iE JOURNAL. Kew Bern. N. C, Feb. 17. 1906, LODGE DIRECTORY. W OODMEN OP THE WORLD meet at f ountrewHallSemi-MoDthly. First and h i.ird Wednesday nights t730tiock. Y lasting Woodmen are invited ' CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meeta 2nd and 4th Wed- r..,hv nitrht-a in each month in Ronn trees Hall. Pollock atreeV at 750 nvwir, Kmiil R. Ball. President: J. H.- Smith. Sec'y; R. &. HUL Financial Index ; to Hew4teaot: Crescent Tobacco Co. CSgars, ? ' , Celery Plants. QiikX' For Sale Piano, - ;': Lost-Gold Ring. ForRentv:!.:' . Publication of Summons. Simmons AHolloweU CoA FG. HOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAR ONI SOUTH BUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. v -' Bttitacsi Lca. EXTRA well rooted Golden Self-blanch-' ing Celery plants. Expressage prepaid, - 10,000 plants for $12.50. Bermuda onion plants $1.00 per 1,000. Price list mail ed. Bearshead, Orlando, Fla. A.' NEW lot of those ; cigars just received, bacco Co. very popular Crescent Ttf- FOR SALE Grand Knabe piano at 113 Pollock street Apply between 10 and 12 m.4 on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. r LOST Plain gold ring. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning eame to Journal office. FOR RENT Three comfortable rooms for rent, also shop on corner Broad and Middle street. Apply to No. 50 Broad street WANTED Highest cash prices paid - for scrap iron, metals, rubber, etc. Stoves for sale. O. D. Draney, 96 S. - Front St. NORTH Carolina Hams at L. H. Er v vih's. FOR SALE A modern 7 room resi ' dence on Hancock street. E. E. Har per. FOl OR RENT House at No. 195 George street' E. E. Harper. FOR BENT Rooms furnished or un furnished, with every convenience. Only gentlemen desired. For particu lars apply to Miss Smallwood, 116 Cra ven street any hour after 11 a. m. LADY Finger Apples and Florida Oranges at Broad Street Fruit Co's today, -V TRANSIENTS WANTED The Old Dennison House No. 11 Metcalf St, conveniently located. Large airy rooms comfortable beds. Early breakfast if wanted. : Rates $1.00 per day. Special terms by the week. Mrs. H. L. Grant. SMOKED country Meat Market sausage at Oaks b MOKED beef tongue at Oaks Meat Market.. SMOKED jowls at Oaks Meat Market SMOKED salmon at Oaks Meat Mar ket ;;; I . , JUST RECtlVED-Abig lot ot Ediaon Gold Moulded Records, including 24 new elections for February. Call early and mikke your selections. Win T. Hill, :l Middle street Phone 820. WANT to buy at once 20 old feathe I'cdi for cash, send sample down to 29 Mukll St. to Jones and Willis, Furni ture, Hay and Grain Dealers, New Hern, N.C TWO FURNISHED Rooms For RentS Two nice famished rooms for rent, one & south front room, heated by furnace, r.nd supplied with hot and cold water. A !y to No. 8, E. Front St YSTERS-Fraah opened everyday at me's, customers will please put in 't orders early in the day, so we can t them out la gd time. " I never n ahead so far as to have' to carry y over for another- day. Can be hod by Fbooe 7L J as, L. Heme, "i.klle street . Ivi' ?rV : FOR SALE-Dry split pine or ! wood either long or cut to stove V ."bone U Broaddui A im Co's . . A Civ-Several desirable, . well I rriu)tc from flfiOO op, and . ai.l Wt, also on storton Mid r.rt Horn of the ftuum art ".j new, and some aave Unas large Ma. A partial payment t yoti ia poas welon, and eauy i. ; v m on remainder. C. T. Ilan- I am now located on t niiwt between East Front i. in the F.Uwart 1-oiWingi.nd a uLUeoil in the Htfht rbwea j fr7red to fumih board , ii. who dfire trtrm-Tal-leaeTVlcS thbetthe i Cli, eomfirtaUe 4 room. Mr. A. 1). ! Uma at IWtn'i Market, Will Happen , Use 1 -Til in i illiiltluliilihr FcrSprdns,Bruises SorelluscIesXuls Burns Scalds A1A3 iakrsPricQtyJOfM Dr.E&rl S. Sloan Boston rjMU t DARK, DARK AS NIGHT No Ray of Light sr The Lease Qutttloa And Adjournment . Without Arguments ' ' Probable. - " The progress made in the case of Hill vs. A. & N. Co., yesterday was not very satisfactory. There were some facts developed, however, that showed, the impoverished condition wi der the lease. The stock it was shown varied in price from 35 to 53 per share and at one time not since the last lease, agitation it has been as low as G. Most of the day was taken up in die .iting exceptions and objections to the stenographer and in arguing the many technicalities that arose in the pro gress of the examination. About six witnesses were examined, the trend of whose evidence was to show the prea ent financial condition of the road. There is some doubt if there will be any arguments in this case today but at some future date within a month Judge Long will resume the hearing of the same and will render hjs decision at the same time. Samaritan Mass' Meeting. The eastern branch of the I. O of G. S, & D. of S. whose headquarters are at Washington, D. (J., held a mass meeting Wednesday night February 14, at the G. A. R. Hall, the purpose of the meeting was Jo hear the reports of the delegation that was sent to Raleigh N. C, to adjust matters between the Order and the insurance commission. The reports showed that the license tax had been paid and that all matters as to the Order in this State had been settled, and that not a single lodge had been lost and that xState Grand Lodge No. 2 is still alive, and stronger now than ever, over 100 members went home rejoicing. The speakers were Capt. I. Powell, W. P.; J. P. Stanley, Grand Secretary; Rev. F. C. Douglass, and W. H. Starkey, Deputies. Card of Thanks We wish to thank neighbors and friends who so kindly rendered such valuable assistance at the fire yester day morning. I wish especially to thank the firemen for their efficient service. MUS. ANNA DINKINS. A Perrr Lraf. Tlie U'atlirr of h Urge class In one ol the New York hcIiooI nee said to the pupils Uv were leavlug for the SOW mcr: "1 waul euch of you to search fot a perfect leaf ami bring it to me when school reopens. Remember, It must tx perfi-ct-fvery tooth right, not to speak of mold or blight or discoloration, un a vein brikcii." They searched faith fully, but none found a perfect leaf, though they learned a great deal abost Icavej while they examined them thai carefully .-New York Tunes. The Ilaaa Tata." Oue'a ourpriM at (he fact that nc two perotis' voices are perfectly aUki cease when one Is Informed by an an thorlty on ' the subject that tbongt there are only nine perfect tnoej In tat human, voice, there is the astound) m number of lWl,WfK,M different sooda. Of these fourteen direct mo cU prod ore 10333, and thirty lndl rectonttacles produce 173.T4L823, 'WhUt nil In co-operation produce the total given abpv," " , ' ,' '. Htrt fit Fid '. That cannot be impressed too Strong ly upon wstcb owner.' This is it A watch WM receive - the attention of otif repair department at least once year. - There may appear to be nothing par tlcularfy wrong with it, atill h cleaning and an overhtnllng at least once a year would lengthen the life of a watch Wonderfully.1 ' It b asking too much of watch to exprvt It to keop true to Its dutiea If it i hampered more and more by elowly accumulating dim and dirt llenwea tni taxes U - 0lK-al me- mnium to txc, and eertatnly sWt ns Umi life of walra. A , cleaning rill wrk arondrra. J. O, BAXTER, Th laillr g Jewe!r. - Send us your next proscription. You will 'Hnd it will bo filled jrlght, ihr prlco will bo u,nt,nnd it will bi do st Ivc red promptly. GIvp , jilt achauco to prov' it A f, .. 'Breois o( Zu'.trn ttsyih ";. s , Carolina Induitrlal Acidamy. .. The manual - labor division of the 'Eastern ..North Carolina Academy is making an excellent article in brooms. I A specimen of the -work was given the Journal yesterday and it has every ap ; pearance of being well , and strongly .'- made. r The broom corn is imported from Honolulu and ia a superior ma ' teriaL tj-M V 0" If A r-r, j The students are demonstrating first -rate mechanical and manual training as -1 well as proficiency . in learning. This new feature of broom making has al J ready proved iUelf a valuable adjunct -'' the academy and as time .goes on and they improve In making 'these brooms they will doubtless 'receive a.; large in- come. ' The up-to-date woman avoids caus tics, drugs and powders. They are ex tremely harmful to the r: skin, While Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes it soft and beautiful 1 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. - Sold by F. S. Duffy.'" ; Oeart of CrL Ball ; Mr. Clifford H. Ball, an old and re spected citizen of New Bern died iat half past three Friday ! morning at the age of 70 years. He was well known as a. carpenter in the city having worked at his' trade here for. many years. --i-i''r-:?rf':r;f:T:'-f The funeral services will be held at th Tabernacle church at half past ten this morning. Rev. J. J. Douglass will officiate. , a SHORT PASSING EVENTS. The public is notified that the fire alarm system will be tested at noon to day. There were sales on the local cotton market yesterday at 10.50. The regular Saturday market will t3 conducted today at Ryman's cafe by rthe ladies of the Woman's Home Mis sionary Society. Those who bought ar ticles will please return the plates at Ryman's this morning. - Don't forget the sale at Mrs, Frank Hughes home this morning. Every body come and buy the nicest eatables any one could wish. - Vitriolized brick for sidewalks is be coming more popular all the time and investigation into its merits seem to be in its favor. Brick sidewalks have been put down in front of several bus iness houses and we bear that other property owners are contemplating the same improvements. It is something that should interest alL The friends of Rev. S. H. Bradshaw will be delighted to learn of the great improvement of his young son Francis, who, it will be remembered, has been terribly afflicted fork longtime. The little boy la now able to walk entirely without the aid of his crutch, or cane in the house; while out doors he only uses a cane. Mr. Monroe Howell, of Boon ton, N. J., whose family is occupying the Bur rut bouse waa called to New York this morning by a telegram announcing the Midden death of J. H. PauL one of the managers of the Berkshire Ice Co., in which Mr. Howell is Interested. ' Those who have not. secured their eat for' the- Deeatrict Skule. which will be aeea at the opera house Monday sight' should do so at once, at the seats are going very fast The program win bo published ia Sundny's JonmaL ' Encampmtnt ' 6round at r Horibitd Adjutant General T. B.'Bobartoo, General W. R. McGehee, of the Engf oeering Corps and Inapector General T. it Bain of the North Carolina National Guard were la Morehead yesterday to lay off the permanent grounds for the the Sute Encampmont ' TVy will also locate tEr permanent buildings to be erected and also the rifle range so that they may be put ia order for the next encampment Work win begin at once oa these buildings and grounds, . ' rrtsbytiflan Kiurch Rotti : - Invitations have been auoad by the seasion U ail the pastors and chorchea of the city to attend the installation Mt rices en next Tuesday night at the PresbyteriM ehurth. The g eneral pub Ik la tavlted. : t. 1 - . Everyone Is welcoma la the eervicea oa Sabbath. ;' A church sociable will be held at the Sunday School room on Wednesday j sight February 21, at which a recep tion will be liven the viatting Preaby 1 Uriaa minuter who will be preaant st the InaUlUtfcm. Light rvfreah meats 111 be served. ' 0 2! 01! uCC cq'iilly v,r rrny be t! 1 v.ith UAh' r'C. O then ptoj-cily cx CI ( What is Drcmonia ? j '.. (Bromczone) - ... : , Bromonia is a product as near it capable of curing the majority of diseases as it is possible for Mod ern Science to produce. The use of Bromonia makes pure blood. Bromonia ia not a miracb but simply the result of the scientific investigation . ot. the greatest chemists f the present century. At the first symptoms of fatigue headache, or backache, which are often the forerunners of disease, send, for your physician if you will, but, if you take Bromonia; you may find that by the time he has answered your call, that the symptoms have disappeared. ' ; ; Use -i Bromonia as directed. Live a temperate life. If you be-' come ill while so doing, we -will pay any reasonable doctor's bill, on demand and proof of illness. ' ,We don't want you to invest a: cent, - however, until we have bought the first bottle for you. Fill in the coupon under this ad Yertisement , and mail it to us taking care t o write your name and address plainly, and we will Tsend you without any cost to yott whatever a full size .package to try. - No matter what - vour trouble is, write' to us; Cones pondence confidential. X Address BROMONIA CO., New York. givehia personal guarantee that you will receive an order on -your nearest druggist for a free bottle if yon . send us coupon. Be sure to write your name and address plainly. "FREE BROMONIA COUPON .' Name ..... ..........;.. City. State........;....... My nearest dealer is at.'v-'.5 My disease is . . , . . 'S , U . . , , " If you think you need Bromonia at once, or if you have already used it, it is had at all fin class druggists. 25 and 60 eta the bottle.- - -: Special sale by F. S. Duffy, E elusive Wholesale Agent for New Bern and vicinity. Dealera elsewhere desiriro- Bgency apply to jno. JB. Scott Co.. Charlotte. N. C. THEY COME AND GO. Mrs. Gertrude Dill Webb of More- head City was a visitor here yester day. Ex-Sheriff J. II. Bell of PollocksviHe was in the city yesterday. Mr. M. L. Hollowell went to New York last night Mr. T. J. Turner returned from a business trip to High Point last night "Mr. T. W. Waters returned yester day from Goldsboro. Mr. C W. Stewart, representing the World's Dispensary Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., was in the city yester day. Many men give lavishly of gold. To build bridges and castles and towers of old; If you want everlasting fame, a bene factor be, Give the poor needy Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale by P. S. Doffy. Married In The Topsail Church William B. Simmons and Miss Hester E. Howard, both of Hampetead, Pen der county, N. C. The attendants were Mr. Dan Howard and Mias Annie Gar raaon, Mr. Richard Mallard and; Mlas Julia Barlow, Mr. Otis Henderson and Miss Katie Bandera. ' The church was decorated. . Mrs. Eugene V. King pr- aided at the organ, Rev. 8. B, Ialer officiated.- AfUr the ceremony an ele gant supper was served at the home of the bride. The parties are popular. The event was heartily enjoyed by the community. .. k -, : .. .- r; Wo pride oumlvea oni three t h 1 n g a : promptness, purity of goods, and; accuracx we endeavoi to give perfect satisfaction In every way. When ia need of dru-r t toro goods o! any; kind, you will find this a moji eatlsfactory- place a t which to trade. Every thing doliverod prompily. Phone 103. Warren's Drug Btorc, 0pp. PostOfllco. Oak and Pine Wood. -. Pry (sk ami pine ! mIU siovb.r,gih st KLLI3 COAL AND WfXJD YAF.T, Unlcn t i. cyc3? if f,-t, ,lv- r, IJ iv ;c ccri "J. t a.,., Hudnut 8 Cold Cream. , . -,;- . '; c-.;.--. ;,'..r5- ;'MUk pf Cucumbers and Ornsi'iv ' v-;." X Concrete Tincture of BenzouL ST- All excellent prepafationVor- Preserving and butifying .the; skin;5 T0h sale only at DAVIS' . PHARMACY. the same ratio in increase of, business as January 'did, if values will attract the trade. Come to see our offerings if for rio other reason than to post yourself as to the latest style arid lowest prices. &v--52' '- Snow White Bed Spreads, the $1 50 kind.. Come quick before sold out 98c sach. ;:- , J ;.; Apron Gingham 'v2,000 yards, the 7c"quality this week, only 5c per yard. . M'i'.f Shoes f Suet received, Spring fine of Barry Shoe in-Vici ; JCid, Gup Metal, Calf, and Patent Leather in different shapes 75 MiCde m Great Clean 4 pr.nnT i Goods Throughout the Big Stock. Fine tick Broom Free See big hand bill lor prices and come early in the morning as possible as thu largest crowds come 'in the afternoon. krfoot 1 v mm LuU Received signs for Spring jn the : Famous A. Colors Absolutely Fast. - ft. im i. ; n It' L., rr 1?- : f and widths at $3.60 and $4.00. All winter Clothing at half price. 200 pair good Ladies $2.00 Shoes fo $1.2ra pair. 1,500 yards Dress Goods of all sorts in Remnants from 2 to 5 yards to be sold less than half price. Underwear. Mens and Ladies heavy fleeced lined Underwear, the 65c quality this week for 40c each. Street. BROTHERS Sweep Sale. nm 7. to Every Customer Buying Brothers. I la New s E G. Gingham !c!:":l Cra i 03 ::.::t Li v 0 Look ouf f or Are you Prepared for it? .a a,, We are selling winter goods at reduced prices and now is your time to buy. All Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Trous ers at greatly reduced prices. 'Twill pay you to buy now. J. G. DUNN & CO., 66-57 Pollock St. Phone 212 J L. HARTSFIELD ( OIltraelAr itlld If uildor. OFHCk 93 1-2 MIDDLE ST. mm 238 After having so much trouble to get Tin wor'- done w lion I wanted it and like I wanted it done have purchased the Tin Business of L. II. Cannon. Hav opened a First Class Tin shop No. 90 Middle Street, npxt to dnskins Cycl Store, where I have competent and experienced men to do m work, I will run this business in conjunction with my CONTRACTING and lUJIUMNi;. Any work sent me will receive PROMPT ATTENTION, mid will be DE LIVERED when PROMISED. I havean EXPERIENCED SLATER. ALL KINDS OF STOVE WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Ofllce Phone 129, Pejidence 185. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Heath and Milligan Paints. Ellwood Wire Fence, Paroid Roofing: Full line of Builders Hardware. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Uo Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. New line of Go-Carts. We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you co call on us. JOHN B. Phone 257 93 Middle Photo Portrait? Latest Styles at f oota's Wit, 92 "at . fl! fl a 2i no w l INSURANCE PAYS. ' Wrea !w have the cnlafortone te Iom w rrwU by firs or damage by water 4 have bo resnmeraUoa rod will atrtp Vi eor.aktar the bmaflls ol immrsnc l ire may occur at any lime. It ia to row Interest to Inura , . too. New Line ' . 'Biick Cigars Jost Received Fluo Hnt Smoking Tobaccos; ; fmokcra Comforts For Users of Tobacco Crescent Tobacco Company. VV, D. Hnrrinlon ISP G N Cold Weather Phone 147 IVES. StroL J. L Oil I (0., North Car ohn L'.adinjr Florists. Raaeii, Carnaliorm ami Vi il.-in a npar Ulty. All Plow cm in upaaon. Wetid'ns H'1111'K-t.ii umi l lnnl Ii.-n.ra liorui at abort nniirp. Palms, Fern and Winter h'lowrring Plnnta In Rcal variety. Rneabuhet, Kh uhlx-ry, P.vrrgrnont. Holice Plnnta, ami Shailp Tro in best leading variptipa Mail, Telephone ami T-lTfr)h ir dert promptly eawuUYt, by J. k O'QUINN A CO . lUlfigh. N. C - All rbotioa U9. Wood i Scttt. Second Crop Seed Potatoes . . . " ft urtW Ifl piaaUrrf Ua elW 6ad FoUtaxw, ,WU htt ea4 mnrt anlfona erop. a4 are la bJrH favor arlUi tnxaara and yoUto trmata brwar ptaatwi. Onf ttocls t4 wjxeVir ' oailly, nlfnm la alt, sn4 aat ot la fulMaie Urraia. ' Write for fV, t4 WWt TOO 4 Be4. airtn fuU iM nlrtlnc lnf.jrBUoa atmvt f4 Potatoa. , T,Vf.Y,'::iS,S::.J,S::i:r:3, ' I HZ, it, . tlllillt,' "V l k 4 ) H t.a ' k. H .... --, ,..-.., ! c; urrKaa 1-t .;. (' Co. V.'i'.rr' n'r. Drr;: l.i'.i ,

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