C. L'..r, h 13, I IX, Lir.LCTCr.Y. -, cp TE3 wCFJLDmeetat i.llena-I'ontL'y. First and if ... - -. y nii.'hta at 7 :C0 o'clock. ... ? v. oovsu.-n are invited. CHAVEN LODGE No, 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wed nesday ni'-hta in each month in Roun trees Hall, Pollock street, at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, President; J. II. Smith, Sec'y; R. R. Hill, Financial Sec'y. . Index to New Advertisements ; New Masonic Opera House Shep ard'a Moving Pictures. . Application for Certificate. -. Entry Notice. ' . . . ,-. W D Mclver Trustee Sale. ' Davis Pharmacy-Flower Seeds. . ' J G Dunn & uo Shoes- A," -'.- , Simmons & Hollowell Co Silk Spec ial ' , - Cr, vy.'. ' H0TICES1H THISCOLUMH FOR LESS THAN OBI SOUTH MUST BE PAID FOR IH ADVANCE. BUSINESS LOCALS" WANTED A' few ihiekens, turkeys and eggs at James B.' Dawson'fl, 103 Middle street Phone 209. ' ' FOR RENT A four room touse on Union street near Neuse river , bridge. C. ELSlover. - . , . . vrnt RTfNTNo. T23 i Broad street dwelling 5 rooms-dining room and kitchen. Apply to E.H. Howe o.k Craven street. - ' FO R SALE At J. 0. Land's store, empty " sugar and - flour barrels," tow - sacks and lard cans cheap at your own price. V v-';- 1 V , ' PURE whole milk 8 cts per qt. Cream 20 eta-per pt Milk delivered by 8 'o'clock. Purity and cleanliness guar anteed.' Give me R trial "13 qt tick ets for $L00 in advance. V 13 pt ticket for 60 cts in advance. Milk delivered inpt, and qt bottles. .Mt' Pleasant Dairy, Thurman; N. C, J. G. Hardison, .proprietor.; ' - i - PLEASE RETURIJ-On StValentine't night some merry makers took a lum ber cart which was standing in front of our , shop and it has not been returned. A suitable reward will be paid for it return or information leading to its re covery, G. S. Waters & Sons.;. , TRY RoyallaXWalnut Kisses', made daily,) also chocolates,- cream, dates, ' raisins clusters, peanut brittle and all t kinds of .taffy; .ijlroad Street Fruit Co. v,PhoiMl 83.-j'.'-,' ; . ' HOPKINS Improved Extra Early Red . Valentine Beans for seed. - Early Rose . seed potatoes, northern stock, at Chas. a HilL 35 Middle street: ' i ' BREAKFAST strips and fine corned hams at J. A. Boom's Market 1 Five Paints. ". v. v'- PHONE 264, Gaaklns Cycle Co for seasoned wood. , OLD papers for putting under matting or pasting on walls at Journal office. JUST RECEIVED Abig lot of Edison Gold Moulded Records, including 24 new selections for February. Call early and make your selections. Wm. T. Hill, 91 Middle street Phone 320. FOR SALE Several desirable, : ' located residences from $1600 op, and one vacant lot, also one store on Mid die street Some of the nouses are practically new, and tome nave onus unity Urge lot. A partial payment will put you in possession, and easy terms gives on remainder . C. T. Han- coca. , .. . , ROYAL Borden Felt Mattrosie "Sanitaire" Iron -Beds at John B. Ives. "'. :'' Country 'Smoked Sausage at Oaks Market - . ; Eggs, for Hatching, The finest strain of Puff Langshan and Btack Langshan. Great winter Uyers. f 1.00 per setting of IS. ' y, MISS CARRIE F. HARDISON, . Thurman, N. C. Oak and Pine Wood. Dry Oak and pine wood aawrd in stove kmgths at EIXI3 COAL AND WOODYARD, VnUm Point Fint print butter, 30 enl pT pmirvL Oiait Line Mrkt KMrclna film. Mr. J nlnlnrt- !! rt'.'.M-, !--.. l' .-t Is . M,-.1k., I - tr - J .',T3 to-flr ir"i - f r-;',('rI,:i t'r'.i t , y r I '. ' I'll (.t 1 r jn-.r i r I i . 1 l i f e :nrf ru !; I j t t -1 ; ' ' i i;va v.1.0 pvt d....k t. -i tij- J t i. ; Icf.re t'.e r.ecer-Jcr's co'rtfct .C: - Lite, have to jay IZ) t., t.' j pVa cf drug store -rescr:; lion, t'..-j court holoir.g that drug stores liquor for sickness not for drunks. There is no distinction in drunk fines, whether per drug store or blind tiger, j Lenten services at Christ church to- j day, Evening prayer 6 p. m. Evening service and address in the series on "Great men of the Bible." at 8 p. m. Capt Tom Dixon has been obliged to enlarge his dry kiln at the foot of Pol lock street by adding feet to its len th. Its dimensions are now 18 by 80 feet, by 14 feet high, and its capacity of 30,000 feet of lumber, board measure. Carpenters are building a picket fence two feet high (or low) in front of the Manly property recently acquired by Mr. J. T. Hollisterjon East Front street Children will never use the gate and will therefore never leave it open. 1 Uncle'' Sam has posted a notice on the wall "of the National Ceme tery that he will, on the 22nd hist, sell at public auction a lot of second-hand material such as drain tile, wire fenc ing, &c, to the highest bidder. ' The sale will begin at 11 a. m. - -t J1 A handsome wall of artificial brown stone is in course of ' construction in front of new dwelling-house at 101 Pol lock street. , When completed it will be at once, ornamental and substantial 4 Mr. Tom Daniels' lettuce patch, south of the National Road, is worth a visit He has shipped . several, hundred bas kets of lettuce, but you can hardly see where it was taken from. There . art 48 beds, each 9 by 170 feet, and one b d 22 by about 300 feet : His irriga tion pipes are nearly ready, and the possibility of drought has no terror? for him now.- In round numbers he bar 0,C00 feet of iron pipe, including both steam and irrigation, -1,000 ' feet ol which is of 3 inches diameter and the r8t one inch. 'His pump villv throw 500 gallons of water per minute. ; . j ' '. Business at the Mayor's court was quiet ' again yesterdays the f absolute dullness being relieved. by one case of disorderly, the culprit, Jacob Kennon, being asked to contribute $3.15 to make good for his misconduct 1 4 ' , - x Therij is a rumor that the Postal Tel egraph Company is lookingthis way, to put an office in this city, which , means wlresy and a general telegraphic, ser vice. If the Postal comes there will eertainly bo more telegraphic business than there is at present, with only the Western Union, v ., o. - A . I X The ' parties who bought articles at the bake at Mrs. Seymour Hancoc ' residence last Saturday will please re turn plates and pans to Mrs. S. R- Streets and also wilt the owners please call', for them; at Mrs. Streets so that they can be used next Saturday. The Fertilizer Shell and Bone Com pany are having an active demand for its product nd are shipping on an av erage of one carload a day of its pro duct v , Z ,V'.5iv.;v; An exhibition of disgusting tranfer driven rowdyism was seen at the A. A N. C depot platform, last night upon the arrival of the mail train. A gen tleman passenger upon ' reaching the platform from the train was surrounded by noisy bunch of transfer drivers, who .all talked into bis face at once, several of them reaching for his suit case. , Either the railroad people or the police ought to break up such do ings. -v . . " ' Smoked Halibut at Oaks Market ..'.j New York Cotton KirkeL- Tbe following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, March 14. v . . . . Open High Low Clow May , 10.46 - .10 46 ' 10 30 10.36 July .. 10.59 10 69 10 42 10.47 Oct 1007 JO 07 "9.97 10.03 Receipts -46, 836 '.. Last year, 22,011 , Gel acquainted with PITH'S- qa sMrnrs magazine ami ytm are trangr vre v J nJ jroo tlie mugaiine thrc monlhi fre iKa& you may g"t scqiwii.trd q smith's t'. r i tratcj migsri b tlifl khtII 1 70 Pg f Trailing rrutlrf irv! J i. t.ifn, t'l" Mrrw iie l ; n t'.r I r I r.i,;i. :;'- Ke Jhrf a'i n 1 Ccnlu'j. ISMinij it m! l t' -. 1 l! " I I ' 1 . ( I ' I c ;. vou .t . r f.n i t'.a t t it u j 1 - ' ' 1 r '. --!. t- i ! . ! ! tj (."OW. j in i own 1 -.. 'i 1 1 a tocoiuf re i vhi .! ..-r t. e ouiwty -i cf tiie fruit produced. WoeTs Cesd'ptlve Catalogue ::la ail about the beut kinds to j.lint Mailed free. , ! ! Wn are TTtyiilnnartira fnr ,t Cow Peas, So;a Beans, Ccrhums, LllUct Seed, Ensilage Corn, Alfalfa and all Southern Seeds. Write for prices and Descriptive Catalogue. CrZSSMEN, - KiCHMOND, VA. THEY CCr.-.E AND CO. Miss Mabel Younar who has been the guest of Mrs. R. A. Nunn for several weeks has . returned to her home at Raleigh. , 1 Mrs. Herbert Tisdale left vpafnrAnv ter Jacksonville, R C.; to visit friends. MiBses Annie and Asmes Fov. snent the day yesterday at Goldsboro. ' Mrs Ora Hard of Hookertom N. C who has been visitinar ' Mrs. C. E. Wetherington returned home vester- uay. . - . ," -.. - :i .j..;..: . .. , V . i .. i Mrs. Jane Griffin returned vesterdav from Kinston where she spent the day.- i , ,- Mrs. Charles Miner and children re- lurned yesterday from a visit in Ohio. . Hon, R. Li Woodard. - renresentative of FamUco is in the city ' ,-:-.v - Mr: Phillip Howard, of the American arocic uj., returned last night from a business trio to northern markets. Mr. J. a Herring left for Raleieb. test night, after a business visit here. Mr. Clyde Eby. of theElmCitv Lum ber Co.. is absent from the cilv. at tending a number of the lumber asso- cwucns.v 41. D. Bokon and wife of Defiance. Ohio, are registered at the Chattawka noteL v - Mrs. Dr. G. G. Bell of Oriental Is in the city. 1 .''-.' f A. E. Beddingfleldof RaWiarh.and W . Allen of Greensboro. , are at ' the yhatuwka. . w . v 4 ,r E. A. Chirk. . a nrominent InmirsintA man or Atlanta, Ga., is in the city. JoJ. Woffenden leavea todav for f ionda . where v he . makes a week's -- , visit " . ' - , ' Velvet Toilet Lgtion cures Chopped Hands Face and Lips; Sunburn or any rough ness of Skin.1 It has no equal. It leaves the skin beautifully soft and white'- , Excellent after shaving. ' Sample free at WARREN'S DJRUG STORE New Railroad, Snow Hill to Kinston. The Free Press says plans are well advanced for the construction of rail road from Snow Dill to Kinstoo, Hines Bros. Lumber Company being behind the project A committee of Greene county citlxeta, D. W. Patrick, B. W. Edward, McD. Pate, S. C Sugg and R. E. Bland Is a committee to secure rights of wsy through their county, which has at railroad. The road will at first be used by Hines Bros, to haul their logs, then be operated for freight and passenger conveying purpoeea, Smoked Salmon at Oak a Market ' Few doctor are willing la n!ie tuolr own medlrlt). vrtien a lawyer art. In to trouble . lmtrrui to hire on attor ney, ami It h bnrj f-r f;)lo to oiluilre sd nrtlxt who patnti din own portrait. Ctilctjto Beconl Hfreid. III Mtaalaa. flkrawlrr I't Hniptwm, tli tnU far, t'n nji ta your atu.lli frrry fi ir f(f a rk. li lio altlitif fw j-oit? InnW-.Noi. IIo s larlnc f m- laUiS 1rrlamt I-ntrr. tt (f (!ia Manar. "Put I n o-w'f.iliiin fitn-ilnif'jr nrr f-i'T. 6r-1 ?' "(Vrlnir.'r.' Yir C 't It l l Tar. Tc!cp"!.cnc Warren for your drir ftorc v;?.vA. V,-iy You (!::Vt l. :v- 'j v:.:!.V; :, I):- :.' . . , i i . . .. f. i.i c y ! . ,n l.t- 3 t! hn C Wil-i 'r. V.'ilcox was born Jin Eastern N'urih Carolina 1SC0, his mother ditd w hen he wa3 three yeara of afje. lie worked his way through Trinity College and was very successful as teacher, surveyor, mei chant and far mer. ,. i He could not resist the pleadings of the unfortunate and shiftless, and there will be many who will miss bis ke'ping hand and strong friendship, for never when an opportunity presented itself, did he fail to help when called upon. He was blessed with quick perception and intellect, and the sense of luiicrous ever dominant in him, made him many warm friends. No one ever entered his home but he was received with that warm hospitality which makes one feel he is welcome. '- His business often suf fered through his kindness of heart When George Wilcox liked you, you knew you had a friend that - no small thing could change, and no amount of trouble daunted him, ' when he wished to do one a favor. " By none but his immediate family Will he be missed more than by the members of Beach Grove Missionary Society which he served faithfully for five years as secretary and treasurer, and of which he was president the last year of his life. - But no constitution could withstand his indomitable energy. Both night and day he labored until his overtaxed body gave way to the fatal disease, and after a prolonged illness of over one year, the , cords that bind mortals to earth were : broken, and his soul took its flight into tho "great be yond.: ' ; A loving father,, a true brother and a kind devoted husband" has left his earthly home for his eternal one,: but their loss b his gain and they have the blessed hope of meeting him where sor row and parting cannot come- i" . - ; ' A FRIEND, , . Letter to Wm.T,Hin,, -' ' ' New Bern, N. C. . Dear Sir: Good yarn: How we got our agent at Delhi, N. Y, Gladstone & Paine were agents for 7 ; we muscn c tea names. We wanted 'em. Paine was'paintiog his big Colonial house. " Said it took 10 gallons of white for the trim. ; , . We sent him 10 gallons ahd taid: i.' you get it all on,sno pay; if you have any left, return it and pay for the rest. Agreed, ' v- ' , ,. He returned four gallons and took the agency. ; Four or five years ago. ;;; He knows now that his old paint was and is adulterated; thats why it took ten gal lons to equal six of our. T , Go by the name: there is but one name to go by! Devoe lead-and -zinc . Yours Iruly, t' . P. W. Devob 4 Co.' 41 - ' ' rvNe-jrYork PS E W Smallwood Sells 'Our Paint. h ' ' ' . , Application ; lor - Certificate. OtrtlSnU BtimW II tat tl-r mhum la Bcrla nwmow w id im eapumi curk a un ntw Iini BuildlnCB4 hmm AMocUtkm twin ban Wmt, BoiWSa bmby rivm that (pplkatioo will ba ior opiimw. I'ilAJs. i IVES. N. X. tUnh 16, ltO. , - Trusteed Salejnclufles . About 200 Acres of Timber Land ' PamaM In Ihm pmrara hi the daad of 1 Mda br Wllluu. a. WhiUord and Fl.iabrth Wait fd, datad Umpt. It, Iklcj.. rarartad In lha glAca of tba KwalOT of Danla, crava eountr, la hoc 111 vw 111. to W. L. Mdvar. Tnut-Tk. J tiuataawllloaflalarHnr Aoril 14. laof. affer fnr m.m ina w WkW, lor caaJt. at tha oourt mrvwmaaw. m ina cur ot ManUa hndami) TTH In tha aaid daad ot trait ita.mli. I r. II Tha f.ulinrin tfa-Tihnl aral Mt.i. I hatha: la thn rounty of crmran. Mm I Trrwn.hip.lha rat trart bain tha aunt trart thia dar oo rarad hf rrmncia ImJT and Ijrwai Thomaa to aaid W. O. whitfrwd. haina a part of tha kind daarrtbad in Ilia ont tram t harUv oufTr, tr and wifa Is rmnrri ptiuir. ramrnnl In cta county rarorda boaa r, naaa IT, alao two ochar traata wc a. Tuin and a. h. rutan ta w n wh, and fullr iwworilwd la a dd from ramlina TnanT n a. n. niian. ranwrMw tn tha o(TWw nf tha aia IrT of ImnIi of mran aountr. bauh M par aL" Raid aata bmna maita at tha ranuawt of Vanir. M of Dva notaa lararad br aud tUnl of irtni. oaiaaii ha .ina" vaaa ma. la ln pa, rmni 1 K. M.rra U, I3T. W. D. HHVEB, Traataa, Entry Notice i Tn J K. Ifln. Krtlry 7-t Uw J .cm tnty. 4 rwth rr- : rd, r tere r- Ur fi n it tl faiJ,ir tc rif awl fSf t t, i4 Und in I war .. I. wr tf 1., ajfWM t.rm' r m Xtm eam r..T v srt , .. xtr-mi fn if.i4 ti ' " ' s ; - ' M .. i.j t r . a ( 1 1 . ... a fed r Pludiiiiin Sopia Portraits LATEST THING. Ill PHOTOGRAPHY t Npsciai Attention Given to Finishing: Amateur Work ; -BVYARD s WOOTEN ma 8 eoaDEHFLT MATTRESSES - Just Received another lot of these fine Mat , tresses. You -will find solid comfort in one 'of. , them.' , - , V . ; , Humphrey's Sectional Book-Cases; New Styles in' Picture, Mouldings; , Brass "Rings for Sash , Curtains,':, , - , ' JOHN EL IVES. Phon 267 ' 93 Middle Stret. FRESH FLOWER SEEDS 1 ON SALE AT TN'. w p DAVIS' PHARMAGY. I v aw w w. ... a V B7 w w V - T ,. o NEW WASH GOODS 17 0 . " Dainty designs in , - Ladies Misses' and r i'shirt waists. Absolutely Fast Colors, 10c yd. New-Chambries, Mercerized Chambries. 0 V. ': r Rpaiitifiil Hftsiana fnr O v -12 1-2 cents.: Cal ; ' Hf va4 sftae-uai - H ovll ' Eoleinnes, for street and evening dresses, M., ., ':XS1aw T?aiy1o rifoan T irrVi Pino T5inlr ' : -White, Black aud Cream I m wcjm 4iC-me ya. fV' T?-lt.il '.C1.i.- 1 T1i.i. t - in Stock. -"; - 0 0 Wn oooooooooooooooo ru r ' JI:.:;U;mL.. I . 1 l .O We place 1 day morning a - beautiful I line of Taffeta Silks in I two tone effects at the : Special Price of : ,wWaWa IBv Q O A F ..Ginghams for Children's dresses and Children's -dresses. 4 i r ao inI e 1 1j - : .. 11) 1 on sale Mon- 1 4 Brothers rnri 1 (',;.. H-! and Low Quarter - We want you to see our line of LOW SHOES at once for we are' proud of them and desire to have you share ouropinjon. All the nobby shapes as well as' the staple ones in sizes to fit every member of the family. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. J. G. DUNN & CO., 66-57 Pollock 8t. Phone 212 Hext Time You go to be sure to see those nice Fruit Preserves, Jellies and Jams, also ask about that Cheap Tomato Ketsup. And don't forget that twenty cent Coffee, Monumental is the brand. Hi 3E3E Ervin, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 81 South Front St Phone 1B8 YOU ARE INTERESTED ! i In reading the advertisements of those who repay you for your time. We use and pay for space in this popular pa per to advise of hat we have to offer; no exageracions ever precede our signature. - We offer merchandise of un-; questioned auality at as less average prices as any firm v elsewhere, we are in a position to serve sitisfactorily and , we do. Call and examine the many new goods. WHITE LAWN 40 Inch extra quality select cloth at 10c- onmatchahle at price. CALICO Light faat color calico 8,000 yarda in new Spring designs will he offered Mon da and Tureda only reduced from C to 4 oenu per yard. MOHAIR In chatiireable colors, a value at 7ic; wur price for this week 48c per d. LADIES SHOES la all leathers, pat colt, Vld, tan and gun metal calf; prices Kc to $3.00 per S 0OFLON, 75 llidde MU. AtAA.a aliliS AiiAAiAA Sevenlli Ksttciist - HAK0-EGQK.1 AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF INFORMATION. Ennott'flBooltBtoro 1 w- fm Pfply. fcr ; tel- ".. r.::L I'cr tn and dlr.M acre pfffrly, fr. Bin fntn rity 01 Tirr.t f .,. f J arrt fTpTl, or In iK.t la U n & art, F nf trma apt ly to 3. u. Ar.soMi, J,c Torn, K, C J , iiia li .v iOI Ul i 1 '. ' '; ) . SnoEs 1 I AMOS KICAG Apron (linphnir.a. the He qu lilt in all, colon and checks only Cicjier yd. I PKIiCALK In all mU,-9 bk- (;unlitv in rherksand" aH-o. all fast ioIoik only V yd; only l.i yJi to ciu-h cusUitncr Tho Inrgci't nnil Imi ncorlci! Unerf 1 1 am he re lnarlion nnl lj in thl cily; prices to Huit all. I MKN'S SHOi; Juat iwp'vrd a fmo linn cf m n' Oxfords; if you will notirr our window you can soe thnsiylin we curry. Street. BETWEEN MEALS DE. Hot Chocolate. Coffee, or Bouillon of all kinds. Delicious Ice Cream. . Headquarters for the best brands of Cigars and TV baccos. . Crescent Tobacvu v Company. W. D. iWrington NAKACKR. Desirable rropcrtyfor V, '. Two City W, 60 andfOxSKl t One " " U ra fat, , ' fhurrh l.uillir.if, larl r !)4 tir-nr-, I ht air rt-r. F"l I aiih.r tt,w tr f.!!vttvf.ly. Apj ' to T. A. (!r-n J. V.. I. marl. I ( . J. J Yi t ',rn i' n. """V " f" r -m r -, a i i V. . I a - - . ' ' ' 1 (

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