. - - v . no. 57 ::;i:ii:g( june 5, 1905 TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR i.:c. A tr.ZCCM Cr TlACE :...:! tr.M:i Children's VIiite Duel: Cni: AT 25c. j j Children's White Duck Hats , i ' AT 25c , - I r :; Children's Tan Duck Caps L y ' ' A IV 25c. , . Children's Parasols - ? 1 .AT 50c. 75c, $1, $1.25 ' , Children's n. & W. Waist -; j,,' FEATHER WEIGHT at 25c CftM Mitchell Co..;': W- PHONE 288 . ; , . 1 61-Pollock St. Opp. Episcopal Church BStrfavsTNSrAVBNa PICNIC NOTICE 1 3 :-':VJ.;i;.JifcSwt Mixed, Penny Sweet, 'Penny Sour, .and Bottled .' y Pickles, Libby's, Armour'B, Kllgan's, and Nelson Morris' . - . ' X - V - Canned Meats. tn fact everything that is desired to "r please, can be found at ''5 . ; , " ' 3 r ' " ' " . 1 - - - ' . - . - S ' T)Unnn 1 1A - ' - .- ' tin w 1 it. i '. . H. C. ARMSTRONG '.' Porch Rockers and Settees : Full Line Refrigerators, Freezers, Water Coolers.- , - racni Kouer iray 1 runics, ; , - 1 . , Furniture, Mattings; and House Furnishings. -'V? ' : J OH N B. I V E S. : Phon 257 ' 93 Middle Str-et. HOUSEHOLD II1YEIITI0IIS --argest v -jinprcTja ; trait. ; iria Iasist to ?he besJ yu 1 ' and clean - . ever had m your IT HAS BO USES kitchen, r . UNIVERSAL FOOD GlICFFERS j ; Chops "-Everything: Will Not Mash.-; , Made , in Three sizes, $1.00; $1.25 and $1 50. . ' Complete, -line- of labor saving devices. " It will be to your" advantage to examine them. Strang Action of a New Tan' Kan V.'ho Was a Prospective Sfid.-rjroom. The 'followiuj story from the Wil minstoi Star of Sunday June 3, will be read v ' .h interest by many friends of the niwsinsr bridegroom who is well known in this city: .;. ' . . "The unexplained absence of a bride' groom .thwarted a wedding ceremony that w&s appointed to have taken place yesterday morning at the parish house of St. James at 8 o'clock. " The parties to the marriage vow were to have been Miss Maggie Douglas, of this city, and Mr. E. G. Hill, of New Bern,; but . the latter failed to call for the bride at the home of Mrs. J. H. ' Bornemann, on Orange street,' as had been agreed and to this moment, there are no tidings of him. He is said to be a man of some inflaence and property and his actions upon the, occasion are excedingly difli cult to explain. At the - Bonitz House where he had been rooming for some time, he left an nrder for his trunk to be sent to the depot yesterday morn ing and 'that was. the last seen of him It is surmised by those ' acquainted with the;' facts that he has gone to Saluda, N. C. - :.?-r .' The young woman who was to be his bride is much distressed over, thi afr 1, Meat Market Notice '- Until further notice ; the Coast Line Market wilnbe closed .each day from Jl till 4 SO o'clock, excepting Saturday. .1111 ' trand Concert Tonight, ..- ; The 'concert;' which bias been much talked about . as the greatest, musical event of this season will take place this evening at 8:30 at Christ . Church Parish House. This will be the only op portunity of hearing Mrs. Harris sing for 'some time, and. all who wish to hear her sing will do' well to get tickets right away, as there U a . limited num ber of seats. The price is 50 cents. The tickets can be secured at T. W. Wa ters' store or F.'S. Duffy's drug store. The following program will be rend ered: 4 1 " ' " ' '. PROGBAM, 'i " Orchestra: Selection, .- ",- Vocal Sclo--V Hear ye, oh Israel, ' (Dudley Buck,) Rev.' J. G. Garth. Instrumental Solo "M u r m e r i n g Zephyrs," (Jensen,) Miss Myrtle Dis osway. " ' ' ' V Vocal Solo Miss Annie D e.R osa et Harris. Vocal Solo-"Oh Dry Those -Tears" (Teresa DeJUiego) Mrs H Tis'dale. C'V Orchestra Selection. v . ? r Vocal Duett Mrs. Annie p. ! Harris and Mr. C. T, Pumphrey. ; . . Violiri : Solo "Military March " (Schubert,) Miss Wyatt : . '"' Vocal ' Solo--MrB Annie DeRosset Ilarris. C " :t'T-;i- Vocal Solo Mr;; C. .T Pumphrey. Vocal Solo-Mrs. Hairis. x. VV -y Orchestra Selection; : ' J : Ciisnlrg C!sc!t uresof E ;f Trust PcWng. Kow Can fi'.,t Eat Kat. - (Special Correspondence.) Waiihine'toh, D. C. June 4. The most .interesting subject before Con gress and the country at present is that of the exposure of the outrageous con ditions which . prevail in the great slaughtering and packing houses of the West and possibly of the East In fact all other questions are for the time ob scured by this and there is little doubt but that other business in Congress will be put aside for the enactment of legislation that will look toward im proving the situation there.; The pov ernment has long been dilatory in re gard to the beef trust and ever since the days of the embalmed beef scandal during the : late war the subject has from time to time been' revived but it was not until the publication of "The Jungle," a novel revealing the disgrace of "Packingtown" that the President and the country a", large became thor oughly aroused and a serious move ment was undertaken to clean house there. The-report secured by the President from-' his two. representa tives sent to Chicago to iiij jestijate the slaughtering- and packing indus try has not been made public but it is said to confirm the statements of Mr. Sinclair as to the diseased and poisoned meats which are sold with the govern ment stamp upon them.1; Investigators report that' meats are packed in sur roundings abhorrently filthy, and by employes having - tuberculosis 3 and loathsome disease; that cattle and hogs suffering with tuberculosis, lumpy jaw, ulcers and other ' diseases are '. not destroyed ; but : -packed and. seat out whenever the . traces of disease can - be removed or when this is impossible used as sausage, potted hams and other' delicacies in which th defects can be concealed and that the refuse of diseased animals, the, lumpy jaws, ulcerous flesh, tubercular glands, unborn calves, cow udders and gristle masquerade as sausage, veal loaf potted chicken, canned breakfast' bacon and the like,, while decayed and putrefying meats are treated J with" formaldehyde, painted and dyed to the color of fresh meats and. doctored - with borax and ither preservatives. Senator Be v- eridges bill which provides that an ad equate number of ; inspectors shall be employed to inspect the meat and that they shall have the power to destroy meat condemned has passed the Senate and is likely the pass the lower House though it will have serious opposition there as Speaker Cannon comes from the Beef Trust centre and has declared that he will look- after their "inter ests."::.1 ' v-.". ." - - -) . .-' There's little "room in .this great world of ours for the "Fad Woman. " She's a hindrance to herself in street cars, flats, elevators;1ut what can she do, poor thing take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. ' 35 cents, tea or tab- letau ) Sold by F. S. Duffy. i A NEW BRIDGE OVER, THE NEUSE THE LATEST FAD-' M. EvWIIITEIJUUST fr' CO. r.STABLiniED 1830. ,-, ITT. Cigar bands, plates and felt bfmaking plaques, ash trays pin trays, etc. This is the atest fad and you are invited o call and see them.- Also a beautiful line Leather Post Cards. ' Sheet music 10c a copy at WARREN'S, Phone 163, opp Postofficocl-'' CATm:s rr:;:,i c:::lc":gd . Curtd by' Hyomel, th Only Kedlctn for Catarrh That F. 8. Duffy Is willing to Cuaraiiic.. Tlie po-i:',rify and growth of l?yo- mei are uiii'iiie in tlie amui's of nn':'i c:i!f. Tl.n i' for the Ilyonn-i out- f't hii'l t' ) vx'.ai l,t.ttl."i in Niw Vi'm i 1 1 i :hh - i'!,"'in.:-.i-; i, !'". f -yi C. , i ... I. , !,. r A Busy Day In Justlc Court. S. R. Street's Mapl Rttldtnti, of Fort Barnwifl and CypraAr Anxlout For It. . A. Jarge ; delegation from Maple Cypress anJ -Fort Barnwell were in the city yesterday and waited on the County 'Commi.sMioners at their regu lar monthly meeting and presented a petition for the construction of a bridg over the Neuse at a point between the two places. . , ' (The, County- Comrn' oi t ' 1 to 1 o in f ivrr r ' ' -d An unusually long period of peace and quiet was broken yesterday by quite a spirited scrap. The fight began in the Red Cross barber shop and Tony Monaco the proprietor of the shop was the defendant. Abe Bloomberg swore out a warrant for assault and the trial was before Justice S. R. Street Monaco was found guilty and fined 'ten dollars and costs. : On account of a r remark which Monaco was alleged to have made he and an employe, Ernest Cowoa, were airested for larceny. Their trial was held before Justice Street last evening and the defendants were discharged lor want of evidence. ' The Beef Trust Investigation Shows '-the Corporation a Shameful w -, - Mess.c Z " Great Reception to Bryan. . Special to Journal1 1 . - New York, June 4 The friends' of William J. Bryan are ' planning for a grand reception on his return front his trip around the world.;. The, reception wili : be held at Madison Square Gar den. . - v , ;.;;-h ." no rn . probalilo V, will he f '! .t t' cf 'ort I A A or. J J i are re- I r j ' t i J dune it in t'.e r -'M 'o I i i t' 1 1" :i U I, J: i 1 ' J ' x Worse than Rifle Bailtv" Special to Journal r 7: Kansas City, June 4. Gen. Nelson A Miles, U S A says he knew years ago about the filthy meat packing secrets and protested against Jia use of the trusts products in "the army.. Hebe lieves that 2,000 U S soldiers died from the use of such meats during the. war with Spain. i , ' i '. , v , Increased Cotton Acreage;- Special to Journal A" ', . Washrgton June 4, The. crop esli- mating board of the Agricultural de partment estimates increase cf cotton acreage to be tl per cent over last year. Average .condition growing, crop May 25th was 84) per centcompared.witb'77 year ago. Ten year average has -been ninety. North Carolina' is 6"pe cent increase in acreage, condition 79. . - Build Roads, ,Then;,lake Care , of i ' h Them;f v t The work on Trent road Isrogrees ing very nicely, four miles being about completed in a substantial manner: Persons passing across the -road are well pleased with the improvement. However, a little carelessness may undo a part of the good work. .It is noticed that along the fields adjacent, plowmen drive their horses out into the road to turn, thus letting their plows cut furrows leading into the ditch, and the dirt from .the, furrow Jls thrown, in the ditch where it ia allowed to re main. When it rains - much sand and dirt is washed from thef rlelda through, the furrows, and in short while ' the' ditches will be filled up and the. condi tion" of " the road be about as bad ai even", ' ... , "- - v''.;' - Farmers when , plowing., should hot use the public highway as a turn row. by injuring the roadway, 'filling up the ditches and sometimes, interfere with the passing of travelers, but should keep to the fields. - - If there is no law to protect the roads within the no fence districts there is little use in ..wasting money to -build them until such a law is made.f Pruldcnt RooMvttt Urj tmmdlat and Drastic Mairt to Ud . Against ' Thm. ' i Special to Journal." " ' , , r' '' . Washington, June 4, President Roos evelt accepts the challenge of the beef trust land t-dy gave the first blow by eeii Ji U Congress a special message on the conditions of the Chicago stock yards as reported by the special com mission. The President urges immedi ate legislation on this matter,1 giving I the United States Agricultural depart ment ample power to Inspect all meat product entering into Interstate Com' merce. " ' '' ' ' The report shows sickening condi tions at I the.: packing' establishments. the employees had an utter disregard of cleanliness.. False labels " were placed on cans, ' meat scrape "shoveled from dirty floors, ground up and put'In cans. The -revelations are horrible in the extreme. ' f" ' . New York Cotton WuWL'fii The following were- the opening and closing priceB on the New York - Cotton Exchange, June V i. ',' ' ? -v Oren j High Low . . Close July 4ia.48 10 63 -' 10 48 "10.63 Oct ' 10.30 .V 10.40 - 10.30 10.40 Dec'; 10 33 .", JL0 43 S. 103a .10,43 I: Receipte-10,078 ' . - Lastyear-14,255 . 'if rr;c".::r.!!y Unanimous for fhomas; Tie Oiiblow coniity democrats met y ' fl y at Ja '.' onville and gave C R 1 ' i 17 4-9 votts and G E Hood 4-9 AM :loor I mam. TOR SUMMKR :i: V.'n lire t,lnm it.;' n 1 j-;t u t i fill I.ini' i r i ;.-r mill Ci-.-x .i;r : oijari:s 1 at t' e (" counties in Third t C r'ero- v ' ii !l . v , e ho is i in t!u;ir re r f fractions i f r Congreag- v ill in..: ably bo- iv ' nri by acclii -'t. Methodist Picnic Tomorrow. The annual Methodist Sunday school. ' 911 I -1 - CL k K, 1 , 1 Iikuk win iu&e piaca mureneaa no morrow. ' "- . -' ' irfv. Those who' wish to go will leave Jhe church at !T O'clock sharp The'fare for the round, trip is one dollar .which in cludes dinner and saiL v Ticket may be be procurred At A. E. Hibbard' ' .Death of Mrs. Heath. -""i v Mrs. Catherine Heath wife of Mr. John T Heath, a well known resident os Jones county, died at her homo near Olivers,--Tuesday,,, May 29th, after a long and painful illness, being 55 year ofge,J ' '' ' '- ',; Mrs. Heath was si kind and devoted wife, an indulgent, lottbg mother, and leaves a husband, v son; George R. Heath, and a daughter,' Mrs 4, H. - JL McDaniel, who have the sincere lympa thy of a host of friend in their sad be reavement. : The interment was'' made in tho PineyJJrove burying ground,. near the home of the- family; Trustees Hew Bern Academy Meeting At the meeting of the Board of Trus tee New' Academy last night,: there were reports and recommendations of fered by Supt Craven. Reports were quite satisfactory, and among recom mendations adopted, was th increase of pay of regular teacher from $37.60 to 40 per month. All regular teachers were re-elected. In order to bring the high school up to college entrance require ments, an extra teacher was elected, the lady being Miss Mabel Chad wick. f i BUY YODR j yr iV ' on? -.2 f it, " FRQM 4 ;w , . AND YOU WILL HAVE A v DelieioaS fLiyp of Tea LADIES DUCK HATS We are just in receipt of a largejlot : of Ladies White Duck Hats in all the new est shapes, just the thing for the summer and the seashore. INDIA LINEN , We can offeryou the best, values in India Linen this week that has ever been offered you.' We have not purchas ed a large quantity and by buying late in . the season we are enabled to offer ' you ; exceptional values. ... All Tan Oxfords 20 per cent less than regular price J J. BAXTER . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ilMMMMI m :.V. Kackett Has a Cincih Special to Journal ' . Greensboro, June 4 R. N. Hackett, of Wilkesboro, who is here received a telegram tonight stating that Surry couiity in convention today instructed for him for Congress as the Dcmocrut- ic nominee in the eighth district. This insures his nomination, giving bim thir ty-three more instructed votes than a j it ity. He needed four and Surry i thirty-seven votes. 9. 7th Ward,JNbrfolk City. . .This property la' located midway between the center of Norfolk and the Jamestown Exposition Grounds, with car service to either v .TERMS2-$5and $10.00 Der month, without intprp!t or taxes until paid for. Lots $400 to $750. according to location, , :. ,r : ,o ; , l . .. I - city rapw growtn in tbla direction should make much higher value ; - . For furtherrticulart apply to , - -"Vi , CTUMPHREY.vHotel Hazeit6ri;i New"-Bern, N. C?6t lteGHLAND PARK 'SYNDICATE, V'. ' r' T-1 ,JW mm Street Norfolk Va- f.-rrc.v lttz a Frsm dsr.t Serious Acci- : pun of Rev W A Ayerg is i a F-vf-i-e acci, !. -lit to his 1 I I' ' ' y n:;,ht. ii ' x oil (' '( f -irrli, J. in H ; '.- I ." . 1 h 1 1 --y u- PHOTOGRAPHS I c .-. zrf ', Special attentibrrgiven to bringing out rhe: :. ' individuality of each" customer.; Work promptly ( done, and thoroughly up-to-date.) Amateur finish ' ing solicited. , ' ."V. DAYAHD UOOTTEW 92 EAST FRONT ST. 1 1- rr.Fr'"r's Piioserrates j j