JOURNAL oi every day in the yeaxex jv. Journal EuiUmg 66-0 n St. - ' PhonbNo.8. - CUARIE3 U STEYEN 9, ..,.-. "EDITOR ANIMPElKTOi.3 T6 '''zsesiPTO rates: o Year, in advanee....w",$-'' j Year, not in advance.. nUily, by carrier in the city . 6.00 .BO Advertising rates furnished on pH- ;.i.on. , - -Ir. "- Entered at the. Port Office, New Bern r4. C. as second-class matter. . yt, 'JFFICIAL FAPEB , OF ' NEW v BERN AND CRAVEN COUNTY. New , Bern, N C' Feb. 10 1906. SAVING THE SEA FOOD INDUSTRY . A a wfmt meeting of the State Geological Board, is reported that Gov ernor Glenn was asked to see that the laws enacted by the Legislature oe en forced which look to the preservation of the sea food industry of North Caro lina. It is easy to pass laws, and for Boards and Governors to say that these Jaws must be enforced, but the saying so has never resulted in helping the fish and oyster industry of this State, and never will,' for investigations into causes which have fed to the destruction of those sea products, have resulted in the - attempt to solve.; the question "tbrniitrh political agencies, and when ,left to these, the result is never hard , to foretell. "--.The Virginia legislature in session, iapassing laws, looking to the, preser vation of the sea food in the waters of -that State, and according to the press of that State the wholesale destruction of fish and oysters needs legislative safe guards there lest these sea foods, and others, become so thinned out as to cease to be. ine easy access to uysieia ouu ' in North Carolina waters have caused these products to be grossly wasted, has lead to their possible destruction. And the prodigal waste, the quantities of oysters and fish gathered from the sounds and rivers, has not been of any i real value to the State, In way of reve nue. Outsiders have carried away thou- sands of boat loads .of oysters, and . . .. ... 1 .' 1 . L..A I. AM. these sold in outaiae mar tan iwvp irew - pacsed to the consumer under every ' name except being from North Caro lina. North Carolina may be noted for its fine oysters and fish, but where is the market in which these native products , aM'irtit1n lnhflllml. or where the con- ' Burner calls for North Carolina oysters, in preference to others? - ( It is not laws that are needed for the ' preservation and building np of the sea : food industry of this State, but an in telligent and non-political handling of the industry, along practical and busi . neat lines. And thisonly will save and preserve this industry. , There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases ! put together, and until the last few . years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and pre scribed local remedies, and by constant . y failing lo cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halt's Catarrh Cure manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional core on the market It is taken Inter nally hi doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It-acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, they offer one hundred dollars for any rase it fails to cure. . Send for elrculsra and testimonials. Address F, 3. CHENEY 4 CO. Toledo, a Sold b Druggists, 7Gev ' Take Hairs.FamIly PUk fc eonstl. In the Senate Mr. Balky made sey ,t attack on Mr. Patterson, of Col. oraAt declaring that unless be is wilting i .i.irU t the caucus declsoe, fee m,;ht to leave the Democrat party, No niU ia as pleasant and positive as ruwiif. Utile Early Risers. These r.mous Utile Pills are so mild and tf fUve that children, deUcet ladies r, weak pewl i7 lMt dewing t .ft pet, while strong people say they are the hmi liver pills sold. Hevtf gnps. SM by f.B. Iwfff; ; ?crtrrf P srte rewrnrneiHied e tv lWdt tlisl Midshipman Mimt " rirtVf. Jr., eookted of nation' ., par -n.L The United StaUsbJSct ; . mt dlnVrmalle rwMUUvs of i .,.., in Verwxoeia end of Verew's Ladifs L.V.i Class j ' : -. tECTCKE 5. ' , - . L Where and when did Christ attend first passover? Sec. 21. 2. His conduct there and its fulfil ment of , prorjhecy.-Sec 2L Read Psalm 69, especially vs. 9. It is s mes sianic psalm. :;':-.;.. . - 3. What stages can you note of his self manifestation and of the l.oitility of bis enemieBT h Assumption of Mes aianlcauthority in tho temple the type of himself. 2. First class with his en emies. 8. First prophecy of his death, and resurrection.' ..'.- t 4. Clwist's inflgenee and his caution at the passover? - John 2. 23-25. What doctrines dia he xeacn iNicw demast J."J6hn 3 1-0. Spirt ual BirtU ts nature, origin and necessity. 2. John 8 10-2L The Messiah, his testi- mony, his death, the gift ot uw, vaiue of faith in him. - " " 1 L ' Progress of Christ's work tn i uaeaj Rcctions 22 and 23. See note at bottom nf nnirn 22. 7. John's renewed testimony auu what led to it, Sec. 22, Christ's pre eminence. 1. In position. "2. In orl crin. 3. Inrwwer. . Whv did Jesus leave Judea for Galilee? Sec 23. Luke 4-14. ... 9. Why, where and by whom was John imprisoned. Luke 3 19-20. Not page 22. -10 What course did Jesus take to Gal ilee and what event took place? John 4. 11. What doctrines' did he teach, at Jacobs well? Totheweman. (1) Sat isfaction Messiah gives verses 6-18. (2) Rnirif nalitv of worship, 17-27. To the flUoitilea f3) Service to God. 23-38. 19 ttflwt of the eospel on the Sa- maritans? - 13. ChriBt's reception in Galilee. 14. Noto the limits of his self mani fcstatlon? Note page 24. i v; L-t 1 A S '-w OFF ALL : . CATARRHAL ILLS w -i 1Tnr.! ! '''Ml1 PE-RU- a; 1 rC "' ;Pe-ru-iia, the Most Reliable Remedy For - lOl r lr Chronic Catarrh of iMTS"8 . IfTOFrileadand Throat Lasted ' tj KMPl :.4 l4 f Thirty Years. , fftpiS I '-"K ,'.., I , . .MR I I Mt GustavSehmtat, Spring Vallpy, 111., writes; I $$t. 1 $z:&-paJF 1 1 worso every year. About thrco months ago 1 commenced to take Peruna ' -'jrfAR,N. J, I ' and Manalln, and now I am entirely cured of that troublesome sickness. j JLniiiSb ' jtr TEMPLE.' '! Your medicine is surely a blossins to mankind. You can truly say that you !' .ItlBBK.rta;.-.-' ; II mn. M. tnn aii1a a innir life to holn sufferins hnmanttv." I Cas In the Stomoch. P.plfihinff and that sense of fullne is so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of gas. I he f tomnch fails to perform its functions and the. food ferments. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder. They aid digestion ,and strengthen and invigorate the stomacji and bowels: For sale by Davis mar- ir.acy and F. S. Duffy. Maud Collins, 2 years old, was scald ed to death by falling into a tub of hot water. A Habit to Ba Encouraged. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible arel quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a . cold to result in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, it will prevent the attack, This remedy eonr tains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feelinjt of perfect security. Sold by Davis Phar macy and F. S. Duffy. A school of wireless telegraphy haa been entabliBhed at Brest for the pur pose of educating chiefs for the epe cial service. .. THOMPSON. At Work -On the farm -and reelln Wen AN the Time. ; ' Geo, H. Thompson, Ealeigh, Miss., writes: "- "I have been cured of ca tarrh by - your medicines, Peruna and Manalln, I had been aSeeted With Ofttarrh of the stomach about all my life, and was taken bad every Spring and Summer. "I used several kinds of patent medicines,, but they did tie no good , ?hen took S treatment Under an M. D., which1 did me but little good. By this time I had come to where I could eathothing but a little soup. I, bad severe pains, had lost in Weight and not do anything. I began taking your medicines, Peruna and Manalln, I then weighed US pounds, but after tak ing several bottles of peruna- and one bottle of Manalln, X weighed 160 pounds.' . ' i . , . "I am now at work on the farm and feel well all of the time. I eat all I want to and my friends say that I look better than ever before.,.. I will i ever praise Peruna for its healing power." Pe-ru-na Is a Systemic Remedy. If Peruna proves efficient for catarrh In one place, It will be equally potent in any other place, because it is a sys temle remedy. The people generally are very much niisiniormed as to this nature of catarrh Uatarrn is usnaif y peiievea to ba con fined to the bead, nose and throat, i Lat terly we sometimes bear of catarrh of the stomach and catarrh ot the .bowels, Seldom, if ever,. do we hear of catarrh of any other organs. It is not because these organs are not subject to catarrh, nor that catarrh of these organs Is not a very common dis ease, but simply because it is not gener ally known that affections of these organs may pe aue fpostsrrn. New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, Feby 9. Open High Low Mch- 10.72 10 72 10 67 Hay 10.86 10 89 10 83 July 107 10 99 10.93 Receipts -19,840 Last year, 12,842: Lams Back This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and, rub bing the parts vigorously at each appli cation. If this does not afford relief. bind on a piece of flannel slightly damp ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief la almost sure to follow. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. The San Gabriel forest reserve, South' ern California, is to be stocked with 100 two-year-old elk from Yellowstone puk. ' OASTOIlXA.i f TV ? fetsf 6t IttfS , In ( the riti f r n c' f .' , rw Mf fii's, ;? Hiss Alice Roosevelt received piece of superb Gobelin tapestry as a wedding gift from the French Govern ment. HK MseKk. Kidney trouble Is aa Insidious danger, and many people are victims or a sen ous malady before the symptoms are recognised. Foley'a Kidney Cure cor rects Irregularities and strengthens and builds up the kklneys. and It shoeld be Ukon at the first indication of kidney trouble, as it Is Impossible to Mrs good health if the kk.ys are dereftf- 4 For sale by Davia' rnarmacy Supreme Court at 8pringfleld, If. has denied ft rtopentof la the ease of John Hoch, sentenced to be banc ed la Chicago Feb. SS for wife murder. Ces CsUl T CaM ei T H rhyairlans who Ha ga1 al r rotation ss anstysts of the cm ef tarkus dlseaiwe, risim uvat a fun idg eoid cmikl be S voided a long lUt cf dsngTMis ailitMfflts would never hrd of Every ore knows that pw- motiie and wwmpUi ruinate fina a roU. and thrnnk caUrth, brrmrU: U, m4 all tM s4 hmg Irtrobie are H grltaUi sivl tvn4"t4 nvjf Srtoim t tchfr.h attack. l u y lifo UkfV.arps wh jm h ; S IWh - fUmor' vk't. IV rwy r flTtU'.os r.o 'i ' r;.T;f.'.r, .f o hT 1t: f ;l cln'f r,, I tMrtyr(f,f tr-n l-'k r.f H, 1 if ! fl't" ,''"'cf ,,rr r'twtt. j r f i y l '! V -'r .ftr. n. JHi-y. CUmatla Allmentt Overcome By Pe-m-no. Mr. W, J, Temple, B. J". D. 8, Dela ware, Ohio, writes? "I am a farmer and so necessarily must be exposed to all kinds of weather. About three years ago last winter, 1 was taken sick with bowel and stomach trouble, "One doctor called it ulceration of the bowels, another oalled it colitis. Another doctor helped me tempo rarily, "Then a druggist recommended Peruna and I followed his advice. I took altogether five bottles and I con sider myself a well man. ; "Before using Peruna, it was utterly impossible for me to do a day's work, but now I can do farm work; without the least trouble or fatigue. I eonsidor Peruna the best medicine and tonio on the market. "I had not eaten a meal for five years without -distress until I took Peruna. I have recommended it to several friends with good results." A TALK TO FARMERS. yrnr! f armor ij tin salt of tho earth, j 1 Without the farmer, tho industrial w6rld with all its flurry and immense i wealth could not exist for a day. It is upon the soil that we all depend for our living. No matter how far ono may be ro moved from tilling the soil, or how lit tle he may know about the farmer vo cation, he Is vitally dependent upon tho' things which grow in the soil. Farming is the basis of all wealth and is the bulwark of all civilization. The farming class is rapidly becom ing intelligent and shrewd in business management. The rouben and the country bumpkin have disappeared and in their stead a practical well-trained bnslnoss man, capable of the highest form of com mercial activity, has arisen. Peruna is a very popular medicine among the farming class. !,iny a family depends largely upon Peruna as a family medicine and the family physician. J Some farmers are far removed from physiciann, and in any case they are far more self-voliant and more liable to depend upon a household remedy than peoplo who livo in the cities. Dr. Unrtman, who for many years was a farmer himself, and who still owns and manages ono of the best farms in tho Htato of Ohio, is a friend of the farmer, and it is with the farmer that tho immcn.-io bulk of his correspondence is conducted. Tho millions of booklots published and distributed by Dr. Hartman ovory year circulate chiefly among the farm ing cUfs. A laro number of unsolicited testi i eimivrn in; l'cruna come from Cio fjrr.icrs V, v 5 vr.i . J. B. ALEXANDER. A Necessity m the Heme. J. B. Alexander, publisher of the "Fruit and Floral Guide, a Magazine of Horticulture," published in Hartford City, Ind., says of Peruna : "X was afflicted with catarrh of the throat and head for over ten years. I was treated by many physicians, but grew worse until I was seldom able to go out in cold weather. "About one year ago I was advised to try Peruna, which I did, aud 1 am now entirely well of the catarrh. "Peruna is a necessity in our home. With the first symptoms of a cold wo use it, and are never afflicted with ca tarrh. "I advise all who aro afflictod with catarrh to try Peruna. There ia certainly nothing equal to it as a catarrh medi cine." Dr. Hartman Interested in Farming. Notwithstanding Dr. Hartman's busy professional career, he still oontinues to be interegtod in farming. He is the owner an! manager of ono of tho larg est farms in the Stato of Ohio, with several thousand acros of tho best tilled land in the Middle WVst, and with hundreds of the best blooded percheron horses ever Imported or ralBed ia this country. Dr. Hartman relies upon Peruna en tirely in cases, of sickness in his own family. Household Friend. Si'liroedor, Route Pc-rn-na, a Mr. Henry Napoleon, Ohio, writes: "I stiffen il for almost ten years with catarrh of the stomach and all doctor ing was of no avail. I took nine bottles of Peruna and two of Manalin and am now entirely cured. "I recommend tlio medicine to all who aro alllictcd with this disease. It Is my household friend." One of Dr. il.irtfnan's Grateful Cor respondents. Mr. W. 11. '.ul,Lh;sii, proprietor of Big II ill Farm, and prominent fruit grower and stock rairer, (ilenvar, Va., writes: "1 write to exi-res:! my kindness toward you and virai t;ood medicine, Peruna. "I had a very bad spell of sickness and I'ould not en! an ylliin at all. My head, stomach, in f r t, iny whole body ached, anil it loki-d ( 1,( ;ij;h nothing would do mo any i;i;u., 1 bad almost given up. "I decided to try a bottle if your Peruna and before I had taken luilf tho bottle my appetite came to me and my head became all rilit. In fact, 1 was all right all over. lVnina curort mo." Wiillo IVruioi is not confined to any one class of people, et it ii probably true tin! any olhi prevents diseup e.i. 1 1 farm in civ r.po :ut cuio o ins mure than mini f;r the mil cll.u'itlo CJarrettP. Servis, the celebrated as tronomer, says that in July. 1907, Mara will be 10,000 miles nearer the earth than today, when the planet will attract attention not only from astromomers, Close Dut from tne general public, so striking 10 71 w'" BPPear n t-1 heavens. 10.88 10,98 UNHAPP1NE86 DISPELLED. Men sad Wotura U&Nnlinsaa About It. Man? women wep and wall and refuso to bo comforted bvrauao tba.r onro mn;- nlBcrnt trora hav becomo thin r.nJ faded. Miiiy taoa Incline !j ir-,;.inliy cnuto r.o liica bl!p thresh Ilia th'.n liat.b on their cranium. It will I good news 13 m.uiraliia of Iwtlt aoyei, to torn that Xawhru's Hcmlclda has beo .a. J upon 1ho market. This ia tho nair tcalp crmlclUs and antlaeptle that acts by di-atroylng tlia germ or microbe that U the undrr'?!nir emiii it all hair do troctlcn. Harp Id Jo It a naw prepare- len, made nflor a saw formula en an utir)y new ptioclpta. Anyone who ku .-ld it will tMtirr as to its worth. Try H yourself and be convinced. Pold by Wartlnv drorrtta 6 if J". In ta fr. for aampla to Tbs Urplcid Co.. t troHMkh. 0 O. KRiOH AM. rri1 rt. To draw the fire out of a burn, hea a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin and scalp diseases, use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A specific for piles. Get the genuine 'o remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DeWitt's-the genuine. Sold by F. S. Duffy. It is estimated that 70,000 people take j their own lives every year in Europe, 11,000 of which fall to Germany. Dur ing the last 10 years the number of self murderers .in Germany has been 13,515. This is almost three times ss many as there were soldiers killed out right in the Franco-Prussian war In 1870-1871. Whan .' watchman walked by the mausolsam of Isaae Moss, la Bay Bids (nieUry,-WpxIhtveri,N. Y. at eVelock night ths heavy bronsa doors of the vault, worth fWO each, war In place and undisturbed. v When lbs watchman mad bis round four hours later ths mausoleum was open and ths bronxs doors wer inisslnf. Thltvsa, earrUd off the portals of ths rich mans tomb-l ' ' raw. . . All afforta hart failed to find a bttUr mnedy for coughs,, colds and lung troubles than Foley's Uooey end Tar. J stops lbs cough, beak th hinga and preventj ssriooa rcsuiu from a cold. I. N. fsttarsoft, Hsahua, Iowa, wnust, 'Last w lntr I had s bad cold pu my lunrs and triad St least half a dVo ad vsrtisad cough medjetnua and bad treat ment from tiro physicians without get- ting any lament, A friond rwrmrwTvl 4 Folay'a llowy and Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured ma. I ewwkWr it ths greatest cough and hmg Wwikine b ths world." For sals try Psvis' - The yatm ut uiyl?rfr)nl wireWs tsirrspy inrn!l by the Kv, mn h Marx . of Wilkeapsrrs, Is to be Utd btwn New York snd ttmfttm. Ehafts ViO t et dj U1 b sunk In thoae it: for thsdetntmsUaiion, t Dragging to Death. A miserable Invalid suffering from disordered female functions, monthly pains, nervousness, failings, dlsslness, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, see, will find relief to vine of Cordul and Tbedford's Black-Draught,' two of the most valuable, reliable, scientific, curative medicines known for ths treat ment of sick women. They art sold at all drug stores, and should be la every boms. Try tbem. ' ' , Pops Pius Z is to be summoned ia a suit ever a will la New York, la which he is named as a defendant , ".-..o,J WlllfHT. One. of tho iiu.ii f.uuou.t widows of antiquity vm Agi'lpp'iiiii, tho widow of Oornnir.: .'03. l)ur:i:i; iho lifetime of her lmsbi'.nd fho attended hhn in nil his cauiiinlga:) s'i;n-ed his (hiugsru. Suspactins that her hi sbainl had been poisoned, she had lib presumed mur derer assasainatcd mul wa.i horsejf soon after treated with such Indignity fcy Tiberius th:it s!i3 wa.i drlvou tq despair and starved herself to dcntU, Itching Pile. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try Chamberlain's Salve. It gives instant relief. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Davia' Thar macy and F. 8. Duffy. Charles WMose, of New York is re ported to be negotiating for the pur chase of the Clyde Line of steamers, and the Clyde Steamship Company has been incorporated In Maine, with 114,000,000 capital r-lrallai Foley's Hasty sat Tar. ' Foley A Co.. Chicago, ohin ted lionet and Tar as a throat nnd lung remedy, and on account of il.o treat merit and bODularitv of Foley's honey and Tar many imitations are offered for theronuine. askiot jroiey s nonev and Tar and refuse anr substitute of fered as no otner preparation win rive the same satisfaction. It is mildly Uxn tive. It contains do oniatea and Is safest for children and delicate person. t or sals try uavts rnarmacy. . ,"aSJJSBJsaBfjBaBaSSpSS , Dr. John &V Ely, of Yale, and form erly of the Johns Hopkins Unlversltly, died of a fractured skuIL UcUeet lasts Arkissss.. "I'm the luckiest man la Arkansas. writes II, L. Stanley, of Brone, "lines the restoratloo of my wife's health af ter coughing and bleeding from ths lunga, sod 1 owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine. Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consump tion, which I know from experience will cure centumpUon if taken In time. My wife Improved with the first bolt'e end twelvs brrttWecomplBted the cure. Cum the worst coughs and cokis t f memef rtfunWL At All DruggUU. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. rrtfktJnf1f ar4 " Chas. W'oT. S mvl.lnial cf Tti Oly, Ta., had hi .urr.t J In n WtrV V. "II '! ft It SmWt.. tlamiitiv-V.'fi 1W l pray that alwftiM, '.art "-r uur fmm letting twl f:i, i:tttfVp'sn( alwi prom Pwd Hi stit WooMn l toll that t took U M, sri She m ill. . tiCrt e rsU. i.rr.fvmi"ri'a ctlm f .'.Hcaa lCHn tut rr f".'.'i ths oe of Vohj't ti:r.t nl Tr. It rirs kef'rie f-'Ct a en-j ir"nn y.,,u. I - y An Announcement Tlio undersigned desire to give notice of tho formation of a co-partnership between them for the practice of law, under the name and style of Guion and Dunn. Each desire to thank his pat- ona for their past courtesies and to solicit for the firm a continuance of the grime. Mr. r-uion will ba absent from the olTico for the period of about two weeks during which time all pro fesslonal services required of the firm will be promptly rendered by Mr. Dunn and communications requiring consult ation promptly forwarded. Feb. 1, l!KXi Very ret pectfully, OWEN II. GUION, WILLIAM DUNN, Jr. Eids Wanted The postmaster desires bid) to carry the mails on messenger route No. 218,- 034 between tho poetoflke and the At lantic and North Carolina Company's depot, snd transfer service between the P. O. & W. Ry depot and the Atlantic and North Carolina Company's depot Bids will rtoa on F. hninry 17th st 12 m. All uiforn anon m l UlunK propos al can be hul fn.m the postmaster who will give ail iniormttiun necessary to those desiring to bid Executrix Notice Hawtna aaUAad Kxwutiti ot AVia PaMwr 4MMUil pram mr tlm urnta Uw mm lata al aJ immmmai m hm-br a 9tmmmt thaUam do It arWd ta M aa or Ba tor tha eUt dar ot fab, ISff, ar lUa asUe M1 b rlMM hi bar ot Uwtr iwun , AD aragaa iadabd tc al xaU an brb raaaaal asainait awaartiia animnnnv. rb sib. Iwa LOUISA FVIXIIE8, Esaaatrtt tf Is ui kind of bilious mood. You Wish an aid to digest food, No other pill Is half so good As De Witt's Little Early Rirs When e'er you feol impending ill. nd need a magic little pill, V No other one will fill the bill Like DeWit's Little Early Risers. Cilic. : lo " Crete MTtraraoallftai r-a tfeaartataaf MraHawY O ara. all mm hmhf irif4 la . m.i D H-ra. M C, artaika ax-i ail lai.ia fcMn ar Wan I ?t ,Mk. ihm V- IM ha WaH- M . ' rvmiTvAmj b, a. aiaailia aaiawt n',. i Tk is.a J"iiH H Hi uni.U, Kutiib at Maaaf O. Sii g? a7Nn W7 I Our Mr. L. G. Daniel who is now in the w,-i ill n turn in nlx.ut 10 daji with 60 head of the best selected Horses and Mul, a weiring fm 'Jf-t U 14U0 lbs, to be found In the State. Wa hsvs now on hand 25 head of good workers and thoroughly ur, limatd Horset and Mulea. iltn a completa line of Wagona, Surry-.. Hu i-a, t ar Wheel and Harness of every description. Wo tfaarant. ..ur pn.-e ih quality the best, is ue before doing buaineaa. Very truly, Daniels & Hahn Hottmtrn g -zz'i r!3unta!n Tea Nuggets fr'-.-t 0-i !!"' -! 6i ?'r. Uw Rates For Theatrical Perform ance. Account pet for mane "Monte Chr to" Ooldiboro, Feb. 14th, the A NCRR will apll round trip tkkeU at the following ratosriFrom LaGrangs 30c; Km ton 65c; Dover ?6c; New Bern IL25; Morehcsd CttyliOO; Beaufort Ratee frem all other agenry sta tions In proporUon. Tickets to be sold Feb. 1 Uh with limit Now Bert tod points wrt FebJiih, points east of Ne Bern Fb.l3th IVrW car "Vance" jll be orrsld NW Cera toColdflwre Train No.4 Feb.l4th snd specUl train with parlor car' "Vsnee" slUchsd, will be -potsted Coklihoro to New Bern imtwdiatoty after eonclwlMt ef per formawe for convenience of reluming pawwtieMS. ,' for farthsr lnformtiji and parlor ttt rrt("ri, spp'j. to any sgmt AANCUIl, ? vJ" Jk.- Liver, Feed, Hole find Kxrhine il f i'I: f -.. " ('' I' , V fin a UxA frig.tfui:yjt trM ;tlf -al f-ima-s. V. , ( , .r , f , , 59 t,.y 1 1 t is sr.4 i; - ' r " 'a A f-- f-f (W!!,-.!. llj4. I -.4 -f j T'--' i if- ! t ' ..., p f II 'w-h. II'- ,..1 -.-., I. r.. , tii-rtfH .'. 1 i.- 4m 1 .4a fcf inn a.r.-.cTi ich saUo rtofil Arr,,' . i k l i:.'f Iff Hi'.)! rn pr" f if a ! 1 V.x, . f 1 U f t f- ' 1' u! CA A 14 at : r i: r? . , Crard Chi rch Rail AgTita are -jth"m'! It S1 round-trip tiriteU '-. 1. 1 the liv grand rally .i Ft ' A. U. It. .hurrh St Kmt! cvl City IVhrjsry K I IW.e ft'im Nw"lten. RivtrlW, :.vj C'. "-; Ifsvalnrk, r! Naw-. I'uS, iV; V"i ?V; lfnr,U, Ifc, i,s! of ff " I'tl-riary J h. 14. ;fijl;iltIr-i"rl'i ';--. It. C. n'l.Vi Car.ftal ' Zft Agtt, Urgt-t snd BnM stck el llor-e and Mob w ejl ft aie in New Ber A tar Vj4 of "fa hiat in. An a mmnMe lin nf Brai, Wsgona, ' Harris Kebea, Whips, Urt Wh-eK Lbn. .a 3?xoprlotor llroad Street, NrW IVwh, N. C aaV lfalislSJisse JfcrArfJsieaSsfcsl Mc 3 V.'( rl; h nnrd Vork without OOIV WST. t