3K&. - - NEW BERN. N- jC.. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 27. 1906 NO. 23. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR . x - - -7 1 ... . -s e NECK-WEAR SPECIALTIES In?" Ladies' heavy embroidered Stock Collars, both in long ends and V Shape, in White. White and Pink, White and Blue, White and Black, White and Red; all washable only Heavy embroidered Collars and Cuffs Sets, entirely new, the only thing on the market like it, the set, 7 M Mitchell & Co., PHONE wftX Pollock St., Opp. Screen Wire and Screen Doors, and Windows. Heath and Milligan Paint, Paroid Roofing, Builders Material, Windows, Dpors and Blinds. PULL LINE COOK TOVES AND RANGES. Gaskiil lidw. & Mill Sup'y. Co. PHONE 147. riMciNKATI'. O.. Aril F, l'.U 3. Itaum Sfe& Ix-k 0., Cincinnati, Ohio. GentIrmen:-p!pao enter our nnler for a Nu. 10 safe at one and t iL out as soon aa possible. We are now local! in the Hlymer Building on Main St.. ani are Ktliri In rood ahape for buHtneaA. Kwy thinv in our" establishment in the Pike Buj la ins wan deMtroye) by the lire, and the only thinir which was loft wan our iron which we bought of you. We at first were of the Micf thai vrythinff in thesaff -von 1.1 be nshes, ms the amfe wax en ( floor, fell hix atorleit ami wa in t he h.ittst part of the Are, but to our miriirioo the bookn wwre four) to mi us p rf-( t condition a preccd.nir the lire and could be uaed aain rf it worv nM thHt iln-v hml a muty mnell from the (tre. We will w-nd you one of the books ait soon an i- i it rer .i. a, a testimonial of what your wife will do. and we will write you mlV t.-ftrm 'if any description you may dry ire. for we can not aay too much of llip w.tv tl Hrffe kMkkI the ll'-p. Youra verv truly. Thh 'a riioi.:- Tki .e;r a nt Pt.'H. Co.. L. A. Filonwn. Huninema Manager P. S -We nell th It-ium Safe ami lxrk (xmipany'a Saf-. one of the bent ftafen on the market. They (- I" I in winning the gold Medal at World Fair. St. Ixmia, 1904 W'e have them in Ftirk w whir.g from 4?r Ibe to Z.000 lb. Write for Catalogue and n liM'ITRK m IMS e - FAC-SIMII.E RKTROM i T10N AMID j. ,i. in: IO BIG- SHOWS IO TOGGEST ! GREATE8T ! GRANDEST I Unsurpassed and unapproached by aw out-ok-door lytlsement enter prise that has ever toiked the south 'CLEAN! WIIOLKSOMK! MORAL! INSI KLCriVE! flew Bern ONE WEEK tih Itie Auspices of tfrSPETIAl. EXC URSION 1!;aINS EVERY DAY ' CRAJ4 BAND CONCERTS HOURLY by Prof. T. CHALLENGE CONCERT FAST AND FCRlor MEET YOUR FR1KNDS ON "THE PIKE!' fierce Amusement Company, btO. H. M X.RR. Gv. Agt- bREATION ir t I 5ci Drink 5c. ,'Dr. Pepper's Plios-Ferrates S11E BEST HEALTHFUL DRINK 1 COMPOSED OF WHEAT AND IRON WITH PEPSIN a i . -Jsnev nnTTl TrnnV -- :( PI ONE ICS. "'SOLD ONLY 15c. 35c. 288 Episcopal Church COMPANY New BernNC. FAIR PIKE THE BLAZE AND (, LITTER OF Commencing APRIL MONDAY 30TH. The Knights of Pythias Mrtiumrn. BAND ! mmm Ml -oUETMING D0INGEVERY MINUTE! A. I. TIERCE, Director Gen. EDSEY RIDGE, HENRY BUODGOOD. Advertisint Rp. Contracting Aft. CREATION I IN BOTTLES. niATED In Burying Within City Without Permit Limits Action Agalntt Southern Railway Emoloya. Dally Nawt Hat New Traawrar. InveatlgaUng. Board on Pa mantWork. Graduating Re cital. Stewards Ex change Jcbt. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, April 26 Warrents have been issued for the arrest of A. W. Toglemen, section master, and J. H. Medendris, supervisor of the Southern Railway company for alleged violation of the law in burying la dead body within the city limits without the nec essary permit, as required by the board of health and city ordinances. The charges upon which the warrents were issued allege the fact that Charles Williams, colored who was killed early Sunday morning by being run over by a train and was buried within the city limits, on the Southern's right of way. Health officer Simpson and County physician Harrison on having their at tention called to the matter had the railroad company to exume the body and bury it outside the city limits, which was done Monday. The South ern officials say that they were not aware that the law had been viola ted. A semi-annual meeting of the board of directors of the Daily Industrial News was held Ian I night, at which time Mr. R. D. Douglas resigned the position of secretary and treasurer in or jer to devote more attention to his editorial duties. Mr. C. D. Benbow, of this city was elected his successor, and under Mr. Benbow 's management the Industrial News has a bright out look for the future. Among some of i the prominent repub'icans who wore in Greensboro to attend this meeting were: Collector Duncan, Federal court ! clerk Coles, of Statesville, J. F. Par- rott of Kinston, Marion Butlor of Washington, D. C, Rollins of Ashe ville. The concert which was given for the i San Francuco relief fuivl was a great success both from a musical and finan cial standpoint. The nam of two hun dred dollars was raised, which added to the amount all reudy on hand makes a sum of atout $1G T..O0. The Elks are raising a fund widen has promise of being a substantia! one. Thocommittee appointed by the board of aldermon to invet-tinate the ehurves made as to the poor rlasa of work doi.e in paving Elm Htret l and also as to the perpetration of fraud on the city by the inattention to duly ly city officials has decided to meet Tuesday and start the investigation. The membersof the committee are Mayor Murphy and Aldermen Thompson and Wyaong. Mr. Fred Taylor, chief of the fire de partment ha received a check for $10 to go into the treamiry of tho fire de partment a an appreciation by Mr R. P. Gorrel of the uepartment'e work in subduing a fire on his property some time ago. Mr. Eatti, atcwurd at the Guilford, Benbow. h exchan-d positiona with Mr. Neal, erf the Yarborouifh for a month. Mr I-atta left today for Ral eigh to take up hii work. Invitations reading as follows hnvo ben utsud: Graduating rwital, Creri boro Female (Vdletre School of Music, Florence Jonw and Patsy Uiiln Smith Friday evening, April th twenty- seventh at half after eight o'clock. Greensboro, N. C. Mr. James T. Iodhetter of Climax, died yesterday mnrmingof pnoumonla. Mr. Iodbetter was an active man at the time of his death and was 7ft years of age. The interment will take place today at 1 1 o'clock. Just received a frh lot of Frank furters at the Coat Line Meat Mar ket. SiridM Otath of Confidtrsta Vtttrta LaGrana-e. N. C, April E. While aitUryr at th dinner tabU, ka U art o4 beginning his meal, Mr. O, B. Pal fail back and in a few snomenU died la ta arm of his only child, Xrt ImA W, Tsjrk. Mr. rata serves! valiantly thjuxjf the civil war, and earriH empty elee as a cmeUat reminder 1 Uom Uylftf ttras. UwMX Mm fr years, aeta of bis efciaf ttt tha rvWao of bis eosnpny, arWca was tetebraUd eeh lxVf barW oe dioast oa April Prd, at Anew fllS. He was a men) fu U. & thank f UU pis. Ha was aunt ft yean U. TiM rvmaiaa U1 U U ret la falrvWw feswaUry twaorrtw ateraooa at 4'toclL Bat. If. t Trip? K anrxfect P tarul aerrto, We think that we are offer )tg the best and most perfect working blue fiame oil cook ingmnpe yem ever taw. Com e in and let ui dcmon:irte it tot you. Cavci you til Y -, t of discomfort jn hot WC.!!,T,i Water. Q.:r..i Ctcre 87TH ANNIVERSARY add Fellows Give a Social Evening in Honor ol Event The Odd Fellows had one of their en joyable and profitable social evenings at their room last night. The particu lar occasion was the 87th annniversary of the establishment of the order. The attendance was large, many of the members being among the guests. Noble Grand, H. C. Armstft. ng pre sided and M. E. Gerock introduced the speaker, Mr. R. L. Wright of Norfolk; whose address was highly appreciated and appraised. After the speech ice cream was served and all .had a pleas ant time. Phone us your drug wants, ren's Drug Store. War- Empress Dowager's Gift Rejected Special to Journal. Washington, April 26. President Roosevelt today declined the offer ten dered by the Empress Dowager of China of the donation of $75,000 for the victims of the San Francisco disaster. It has caused more laughs and dried more tears, wiped away diseases and driven away more fears than any other medicine in the world. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For Sale by F. S. Duffy. Insurance Rates Advance Special to Journal. Chicago, April 26 Underwriters and business men directly or indirectly in terested in fire insurance predict an ad vance in rates to cover losses made by the San Francisco fire. Let in fill your prescriptions. War- ren's Drug Store. EflortS for Forest Reserve Special to Journal. Washington, April 26. Gov. Glenn and Commissioner of Agriculture Pat terson of North Carolina addressed the House Com-nittoc in favor of the A;j palachian Forest Reservation today. Call for a Iwttleof Dr. Pepper. Last Day of Court, The first case on trial before Judge Purm ll yesterday was that of United Slates ve. Quin Cox. Peg Mills, Shade Ewell, Johnson Mills and Herbert Moore on the charge of doing malicious damage to the Uunited States mail boxes which urc used on rural routes. The offense vu: -.alleged to have been committed in I'itt county. 'Hie de fendants were all colored. On account of a technicality the court did not allow the case to eo to the jury but dismissed the defendants. United States vh Johnson Mills, re tailing liquor without the payment of the special government lav, United Slates vk M. MrNamara, re sisting an olfirer. This is the case in which the defendant, Michael McNa mara, chief engineer on the yacht Roxana, her last Thanksgiving. The complaining witness was Arthur T. Kemp, a wealthy resident of Boston. McNamara is a skilled engineer and holds a five year license and has many credentials and testimonials. His act was Dot done in malice but he merely wished to protect his reputation aa a careful mechanic and against any pos sible charge of manslaughter that might arise from neglett of his engine or Area. And furthermore he stated that be did not know the officer repre sented the UniUd State. The case resulted in mistrial and was continued to aeit term of court when the defend ant will be tried also on charge of mu tinous conduct Prayer for continued Judgment was en tared on record In the caas of U. S. va tba Commissioner of Pamlico county and thy were each to fivs bond for 09 for their appears oca at aaxt tarn of eastrt and show that th rtqalr-' raantaof Ut War Department in ra fard la tha bridge are compiled with. I Ore matter of U. 8. t R. E. Cox, eeotaoeed by th coart yesterday to fay a fta of two and coats aad tmpris- tarnnt t Ihre sanath. The santenes tu ModUUd apoa Um nlinff of aa affl- tt by U df sadaat Ovat as bad taad aVta apotnfta to Cotnatlaatostar HQ for W laatjraair fead enndoct. Tba bads' rtdoced U Cm SA and cost aad rwsnitted lb uaprWoamt T court ad)oontd for the Una last crtfiSng and J offtoers left for Daair bomes on th abeoflr. fiwfWt Lltbla Cinff AU brrigvra ttng and aaliaWa at ,WaHait't Sod fckftfMM Cits Urtt Ural, perls U Journal . - . Hew OrWans, April H TH btrlU- U4 f Uva Confederal Vat fan U wtee la SkhmnM, Vs., 1 IXC, was anerJmnos'y avypud t tb annul t- ard. i today ; ' - t tf tV ( t - '' ' . -h S"l m riTe y l S - I Urrf TtV rs--!F. i.." 'v... ? r. NEW BERN LADf ARTISTS. High Class Musical Entertainment at Which Mj Marlon RadclIRe Will Sing. A local item in the Baltimore Sun contains a notice of a musical enter tainment at the home of Mrs. Charles J. Bonaparte in the interest of the laboratory fund of St. Josephs hospi tal. It will be given Friday May 4. The notice is of particular interest to New Bern people for the mention of former ladies formerly well known here. Miss Marion Radcliffe, of New York is to sing and it is said of her that she has obtained most brilliant success in New York, and in many places throughout the south. While in Balti more she will be the guest of Miss Maria Manly, another former resident of Ne v Bern. The name of Miss Marion Rawls, ap pears on the program as pianist. She is also well known in New Bern and has had large success as a pianist in the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore. Best (. Cream at Warren'. Merritt. April 26. The farmers around Merritt are pro gressing well in getting their crops planted, they have reduced the acreage on potatoes about f0 and they are ex pecting better prices this year. We had a light f rose the night of the 2.'!rd, hut. we have heard of no damage .lone s yet. Miss Ida Cahoon is teaching school at this place. Her father Mr J. W. Ca hoon just closed the public school at this place. Miss Ida assisted her fath er in hi3 school and is a very good teach er for the primary grade. Mr. J. W. Aldridge was at Merritt Saturday trying to organize a Cotton Growers and Business Men's Associa tion, but our peopl" are slow to get to gether on the cotton proposition. There will he aa much planted here as in 1005. Our farmers seem to have their eyes open to Mibinesa as they are putting more improved machinery on their farms, which reduces the labor expense which is very hih and scarce here. We learn the lodge of C. B. H. is pro gressing finely and are swelling their m"mhership some. Much success to them as it a good organization. The farmers here are helping the guino factories some, from the looks of things as there were about 200 bags delivered at the warehouse at this place on Monday. We expect 10c cotton or higher. Tar Heel. A few ren's. more Palms cheap at War- Six soda tic . ets iV at Warren's. A Splendidly Illustrated Magazine. McClure's Magazine for May in ad dition to it.4 sterling text, headed by the first of the Kipling stories and tho Life Insurance articles, is one of the best illustrated numbers of any perio dical thnt has been on the stands in a long tin. e. 'I he follow injj well known artists appear in its pages Andre Costaigne, Glackens, I'enn, Dilzler, Ixwell, Wycth, Taylor, and Slonn. In addition Prof. Woodherry's valuable es aay on Milton is illustrated with good reproductions of rare portraits of the great Poet Fresh Market. frankfurters at Coast Line Loco. April 'Si. We are having cool weather nov.-. and its very bad on our small truck. Our quarterly meeting was held Sat urday and Sunday. We had a large congregation each day. Mr. K E Laady of 'Wilmington and Mr. Flaie Hobba and son of Wards Milt spent Saturday night a' the home of Miss Eunice K Smith. Mr. Manly Higgins and wife welcotn guests at the horns of Mr. E J Higgles Saturday night Meaar. K and L Barbeaof Rlchkanda spent Saturday night night with rela tive at this place. Mr and Mr RoiU Collina aad chil dren of this place rpt Sanday rren- bf in Jonaa. with Mr and Mr Norman Eabank. Mrs Gsorgla Wak af UadnoU Craek and Mr Uncata Hadnot of MaytviDe war la ar town bat wo. la th Loco itatna a few am, mistak was made In Ove c of EUer Smith, H sboald bar bora jraara, bv rtaadofaU W. W. nt prtt bultar, 10 ceart par aosjnd, Cnat Ut Market. ; 1 ).0.0.M.rieie, v i Tba enor Ords UalleJ AatarVa MecKatik tf Oriental wi3 bar ba k pUn4 at Arspabo Betorday, May lK A Dibbf aad f4 wUl b freswt ed at tVe am Uma, It is epfted that Vxe of U1 ordr wifl be wta ni4 la AfsrW bfoa Vg and (rrt; -f ( b) Uv4 Ua C f !-. after wmwm Murderer Enjoys Viiiting Sights Awaiting Commitment Street Railways Personal Property. Inter esting State Histories. Southern Edu cational Conference. Politics Waking Up. Farm tabor Scarce In West. Farmers State Convention. (Special CoiTespon-lenie. ) Raleigh, April 2". Deputy Insui-.uu'e Commispionor Scot I has returned here from New Bern where he investigated a fire thought to be of incendiary origin The evidence to that effect is pretty strong, but not quite enough was se cured to bring about a conviction. I n Anson county he investigated the burn ing of a barn in the country and the re sult of the investigation is the arrest of Clem Ingram, colored, against whom the evidence is said to be very strong. Two nv-r. saw him running away from the burning barn, The Supreme court, as predicted last week, decides the street railways are personal property and so the man who threw a stone through the window of a street car at Winston-Salem will have to serve his sentence of 8 months on the reads. Two interesting bcxjks are soon to ap pear, one of thc.ie being Prof. D. H. Hill's child history of North Carolina and the other a book on eminent North Carolinians by Prof. R. D. W. Conner. The illustrations will be numerous both bookj, and ;or the child's history no fewer than 77 have been make from the historical collection here. This book is to appear about July. There is to be at Lexington, Ky., be ginning Mey 2, a conference on educa tion in t'.e south and at the same time a meelin, of the southern superinten. dents of education. State Superintei -dent Jo .mm , R. I). W. Conner and Clarence li. Poe are among thoffe who will ;t 1 1 en I from this State Thei ' i ; c uady beginning to he a little ! oi politics and as usual it ben g Iki ...ooiig the democrats, wn lc Green jl.o . i, as always is the republi can slon.i centre. The republicans do nut seem to know as yet where their State Convention will be held, but those who l.ivoi- Greensboro insint that it will be ii jld there. Corpoi i- 'i Commissioner Rogers, who urn. d today from the mountit n section says farmers there are'up with their vnrkti.itt hat the lack of farm labor is very great. In fact labor is scarce in all kind-i of work. A great deal of railway construction m in progress. There were i-evere frosts Monday and Tuesday of tins week. Great numbers of cards are being sent out giving notice of the North Carolina Farmers State Convention to 1h- held at the Agr.eiotural K- Mechanical College here. J 1 1 1 v lo-l2lli. Sx'cial programs are provided for cotton and tobacco grower -, dairymen and women and able seaker will discuss imortant sub jeclH. A larger attendence than ever fore is ex jwTled. Frail Durham, a young white man who is to serve 11 years in the x'niter. liary for killing deputy Shenlf Hinloi, in Polk county, was brought here by his brother, bm bondsman seven! days ago to nerve bis sentence, but it wa.h found that the sheriff of Polk could not come here and the brother who brought the prisoner here did not wish himself to t jrn lam over to the penitentiary authorities. The prisoner s mother came w ith him. 'I he brother returned to Polk county to arrange to have soni" officer from there bring the commit ment und deliver the man or rise to have an arrangement made for the aheritT of this county to Lake this step Meanwhile the prisoner has leen en joying himself at Raleigh, visiting the various State building and seeing the sights thereabouts. The case wa quite a curious one Hinton, thedTuly who was kiled, hail arrested Durham ad taken him to the of ftce of a magistrate where a bond wss being prepared when suddenly Ihjrhsm ran, Hinton pursued and hot at him. and then Durham fired at Hinton Tba prwinor said he ran betaus he bad a revolver (and he we sjrsid ho would b searched and a acond charge made against him. He also claimed that the bullet from H in ton's pistol ent through his sleeve. oAnTonzA, si ii vm m ww seww 1 las' tti are traaan Krai. ran lHf-'e. fa 4-j.i lie u of the fas e ansnr e,. tarvwa. They are ') fcy aim, wansen od rtiiUlrm. by M aW 1 rtflHi. A bUMerfy HD4l faa In Hi s.Js f tb rncpw at a wrweiiin fnsub la assd I ewatry all sr t iyfaK wbi are ftwmpttj iw1ftx4 and attewded t by ! t4 bUf)t, Grata tt wtnnw4 by the famrt with a4nt fan, and tb d tne4) arTaat ftnt emty faa tb sa ber of a rwarcast are, bwt ab a h-f nsrM aaper r a t pea for ttfinf to la asbe. . , Drink Pr. Ft? Vrs Yin and W l 'T, HACKBURN IS SOLE AGENT FOR THE "Crawford" Shoe FOR AND "The Patrician" FOR WOMEN. "No Shoes Wear Better" -i)i..fi--....wM..)Ww,,,),.fj,...t) s.a-a.a TWO PIECE Suits Very few men have use for a vest in hot weather. We lind the most attractive suits in our store just now are those, composed of coats ami trousers. They make the coolest clothe that a man can wear. You don't realize how hot a vest is until you have gone without one. If you are looking for romfoi ; it awaits you here in abundance. J.J. Baxter Buy A Lot in 7th Ward, Norfolk City of Norfolk and the Jan ., proMTly is located .w 11 I 'xii"it ion Ground' point. TERMS-$5. and S10.UO per montli, wiUm,uI i: or taxes until j)aid fnr Ixits $40) to $75), accouli location. The city rapid growth in this dip-ction ild mahe n,,i, . j.igi.. I or further particulars apjdy to C. T in'MFHREY. Hotel Hazelton. New i;,rr::. N' HIGHLAND PARK SYNDICATE. 140 The Soda Thirst It has con.i' and neurre n ver bt'tler able to enter tain it. The delirious new dnnWti we have will charm and delight this great sum mer autocrat He will lw repealodly downtd, but like truth will rise again. 'Kir frrh, pure "all fruil'' yr up and our sparkling, rofil ok water are fit In quench the thirst of a monsrt-h. F. S. DUFFY'S l Pharmacy. lrseV'aTNBTJrserNarNs Hyprtrtf4. o far sifbt mesne tba focuslnf at eb- 4 or H(bt bahmd tb retinae entr rrw sat tb era, and If H war aot thai nalor bad some mean af eerrsrtinf tKIa error rear bad bt woald rswalt. lb braj fds eat aa estr aansant af as; tb tuaaawm oftSaer aaaaatai eontractami t eramplfn of same, a Visa aaitssa (bat dall b a-wraifla, Inflna sdarVnM tywa, bwbilHy to rmi er an tb iaa fee any Iseartb af Uaa far tVw wnrtt,' and tb aaoaela bsiaf b tyinpety ane wKb anaCbcr lb ry r wftsai lisl w sy rrisssH rw et) and 1ng U tb Jtafr t pndUr af narr far tbaf parta af 14 irrteea b basaad U taffar. A Jr rf aeWwiifVaTty fitted glass M tbaa J. a B A XT EH, . Crawvsl OrtX, MEN Hmemm t X : : : a Copy Honied SCHLOSS B A CO. Fine Clothe Maker Baltimore 'and Nel VffrV ievt Highland Park idway I" IV I'll .'.'1 w eeti MT'.'I ' t i j M mi Stnvt, N nr: THE PEOPLE Prove The Quality of Our Ice Cream If I . V Il l-I t JKe the ,e tirle w tia'rhey wonM no i' US. 1 "tir jind pre for yi 'irar !'. . - We alio eil Die !et I rand;. ( . .t'ars anrl I larco Crescent Tobatv.i Company. W: D. Barrinton MASAfiKR NEW BERN COnON OIL S FERTILIZER MILLS sAHa:rAiTTitirm a Cotton Seed Products . aod Hiob Grade Fertilizers NEW BERN, N. C. - - Facmr jn Mi IX, BmaaiDt, Nrv?r Jlmsl. Lo4 DTaJCt tiroi KiXia. ,1 itfioe III

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