; The Kind You nave Always In use for over 30 years, .All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jost-as-goodare but ; , Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of V- Infants and Children Experience against ' Experiment . What is CASTORIA . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-j gorlc, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ( contains neither Opium,' Morphine nor other Narcotto : -. substance. ' Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms -and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ; Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation " and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THCOMrruMnun. TTaumuTBTMn, MnoMtefn. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905. . 118 i 13fi 108 Daily. Daily. 'Daily. 112 Eastern Daily. a Lv. e u P M 1 27 " I 40 f AM AM 1 IE ' 1 30 1 47 1 53 2 06 2 11 2 17 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 3 40 3 55 ' 4 10 4 27 4 40 5 15 7 20 7 33! 7 481 0 GREENSBORO 8i McLean 1 53 1 58 2 08 2 li 2 18 15; Gibsonville. 7 63 8 05 8 10 17 21! Elon College... Burlington Graham Haw River Mebane Efland Hillaboro UNIVERSITY . DURHAM East Durham. .. Brassfield Morrisvilie CAKY RALEIGH Garner Auburn Clayton Wilson'B Mills. . SELMA Pine Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO. . Ar. 23 26 8 15 8 271 2 m 8: . f 2 4:2 f 8 38 87 2 51 3 03 8 47 9 00 9 20 9 30 41 46 6 45 3 2 3 3i 65 67 6 57 7 15 f 3 43 f 9 37 61 7 80. 3 58. 9 51 ej 73 81 7 42 8 05 4 10 10 0: 4 3f( 10 30 i 52 4 58 flO 4Mf 5 33 flO 51 5 40 11 02' 5 64 fll 18 f 6 09 11 30 6 29 87, 6 II 5 25 6 431 6 501 It 36 f 6 35 6 0.r.; 11 48 f 6 46 6 21 ili 03 1 f6 40i 12 2o 7 15 M I PM I AM This condensed schedula is published as information and is subject to chuuge without notice to the pubi c. Trains Nos, 112 and 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morohead ( i'.y and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connect at GreengVim with train No. S3 for Charlotte, Colum bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid P ill. nan train, drawing-room sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphk via for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, wheie clone connection is made with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. Train No. 10Z connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except bunday; at Greensboro with train No. 86 fr VV :uhington and points North, close connection for inston f alem, Hiirh P n. UliaburyCharlotte and Intermediate stations. Train No. ir toi.necta at Greensboro with No. 89 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 85 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. 84 and 33 for Wanning ton and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. 8. H. Hdkk. P. T, M. W. H. Taylor, G, P. A. H. B, Spencer, G, M Washington, D. C R. L. Vernon. T. P. A. T. E. Green, C. T. A. Charlotte, N. C. RaleUh. N. C. J. 1L ARNOLD, , i very. Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables.- Large- t and tinrl Btotk of Hones anl UuWt ever offered in New Bern. . ' I id of rach juU reTe-L Complete lint of Buggies, Wagons, Home, R-U-, W hips and Cart Wheel. ' . . M hn s Old Stable. Middle Street ; ' Llvory, Feed, Nalb and Exchango a ,, y;f r - 1 f Bought and wWch bag been . has borne the erg-nature off and has been made under his per- l sonal supervision since Its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this, r ' Signature of 107 135 111 Daily. 117 Daily. Daily. Daily. AM PM AM AM 11 591 6 35 5 35! fll 40 f 6 15 f 5 17 5 05 6 00 11 27 11 22 6 00 6 65 11 141 6 4GI 4 47 4 40 11 07 6 11 01 6 83 4 so! 4 17 10 60 6 221 HO 88 f 6 10 f 4 02 10 28 10 16 10 00 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 8 47 8 30 8 00 9 20 9 07 f 8 42 9 44 2 48 f 2 85 2 15 9 87 f 4 10 9 13 f 8 58 f 8 22 9 06 8 45 8 49 8 30 f 8 12 2 05 1 40 11 45 8 12 7 50 8 26 8 20 11 81 11 23 f 8 06 8 081 2 65 2 40 11 08 10 60 10 88 7 65 7 451. 2 25 2 12 7 7 7 7 flO 26 no 10 26 2 01 14 f 1 49 1 85 t 9 65 9 40 m1 Lv. AM PM PM AM Successor to M. Hahn & Co., ones 9 v. a i ! . ; ' -. CHOICE MISCELLAIiY ciBBibliBS- t Sea. '. A friend of mice recently returned from a trip to the United States very, full of the mischief done by profession- J al gamblers and card sharps on the At lantic lluers and strongly of optnjea! that: the shipping companies are "Te-j gpouafble for the existence of this erlU ; tt U pretty eertam, 1 believe, that the' blackleg business U organized like any J other Industry and that the gangs who frequent the Atlantic liners are regu-i lar employees of an individual or nha. it Is at any rate certain that the mem-! bera ef the" gangs are known to 'the ( ships' officers, and my friend tells me that the names of Seven of them were pointed out to him on the passenger list of the liner on which he returned: and the individuals identified as they sat at table. It is interesting to note, that among them was a woman and a youth of Innocent appearance. " p y It is one of the worst features of the evir .that many of the victims :rc youngsters going out to America or Canada with most of their worldly wealth inthelr pockets. . My friend learned that the. gang on his ship got 160 from -certain passengers at one sitting and that on a recent .voyage of the1 sme ship they had . fleeced a young passenger to the tune of f 000. ;He therefore urges that as the companies know the Individuals they vshould absolutely 'refuse to carry them and stand the racket of legal pro rceedlng3 for so doing. London Truth. t'mlirplloa When Yon Reed Them, "Are you on to the new plan for fur ni3hliig umbrellas when you need them most?'' Inquired the man with a rain coat over his arnu"N'o? "Well, there's a resnlar company in New York with 1,000 places in Manhattan and 600 in Brooklyn where you can step in when the rain begins and get an umbrella for a dollar. Wh the rain stops, In stead of carrying your umbrella arouml with you, you can stop In at any of their places and ret a check for It nn-J keep on doing this for a whole year. Then yon have to put up another dollar for another year, nnd so on. "Tliey have their stations in cigar stores, hotels and other places that keep open late, nnd they're spreading them nil over, bo It won't be long until It won't be neeessary for anybody to steal an umbrella except a regular thief. In this way it is not only a great convenience, but it is' a groat moral engine as well. "ViTiat kind of an umbrella do you get for your dollar? Oh, as good as you ran gt anywhere for the money, and yo;i -i;n keep it If you want to, but yiu have to take It back In as good shape as you got It or you don't get your check far It."- New York Press. Toot r-i It Astnla. Mr. Urnkcr '.."li'i Is that sour look I113 da me over ihon.'? Mr. (luhM:. fc'lr, she has the mis fortune to ! i'.:y wife. "Oli a!; - Indeed, sir, the misfor tune Is- - -all yours, I'm sure." 'Ilavelnii'! !.c:l;ier. (r.)le.l Ills Dloff. "I've it n k M.1 nubstltute for giving up my it In n car." said Jones. "In MM I r Hint I'm going to ask the litdy to fit .i my ln'." M'n it!'' pried Ilro-vn. "1 tried thnt orrp mid she tojk me up! Detroit Fnv I'.-eii. Oa Plata. "Well." Mid the first physlclin, "-Thai fco Hint new imtleiit of yours gotT' "I don't know." replied the other, "Tut I'm tr'lB o turn It Into typhoid f:Tpr. I'm j-roat on that" Denver e-vs. Jade. rtel tie's Just cra:y over ber since Hi. j Iwvaine cn-fngrd. lie says she's rn nn-fl. Lisle--WolL of ronrM the poor fellow m rer how nu an-cl. Town Topic. Twi Klaa f rra-rU. Rhc-l-rlte flfftitlnf Is brnUt, but 6A j .i over know fcoclnf to ban eny one? He Why, yes; tlie barbM wire kind. I hsT. Yonkcrs Statesman. . A Ulw VrtU How docs your rrs ad mother tf lout now that sbe baa lost all saw te-tbr "Oli. at right Too know sbe be blUnf toD-u." Jodpe. ' ' T Ma Br. ' "Tfe'e too mcso for beavta." . -Tea. If t?vy hl wln-rs bdt miserable Urtnm" be rouldn't tMll the fnatlM-ra to a nillllDrry storr AtUata Cotuitltktlnn. Fhe (prr-psring for rMV-De yoe think l onobt te wmr nr v!IT Ile-f'jixr. Oibrtrl- Qm trlod tnlgW blow your rtmipk'tiae ox Dvtr-m Tribuo , WEllJESERYED Thl Priltl That Coroti from Tlink ful Ht Bern People. One Mnrf t envedy nevor falkv New Bern - le rely epr-n It. THst rxm.!y - Doan's Kklr illl. Nw tWm Ij-alirrwfiy frfOv- It Slvtys rllVr, Charlie P- Uarol, a far plnt at lb A. A N. C. K. R. t, r',r.re at 47 l!rn f'!rt, mji "I htrt f nr.! trrl ro'ief ly w'.r.g Ivn's Ki!ij iii'.s. V'f 1'k h nr',rt tn fr.f e VffiJ ItTie, r fati so ad ! at I C uVl rill WitV. Ti V.'.'t'J l"'t-' rre tmry dark ar1 fV!y. . fl.tve tt e I.-,iS V Uif I' '.' I r c ' ' -r s r )t ft;.'nri Iht.f r-(:irl ' ar.l I ('-. ty.i -, "t-r fr--n v!." ' i r I s l '!. rs-i IrUa '! ' , a V a-' r ' I I si t t I" V' ' .n's l . ' ' r T I ."'a t t'-e! V - J ir lie. .; r - ''" ccumm out9, says the doctor to many of his lady patient, because he doesn't knov of any medicinal treatment that vill positively euro vomb ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's kmfe. " f , . -'That such a medicine exists, hovever, has been proved by the: wonderful cures, performed on" diseased women, iq thousands ofj cases, Dy''v; WINE :0F Si Woman's ', -x-'t'S . Tl nei 4VA9 tVM lltf rP Irirtlcinv'd ri wskrtlr efW e.wsk mA 'V-'-) im MCftvvi av vu w uu uouiiuu vi wbat eivn WWlllviss U1VI ! has rescued thousands of. others from a melancholy lifetime of;', v chronic invalidism." It will ctjre you, if you will only give it a chance.- J Sold at every drug store in $1 .00 bottles. . Try It. , ; - S . WHITE US A LETTER ' freely and frankly, in strictest confi dence' telling us all your trouhles. We will send Free Aavlce (in plain, ; sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory- Dept.; The : Chattanooga Medidtw Co., Chattanooga, Tend. y'y Mortgage : Sale. Pursuant to a power of aala eontamsd in that certain mortag dead, executed by T. A. ' il and Lina Bell, hia wife, to the Citizens liM.k o. New Bern, bearing date, the 10th day c Ju 1901, the aame being recorded in theoCic-Jofia Regrister of Deeds of Jones county, in Look page 579, we will sell at the Court home i ... Trenton, N. C, on the lHh day of March, iti.ui the hour of 12 U to the highest bidder l irii.!., all of the following described real estate n i c-,.. veyedin the mortgage aforesaid, to-wit: i ...u piece or parcel of land, lying and )-:..,; i: ...si County of Jones, adjoining the .landu o- L-wst Pollock, and William McDaniel. and knu'.v:, ., a 1 designated as follows, viz: Beginning ai.i 4.1 ,u. 1 . I u e uura mi ner w 1.110 iii.us hmiqiii. huh. i nv with said patent line north 20. woet 1M !.,:- i . : stake near the Annane leading from tLe w -1 Pollocksville and Trenton road to the Iiohm u . .. Ventiis place, then running with a line of r.i;.r trees on the south side of the said AnnaiK-. i. .i-l U 1-4 east 298 poles to the said public road. t... with said public road to a lightwood su.ki !., j.i road to Lewis Pollock's and A. L. Rountii '. :i ner, thence south 83 west with Pol'oci. :n a u. Ronntree's line about 180 roles toani-n ..t. .: . and pointers, then north 64, west 153 (x' ' t. Rountree and Pollock's corner in or near t .. A.,, wine Branch, then.south 6 east 86 12100 poles to a stake, then south 18 west 40 poles to a gum. then south 4 1-2 west 41 12 polos to a gum, thence south M west 86 poles to a stake, thence bouth S 1-2 east 83 80-100 poles to a gum, then south 14 west 12 88-100 poles to a stake on path, th n fouth 30 1-2 poles west 10 poles to a stake, thence south 70 west 161 poles across crooked run to the back line of the f ullyani patent, thence south Vf) cast with the Fullyard patent line 840 poles to the southwest corner of the Fullyard patent, a stake, then north 70 east across crooked run 160 cole to a stake, another of said patent corners, then north 20 west 42 poles to a stake, then north 70, it 100 Doles to a stake, then north 20 wi-bI 253 poles to the beginning, a stake, containing by es timation 878 acres more or lets. Thi Citubns Bank op New Bern. y Mortgagee. New Bern, N, C. February 7th. 1906. By Guioh AMD Dunn, Attorneys. An Announcement The undersigned desire to give notice of the formation of a co-partnership between them for the practice of law, under the name and style of Guion and Dunn. Each desires to thank hid pat- ons for their past courtesies and to solicit for the firm a continuance of the same. Mr. Ouion will bo absent from he office for the period of about two weeka during which time all pro fessional services required of the firm will be promptly rendered by, Mr. Dunn and communications requiring consult ation promptly forwarded. Feb. 1, im Very respectfully, OWEN H. GUION. WILLIAM DUNN, Jk. - Executrix Notice Bavtiw aallBW (a EraeatrU of AkPtn Fnk her 4eeaaaed.au persona having claima against the ea tataef sad aWcaaeod ars hereby aotiftad to preiint the semi duly verified to mm oa r bn- for the Ma day of Fell. 1SOT. or this aotiee will be plssd-d la bar of their rorrr, All i iuii- -noeo-ea w esio oraoj are aarsiiy rutuo-t ed te saske M-un-n mtm atu-aeK . Feb Sth, 14 U1SA FULCHER. Kiecsolx Sale of C ity Lot. By vtrtosof the power eonUiaed in a en-lain BMia-a-re deed aaade sad neeuu-l sa the nth day ef 'olylKb ai-aoa Heath and wife, iiueM H-ata, la H. Ci AmaU-eng, the MM beta ia anted la the tU-netar of Ueesa office la cr eoonly, M. C I wlil e9 for sale te I he bicheet maim for eaek, at IM osart koaat Qo in mm. M. m Monday. March ln at , aooa that a-rtala Im fcM earrM m aaat aten-ras-s dd. the eaate ae sHaau-l aa Strrttai tnmt in km CHy of now mrtt, and adMa-d by the hUUs land, Odn tat, the iaaa Wanaa k4 and mhmrm. W la asa atout SS I I W ko III 1-1 f tmrp, Um aw k-4a a k fmnwr by E.O, Mill and rl-1 Kami-I Asa Fbaaaa bradda-l at U Use, iniial la llaylsa af baada sfhva, in fmxUKlKm. - . j Notice ol Hal v 1 . Mnwnt CAMOtjjfa, I la the .U-m Cnatf. . I k-r-Mriar OmuX I l a . Inili Mi.U U Ummtr ftmrw". imtf uawif-i tiar-M'. aaa-r twrnxmrn Umrrm vd lar-lri V iri Harrr. artiaas he M. D ta-a. rt ad tlt-a. fin ii i kaea 'N ef piaii mmA m4 aav-rad la tfce at 1 1 -a-4 mm ai h '"'- M aadu mrr"4 $ t i-i I i f mmH im na-f aa ear serfirMnl a. ll-tl tow la the Uad hon. taaiar i ' nl m ft- a ''-. I ! a-l tmt ea-a m ik hiaiv-a e v--el a-iaa ' la K-ib ria l mttna ai U a af i i'4l a aa tX I f of r-Woair tT IV IMM m mmr arlTrfl mm half (l-ll la tha .4W- tr-v of la4 ta aa. It-im, ra'-a mmf. pm-h catwi'-a) S-ae ihm tnwnti fiw lw..l. eapJxb-t I'm la--t af i-a IM. Mn ml U-m I ). n laaa eod . , Nn.s aa a Hi ia4if--a f 1 aa4 ' tK t V R ii h a w IK mim ml i ia. h-e fta-aa Ml 't In Jn 1. a- mm) TVaiM It lu Sm M. H 4.-w-r. m4 aii"g IW f ,rm af W mA 4-m ( a t-"...l W. ka mm i-mmm mmm (me -a eaaiVa-ninc lit 1 etaa Ihm lm f mf )mm .14. . I . U a Ai). t - CASTORIA si; v nn tl 1' u a it Relief ' GAVE UP SUPPORTER ? J'l wore a supporter for years, fora my womb, which had crowded every:: tiiindown before it, writes Mrs. S. J. i Clirisinan.of Mannsville.N. Y. "IsufvS fered untold misery and could hardly walk. .After taking Cardui 1 gave up iny supporter and can now be on my ' leet nan a day at a tune." Auction Sale City Lot. Pursuant to the judgrment made In the special proceeding the Superior court of craven county wherein c. J. McCarthy, Administrator of Edie cole-nan is plaintiff and Lucinda Williams,' John K. Williams, Martha Moore, Henry Moore, Mary Nixon, Isaac Nixon and Dora Whitfield are defendants giving license to the plaintiff to sell and ordering him to sell, the undersigned will on the 3rd day of March, 1906 at the court house door, at New Bern at the hour of twelve, noon, oifer for sale to the highest bidder the lands de scribed in said petition as follows: A certain lot nf land in the city of New Bern, conveyed to hi r Ly deed of Pitt Barrows dated Jan loth 1872, re corded in the office of the Rt sister of Deeds of laven county in book 78, page 841, being the 'astern half of lots numbered 117 and 118 Dryboro, n corner of Oak and Elm streets. Terms of sale, ash. To be paid upon confirmation. A reasona tile deposit required the day of aale. c. 1. McCarthy, Adm. of fedie ooleman, com. w. p. Mciver, plaintiffs Attorney. P.O.& W. RAILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will establish passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on allowing schedule: East Bound West Bound No. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) P. M. A. M 4 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 8 45 4 64 Reelsboro 7 51 5 12 Grantsboro 7 33 5 24 Dees 7 21 5 27 West Alliance 7 18 5 30 East Alliance 7 15 5 45 Bayboro 7 00 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. No. 4. P. M. A, M. 6 00 Lv.- NEW BERN 9 0C 5 45 Reelsboro 8 13 6 00 Grantsboro 7 58 6 10 Dees 7 48 6 12 West Alliance 7 45 6 15 East Alliance 7 42 6 30 Bayboro 7 30 HI f n oe u n t o h o o c r f n o r d . r 0 m-rtns or -ihoto. lor e prt atarea aae free laporl wrm sa-iea, sow to eoo-rtfkav Ma, ,N ... couNTNiia. Bmdn$ aVvr milt Wuktrngmn mom bW, a-ayaW-fts Itofmirnl. hm 14 MHspswr) Pnttlte tides! -. WASMIMOTON, O. Ok . ill !. Til UN WITH, BLACKSMITH & WHEEL-RIGHT Bopgies, Wagons, Carts end Drays al ways kept in stock. I foeet tires without cutting with the latest im rroved iire shrinker. I keep e good supply of cart wheels always In stock repairing done at quick notice. . Shop on South Front street near Hancock Sts ' Special Rate Via Southtrn Railway ' Kw Orleana, Liu. Penaacola, Tlx., Mobile, Ala.: Account Uardi Gnu Car nivals, Fbniary 22 27th, one fare plus 23 cents tvt rwuwi trip; tickets will be old Feb. 21-18 inclusive, final limit Mch. Srd, except tickets eaq be extend wl to elch l8th on payment of a fee of M rente. - v LouistifW, Ky:. Account American Bowling, Cofire Uch 17-27 ih; one fare plus SO cenU On catliflcate pUn, Ikkets will be eoid .Mch 4lh to27lh with fnal limit Mch'tb. Kanhville, Tennt Account Studont V!untur Wovorrvptit For Foreign Mie aions Feb. Zilh to lUh 4 KJ One fare filus 73 (x-nts fr the rwnd trip, UckeU will 1 w-.U Kob, in-ZSth, with final limit ! h. in K. T. i CREF.M. C T. C, RaWigh, N. C --- a- P .1 0 Now is Iho tlmo to buj Atncricai Faro rciiro. It hin i each d m -.Tn n -a'RnMRGi Pneumonia follows La Grippe , , but never follow the use of ' : I ULL I 0; and Tar I It stopi the Cough and heals the lunge, Prevent! Pneumonia and Consumption. J Ms.O. TAomnC ef Ut Oaeoed St.,' CUot IWritMt "sty wile had Ucrippe aadUbftket Witk e very bad oobt oa ht loco whlafc j tout's Horn in Tab sand soapi!?. For sale by .Davis Pharmacy. Russell House ' BEAUFORT, O. Centrally located. Allthadf-li. cacipa of the eeas in. Well veiiti lated rooms, Good beds, Phone con vpBiences, xpl te airt attentive Sor. vanta. -Kates II 50 rr dav Special and liljeral U-rmn bv week mouth. Q. A. RUSSELL AND Old Domiaion Steairsbip Co CHANGE OF SCHEDULE The steamer Neuse will sail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The steamer Ocracoke on Tuesdav. Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. doui steamers win make landings at Oriental each way and connect at Bel- haven with a fast through train for Norfolk. The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in Norfolk at 2 p m. Direct connection made at. Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 am for Plymouth and Washington. No 4 train will leave Norfolk at 11.55 a m. arriving at Belhaven at 5:10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. GEO. HENDERSON, M. K. King, V, P. and Gen. Mngr m. w. maguire, lien. Supt H. C. Hudgins, G. F. and P. A. New Bern. Dec. 29. 1905. lloinuluN A, Nuiin, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice in the counties of Craven. Uarteret, Pamlico, Jones and On.-lcw, and in the Mate tinpreme ami Ktxleral Court. Office: So-ith Front Street, over Tel graph offloe, Netr "im, f. (J Made frorji pure dis tilled filtered wa ter. NEW BERN ICE COMPANY. 19-21-23Griffith Srreet," Phone 23 Hi 1 WW AUTUMN OVF.ROOATS tHe attaotioa of all rood dnasiiii fuSy as -asob aa other ra-mlar eanaeata. We havVan aialla-s Ta of fabrics which la eok-r. aaara aod patUr-, fmm botasapan U wonrtada. offer to Oaf -rearer a wide IUU for aalactlan. F. M. CIIAPHltKI : J127 Middle t. Full lino of Drugs.Med lclnes, Toilet -Articles and Soap. Fresh Sappfy i: o, - Flower Seeasl riiXMlclatag i Prrocrtp ilon-i A Hpoclalty. ",. r vv , CXPCRIENC1 , Tn' Mfa ( , " tiisioaa ' i i i ' ' C-i-ratoMTO 40. l-l-l ....... . ..f'MI i . - f. I I If. I . o - . m ti.a , - - w A , , - . ti.-j-l t' I . ' . I - 4 ,. f ir-f'-r CAROLINA DISPATCH te i II Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ; Tfa Children's Favorite . Coughs, Colds Croup and Whooping Ooush. ' This ram ed 7 Is farao-n for Its eorsa orar large part of the elrillsed world. It sea always be depended opon. It cuotalna no aplaia or other harmful drag and may be siren aa eouAdenU to a babr aa to aa adtUI Price 28 eta: terse 6 Ice, eo ete. FEELING UVEK-ISH This Morning? 111 A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer Horse Owners! If your horse is Bick, lame, or suffer ing from any ailment that you do not understand, write to Dr. F. E. White, the Veternarian of Norfolk, Va. Send symptoms of the trouble and he will send you advise absolutely free of all charges. Successful busi nesses owe their success to the business Sense of American women. The manager of n department store knows this better t tin it anybody else. He knows that WOMEN ARE LOGICAL women are lof-icnl. much keener than men In imrcliaslnt- fur their homes, much more painstaking in estimating values n. II. Mncy & Company, the original American department store ami the grentest in America, owe their success to the discrimination of women. Every woman known that when the 'lenls for casli the can do her buying more economically than on a credit basis. 8ho knows, therefore, that Macy's. iric d-ui iiiij tm itt.ih. e.iii do both their buying and their filing cheaper than the stores that buy and sell on a credit basis. The Intelligent woman who Is paying oirt her caah know that n cash bnsl nes will give h(r the best possible re turns. Women realize the time find money tended In collecting accounts, the great niuiilur of clerks and the multifarious expenses of a credit system. Thru lmc thry ran art Ihr lent rrnmlli al a ilurr tchlrh nut imli hunt and if I It more than anp othrr, but Imyt and trill rrnjithing for rtfih; tbst relies for Its prosperity upon the fact thnt It give Its ciutoin era all the tionamlcal brnrflt of a roth lyntcm. It. II. lary A Company refuse nil credit accounts nNolutely. There It no man In America rich enough to buy obo dollar's worth of foods on ere lit there not even a member of the Arm. Ttire Vis no man whose purchases, however great, can soon re for Mm ens rout of dl-w-ottnt or commission on lb price paid by the smallest customer. It. II. Mary tt Company appreciate the Importance of modern American mm-hsndWng To protect the custom m IntrTMls Is the object of R, II. &ls."y f.- Company, first. Inst end con stantly. Thm -mint of knnwttOs Is the tiae to Wttrfe It hi put, Tau know reu can hur e-nrthlr mora aciMio-nlrallir In Nw Totk. Do you do II? Do jem Mrs ttir momf jrou know yoti r-tn SavaT -" Olif fe pasta KpHnf anil Semmar ea la Ins an tt-nrlnta-dla of Xea; Tcrlt faaM Inn an4 house fo:d sapptiea, w'O be ra ,y tn atnrrh. . B frm en rannaat, Wrtia fne It a, Ma'-a baa o th low prices end save tnenr, AMt Raere tn. Re He M ACY Q COa, BROADWAY. . NEW YOBJK Citizens Banh or e-rer anar m. u.) Te ppk have an eye to thlnt eoovrnlonl, cr-mfortable ertd cheerful ilsrirg f,tt-d op out benkino; rooms a mft theat rii!fatnl, weereroedf tnestndUl r" a . P,pr ry reriilli", -aarty wWcrma. Omv and ea in.,, ! r.-:i 1 . t.vi,f-s-i.tti f and ! rt.f.t VA.aA.Ot) f ' tr-,,of-i.og A"-'s rt.cm( to . CrEw.ui. . i S :- r- ?s KOBTH CAJtOLTNA. I - 7 : Crasaa County, I 1 EstIbc saalified as Admlnistntor of J Harr-r dseaasadjataat Crsasoeo,N. Cti ... aotify all paraoaa bartna: claima a?amat uic rf amid de-ma-d te pr-awit them duly vor th utaleraii-iaKl on balora the 17th day i lU7.ac thia ttotioa will ba piauied la bar of n eorary . All persona indebted to faud asiai . ploaas make immediate Daymant. - This 17th day of Jan I soe. - ' C. i MoCARTHT Adminl-trato C.T. HANCOCK Real .Estate Agent. 58 IicidEt, NtwBeiB.K a.&n. c.fin Effective Sunday, Dec. 10th," 15C at 12.01 a. m. Eastern IStandard Time. EAST BOUND. STATIONS: No. 1. no. a. DAILY 8.40 p. r 4.01 v,,r 4.18 " 4.26 s v 440 8.03 6.18;" B.4S 6.66 P. M. 6.18 i . ' 6.86, 6.B2 - " 6.68 7.80 " DAILY Lv. Coldshort) 8.00 8.21 8.31 A. M Bests LaGransre Falling Creek Kinatoo Dover 8.43 8.W) Cove 9.41 Ar. NEW BERN 10.10 Lv. New Bern 10.1S A. U Rivertlale Croatan Havelook Newport 10.34 10.38 1050 11. IK! 11.12 Wild wood Ar. Morehead Cy. 11.40 WEST BOUND. No. 4. v , DAILY ' ' 4.16 P M 4.87 ' 4.43 "" 4.69 6.U " 6.15 v 6.40 v . 6.48 P.M 6.20 ... 6.86 6.46 -7.00 7.18 ' -7.26 -7.37 ",, 7.55 STATIONS: DAILY Lv. Morehead Cy. 7.40 A. M. Wildwood 8.05 Newport 11 Huvelock 8.27 Croatan 8.39 Riverdale 8 03 Ar. NEW BERN 1 liF. Lv. NEW liEKN 9.10 A. M. Cove 9.41 Dover 9.68 Caswell 10.08 Kin-ton 10.22 Falling Creek 10.35 I-aGranf-s 10.47 Best's lots Ar. Goldsboro 11.20 " BEAUFORT ANNEX. No. 1 . DAILY Ar Beaufort H.10 1 M No 9 Daily Lv 7.00 A. M CONNECTIONS. no a Y DAILY i -12.20 P.tl No. 4 Daily 8.85 P.M Trains Nos. 1 and 4 conner-t at Goldsboro with xi" o L-traln!,na follows: No. 41, Southbound No, 42. Northbound, and with Southern Railway trains Nos. 111. Westbound, and No. 112 East bound.'' At Goldsboro: With Southei a Hallway and At lantic Coast Line. ' At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast Line. R. P. FOSTER. BEL BUNCH J . General Manasrer. Traffic Maoaras GOLDSBOKO. N. C F. M. Simmons. a D Ward 1 SIMMONS & WARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT - LAW. Office Removed across Street to Second Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph of- j fice) South Front street, next to ,:; Hotel Chattawka. Practice in the Counties of Craven, Duplin, Jonea, Onslow, Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed- ' eral Courts, and wherever services are desired.. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW,,"-: Broad St., New Bern, N. C. Well equipped to search titles by res son of many years experience in the office and a Register of Deeds. Practi ces in the Courts of Craven, JofiSa,. Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or whi;r ever services are required. S.K.UIPC y" '"ver.t ir Impnivo alo aet CjVtJT.iR-CE-MARK. COPylllClirorOESICH PROTECTION, fold mini, I lnl.-h.nnl.nl. .v. ii .-w i null- n rum ln!Ui"( BOOKOHPATEHTSfM , Writ i t ' Pa -VlSlllsr.TON.D.C. i Notice to Creditors. ; Hain qualified aa'Admini,trati-rof thaastata of lnaa II. Caraway, dmaaed.thta ai tn notify all parsons havina claima a-ain,t tha aald aetata ta thm to ma or my atturnar II I, U errl on or bafora lfah darof Jan. 1907. or thia notice will baplaaaas la bar of iauuvei--All Peraona indahtad ta taalaaa eatataCwill make Immediate paytr ent Jan lMJi I IK ORIWIF. W. CARKAWAY. Adralalatratar -I). U WARD. Altnrm-y. Application for Certificate. Cartiflcata nombar 20 tw Ave aharaa hi fltitu iwi-b-f tx in the capital atnrk of tha Now barn Bulldlns and Loan Aaaorlation hartna? aaan lost, notlra la haraby ai-wn that aopllcathm will ba made far a doplieata. JotirPH C FULFORO Publication Of Suin mons. North CaraUaa, I I la tha aVparlor Oaarl Cr-r-saOsaat ' IWfore W. M. Wataan. C i. C C 1. McCarthy, admlniat-at-ar Jerry fin ihiil Ad-ltaa Ge-Mla-al T AaaHas Caailaiat, It sapaaHaa; aa tha atatt-atka f the soart ay sArla-it that Aaallaa Oopalaaa a a aaa-rad,t of the Kata af North Carol Ina. -aa bps hh, aotlAal. that a samaiiai aao patHlna fee aala af real aetata far aainahaa ban otiiy la4 aa tha tWfc'i oflWa af Ulna eoanty, N. O. Is the iW-i aatHiai arUaa lay C J. UrtMHnr. aaarka ratr-r af Jsrry Onaalanil. ir-aiil. Yea are a ah- aw-ti-4 ta aa-aanr Mar aaal Oat al tha mtl haaas la Mmw W. M. C aa Monday tha IM d,r af Atnil israx at 11 ekr m., a4 aaawaa ar aa aaar t ali patina ea rmm mmr rnrnim b-aC W. lee ta m-t af tha -wtittan-e- will W rnuid. It Is arwaraa that tha- Mies ba aaWa-haw hmi -aaa for ets mmmk, a Urn, Maw Has Jaaraat. W. M. W ATHON. nark af th. - b-asrt TM irh ay fmmmtrj a TRAVEL? NO I IP e r 'jj rjriiif.o will bo hl;:hcr i.Ve-jn-i'i'" Tlirro Cnr liv.d-.OTi 1:-;::!. At t-r- I t f bhml tsTft'1f'''' t ' v" i 't "I ' "" 't l"''l f t'a I"! J.'tW I J. A-n --I. ! ' - 5. V, ' ..;!', - - -, j . J r t- i I -