: v"CTri-.-..4.iir...- 4 a " KK VOL XXIIl-NO. 279. ; NEW. BERN. N C. ERIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 23, 1906 TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR tf, r, At HACKBURNS STORES, be you trade you will pleased. TryIf Not as we say -then quit. a Next Time You go to ERVISr be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato Ketsup. And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Monumental is the brand. TL. HE Ervin, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ' No. SI South Kront St. Phone 168 Furniture and Household Goods. We desire to call your at tention to our complete line of Furniture. Our stock is bein increased daily by the best go:)'ls on the market. GoCarts. We have baby ei:t; : prices which approval a n 'V n all : VJil lot 'yles c -t with of at J. S. MILLER New H'-in N C Coal! Coal I Full ::upp!y of the best quality 1 laid Coal m Broken, EEC- tov:- ;!n'' Chestnut sizes. Also the Cell brated Poca hontas Strain and Domestic lump. All orders given prompt and pcrsoail attention. Phone M Office and Yard No 16 Craven Street. We pride ourselves on three things : promptness, purity of goods, and accuracy. We endeavor to give perfect satisfaction in every way. When in need of drug Ptoro goods of any kind, you will find this a most satisfactory place at which to trade. Every thing delivered promptly. Phone 183. Warren's Drug Store, Opp. Post Office. j. mTregister Porch Columns, Rails, Bal usters, Spindles, Stair Rail Balusters, Grills, Plinth and Corner Blocks, Sash and Doors. Frames for Wood and Brick Buildings, Mouldings, Mantles. Brackets. Fn-tory Church r Hollister & Cox Lumsden & Stlth ISSGIUNCK AOKNCY. fltwmtt I .In of fr lner&re Con hi. AH Baai-tew promptly UeniW U Student Voluntitf Movement For Foreign Million., Nnhville. Tenn., Feby 28ih KUrch 4th, 1006. On arcount of th eboYP occasion the Southern Railway will at II on Keh. 2fi 27, and th. wllh final limit March l"h round trip tkket to rahrilfo. Twin at rate of on flrat cuuw frp pkia 28 cnU for the round trip. Th follow ing round trip rat will apply from pntnt namd : Chariot t 16.an SalUbory IS 30 Oreenarwmi Ifl fin W melon-H lorn 18 20 Durham 17 76 RaWh 17 75 OoMcboro 17 75 Oxford 17 75 For Dm acommorlatinn of 6elM Norths Carolina Congressman Denies Every Charge. Suffered Severely With Eczema All Over -Body Examined 15 Times by Government Board Who Said There Was No Cure-An Old Soldier Completely Cured. A THOUSAND THANKS TO CUTICURA REMEDIES "For over thirty-five years I was a severe sufferer from eczema. The erup tion was not confined to any one place. It was all 'Over my body, limbs, and even on my head. I am sixty years old and an old soldier, and have been examined by the Government Board over fifteen times, and they said there was no cure for me. I have taken all kinds of medicine and have spent large sums pf money for doctors, without avail. A short time ago I decided to try the Cuticura Remedies, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap, two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, and two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, two treatments in all, I am now well and completely cured. A thousand thanks to Cuticura. I cannot speak too highly of the Cuticura Remedies. John T. Roach, Richmondale, Rosa Co., Ohio, July 17, 1905." 100,000 MOTHERS Dally Tell Other Mothers That Cuticura Soap ia the beat baby soap in the world for cleansing and purifying the skin, and that Cuticura Ointment is of priceless value for soothing and healing itching, tortur ing, and disfiguring eruptions. A single application of Cuticura Ointment, pre ceded by a warm bath with Cuticura Soap, gives instant relief , and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired mothers. Bathe the af fected parts with hot water and Cuti cura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle ; dry without hard rub bing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itehing and Inflamma tion, and soothe and heal. Cattrnrm Soap, Olnl mfrnt, and lllli lto Hold thftmffbool the world. Poltrr Drug k I :hm. Cf., Hole ProtM Bottom " uow to wire luituriag minora." rMillali'na," BARELY ESCAPED DEATH Delivery Boy for Coatt Line Market Hat Narro Etcipe. Master Hor a.-d Simpson, the delivery boy for the o.ist Line Market came near climbing the golden stairs by the aid of an A. & N. C. locomotive last ever.in . As the mail train ap proached l.road street, going South, the boy wont down the street from the vicinity f the market, the boy sto ped for an instant on the near side of the railroad track, and then crossed the track ri;ht in front of the train. The cart had not passed quite far enough alont; to escape the tender, which punhe 1 it along sideways on the ground for three or four inches, but not dam aging it at all. The boy frightened almost to death, loi ed to the ground and ran to the mule's head and tried to lead the ani mal away but is is aaid that the beast umed its prerogative and balked, aftor aome persuation it moved on, pro'j.ibly not aware of its close call. Th? incident is one more instance of the greU propriety in having gates at this troi!ingg. Ia it necessary for some one to bo killed before these afi guards are instituted 7 or may we look for them In tho near future? True.the boy mty have been care lota but there may come a time when carelesancs can not be charged except on the part of the railroad itself. For the sake of protecting itself against expensive litigation the gates ought to I ti tabliahrd. Country Must Hive Navy or Letva Pacific. Democrats Hopeful Over Carrying Fall Election. Pur Food BUI Carried By targe Majority. Washington, Feby 21. Representa tive Blackburn tonight authorized a de nial in two of the charges contained in the indictments returned against him today at Asheville, N. C, alleging that he practiced before the Treasury De partment and received fees for such services in violation of law. Mr Black burn declared that he has not commit ted any offense. He declined to answer specifically the charges tonight but will make a statement tomorrow Chairman Hull, of them;litary affairs committee in presenting the Frnr appropriation bill to the House today, rged the necessity of complete pif paredness as to our army and navy fo. trouble in the Orient. He declared tha: any nation not prepared to defend it position in China might as well h:iu down its flag and quit the Pacific. Democrats of the House have not ii years been so hopeful of carrying th country as they are now of bein aid. return a majority to the House a the result of the elections this f; I . Closest students of the latest availaUI data have been taking much comfot, out of the figures of the last elections, to say nothing of the lack of the old tirne clan and cohesion of the majority n both branches of Congress. After 15 years of more or less serious onsideration of the subject, the Senate today passed a pure food bill, by the decisive vott of 63 to 4. The voto was ikenaf;e-a day devoted almost ex- lusively to debate of a desultory char acter on the measure. Several effort were made to amend the bill and the committee accepted a number of sug gestions, but only those thus accepter1 were incorporated in the bill as passed. rhc bill makes it a misdemeanor to manufacture or sell adulterated or mis branded foods, drugs, medicines or liq uors in the District of Columbia, the rerritories and the insular possession;; of the United States, and prohibits the the shipment of goods from one State to another or to a foreign country. It also prohibits the receipt of such goods. Punishment by a fine $500 or by im pnsonment for one year, or botli, is prescribed. Faulty Digestion. Cut Pkytlcal end Mealal Breekfewa. F. I. Dally Ovaraale Ml-e-aa WIN llrtsflsea Steeitck. r people realiae tho InlimaU rela tion between th mind and tho stomach Worry and exeeaalve merit) work ro ut on lh dlgntW aretem, whllo on th other hand tho freateet caua of nere and brain Impoferlahment M a weak or faulty digestion. Just aa mod aa you find that your food to not properly dijrested, that Joe tMta it fter eat Inf. that tha tonga la furred, tho breath hoary, the pp tit poof, Um head occasionally dull and arblnf, begta tha Be of Ml-O-M. It ia guaranteed euro, for ail dia- caaea of tha itomacs, excepting cancer, It lo not 1 MtenC anadlclne, and its attending Oil maetlng from pointa m formula k fumUbod to physician, North Carolina acj Virginia H ha been drojnrU, and all taUMigent tmrvU arfanT4 to operate Utraogli FnUmaa 1 who na oVslro it, , KV-a-na differ car and day tomchtt Mart; IWliabar, from any otW rrrn4 oa Um anarlet, N. C at 160 p. fa., Fob. HUt, arrirlrr ia IU kaUnf affarU and In tha at HaahtilU at 11 aoot), Um fotkrw RiafiMr l whkh It fa aold, that la, fatf day. TVaaa dwrirtng PuHmaa fDaranta that tt Will ot aoihlng vn- eoan.nodatlona pie notify lea It trim. B. U VERNON, T. P. A.. I Aak r. F. Daffy, to show mm U CWWtU,N, C faartAtaawtkabo) iHvat wiJi ovrr; f4errt tot ti Vr-a-aa. VMk yflmltiltin -e.i ti 1 A" WHAT IS CATARRH f. 8. Duffy Guarantee a Cure by Hyomei Will Refund the Money. Until very recent years, it was thought that catarrh was a disease of tho blood, but now modern science has proved that catarrh ia a germ disease, and can be cured only by a treatment that will kill the germ and heal tho mucous membrane or uie nose and throat Therefore, when you Iiave catarrh, you can readily aoe that if you want to cure it, you thould usa Hyomei, which medicates the air you breathe, thus killing the catarrhal germ and healing the emartlng and raw membrane of the passage through the noee and throat The complete Hyomei outfit consist ing of an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomei, and a medicine dropper, coat only $1, whil extra bottle can be obtained for 50 cent. F. 8. Duffy has ao'.d a great many Hyomei outfits, and the more he sella. the more convinced he ia that he ia per fectly aaf In guaranteeing to refund the money If Hyomei doe not cure Arrangements for the N. C. Bankers Association. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Feb. 22-Thc executive com mutes of the N. C. Bankers Association held two sessions here planning for the next regular meeting. They choose Toxaway as the place and June 19, 20 nd 21 as the dates for the meeting. The comm'ttee we s dined by Raleigh Clearing House. Two members, F. H. Fries, of Winston-Salem and W. H. Wood of Charlotte were absent because of illness. A Small Blaze A spark from a passing steamboat set fire to a shed at the Broaddus & Ives mill yesterday morning shortly af ter nine o'c'ock and started a blaze. rhe fire department was called out but ho employees had extinguished it be fore wagons got there. Had the fire gained a headway, the strong north wi.id blowing at the time would have caused a terrible destruction by the flames. It was indeed a fortunate deliverance. The damage was small. Card of Thanks We desire to thank the New Bern Fire Department and others who as- -iisied in extinguishing the fire at our mill today. SKOADDUS & IVES LUMBER CO. Harlowe And N. Harlowe. February 22. Mr. A. J. Barbour was called to Hyde county, by the sickness of his wife at that place on last Sunday. Mesdames John S. and J. A. Morton spent a day in Beaufort last week vis iting Mrs. Mann Morton. Mr. Walter Mallison of New Bern, was here to see our merchants Tues Jay. Mr. Cora L Hinson of Beaufort, has been spending a few days in our vil lage. Mr. Joshua Adams is at Bachelor, building a residence for Mr MDufT Taylor. Mr. J. Harry Davis of Beavfort. is spending a few days at his old home, and is Btopping with Mrs. A. F. Bell Mr. Wm. F. Becton spent Sunday at Bachelor, visiting friends. Mr. J as. B. Hancock is our happiest neighbor; suppose his name will be J as B. Jr. Mr. Holton spent a night in our berg this week; he was on a collecting tour for Mr. J. A. Jones of New Bern. Mr. Charles Rice, accompanied by two of Pamlico's fair daughters, came over from Arapahoe last week. We understand that when they returned one of the young ladies was Mrs. Chas. Rice. Jas. K. Hell, Esq., is in New Bern business today. Loco. February 21. Several of our people attended the burial of Mr. Lewis Henderaon, Mon day afternoon. W extend our heart flt sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mr. E. J. Hlggino and son Master La land v Lai led relative nra PoBotkaTill Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Fumey Collins and UtUe daughter Gladys and Dunni Lee pant Sunday with Um family of Mr. RoUie t ollina. Ml Ola Humphrey apent a frw daya with bar aiataeMra. Barbae thia week. 8lnea wo ara havlntr a few day of pretty weather sow Um farmer are bustling with tbair work, trylif to mako up for teat Uma, Juan I La. Butter Brown The stae of late years has given successful realization of many cnarac- tcrs first made famous in the funny pug h of our KruLt dailies, but of all ttifin, n mo nun romc forward with so strong a hold on universal fancies aa BuaU-r Brown, which will be aecn at New Masonic Opera House on Thurs day March 1, directly from a highly aucccsaful, sensational eeaaon of one hundred nights at the Majestic Theatre in New York City, and two hundred nights in Chicago. There are many rcaaon why Muster hould be taken to the general heart, but two are moat potent; 'these are hia absolute and convincing reality and his youth. The child appeal to all; chil dren eympathixe with him and their eider love him. Melville B. Raymond, hi clever and enterprising Wnager was quick to Huater'e dramatic possibilities and aocure from hi cre ator th sole right of representation -then ha built a atory on Buster' prank and put thla li a haruUom eetting, il lustrated with a chorua of oxquiaitaly beautiful (Irak, gowned in the latest and most sumptuous atylea. Musical feature were supplied and large aumi of cold cah were Inveated In what haa inre been acknowledged to be the world' greatest cartoon comedy. Only teermd to Importance to Buater la th t wight f f the who hv come to know him so wall, la Tlg, hi dog -he haa not been forgotten. The Sweetmeats of Literature To the greybeards of America, and to their gentle companions with silvery hairj to the people of middle age, and to those who have passed beyond early yooth-to you all First number came out on the 10th of February THE 500,000 copies, and all sold out. Second edition now on the press will bring back to your mind and heart the delight that a piece of mother's pie would 'bring to your palate a b:g, ,u,cy piece that used to taste so good, so unspeakably good, in tlir hungry play days of youth. RnrS Swectmeats ,f Literature old familiar friends, coming back to you in THE SCRAP CUUfv poems, anecaotes, declamations, humorous stories and humorous bits; pathetic stones too, hali-torgottcn hymns, lost facts, quaint and curious things, absorbing incidents, jokes, satires, and stones that once set your youthful fancies ablaze and opened up the big world to your vision all these and a thousand things more are in THE SCRAP BOOK. It is such a treasure-house of new things, and of old things collected from the archives of the century, as has never before been gathered together or even dreamed of. THE SCRAP BOOK is the hit of the century in magazine making. On All News Stands or from the Publisher. 10 Cents a Copy by the Year $1.00. FRANK A. MUINSEY, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York THEY COME AND GO. Miss Carrie Cannon returned from Beaufort yesterday. Mrs. J. L. Khem returned yesterday from a visit with friends at Ounn, N. C. Mr. H. W. Horton of North Wilkes boro, N. C. , was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. W. Biddle returned yesterday from Baltimore. Mr. W. S. Chadwick went to Itemi fort yesterday for a week's vioit. Mr. Ernest M. Green re'u ih! y -iwr day from Raleigh and other points. Messrs. ThoB. Williams and Meadows are horn" for a short tion. TTTTTTTTTf??TyTyyTTirTTTvtffyT??wwwTTTTTvTVTTT id !: Mr. night river. R. W. from a Warren hunting re'urned last trip up Neuse Mrs. B. 11. Davenport and Mrn. W. G. Lynn have returned from Wilming ton, N. C, where they were attending the YateR-Mills wedding. Mr. J. R. B. C.arraway ent tl in Morehead City yesterday. Mrs. J. M. Spencer night from Kinnton where to attend a funeral. lay returned lust he had heen t e Buy in the Cheapest Market. Why buy an old and out of date article. When you can get a New one and something that is in every day use for less. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Munger went to I.yncr.burg last night to vnn th'ir daughter, Miss Msud. who im a Mudent at Randolph Macon College. 'l in y uill continue their travel through the xmlli and expect to visit Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse an I two daughters of Boonton, N. J., nre guet;t- at the Tatterson house. J New Tyrn Ovtr Collars at 10 and 15c Cults aid Collars it 25c the Set. M Mitchell & Co., PHONE 28?. : 61 Follofk M., Opp. Episcopal Church tAAAAiiiAAAAUilUAAiAlAt.tliiiaaaAi4it.iiMiAAiiAi Died Morehead City COaater. Atjhcrhome at K.x, Mm. Annie ( iood win panted away January .'ilith, l'M She waa born November fth, IK.')!), mak ing her tay on earth "ii years, 2 months and 24 daya. She waa the daughter of John L). and Mary Ianiel. She w:,s married to Wallace ()win May l?th, 1879, by Kkier John It. Bowe. She was a consistent member of the Primitive Raptiat church. Sh joinw' the rhurrh in May, IR91, and waa baptited at (V dar Island by Elder E. E I.undy. She waa a kind and benevolent neiehlvir She leave a huaband, six sons, thre daughter, three grand children, five brothers, one aiaterand a host of friends to mourn their loaa. AaWp in Jesus, far from lhe Their kindled and their grave may lie. Rut there la atill a hlrwuxl slwp From which non ever wk ti weep. HMl KHI EM i o beam ,0TOnZA. ilalUalTl ie)A-mml Bend us your nozt prescription. You will find it will bo filled rights the price will bo right, and it will bo de livered promptly. Oivr ui achanco to prove it Warren's Drur: Dtorc, Tha Mtdlcy Monday night an ontorUinment will be given at the Parish House undor the aoapke of tha Rertnr'a Ah) Society It Will eonartat of a la'irhabl panlomim The AavU Chorus, atnl wal otM, fed Violin tolo by Miaa Jie Wyatt, which k needleae to say will h worth eti trance fee, m Mat Wyauhaa provl heraelf moeiciail of rare ar ompliah saenta. Th proceede from lhi enter Utnment will be ael to help cernpMa the rarfoh , and it la hd ii U be liberally ptrnid bj the public. Ticket are en mI. Adult a NEW ARRIVALS. We L'twns have just received a new md Orrandit". and a new I-iwns, India Lmer.s, etc. Also a 1 broidered Shirt Waist Patterns, Lice Turn Over Collars. Ladies Patent I dais. Oxfords and Shoes :n Styles We invite you to call and see th me of Colored lot of White )y lot of Em- Lollars ana .rather San- the Newest JSpnng I 7 BAXTER eeeeeeeeei IHHIMIHK Allele Vtolmtio of Ritmm Liwi Upon complaint of L Kflpatrkk, Deputy CoIWU of loUrna) Rerenoe, C H. Willi, whito, UtIiht at Vi boro. wm on Febrsarj 18 charred wit Mflmf p(r1toM liquor without h In a; paid Um tperial gaeerwixiit Ut requited by aeeUow d rrlw4 tat-.- - .- Willi wm brwwnt m Hew LW Vf ttyMarah! Ward i token W- tt,u; thUdre 0. rr u. d. Ammmmr iuu lot pre U mi nary tnaminaUoav, After hiring th rMmr he wm jod(d m preh bit riilly n4 rwjuirsd U furo'vsJi a isUfied bond ef 2r for ippearane 133 MkidW f tree, Mil to Kaffr'i for trial it th test ten) of the Uni" Bakery, wfU hare aaethef BAHQklh Ud Bute enort, kWa he . , DAT, fUtordey Ue 14th, Th lanr . i Pal pUee of Opal China Ck OAnTOJtlA. i nt, Urf few Crm IltrWa 11 Hairot-itJ ,n4 ttht I l1i prV rtkkt win be r(-. sy '"zz, .. ; rvi kt i v a nrrr. f tip sri Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc.'1 Lircst stock of Mittings in the city Hoyall and 'Jorden Felt Mattresses New line of Go-Carts We are still offering some bargain ; and it will pay you (o call on ua. JOHN B. IVES. P ror SS7 Msills Strst M Hew Racket Store Photo Portraits v , Latest Sfyles r. 92 East ItotaVSiio,9 Front c . we ta. a rreW.j uea . 4 . s- - .rt f r irn t vi PAraAi: ialh.

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