THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. C Feb. 23, 1906 LODGE DIRECTORY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD meet at Rountre Hall Semi-Manthly.- First and Third W ednesday nights at 730 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen are invited, - 1 CRAVEN LODGE No. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday nights in each month in Roun trees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. 4 H. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. HilL Financial Sec'y. ? Inlex U New AdTertlsemenU. Lost Gold Framed Eye Glasses. Lost Hold Pin. J. L. Home Oysters. J. J. Wolfenden Property for Sale Oaks Market Salmon and Sausage. B B Davenport-Seed Potatoes. Lost Pocket Book. Simmons & Hollowell Co A F G. NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOR LESS THAN ONI MONTH MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Hasine I net ORANGES. Just come, a nice lot of those small honey sweet Umalettn, Fla. oranges. 83 George St. C. E, Whitcomb. LOST A pair of gold framed eye glasses. Finder please leave at Jour nal office. LOST On South Front St., bctwwn Chattawka Hotel and Elm City mill, a old gold pin, old fashioned pattern. Return to this office and receive re ward. Bertha Wouten. JUST RECEIVED 50 bushels fine oysters at Home's. Customers will please put in their orders early in the day, so we can get them and in good time. Can be reached by phone Tl. Jas. L. Home, 128 Middle street. SEE ME before you buy your Pride of the South and Rei liliss Seed Potatoes Also pine tar and coal tar, and ruinp, mess and clear pork. H. B. l)av n port. LOST-Large black leather pocket book containing money $8. Oil in bilK about $4.00 in change, two rinirs unci a brooch. Liberal reward if return d to tho Journal office. FINE Oysters at Dawson's. LOST Between Middle street and 135 Pollock street, a childa chain with star locket. Finder please leave at Journal office. ICE CREAM every day Broad Street Fruit Co. Phone 33. LOST A silver pin initia i; . M. S. Finder return to Journal office und receive reward. REGULAR and transient boarders will find pleasant quarters at the tho Old Dennison house, 11 Mctcalf street; large rooms; northern style cooking; early breakfast if desired. Mrs. II. I.. Grant. CALL on Gaakins Cycle (., for your Bicycle Tire wants. A full line at prices ranging from $1 to $4 each. Also baby carriage tires furnished and lilted to your carriage wheels. ROOMS rX)K RENT Furnished or unfurnished. Apply at f2 Metcalf St. DRAY FOR SALE One good scoor.d hand dray and harness (or sale Al most new. T. J. Turner Furniture Co. FOR SALE A modem denco on Hancock street room E. E. resi-llar- FOR RENT House at No. 135 Gcoi jfe Street E. E. Harper. FOR RENT--Room fumjshed or un furnished, with every convenience. tmiy gentlemen desirvd. for particu laps annlv In Lf Km1lrw-I lid IV. ven itrwt iny hour after 11 a. m. JUSt RfcLl VTb-A big lot o fcdUon Gold MobUed Records, nchtdiqg24 ne elections tat February. Call early and make your stloctiona. Wm. T. Hill 91 Middle strwt. Phone 320. www run riALJk ury split pin or hard wood either long or cut to ttovr wrtgth. rhone U Broeddus A IrtstVs Mill. full 8ALB Several dnlrabU, wU toeated residences from 11600 up, and ot Tacant lot, also on store on Mid w street, some of tae feme at pracUcalry new, and some Sere (mut ually Urge Iota. A partial payment will put you In pi lesiun, and m terms given on remainder. C. T. Han cock. , . ' ' I'.OAkhlNli I ma bested on Mouth Front street between Cant Front end Craven, Is the 8tewart talking where J am prepared te furnish board and rooms ta those who dWre seconi modaliuM. TsWe eerrto the beat the msiket affords. Oean, eomfortatle l--l, and good rooms. Mrs. A. I). Wadawortn, n.S'Etomed I hnoa SOL at Boon's Market, TOTAL A ". snilalte tlord FtJt Usttmee Iron Bed at Jot R OAOTOJlIAi i t.a ahst ., f a ix lbs 1 1 m Mm i jau IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION. PswRiMta I aOsstroet Disease ki Esch Css SheuM k Carsfallf 6arsst Frsai FsHhsr IstscUss.- , .g' It is an acute infectious, eontageous, systemic disease as diptheria, measles. ete , with characteristic weal diseases of the lungs. It is caused by a micro organism, the pneumonia which enters the system through the respiratory tract and blood current and produces a general disease with local manifesta tions. Pneumonia destroys more lives than any known disease. In the United States alone according to reliablle stat istics one person falls a victim to this malady every five (5) minutes and it is increasing in fatality and prevaiencs every year, during the last decade it has increased consump nn 5 per cent while tuberculose has decreased 40 per cent. Considering the ravages this malady is working among all classes and es. pecially right now when the wholecoun try is permeated with it, and in our own immediate section, we are having in certain localities, almost art epidemic, I have thought, it would be of interest as well as benefiicial to the public, to know something of the nature of this disease in as concise and clear way as space will allow. The germ which is in the atmosphere isinhaled into the lungs, it enters the blood, current by the bronchial arteries which alone furnish nutriment to the lunirs and it follows the current until it reaches the smaller vessels, the capillaries where it becomes lodged or clogs the capillary entirely, it then be comes an irritant and the congestion ;ind general inflammation sets in caus ing the consolidation of the lung tis sue. As the inflammation progresses in violence according to the pneumococi (jjernis) these germs eliminate or manu fact ure a toxin or poison that is absorb ed by the general circulation producing speirt denoted chills, fever and all symp tonus of toxaemic poisoning. There are several varieties of pneu monia and t hey require dilferent modef of treatment, lie the main point 1 wish to emphasize is prophylapsor pre vention. A patient with this disease slu.uld, as soon as suspected, beinsolat i d and the room well ventilated and kept at a uniform temperature or 68 or i- degrees and a clean cloth should be used to exneetoratc in and burned as soon as used, or a cuspidor furnished prrtially. filled with an antiseptic solu tion lit' carbolic aeid, for maldchyde tr chloride of mercury. Everything of no special use vn.'.tt, pictures, -curtains, chairs should he removed from the room. The patient should be kept as comfortable as possible and not allowed to lie in one position too long, as that tends to increase the congestion of tlu lungs. The mouth should be frequent ly , rinsed with an anti-septic solu tion. There should be no visiting of the pa tient for this dis a ;e can be carried in the clothing, as I have recently had demonstrated clearly to my mind. Only a few miles from this city a young mai. was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia, and, as is the cusl im especially in the county a good many of his friends came to sit tip with him and from that case within a radius of one mile I had eight cases of pnt umonia that could bo traced directly to the first case. The treatment of pneumonia varies according to the variety or part of the lunu elected and the amount of toxin absorbed in the system, but I will rot no into tho details for want of space hut will only mention the coal tar de rivatives to condemn them. If the temorature does not go qbove 102 de crees, the patient can take care of her self but should it go above 102 or as hiph as 105 degrees the cold pack to the chest is decidedly the beat remedy to decrease tho temperature, as it also stimulates the patient and soothes the whole nervous system. The object of tho treatment is to coun teract the toxino poisoning in the blood snd the system should be well support id with nourishment and stimulants and I would say that I have found strychnine to be a very satisfactory stimulant. In the last year or two a pneumococ cal serum has been discovered which has not bwn thorourhlv aaUafactorv it,,, i ,u , . winL , aL ::r.Tr i: in dintneri. and tetanus w. .ill h. J smim treatment that will yield the same results. Death from pneumonia is due to the direct cause of rmeumococcus activity, and toxins am not to mechanical ob structions is it was thought to be under th old thmry of ph logos ia of inflamma tion. This la an Important fact as It contradicts a theory which has been long held in regard to treatment which s danvrmu and fallacious. I would advise all persons taken sud denly 111 with pain inside, with chill and cough snd fever, to consult thdr phy- wian at the earliest moment and keep n mind all the time pneumonia is con- lagioos and la many rases of the dia- e It spparenUy teems cured, only s alijht rough remaining. It is of tea tHe beginning of tubemloaia. 'The object of this ankle is slmntr to itiprew upon the puttie generally the danger of tbkdUeaet and the tmport tftc of pmpfylap. ' JOSEPH W. DU0UID, M. D. Desirable Property for Sale fwoGtjr M, m and ft a n fe OM " " Mi li feet, Including ibttreH building, 1 Vrgs Tf.lpe orgs, 1 1 hot air Keur. &oU either separately or roitec-iieiy. Arfito - T. A. Green, a , , - .' i. I HV.ffWUs ) : C04JPERATICM NECESSARY';; ! IslenaaUea toilettes rcfcaBts ' sad V Others Mssdllnf srcaasdlM ft s ' v ? Msrist Ssrvlc. In the early part of each yesi circu lars are sent out from . the U. S. Engi neer Office at Wilmington, or from the sub-office at New Bern, requesting all parties who have handled any com merce on any of the navigable waters of the State to report the character and quantity of such commerce. We are informed that a number of the parties to whom such circulars were sent this year have not yet replied and that the figuresysent in by some other parties are such as to indicate that the importance of these figuNS is not fully understood. Some few parties even take the ground that the business hand led by them is their own affair and that the government has no right to pry into their business. If the importance of these statistics were fully understood, these views would quickly disappear and all patties inter ested in the improvement of the rivers and harbors of the State would do all in their power to assist by submitting a complete and accurate statement of their shipments. These statistics, are of vital impor tance, because when Congress is asked to appropriate money for the improve ment of any stream or harbor, one of the first questions asked is "How much commerce would be benefited by such improvement?" In fact the appropriation of money for the improvement of a waterway or harbor should depend on only three things. First, the cost; second, the jost of maintenance, and third, tht amount of commerce to be benefited And the amount of commerce is judgeo by the reports submitted every year b the U. S. Engineer office. Of course, the imports and exports can be learned from the Custom House reports, but the domestic commerce can be learned only from the Engineer reports. No one Bhould conclude from this thai 'he thing to do is to make a good show ng regardless of accuracy. This ten iency is o (ten displayed and, aside from the fact that it is dishonest, or rcalh Joes more harm than good. The onlj lafe course is for every man to see thai he makes a complete and accurate re port of the business he handles o ver thi watercourse in question. Of course, absolute accuracy is often impractica ble, for unfortunately many shippers di. not keep any record of the materials (hipped or received, and many vessel owners keep no record of the materials transported. But, even in these cases, i moderately accurate estimate can b made if the matter is given enough thought and attention. A farmer often keeps no record of the number of pounds of cotton he raises, but he can generally estimate it with fair accu racy. And certainly it would be pool policy for him to report that he had produced five hundred or a thousand when everybody knows he produced less than a hundred. Our readers are urged to take an ac tive interest In this matter, so that the anndal commercial statistics may be ac tual accurate and reliable statements, not merely rough guess. All parties who have not received blanks on which to report their statis tics can get them by writing to the U. S. Engineer Office, New Bern, N. C. If you have lost your boyhood spirits, courage and confidence of youth, we offer you ne I'fo, fresh courage and freedom from ill health in Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy, The up-to-date woman avoids caus tics, drugs and powders. They are ex tremely harmful to the skin, while Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea makes it soft and beautifuL 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Hers it a Fact That cannot be impressed too strong ly upon watch owners. This is It A ten should receive the attention of our repair department at least once year. There may appear to be nothing par- " with, still a cleanln. a o,.rhanling at least once a year would lengthen the life of a watch wonderfully. It ia asking too much of a watch to expect It to keep true to Its duties If it is hampered more and more by slowly accumulating duil and dirt Besides this taxes the delicate me- eanisra to exceaa, and certainly short- UM nf of a watch. A cleaning and a little oil In the right places will work wonders. J. O. BAXTER, . The Leading Jeweler. --'-' Ia, Tastes Differ U wafchea as U ererythlnf tke. Some people prefer a WaU UiamUaa Kln. gome prsfer sn E'glsj to a Waltham. Other prefer an IlUoote to either. And to It goe. There it only ooe thing to 4 in a tase like that. Carry a very complete aaaort 'lH es fai the tUdsrd lire, and that we d. Ois-oTttentfy we ran submit for your eonsi U nulon a greater ."T1' tf W time-keepers than jmi ran la New Pern. rE-TCeKT SHORT PASStNd EVENTS. There will be 'a. meeting at -Sotel Haseltoo on Saturday night at eight o'clock. , of those interested in the movement to have the western chan nel of the Neuse river deepened and freed from stumps. " ' Mr H K. Land has severed his con nection as travelling salesman for D. L, Roberts and has taken a position as traveling salesman . for the Pepsi Cola Co. His territory will be Missis sippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and a part of Oh'o. He begins his new work next week. The Buster Brown Co., which will appear here next Thursday night will be the original company with Master Gabriel in the leading role. The com pany has 45 members and a fine chorus. Efforts have been made to discredit the company to show here but the public is assured that such statements are false. The Little Builders of the Christian church will have a social tonight at the home of Miss Hilda Willis, No. 99 Met calf St. at 7.30 o'clock. The public is invited. Remember the Hatchet Party at the Methodist church tonight. Admission free Refreshments sold. Under tl e auspices of the Bright Jewels.' Ed Fisher, a negro aged about 4D or 50 years was found dead in bed yes terday morning at his home in Pavie town. He had been subject to attacks , f heart failure and that was the cause of his death. Coroner Jones examined the body and decided that no inquest was necessary. Will those who have dishes belonging to the cooking club of the Home Mis sionary Society of the Centenary church, please return the same to the market where they were got, today. Smoked Halibut at Oaks Market. FIRST STEPS TO SUCCESS rhey Led Marshall Field from Pittsfield Mass., to Chicago. "In 18CG" Bays John Dennis, Jr., in lis article in the March Everybody's on "Marshall Field: A Great Mercantile Genius", when the excitement was jrent and the beneficent prosperity prevailing caused universal satisfac tion, a Massachusetts farmer's boy joined tfie tide that swept into the West and was carried as far as Chicago. Pittsfield he came from, good old Pittsfield Four years he had been there at work fh a country store, and before that in the village school and academy at Conway, where he was born. This and no more had been the sum of his worldly experience. He drifted into -he wholesale dry-goods house of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co a busy place near the river bank and found work is a salesman clerk they called it then. The town was full of buyers; also c f fir ners' boys with all the advan cages this boy possessed, except three: i talent for sure observation, a cold, keen jndgemeut, and an active imagin ation. The reason the others were not so provided Js because there is no combination so rare; as Dr. Johnson laid of a like marvel, it. not in naj ture. Other newcomers to Chicago that year promptly lost their heads in the mad rush about them ;this youth was neither deceived nor disturbed. He was twenty-one years old and knew many things not taught in Bchoota knew them or felt them, the results arc :he same. " Smoked Salmon at Oaks Market. A Healing Gospel. Iho Kev. J. C. Wairen. pastor of Sharron Baptist Church, Balair, Gs., ays of Electric Bitters. "It'a a God send to mankind. It cured me of lame Sack, stiff joints, snd comolete physical ollapse. I was so weak it took me lalf an hour to walk a mile. Two hot oi ciecmc miters nsve made mc to strong I have Just walked three Tiiles in fifty minules and feel like walking throe more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guar antee at All Druggists. Drug Store Price 00c. Country Smoked Sausage at Oaks Market. Oak and Pine Wood. Dry Oak and pine wood sawed In stove lengths at ELLIS COAL AND WOOD YARD, Union Point Call ou A. Block for y6ur Sprlngr Bult. I have juat received a dw Una of spring 8am plea. . A. BLOCK, . Merchant Tajlor, . Lkamvo. C m i'. .-. New Masonic Oper$ ilouae .. ; : ' THURSDAY, MARCH. 1 r' MELVltlLE B. RAYMONp; 1 CARTOON COMEDY Buster Brown With the Original New York Cast and Production Master Gabriel America's Most Talented Toy Comedian as BUSTER Talented and Well Drilled Chorus County Teachers Association The next meeting of the County Teachers Association will be held on the first Saturday in March and not the last Saturday in February, as stated at last meeting. MISS BESSIE FOY, Secretary. I l i,M.MTllrt.nill.l nil . ... For Hudnut's Cold Cream. Milk of Cucumbers and Orris. Concrete Tincture of Benzoin. All excellent preparations for preserving and beautifying the skin. g On sale only at DAVIS' PHARMACY. a d A nrn at BARFOOT Great Clean o 0 Now in Full Swing. I I Continued Six More Days. I I To Saturday Fib, 24th. Hundreds have taken advantage of this great $ P money saving sale and secured one of our brooms free. Still greater cuts this week to make clean J sweeps. All Ladies Fine Shoes worth 11)1 Dress GoocIh, Shirt (loodn, etc., Ladies Trimmed anil Keady-to-Wear $1.00 each. s Remember we are (jiving away broom with evcrv of S.1.IH). 1 Harfoot 1 ax iHuyisiwsyn Just Received New De signs for Spring in the Famous A. Colors Absolutely Fast. Beautiful Stales For; Chlldrens - School Dresses, . and ladies Siilrt . Waist : Suits. Price 10c Sr 1 . r ( v For one week onlv. Beginning February 24 We will give with each 25 cent purchase your choice of any 6 cent-article in stock. With each $1 00 pur chase your choice of any 25 vent Article in Stock. All goods are i . , marsea m plain fle ures so that you may &.UOW mat tnia is a bargain week lor our customers. We thank you in advance for your trade. WATERS' CHINA STORE ym and IS' adder Right - " The Skin. at7ttf.o1L BROTHERS Sweep Sale. ? to $.'! "ill, clean sweep $12. (i'l. W worth up to x.'.c, clean sweep rc 4 llnH up to $:t, clean sweep A Z. 1 l;l f charge a (rood stick Brothers. EC. Gingham I i the yard. D lid UN JIM Look out for Are you Prepared for it? We are selling winter goods at reduced prices and now is your time to buy. All Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Trous ers at greatly reduced prices. Twill pay you to buy now. J. G. DUNN & CO., 65-57 Pollock St. Phon 212. J L. HAHiTSFiELD lltruMr filial giM!ehr 0FFMK 93 1-2 M1DIM.K ST. '0S. 238 After having bo much trouble to prct Tin w H- :.r.v win n I wanted it and iikel wanted it done have purchased the Tin llus.mss of L. II. Cannon Have opened a First Class Tin shop No. Uu Middle Sir.-t, nM t. Cye e Stre, where I have competent and experienced men t. .In W work. 1 will run this business in conjunction with my CONTUAtTI N'C ami III 1 1 LI M ,V(J. Any work sent me will receive PROMT V ATTKN'I i in and will be DF LIVKRED when PROMISED. I havean EXPKRIENCKD SLATKR. ALL KINPS ( K tovf WORK DONE. STOVE PIPE Made to Order. Office Thofie V.: I , .,i,,.M.,. lsr, Prompt Having just received two car loads of Sash, I ),,.,! ., :;:.l . and Heath and Millifran Paints.'.we are in lietUsliap- I ban . , r I , :, ,,. i,, .-npply r customers on short n..ii, ,. Now is the time to buy some of Kni 1 IVoof Ell wood Wire Fence. We are sole agenis. Saskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Uo l'll..Oe 1 i; February Musi Show the same ratio in increase of businc . .1 ;, i ny d.d, if values will attract the trade. Come t. n . , ,r.;i,s ,f for no other reason than to post yourself ;:, . ih,- Litest style and lowest prices. 52 Snow White lied Spreads, the $1 W kind. Come quick before sokl out UKc each. Apron Gingham 2,(XH) yards, the 7c quality this wefk, only !c lr yard. Shoes' JuHt reeeivwl, Spring line of Hi.rry ShiMM in 'ici Kid, (iun Motal, Cslf, and I'Htent Ix-sthcr in diffirent hbapcH 75 Midde New Line Buck Cigars Just Received Fine Line Smoking Tobaccos. , - . f inokera Comforts For Users of Tobacco . 1"..! Company. w. d. Barrinjcton MANAOFR. 14AAAAS Let us have your or der for "Frenzied Fi nance." Ennett's Bookstore ; If your lamp will not work proper ljr or noocla l-rpalrlnflr, brlnt r It to uf , we will put it '1 A 1 - - m luoroujca oraer ior you. Ho chargo ior 1 I Sl t A S COP our umo or irouDio. . ) 7f;tcr3 China D tore aV&sssKl iMmm Cold Weather Dclivci 3 and wnitlis at ?:!.. at .i f.j oo. A II inter ( 'I. it hm al ball' price, y."-t Lad,.-., i l oo M,es for is'.'a'rds Or, u ,,r ;in s..rt in Hi iimanla :' In :. anl.- to l. Hold b-s than half pn.-e. Unoi -uvea i. M mis a i.d I .ao i. l.i ;,i v lleeced lined l'rub-i . ar, tl.. i .p.aht t w-ek f..r I" . I . 8tro-1. i j i nvnniNN U. 1.1 U UUIII U n : , i Ladivr riorists. Hiijih, ( aroat imi, i .,i,, , .1.1 n H Bpec I '""' A" h..t. ,., ,w.n. Wi-,,,i,' (,,. i i. ij. ..,! I I i,r(.r ,,, ,, ,., r; ,, ., ,. Talo. i. I "Tni .if. i Sn,'.r I I. erioa 1'iar,:.. ii, ,.,, ., KlM.fl, II ,ir- .;, Ihi,. L.iTfc'renns, 1 1 " f tr " I ' t ri I r , mat SK.nli- I rccn in ln nt liTi-linj; ar ict im :Jrrltl;;:n,;h;;::;:v,,:;K'rB,rf' " .1. I i ) g I ' I S f. to. r All Thoomi I ri Sash. Door and Mantel Factoiy No. 22 llanr.-k St., Now llirn, N. C. Ilsine rut in s lino nf up to-cUt marhiner U do sll kinds of hoom butMirur work, turning, Ha., al Um ssm old sIathI nn llsncnrk strwt, I am prpard to nil all onWi at aWt antics ami In Ot bmi snd Meat styVs. -All ordom titruld to mm will harsaty monsl altraUan. Eggs, for Hatching " Tb nnt strsls tf Puff Lntfhsit sn4 Blsrk Laneha, Cmt amtsp htr. 11.00 ptt tfUlrt of I&. MI.1 CAftlUC P. l!RtIj, i i it , , t .

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