KmKT BCDM "M r QATTTPFiAV MORlMTMr: . TANTTARV 0 I : r 4 SYSTEMATIZE 111 U I! BUS ESS I ' Put your business affair on a systematic basis during 1907.'. Carry a checking account in this Bank and pay all bills by check. ' . - f 4 ' " . ' V " ' 'm: It you keep a balance here you can always buy for cash and ' thus save many discounts. - ' ' V1"'' v.; Your bank book and your check book will show yoifjust ' how yon stand all the time. - - In this way you can plan your expenses in a more judicious i manner and get ahead. , - - . .. '-'-?' Every business man, very farmer and most individuals can -profit by using a checking account here. . . JAMES B. BLADES, PrstldsnL Win. B. BLADES, V.-Prnldsnt. " GEO. B. PENDLETON,. Csshler, r(Oo Mies Outing: NigM Knbcs 6eautifully'Trimmed, All Colors and All Sizes . ' -14 to 18 at 85c $1.00 and'$t.25. Ladies' Colored Taffeta Silk Crop Skiris two-tone, gresn and garnet; brown and black; : the regular price of these Skirts, were $8.50, they will be sold at a Reduction. If you "need . one see our line and the price will . be arranged satisfactory. IE. MITCHELL & CO. 2 61 POLLOCK SfREET. OPP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. mmmm drink Hot Chocolate Is It ? A Delicious and Appetizing Beverage. Take it . With Chicken Sandwich t The Best Candy Made. A Large and Select Stock of Tobacco and Cigars. W. D. BAllRiGTON, CORNEA BROAO and MIDDLE STREETS BILLS D AGlKISTRAiLROADS Appear to be Principal Amnse '.' ment of Solons at - ' . --" Raleigh. - REPRESENTATIVE BRR'.TR : INTRODUCES A BILL JAS A. BRYAN, President G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier JOHN DUNN, V-President REPORT" OF THE CONDITION THE DUAL OF , .'ii. ' . ' AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DECV 8) ,!'pa " J RESOURCES: ' lV ' 'A''' I ;.r.;; UABILITIES: tVHXXOt duttd Stock .-r 2S. 000 Oft . Snrphia tx) UndtviiUd ' ' J, 00 sv. PnAte ' . v. -wv ;,v 1B.0WOJ Cireobtloo .; V 4M Dorit ? ! V; ; - -i : Io Conaaction with ,thU Bank I now open for accounts. An-. Lotus ladf DiaeoMito v Otiur 8toek BonoVi . ' Banking Houm, Far. A Fllb' Do Fran Banlo; Ouh is Valt ,1; . Total . , 8Xt& UM.900M .: , V' 10MU04 ; : 1.000 oo'V B.TO00J ' B.J2t8S 0 ,.w;. . ' Interest paid on all DeposiU, Compounded Sm! Annually. '; JAS. A BRYAN.- : J. H. HACKBURN, CHAS. 8. BRYAN, , l BISHOP, , JOHN DUNN, ' ,. ;i ': G. H. R0BERTS,7 : ,;C. W. MUNGER a- i , A. D. WARD, a3KLUST d vnen 11.1L ii HANGING! I have secured the services of a practical paper hanger and shall be glad to have him show samples and estimate -for your work. Senate Committees Appointed. - Lobby istfl to Register Names With Jndi ,;. ciary Committee. Cancns for Senator Tuesday J : Night. ; - Special to Journal . i - - - HOUSE. Raleigb, Jan. 11 In the House Dowd submitted the report of the rules com mittee recommending those of the last session with fe changes, one that each Monday the Speaker shall appoint a committee to examine daily the jour nal and report whether it is correct and that the committee on Judiciary -be di vided into two sections and that there be a committee on public service, cor porations and on the Corporation Com mission. , ' The resolution introduced by Repr sentative Morton of New Hanovtr to print in the Journal of the House daily was voted down. The following bills were introduced: To amend the revised law by requiring common carriers to tender payment within the time specified, and if a greater amount should be recovered in action than the amount; tendered, the carrier shall be liable to the penalty provided, , : By Gilliam, of Bertie, conferring on the courls of Bertie, power to try Civil and criminal actions. ' Midgette, Northampton, to allow trial judges in cases of felonious as saults, to exclude all but Court offi cers. ' i Laughinghouse, Pitt, to require the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Board of Agriculture to be practical farmers and actively engaged in that business and also for the relief of priso- nerewaitmg trial. , ; W C. brewer, Craven, to amend the time of holding courts in Craven. : y r Doughton; , Alleghany,' to regulate sales of goods In ' bulk and prevent frauds in such sales. Davia,X3arteret, to appoint justices in Hyde. " . -' ; Edgerton, Wayne, to make common carriers liable for expense .incurred by delays in travel,' '., . .. 'fXrff'i- Douglass, Wake, to make municipal corporations liable for torts of certain ofBcers.,:s''''v;v '.'." r-.'i'i '?''?'" Justice, Guilford, to prescribe; char ges railway make for transporting pas sengers, regulating railways as com- mon , carriers and extending nd k creasing the . Corporation Commission's powers. ' jJV'-'n-, Xoonce, Onslow', to abolish the March term of Onslow eourtV;. Bill passed ap pointing justices for Onslowf ! B ickett's (Franklin) bill requiring all persona employed to urge or oppose legislation to register their names was sent to the judiciary committee; - . Speaker Justice announced standing committees of public service and cor porations, naming chairmen: Corpora tions, Kltchin; Liquor ' Traffic, Dowd; Propositions and Grievances, Douglass; Judiciary No. 1, Winborne;.. Judiciary No. 2, Murphy; Pensions, Galloway. ' Chairman Winborn' called the Demo cratic caucus to meet Tuesday night, when there will be a joint caucui for thejiomination of United States Sena tor to succeed U. ,S. Senator Simmons, to whom there is no Democratic oppo- sitionT ; ' - - ' ,,""". ; ' 8EKAT8. ' : In the Sena's President Winston in nounced the following committees: Agriculture, Mitchell chairman; Bank and Currency, Flnmmii-; km Anylum, Webb; Immigration, I Education, Holt; Catne Lnw, To Proposiliims at"! Crii'vanws, define rights of - passengers entering and leaving railway cars. " ' Thorne to amend the revisal . regard- ing summary proceedings in ejectment ; By Graham, two and two and a half cents as the parsenger rate of fare in North Carolina, second and first calass, also a bill regarding free passes.: i Thorne, to punish railways for fail ure to transport freight , in a reasona bletime. - - - -",. Turner, to allow Elizabeth1 City to is sue bonds for a market.' 1 - , -r ' Phsrr, to increase the salary of . the adjutant general to f 1.600 Sea well, to prohibit the exposure and sale of indecent pictures and also in- vt .;- 1 decent shows. ' ' Graham's bill to define the righto of passengers' requires they shall enter cars from the end nearest the engine and leave at the - rear; and passenger) trains are to be - supplied with foot stools or have drop steps. No passen ger shall be required to step above 12 inches., His bill regarding free passes and free transportation provides that after March 1st no free ticket- or free transportation of passes shall be given to passengers in this State except to certain carefully specified persons. The penalty for- violation is from $100 to $200. . Mrv Thorn's bill regarding freight transportation makes a delay of .two days at the initial point and 48 hours for each 100 miles over which freight is transported" unreasonable, providing that, in computing such time the first day shall be excluded and the last in cluded fiiiit if the last day be Sunday it shall be excluded. . ' Vaccinatioil Ordered for Certain "S; Districts. ' (Special Correspondence.) Raleicrb. Jan 11 An order has been made for the vaccination here io the mill districts. The city health officer says that the people living in these sections objected to vaccination and hence the order became necessary. , Food For The Legislative Goat Special to Journal Raleigh, Jan 11 Speaker Justice's bill introduced today fixes the rate of railway fare at 8 cents and limits a day's work for train men and railway telegraphers to eight hours. KEGEESS'.F0O.DE!I) , Annual Meeting of M. and M. Club. Removal of theDf- fice ot the Christian Sun Sportsman go to Virginia' for, ,; ; fox hunt rV : Special Correspondence. : ; Greensboro Jan 11 Lizzie Morehead, colored, was found dead last1 night a bout six . o'clock along side of the road leading from the Nursery company's offiice on the street car line.- She was on her ' way to a , wedding and it is supposed that heart failure caused her death. Ber hat and one or two bun dles she had carried were found lying in .the road near the streetcar line, but her body had. fallen down the embank ment The woman was. the wife of Jim Morehead. who was at the Nur-v series and was a highly respected ne gro. . The annual meeting of the Merchants and Manufacturers club was held in the. assembly room of the" club last night. The ' meeting was largely at tended and the following officers were elected for the coming year: J. L. King, president, G. S. Bradshaw, first vice president, G. S. Ferguson, Jr. second vice president Lacy H. Sellars secretary and treasurer. The following were elected as the- board of directors. Dr. L. M. Humphery, M. K. Newel!, Gar land Daniel'' W. B, Syroud, Jr .W. Cone and A. H. Alderman. The election committee was elected as follows: E F. Da'ton, Edgar D. Broadhurst Paul Schenck Thomas S. Beall and James E Mann. , After the -election of officers and all other business transacted refreshments and cigars were served. The office of publication of The Christian Sun, the official organ of the Southern Convention, has been moved from Eton College to Greensboro- Rev. J. O. Atkinson, the editor, will remain in Elon College where he has had his office since he assumed the work. r About ten of Greensboro's sportsmen left-yesterday afternoon for Manches ter, Cumberland county, where they expect to enjoy a fox hunt. Miss Fannie Amick died of pneu monia Tuesday afternoon. The burial took place at Mt Hope, twelve miles from the city yesterday afternoon. ; Southern Railway Breaks Faith Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, Jan 11 The Corporation Commission announces that the South ern Railway yesterday deliberately broke its correction with the . Atlantic Coast . Line at Selma, .an important junction point, ' complaint and notice were' filed today. The Commission Im mediately had a conference, with, the Governor, and devoted the afternoon to preparation for active steps against the Southern, Jha Commission; months ago ordered this long established con nection maintained. The Southern rail way took case on appeal to the Federal court, it being now before United States Supreme court ' ' ) ' " , .Extra fine corned beef at Oaks Mr- ketV? -vV-: the A Messsaga From Mart. 'A Meesage from Mars," one of most talked about comedies of recent years will be the attraction at the opera house Saturday Jan IS 1907. Not until the present time has this play aver visited this section of the country. Its managers have found' so great a de mand for it in the Eastern states, that never before has it been possible to send it into this section of theeountry. When "A, Message From Mars" was first brought to the United States after a run of three consecutvie years in Lon- d n - it attracted so great attention ' in New York that it remained there tinin teirupted for a petiod of two years. This in itself should be sufficient reco mendation for any play. All of the other large Eastern cities were visited and everywhere it was prerented theatre goers crowded the playhouae to their seating capacity. This in brief has been the history of "A Messagefrom Mars." "A Message from Mars" is credited with being one of the most amusing en tertaimng and interesting comedies that has been placed before the public for the past quarter century. It has refutation iho or Leing intensely in structive, ss it deals with a great truth It ia said to be cant upon original and novel lines, makii fj It, in fact, some I'.:, x out of the ordinary. It is believed !l'i ss unlile, in i's text sn 1 f -i-i-J renal I AfT.iirfi, IV Kluir.: IV:' it:-I !.!, Tr. i r a, Aycoik; I". 3 of l'i V k: : iurnl C"!. : cvrr ! '"! i t i 1 ; a ' ! a r i r ij ! GQVEBMOR FAVORS ::'?. V , : PEFORHATORYj C :'i a. 1 mission to Hake Full x : amination of the Matter Special to Journal Raleigh Jan 11. Governor Glenn said today, in conversation. "People are much mistaken if they think I am op posed to reformatory, my idea is to go slowly, and surely and for this reason I have suggested a wise and. humane committee or commission, to make a full investigation and ascertain exactly what is needed and then provide it' The Governor issued commissions to Senators Overman and Simmons and to f he various congressmen except Black burn, (who has no commission) and ten Congressman elect Hackett as delegates to the national convention for the ex tension of the foreign commerce of the United States which is to be held at the New Wiliard hotel at Washington January 14th. Indigestion, constipation come and go like rent and tax day and other sorrows, if you take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the greatest remedy known toman kind. 86 cents. Tea or Tablets. F. S, Duffy. "My Wife's family." It has often been said that bad news travels fast, but at times good news seems equally as speedy. There is -a theatrical attraction which will be seen heae Tuesday . January 15, which ac cording to the reports received from other cities, where the company has appeared this season, is deserving of a crowded house. It is a musical farce comedy in three acts entitled' "My Wife's Family,"; which was produced three years ego at the Madison Square Theater, New York, . scoring an in stantaneous success, and since then it has met with the Approval of theatre patrons in all of the principal cities throughout the country, Although the itinerary this season embraces: several of the smaUercitiesV the company is guaranteed by the- management to be practically the same aS heretofore, and not to have cheapened or curtailed in MisffltMA Grape Fruit at Whitcomb's 83 George street. Men Tribe of Improved Order of Red Permanently Organized Mr. W. Ben Goodwin of Elizabeth City, Great Chief of Records of North Carolina of the I. O R. M. instituted on last night in the Woodmen's Hall. Chattawka Tribe No. 14 of North Caro lina. The tribe starts with a member ship of eighty-one, forty-nine of which were present at the institution. The ibe starts work under most auspicious conditions and is -distined, to become at an early date one of the banner Tribes of the Reservation of North Carolina. The following Chiefs were elected and duly raised up by tho instituting Chief - J. H. Weddell Sachem. T. P. Ashford Senior Sagamore. A. J. Gaskins Junior Sagamore. D. E. Henderson Prophet J. H. SmithChief of Records. S. M. Brinson Keeper of Wampun The next regular meeting will be held on next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at which time all those who have not received the mystic rites are requested to be present. Fine Veal at the Coast Line Meat Market this corning. . Extra Fine' liver Sausage at Coast Line Market. . Fine Example of SelMacrifice Mr. T- B. Lane went to Raleigh this week- expecting to be appointed door keeper of the House.', He had' the en dorsement of Senator Simmons and Congressman Thomas and had 'good reason to think h would be the suc cessful man. But when he goi, to Ral eigh and .learned that a Confederate veteran was trying for the same ap pointment he very graciously withdrew stating that the other man should. be considered first His act of self-sacrifice is worthy of commendation. - , Date of State Fair Fixed. ; Special to Journal ,'7 ; Z, Raleigh, Jan ll-r President E. Li Daughtrldge of the North Carolina Agricultural Society announces the 47th annual State fair will be held at Ral eigh October 14th to J9thr both dates inclusive. . Rival Artist "Kindly tell me.theflecret of your sue :3 in catching such pleasing expres on the f iP-H of your cuntomeri, t' 1 v- I ; f y y t tr-y Condemned Men Cet no Pardons. Special to Journal . Raleigh, Jan. 11. The governor re fused four pardons today and granted four. Pardon is refused to Sylvester Barrett, convicted in January of last year, in Pitt county, of 'murder in the first degree, who will be hanged in Feb ruary. He appealed to the Supreme Court which affirmed judgment The governor is satisfied the conviction was legal and right ; Pardon refused Freeman Jones, con victed last August in Durham of burg lary in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged, but was reprieved until February 8th. The Governor says that owing to the importance of this case he has given it unusual attention, and finds as facto, that the man entered a dwelling, made a felonioui assault upon Mrs. Jack Bar ker". iHis only eicuae was that" he was drunk, which is not an excuse but an aggravation. The governor' says the home and defenseless women must be protected . Men capnot in the dead hour of tbir night assault helpless women, commit a crime which generally brings about a lynching, and then expect the governor to show clemency,". The aherV iff is directed-to "hang Jones. . . , " The big sale at the American Stock Co's store is now in full blast .and will last until Saturday night , Come while the bargains are hot; i-'', FOR WIVES AND MOT HERS : Save the Loved Ones From Drink Evil Orrine Guaranteed to ure.Can. ' be .given Secretly." : If your husband or son has .fallen a victim to the drink hahil, stop pleading, scolding and crying. Use Orrine which is recommended by thousands. v " ' " This successful remedy can be given secretly if desired, or the patient can take it of his own free will. It absolute Iy destroy (ho HV.'-e for strong drink, andbuilili up tv run down system, strengthens the weakened nerves and soon restores the patient to his normal condition. Write for free pamphlet on cure of al(-o5ioli;irn io Orrine Co., Wash ! 1, I). C. :''-nti!i plain snaled en- 1 :,o pi.-o of Orrine Is $1 a box Orrine . i ' ! 1 y ('. D.I " :m. OUR 55 : ill 1:11 r,mnTiriniT,,Trti HAVE ARRIVED ! You-will say the rest when you see them. HACKBURN cc FANCY ELGIN BUTTE IN BULK OR ONE POUND PRINTS Only 35c. per Pound J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. New OG3G 30C MILLINERY AT COST We have marked all or our Winter Millinery down at COST AND LP.OS We do not carry any iu. over, so if you are in need of .y thine; in this line, call at . -- j . will go quick at offering. the pric J. J. BAXTER. Caw "1 Building Material Heath & Milligan Paints The beginning of 1907 finds us better prepared than ever to fill all of your orders. Give us a call. Gaskill Hardware Comply Middle Street Phone 147. New Bern, N. C. y'.'Ffo,youR.uiiD and it wia feed you II vvT;DO THIS BY USING MEAD0WS1BRANDS OF i-B FERTILIZERS . 0 totOo-ar -v Meadows Cotton and All Crop Guano Gold Leaf and Roanoke for Tobacco, Special Fertilizers for all crops. Ask your dealer for our Brands, an 1 you will be pleased with the results. r - '.V.-. :, 'r.-,'r..,,,'-'' Not how CHEAP but how GOOD Is our aim. 1 '. C 1 " 1. ' J. A. ftleadows Co. 5; BS7 ML s; at m ' tk: at HL, M S 5 1 1 ! your p 1 t ) V 1 1 : 1 n s'AN'irACTunEns. NLW CCRK. N, C. 1

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