r- . C f . V vol.xxiii.-269.' MM'V -v - . ; ;7: - - ,v . twenty-fourth year ' s X 4 - ft . ' ' ' i i "B. i..rri..ft: innrppro : - V O.Brvj5 ' ' ; t Delivered Before State ''Superintend- 'vV ' -J ' 'rt:-rr -TV ' ents of Graded Schooie.f; S2 o It Pays to Trade at Ervin's The Goods Are all New And Ff est. The prices are reasonable, because we buy "in large quantities, and give our customers the bene-1 fit. The service at our store is polite and prompt. . All goods sold are strictly guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. -- We carry a full line of heavy and Fancy Gro- l ceries. Provisions for the farm or delicacies for the Epicure. " ' ' N ' We handle country produce and ' solicit con signments of same and guarantee to get the high est price that, can be had in the market for it. , Hi DEE HErvioo., Wholesale and Retail Grocer, -No. 81 South Front St f NEW ARRIVALS. We have just received a new line of Colored Lawns and Organdies and a new lot Of White Lawns, India Lineni, etc. Also a big lot of Em broidsred Sjlfi W-iist Patterns, Lace Collars and Turn-Over Collars. Lidie3 dals, Oxfords and Sho23in the Newest Spring Styles. We invite you to call and see them. - J I BAXTER ! MM mMMM I ; -7 . THE STEWAR'I It tnu opt n tf ally in!rr"l "J 'l - ' - ' n , , , , - , , " ' . M - orio for th4 lrtnxT,t of 4mil. hrrlU Jttm-V.ct) trtterrMf to lnpwt tht UwtituiVn rxl tntrf lMr pmUnt tor (mtAt A en of forrtnt irariM tiifxTii l44 b Uba Ar.nl E. Urrti h h bon In cWg of on cif IH fnwl vsffali h.5t l(a1i f Ih Fui for ixrirl yni will U In Ur. daora. Cerrrtp mUncm rJi-t(J frm t jtic itn rw lh pMl.lir. A(l.l 1 ronwjionJrTTr to UI'l ANN IK K K0RKI3, Fufrintn!rnl, V 4 . . k- - 4 v 4 Cv r C0 CO Phone 168 ""E Patent Leather San . . : i SANATORIUM. . ( oW& ee-nnl nrt tmj vorfinu cnm v.. & w 4t Jf 1 , - . i S3 intents of Graded SchooM OfBctri E&ctod For EnMiIng YMr.7Arg- fflMiis la Samvil $ BtjuB.i ;Mft S f tomptto Pre Politics liifyvSf x- Samud'i Protteuttoa. : ; Special Correspondence.) . ' Greensboro, N. C, Feb. ifl.Ther was a fine audience at emitn uemoruu Building last night to hear the renowned lecturer; and school specialist, Hon. Preston ; Search of California. He spoke , under the auspices of the city Graded schools to the graduating class of the" High School, his subject being "Face- to Face With Great Ideals." The city superintendents now in session here attended in a body. This after noon the association met at the State Normal and Industrial College and af ter hearing elevating addresses from City Superintendent Crjjwell of High Point on the teaching of music in the nublic school and from Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner on the system ' of : teaching in the. High School. Dr. -Search made another ad mirable talk on graduation work. . The .officers for the ensuing year elected were: , President, J. T. Alder man of Henderson; Vice President, W. S. Snipes of Winston; Secretary and Treasurer, I. F. Griffin, Salisbury. The argument in the Samuel case in the Federal court did not begin until the afternoon session yesterday, when Mr. J. J. Britt of Asheville, made the ' opening speech of two hours for the prosecution. v His effort was pronounced by every body as a very great presentation of the government's contentions. Judge Bynum made two hours argument this morning when court will take a recean until Monday. Before the argument began yester day Judge Boyd on request of attorneys, allowed eight hours to each side instead of fcix as had been previously agreed upon. There was a very spicy legal argu ment over the admission of some sup posedly sensational evidence offered by the prosecution :n the Samuel s case which gave an in Cresting glimpse of the po'itical pha e of it. The defense hat all along bo n intimating that the prosecution wi. inspired by the oppon ents of Congressman Blackburn, but successfully r jisted the first effort of the District Attorney to show other wise. Ask any "JAP" that you may see, "Why the Czar,' with Bear behind, "had to clinib a tree.' The Yanks, God bless the Yanks, says be, They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea. Genera! Wheeler's First Meeting With Lee. "I foul my way to the door of the office of the Superintendent of the Academy. The Superintendent's order iy, whose duty ft was to announce visi tors, was for a moment absent, and being i -nmnt of military ftlea I knocked at, the door. I. beard the wotdi 'come in,' As I entered, this re- Skrkable man, Robert E.: Lee, who af trrwards became a renowned warrior, rose from his scat behind his desk, met me- ai t approached, " and placing his band upon my sbouldesald with a welcome smllei 'A young cadet wbo has com to reportT Never have I seen a form or face which so impressed me; bis uniform was closely bottomed, show Ing bis erect, well rouoled and perfect figure; his manner wss dignified and embodied modesty, kindness, benevo lence and all the characteristic which convey the idea of purity and nobility 3e was In bis forty-ninth year, moe tach faced, with slightly gray bslr At that time be was a captain of engt- neers, with trevi mnni oi msjot, UeutenMit Colonel snd Colnnct, which honors be won by courage and valuable mice In the batiks ef Mexico. Bo highly regarded wis he tbst the Army and War Department considered him the lo,'irl and certain succeMor of OrxTTsI fmtt u commsndr of lb army. . "In rT! to tS fjUwikm I bowed to txpreu the afHrmsUv snd a fur a few kind word be Ivk tne to the door of On Adjutant, Mutnnt t H. Try, sflTwanl a f.ron-iiiwnlGpfU'ral, tHing ma that Lloutcfiunt Frt would give m all Instructions and cireetlons. Ttil kind. fthTly rtpMUm rss di.Tcrpnt from my preincHod l)a of military d'ram; Uiot w not a portkUi ef ottit in th Ytr)g of ilhf r Colo- nrl lt tit I.U-.itrnsnt Fry." Th (hove l cwi'y ( forfat cf lhfs arttflo, in sW.'.n to wM'h IW a I Kri'Tr I cjma'ic firrMv t.f Crttrral Vi'he;nr'( mm;-a'i:n t O.u-V m-;;, fr m I V. jn r.f n i t ' t. I ir 'r, Vr. J".1 n Ai: Wr'!i. V.'i;h t' to ft,.' ;r- (Ha f, ' ', 1 Ar m ,1 1 f t ; ,il I: 'tt: t .'' .'.' T a '.' T- l' ' '' n r i 11 f'l ft j'r. 1 v.". T' h V nil riftll -v M' Child Labor Movement land, lie Ob- . SeereUr Uey la Teus. SUte Charisn uraBwa. wninn vwu. viwi y'yV .'V sks:'Css Daf OsstlT f tksriff Hedgn l Bsaufort , - (Special Correspondence.) ' Raleiith. Feby 10.-iFrienda of State iluAiinkAM f AAV ortH Vk frlan tA ItnAV I t. avauviajwf . - T l imvuin aw. ww I that he has been heard from from San a Tavsh f fmmi wtitith nnint hfll reports an improvement in ueaiui mr tiv will remain some . time in that section of the southwest, principally in Arizona. . ' J D.J. Boat Company, at Concord for the conduct of a wholesale grocery business. The capital stock is S5),- 000.-- - The Woman's Club of Raleigh was addressed by Mrs. W. R. Hollowell of of GoMsboro- concerning federation, asking their active co-operation in f uli menibershin vith that body-instead oJ by Independent movements., The ad dress of Mrs. Hollowell was repleti vrifh Mnressions of local patrotism anc regard for her State and its women. She was out spoken in ner aesire w .Mtha rhildren't Confederate vete rans in advance of the erection of an more monuments or tokens of amort perishable esteem, n A, J. McKelway. secretary of the -National Child Labor Association gathered about him in Raleigbthe fol lowing named committee who will fur ther the purposes of the Ciild Labor movement in this section: ur. a, a. ftnvater. chairman, for the temporary lervices; a L. Coon, secretary, J. W. Bailey, C. H. Poe, Vr. X. w. ivey, P!in J. B. Cheshire. Dr. R. T. Venn, W. L.Poteat, Wake Forest College, Dr. Edwin Mills of Durham, Dr. K. F. r.mniuil .Aaheville. Dr. M. D. Hardin Vfctaasf ft""! - r - Charlotte, Dr. J. J. Hall, Fayetteville, ex-Governor T. J. Jarvis, Hen. a. jb. m1m. ex-Qovernor C. n. AycocK, ana Dr. A. J. McKelway. The apecific ob jects to be served by this organization (re thTbrevention of children under U years from night work; prevention of o4L umi ure iromcniwn miuwum and boys under 14 who cannot read and write. The Secretary of State granted char to the Guilford Hardware Co.at Greensboro, for the conduct of a whole ale and retail businesa mere, ine au thorized capital stock is placed at $50, nnn . of which amount $9,300 is paid in, th retail department of the Burwell A Dunn. Drug Co , is aiso mcorporweu nAr th name of Burwell-Dunn Re tail Store, with Its principal offices at Charlotte. - - The lAwndale Lumber Co., at Lawn .u n Cleveland county, will manu- fajtur lumbers and furniture, with a .nltal (tock of $50,000; of which unoont $6 100 has been paid in, the Sike Lumber Co., at Kayettevuie, mm handle (11 classes of lumber and will also conduct a plant for the hand ting of aaval store. There has been aibseribed $00,000, out of an authorised capital atock of $100,000. . ' Geo W. Atkinson, for many terms Mimtv stirvevor of Wake county, and nearly 75 years old, died at his bom In gwlft Creek Townsup, wnere n n been a eufferer from cancer. ' News was received m Raleigh of the death of sheriff R. T. Hodge, of beau fort county,- an officer who has beep Ma, nromlneotlv connected and asso ciated with Democratic office la that section of the Stat for A numoeroi Mn krvi where he bad booored . the pit 0f sheriff for nearly 20 years. Mr. Hodges was a brav and roariess von federat soldier, having aeea trying and continuous service in th defeat ot Wi lev Southland. B ueum byaUrgefsmilyboth ImmedlaU at b aiarrUa. Ills wife and children ar well known la Una pan oi im 8UU. ' : ; V ' ' - . ... . . f p.BaWla.1 10 cent store, 1- Ukiil strest, tomorrow. . . Thstw Racket Store. 131 MUkll elrt, rit to Kafir's flak- win hsv th opening alRt'rilaj ika lfiiK. Do not ml( it. and come e.rlv to est aorn of the big tie. NoOiint Wzhcr than from S to V will be soli FRANK Bnornr.Ra, R. Wallnu, V.gr. Bpid Pale, M lI'Mklle ltret, 0 tt rriim ni;T. Arrer-t rvl tim u!t' the r.'T"ia l.f. ar tho rrmme (.f J r.'.K It r,r y n f'rZ ;-in. lht'e ht H-.;: I'.kVjt )';' :.'n Tf ! A i. T.'i f.'i, T'-a . r , v r " i " i "; Try r, 1: cf Wi THE MOTION DENIED I Contequasc ef Jadg Uo's Oecttlos Tks Cats oi Hill vs. lUllreas WIU ''-"-' BsTritd TasssayLI? Si' : Y-wtfiniav JnHcr Iuiv nnnnnnrnl hi decision in rtxmrrf ta tha motion nnniul Dewre mm on Tioay. . meuwyeraxor Railrood Co. - filed the motion -for cbanire of hearinir to an adianent nun ty on the irrounda tht the board of county .commissioners being interested parties to the suit would, draw the namesof tha iurnrfl ' ' -.' . It will be remembered' that the suit an uuvaiiiuu WOO uiuUKUk in question was brought to annul the a o. vt r r- rm. josr in Mies a, x in, y Ilia CS801I BRt h or trial Tuesday and a great deal td ..uHj u ikA i. IE. Latham & Company's Weekly Cotton Letter Special to Journal Greensboro, Feb. 10. The New York Motion Exchange was closed today and will not open again until Tuesday, on account of Lincoln's birthday. The market is down during the week about !6 x ints, and after a great display of freikriet-s during the first part of the Awck, closes at a recovery from the (owt t, with a much better feeling There seems to be less pressure, and pinnt;ra are more inclined to buy, and o regard values as cheap enough for 1 6 tune being. It appears that con tiderabie of the extensive interest who bought cotton at 12 to 121c a pound oi fie mista' en ideas of a 9 to 10 million bale crop, and an impossible consump tion, have sold out their purchases, and in some cases have actually gone short of the market. The reduction in the price of cotton has not found a similar concession in yarns and dry goods. We therefore think there is more reason for an advance than for further de clines. Merchants Attention A schooner is loading freight for New Bern in Baltimore. New Bern merchants will please notify brokers C. C. Paul & Co. Tuesday the 13th, big sale on ail kinds of crystal and goldband glassware aiao vases and lamps, ra new tuck et Store. CHURCH SERVICES. First Church of Christ, Scientist- Corner Broad and Hancock Sta, Servi ce Sunday 10 45 a m and 7 80 p m. Bible Lesson Sermon Subject: " Mind " Proverbs 2-6. Sunday School after the morning service. Wednesday evening: meeting at '7 80 p m Pastor: The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Reading Room is open daily. All are cordially invited to attend. First RaDtist Church- W. A. Avers. pastor. Preaching at 11 a m and 7 80 n m bv the castor. Sunday School at 9 45 a m, D. IL Green Superintendent You are cordially invitee to auena Centenary Methodist Church Rev 0. T. Adams, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. , tn. and 7.80 p. m. by th pastor, Sunds school 8 o ra. T. A Green SodC Epworth League meet every' Wednes day night T. W. Crowder, presklett ' RmIm at the Oiriatlan Church Bun day will be Junior Builder at 10 a m. Preaching at 11 a. m. , Sunday School at a. m. Evenins service at tM p.m. Rev. 0. A, Reynolds, pastor. At the night service titer WUI ft tele gram read to the congregation giving good news of th great revival meet- la th north and chttrchei of the D . - , , 4 t Chr1lCharch-!Uv. L. 0 II WUIlams rct-r;Sptirwd Sundy;noly Com " nun 11 a. m: Sunday SchooC 80 a. m. er.!ng prayer and aermon to Kb ghta of Pvhls 7.8J p. m.; Monuy, flrrlhorhoodof St Andrew 130 p. m. Winwxlay: LlUny II a. ra.. Friday! Eing prayer 4-30 p. m.. Cotiflnna- tl.-wi e;a'a mol Wednei!.iy 4.80 p. as. Fri ly 7.30 p. m. - . , All Salnt'a pcl-Tburs.lay 7.80 p, m. " ' . - '- ' T(HmacW rapliil Oinrrh-prvlc ffmJiirtl bf Die f lor, Ev. J, J. Do iz!aa, at 11 a. m. nd 7.30 n. tn. R.iTxlay FshtxA at 9 30 a. m., R. M. Wjr,n. rijrlnUndonU A eorHial ir,it!i n la tttn !t-l to eiL l :.t.T.i i' t; i ta. f : l'-."r. !,!; l"rf fl tt: , !f g r hr f V , r-'l 1' j. a : t a I '.. In r'h. riT :? ; r'a r - j V. v j r i7 r, a. Ensnaring Victims. Steps Should be Taken at Once to Prevent Further Trouble, Here in New Bern, as in other cities and towns, dyspepsia or stomach trou bles are ensnaring victims in a most insidious was. Use Mi-o-na now and soothe the irri tated walls of the stomach and strength en the gastric foil cleg so that they will pour out their daily supply of di gestive materials with regularity. Then the headaches, sleeplessness, specks be fore the eyes, poor appetite, tired feel ings and nervousness will disappear, and you can eat what you want at any time you like. Just one little tablet out of a 50 cent box before meals, for a few days, and you will soon regain perfect health and strength, and have no fear of indiges tion or stomach troubles. Ask F. S. Duffy to show you the guarantee under which he sells this remedy. Special Sale Monday at 96 Middle street DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT WILMINGTON. Our Slater City Suffers a Serious Conflagra-J Hon Entailing a Lou of Nearly $100,000. The city of Wilmington was visited by one of the most destructive fires it has ever had; the worst since 1886. The use is unknown but the general devas tation was due to low piessure from the water works which prevented ef fi :ient work by the firemen. The loss is estimated at between $80,000 and $100,000 and takes from the business portion about half a block of stores. The proprietor of the Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co. is the son-in-law of Mr. W. H. Oliver of this city. Mr. Willard is the heaviest loser ol ny, the factory being a large three itory structure. Following is the list of victims and lossee: Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co. , building, stock and equipment, $45,000. Mrs. Elizabeth Vollers, building on Front and also on Dock streets, $15,000 W! A. Vollers, groceries, stock, $3,- 000. Braddy Music store, stock $500. H. L. Vollers, goods stored in Vol ler's building $1,500. . Thomas J. Gore, building and stock, $11,000. George D. Pharea & Co., furniture stored In wsrehouse, $1,600. A New York Criticism ot The Clans, man. The Sta?." a theatrical magazine published in New York, has the follow ing tn aav of "The Clansman: "George H. Brennan brought "The Clansman" to town, and some of the critic got out their biggest bludgeons snd proceeded to have much fun with It When all' said and done, however "The Clansman" cornea mighty near to belnff one of the most remarkable rdramas ever seen to New York. Thorn aa Dixon. Jr.. is author of "The Clans man." The play was dramatiied from the same author's two books, "The Leopard's Spots" and "The Clansman.' It is a story of th Soutti during ui raeonatniction Deriod. and as such is a vivid and lasting picture of the condi tion that obtained during thai pamiui period. ' "Mr. Dixon doe not mince words or mattM (a his tlv at the Liberty thea tre. H proclaim th dugma that the nisrTO U not nor can vr o we equal of th whit man. '. Around tl.U central lda he has woven a play of tremendous (trenffth. somewhat melodrama lie In apota, but strong drama all the time. The author Uewe joatinrs w if ICnKrax Elan, and point out that I was organised for th distant narnose of t co tec ting the wnll womtn of tb Couth against th black beaaU .Ui MmM hare for so many Jtad mat! li country's blood boll with rage snd rveentment. 'Whatever may be said of Tbe Clansman" that it U, for lnataoc.ua Mutii la soota. and that M th tm ta il la a fibrous and sUnlog play of spier. did atorv and bow. daanlng rreaunenu It la an (Mwef to "Unci Tom's Cab- I." It k UgtUmatrl sensational Vleode that g thtmrtvrmg mis w Lralna kiwi koarta Of It SOdlMVC IS Um tilava have W m recent real. At this writing It VwAa ae'if . Mr. r.mnnaii would finally make "The Clansman" dramaUo trmlltullon that i!Mtforyrsand be sUn-llr . t rrrh to thnae who WOiU mai th nrjr a f j!) anl cr 1U vr-ial of t Ca )-:n. an-! i:nsre e! Ttie Keie I'a'W fore. V.'s'-H - ! C 'V TrpiriVg. . - t ' rr J I r : 1 f f Vif ' -tV, i 1 1 WvvvvvVVVfMffTT.w,yv,t t CrtVTA Tiw. TTT - J4vt nine, worry, ana Most Important, Save Money; ; We have received the most Refined and Ex- 'l elusive Royal MuslM Underwear ever brought to - p. xais marKet. 6 - Why delve at the machine when you can . come here and get just what you need for less, than you can make them Here you can find the, latest creations of the season, in Ladies and -Childrens Muslin Underwear. Corset Covers at 25c to $1.25 each. Skirts at 50c to $2.50 each. Pants at 30 to 50c. . Night Robes at 50c to $2.50 each. Children and Misses Pants at 10 to 25c each. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. J M Mitchell 8c Co., PHONE w : 61 Pollock St., Opp. Coal! Coal! Full supply of the best quality Hard Coal in Broken, Egg, Stove and Chestnut sizes. Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Domestic lump. All orders given prompt and personal attention. Phone 34. Office and Yard No. 16. Craven Street. Hollister & Cox The old year's gone The time is on For New Year's nous arranging You'll always find Us up to the time In the styles that are ever changing. In tabouretts and Chi na Bets We have themrare and many. 1'ahle N pre ad$ all kinds of beds With prices, well most any llargains too. we have for you In chairs both oak and willow More than these you'll find when pleased To call on J. S. MILLER New Bern N. C. Woffscdi. Second Crop Seed Potatoes ro ranher la ptaatinf Uaa e4W kad routoea, yWdbeUar a ad kaore a&Ubna crops, and are la bi(t faftar . arlth tree and pUU trovers ajMrerer piaated. Oer siocti are of superior V'aoaStj, anlfbrta ta alte, aad ' aeal est la foli-atee Urrela. ' Write for twioaa, and WaW fOOa aVwa. tinnf fU! aad tntrMUftg teXartBeUoa aboet UmmX I'stataM. . T,W.W::l&Icst,Ss:f::s, lltllOII, Vlllllli, imrrf twtH monk af fililnl I ISS SwUk. aSato Slank VaWQe "4 aBseaVea eVf e' hm Sx ia rgn, lot Hatching f nit t.r!i of Cat Lanehsa n-l lr IrsKn. Grt wlntf tjrr: tl5 tr artli-if f 15. v,r CAM.ir. r. HAP.Dr)?;, Tf i.-r-rn. H. '.' m' . 2 288. "Episcopal Church Apple Cider Fresh and Sparkling. AT THE RIVERSIDE STORE, L IS II A Si I C UT Phono 246. J. 1. O'QIN S CO., North Carolin Leading Florists. , Roses, Carnations and Violets a spec-, ialty. All Flowers in season. S Wedding Bouquets and Floral Deora tions at Bhort notice. Palms, Ferns and Winter Flowering" Plants in greatjvariety. Rosebushes, Shiubbery, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, and Shade Trees '. in best leading varieties Mail, Telephono and Telegraph Or-"' dors promptly executed, by ' .. J. L. O'QUINN & CO., i Raleigh, N. C- All Phones U9. ttliUAiAiiitiiiiiliiimi Valentines. r i Ennett's Bookstore 1 eaM MMH Sash. Door and Uel Factory No. 22 Haaeock fit. New Bern, til C Having pit Id a Une of p-ie-dat aaachtoer to do all kiade ef huun balk) ing work, turning, eU., at h same old sUod oa Hancock slrl, 1 am ptepared to til all orders at h rt aotka aad la the best aad attest (j All orders aotmated U am will aett n . ersoaal ettetitioav 1 j? noura J.H. REGIS TF P orch Column. Raih, I ustcra, Spindlca, Stair I Balusters, Grills, Plinth Corner Blocks, .v.h Doors, Frames for Vc I Brick Building, H'yjl ' !!:r,t!., Ursckcts.

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