1 fi Y , 1 i ; i Jft it' J a. . i J V "3l 1 K.l U W.I 5 cljuO'iS of 1 I f -w C , - if ,"J ' Promotes Digeslicn.Chccrfur ness and Rest. Con tains neitticr Opium,Morplune nor rliiieraL Not Narcotic. , Vastus SttA , fM -XthUUSclit-' HHcSeft ' . . iipfnitt - . - Mneryvea. tkrvmt A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour StomachDiarrhoea andLoss of Sleep. tacSinute Signature of. ' r NEW VDKK. ; fete W - W Bcara tho ' Smiaturo of - fi ui- , ,y f - - ; ugo For Over aie not commutik-ab.e l. a i u to per on, but tlinn i ci'i" .1 t rloi's only, such as soil, watur, food. air. clothing and uteuslla. To V i,t cii belong yellow fever and Asiatic chol era. Trior ore infectious, 'mere nre, dually, those which may be transmitted directly from a person or Indirectly through carriers. To thlB class belong scarlet fever,' measles, diphtherin, vari ola, influenza, erysipelas and varicella, perhaps also whooping cough. They are contagious and infectious. " ft.! oi lliirty Yc UlS nnr r- n n EXACT CDFV OF WHAEflEH.' v 1 l . lr fs.ii ' , " THI OtNTMHI OMINIIlV. HEW VOH OlTT. SOUTHERN RAILWAY " SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEB. 11,-1905. -s f 110 Daily, 136 Daily, P H . v if. 6 571 7 15 7 8fM .7 42 " 8 051 108 Daily. .AM 7 20' f 7 83 7 48 '7 &? 8 05 8 10 8 15 -8 27 f 8 38 -8 47 t 9 00 9 50 9 M 9 371 9 51 t M 2 30 f 2 43 ' 2 55 3 on '3 io! a 15! .3 20! 3 32; f 3 44l -8 63, A 38 f 4 4 5 01 5 13. 10 0 5 39 112 Daily. , 6 541 6 001 6 12 6 2f ' ' 6 4.'t :6 4!)! . .7 02! 7 12 f 7 30j 12 20 M FK AM 1 30 1 1 41 2 00 2 05 2 18 2 23 2 23 2 4 2B7 ,3 03 3 22 3 52 4 02 f 4 12 4 27 4 40 5 15 f 5 83 ; Eastern Time 10 30 0 45 flO 61, 6 40 11,02 5 54 fit 18 f 6 09 11 30 29 11 361 f 6 3 5 11 4?! f!2 0.1 I 6 48 . ..... 7 15 AM o1 8 .15 17 21 23 26 82 87 Ul J46 55 "67 61 '6J 73 181 87 107 Daily. GREENSBORO McLean. , Elon College...'- Burlington., "f .. Graham Haw Rivet"..... Mebane.,.,.. , .. ..... Hillsboro UNIVERSITY DURHAM .... East Durham BraBsfield., Morrisvilie j raleigh.';..;.. Auburn Clavton Wilson's Mills.-. o tt r ir a . Pino Level. a if 135 Daily. AH 11 431 fll 28 11 23 11 22 11 14 11-07 11 01J 10 W flO 88 10 281 10 16 10 00 9 44 f 9J87I 9 13 9 05 8 451 826 8 20 8 0S t 65 1 4G 7 86 ,7 261 1 14 111 Daily. PM 6 35 f 6 15 6 00 6 55 5 46 5 39 6 S3 6 221 f 6 10 5 01 4 49 4 80 4 18 f 4 10, f 8 68 8 49 ll7- Daily, :?oo AM 8 80 8121 .8 06 2 65 2 40 2 25 2 12 2 01 1 49 PM AH fi 85 .6 17 ,6 05 6 00 4 471 4 40 4 30 '4 17 4 02 8 47 8 30 8 00 2 48 2 85 2 16 2 05 1 40 11-45 11 81 11 23 11 08 10 60 10 88 10 25 no 10 f 9 65 9 401 PH SpMAV 4 virva 9 20 9 07 842 822 8 12 7 60 AH Princeton....... .(. Rose. GO LDSB0R0.7 .. . This condensed achedu' is published as information and is subject to ehanx ' Trains -Nob, 112 and -108 connect at; Goldsboro with Atlantic' Coast Llns - ' trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina ; . trains lot Morehead City and Intermediate points. ! w . - . 1 i. V " Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. 83 or Charlotte, Coram bia and Jacksonville.- No, 87 solid Paltmnn trstn. drawinif-room sleepers New " - ;7 York to Now Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan- -"'. jrain No. 117 handle through coach between Raleigh, "Chase City and i ' i Richmond, whero close connection is maae wim rt ssrungxon oouuiern nsuway ' for Waahinmon and Eastern cities. - v -:" x, - ' ' , ; , Train M.. 107 eonnocU at Durham for Oxford. Chase Ctf and Richmond - . ' University Station for Chapel Hill daily except bunday; at Greensbore with ' train No, 86 for Washinirvtn and points North, -close connection for Miiuiton t Calcm, High Point, Suliio iry, Charlotte and Intermediate stations. - Train No. 135 connecw at Greensboro with No 89 for Charlotte, Columbia and Jacksonville; No. 85 for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest; No, i r ' 84 and 38 for Washington and all points North; connection is sUo made at Sabs bury for Western North Carolina points. . r- 8. fi, Uabdwick, P. T, M.. W. IL Tatiob, G. P. JL". JL B, 6roCKR, G, M - - Washington, u. u .- - - R. L. Venwow, T. P. A, , , - T.'E. Crekh C. T. A. ' . ; , ;. Charlotte, N, C , t .. . .- -.- , . RalMgh, N. a ' - Mvarr. Feod. Walo find Exchange - . A v.;Zyf f . 1.'- - t " -' ' 1-- , ,1 f lire, Coartiuar Cnilama of Slant. In Slam the lighting-of a cigar Indi cates a betrothal, u .that country a person wishing to become engaged to the girl of his choice offers her a flower or takes a light from a cigar or ciga rette If she happens to hare one In her mouth, and thereupon, provided there Is no Impediment, steps are at once tak en to arrange for the payment of the dowry." The families oMbe bride and bridegroom have each to provide a con siderable , sum. In Calabria, as In many parts of India, a lighted toper or a lighted pipe' betokens the acceptance of the suitor for the hand of a lady In marrlaga. In 'Siberia It Is the Custom that when a suitor has been accepted by a girl she presents him with a box of cigars and a pair of slippers as a sign that he is to 'be master in the house., . - - . - .' Jv3t' Pnacako TTonen. ' One of' the familiar sights on the streets of a Japanese town is the pan cake woman, who, with her little bra- iler of coals and her tiny frying pan, Is usually found on a corner not far from a school, j She has a bowl full of deli cious batter, a ladle and a cake turner, and there Is apt to be a hungry crowd around her '.little; stand as soon as school Is out, for not many of the chll drea are able to resist the smell of the crisp pancakes, : at least If they have any money. s For a small coin worth only a; fraction of one of our pennies a child may fry nnd turn his own cakee.xnnd happy Is the one who has a number of coins In bis little kimono Sleeve "and can; fry "and eat to his heart's content. .'. ; IV.' r- OIRelat- CrrevpoKdeBce. , A' fourth class postmaster and . he doegn'tjive In- Bill ville sent the fol lowing, to headquarters In ; Washing ton: t - "'i--''''- "This wll make three times that I've told you I'm laid up with a bad log, hnvia'- shot myself It the 4ft leg the one that was wouadt1 II the wr. while I wns trytn to kill a squirrel for my breakfast,' nd I. will not be be sides..' I ; don't pit - much- holiday no- howr Atlnntfl Co'iKtltutlon. ' Scotland Yarl widely knowa as the beado.uarer of the London police, Is a htsterlcal pin' e, said to have been the site of a p.ilm-e 'where kings of Scot land were rm dved when they came to London. It U uear the banqueting ball, Whttehnl!. 4,i'V Prot h kinin retained pos wAov i f (t f rrnu O'hanil the rebel lion of TYiltinm of ficotland. Milton, Sir TirlMtopt;-r 7tin and other nota bles lived Id Se-oti md Yard. ' Tl:? foiloriiig ndvertlsemont appea ed In a prominent .London nowspaper; Tvtnf i.-Exprl-nod bualiMa womaa li iranRffln, Tioorwantsr, niDwlwr sot tWM.-arlly tiprlaorfd In hairtln Inf. b it mui. I b. tactful, rvllable and born about Brpt, a ' k -f -Harper's Weekly, Tin KtaSa el rlsw ThPre are two great promoters of so cial LnrplfTis cbecrfal'peoiils isnd pemile who hove some returnee. The latter era more secure benefits to sod' ety than the formi-r. Ttn-y tre ttie non coiKluclors of s!l the heats and aulmos- Itles around them." - A Itwi laaliiaatlsa. JIIss Ins !. -.'.:( n't you nwrly I hvu t uimi n biym'.uJ tit s J ilim Ingmce Oh. la yew hare to makt that up txV-:iTlBd Loader, la icoportton to p"pultkm, tut. d linking l in ore coitimoo In t,W parts of South A-mprlra Urif Ui f.Jcat t row i (inn t a drinking la tli tea dl!r1r.t of n.i-ta. 10 .ll a s..: If At ! d A-V aV.ir V erer In f.c Cera I arf' ini ! "'il. f ll"rw ".rvl l.;i ? rr r."'-f-1 fjf il'l J.'tt !',rn " A tr In I rf -it ii. A romp'o! t-n ft -.Wai.'., , I '.! v V, !. vl V, hflp, l,i. i'r.i j itk'.. ?. I'f fn. '. r 'fin fin l I' V . ' ) B-n I . f in !' - 1.' " i 1 1 . 'I i '1 TIT t , I- ' 1 l 5 i h ji'S i : : 1. ij ) ' t t jw. 1 1 ( r i 1 in ! it .i'tt itJc i. : 're 1 v 1 c r v .e qu..ty 'f lit ei . ti Juu 1. '. sCtr-V'.'veC8t-i,"2u t s f-.J sbout the bvt kinds to I ti.U lIled frte. " t m We are Headquartei-a for j Cot Pens, Zzx V.zz?S,K ,f T"--t C ErIl's Gjrn,,' Alfalfa! and all Southern Seeds. Write for jr rices and Descriptive Catalogue, i7'HV""1 ft ""?-' la ws liw.J u vH errTrr.---, . kizumoko. va,'.. RIVERSIDE STORE. Hams at 15c lb; . , Sail ,;.e Meat 10c lb. Stunned Hams, 15c lb. . r . Frank farter 10c lb - - - - ' Bologna 10c lb. Pork Sausage 13c lb " V i Link 10c lb. ' - " ; , - ' t " Noith Carolina Herring 3 for 5c ; Bismarck Herring 25c can. ', j Shore fish 2 for 25c. - - - ' - - Phone 246.' ;. '.- 1 I L-iofril u:l !', t v ih H i Jd SA.VED THE LANDS. -, Made from pure dis- 'V I tilled filtered wa- .KEHBEK3 ICE ; COOT. CHANGE OF " SCHEDULE The steamer , Neuse- will eaii on Monday, "Wednesday-and Friday." Tbe steamer Ocracoke on T uesday. Thursday and Sunday atC p m.' : coin steamers win make landings at Oriental each wav and connect at pel haven with . a fast throueh tram for Norfolk.' The train is due to leave Bel haven at 8:30 a m and arrive in. Norfolk at 2 p rn. l' r- - i. .-" v. Direct connection .made at. Mackey's Ferry at 9.50 a m for Plymouth" and Washington. 0' '- V 7 ". y ' -' No 4 train willleave Norfolk at 11.55 m. arriving at Beihaven at 6:10 p m, connecting with the steamer for New- Bern, daily except Sunday. - ' " - - GEO. HENOERSON. ' " '. M. K King. V. P. "and Gen. Mntrr . m. w. maguirb,' .tien. supt a. j, nuuiiiwa, jt, ana r. a. New Bern. Dec. 29.1905. r 1 J 19-21-23 Griffith Srreett, Rfll Estate ;Agent T Ntv I nt.- N BW De Coimna' Great Speech Bap " pen4 to Be Delivered. ' j TTio ; lnn?fil- encwlf.h nn iwnnFfl ' lb ha.. Ileyed'to have been that made by Mr.T de Cosmus In the legislature of British Columbia -when a measure was pend-1 ..; Ing the passage of which would have taken from a great many tettlers their lands. ' De Cosmos was in a minority.'' 4V freed St,' The measure had been held back till '" the eve of the .close; "of the season or f. I: Simmons. ; - h D. Want, session. Unless action Was taken be- Nl W lWfNTi JfWAPfi fall. De Cosmus got the floor at 10, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELORS. AT II, m. una lioyan a speech against the " -LAW v bill. Its friends supposed he would be' twice Removed across Street to Second done by I o'clock. At 2 o'clock he Was ! tory of No. 69 (above Telegraph of- sarlax In the second place."; At 8-.'. ncei.sOHtn ront street, nextw he priuced n fearful bundle of eyl-K rlence and insisted on reading 1L - ' I J Then the truth dawned.-" He-'was go ing to spenk till noon the next day and. kill tho billi Then;' they made merry over It and, tried to shout him down, but thai give him time and breathing space.-.- They ilually settled down to watch tho combat between the strength of -will nnd, weakness "of Body;iThey gave. 110 mercy,- uo: time for dinner or welting lips with water and no sitting down.1 "'Members -went - toxins - and sleep in squads, bntDe Cosmus. went on.: Day dawnodV ' y-.," ' y The -speaker' was. alternately dosing and tryiug to look , wide-awake. ' At last noon: came, and a single man was triumphant.; Although bis voice had sunk to a husky whisper, bis eyes were bleared and bloodshot, his legs tottered under him, his baked Hps were cracked and smeared with blood,. Pe Cosmus had spoken for twenty-six hours and saved the lands, . " t", . w. ' , , ,' Hotel Chattawka. Practice in tho Counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pam lico and Wake; in the Supreme and Fed- 1-rai Courts, and wherever services art desired. - v THE BANAN A'.PLANTV. " : Baeh Traa Predaee Onlr Oa Baaeh ; of the Frail. - , , , --v The banana plant Is not properly a tree at all, It has no woody fiber. Jt 1s a large, green, fleshy plant, with big leaves six or eight feet long and some times two feet broad. It grows to a height of ten to fourteen feet or even more, - according to , the : variety ' pf plant and the Efl and climate.' Each tree produces pus bunch of fruit only. which Is really (he terminal bnd of tho plant. Just- like in ear- of wheat or barley. It baj 00 branches, and when the fruit Is ready, which Is twelve or fifteen months from tho data of plant ing, the tree Is, cut down and done with, - T'"V' w'- .'; , But while It Is growing np and mr taring lu fruit If Is at tho same time sending tip from Its roots other young plants or suckers perhaps, eight ' of nine of them. Barb of these will pro dace its own bunch In turn, some of them In a couple of month after the parrot plant, and there will thus be p-jrulnr sucreaslon of fruit Many of time urknrs bare to be dug up and planted eiwwbere, or they would be too thick on the ground. I - And there Is this peculiarity about Uie baoana: You can plant It St any it-ason, and the fruit rlpn ail the r?or round. Wbia, once a banana field Ms bctm planted out, sit that Is nir-ra- tary to be done is to Wp It clear of wrda and kwp thinning out lbs mnttv plying soi-kts. ' ' - . ' - '. Errtest -M; Qreen, " ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Br6ad St.,,,' New Bern. N-C. Well equipped tousearch titles by res son of manv veara exoerience in the office and a Register of Deeds. ? Practi ces mtne uourtsot graven, j ones, Pamlico, Carteret, Onslow, or where- ever services are required. - - , SfelMOZHT-W. HANCOCK . Attorney at Law. Will ' practice la Uot and i.i l - Federal Court:" .j r v ',' Office 46 Broad St; : ATTORNEY AT LAW., "Prsctlos In the counties ot Craven. Carteret, Pamlico,' Jones and Onslow, and In the State' Supreme' and Federal Uoutts, ;; .- -rn-.. . ;.--. . Oflloe: Son'th Front Ptreet, over Til graph riffloe, Nrr 'wit K ft ( -1 1 Horse? Owners If your hone is sick, lame, or suffer ing from any ailment that you do not understand, write to Dr.- F. E. White, the Vetemarian of Norfolk, Va. , Send symptoms of the trouble . and be will send you advise absolutely free of all charges. .- ', ; :. - . - 7 . I IV TU K W W IT o , z RIACSSMITH Si wUIILUSGH Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drajs al ways kept la stock,' 1 reset tires without cutting with the latest Im proved tire shrink r. " 1 keep a good supply of cart wheels always In stock repairing done at quick notice. Shop on South Front street Dear nancock Eta, . . : , ; .; To Farmers ! Do ymi wnnt to pnrkhfyoor tands POTtjuavuntly fYou now have the op portunity of doing so by the dm of A Cart... Waaa.a W.l.a. Arrx.r.iatod and KanituHi lnd Ume. Tli w-at enrloua Vm,Vr PtI. c,rnr roW0(M.d of miUvrheA oviler Dint h.n ever Wn made In thla wm- Lt,i. iv,. .,., an ?: t Trr, t.-. mtnm in tun , trior l.ur;n, . . , . .t t- i.,i:.rl,tl-V...7r,..tnt!.-..t NrTSTZ " f ,'hr, '' .... . ...... 1 tt :' I tii,nr TiinJa IT ruil rrf)i l)..;:. li' j r ,e f. l -i t:.i a ww." .' I U in tt.is J r.Jurt pr..l-tr tic! !i .'ii m rrti ii.d fif .n r I V t . J r T qiar;lit.i of A f.i r I. 1 t' 1. ' - 'l . t ' ''" , r -.it Ar.. !',. if Co t; t'.n ' e ! r,,.; .. . jt fiir T,S,T 1 v ' '" h m-. of t. ' '! " , n. 1 , !, r' , - 1 r. J' r.."- ! f 1 I 1 cf t ;i (' 1 ) .1 wn-.l t I it 1 ' . 1 U. .'. r - i 1 lT,,tr -.. fr.tit t!. t" r'Vr! ' .... v t f .u, J Valu ab 1 0 Timber I Esxcutrir Fcr Gale ". . " WOET3 C AEOL1N A. Oaven Qwirty.- Uy lirtue rf a juignwait of the Superior Court tiauo n4 enti-rva u,t jh1 l'rotoedmg entitled GiMMk'-i W, Carrawav, jminutrator of loea B. IMrswat injninn Vrilliam trxneia Cftrrmwajr and kei-vvi'. nnw by M. G. William ftunrduta ad liU-m. I Will Bed I jI il-h to thll hishl hiririr at tlie Cnurt Hou.- nr in New Uii. North Car- !,., At th hmir nt 1 V rt 14 n T.. .. .i luth day of April, 191. to auks asset U timber 1 P llhlirfl tlnn Of li .nch at the baae when cut for IS veara on the I - AAUi UUU r VI f,j!iowui(f tract of land in Craven County, North Carolina, mora particularly described as followa. tomit: Lyinsr ai.d bein aituated on Ui Soith aide of Neuse River and on both aide of RbuivRnivk, besinninir near the noutn of fitonjr Branch on Neum ltiver and runaing- thence Southwardly a knur the line of the hta J, 11. House to thoaiam rtaa waning Irora the wagliington road to th. NeuM road, called the " Green Boad,v and thence fcantwaroiy down aakt mail 87 poles, thence South I West 143 poles to a stake, thence N. 2 West SS Doles to a stumo. a comer between Genrvo (irtmn and Turner May deeraaed. Thence Weotwardly iMona Uie line of the lands of Geonra Green ttiMuue-hfare to th land ef Hesakiah. Pavia, vnence normwaraiy aiong i o. line ot the una oL nesaKian uavia to tne ureen tnorouRliIare.'i thence from tbe Green thoroiurhfara" to tho beKinnmc. Beinc the Nune land conveyed O nesaie i uivm dt im uuiena Bank of Mfv Bern. N. & by deed resorded in th. oflice of , Recister ot Deeds of Craven County, in book 18 ". paire in, exoepuna that portion or parcel of land which was conveyed by W. E. Dixon and, wifr, Bemc h. Dixon to Berry Meridith bv deed datii -.-..-..... bonnded and described as follows ( Begintiinc at a stake in the Green roads and with the said road 70 poles to a stake at a cross rence and ditch, and thence with said fence N. 68 1-4 W. SS nolo to the end of the ditch. thence N. 68 1-2 West 83 poles to a stake in the line between the Green place and the George Green tract of land.. .;.. GEORGE W. CARRAWAY. Administrator .w fen, xutn. xwn. Pneumonia followa La Qrlppe but never followe the uee of FOLEY'S Honey Tar It stops the Cough and heajs the lungs. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption. Hal Ch TaOBaa, of 151 Otflood St.,' Cbieaflo, snitaai "My wits bad 1 cripp. and it left her With a very bad eoogb am bsr lnnra whloh tourt's Hoan am Zaa torad awapuitBiy," For sale by Davis Pharmacy. Chamberlain's 2m- Co ugh Remedy The Obildrftn'a Favorite , f ... ..-.-JOBBaV-. . ' CfOnffhs, Golds, Oronp and V : '. .W&ooplrjg Cough. Thl.reai.drls famoas for Its cnxMvr a Uria par of th. elTlliaad world. It ew always b. d spend M apoa. It contains u , oplass or oth.t harmful drn and may bf as eonndenUy toababyastoaaadal , Prloe SS eta; Large 81se, AO ert rHaving qualified as Exacntrlrof OuceaMKl.ail pentona haruuf cihiuib , tauoiaaaldeceaKdar. hereoy uu. the asm. daly renned to i,t t. , for. th..8ih day of Feb. 1., Botie. will be pleaded in bar of th,r f peraons indebted to said estate areiuac ad to Baak. immediate Mttiemant. febeth. ltj - WHJJSA FVJLCEER. E mons. North CarolijBvl ' Crav, Count,. l(U8aI,-i0' C0rt- - Before W. M. Watson, C. S. C V V , McCarthy, administrator Jeny Copei. l AdeUCopetandV"""',rU'UU v"' u. "'" CopelaiJ isanon-res itj " Nortfc Carolina. Vou are he --. vnni. a summon and petition for n. roal estate fon ajuniji h K. ..i.. ...j - Craven eoonty, V, G.,'in the si uun uj jj, . mctarthy. admiuustr li tp"1- deceased. You are hereby tofts to apiiear before said Clerk at the c ""f8 New Bern, N. C., on Monday the 2nd of April 1906, at 12 o'clock m., and answer or M.ur w petition aa-you may deem beat, ot ; -r." v!"'.. peireioner will Deirrani It M ordered that this notice be published on. wk XfSi the New Born Journal. 'iR-i VjLi"r,''.erlt tne "uperior Court This 16th dav of February 1906V' A. & N. C.R; I Administrators Notice Hav)nB ouaKfled a Administrator of Georee S Wilcox, late of Craven County M. all Demons hvii claims against the said estate are hereby.. notihed to present-tbe same, duly veriOad, to tho undersisned. on or befor. the 2Bhof Feb 1807. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoveiy l u parsons indebted to said estate are hereby re- queb,d to make immediate payment. .nis iamoayoi rep iwks. tTm. W. CARMAm, Admlnlgtratrr GUION & DUNK, Attorneys. : Entry Wotice North Carolina. Craven county. To Geo B. Waters, Kntry Taker for craven county The underaiffned J. B. Paul and A. P. White head, of Pamlico and Craven counties. North Car olina, enters and lays claim to the following described piece or parcel of land in 6th township, Craven county. State of North Carolina, the same beina- vacant and unappropriated land, and sub ject to entry, viz : Lying on the east side of Club-foots- Creek and bounded on th. North by C. C. Bell. F, S. Bocton, heirs of Isaac Taylor, on East by L. Taylor, on the South by the State of North Carolina, and on the west by C. C. Bell and State and others, containing .by estimation 200 acres more or less. Entered this 24th day of February, 1908. A. P. WHITEHEAD. . B. PAUL. v Effective Sunday, Dec. 10th." 13; at 12.01 a. m. Eastern StArtrlnrii Time. -,'. bast Bomm STATIONS! No, L r t DAILY Lv. Goktsbora 8.00 A. M Best's 8.21 LaGrana. 8.81 Falling Creek 8.43 Kinston 8.56 Dover 9.23 Gove a At Ar. NEW BERN 10.10 " Lv. New Bern 10.16 A. M Kiverdale 10.34 " Croatan 10.38 Havelock 1060 " Newport 11.06 " Wildwood 11 12 Ar. Morehead Cy. 11.40 WEST BOUND. Nn 9 STATIONS: DAILY NO. S , ' DAILY ' -8.40 Jf.i 4.01 " 4.18 ' 4.25 " 4.40"' " 5.02 . " 6.16 ' " 6.48 6.6S P. f 6.18 " 6.22 '.'" 6.36 " 662 6.68 7.SO -- Notice of Publication of Summons Lv. Morehead Cy. wuawood Newport Havelock Croatan Riverdaln Ar. NEW BERN Lv. NEW BERN uove Dover Caswell Kinston 7.40 8.06 8 11 8.27 8.89 8.03 9.06 9.10 9.41 9.68 10.08 10.22 A. JL t. North Carolina. . Craven county. In the Superior Court. Spring Term. 1906. Falling Creek 10.35 LaGrang. 10.47 Best's in &a Ar. Goldsboro 1L20 No. 4 DAILY 4.16 4.87 4.48 4.69. 6.U 6.16 6.40 C.48 6.20 6.36 646 7.00 7.18 T.26 7.87 7.55 : IiIVER-ISH 3 This Morning?! 'A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer ' BeDrys;fjiariiacy ; J27 JI!ddl IHC Full lino of Druffs.Med - icinea, Toilet Ar; tides and Soap. Fresh Supply o," Flower Seeas ; IlijHlcInrM 1'rrNcni' Uon A fipeelaUy. jf, i .Is. l.tirr.t l.i.;. 1 a.. 1 T' .1 i ;i i r a.' lr ;t i'p r .r a . 'V.. t " n 1 c It I I t r all fr Citizens-:-; Bank JKWW aawsant a.u Tl.t t- ; W hare an eya to ihir.gt fcrri.i.nt, remfurtal W fervl ch.rfut. llsty f f,lU1 tip wir l.ar.alrg fofiml to n.-rl three rfj'r.rprr.f!?.., Sr. rt-!) Id nUr. l t !1 aSo ar,t t,nSr fV.:.!!--, hrtf vetrotne, Come !'xl f o ;a. i ... f.ii iopff ft; ." : - r i , An ia and Pn.fi te T. f t I I - I : Joshua Whitfield EverllneWhitfleld. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in th. Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce absolute between the plaintiff and defendant UDOn the arounds of abandonment and adultery, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of Superior Court of said County to be held on the second Monday In ing the 9th day of said month) at Court House of said county in Nnr demur to the complaint or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. W. is. WATSON. Clerk of The Superior Court This 1st day of March, 1906. Pel ' Bern, N. C and answer or slnt of plaintiff in said action. BEAUFORT ANNEX. V no. 1 no. S riAH.V rw,..r Ar Beaufort 8.10 P.M. 12.20 P 'V i. ; . ""Wfi'y - I.W A. flfl H Xf. CONNECTIONS. TraiflB Mm. 1 and J Mnnaet .4- nt .m K 19 flowr .No 41- Southbound: Jlii iw iJT) ' fnd Wlth Southern Railway bou d. Westbound, and No. 112, Eaul At (sldshnrn' Wllh (Uil..,. d.h -a .. . lantic Coart Lin: " ' At KJnston and New Born: With Atlantis Coej R. P. FOSTER, BEL BUNCH I ' 1 uenaral Manager. Traffic Mabaaw GOLDSBORO. N. O Entry Claim. P. 0. & RAILWAY. Beginning Wednesday Nov 1st the Th. andenumed E. Z. R. Davia of Craven Co. 1 amllco. Oriental & Western Railwnv UkTMlk. Mv4 Um Alain, in fka fnL I ... - . .. . Wl l AatQhlioh NORTH CAROLINA. nAVBH Couhtt. To Geo B Waters, Entry Taker for Craven Co. lowing described pieo. or parcel of land in No 9 Townahip. Craven County.' Stat, of North Carolina, tb. asm bamg vacant and unappropria ted land, and subject to entry, via: On the aorta aid. of th. A, A N. C. Kailnoad and south akl. of to. Dover road and lying In what I known as the deep neck aartlnn. boondedon th. north by Blades Lumbar Co. on tb. cast by O. H. Wrther tngton. oa tb. aotlth bv the Hlnes Bma, Lumber Co. and oa th. west by Munaar and Bennett, con tainlng by estimation 71 acres ntor. or Mas. Knterwi this 1Kb day af February 190a. tZ.. DAVIS. passenger service be tween New Bern, Bayboro, and Inter mediate stations on allowing schedule: tt East Bound West Bound No. 1. Nn, 2 (Mixed, Daily, ex. Sua) V P. M. A. II AdministratoiB Notir Having oaallnag as admnilstrator of tb. Ute af 4orry Cupaiaail.dwwwl.thWd. la notify all par sons bar Ing ulsl.ia against lb said aetata to ex hilHt tbaai to tb. ano-raigad duly verified on or for uWiaUdayo('urury 1KT7. or this notk. WMlbs pluliil la bar of tb4r iwcmeiy. All per bom Isdebtiad toaaid astats wUI pteaas aask.ua awdlaas paynieat. i Ikkt Fab. loth. IM. G J, MoCABTBY, Adsslnhrtrabw. Administrators Notice HavtraaaaHfM as ulssliiadistnr of tbe atiat f Maraars a Saadera, 6 1 tua I to aauf y ail .iua bawbw sasisa agalaat th. aakt eslai. ssnhlbtt tMas te Uw aadaniewad daly venAsd e. ar befors UaStktwrf litawr, lin.er thu kotfawwlll be plaadas a baref anaua ladwd fc avvaedlet. payaMft. Tns b. lota, IK will ! AU O J-MoCAsTHT. fhs.lnhwratrw. 4 00Lv NEW BERN Ar. 8 45 4 54 Reelaboro 7 61 6 12 Grantaboro ,- 7 82 5 24 Dees 721 6 27 Weat Alliance 7 I'd 6 30 East Alliance. 715 6 46 Bayboro 7 00 (Passenger Sunday Only) No. 8. No. 4. P- M. A, M. 6 00 Lv. NEW BERN Ar. 9 03 6 46 Reelaboro 1 13 8 00 GranUboro TU 6 10 Dees 1 43 612 Weat Alliance , ?45 6 15 East Alliance , 7 42 30 Bayboro 7 to r Notice Ot Nale ' " H01TTH CAkOLIMA. I "' la tb. Crsvea Oasty. I tatial Uaart Labv t. Haryar. adH.latr.taf at YMe Barpar Kva May Baraar. Lauta Ohary. Bam. kata Boa- saBartwa4Carlra Vwvtola Har - by M. a Laaa, ad to r' ). taaa era. la tbe A' Telephone Sn WBf Sraar UJ IMMI fssssssaaa- aas-aa mm m IBS I MB A TzrrJis-jrz'zzzz Imp ,s a door to YOUR BUSINESS lb l IkarataarMr I n -ill i I a I U) ea fw aa) . tb. Mk. at U- Omrt baaa W bs New s I it I fc-n-t la iMra. Mill raf-say 4 Oas bear af It .. IMS. the taraW a Cm h ! u Is nl s4 tiiitil kir ILM lit fen 4 'lant b awv Snwaabia, f SK-.ii w.a) awar u ayw m rw pa, h a aa. ! Wad af t bi li ii mi K, lb Kali af a-4 lass. la M h Ika M :""a4 fc aMI Uaakl. a4 4,viMr. aa Kai'w lb Ha bf H1 W m liaa. M ill i.miiinl M h .a aalaaa aa. -.. Mb da af M.'-k. 1 D. UWAMXI Ilortgaso 8alo. TV Wi tltf-a i Saeytvla4 (h. tM awi-K-t V-arai- a-rw4 "f rte M f ,-. 'a ( Sa-- J k- H r l-vlS .--la i 4 wrfae aft -' WT-aw4 If. ( my . ' - '- -s -- V- t aVaa f eaW-Mrw ) Mm M - r-"- -4J at - &m ssf ,4 (m- avr (- "" , . i a ln s i ; - r la 4ef sal Afl 1 V - v... . ...!, Ir4 a- a'.S-, - -4 -- Aaw aar mm jt S W -aft -at 4 Iva ! e -4 4 t 'i I - ..'- 'ft a .-a;, m mm4 w r - f t -a-.aj t f ,i i is - ' a-"- "-sssa I . " ' - t F-. fc-fr H !i f WbvTelephone !3 LOCKmGTHEDOOr, Can You Afford it'. For Rates m.t to I.OOAL, MANAQCn Hea Teleaheae sat T'fSykCHit', tt ft 4 - - I ( .T, !'.

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