . " , jjjg Peari and ( Edwards" of were in the city yesterday enrdute for Kinston. : Ml 'i I raemDrane' ana na,nK complete ana .-s..-s.f..:-- i . . -,- "i !'-r--.Wbwting cures. ' i ; v Mrs. Guy Hudgins of Beaufort is toe j v The complete Hyomei outfit consist- guest of Mrs. J. O. Land. ... y , . Mr. E. K. Bowden was in Wilming ton yesterday,' ' y ; ; -1 v : . 1 Ctofcbinl.n.nJ Rim.n p.nmn . tumed to, the school duties in .oa - Ridge last night. yi '':-.-,-;"":;V, " Mr. W. F, Aberly went to Norfolk last night to attend 'a meeting of tho Pine Lumber Association. ; . ' V ' Mr. John T. Harget and bride, nee Miss Maude Hunter Byrd, of Mt Olive arrived in the city . .last night, accom panied by the New Bern guests : who attended the" wedding Tuesday,night, Messrs. John Harget, W, F. Richard son and Harris Lane, i ' o- Mrs. A. Oettinger of Kinston, is the gqest of Mrs. M. M. Marks. Miss Esther Marks is entertaining her little friend, Miss Ida Oettinger of Kinston. Capt John H. Long of Frankford, Del., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Blades. Mr. J. H. Green returned last night from a visit in Columbia, 8. C. Mrs. M. Wolfe of Chicago, and Mrs S. Oettinger of Kinston, are guests of Mrs. O. Marks. Home Insurance. Life insurance is a subject of interest to every roan, woman and child, to the man because he knows that with very little effort on his part he is protecting his loved ones in the event of his death before he has had the opportunity of acquiring an estate in the regular line of business; to the woman because She knows that her immediate wants will in any event, be supplied and to the cliild because it assures an education without which his chances in the world j are slim. . The time waa when the great volume of business done in the south went en tirely to the northern States and com panies and when the extent of this business waa realized, the leading citi zens and newspapers of the south won dered why this money could not be kept at home and used for home improve ment. The question was discussed un til business men took hold of it and now we have a life insurance company at our doors, as good as any of those in the north, better in fact, because we know the men behind it, who stand for integrity in business and are willing to back home industries with their money, and to take out policies themselves,, (the crucial test of confidence.) The Southern Life Insurance Co. of Fayetteville is one that can stand any test or any comparison. It writes the regular old line insurance, both participa ting and non-participating and will give you mora Insurance for tha least money than any other company.' It numbers among Its officers and directors such nvm as Messrs. E. H. Williamson, President; C, J. Cooper, General Mana ger and Tress, and J, A. Oats, Secre tary, of Fayetteville; A. L. James, of Laurlnborg; Mark Morgan, of Laurel Hill. Walker Taylor of Wilmington and among Us .stockholders, Messrs. J. Alton Taylor and John D. Bellamy of Wilmington: R. D. Caldwell of Lam- bsrton; W. J. Johnson, John Bias, W. 0. uwper.BM many others squally well known through North Carolina. , Ths company has already written mors than a million dollars paid for business and it is stoaJlly increasing Jn volume as tha peopU realise their opportunity of getting insurance at boms. ; The tima Is pasf when tha citizens of J ma un nona bum bars to rsty upon the north for anything and with this borne faisuraacs company at band, ready to giva yon fuICrstorns for your money, there is no ssod for a penny U bs sent away. . Patronise boms indus tries and your own credit is Increased and your aetata Is aMured. t i t , , Wo guarantoo full value and iiricoa. ir you can get itcheapor anywhero olso In New Bern. Como back and get tho difference, It belongs to you. ; Waters t'hina Btoro. a a . IV The accident o,tAAj in case 01 death provides an indemnity r.f a-- Vv . ... i,Aj ior mc lo ;i of both a blind h practicilly eyes with due care. T(.o Ihr; ted. :i u:. It v. it!.e If i v. j c..,:3 cau;.:.h. ft Heil'.rj Bilumi Kill All CUrrl Gtrmi Sold Uader Guirtntit F. S. Duffy. uui note-woruiy lact tnat among the many medicines and treatments for catarrh, there in onlv nn. which FV R Du tee to refund their money if it does not cure. HyomeL Nature's remedy for the cure ofj-atarrh. - No dangerous drugs are taken into lne stomacn wnen Hyomel'ls used, Breathed through the Bmall pocket in- baler that comes with every Hyomei outfit, its healing balsams penetrate to the most remote cells of the throat, nose' ,untf8' kulin 018 erms of Beal"f W imtatea mucous w 0f M inhaler that can be carried in the purse or vest pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, costs V" inhaler will last a Ufe- - - .trtBjau4 can be procured, whenever needed, for only 60 cents. . - V - r utter at 30 to 85 cents per pound at Oaks market - New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, Jany 31. Open . High Low Close Mch 11.04 1109 10 88 10.88 May 11.20 1124 1100 11.04 July 1129 1182 11.11 11.12 Receipts 28,000 Last year, 16,766. Tariff Off Linotype Machines In the House of Representatives; January 29, 1906, Mr. Thomas, of North Carolina, introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed: , A bill to remove the tariff on com posing and linotype machines and the parts thereof: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America n Congress assem bled, That the Act of July twenty fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, entitled "An Act to provide revenue for the Government and to en courage the industries of the United States," be amended so that the exist ing duty of .forty-five per centum ad valorem imposed by paragraph one hundred and nine-three,' Schedule C, of said Act, or any other paragraph or schedule of said Act upon composing or linotype machines and their parts be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find, Could they be made to see, How grace and beauty is combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Oranges! You had best be careful William, bow you word your ad for the Journal's morning issue, for our present supply of oranges is somewhat limited. Yoa may ssy however, that ws, have given ths trees another shake and hope soon to land ths fruit in Nsw Bern, when all can be supplied. C. E. WbJtoomb. An Enjoyable Comedy, There wss a largo and delighted au dienca at the opera house last night to witness ths Payton Sitters ia tha coma dy drama "Utah," It was a play to act on tha sympathies bat the comedy pnrt was ths most marked of any play presented. The bouse was kept In con- stant good humor and tha dramatic situ atlons were all presented with natural art and sate. ;'".'.- "z ; ';:,v ' Tonight they play "The Mysterious Mr. Rames;" tomorrow night ' "Parsl. f aL Ths performance tomorrow night will bs for ths benefit of tha K. of P. Band, tha pries of admission being raised to 15, 2S and SS cents that night alone.-'.'-v - ..' - Soma extra flnn dressed wild turkeys. also wild gosa at Oaks Market today. v Oak and Pine Wood. Pry Oak and pine wood sawd la stova lengths at ELLI3 COAL AND WOOD YARD, Union Point rhons47 : DrJ. tl Ward, Fliysiclan andNurgoon Omcsumlrr HotJ ChatUwka." FnfIUtijUoa glvm toPurfkai Eyes. insurance ro icv th.nt vir da eyes. T half 1. r:. r Gu-J :t r.ff j V) le- your r Fresh Supply of Royster's Candies Just Arrived at DAVIS' PHARMACYi . 'Your Money. Cannot do More Service' thah we can nake it do. Better values are impos sible than we offer every day. Read the list today ' ,. and call Today. 'Bargains No. 1 - 10 pieces yard-wide silk, all colors, blacky brown, white, green and blue, reduced from f 1.50 to 95c. ' - Bargains No. 2' 1,000 yds sheeting to close out at 4c. Bargains No. 3 10 doz. large size towels , 10 and 12c kind, special 8c each. Bargains No. 4 600 pair ladies and mens shoes $2.50 value, choice of the lot $1.40 a pair, Bargains No. 5 76 Midde 2iO0O00&- Mrt i nrnnT rn nmrn c Great Glean Sweep Sale. All Goods Throughout the Big Stock. Commences in a Few Days S and lasting 10 days You know what a big saving this sale always means to you and what big bargains we distribute T SO WAIT FOR IT. FINE BROOM FREE. J - During this sale we will give away absolutely A free of charge with every purchase of $5.00 as a sQuvenir of our clean sweep sale a fine quality long a fibre stick brcom free. Notice this space for a few days and see big A handbill. 4 i barfoot NEW EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Ve place Morning the I fill Line of Fine Laces and i Embroideries we have ever I Sliovn. ' It Mens 10.00 Suits 6.40 " 15.00 " 10.00 " 3.00 Pants 1.75 " 2.25 " . 1.25 ' ' . 4.50 " 3.00 Childs suits $1.45 worth double. Bargains No. 6 Comforts only 48c each worth dou ble, Bargains No. 7 Repellent 58 inches wide all colors only 47c a yard. Bargains No. 8 Mens Sweaters, heavy quality only 45c each. Btreet. a Brothers, j I on Sale This most BeautK : - - .. " ... , i. mi ii i t I "-"" "" " " ' " ;3mrmrrjj ...j Look out for Cold Weather Are you Prepared for it? We aje selling winter goods at reduced prices and now is your time to buy. All Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Trous ers at greatly reduced prices. 'Twill pay you to buy now. J. G. DtJNN&CO., 65-67 Pollock St. Phon 212 J L. HARTSFIELD Contractor and ISuIStSr. (FPIi:iC 93 1-2 M1DDLK ST. j'HONE 238 After having so much trouble to get Tin work done wlx n I wanted it and like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. II. Cannon. Have opened a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Middle Street, next, to Cuskins Cycle Store, where I have competent and experienced men to lo work, 1 w 1 run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and IJUII.blNG. Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION. :md will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I havean EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL K1NI.: in STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Tho old year's gone I The time is on For New Year's houa ar ranging You'll always find Us up to the time In the styles that are ever changing:. In tabouretts and Chi na Bets We have ihemrare and many. Table Spreads all kinds of bels With pricea, well most any Itar gains too, we have for yoa In chairs boih oak and willow Mora than thrse you'll find wbm pleased To call on J. S. MILLER New Bern N. C. Lumsden & Stith INSURANCE AdKNCY. Strong Line of Firs Iosurancs Com panies. All Dusln s promptly att coded to C.T. HANCOCK Real KNtntc Agent. tfl Prod t, Nsw Barn, N O A NICOLIs iln d hfo tesm. INSURANCE PATS. '. ( Whn yon ht tha mUfnrtoris lolr four foails bf fir or dumif bf Sr mA hot lx rmnnmliim r-m will iVf Vi nrwilof ths tinnis n InroninAa t ir rnnjr ntntt si say tima. It Is to fu 'f)ttt lo trxrur. . ' , r.M loo. J. M. REGISTER . I'orch Columns, Raila. Ba!- ur'cr?, vp;nuiC3, htair Ijin Ill , r ' 1 til- . I Iuiu-.tcn. Grnl", I hnth and corner ImOCki, oin and r,, 1 nrr.j for V.'ocxl pad I Office Phone 11!, p, ,,!. ,., , ixr.. Coal and Wood The very best free burning White Ash, Eyg, Stove, Chestnut and Furnace Coal, also the only C. C. B. Poca hontas Steam and Domestic Cump Coal on the market. 1 wOOd The best quality of Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine Prompt deliveiy and person al attention given to all or ders. lis y OIU Phone No. -17. Union Point Coal! Coal! Full supply of ih - bejt quality Hard Coal in I i ,k,-n. Egg, Stove and Chestnut sizes. Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Domestic lump. All orders given prompt and personal attention. Phone 7A. Office and Yard No. If. Craven Street. Hollisler & Cox , Watch And Cbck Rtpalring. RoffiemL I 111 eH for font work, fair it and return lL Work oa Watcha, Clocks arxj iswslry slwsys roarsnUsL Am still at 69 Broad stmt. H i. MATTHEWS. , Notion Ot Hal V'' HWtrrfl rAROUXA. I tCM , inrHmmit. I SiM W Mm p m m4 UWn Nvw, i kl M. It Lama. BrAmmm Mm ht th Mrll4 I mm mm in 1 I I tm p O ImW mm ft. f vlrt4 mmmm l l H, k Utmmt m mmt1 Ammn,m4 m 9m mm m , mr'H mmM t' mm, h. 1 1- k.M W. U M IhlMM MM m H" immrm li l.n.M, M m V" mi o-t m 1 mt In 5 U--.- i-.t i. -w- w -i.. --.7 Dllll ill'l rT"jtirg f lit U f rm i ' ;:'iw, WiVm, Trim lit i li It. Tt'f r j - ' m Yny i y 1 1 y -. I t r 7 'a ' j r ' r A. i . ' Wo want to fill your prccrlptiono. Yo know -.70 cm plcn- jc u. Ir mi try. Y.'rrr ::;", l;nrr f t It 1 I t I . . . -mA mm mm -4 mmm, m-4 , . . mm 4 1 I ,mm L . mi.