Afcgefable CrepatationforAs iwg theStoinactBMdBws of: Promotes Digcslion.Cheerful- ness ana Kest.coniains neither Onujm,Morjhine norliueraL IvotXarcotic. VsssfcadW tim&d&mf vnpHvrwM eawwaarir Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- iiun auur siumacn.Liiaimoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. l,TLmfT EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 5, 1905 118 Daily P M I 130 Daily 108 Daily. AM 112 Daily. E istsr.i Lv P M AM l ir f 1 30 1 47 1 53 2 Ofi 2 11 2 17 1 27 7 20 0 , GRKENSbORO f I 4(1 f 7 3.1 Si McLean 1 S 1 5S, 2 08 2 1.1' 2 18 7 48 7 5:! 8 0.r 1 Gibsonville Elon College Burlington Graham Haw River Mebane Efland Hillnboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM East Durham Braaafield 171 21 8 10 8 ir, 23 26 2 )! 8 27 2 33 2 45 2 58 3 12 32 2 4i f 8 ;w, 371 2 Ml 3 2rl 3 8 4' 41 9 00 y 20 i) 30 46 55 57 61 40 7 15 f 3 43 f i) 37 f 4 1 7 301 3 58 4 10. 9 51 ej 731 81 Morriavilie :. GARY I RALEIGH Garner Auburn Clayton Wilson's Mills , SELMA Pine Level Princeton Roao 7 42 8 05 10 02 4 36i 10 30 5 1! 1 52 flO 4 - 87 4 58 flO 51 f 5 5 ll! U 02 5 5 25!ni 18 f fi 5 431 11 30 fi 5 50l 11 3(i f.G 35 fi 05 1 1 4S f 6 4G G 21 f 12 03 ffi 40 12 2o 7 15 M I PM i AM GOLDSBORO Ar. M This condensed schedule is published as information and is subject to change without notice to the pubi c. Traina Nos, 112 and 108 connect at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trainsfor Morehead City and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connect at Greensboro wit.h train No. 33 for Charlotte, Colum bia and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid P illti in train, drawing-room sleepers New York to New Orloan.-t and Memphis, an-i io. Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stalions. Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and Richmond, where cloae connection is made 'with Washington Southern Railway for Washington and Eastern cities. Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond; University Station for Chapel Hill daily except Sunday; at Greensboro with train No. 3ii for W ih nirton and points North, close connection for laston Calem, High Pom' nbury, Charlotte and intermediate stations. Train No. 135 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Colombia and Jacksonville; No. 35 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; Nos. 84 and 38 for Wanhingtsn and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. S H Hardwu k, P. T. M. W. II. Taylor, G. P. A. H. B, Spencbr, G, M Washington, D. C. R L. Vkiinon, T. P. A, T. E. Gbkkn. C. T. A.'ottc, N. C Raleigh, N. C. J. M. ARNOLD, ) ivuy. Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables. Lar,ft tn I 1 Heat Stock of Horses and Mula ever offered In New Bern. i loud of aic i jut received. Complete lias of Bugg-iee, Wagons, Harneaa, RnW, Vi hips ami I art Wheels. J M. ARNOLD; lUhr. s Old Stable. Middle Street LtvoryFeod, Hal and Exchange - - I irgost and tr atnek of Jfor and Wuls offpt fnr U U Krw Brn A ' of fh j 4 i, Al r)TPt let lirs c.f flrgi, i . liamsn, UnU. Whi;, (art V. hU, I Xe. ' IE S Tor Infanta and Children. 1 The rl(ind4You Have Always Bears Signaturo of In Use For Over Thirty Years 107 135 111 117 Daily, Daily. Daily. Dailv. AM PM AM I 5 35 AM 11 59 fll 40 11 27 11 22 6 35 f 6 15 6 00 f 5 17 5 05 5 55 5 46 5 39 5 33 5 22 f 5 10 6 00 4 47 4 40 4 30 4 17 f 4 02 3 47 11 14 11 07 11 01 10 50 flO 38 10 28 10 16 5 01 4 49 4 30 4 18 f 4 10 f 3 58 3 49 3 30 3 30 8 00 2 48 f 2 36 10 00 9 20 9 07 9 44 f 9 37 9 13 9 05 8 45 f 8 42 f 8 22 2 15 2 05 1 40 11 45 8 12 7 50 8 26 8 20 8 08 7 55 f 3 12! f 3 06 2 55 11 81 11 23 11 08 10 50 f 2 40 7 451 2 25 2 12 10 38 7 flO 25 7 26 7 14 7 00 2 01 no 10 f 1 49 f 9 55 1 85 PM 9 401 Lv. AM PM AM Successor to M. Hahn & Co. BHiES the .t IF - PRIZED HAIR ROPES. . . Thsss Tm4 kr Dai-laer Ears Gath An irtah pa pet not long sine offend flSO for a genuine St. -KndeUL hair rope, uch m Is used by egg g&th trert. On the lonely Island of Bt KD da. the" most appropriate-' present .a young, woman can give to her flanee la a rope made of horsehair, or,, tetter itlH of hnman hair. Hie rock ecaJera of this Island consider tbemselTce -ricfc above mention if their brides' an aula to niake them, audi gifts, f The ropes are of various lengths, a good one be ing forty or fifty feet tontiW! According to a woman 'traveler who baa spent mnch time at St Kuda thaJ ordinary rope consists of a stout hemp, en cord wrapped round and round with sheep's wool, then with horsehair and finally oil the outside with human hair. It is the work of years to manufaaM ture such ropes and the maiden of St Klida begins very early In her child hood to save her hair combings and also to dry and bleach certain rough grasses that grow on the wind swept Island. - The fibers make the cable stronger,. and the elastic quality of the hair prevents chafing against the rude cliffs during the rock scalers descent A curiosity collector wanted to buy one of these ropes, which are used by the St Kllda egg gatherers. He of fered $100, but the amount was re fused scornfully. THE ESKIMO SMOKER. He Dearly Lovea Tobacco and Not rtlte of It I Wasted. "No man is fonder of tobacco than an Eskimo," said an arctic traveler. "The Eskimo depends for his tobacco solely on the white man. For a pound of It he would sell his oldest son. "It In odd to see an Eskimo smoke. He cbop3 his tobacco flue and mixes it with chopped willow twigs so as to make it go further. Then be cleans out with a picker of bone the small stone bowl of his pipe, and then he plucks a lock of hair from his deerskin suit and rams it down in the bottom of the pipe bowl so as to prevent any of the finely chopped tobacco from escaping Into thf stem. - "Finally he lights the pipe and smokes It In a swift series of long, strong puffs so that there may be no waste. Each puff Is Inhaled deep down Into the lungs, nnd the first puff's smoke Is sttl1 streaming from the nostrils long aftei another pnff has been started. There mu3t be, you see. no waste. There must be noue of that vain combustion of tobacco without benefit to the smok er which goes on continually among ui "Often the most experienced Eskimo will smoke so hard and fast that tean will stream from his eyes, he will cough violently, aud sometimes vertigo and nausea will seize him." New York Press. Animals Tlial Are Always Enemies. Many auluials are born with an In herent antipathy for other animals. The excessive fear shown by young rabbits which fnr the first time smell s ferret and of young turkeys which hear the shrl 1 cry of a hawk they nave never iicuru or seen before, are proved exn n.ilos of the strength of these Initiative antipathies. But the case of the weasel and rat Is, perhaps. more to be noticed because of the great er equall y of the antagonists. The feud Is k bitter that a meeting be tween ll-eiii almost certainty means death tn onf or both. Friendships are not uncommon between the cat and dog nnd have been known between a dog null wolf, but tbo mutual attitude of tl.e wersel and rat is Invariably war wnr that l waged to the death. The Word "!." "Nngget" was formerly used to sig nify n bit or lump of anything, as a "nugget of tobacco." Nowadays, bow over. It Is ucd principally of gold la It come i from the mine. This use Is Aua- t.allniL (Joveruor Sir William Deal sn: of Australia wrote la 1863, "In prior Instances the gold is brought to market In lumpe or nuggets, as they ore colled. " In Queensland there la a p cullir use of the word ttaknown tn the mt of Australia. There, When a inn:; r. pnprlntos upbranded calves, be Is said to bo "nuggctlng." Ho Vnaosstoo, Paul Iouls Courier, when bitterly sa il I led by a French professor, -quietly remarked! "I fancy ha moat M vaicd. He calls mt Jacobin, rebel, plagiarist, thief, poisoner, forgnr, laper, mad tea a, Imnostor, calumniator, Ubelera hor rible, Qltby, grimacing regpkkar. gather what be wants to aay. na weans that he and I are not of the earn opinion, and this la his only way of put ting It." Tbo Ulna She Waste. Husband Auytbiug fon want la town today, r.iy Cear? strati I order eotne tnor of that self rising floor Wlfe-We bsva plouty left, out I wish yoa would stop at a rvglttry office and order me a rttlf rtalng acrvaot gtrt- Innatratrd Mlta. . WELL DESERVED Tba fraiat Tbat.Comii from Think V . '.MHiw.Bwfti Peopla. . One kidney remedy Vtetf falk. '1 i New Bern people rely upon M That remedy is Doaa'i Kidney rtQ. , New Bar Uatimony prorta it alwagn reKab'e... ; , Charlea Ilargel. a car painter at the A, k N, C E. H. ahore, rtekilng at 47 Bert gtreet, aayai 'I hafa found frset relief by Osing Doea'a Kidney I'UU. My back baa besti hurting me for a long time, efleo to bed" that I could sot work. The Kkmey M-re-tlnre were very dart and eVwjdy. Wne tuung riejt'a KkJy Till tha aorreiionthava rssratnarl their ftalural roWn? arui f tin ftr4 rifior from the palr.s In my ts'k St .11 t ns SrUa sTI'mkn Sra simL. ariy trrnjli!e4 tewhat I was te to lej nrIm'i'TliarTna-y, proojre In'J Wney f.Vs iv f Its U ot trial Tr ey will not U a;Hr-i-l la the ru!t." TED0DG1NGPEIW of a, vomaa't Wa, U the nam often.' tfvta, to fia "change of lifa.1," .Your jnenaeacomt at kr Intervals, and grow scantier, until they j atop, Some voroen. stop suddenly. - The entire change lasts three or four year and 4t iathe cause of Tnuch pain and discomfort, ' which can bovever, be cured, by taking 3 viiiEiP.n a ni drff;raiii!J Woman's Relief It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, Irritability, miserable-; ness. fctrgetfutoess,. fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weak ness tired feeling, etc. Cardui will bring you safely through this dodgmg period," and build up your strength, for the rest of your life. At all druggists in $ 1 .00 bottles. Try it WXm US A LETTER freely and frankly, telling us all your troubles. We wfilsend Free Advice (in plain, sealed envelope). Address: La dies' Advisory Dept. .The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Wood's Seeds, Second Crop Seed Potatoes go further in planting than other Seed Potatoes, yield better and more uniform crops, and are in high favor with truckers and potato growers wherever planted. Our stocks are of superior quality, uniform in size, and sent out in full-size barrels. Write for prices, and Wood's 1906 Seed Book, giving full and interesting information about Seed Potatoes. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, IIOHMOMD, VIRBIIU. We carry the largest stock of Potatoes tn the South. Maine, Northern. . ' grown and Seoond Crop Seed. Write for prices. Sale of ity Lot. nvvfrtiinnf thm Down contained tnaceitair mortgage deed mad, and executed on the 27th lu of July 1904. by Simon Heath anSSwifc. Siibbi Ueath. to II. t. ArmsironK. vn. saroe wihk hi orded In the ResUter of Deeds office in cruvt i, county, N. c 1 will offer for sal, to the highem bidder for cash, at the court house door in Ne Bern. N. c. Monday, March 12th at noon thai certain town lot described in said mortsase deed, the asm being situated on Spring street in tht City of New Bern, and adjoined by the Ellis land. Oden lot, the John Warren lot and others, bum in sue about 66 1-z feet wide By in l-z ieei uoep. the same being a lot conveyed by E. G. Hill and wife to Margaret Ann Kherson oyaeeaaatea nay li 1890, recorded In Register of Deeds office, in craven county. H. C. AHMHTKUNli. Mortgagee' Feb. 8th. 1906. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a Bower of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed.- executed by T. A. Bell nd I .in. Rail, his wlfa. to the Cltiaetw Bank ( New Bern, tearing date the 1WB oay oi juno. 1WL the same being recordaa in tne omee oi in. Register of Deeds of Jones county, in bonk 44. page 671, we will sell at the Court house door in Trenton. N. C, on the 17th day of March. IMS. al tha hour at 11 II.. to the hishett bidder for cash. all of the following described real estate as con- eyed in the mortgage aforesaid, to-wit: 1 nat piece or parcel of land, lying and being In th County of Jon, adjoining the lands of Lewis Pollock, and William MeDantei, and known and designated as follows, vti: Besinaing at s stake, the third corner of the Ventua patent, and runl with said patemrrm, north 10, west 1U poles to a slake sear tho Annans leading from the publir PolloclcsrUle and Trenton road to the house on tbc Ventua paws, then running with a line of marked trass nn Us south aids of the said Annans, north 4 1-4 east KM poles to the said public road, then with said public road to a llghtwood staks In said road to Lswls Pollock's and A. U Rountree's cor- -. thanes south tJ wast with roiiock's sno Bountrss's lino Usout 1M poles to a pine stump and pointers, then north 4. west 1U pole, to Kountrse and pollock s corner in or near ussii- wine Branch, thoaaoath I east St 12-100 poles to stake, then south IS wsst 40 poles to a gum. than sooth 4 1-1 wsst 41 11 poles to a gum, thence outb M wsst M potai to a stake, tosnos soum 6 1-t east SB aa-100 polea to a gore, then south 14 west U 18-100 pates lo a stake oa path, then south M 14 poles wsst 10 poles to a stake, thence south 70 west lai poles across crooked rs a to the back Una of the rullrard Detent, thence south SO seat wits the Fullrard patent Hns M0 poses ts the ssstbwsst In ii ear oi the rullrard patent, a Mass thee sorth TO east serosa crooked res leu pots, to a stake, another of said patent corner, thee arts n snast at sslaa to a stake, then north 70, east 109 poles te a stake, then north K west ZU potss to tne aissisa, s suss, wnisnnni vj w UnieUon r71 srtea Bor or Uaa. ZTua CrroaM Ba or gw naan. atortgagwa. RTw Bars- W. CL rebresrt Tth. IP. lBy GUIOM AMD Doaw, Attorneys. To Farmers ! ' Do yoo want to enrich your lands pannaMAtiy t"Yoa now have the op portanltY of dotnf o by lb a4 of AmonUtad and Kanltlaod Land Lime, chUHy tompoti of palvaruea oyaier ihalW frotmd from tha raw Mat. Tht burning aJeroatiU of - the Bme wblch would tojert tome boda If pot catrsfully managed U la this prodoct' protected by the proper qoaniitlet of Anwnia, NilroCm, Salt and Anamal Uatlr, making it far superior to barnt. lime, and much cheaper. ; Pat tip In W. pat oat with distributor of with handa, about one ton per er, Good tor aft crop, epppdally corn, Cttlon, pearruta, tc Sold for cash or on tbne.- Special pries, te d)en. for price, freight rates, etc. apply . ''."; FKUTlLIZF-it, f'tll CtX, A DONfiCO . , , New Bern, N. C. AdmlnUtratora Notlr IfeeVrf ejtl M aV f- Wwt af iWa aaf J e-P-rw ( sfss tj t ia is e Kir 't ( K(M ts tih-S)'-ats-asw A ) WWss ' - k . hi ha t wsstv4 m 'r M w - u T - u t- 4 'W Pe - t WS ( c - - . jSEKMOU II W. HAN CI) C K I " - v ' - J - - . - ' - "EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I suffered," writes Virginia Robson, of Easton, Md.f "until I took Cardui. which cured me so quickly it surprised my doctor, who didn't knew I was taking it." tea Auction Sale City Lot. Pursuant to the judfrment made in the special procding the Superior court of craven county wherein C.J. McCarthy, Administrator cfKdie coleman is plaintiff and Lucinds Williams, John U Williams, Martha Moore. Henry Moore. " ary Nixon, Isaac Nixon and Dora Whitfield are I delendants giving license to the plaintiff to sell and ordering him to sell, the undersigned will on the 3rd day of March, 1906 at the court house door, at New Bern at the hour of twelve, noon, offer tor sale to the highest bidder the lands de scribed in said petition as follows: A certain lot of land in the city of New Bern, conveyed to h r ii y deed of Pitt Barrows dated Jan 15th 1872, re- vvtH in the office of the Rfcipster of Deeds of c.aven county in book 78, page 341, being the jastorn half of lots numbered 117 and llBDryboro. n corner of Oak and Elm streets. Terms of Halo, caa.'. To be paid upon connrmation. A reasona ble deposit required the day of "ale. c. J. McCarthy, Adm. of Bdie coleman, com. j'. p. Mciver, Plaintiffs Attorney. 3.0.& W. Bj5ILWAY. Beeinninir Wednesday Nov 1st, the Pamlico, Oriental & Western Railway will establish passenger Bervice be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and inter mediate stations on .allowing schedule: a.J East Bound West Bound No. 1. No. 2. (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sun.) P. M. A. M 4 00 Lv NEW BERN Ar. 8 45 4 54 Reelsboro 7 51 5 12 Grantsboro 7 33 5 24 Dees 7 21 5 27 VJjest Alliance 7 V 5 30 East Alliance 7 1L 5-45 Bayboro 7 00 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 3. INo. 4. P. M. A, M. 5 00 Lv. ' NEW BERN Ar. 9 0C 5 45 Reelsboro 8 13 5 00 Grantsboro 7 K- 6 10 Dees 7 48 6 12 West Alliance 7 46 0 15 East Alliance 7 42 6 30 Bayboro 7 30 pp.ocuar.0 and ,, Arm wine ornboa.ruf eiuerl aiei'iii sad flal lapis t fre. adrca, sew t sMals iliull, wade asarae, Pynks. eta, in At,t COUNTRIta. 'SsnWi Brttt wilt rfwssyasi Mi bW, momj mmm flfim a pmUni. ttsirt 4 IrMninl PtkUm botsshai,. WrUBerorasstSMs u atma I aaWS)TQS, o. c. I Tit WIT II, BLACKSMITH & WHIILR1GHT Buggies, Wagons, Carta'and Dravs al ways kept In stock. I react tires without catting with the latest Im proved tire ahrinker. I keep a good supply of cart wheels always in stock repairing dona at quick notice. Shop on South Front t treat near Hancock SU Special Rates Via Southern Railway Nww Orleans, Lav., Penaacola, Fla.,1 Mobila. Ala,i Account Mardi Gnu Car nivals, February 22 27th, on far plus 2S ceetts for round trip: tickets will U I aold Fab. 21-26 Inclualva, final limit I Uch. Srd, aicept tickata caa be extafid td ut sfch I8lh on nncit of a fee of 50 centa. Louisville, Ky; Account American I Bowling Congreae Uch 2f-27lh; on fire plus SO cents on certificate plea, tickets will be sold Mch 14ta tomb with final limit Met KXh. Naahvllle, Ttna: Aceount SUdentl volunteer Movement rot roretgw MsVlinnH 1 NnAelaltv 1-.K e... Itrh fc Oral far. "OUw A ffpOClaltye plus 23 cents for tba round trip, ticketa I win be eotd eb, 16-281, With final limit Men, 10th," . . i T. E. GREEK, C T. CL, - Raleigh, N. C Now 1b th tlmo to rr'J.Tibuy American Fnnn l'cnco. It has reached lis lot prico, tho next channo will ho higher prlcr.g. Thrco iCar Loads on hand. Oct. ::0th. ir03. f n f .i 1 iiisuHBEra Pneumonia follawa ta Qrlppe but never. follow the ae of F !Q Honey O and Tar jUitopi tht Ooxxeh and heali the fangs. PrevttU PneoiaonlA and ConiompUon. Km. e. YAOKSat, of 161 Oftfood St, CUouo, VrllMi MH wiH ka4 U fiipp and it left hat with vwy bad aonfffa o kar langt wbiok roian't noun Tab ard oapUUly, For sale by Davis Pharmacy. Russell House BEAUFORT, N. 0., Centrally located. All the deli cacif of tho season. Well venti lated nx)ine, Good beds, Phone cod remencee, Pol!te and attentive Ser rants. Rates $150 r-er dav. Special and liberal terms by week 3r month. Q. A. RUSSELL CAROLINA DISPATCH AND- CHANGE OP SCHEDULE mi ! . ... tne steamer weuse will sail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The steamer Ocracoke on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 6 p m. Both steamers will make kndinps at Oriental each way and connect at Bel haven with a fast through train for Norfolk. The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in Norfolk at 2 p m. Direct conntiction made at Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 a m for Plymouth and Washington. No 4 train will leave Norfolk at 11.55 a m. arriving at Belhaven at 6: 10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. GEO. HENDERSON. M. K. Kino, V. P. and Gen. Mult M. W. Magi'ikis, Gen. Supl H. C. HuiGlN3, G. F. and P. A. New BernTDec. 29. 1905 limn ii I iin A, Nunn, ATTORNEY AT LAV! Practice in th counting of C" raver:. 'arteret, Pamlico, Junes ami Unsli-w, nd In the htAte -Vpryme anl FedMnil Jibuti. OfBos: Sonth front Kutiok om it: raph offloa, New rn, N. (J Made from pure dis tilled filtered wa ter. NEW BERN ICE COMPANY. 19-21-23 Griffith Srreet, Phone 23 AUTUMN OVERCOATS tha BtWtlrm frf &11 tnanr, dii.ii anfa fully aM gttfJCl. aV wHhttrT r-vvliir Brmmtai Wo haa n of fsthrir wharh In rolnf . fftl ptUiavrn. from hontmpn n to wonlrdi, ofTr u, Um ami- vitU fmU for aax;lh(n. F, M. CIIAIMYK K s rnarmacv 187. middle HU Full line of Drugo.Med icine8, ToUot Ar ticles and Soap. Fresh Supph oA Flower Sccas. lhjnlclat.S PrtMaXflp a tvtf aHiHr.ff V - V W eks f sfi aviiay as , Te Maa , . x OiMa 'hill' CoesrtofTa e . I ave- '- eel- 4 ' m.'r" sef eif eew. " e-- fee as . .... . . ,, (,... a- . i ' e as r M i asp "-a It I. ex er -v,.v..,., tee V Vlt.tUIIV JIl.itllVMIIt I'-- i :'i .v. I .veal ( .-. - ..!, "I -- li - t. as ,4 I ta.itsl,kiw,&U OLEY Old Domimoteamsliip Co ' , ' Vv U " L 1 (lcnry hi VMM Chamberlam!s Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite " ODBBaV Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. ' - This remedy Is famous for Its cures orer a large part of the civilised world. It can ; always bo depended upon. It contains no ' opium or other harmful drug ihd may be ; siren sa ooafldemlj to a baby as to an adult i Price 25 eta; Large 81ze, 50 cts. FEELING 1IVER-ISH This Morning? Horse Owners! If your horse ia sick, lame, or suffer ing from any ailment that you do not understand, write to Dr. F. E. White, the Vcternarian of Norfolk, Va. Send symptoms of the trouble and he will send you advise absolutely free of all charges. NEW VOOK. STAMPED CUSHION TOP 44c. Postage 0 Cents. Cushion Special From Our Art Embroidery Department Sl.'inpivl ('iikliiuii Tup mi Krc'ii :i r ii,:i1ci , ,1 r,, c:ilisl v Mill, ( li lex ' 1 1 i - In n 1 1 hI ii pl.ill.l v 1 1 i:i ' -iii n I , i t 1 1 r in l!i-:irl nf riiiliroi'l irv - it, h iirii-HHru! !y wtuk up Tin- 'l :r:i III', pi'.c of m t :t 1 1 m -i 1 lop. 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 'un lirn !. iv I,- , Mntj)K'c Tivn ilitzcll M,i'!l( (if Hllk hi ftlirt'l'-! of irrn'ii and pink arc npilrcl l i finlirnid r Die 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 ether silk nl run I a r-1 scrim, ".ill, or ntln ruininir "i! .1 : 1 1 v , r,nr Hie rti.l.lnn very i-flcct i vcly We sell till", ciiuhliill completely ciri lirxulci ! iihd f.nlxlml vtllli a.itln rib Ikhi n . 1 1 ! i i i t; nt ? i i.:i I I'Klrj'.H Ol-' KMI'.ItOlliKHY H1I.KH ( THIIION TIIIMMIM.S, V.Tf. Wash Kmlirnldery Hllks. In skolns with ()Hht lioMers, Incltidlna I'llu. Ho man f'nsplnn. Hoi anil Mount Mel lick Hllk. prlcr, itt tkrln, 4c; pr (rt en 44c Twist Hllk. per akcln. Be ; pw doaven 53c Cnshlmi Top Trlmmlnf. thre yards long, tassrl on pch rtid; mads tn silk lid tnerr-crtf il qimllllna In all popular linie. pr'ci a. '."k- . Xtr . 41k- lu) la- Hllk I-oojrt: prlrw. 4llc rWr'ni lliUtlMia (iilTl icnl for our rtwldeiii.' r. VM . Chit frr pnff- Pr-ring anil a.immer -e Ht. aa ewlninlln nf N"iw VoTk fs.h m snl hc I .-ir,He wi ! rril' rr IMirr -.i (m on riK.I Wr'! tnr M sew te nf M kiw pike pea M WW'VJ. Add fees rVnera as) R.H.MACVIIC0.. BROADWAY, NEW YOAJa. Citizens Banlt at.txi 1 A Gentle Laxative I I And Appetizer )&) ' , Tne penf 1e fcaye an aye to thinr rotit (bUmt, rywnforUUe m4 tlteerfaL tlavtn riu4 ap our Uaktn roeae to wet thcea rerlTem!, are ere reerty toetUaJte all ho want Raaalof F-riUli weariy IweWorBa, C e awl aa. ), .,' ; ; CepiUl -'" - V- " wWeOOO-W E trp! arvl fo7,U '." fO.OOaOB rpmn '-" eswewW4SaSSSSj T, A. f crt, J3' 'ort I.. H n Yrs I fea! Notice to Creditors. NORTH CAROLINA, f Craven County, ' PJavine nnattAI - . j . . all persona hvina; claim Against Um etttuai tit sasasli fllir lia n 1 tn a a I i - tJ underaiKTwd on or before the 17th day of Jan ii.oi thus notice will rint.u i s .lj covery All ptrnons indebted to itijri Mtattst mrtll pkfl make immediate nayment. r.; i-iiuiiayoi Jan 1I' ' C. J. MCCARTHY Administer ;. n C.T. HANCOCK & Real JtfMxlc Agent. 48 Ikic SI. Kn. p. V A. & N. C. R. b Effect :tive Sunday, Dec. 10th, 1935? 12.01 a. m. Eastern Standard i& at l lme. v"S PART Rrtlivr, STATIONS: No. 1. DAILY H.00 A.M l.v. Goldsboro IAlliI it 40 P Iff vent a LaUranfr KalliriK Creek Kinston Dover 4.01 . V ..I.J Cove G.02 " 6.11! " '? 9.41 Ar. NEW BKRN 10 10 Lv. New Bern ltt.II Hiverdale 10.:i4 Croatan 1(1. :w llavelock io;t Newport ll.(i A. M t.oo r. su Wildwood 11.1 Ar. Morehead Cy. 11.40 WEST BOUND. STATIONS: da 11 No. 4 DAILY 4 If, P. 4M7 ' 4.43 4.1.1) ' n. ii, I.V. Morehead Cy. 7 40 A. M. WiMwood H.dfi Newport Havelwk Croatan n II Kiverdale NKW HERN Ar. NKW UKKN Covo Dover r,.4o ri.-iH cao (i.:u; (Mil 7.1:1 i:m A. M. t'aawell Hi. (. Kinalon KVL"w 'ailing Creek lu.:iS IjlCrailKe 10.47'K 1(1 j.H Coidtiboro ll.LM hi:aui-oit annex No. 1 IIAII V no. : DAILY 12.BI P. M No. 4 Daily, p M Ar Ilcaufort H. lo p m Nil 'I I :,il CONNEC1IONS. Trninu W.. i ".,,,.,, , i,i,isr.i with No, ii. Norlhlx,,,,,,!. ,!, (h s,,,,, !., luilway trains No.. 111. West!.,,,,,. al, No. 1,3 At Goldahnm- W i i d , 1 1, r . lantir Coast Line. " .At Kinston and New Bern: With Atlantic Coast R. P. FOSTER. It El. HUNCH I leneral Manager. Tnillic fci-naser COLUSliOKd. N. C. F. M. Simmons. a n SIMMONS VAI!). ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Office Removed across Street to Socena titory ot No. d'.l (almve Telegraph of fice) South Front st r,. i, next to Hotel Chat tawkn. Practice in tho Counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, (Inslnw, Carteret, Pam lico and Wak I. in I lie Sim ir.'mn .,,,,1 lul era! Courts, and wherever service!) are aesirea. Ernest M. Green, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Bkoad St., New iii,l;N-, n. c. Well eqiiiiied to search titles hy rea son of many years experience in the office and a Register of 1 leeds. Practi ces in the Courts of ( raven, Jones, Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or wlire evcr services are required. Notice to Creditors. lUvtnufinalintl n Alinn.i :j.i(..r.f 1 1 hIaI nf Iiw-z H (a inwH. 'ii-l. i ' is iv 1., imtif y a wruon-) hnvmif r Ihuiv. iiu.t . i n,.- siml i-Matr to lhfm I mo nr in v ni (! M -v i I, w m.l mi or Ufur lltth day (if JiiH. . .r 1 h , r,t i. .- v, 1 1 ! 'iiila. fn lr of rrrovtir v- All I r n h 1 1 I.-1 .Nil U tl.e MKI wtALaCwill rnuki' niuncliiiti P..V n td Jan imh IWh. (,KOH;K W CMIHAW A V. A-inm.. IK U WAi(I). AM., i... . Application tor Certificate. Ort lfrt- niiml-r '.li f-.r I v. f).:irr- in Ker. numl-T I'h in n l i r n 1 ii- ( i N, w (u-rn Hill Win! KMI I y 4 1 1 A tn H )A I ii 1 1 1 t.rt ll V l-i fi .-t. wilirr ia h-r ,y w,wii ll nl n . i . I (, i .u .), ni-wlr f..r a iliifht air J( i III (" I I I.HiHI) Publication Of Sum mons. North C4fajrtlina, i In Lh Sur"TWiT CVjiift, ('rayetfi (Vmnty. i IV-f-.r.- M V, a- - n. ( S ( ( '.. J. Wr( arl h . ivltr, -uaT r r J. r r ( . ilersti A.I. I.r.r ' T' Adeline (-,i-Let.. 1 1 appenrlna; In Ihc t i a f 1 ' n - f I fir rmirt hr afTWlavlt tKat AMrhrr ( - ,( - ia r-l n a lion mulml nt the Ntat nf Nrtih 1'itolmn. v..,j airr h,rlv n"ittmi. thai a IUlr,tn n r.-l -r1 i1 ,.,n fur al 4 "fll a-atai frr aata K ln 'Inly AM in Km . rk'e ofTWe n ( nrpti 'in' ) . N . ' . tn ihr ahme -! i Uar) artacn hy . J M ( r hr, avlrr. i.nsl rfur ' f J trrj Cusgari. r1 y,Pll n hrretrj rn tiH t' apiseeir Isa-fure M ( lrk et I ho roml K nee In N itrrn. N I . . .r.a t 2nd dar O April If-., al rr. arl a newer rr fi. inur tn wH r-1tt'.n aa i.n r-iaj 'fTn fartt, MKer w tew the prayer .if I hr it ,r r will rse frftnteei. It U arrTi iKat ihia hr. ,r t.- .u,lieh"l owe a er eae-k f raf an week a m Ihr hew Ilrn J'njrneJ W M ( i. lU Huifkfl.mrl Ti. ifiV .lav r,f r'.trT TRAVEL? NO! Tot IftQiaU ud CMlttrtt. Telephone a lt.-T'oT H. Y. s.-!e ,rr v. In r 1 'a ( t c r. p. v.-, s-s 1 "I Ptn the t .' of i i