V ALL rati) : v Beaefit by using the facilities of this Bank. V y ' - Every one can use the Savings Department to advantage i to accumulate something for a rainy day and to help out theic " : income by taming FOUR per cent interest for them, ' ' , . v : Business men and farmers gain security for their current , .'funds and the many conveniences of a checking account by : doing theif commercial business through this Bank. . We under-: , - stand their needs and render them every - possible -accommoda-' tion. YOUR BUSINESS INVITED I JAMES B. BUOES, Prssidsnt. 7 i . GEO. B. PENDLETON, Cashier. rlAWES We will show this week Ladies' Spring Mus r'lin Underwear in rftany styles, .. N Night Robes made of Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss, beautifully trimmed at 75c to $3.00. Skirts at 75c to $3.00. Corset Covtrs at 25c to $1.50 Pants at 35c to $1.00. These garments need no introduction; for the fact most all the ladies of New Bern know of them. J. M. MITCHELL & GO. A COLD WEATHER DRINK Hot Chocolate Is It ? A Delicious and Appetizing Beverage. Take it With Chicken Sandwich I The Best Candv Made. I Stock of Tobacco and Cigars.- W. D. BARRINGTON, t . CORNEtt BROAD kvib MIDDLE STREETS - I ' fc. H. "ROBERTS, Caihler . -J : r ; life REPORT OF THE CONDITION '. OF iiliillllllll I vt AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEOl31.; 1906. ; .ivTUSSOURCES: ' .J-LIABILmES:.' VLarfDbawnt ''' 4SOSM ;0W8t-ii-'-1,V: t lOO.OOO.M " 'U.S.Boadt . ' tCOOOM Swphu d4 tidiVidad . v"" ii Otfwr sto mi -, usum . -num-'.-'i; v.v": uuau -J, Bnkln Boom. For. Fix. 1S.600W tMtmtt 4.V V'v '.Jt. vi.'Sj-. . ; Du from Bank, U3.0MU OnulMtoa ".. ; ' 'rl.T0O( C-htoVMlt,.'.., '; . 4MS0M INtMHa W,,: U Connection 'with thi Bank U iow open for wcounti, ; t;0 i'rir -'. ,4-, ''.- -. .:' I-' "f 'vi ',.-' V-'" , , : Interest paid on all Deposits, HREOTORS: JAS. A. BRYAN, J. H. HACKBURN, CHAS. 8. BRYAN, X f-vAB.'K." ttSHOP." - JOnN DUNN,. ?,' ,-; G. H. ROBERTS, . . C. W. MUNGER A. D WARD, r , f - IK OTICH 8END ALt ORDKBH DIHRCT TO '. D. V.ILI3 S GO. Ul- TtUtit Win. B. BUDES, V.-Prstwent, ATTENTION 0PP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. A Laree and Select Compounded Srnnl-Aanually. ;. Ai'-yfUX't JVT VVVTXIW.T nnri ' r "vnnr iUltL L.U.ahlJt 3 U roUTSSIOl TH. VA. European -American fl.00 Up :.r 1 Up ("or- r ('(inrt nr, JV ' , ; 'I C. r T ' . f bill to i:;gc: ,ri.r ATE cc;e city. Law; Licensing Washington yandemere Railroad to be , 'Re-enacted. , Restrict -" tions of Insurance . -. f Companies . i Special to Journal ' Raleighl,t &; January ... 29th-In the Senate bills were Introduced to protect and promote shell fish industry. To erect fire- proof building for State library, supreme court and the - hajll of history. ' - - s- To increase the power of minority stock holders in electing boards, direc tors ana corporations. Bills passed to issue bonds for Trent river bridge. ' -. " : " Senate concurred in resolution appro priating $20,000 for the Jamestown Ex position immediately available. Bills introduced in the House by ifo. Brtwer to incorporate Cove City, Cra ven county. ; By Hooker, to re-enact a law chart ering the Washington & Vandemere Railway. By Manning, requiring all insurance companies to make deposits with In surance Commissioner equal to thirty percent, of gross premiums received from policies in this State. Any com piny beginning business ; here shall. when license is granted deposit $2 00) in cash to be held until an annual state mentis made. . r ' To require applicants for attorney's license to prove a good character to the satisfaction of the supreme courts. To allow full pension for loss of arm or leg. . To give Corporation Commission au thority to compel railways to provide depots or stations in less than five miles of each other in certain cases. To give half of the proceeds of the Vanceboro dispensary to the town and half to the nigh school. To authorize the Governor to appoint a special policeman for electric and wa ter power and construction companies Gertie to Lottie; "If your-papa had AUadin's lamp and were to wish for something real nice, what would you rather it would be?" Why, a whole box of Whitcomb's sweet orarges.' Bad fire at Dover." Dover Jan 29 The store and contents of W H Bryan, colored, were destroyed by fire Uoniay evening, L H Outlaw's stable was adjoining this store and was Sadly burned; bat for the assistance of the Goldsboro Lumber Co., it , would have been more severe. Mrs Sarah Ervla owned .the house. -' Another house owned by Mr Ervin waa threat ened. , , ... .. ; - v .. . ) - . Oranges. Umatilla Fla. oranges by the . dozen, box or rarrel at Whitcomb's 88 George atreeL ''.ji-'.'-''"-? ."'.; iri cv, foam tt the most notable events in the history of th stage, in thia ' country, waa thefjgrand and masniflcent spectacle of Wagner's world renowned mystic drama 6f "Parsifal", witnessed at the Metropolitan' . Theater ; In New . York city;-;--.;;; v : " Scholars and etudenta, musicians and artiita, and all lovers of the refined and beautiful flocked in thousands, from all parts of the New ' World, to witoess thin"wonderful work. " ; , i. - . The press and clergy vied with each other in extolling its many beauti. ,The inteligent public at large "praised and lauded it in the minds of in thou sands that witnessed it, by far the most magnificent and beautiful- spect acle ever placed upon the stage or pre sented to the public. It was not limited io name to "opera". ; Even .talented musicians referred to it as a "music drama" or'grand spectacle", - '. , These statements can best be under ftood by the many of our readers who are more or less . familiar with the mythical stories of the "Uolv Grail", made famous' throughout the' world by the most renowned of our poets and scholars. ' It ' is a theme that has stirred the hearts and souls of men for tzes. It will continue to do so for ajtM to come. Messrs Martin and Emery's Company which will present this famous festival play.at the opera house Friday Feb 8th !"th9on'y trvcllin orKaniZttl!,jn -.d- ing so. its mnsMivo science re juire- merits and -the expense of orryti a company lurge arid compelcnt r to tio j'lfdice to so grand a 1 1" ' II' t warrant ttm bviT t' ' ' l ma:: --r in 11't.Iwl.nkii t'. t T IHiTCZ-EVEECT,;." vn soonED n Two Inches of Snow. Accidents on 'Account of Icy , Pave- -' , mehts. Colored. A&M -H' , College ask Appro priationofCitjv ; ' (Special Correspondence!) Greensboro:, Jan 29th, .In Federal Court this morning the case of Ernest Barbara colored vs. the Southern Rail way Company was taken up and the jury took the case at 12 o'clock and at 2:30 this afternoon a verdict awarded the plaintiff $3,125 as damage for in juries while coupling cars for that com pany at Spencer, his right arm being cut off near the wrist J About three o,ciock yesterday' snow began falling and continued until six 0' clOv'k, and fell about two inches deep. Mr. Chas. Whittingion slipped and f all on Elm street last night while re turning home f rem church and be sus tained a yery painful injury. It seems that his hip was Knocked out of joint, and he was unable to walk home. The Faculty of the colored A&M, Col lege of this, city are trying to secures library for that college, and have asked the Board of Aldermen to appropriate $500 for annually for that purpose.' Some time ago Mr. Carnegie offered to give $10,000 for a building if the city would appriate $100 annually to the maintenance of the libary. The negroes of this city propose to pay half of the thousand if the city will gives the other $500, and. the. matter has been, referred to a committee who havA. the matter under consideration. v Mr. J. B Norvell and Miss Gertrude Morris both of Coves vide, Va. arrived in this city this- morning and went Jto Cleggs Hotel where they were married at 10:30 o'clock, the Rev. Or. Detwiler, officiating. The bride and groom left for their home after the ceremony. Sarah' a mother wants to see you. tukens. Jan 28. Mr Bryan Simpkinshaa a large force of men building a railroad from South Ryrer to the head of Turingan Bay for the purpose of supplying the large saw mill now being built at Oriental with logs. Mr.-Simpkins is a hustler and he has had much experience in the log ging business and will no doubt keep the mill supplied with logs, we wish him success. The logging road from this place ex tends about seven mites from herein the' direction of Beaufort and is being extended. It ia running on full time and keeps the mill supplied with logs and the Pamlico Lumber Co has enough timber to keep it running 12 to 15 years lit the ', rae of thirty thousand feet of lumber per day. VThe sportsmen in this section have been haying a good time, game of most any kind-is plentiful" Recently a party went ouf from here on a bear hunt,con sisting of Messrs. Winfield"; Jackson Arthur Thatcher, R. J. Rice khd two gentlemen from New Bern, they found the bear, but one of the party mistook Mr Winflekl Jackson for the bear, and shot him twice, and frightened him ao that he ran obout three miles, -swam the ereek, and got test in the woods, he finally reached home after dark without any hat or coat on, one of the eeldest days we have had thia winter, 1ut for tunately he has not sufferea much "in convenience from the effects .. of the shot Whe think the man's eyesight must have been defective who shot him for a bear for; we have never seen a bear ao red. at Jackson's head. He says he will not go on , another bear hunt with the same crowd,;- "it:-. . Mr" John B Keal Who farms extensive ly here has rented hii farm . to William Stilley and will move to Winthrop Mills where be has accepted a position wlth the John L Roper Lumber Co. The people of Lukena regret to lose Mr Neal as a neighbor and wish him sue-, cess.!-: :.'.-., ---". '; ' Goodwyn recently built a fine gasolene launch and made one trip iiV it to New Bern, he bad never had any experience with a gasolene engine, he became dis guested the first trip and sold out when he got home. Gasolene boats are plen tiful here but most of them are broken down all the time, the owner know more about fishing than they do about a gasolene engine. ' . .-. ; ','. ' - ': ' x y z .. fiaraL's mother wants to boo you. v . Rival Artist ".Kindly tell me the'scrct of your sue cens in cnt.'l.irjr ui:h 1' mtv expres sions 011 t' fares of your cuiitom--rs, pxrt 'ii'.u' ' t'ie old women. Why yes - i-y . .. 1. 1 1 ;tv t' 0 t c f Wlii'omli's or- -f i Is (Wo t','y P. PO'ii'ERS OF COB- ' : : ' ; . y : .POBHIOIl COHISSIOS' Enlarged and Defined by Leg- islature As to Regulating v Railroad Affairs. Special to Journal,. , Raleigh, Jan 29-In the House Laugh inghouse introduced a kill pf epared by" a. - k.i Is & : .1 wer to a letter signed by fifty members of the House requesting the committee tosay wnat umtionu powers- it tie- red the legislature to confer upon it ' for the more efficient discharge of its " duties. Laughinghouse said he hoped the bill would give the Commission ' power to do jpmethmg and that it would do something; and if it did not ne wusuM mat two years nence me Commission would be abolished. The bill requires "all transportation companies to establish and maintain all reasonably just. Requires when ptac ticable and the necessities of the public demand that any railroad shall mstal and operate . one or more passenger trains and any two or more railways intersecting shall make-close connec tion. The Commission ia .to carefully examine the condition of each road, its equipment and management, regard ing public safety and convenience and if found unsafe to immediately require, the company to make repairs. The Commission is empowered to make just and reasonable rates for telephone-rentals and messages. It is authorized to prevent discrimi dationand unjust or unreasonable rates and can employ counsel whenever nec essary In transmitting this bill the Commission wrote that if enacted ic would enlarge its powers and enable it to give greater service to the State. In Virginia the Corporation Commis sion is established by the constitution can issue injunction and mandamus render judgments for penalties, ani is sue execution and appeals must be di rect to the Supreme court. To confer this power to them would require a con stitutional amendment but it would add greatly to the efficiency of the Commis sion and if the legislature concurs in this view the Commission will prepare a bill for such amendment to the con stitution. LAUGHINEHQUSE BILL A LAW By Which Dutch Ponnd Nets are Prohibited From Cer tain Rivers in Eastern Carolina. Social to Journal. . Raleigh Jan 29th. , Laughinghouse bill prohibiting pound nets in Pamlico, Tar, Neuse and Roanoke rivers at cer tain seasons came upon third reading in the house. Galloway of Green advocated it -' .Said the Dntch nets at the mouths of their 7 streams had- .efffethtlly.pr- vented . the : . getting t of ' . any shad by citizens , living .. in Interior counties and-would eventually destroy the industry in the Sound as It had been destroyed in &ejrivera Hi said that since , the Dili . yesterday' passed second reading great shoals of Dutch, net lobbyists had come here and! were working in every quarter of the Capitol to defeat it today. " He' begged '.that the demands . of eleven counties as against the private interests of three fourths of Feaufort county be - given attention and the bill passed. Doufelas moved the bill be , recommitted; This motion . prevailed.'.., ''.$',, C , Hailrord Magnate Protests Ralegh Jan I9th, '..The Senate' and house committees on railways devoted the after noonand evening session to hearipg officers of Interstate rosds, Henry A. Page, Presideot Aberdeen and Asheboro railway being the princi pal one. lie antagonized rate reduction and declared it was grave error to think that embarrassment of big rail ways did nut c fleet small ones adversely. 'In view of the lr hk down at the rieotric l.::;l.t -!.Mit ir-d t!.-re I' no I'..' t-i t!.i' v.et k the I'j'mml t'-r- ,fs t:,j.t i-.'l e's; y nn.l rr... (,( k ' i be 1 -a- ' t in i"-! I.:' -r t H"'n. t.!s . .' c 1 ! ' i !'!'" ' 1 f FAVORABLE BEPDBT . ' ;"' GN PHESTOH'S BILL A Very Important Measure Which Wiir Put in Oper ation All liclptul Meth ods of Obtaining Re liable Tenants. Special to Journal. Senale on imraitrration unani ' ,y decjded to report favorably on I bm direcUng agricultur;tl j department. to 8eek imm;gration em . poyment aRenta jn the United gtate8 orabroad who may without feeactas! agenU of guch citizeng o North Cwo. Una as deajre thro . aericuitura, ; i6pilrtme& to accede to the expense - brioging immigranto to their landi 'or industries. The board of agricul- ' wi deyote m m tQ tWs divigi)n . ila . t. ria f M,1Mim: grants will be confined to the United ' States and to the Anglo Saxon, Teu- ' tonic, and Cekicraces abroad, "Many J prominent cotton mill men at.d farmers urged the bill. ! i Its healthful, wholesome. Its good , for one as the other. The more you take the better you sleep and eat. I Makes people happy. That's what Hoi lister's RocVy Mountain Tea does. 351 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Po3t Office at New Bern, Craven -County, N. G., Jany 28, 1907: men's list. - A S LaAnadery, Agt. for the Hub bard Fertilizer Co. K Calvin Burru, care Capt. Bennett. Prof. S S Baldwin, James Ed Boyd C-C S Campbell, D F & P A., J E Campbell, John Coward. D Harry Douglas, E B Davis, W H Dixon, W H Dixon, J H Dixon. F Isaac Foy, Tommie Welsit Field, Isaac Frank. G Jas Gray, Stephen Gaskins. J Scott Jones. L Henry G Lea, B J Lynch, F & H B Latham. M Alex C Massey, John Moseley, Bud Mosely. N - W G Nance, John Augustus New- by, Thomas Nercotto. R Lee Reed, Alf Ryman, Jas Rhodes, Rev. A R Robert, J E Robinson. S John M Stowe, care Susie Mure, Charlie Spain. T T W Thomas. W Willie Ward, J J Warren. WOMEN' LIST. A Mrs Sarah Albritton. B Miss Miss Matde Bryant, Miss Dai sy Burnett, Mrs Josie Baker, Miss Julia A Barbour, Mrs Carrie Ben nett, Margery Blount. C Miss Mary' Coward, Miss Jessie Capps, Miss Dora Cannon, Mrs Lous Clark. D Miss Sophia Davis, Miss Haddie Da vis. ' G Rettle G Garrett, Mrs Susan Grome ' Mrs Abble Ganthrew, Martha Gat- ' lhv. . - v H Miss Lula J Herring,. Miss Mollie ; Hall.' . J Miss Sarah J Jones, Mrs A Jones. L Mrs Claud Langley. M Miss Sara Jane Mitchell, Mrs Julia . ''Moore. -P Miss Zelmyra Peterson, Mrs C B r. Paul; Carolina Pantree. R Miss Onley Rhodes, care J H Jones. S Miss Rena Smith, Mrs Lizzie Sut . ton, Mrs Lena' R Swindell, Miss - Miss Catharine Shepard, Miss ' ; Neater Spencer,' Mrs. Mary Spen cer, Aron Rittie Spencer-. , . The refrulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery. ' Honored Hit Return Home r Crandpirecto'r f. Vt. Wu tiwrence, who attended the business session of the Sub Committee "of Mansgament Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, I PhiladelDhia. Pa, and banquet tender-- ed the Grand Master, N. h. . Houston,' Washington, D. C. returned , home to New Bern Thursday laa"t';':---'-'iv;.'vVii-A committee from the local branches ; of the order arranged a reception for Friday night In honor of Director Law- . rence. at his home, No. 77 George St, which was enlivened with music, by the Golden Link band, speech making, In strumental music, singing, reciting, ' and ending with a kumptuoua fepast in which about 135 invited guest partici pated., " ' Director Lawrence is considered one of the br;;t informed, aggressive,- and pcj'uliir members of the order, and the colore.! O.U fellows of the State are j.! , ! ' ilie honor conferral upon them iyC H, C. si'lecting Mr, Law- 111 (.. (,t V'p. Cmnd Lir'ftors. ' 1 s . !'!.:' ' '. ' i'vl in OUR NEW EMBROIDERIES HAVE ARRIVED ! '3 'I You will say se them. HACKBUR wm fVMrv Mmmtmw?mwtmi$ 0 0 0 0 0 NEW -JUST J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. SALE CONTINUED! ONE WEEK LON We have good many Winter Goods left th ; will be sold at COST and less, such as Cloth;:' Underwear, Shirts, Heavy Shoes, Dress Good:;. Millinery, Blankets, Quilts and all other wint stock. While our Sale has been great, it was im possible to sell all of our two large stocks in so short a time, so don't forget that there arc a great many good things left, and prices lower than ever. ONE WEEK LONGER J. J. B TWO just' Eiwood Two Car Loads Just Received. Can supply your wants for any height. huiLOING HATER! A L , PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and GENERAL HARDWARE. ! Gaskill Hardware Comp'y. I Middle Stxeet ' . Phone 147. New Bern, N. C. :fpc " FFFI1 YflllR IWiO UNO II WILL FED YOU " -DO THIS (1 MEADOWS' HFERTIUZERSj u . Meadows Cotton and All Crop ? Gold Leaf and Roanoke for fSpecial Fertilizers for all crops. -vtr.S';.'i ' Ask your dealer, for our Brands, and you will ba pleased with the resu'ta. ' '' . j-."..: 7-y:'-.-l v. Not how CHEAP but how GOOD Is our Rlm.M. : , , n 3. II. 5 X A. I'- ft' i ft: m., the rest v;.' -r vou 30C BARWEL RECEIVED - New Bern, N. C. gjj If A X 1 STORES. Fence I 3DC BY USING-- BRANDS OF u n Guano for Cottc:.M:V;--' x Tobacco, :K';. 1 1 N n HeadowsiCo, c -I 1 MANUFACTURERS, NEW BERN, N. C.

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