' I . Li A! ' - f IT C. SATURDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 2, 1907 I TWENTY-FIFTH .YEAR 1:0. V r M . ,-L 4, ..., v : : I. rr. ALL CLASSES : OF PEOPLE 1 -u- " Benefit by oiflg the. facilities of this Bank. . .. ( , Every one ean ue the Savings Department to advantage; ' to accurauW something for a rainy day and to helpouttheir T Income by earning FOUR per cent interest for them t - J . V eBusiness men and farmers gain. security for their -current funds and the many ennveniencevof a checking account by L doing their commercial business throu&h this Bank.; We under-, stand their needs and render them, every possible accomraoda- " won. ' ?' '-V 4 , - V V ' YOtR .BUSINESS INVITED JAMES 8. BLADES, Prsildsnt. ' Win. 8. BLADES, V.-Presldsnt. UBiTcr.3 tlxd. Heated Discussion Over JHs - pepsary at tie City of f' y' ; Cteeimoovi ;f;rj GEO. B. PENDLETON, Cishlr. ?to ei:.?loy cc:::sel i&kimSI if 'C(o 1.,,., - -r . JUST REOTED 4 A Shipment ot ; Novelties of v Wanyarietitstrr;:;- t. New Belts, both in Silk'snd Leather, all mes, g2 to 36 inches t We can accommodate the stout ladies In this particular line. t , ' New Back Comb 4 mi- Side Combs to match in all' colors, banes and sizes at , " , ; . ' -'4 ' Jc 53c escn- " New Embroidered Shirt Waist at-, i ,:.. , . . 5c to 60c each New Collars at , ' m MITCHELL i& TCO. 61 POLLOCK STREET.' OPP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. J JAS A. BRYAN, President ' JOHN DUNN President ' 6 H. ROBERTS, Cashier ,; ; J.,' :) -m i I.... ii r - " ' .' '." 'fi'.11,: .J" '' i .' ,'h."Li .' - 5 REPORT OF THE . CONDITiON OF ? ; THE I1ATI0IIAU BM1K OF HEW AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 81, 1906. BERilE "C V' EESOURCES: ' Uun sad DiMoqnU i V . $ 4SU28 OS U.8.Bood r. v , l-,'.08CO OthW Stack Bonds - " "v SS.21B OO Buiktuc Boon, Fur. Fht, : JS.000 00 DotFronBnK." 1 ' " ' lM.OflBOS : Cub I VuU i . " 43.8I0SI '"ft 1- f- Si - , - . ToUl 7tt.8M8S VUG OAyiKGSDEPAnTBIHOT la Connection with this Bank Is now. open for accounts. - LIABIUTIES: Casltsl Stock J-v Surptuo ; sod vtTndlvided ' Proflu' K - I,- r OiTidonda Clrculatlos :;" - Total 100.0M.IW 102.8U04 . ' . 8,00000 -41.70000 -- BM.SZS86 i tiujmta " V Interest paid on all Deposits, Compounded Semi-Annually, -x DIRECTORS: JAS. A. BRYAN,' - -'J. H. HACKBURN, " , CIlAS. S. BRYAN, '- E. K. BISHOP, - JOHN DUNN, - . 6. H. ROBERTS, ' r C. W. MUNGER . A. D. WARD, ,IJOTICK ; ' SEND ALL ORDERS DIRECT TO" - ; !L D. VMS 8 CO. : ktman !.. Brlrk k Co. V- ::o. L'iLT.3 u. i:ew eerm. n. c. I Lnne 172 P. 0. Box 95 '4 "if H if, - . ' . - LCCX AT THESE Gr.ElT . ..-. Pmno'; ' r f",rir"? L .4 k. ,...-. ! ..... i:i sue :;:3HTyTi::i Constitutional l Convention Makes a Peculiar Request :f in Submitting Report Special to Journal " ; Washington, Feb 1--Preaident Roose velt has received a resolution from the Constitutional Convention of Oklahoma asking him if Congress would approve of a clause in the constitution provision for Jim Crow cars. -. No answer, hnsyet beenmadeCv'" j' V - t In Cases Involving -the Attention of the Interstate Commerce Commis-. ,slon. - - Superior Court Pro- cednre 'Amended,. Time . v- -j " - Extended for i Settle- ", z 'mentofDebt , SiieciaLto Journal: f . . A V -" ' s , i .HOUSE. Raleigh,' Feb 1 The House special oCder was Speaker Justices bliunerea. ing powers of the Corporation Commis sion. An amendment was adopted al lowing the - Commission , to regulate grade crossings.1 The bills passed third reading., , t There was heattd debate on ft- bill to establish- a dispensary at ' Creedmoor, Grsflville county, if the sixty voters so decide, thevhaving asked for this. The place Is near the Virginia line and is flooded with whiskey from that State, The bill passed 64 to 6. . The Senate bill placing Solicitors on salaries was discussed at lengtn, and passed, 'to take effect January 1, 1909, Solicitors are required to visit scenes of wreeV, crime or scident.iy(The salary is fixed at $2,600 none are to receive this amount unless fees reach that figure, sad if they exceed it excess fees are to be paid the State educational fund. j Bills were Introduced to allow Elisa beth City to Issue bonds and levy tax for debt and streets and to amend its charter; and to establish" a ' dispensary at Bethel. ' v Bills- were introduced in the Senate to allow the governor to employ counsel before the Interstate Commerce Com mission, r""- ' ' 7 ' - To create a reformatory commission. Bills passed revising the Lenoir road law. V (r '; Makug it unnecessary for witnesses to be summoned' Mondays before .the grand Jury unless, by . special direction of Solicitors. ' Requiring statements by warehouses of the amount of leaf sold. 'Amending the .insurance law so that the iron safe clause shall not apply to buildings, ' . , - J' Extending the time for settling the Statedebttoim, To assess railway real estate in stock law territory for local benefit i Give me the girl with ravishing eyes, And sweet, red lips; , , , She Is better than mansions of stone, " Or temples of brier, : , For joy and pleasure there will be, . If she takes Rocky Mountain Tea.-' F S Duffy. . ' s.i tobacco Fire imi . New South Front Street Early morning fires ; have . become quite common and the fire department has been, worked pretty hard. Nfarly all the bad -fires: lately have occurred between midnight and dawn and it is a bard test on the good nature, of the firemen to be yanked out at such un earthly hours. . They have, however, in every case responded well 'to '-the needs of the occasion. The fire yester day- morning- was shortly after two o'clock. , The noma of Mr.'J T'Hill was destroyed and the progress of ; the fire was so rapid that the . lives of the inmates were endangered,, , .-' - The flames caught from the sparks of the kitchen chimney which fell on and ignited the superheated wood work of the house." Mr ' Hill lost f 150 in money and all his clothing - . ' . Mr. Hill was burned about "the head and face in endeavoring to eye hw household goods, his daughter received slight burns. -"'' Builds up waste tissue, promotes ap petite, improves digestion, Induces r6 frething sleep, givlnc renewed strength and health. That - what's ' Holl ster's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cento Tp ni-Tahlpf - P S Doff, i1 v it 'm qu::::i ..o. ICE Railroad - Rapidly , t Gaiuing Unpleasant Notoriety , tor Accidents. i Special to JourniL t ' . -J f: Weldon, Feb 1 A Seaboard Air Line through freight from : Richmond,' to Jacksonville, collided with a pile-driver ori Roanoke river bridge. The dead are engineer L Pascha and .firemen Riggan both of Raleigh; engineer Marlin bf the pile-driver ; received wrious bat not fatal injuries.;- The engines, pile-driver and a dosen cars werejiurled into the river rnanmg a complete wrecs.- . . - -vVt i ii i . ' i. -- The Colored Minstrel . The Dandy Dixie minstrel show was Well attended last night and there were seyaral good - songs and dances that created much spplftuce. The1 orchestra was fine.Hhe stage setting .was pretty and the costumes were attractive. Qne of the best features' was acrobatie work of the Tony trio which- was realy wonderful in many respects; ; i .v Extra fine Veal and mutton at Oaks Market, ' - v! 1 Harrow ::oiTii, va. - - tt.C'i Up i ' -. 'f2.no Up - C.'iirt ami IIVJi i':rp-ta. - I i- k, CoiiV-tiit i.t to :ar"ams While in tlic.'ie temporary quar ters we wnnt to dinpose of every second-hand instrument,, regard less of coat. Tlii is your preat chance to r,' a cood j iuno st a jT""it Bftvip;r. I! ere ure two: ?:":0l!;ni:!.tt' rut In "1 r l'n ., c-n c: y t One !; r I t ia i i f : . Loco ;..-,.v.4?.:'.. , 'y' V 'I:''-, ; Jn SI ' Our quarterly meeting held at White Oak Sunday was not very largely atten ded some were sick and others felt that the weather was too cold for them to be out. ' ' Elder E E Lundy and B F Eubanks came from the White O..V Church and preached a short sermon at our school house Saturday r.'J.t. . Kr and I -i ; U' '-ws were wekomo c i r t l' e ho a of E J i;: r i; u i 'v. nrr ' ' end da: ' ' t ( y F;-.-.t I'.,!. ' j r!'.,'-t st (iTay'-ir. v J.,:.-i l,'"; : I i a I" 's Is t V:-; ' v'. : t'. (' if I 1 )- t' 1 (l ' V 'ill! ; t ' ' owe and North Harlowe.. " '-. , " " V January 29. MivJas. STBelT is erecting small dwelling at his store and home of Mr. E. T. Webb at North Harlowe, which when finished, will give Mr; Wbb much more comfortable quarters, f - -j,, Mr. Joseph A. Morton, merchant and mill owner, was in New Bern on busi ness Monday. -. "V ', NLt. and Mrs. Hardison parents of the bereaved husband, Mr. Lee Hardir eon, of Thurman, are down tq attend the funeral of his beloved wife, who is to be placed by loving hands m the Har lowe cemetery to await the general resurrection. v Mr. James R. Hell made a. business . trip up to New Bern Thursday. : Mr. E.- F. dams, of Vanceboro, un ci of the departed Mrs. Hardteoi caine down to attend the funeral.- . .' v -:- Mr. E. E. Hardesty, county survey or, leaves today for New Bern to make arrangements for a survey for the J. L. Roper Lumber Co.- .', v - L ' Dr. and Mrs. C. N.' Mason and son J. Raymond, and daughter, Miss Lot tie, are at Beaufort to attend the fu neral of their grand father, Mr. Jas. H Mason. ' , - Mr. David . W. Sabiston, - of Core Creek, made a business trip up to New Bern last Tuesday. . . Our community has been called upon to mourn a great loss in the death of Mrs Bertie May Hardison, late of Thurman, wife of , Mr. Lee Hardison, and daughter of Mr. Joshua Adams, Mrs. Hardison had been a great suffer ei for the past few weeks. Although a devoted husband and loving parents and friends did all in their power to nurse her back to health, but all to no avail, and the grim monster death claimed her last Sunday evening at 4 o'clock as his victim, - and her sweet spirit answered to the call of her dear Saviour, and the hns now gone to live with the angels, where she will remain ss a beacon light in the beautiful be yond. x -.- V . ' . Remarkable Career o) Richard Wagner One of Richard Wagnep'i bfograp'hers epitomises the life of that great genius in the- following 'ajannert - Ji'Few art ists have had uch an eventful life..' He pursued his end from town to town and from country to country, Today, musical conductor in a provincial sloueh tomorrow,, at the' point of destitution in the-great.city of !8. -v Today, court official of the King of Saxony, to morrows fugitive in a strange country with & warrant of arrest Against him; today without a single ray of hope, but one step from, death in despair;, tomor row the declared friend and protege of a mighty monarch; today, buried in the leepest sohtube' of the Alps fleeing from the world and living for his art a tone; ' tomorrow, the, builder -of the! Baireuth Festifal House; receiving Em perorr and KhiRS as his guests and sur rounded by enthusiastic multitudes as sembled.from every part of the .world. Wanger's lif e In Itself was an excit ing drama; not a year passed that, was not full of interesting events -" And such indeed, "in brief, might Ms life be told,' : graphically : end without exag geration. ' Born in Leipsig, uermany, on the 22nd day of March, 1813, in an humble on a lowly street." Died, after living a life of tnais anq privations sel dom vouchsafed to man, after reaching the very pinnacle of success, -iamagnifi eent palace located on the banks of the Grand CanaL Venice, Italy, on the l?th day of January 1888, the year following the original production of his grandest spectacle, ' Parsifal.!'-,,. "S''i Specia to Journal; 1 Washington,' Feb, 1. The Sub com mittee on Military , Affairs, acting oq the resolution of Congressman Sims, of Tennessee, commending the President for discharging the; negro ' troops at Brownsville adopted the resolution by strict party vote, Ropuliicans voting aye end Democrats voting -na - - An Evening of Muflq It is a well recognised fact that the theatre going public of New Bern know how to appreciate agood performance and n, poor one they will not stand for. The gentlemen who have the direction of the K. of P. Band Minstrels have this view in mind, and when the our- tain goesMown on the last act it oan he said that the show was one of the best ever put on "by amateurs and much bet ter: than a lot of professionals wh4 have held the boards at the local opera house; The musical members gre strict ly up-to date and the jokes are rich as Wafer's oream loaves of bread. 'There are four soloists in the olio and the songs are all catchy.- Mr, L, C. Tolsonn baritone, -will render "In the Evening by the Moonlight, Dear Louiss," after which Mr. Albert Willis, as n end, will hand out in grand styles-Good bye I will see you Some More." Tickets are now on sale by the mem bers and can be reserved at Walters' Monday rofiming without extra charge. :;:f- Jnlon Point .':'- ;' " Jan 27 -'.We have Leen havinjj very coIl wea!!-er f-.r V o r-ast few. d.-.ya. . The mercury 1 i l.i "n ii a to 21 ! -rreesi. U r i : . f .into lo Lu'-y t ' r r V. 'r f r .8 i;l re.-idui i to ptunt. V.'eld a l,a;.ketiti-s.er at our srh 1. -J p'.t r p'uee f r t!iH pur o ) to tmy n!.l find I ! Tine quality butter and lard at Oaks Market , ,':1, , : Winte ereert Itemi; I- '"".(' r Jsn 30 Farmers "are busy "preparing for anotner crop. ? -1 . t We are glad to note that T R Lane will soon have his new . dwelling com pleted and we : hope to have a new neighbor soon. Our Little Winter Green : School is progressing finely under the manage ment of our little teacher Miss Katie Bryan. ' . : - ' 1 Mrs F 1 Bryan who has been spend ing a few days with her son. J H Bryan of Fort Barnwell returned home Sat- uiday, Mi8S Julia Simmons spent Saturday andSungay with Miss Blanch Avery of Cove. She reports a fine trip, ' - Miss Annie B Lane bf New Hern is still ' viBiung her- ' Aunt Miss luiia Lane.- 4 We are glad to say that Bro Haywood Moore is greatly Improving. We think two of our charming young Indies was duinpointed last Saturday evening, G W Simmons nccompanied by his on was at Cova Wednesday on buai-r- i. ' ' William Avery of this place spent f:,lurday in Kii. ' n. II 1 rr.in I t 1. . ; y i .--moon FT. "f I F,Es::E!iTEi;:::.SEDBy u HOUSE BCZME Yoonlnfikn tr nAinAAfinri'n aOi-n ' . : gvessmen , Adopted and , Carried by Republicrn r2 OUR Members. 4 453 r 1W EMBROIDERIES f 5 HAVE ARRIVED ! You will say the rest when ?ou see them. S; m. f: HACKBURN t New Bern Man Interested Manufacturers Record. Southern Really Co. has been chart ered with $100,000 capital stock to deal in farming lands. W. B. Blades, of New 'Bern, N. C , is president l J. W, Grainger, of Kinaton, N. C, vice-president W. R. ' Allen, of Norfolk, Va., secretary, and F. K. Borden, of Golds boro, N. Ci, treasurer. An option has been secured on the St. Louis Park property,' having a frontage of-1400 ft on the Elizabeth river.' oebe 0 ;t ; 1 0 OC NBW BARWEL -JUST RECEIVED- J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. C 1 1 "OC 30C New Bern, N. C. J Last seen "Sarah" going with the crowd to Whitcomb's after some of his delightful Oranges. " , Special Rates.-, .The Southern Railway announces ac count Mardi Gras celebration rate of I one fare phis 86 cents . for the round, trip from all points to .New Orleans, La,, Mobile, Ala.J Pensacola, Fla. Tickets will be sold Feb. 6 to 11, lim- J ited returning Febl 16th, except by de-1 positing ticket and paying a fee of 50j cents an extension not later than Mar. Sftid can be secured. t-v P-. ' The Southern ftas two daily trains I from Greensboro.? to ?; New Orleans through Mobile without change, close connections at Greensboro ; from all points in Eastern Norlb Carolina with through trains. .1 - :A -s For maps, folders or other,, detailed"! ' information cal on or address -Vr- ; '.', . US ,T. E. GREEN, G. T. A ' j CONTINUED ! ONE - WEEK LONGER We have good man T Vinter Goods left that will be' sold at COST and less, such as Clothing, j Underwear, Shirts, Heavy Shoes, Dress Goods, ; Millinerv. Blankets. Ouilts and all other winter g f ' " ' stock. While our Sale has been great, it was im possible to sell all of our two large stocks in so . short a time, so don't forget that there area ; great many good things left, and prices lower than ever. WEEK LONGER v-; ' MiitPoiiit.;' . - Uf3m $oth ; Capt J R Smith is on his way to New Bern.- Rev Mr Geddy filled his regular ap pointment Sunday. '"Jyx-y-L Some of our sportsmen are out on their last bunt for the " season,' among them are Messrs Slaeon Smith Wesley Guthri;, W L ;. Taylor. T -J.--f.h. .Q, K Garner and Ernest Banks mads "a yiait to Newport, to see relatives, i ; ' , Will Gilikin and Thomas Xewis left for their home at North River Tuesday they were up buying horses and bought one of Simon Smith- ; '. V.vilV C W Smith has moved In to his new dwelling, . . ' E B Moore's new dwelling will soon le completed. '.. J. J. BAXTER. TWO STORES. Elwoi Eence I A. . i. Two Car Joads just ueceivea. tan suppijr your wants ior unv PAINTS,'' 6ILS,"''" GLASS' 4' AND, :. GENERAL HARDWARE. ' IGasIiillrHEfi .vi.'.Nw Bern; N. C Middle Street Phone 147. 4 '".'.' Stella Kotei.; - . . Jan 31st T.V.ua .Tnlia Watd of Dr-nDe and Mr. 1 I I!ryn v.m the pueat of E,,rt vM, of Kayavilk Bpnt Sun,ly with Lenr McGinna C I'j X.'p- n of this place spent Sunday in 'y vii!. ' I N If C'.xc.f Chnrlertton, S C is in this r' 7 t : ( 1 (1' ."lnh-.fl a 1' re Wond- x , . r ' ,. 'I. ("' 1 1 .1 " -t i-hl'-'i ami'd a few , ! r f :...,!,! ' - T :' ' V li' ht. i :' , t, (,r J fffi) vn ii'i i"'n iT-Pi.FFFniiiKll I LLU IVVll UHIK lUIU'li: lllkk ivv : n 1 ;do this VrusiNO'.;;'4Uvf n r.:i 1 r -do this sr USING-r , - J . . '. 1 ....... LISAHCTS' BMD.S -0E y 1.1.1W8 Cotton and All Crop Guamtfor Cotton. . , y ' id )f and Roanoke for Tobacco. - . ;: 1 I vi liiien for all crops. V . y . ir d'-aler for our brand.'!, and you will be pleaned with ihe - t how CHEAP but how GOOD is our aim. to f k J