' 4 1 IiTV BERN, N C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28, 1906 " s -- i r r , 1 ' TWENTY-FOURTH YEA H r OL XXIIT.-NO. 233. , V I r, ACKBURN'S STORES, If you trade ypu will. be pleased. TryK Not as we ;say, Mhen quit. A : i ii il a W eT aF. RIIII M ft ;i If UdSSUH nuvi; 01 '41111 OU(J(Jy uu ' ,The Painting Season is nowr at hand ' , , Uc ntduicx ivimiwdii. of colors. ' " ' ' T;wo Cars of Windows and doors just to hand. "'. Ell wood Wire Fence, Lime and Cement. s . . - ' We are in a position io give you right prices. Furniture and uousenoiQ : Goods. , vvc ucuirc io can your at tention to our complete line ot Jfurniture. uur stocic is being increased daily by the best goods on the market. GbGarts. ; .We have a new lot .01 baby carts in all styles at . prices which will meet with approval. - J. S. MILLER New Bern N.C.",, " Lumsden & Stlth .; . INSDRANCB AGENCY. - Strong l.in of Fire Insurance Corn- antes. ,.., ' All llminoiprotntl attendoJ to Coal i Coals Full supply of ths best quality Hard Coal in Broken, Eec, Stove and Chestnut sizes. Also the Celebrated Poca hontas Steam and Domestic lump. All , orders given prompt and pcrcon.il attention, rijone 34 Office and Yard No. 16 Craven Street. 1 " IZollister & Cox J. REGISTER lVr n-si . i 1 lUI.TT. Riil nr.! V 11' tA-. r f . i:: , . 1 ) nr.d r Wo .. Kfi'it n . i ' v X .M--.mL M -ft- Ts muuc. ucuci. -run j-,uic J. L O'QUISN S CO., North Carolin, Leading-Florists.';' Roses, Carnations and Violets a fipcc- ialty. All Flowers in season. ; Wedding Bouquets and Floral Decora tions at short notice. - Palms, Ferns and .'Winter ' Flowering - Plants In greatjvariety. ' Rosebushes, Shi ubbery," Evergreens, Hedge Plants, and Shade Treea ' . in best leading varieties t Mail, Telephone and Telegraph Or ders promptly executed, by ' - . J. L. O'QUINN & CO.? Raleigh, N. C. All Phones 149. M. Door and . Llantel -. " Factory - No. 22 Hancock St, New Bern, N. C Having yut in a line of np-to-datc machinery to do all kinds of house building work, , turning, ; etc., at the same old stand on Hancock street, I am prepared to fill aH orders at short notice and la the best and latest style. All orders entrusted to me will have my eraonal attention. -.' KEW f.!ASO:;iG OPERATiOUSE The Createi Play of i Decade , A Jolly American Tramp B; EE, KIDDER, Author "A Poor Relation, "Peaceful Valley," etc. SPLENDID TRIUMPH Of AMER1 CAM DRAMATIC GENIUS " Lanchter Boyond Powfble Parallel I 4hr1Uin(r, Inlhrslllnr, tUroly Novel t Jtcplet with the Mont Uniijue and Sensational Situation I SPLENDID COMPANY UK AM) rUKKNTATION ToMCMlng all the F.Irtnents of ' Popularity Mln floor . . tA 7VV Callory . , , 26-6e. ' THURSDAY, MARCH 1 mVILUE B. RAYMOND CARTOON COMEDY Buster Brown With Ihl Original t York Cut snd fr&.'jc'Jon i.iaslcr Gabriel i 1 1 T 1 1 I ' Ta' lV.uriliti" PdztZmZrl Thurman . ' February 26. The weather for the past ten days has been fine, and farmers are hustling. Peas are up and beginning to show greens Side . dressing caDDage, ana planting potatoes, seem to be the far mers work for the past few days. , . The trucking interest in this section is on the decline, only about one-forth as many acres in truck this season as previously planted. If all the farmers in the trucking sections of the South would follow this 'plan, better prices would prevail, and the financial result would be a decided profit, instead of heavy loss, as has been the result for the past few years. ,7 - - The fanners are preparing for about the same acreage in cotton as last year. J . i " One of the best revivals that "Old Riverdale Church" has been blessed with, closed last Wednesday night . It was not only a protracted service of a ten days meeting, but' a 'Revival in deed aid in truth. " .The meeting was conducted by the Methodist pas tor, Rev. W, A. . Piland, assisted by Rev. E. C. Glenn, a Methodist evange list, who held from two to three ser vices each day,' The services were very impressive ; from the beginning, and iWe feel the meeting was a "God send" to all cold, - indifferent and care less church members, not only Metho dist, but .Presbyterians and Baptists also. They all attended and helped in singing and praying, and all joined in with one accord in reconsecrating them' selves to God. Our good brethren of 'he Freewill ; Baptist church who was co have a quarterly Conference service. on Sunday, held their services on Sat urday tright and agreed to worship with the Methodist people on Sunday. Sun day morning their good pastor, R-v. Mr. Daughety and the congregation took part in the revival services.' A short recess and dinner was taken on the church ground and an evening ser vice was held. There were eleven ac cessions to the .Methodist church, be sides others ho will join the Baptist and Presbyterian churches.' Let God be praised for the outburst of His Holy Spirit in our community. , '. The attendance at our Sunday school on yesteratty was urge ana tne services were more impressive than ever. Oar pastor Rev. Mr. piland was present and in a very appropriate im pressive and touching speech, present ed to our much loved and worthy super intendent a fine silk umbrella, silver headed handle with monogram inscribed thereon as a gift from the "Sunday school. h Miss Sa lie Conner returned to her school at Perfection yesterday after noon after a brief visit to her parents. Miss 'Marls Buys spent' yesterday 1th her parents at Havelock and re turned to Nv Bern to attend to ber school duties as teacher. Miss Carrie Hardlson Is visiting Mrs Wm. Buys of Bavelock. The Misses McLacklin of New Bern are visiting their orouiers, wno are some of Tburman's youug energetic and progressive farmers. : j ' Commodore Thos. Gaskill Jr., of the U. S. t Large is among our visitors aivi seems to enjoy himself second to none. Miss Bessie Morton spent Sunday with her grand parents and returned to her school at Croatao. , Mr. and Mrs Jack Griffin of New Bern spent the day Sunday with Mrs N S rjankeU. The Thurman comet band .is pro gressing rapidly under the instruction of Prof Eugene Robenwn. The ladies of the community' art planning to have an entertainment tor the benefit of the band on the evening of March Sth. " THE C0"!?iQ Ifufl N( LMt fkt Ptpultf ntick Ms' llig Pv.ort. T' Inn, at I'.Ur V Mountain, Nnfth Can r.a, l I- r ? 1 to Jm!tffi , . ,1 n, t.r A .vi,,o, f ,t t'.o I.. I!. In- 1 t . i r.'- r j ! n 1 f r t . 1 t 1 u:IIU Li. J In Matter ot Injunction Against P. ' 0. & W. Railway. . - City Attorney Mclvsr's Statement to th Tax Payers of Niw Bern - and Pamlico . , County What Would Bs Future This Road H Undisturbed. ' - ' ' ' ', As City Attorney I have been direct ed by the Board of Aldermen to make a statement of the position of the city authorities in reference to the Pamlico Oriental and Western Railroad Com pany matter. " ' . "" . 1 By a vote of the people S0, 000. 00 in bonds was given for $50,000.00 in stock of this company. ! Our bonds have ben issued and the taxpayers of New Bern must pay them. - v ' The purpose of the subscription, was to assist our neighbors and customers living in Pamlico counly.especially in the northeastern part in getting for their rich and fertile section thp, advantages of railroad transportation. "By the terms of the contract' of subscription the city did not receive its stock, until the road was completed to RetUbbro and therefore had no voice in the con trol and management of" the company until after that date... ; ', "'i ,..-; The charter of this company was . a peculiar one in that It allowed organiza tion and corporate powers without " 8ny stock subscription. .This corporate or ganization negotiated a deal 'through promoters with the Pamlico Construc tion Co., a New Jersey corporation with water for capital stock; bo far as we have been able to find. At the very time, of the contract of the P. O. & W. R. R, Co., and the 'Pamlico Construc tion Co., the Pamlico Construction Co., was voting in the stockholders meeting of the P. O. & W. K. K. a ma jority of all stock issue and since ' that time a majority of the stock voted in all the stockholders meetings have been voted by the parties contracting with the company. , - . . '. In other words throughout its his tory parties making contracts with the O. & W, R. R. Co., to build its road have been contracting with" themselves in as much as the watered stock given them was at all times a good majority of the entire stock of the company. We have not had access to the copies of the contracts made but from the minutes of the directors' and ; stockhol ders meetings we gather that the Pam lico Construction Co., and those who have succeeded It were to be given as payment in full for construction and equipment of the railroad from New Bern via Bayboro to Goose Creek Island on Pamlico river, with a branch from Bayboro to Oriental on Nuese river 1560,000.00 of first mortgage bonds up n all Ute assets of the railroad com pany and in addition they were to be given the further sum of ail the pro ceeds of the capital stock subscription of the railroad company. This includ ed the $50,000.00 of the bonds of the county of Pamlico and with the excep- wn of a few small blocks of stock . is sued totha promoters, the entire bal ance of the nilread company author ized for 1750,000.00 over 1600,000.00 was issued to James A. Bryan. '-, -- According to our information $500,- 000.09 would be an ample price for the full construction and equipment for the railroad contracted for. While the contractors have already received mort gage bonds In the sum of $550,000.00 the proceeds of stock subscriptions and stock $750,000.00. : There has been . contracted about twenty miles of road. . At the total ex penditure it is Said of $2C8,000.00 which is about $100,000.00 more than the work done ought to have coat ' The com pany now owns this road and a con tract for the construction and equip ment of the balance of Li.e rod"fully paid subject to the outstanding morV gags of 1550,000.00, The Pmlico Construction Co., failed to tarry out lta contract and all its rights and Interest subject to all its du ties snd obligations we gather from the minutes of the meetings of the Com' pany were tuw'gned to Mr. James A. Bryan who undertook to carry out the contract, , who In turn but Bv ptm- tx-r axi'snod upon the same condition, the tame to KUy!.!t A Co., a banking conrern of Cincinnati, O.. wilh r..T, r in Kew York J (.Uc?,gn, rs.t.- J in U mercantile (lyrK a worth from tlZY'-xm to f-Vftn.m. Tha '..! ( f Jar !- i A I rs I. t f- (" 1 t t ; That this stock issue should be made i not tq the P O & W R R Co. but to the share holders of the P O & W R R Co, ' at the proportion of one to five. i i -This means the wiping out of exist ence of the P O & W R R "k-and the uniting in Kleybolt & Co. or its corpor ation the contract to complete the P. O & Vf railroad and also the sole right of enforcing that contract- . " v " The board of directors of the P O & WE R Co. voted favorably on this proposition and called a meeting of the stockholders in New Bern for Feby 7, 1906 to ratify the same. . With Carlton Bunce in the interest of Kleybolt & Co., ' holding over 6,000 shares of the capital Btock of the P O & W R R Co., the action of the stock holders meeting if not interferred with was a foregone conclusion. -1 . In this aspect of the case the .Board of Aldermen in the interest of New Bern and Pamlico county have brought suit and procured an injunction to pre vent such action, . If this action should be ratified then nil guarantee of the completion of the railroad would have been destroyed, ou the only person who ' could; have cjo upelted Kleybolt & Co. to carry out i s contract with James , A. Bryan to v hich Janies A. Bryan who succeeded 4.3 purchaser from the Pamlico Con duction Co. under its contract with t-M P O & W'R R Co. would have been ytkd into tools and agents of Kley boit & Co. at whose expense the con ir.ci. was to have been carried out imre is this further "phase, of the c to be considered. The laws ot c.iw State do not permit corporations w water their stock by means of con crciB with themselves, or through their dummies. Our laws require that the holders of stock in a corporation shall have paid in full par value there for, either in money, property or work. It ia clear in this case thafrsubstantial ly all the capital stock of the P O & W R R Co' with the exception of the sub scriptions of New Bern and Pamlico county is watered pure and simple. It is equally clear that the holden of this water stock are indebted to the com pany to the extent of the full par value of their stock. The collection of this money can be forced only by action of the corporation or through the court by means of a receiver. 'If Kleybolt & Co. control the corpor ation will they make Kleybolt & Co. make good its water T As New Bern and Pamlico county are the only people who have paid for their stock, should not New Bern and Pamli co county control the oeration of the railroad and its management so that it should be conducted for ' their mutual interest rather than it should pass into the hands of a foreign corporation to L build up sections of foreign States? . Is it not -the duty of the corporate power of New Bern and Pamlico coun ty to see that the people's money which has been put into this enterprise should be returned to them in dollars and cents rather than in water T , )' . ' : For these reasons the board of alder men of the city of New Bern call upon its people and upon the authorities and the people of Pamlico county to back them In thir fight for justice against a game of wtiered stock v which In pro portion of the amount invoiced exceeds the watering pictured . by (Lawaon in the stoiy of "The Ciime Amalgamated Copper." v, '"-' , ' ; . w, D. McIVER, ' ' ' City Attorney. '. LIST OF LETTERS , - Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C, Feb. 26, 1008.. . ' . men's list. - , ' A John Afbonea. " '. B G B Barrow. Jonah Barrow, S3 Burn St. - 'A - ' ' CRcm Nie Chantman,29 Mivlar St Thomas Cewler. . ' - " NJ D-Frank DniL II J L Hodges, Geo Holder, James Hoge.-': ,' ' - - J Saree James.. . M-J B Motion, Jas Marsh, (d U C A McDaniel. 1 ' P Edward I'igolt, Kit Pollock, Hot bertli Proctor. R-Will Ranwy, D. Rice. S James ' Bruce Smith, Robert Smith. D A Swindell, Joe Smith. V-UCUirVaiinUna.! ' " WOMKN'i U3T. B- IlonnSa Hallo, Mrs Edith G Berry, 2 New f.L, Mrs AVey KmUm, R F D N't) 2. - ' .,' O-F.mmj (Irntiam, IsW Grim (d I) l!i! )., rr Alfi.-I IM- 'T. J I- l .h 4'-. r '.t. John rh ft ii -y J3" . SKOT E!ff HOT KILLED Blind Tiger Winged' By - Police, . - Raiding Evidence of Liquor Business Carried on by Colored Men Up Town.- '-. Another drag net campaign has been accomplished and alleged violators of the law have been brought; into the lime light of publicity Monday night Chief of Police Harget acting upon his own investigation and some reliable in formation raided two plaees up town as sisted by officers Lupton, Bryan and Bowden. The stores raided were those of Providence Bryan on Burn street and Richard Guion on Broad street above Five Points. The haul was rich and the men living in the houses where the liquor Was kept will have to do some pretty clever explaining to shift the dark cloud that now hangs over them. "Having become assured that liquor was kept in the places suspected the chief and officers went first to Bry an's house on Bum street and after considerable search they found a big tin box used for keeping bread. Thers was enough whiskey in it to put a good many out of commission and still have some left The place was searched for stray bottles of lightning and some were found in various places carefully overed. Bryan was arrested and taken to the city jail. At Guioti'a place it was found that he kept a little store and lived in the second story of the building. In the living apartment was found a large trunk and in this was concealed a much larger quantity of "wet goods" than "medicinal" or "family purposes" could demand. The stuff was bundled into baskets and carried off. . Some had never been unwrapped but everything indicated that it was kept for sale. Guion was disposed at first to resist the officers but after arrest made no at tempt and submitted peacefully. The Mayor's office is the reciprocal of all confiscated liquor and has the ap pearance of a bar room. The acquisi tions have come from time to time since January 1. The different brands ,on the shelf are; 12 to 20 bottles of Old Henry whiskey, several battles of Dixie gin, 12 to 20 bottles of Baker Maryland Rye, no brand, several bot tles, Old-Sharpe William, Home made cocktail, Pigeon gin, Monogram whis key and Honest measure whiskey, several bottles each and these in ad dition to that confiscated Monday night. There were seven men in the police court yesterday whose names appear on the blotter as having sold liquor with, out a license. They were Providence Bryan, Richard Guion, J.T. York, Sam Blackledge, Messrs. William Lovinear James Harrison and J. O. Land. Sam Blackledge was the first defend ant before the Mayor, and Charles Gib son was the witness against him. He stated that he bought whiskey on the 24th Inst, that he he went into J. O. Land's atom and got a half pint of whiskey, paid 25 Cents for it and start ed out on Burn street to go home and was arrested by the officers., R O'Rara was attorney for Blackledge and ques tioned the man closely but the witness was positive in his statements. He said that when be wanted cldes. beorine or any light drink he would ask for it but when he wanted ' whiskey ha would merely put the quarter on the counter and the bottle would be passed over. Police officer Lupton 's evidence dealt largely with the circumstances of Gib son's arrest A bottle of the liquor was displayed in court and was declared by Chief Harget Jto be whiskey. ; , ' Providence Bryan was the next man to be tried and attorney W W. Clark Immediately moved for a dismissal, of the case on the ground that there was a flaw hi the warrant because it did not stipulate to whom the liquor" was sold. The Mayor upon advice of the States Attorney, D. L. Ward amended the warrant but Mr. Clark atated that un der the circumstances he was Dot ready to proceed with the trial consequently all the men were put under $250 bonds for their appearance at eleven o clock tod! ' ' ' "" For one week only. Beginning February 24 Wo will give with each 25 cont purchase your cholca of any 6 cent articlo in stock. With each SI 00 pur chaco your choice o: any 25 rent 'Articlo in rttock. All proods arc marked in plain fir. uron co that you may Uno'v that this la a . i". fcr cur ; , v i ,) t! A CUTTER mm Absolutely Pure HAS JO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder freefrom alum or phos phatic acid rVTfTTTTVTTTffVyvyTVfTTTTVTMTTTTTTTfTTTTTVyyTTTTTTT 4 How are You Fixed on Bed Linen ? We have received a new shipment or Ready made Sheets and Pillow Cases and can supply your needs a great deal less than you can make them. Get our prices. Bleach Sheets, 2 1-2x2 1-4 yds. at 55c. " 2 1-2x2 1-2 yds. at 60-70c. Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches, at 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c. These articles are made of the best brand on the market. Beautiful 10 1-4 Spread at $1.75 to $3.00 each. 10-4 Plain Spreads at 75c to $2.50 each. J M Mitchell & Co., PHONE 288. 61 Pollock Mt. Opp. NEW ARRIVALS. We have just received a new line of Colored Lawns and Organdies and a new lot of White Lawns, India Linens, etc. Also a big lot of Em broidered Shirt Waist Patterns,, Lace Collars and Turn-Over Collars. Ladies Patent Leather San dals, Oxfords and Shoes in the Newest jSpring Styles. We invite you to call and fee them. 17 BAXTER Furniture, Stoves, Mattings, Etc. Largest stock of Mattings in the city. Royall and Borden Felt Mattresses. New line of Go-Carts. , We are still offering some bargains and it will pay you co call on us, ' . JOH N B. . I VES. Phon 111 , 93 Middle 8iet. : " Photo Portraits. ' . Latest Stylos t7..n. Cf.j; ....... m Us.V,IJi ' . -0X1 QFllEMJil of Fringed Marseilles Bed Episcopal Church I- 92 East