NO. 248 .TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR NEW BERN. N C. WEDNESDAY MORNING JANUARY. 16, 1907 V i.-g:li-T Pan GOOD : " We offer to the commercial customers of this Bahk. every", facility at the command of an institution with large capital, ample resources and a sincere desire to make this Bank a ... .,,-, source of strength tOythe men who commit their business inter ests to our care. . t- , v ; The character and policy of the bank where you do business mean much in your own success. -m . The officers and directors of this Bank understand the bank-, v ing needs of the business men and. farmers of, this section and ' extend to them every accommodation nd assistance possible. THIS IS A GOOD BA'JK TO KliiV l:lSli!lli!llSll8KL All Ladies', Misses and Children's AND- Ready-to-Wear Hats At Cost ! . M. MITCHELL & CO. POLLOCK STREET. A COLD WEATHER DRINK Hot Chocolate Is It ? A Delicious and Appetizing Beverage. Take it With Chicken Sandwich j The Best Candy Made. A Large and Select . Stock of Tobacco and Cigars. W. D. BARRINGTON, CORN E It BROAD and MIDDLE STREETS . IAS. A. BRYAN, President V : JOHN DUNN, V-President ,i G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. ; REPORT OF THE mail linlllllillilll AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 81. 1906. V V RESOURCES: ..... I- Imm sal Diaeoanta ' I 86,l O. 8, Bond . . .V S6.00000 i Otliar Stock Bond ' ' 8&2U 00 BaakJnc Hon, Fur. fi. . 14,000 00 ".Dm Tram Bank. ' ' ' 158.066 06 Caa la Vault . 46.81081 THE ISA.TIl9iBEPAI2TIIElW4 j f llCBBctfen vwith thia.l Bank InterMt oaid on ail UeDOsits. JTAS. A. BRYAN, . Jf. H. HACKBORN, -ft CHAft. S. BRYAN,' .f--J::-;-V:-.t, . BISHOP, . JOHN DUNN. v, :-:' '':'. :-; G. H. ROBERTS, .' : C. W. MUNGER y - , A.' D. WATtD, I have secured the- services of a practical ' l- paper hanger and shall be glad to have him ' V: show samples and estimate .for. your work. u; huUte SERVICE BE IDENTIFIED WITH OPP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ' V w CONDITION OF nr nnii LIABILITIES: v ; CaoiUl Stock ' ,. 100.000 0 Burplu -" and Undivided ' PfOfita' . " .' . 102.8UM DirldMida. , 6.00000 '.' Cbcalation V .1 StWOOO J Dapoelta '.?"' tttJBtU ' ' '; Total . : 786888-: is inour open for accounts ComtMunded . SemkAnmiAllv.. : r.r- HIGHER SEES F Bill H Introduced,, for Giving ' The Governor $6,000, Pro-' -- . portionate ; Raise for ' "Cabinet! . pensions rausED ; $50,000 milLY, Many Important : Bills Introdqced. Some are Killed on Second Read- .... . .. -' . ,',.V- f. . . ... ing. Completion of Commit tees. Franklin NcNeill -Declared! Elected. Special to Journal. BOUSE. : Raleigb, Jan 15 In House Speaker Justice announced committee on fish and fisheries Vann of Eden ton, chairman; Cities and Towns, Hankins of David son chairman, new committee created on game and bird laws, Turlington (of Mooresville, chairman. Among bills introduced the following were the most important: To allow the penitentiary to take up its bonds. To require political candidates to fur nish statement of expenses and prevent corporations from contributing to cam paign funds. To increase pensions by 850.000 an nually. . ' To allow the State to' take disposi tions of witnesses. - To abolish fines in bastardy cases and increase allowance to mother. To make foreclosure of mortgages special proceedings. . To force railways -to provide electric headlights for locomotives and maintain block system. " To require inspection of steam boil ers and provide inspectors. To regulate amount baggage allowed on railways. To reduce the number challenges al lowed defendants in capital cases- A resolution waa introduced to obtain exact information regarding the num ber of Insane persons in jails and coun ty homes. Senate and House in joint session eanvasaed returns for Corporation Com missioner and Franklin McNeill was declared elected. . There was long debate in House on Kiekets bill requiring lobbyists to regis ter names in office of Secretary of State.. All amendments voted down bill passed second reading. There were objections to third reading. ; r The following bills of importance passed final reading: jTo make assaults upon innocent wo men indictable. - to amend Watts law so elections can be held on prohibition as well as osvdis pensary of saloons.! -'-$0;k&fi. To aatboiize judges in case felonious assault or attempted felonous assaulu upon women to xcludefrom court bouse daring (rial all persons .'except those directly Intomtedi t To give magistrates 'jurisdiction" in cases of cruelty to animals.' y' Bui introdnced by .. representative Preston of Mecklenburg allows rsilwiiy passengers two hundred pounds of bag gage, a i:cf Bill ' introduced by representative Bolton of Fayetteville proposes to In crease . pensions to half . "miUlon dol lars. 8ENATB. - President Winston appointed as Sen ate members committee, to notify Maj. Gen, Hoke that legislature desired to tender him' a reception oaLee's birthday,' Reinhart, Stanly; Mauncy, Kings Mountain; both .Confederate veterans. Invitation of the Governor to attend the reception to legislature Thursday evening was accepted by both Senate and House, The most important bills introduced Senate were to: To ereati Lee county out of parts of Moore and Chatham. ' To fix salaries of State ofnecra: Gov ernor, Jj.O'iO; SocreUry ev $1,000; Attorney Gwiorul, S-Tnce Cornriii; iiornT, i- - : t i,l PuV.;: I C ' ' of ' - .1 Tr An' ;rcr, , In- ; V 1 UHSAtUHlGtllS LiaiTIESniF..IL131 Conditiori of the Odell Mann- factoring Company Caesar " Cone Appointed , - " - Receiver ' w ' (Special Correspondence. vy,-. ' Greensboro) Jan IS Judge James E. Boyd today appointed Mr. Cesar Cone of this city as receiver for the Odell Manufacturing Company of Cohcord.of which Mr. J. M. Odell is' president and Mr. W. H. Odell secretary and treas urer, upon application of Messrs. King & Kimball, who represent the Conti nental Color & Chemical Co. of. New York, and other creditors, -C The liabilities of the Odell Manu facturing Company are about $500,000 and 0j6 plant is estimated to be worth more than $1,000,000.- Those- most closely connected with this big cotton manufacturing company have the con fident hope thatevery cent on the dol lar will be paid to the creditors, witha large "margin left to the stockholder?. The plant ia said to be in good financial condition. Elegant Elks Home Started. "(Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Jan. 15.-rToday at one o'clock the jflrst brick was laid on the new home for Greensboro lodge No. 692 B.P.O E. on the corner of South Green and west Sycamore streets. The build ing is to have a colonial effect with two stories ar.d a basement. It is to be one of the handsomest and best equipped club buildings in the South, and will be ready for use by the summer. Business Opportunity An old established business concern of this city offers for sale its entire stock of good will, etc. Fine chance for a hustler. Will bear the strictest in vestigation. Good reasons for selling. For further information address S. A. care Journal office. Indigestion, constipation come and go like rent and tax day and other sorrows, if you take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the greatest remedy known to man kind. 35 cento, Tea or Tablets. F. S, Duffy. lar Heel Club a Thing of the Past (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Jan. 15. The furniture and fixtures of the Tar Heel Club which was placed in the hands of a re ceiver a week ago, were Bold at public auction at the court house. Saturday at noon by the receiver, Squire D. H. Rollins. There was a large quantity of furnishings and they sold at what is considered very good prices; and . it is thought that the assets will fully cover the liabilities of the defunct organiza tion, which "was organized about two years ago by E. Spencer Blackburn, That's the house the doctor built The biggest house you see; Thank goodness he don't get our mon ey - For wr all drink Rocky Mountain Tea, F. S, Duffy. . ... .,. be received by any of these officers. ; To regulate Insurance companies and prohibit diversion of .their funds or political purposes, offense punish nent by imprisonment or by dne not exceed ing $lf()0ff. :, V " ' '!:'-. ': JTo allow County Commissioners to sell county and township property, ' To pension negroes who, were in the Confederate service, .!,."., i ,To allow ..'maed':;.'yomen,.tonuka contracts as if unnunrted,'?? X To require applicants for attorneys'; license) to prove higft moral Character to the Supreme Court.0:::; 4. ;To provid for the safety of the trav eling public en railways, and. prevent collisions by requiring jtation teiegra phers to be ; examined ( by ' the 8tate Board an4 to bare' certificates andTra quire railwds t9 provide block system. .-: To give corporation commission su pervision of telegraph and telephone companies. . 'I ' .. To compel water companies to sup ply Wholesome water.' '-"''S'-;:.'.i'', Bills passed final rending, i : t' Authorizing any duly licensed min ister to perform marriage ceremony. . To permit no Interest greater than 6 per cent to be charged upon mortgage on houaehoid and kitchen furniture was discussed as being aimed ait money shops and was re-referred. How much of your life is spent try ing to get well It requlrs but a month orlessto put theaveroge man or woman on their feet with Ilollititer's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duy. . - i ; t T': "y t. !l r. f t( t ""n- Mil ' ' ! 'l ' SEISr.'EC . TERROR , - :' AURUS ANTILLES A . Reported ; Destruction by Earthquake ot the City of ; .Kingston, Jamaica. ' Special to Journal, . New York, Jan 16 A report has reached this city which is yet unfound ed Jto effect that -the City of Kingston, capital of the island of Jamaica has been destroyed by an earthquake. The loss of life is said to be great Kings ton is a city of 50,000 inhabitants and there are jnany English, American, Spanish and French residents. . Amateure Talent Vaudeville Arrangements have been completed by the Library Comlnittee of the Wo man's Club with C D. Perucm and Miss Gypzene to put on an entertain ment at the opera house consisting of amateur performances. The partici pants will be of singe's and ac tors and there will be a high class show ia ev ery respect. ; Mr. Peruchi and Misjj Gypzene- are too well known to make any extended remarks about it at this time. - Suffice it to say that everything t put under their supervision will be well done. The program arranged will consist of soloes, quartettes and other variety of I pleasing vocal and instrumental music, ' together with variations such as the versatile Peruchi knows how to get. j 'The proceeds will be for the benefit nt tha liHrai-v flnt tha Aatif ff fVia an 1 tertainment will ' be Tuesday Janu ary 22d. Davis Pharmacy Successful. After a great beal of effort and corret pondence Davis Pharmacy the popular druggist, has succeeded in getting the Dr. Howard Co. to make a special half price introductory offer on the regular Jiffy cent size of their celebrated spec! fic for the cure of constipation and dy spepsia. . This medicine is a recent discovery for the cure of all diseases of the stomach and bowels. It not only gives quick re liaf, but it makes permanent cures. Dr. Howard's 'specific has been so remarkable successf si in curing constipa tion, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Davis Pharmacy is willing to return the price paid in every, case where it does not give relief. The best physician?" are prescribing Dr. Howard's specific because it really gives the desired results aad on account of the small and pleasant dose that is needed., Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness, gas on stomach, specks before the eyes, constipaiion, and all forms of liver and stomach troubles are soon cured by this scientific medicine. So great is the demand for this spe cfiic, that Davis Pharmacy has been able to secure only a limited supply, and every one who is troubled with dyspep sia, constipation or liver trouble should call upon them at once, or send. 25 cents, and get sixty doses of the best medicine ever made, on this special half price of fer, with their jtersonal guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. " V'" -y .1 j, in a, aM I ' " Extra fine corned beef at Oaks Mar ket. -- '. LIS f OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-OfHce at New Bern, Craven County, N. C , Jan'y 14, , 1907: . . . '-. ' . ' - HEN'S ust. BG B Bizzel, Dan Bell, J D Best, ! C Jim Cox, George H Carrow, Fas i Squal Ciafardom; i- .. -E--Charles N Evans A Son, JEanp & c: Blade, J H Edwards (2).-. : . 'V F Fnrlan Farran,; PittieFonville. - ;i G-f Mike Greene. ' . ' ' : ! j' H-rA D Harris. 0;M-, ? J- JH Jonea..'v.,',;- 'XJJ,-. . .; ' Kt-R W King. " " ' ," ' ' '' "'. M-Edd Murrell ? O-aarlie Oato.:''Hfr' ',' P George Phillips, Lewis IPatori, Wil W H Pstrick,Crlst ?txdi SpEdward Starkey, Frank Shiver ?w T--A H Thompson, M'i-Kbi-i :'y-W-John Williams. T H White, R ft, Waynick (2) Mr and Mrs ; Geo Ward, Daniel Whitaker, Solomon Willson. ! : -7" ' ' ; -women's imrKr(iM A Mis 'Caroline Ashley; VVw3$ B Miss Roeana Brown (2): kv v"; ; v D-MrsLucy Drewey, Mrs Willie Dunn. G-Mrs Willis Gray, Mrs J E Gaskins J H Miss Rose Hayes, Mrs Biggs- Hun Hyman. . '-' ,7 L Mrs S B Lane. ':; M-Miss Maggie Moore, Miss Mamie McLaughlin, Mrs Martha Morsley, Miss Annie Mills, .'- ";. ;' I'".. .' P Miss Annie B Perry, ..;;r" V Mrs Mabel Vaughn. : .; The rejTultttions now require that (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery S. W HANCOCK, : , ,r. m. Up -tillaFIa. or.-irjsby' the dozen, ( r Ifcrr! 1 et V.'liilcomb'B 83 Gourge SONS Kb . . ; NATEO IN Oar Senior Senator Nominated to Succeed Himself, by Unanimous Vote of Legislature. No Opponent. Special to Journal: Raleiglv N. C, January 15th--At the Democratic caucus tonight Senator N. A. McLean of Lumberton re-nominated Senator F. M Simmons who- received the unanimous vote. Simmons made a short telling speech and then received many congratula tions. Powerful Lesson on Selfishness. News & Observer Jan 13: No play teaching a more powerful les son has been seen in Raleigh than "A Message From Mars," which yesterday afternoon and last night delighted two audiences in Raleigh. The play is a splendid one in itself out side of the lesson it teaches, and was presented by a very capable company, which won praise. The evolution of the lesson tonight is by uniquemethods, and these kept the audience constantly in deep imterest. " "A Message From Mars" came in a dream tq a most selfish man and the Martian vcitor whom he saw taught him that selfishness is the greatest of crimes and that "Otherdom" or caring for oth er people is the greatest good. This was the teaching in the play and throughout there ran a pretty love story. The Mar tian won, the selfish man became a big hearted noble one, and his sweetheart ssw happiness. As a play the performance is one that is greatly enjoyable. As a sermon a gainst selfishness no more powerful one has ever been preached in any pulpit in Raleigh. It is a play that can not offend in the slghtest degree, and it is so clever ly presented that it will delight any au dience, and send the people away with better impulses for having seen it, and for haviug heard set forth the very highest ideals of human living. Bigness is snid to be 11 quality which appeals especially to Americans. How ever tliiit may be. a purely scientific Interest justifies the spreading of In formation contained In a recent bulle tin of the L'uited States geological sur rey about the size of the United States. The area of the United States proper, exclusive of Alaska, Island dependen cies and the Tunama strip, Is given as 3,020,780 square miles. The absence hitherto. of an official standard result ed In a discrepancy between the com putations of the census bureau and the general land office. A conference waa called between these departments and the geological survey, and the bulletin of the geological survey Is the result Youth's Companion. The Table Tap Cold. "You have, madam," said the physi dan, "what I call a table top cold." . "What Is a table top cold?" the lady asked. "It Is a cold brought on by marble tops in the late fall and winter. You ladies always wear short sleeves, and you always lean your baro arms 011 the Icy surface of marble tables. This con tact sends .a chill all through you a chill that you disregard. But In the morning you awake with a heavy cold. "Marble table tops In the winter shoulit be covered with a, cloth If they are going to. be leaned on. Then the tattle top cold would disappear." New Orleans Times-Democrat , Real Estate la Korea. One Of the most astonishing regula tions has been . made regarding the transfer of real estate In Korean .No one Is to be allowed to sell or buy reafestate except by lwrmlsslon of the governor. This Is" apparently a move on the part of the, Japanese to prevent the selling of any land in Korea except to people that they approve, for the governors ore. of course, under the Japanese od ylsers7!t makes no difference that forelgnera have n gdotf it right to buy land, as tue.fttpaoese. VTne matter will hove to be tested In, the Courts before. the powers wll) allow their citizens to be urtalhd Hn their privileges In '-.theH penmsum, Kor,ews.,:-5.v,-Vi' if . ,A' Waiaie ItoiwIav.C':.;'; The excessive, prevalence of malaria In Greece IS engaging the attention of English physicists, , , It . Is sold to be checking the development of rural life andjs a very serious thing for tho na Hon. Onf of a population of 2,500.000 there were 250.000 cases of malaria an nually,' and . the deaths - were .about 1,700. "Last year the Dumber of cases Increased to 000.000 and the deaths to 6.916, rrofessor Rs vas of V Uni versity of Athens and ' physician King Ceoree Is Initiating a movement to deal vfiV.t, the plague. . t ' A heehaalcal Man. Frederick Ireland, a German Invent or, has ' produced a mechanical man, made of wheels nnd springs, which en Ohio It to walk, write and ride a bi cycle. A writer In L'lllustratlon (Tar Im) gives a description of the remark obit Invention ml says "all that It lacks I speech nnd hearlhg." The In ventor Inn nnnicd his amlrolde eulg oiaretle. '' . : "' 2 OUR NEW EMBROIil HAVE ARRIVED ! You will say see them. HACKBU IOC FANCY ELGIN BU IN BULK OR ONE POUND PRINTS Only 35c. per Pound J. L. McDANIEL Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. OOi D A V u n a Our Big Reduction Sale is now on ar.d everybody is invited to come, If you h:r,; nothing to buy come anyway and we w:!l gaar antee to sell you something, when you sec the prices you can't help buying. I want to sell every man, woman, boy and girl in this section, before the sale closes on SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 26th- The Profit is AH Yours! so don't spend your money 'ti:. you v our prices. J. J. B TWO FT THE BEST CHEAP ROOFING ON THE MARKET. REQUIRES NO TAR OR PAINT. Also Full Stock "PAROID" HIGH GRADE ROOFING ON HAND. ,Gasldir Hardware Comp'y Middle Street Phone one FFFn Yiiiiff i iNn IHU IVVII UIIIW IIIIU II lllhli I fcV I WW f y . . pq this'by, usiNa- U MEADOWS' i.,?',Y.l'v,v; fl , .';"');? '- - Meadows Cotton and All Crop 7 V fiold Leaf and Roanoke for Vi . ... i - :. 1'-" . I 1 ; 5 Special Fertilizers for all nt.0X)t'kv,. : '' 'V&i ; Ask your dealer for our Brands,' and you will be pleased wiih t!i-? results.:V.!.r' vJ--f:'r;' " V Not how CHEAP but liow GOOD ls our alnv'; X$r& f V.OflKS NEUSE RIVER. ' MANUFACTURERS, ' J NEW BERN, N. C. iesI Li. the rest when 31 ou sr. 3c? 301 New Bern, N. C. y T C D ' O 1 L A X T E R. STOR .d. E 147. New Bern, N. C. 3DC inii it wii i fffii yoii x u BRANDS OF ;v'-Sv Guano for Cotton;' ' !j f J Tobacccv' s x . :?.iv,.' TIER ROOFING m br(.f 1 nil Iamb at Onfcs

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