to - -.v - :: Till: JOUrjIAL - IV : J.ed. eye7 day in the year ex-e- t Honda. Journal Bulling Ej-C3 CiVn Street - , t Phone No. 8 ' . CHARLES L STEVENS, " " EDITOR PROPRIETOR. ' Sli3SCRirTO RATES: On Yea, in no. nce $4.00 6.00 .t0 :V'Ona Year, not in advance. Monthly, by earner tn the city Advertising Bates furnished on appli cation. ' ? ; Entered at the Post-Office, New Bern f NJlt as Second-class matter. , ' v' omcm paper or rew berm -and .' " xU''1 CRAVEN COUHTT, v , - New Bern, fj. CjFebruary 2, 1907. PROVISION AGAINST FUU t-'i, k URE MUNICIPAL ACCIDENTS ; ' !; The reten of the t electric, lights, ia npeciajly noticeable after several daya ,of their disappearance, through nreaic ' down of the machinery at the plant But the question still confronts those .who depend upon electric, lights,, and '- this includes the necessary street lights, -M'the repsiN .aow-noadeb-'risawr; v; snee against any further break down, . again leaving the city in darknessT The " question of break down is possible of course, -with any machinery. But tje. -cording' to the Superintendent of the water a lightplant, the engine used - for the electris lighter with a horse power of 160, has , been compelled to run over 300 horse power, in order Id ' furnish the needed power, to serve the1 ' electric lights, now in' use.,' There fore the question,t4does"lhe restored engine again assume the task pf doing : ' r twice its nominal horse- power,, If It does,' it mean another break down, and another repair,, with the city in darkness. What is needed is power ca pacity, With an engine that is not to be kept at twice its power. -The city Au thorities, itU reported,' are going to apend some money for additional equip-"- ment- It isneecW, and while' .the' im- provement ia jroinf to be , rnade let enough- be spent,- so that water and ' , ' light consumers shall not be kept in constant anxiety, as to water in case of fire, and whether the lights are going - to fail, leaving streets, 8 tores and rest ' dencesin darkness. A sufficient and good equipjnent is the cheapest , The ' taxpayers had better pay pore and get some good out of their municipal utill ":. ties, rather than pay less and have no thing. v - ' -, - " How'tThTs? We offer one hundred dollars, reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. .: . F. J. CHENEY ft CO.; Toledo, O, r . We, the undersigned, have known F. 1. Cheney or the last 15 years, and be- i Heve him perfectly honorable in all bus jtaess transactions, and financially able ; to carry -out anv obligation made' by pia flrmi r i f ; WALWNG, klNNAN & HARvW, Wholesale DruggisterToledo, O. Hall's Ctarrh'Cure ia taken"inter Bally, acting directly upon the blood - and 4nucoua surfaces of the system. testimonials sent free,1 v. ;. - Price 75e ner bottle. - - Bold ry all druggists.'' ... - fcTaka Hall's Family fills for constipa ' V There aren't half at many diseases as are alleged ways to cure them.' : Fef BillouMsts and Sick Hssdschs. S'3QTTake Orino Laxative Fruit Syrupt It aweeens the , stomach, aids . digestion and ads as a gentle stimulant on ihe E,K these orgaiw? Orlho-taxfttive Fruite V . 'rf.i'fclii ! J WJlr'. uvn aavnMw wu Ci-fi '' onsOpalIonj-TDoe Ihoto'useate or U'''JKrfp and Is mild and pfeasant Jto take. ftv'$J-'.t Bemember.the'iiame Orino and refuse -t ,-r 'fU 'pi to accept any'ibstitute.Solf by Davis 5 JH.'f.jV- Belgian glasa , manufacturer! have ' ,Ai;'r'-.i Afonaed a syndicate at Charleroi to ex- ysti'Vo a w4 chinal Theyintend to " i fi'f'' "'v;'- -'comer the market in France.1-:' f 'ti'ibL.'Ai im Kind y Haw AI"b ta ' king m ward draws noro revenue Ii tntereat on American secunuea man George III. ever extracted from tl , ';' ' American colonies. ci Croup" can -positively be stoppo l in 20 minutes, No, vomiting not!,' j to fteicken or distress your Chili. A r ; t, ' plrasant and Bafe syrup,, call J Dr. , T.lioop's Croup Cure does the work an ' J, docs it quickly, Dr. ' Elmop's Crmip Cure is for Croup alone, rem y,l,or. -"' It dors not to cure a dozen t.'.:, ..-ntn. It's for Croup, t' I's all. SoU t y F.H. ; Du.Ty. An luoli of ralu (."inula elevea a.;.i me-tLlrd lucUes of suow. Kot a cLiU Is working lu any factory lu New tugluuil. Eome bas a water supply of 2CD,W COO Fallous o day. London only -loJ,- 000.000 and Paris aaCCO.OOO. . : The Cevlon peurl Cshlug season lasts only three or TourT.eeks. but during thtt time 22,000,OU0 oysteis are brougui to the surface, . - .:-, : " - . The state of Mississippi ha3 effoctea , an Increase-of auout JIU.OCO.OOO In the amount -of. taxable property la the sute by a recM readjustment in the assessment of railroads. - " , - The first Issue of a ne?w paper Under the name of the " Indian ' uunsiian Newspaper has -appeared in Calcutta, It'la lo be published monthly,, but will not he the orgaa'Of any particular. body of Curlatlans. - Jr' Pan! D. CrnvalfL; chairman' of -the tenement lioowpoinmlilce. ofthflr Char-, it Organisation .society, declares that a close canvass aliawr that -there ,ar In New XorU tauoinents 357.000 rooms that have-pa windows. Z- -' f The fauiotisrcBipore.tree at Hl- opolis. la the suburbs of alro, b. heatn whose shaues toe uoiy lamny p said, to have Jfouna abeltep after the Blunt Into Eypt. has tallsu, but trees deacendMd from It remain."- Shares Itt a .Tspanese flshinjf oompa- dy-have all beeu sold,' and two flshlqg boats. acl of 140 tons, are being built at Tokyo.- Ppon tttelr cowplpflQu pod ffshlpg after i-the Xn)er)en n)ptl0(l..wyjf be'startPd lu the Okhotsk sea. The strouK faturt of e Kew Booth wales-nnuor law is im wws a iwr . son lafouurt D lleeiiseo' premises du Tut prohibited: hows be must go nafora the court and prove- himself to he t traveler or regulsr hhsrdef submit to a fine. ' K-f 4l Z T5- A 'Portlaad (Mai comuany has con tracted to build a stundplpe lu Bile- ford. ale. Tbla stundplpe will be the largest and strongest one ever built la New England. ' It la to be made or steel and will be sixty. feet In diame ter and fifty feet In height. i,t Married men are 'the most' reliable tu-the oplutou Of a Chicago packer, and to back up uin opinion ne is now tuck Iner sTDreseiit luto the bayenvelope of every employe that gets manlee",, lis' Is giving the marnud men wo prerer ence. when new and batter position are open. - " Mme. Melba- said recenay,:"Ajnert- cans - enjoy ' and . appreciate grana opera quite as much as do the people of Europe; and It Is my firm belief thai within a decade this- country win uave developed slugers and teachers quite as great as those who clalm Europe as thelf birthplace." , -J V-"-, ,' v. ia 1905 there--were ' 11,915 -power looms working "on' silk goodn In Swit- .i-iniil f Swiaa - silk manufacturers had Id Joe, same year; 11-853 power looms employed In foreign countries b this -industrial line. The exports, of Swiss silk goods lu 4903 aggregated 22.400.000,ln value,-'? v" The postal service of Great Britain serves 10.000 square miles, while the mall routes of tho United gtates serve so area of uort than 200,000 wm, miles; In addition to 218.000.V of . star route serrlee and 60.000- miles of other service. The mileage . the United States mall. cars. Is thirty-three times uiui oi ureal on iuju., .. - .-;..,. ; ...i-r 1 The recent wedding of Miss . Helen pHathaway., Gardner of .West Bridge- waier. . .aiaas nuu our. Juiviu -nciimB-ton Lothrop of EastottrWhlcb was held at C. the S: Unitarian 'church k .at;.rWes Brldgewiter; was notable in the fact that It was tbe,rst. wedding held In the diureh since Mayt'1862. -"r One of the most noted makers of hall clocks : was Samuel Aiulllken tf- Kew- buryport. Mass who died In 1758. -The best sample. of his work; baa been found recently ln the home of Mrs. 8. Herbert Wllkins of Balem.. The clock has a ; solid mshogany i case. bcass works and face that Included a calen dar, v -z . , ; v s Tbere'aro some terrible figures In a recent English blue book in relation to sanitary -measures In India. Under the heading "A- Plague'1 It Is reoorded tliat the number' of deaths due to this disease from the autumn. jof 1800 to the end of 1904 reached the enormous total of S.209,810. of which 2.600,651 occurred In the British provinces, The Bar Association' of Virginia and the. American Bar association " have started a movement for the purchase of the old home of John Marshall of Virginia,, the great jurist and former chief Justice of the supreme court of tmr United States, In Richmond, Va. It will be t;onverted : Into. a library, In which will he . placed, many valuable ld books, painting njl engravings.' ' A., the novelist,' wss born In Cornwall, where bis family has lived for generation.: Hie career lu rarlous educatloflU InHtltutlons was marked hv numerous successes; - He published hlk first novel while-In, Ox ford. Then be wept to London and for five years worked assiduously as a magazine writer. Ills health gave way Jo mdraa extent that one day he fainted ori a train, whereupon be took warning, and went bade to Cornwall, Where be has lived ever since. " Benator William A. Clark of Montana iald the foundation of bis vast fortune by securing a star route contract. The route was between Ieer f.oilge and Butte, the latter at that tlmo beliiK a mlnlufc camp of ordinary prospecta SVlth the money made out of this con tract Clln-lt. In partnci-Hldp with a mail named Larrnbeo, fouiulcrl a bnuk In Deer LotiKe. Mh hoine. Later ho loan ed money to a luliior v lio so'm tt'mn doni'il lag rlnlnij. '1 f'-'l linj ('link's hands ond iiiii-n 1 ' i hiiiiicu'se- 1 1 I r i. 'Tv!'; r : ! ! ft Hit t l!;.- , pins Una it'iiui i. liif.. ., l v )i j only tyii "ins j s i t. ;, . i i eatue of sid'crii'-. s j .ic- tiecunul li it i :.. 'in f- feiirgiuiiu i- nit ,! 1 1 -L. y WOloe, by 1 m.-in (f l 8 ti lv, vv ii a treatment and c uei t. ot i t a t 1 . A proper mediciiia Iks I't. iiun a s ta vonte puiui, c ir I to t.e c i hi would have entirely removed me di ,. thereby dlspeilimt ail symptoms, and Institutipij-coiiiin't lu-SU-ad of prolonged mciy. It bas Li-to well said, that's dlseanu known is half cured." '. ' , .Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription Is a scientific medicine,- carefully devised by sn experienced and skillful physician, and adapted tp woman's delicate system. It la made of native medicinal roots and Is perfectly harmless In. its effects in any condition of the system, .r r - . . -1 - As a powerful Invigorating tonlb Fa vorite Prevcrlptloo" imparls strength to the whole system- and to the organs dis tinctly feminine la particular.- f or over- nuinM4, iiviii uuh . iuiiiwnii Ileum- I .tated- teachers, milliners, dressmakers, 1 soamsiresses, "snop gins,- uouse-Keepors, nnrKlng mothers, and feeble women gen erally, Dr. Pierce's Favor! to Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cprdlal and re- nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration,- neuralgia,- hysteria, spasms, ' chorea, aw . Vilus's dance, and other distressinsvnerv ous symptoms commonly attendant upon Tunc),loml and - organic disease-ofi the utitriis,-' t -tndnces refreshing sleep and relieves mentH anxiotr and tlpsrwndency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Felleu fuvlgorate the stomach, liver and howela. One ta tur,a aoa. wwy ue as candy, Carelessness I the1 great Shi otTiaoBt people. i i-jt. , vi" it a-twivn doesn't acquire n little aense '-with ag ho f heat himself. rtC : - tr n -mnn-ewns a nockerknlfe It Is 'hard for him to pass a grludstonrf.;" Snvswhut you. please about moral jeonraBe, the man whohaa a,lo5trK ,is niignty uupopuiar, t. r . , s Make the stories you tell on a rainy dv us short as poislble.. especially If '...i i..1? Ui.n ,.a aM''htfnt,t.Alljr:;.u-.rf.' V.UH -ivti.' uitrm unui m -.. ?..v- Tiwni iu..vui.v iirrm nnn irviiiK lu. euu vlnecK liun who meets' your .state ment wlth-thta argument: I'U .bet No niatter bow highly you may varae vour own opinion.' rememhr. t floes jrot 4 with other people uulesa they llilult exactly as you oo, wmcn. os tue way, theylseldotn do.-Atcblsou Olobe.. ' "' ChUtM Heta.' x- ,''"!"T .-'The hotels are usually -grouped with Irra square jot two of one another. Each bufr' seeks to attract -guests by high' soiindiua- titles.. For example, in. Can ton ere hotels which nanut the signs' of the Fortunate- Star, the Golden Prof its (an unusually frank 'confession tor alnndlordt make), "the, Bank Con ferring, and the Happiness. The food 1 not so tad, tut the traveler i whp goes t,o una of -these houses to sleep will wish that ne oaq gone q auqiucr. The.4bediooms are small, thtp -walled bosea In wblch you , may bear the breathing of vow nest neighbor ot be ept awake half thdHlght by the con versation of people at tne otner eno or the hall or, worse still, be-Almest. SW- fled b th smoke from an opium pips which ta belug Indulged 1n by the man -aero8s-Tbepassageway..' 1'. Imong tlje 'luterested 'Visitors' of the murine barracks at wasmngtoa on one occasion there" was' a pafty" of young jrlrls Trom'a Maryland town, friends of one bf the offlwrsvbf the Jwmcka. They proved' much Interested In every thing pertaining ttf,the life and disci pline of the ipj3t.--s . , ,. - ,a i . "What do yotumean by .taps? ask ed! one young oman," ,-' .1 . . " played every night on the bugle, answered the offlcer. 'It means ,'llghts 'ttuf -They, play -It' over- the bodies of dead eoldlers" '.x ? A puzsled look came, to- the" face of fho questlouer.-jrheu she asked: .-. "JVliatMlo you do If yon bdven't a dead eolderr:-Ifarper,a WejVlyj- " Ilell Gate, at the entrance of Long Island souhd. In, the East rlvisr,: was not sa nnmedsbecause of Its dangers and turbulence, as is generally sup posed.'' but quite ; the contrary:;' The earlv : Dutch settlers called It '. 'Hell Gate" been iiojt was a pleasantr beau tlful p:iHHgpyny. In alluslou to Us pic- titrpHiiue sceiun-y, "hell" conveying the !de,r of ploiiHantness, New Xork Her i ACSrs - ;. This is to certify that all druggists are authorzlcd to refund- your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to" cure your cough or cold. It eto; i the cod;: heulsthe lungs ani serious results from By cold. Cur"s la grippe coui,h and prevents pmiim-nia' nnJ connumptifn. Con'.-i.s iio- opiates. The genuine ia" in a yellow paclife. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Davis Phar macy. - ' '- - V ... ;.' A v ith the extraord nameofOTal "1 ?L n;,. pc.tin. Urtll, , . I e C(i. nnry . 1 y. cui i i rs'i 1 pr- 3 t' ?! 1 t 'e t (ii i; At : : I ' 'i . f r i '; i r I") r 1 J t t ' - -as a sootnifig and strongtriening nerv Ine'l'Vvorlto prescription v ncquald and is invaluable In allaying and jsub dulna nervouB excitability. Irrliabllltv. " r Siuudi, y ii-. . H a Etji v H.-3 couceraiuor the o.l lie telis of tae of J 1 t rt-.aueX like the death cry of a a panthers." ' lie says: "The long bu-L-l cuole has been seat fiylii!; hi. a twine strm:r. A-treat length of liiye bus been hurled against a tree and X7mpoe.l around, if The derrick was nl; hldduij lu a white bas:e,A geyser of fine sand was streaming up ward, aiiloatlu? away the bfty ci-oft'n tlotk. i. i "SetU kuew wbat It 'Was,-. He found Tom. and they gesticulated at each other. They made faces, but no audi ble sound. ' Their voices were vain as Caudles lu the full sunlight. . Each was trying to yell the same tblng.-:.w'i"'.-i'' "'She s a gasser, blowing ber Jieitd off' v .v , y 'Men gathered from everywhere and acted like crazy folk,-, working their Jaws find' delivering; no meBage.- -. "They.t Were'Soaketl, tlrownod. ob literated in a sea' of 'lutolemble noise:' ,A mUe away at the. railroad station the passengers .were 'ettually made dumb -by the . uproar. .,ff a man want ed a ticket -he had to write "out the qame 'of the station.'" An engine rolled In With' a bel) that rocked: without ound and; whistle emitting puffs nf white steam tbat no One beard.- . $ ('The animals of -the region were greatly disturbed. There ,was much breaking of. harness on the part-of 1 Itorses; noT one or two 'galloped about under' empty saddle- 'Thelf' riders were doubtless stuck Ify thamud some where, bead first, -,V vl'A4'tew P'K wandering" here., and there had sniffed at the noise and re turned ;to their luxurious -. wallows In the oily 'muck.' in ' - v -' v WIILIWir KIDNEY . PILLS. ' - (-' - Have ' you neglected yout Kidneys T Have von overworked vour nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kid neys and Bladder! Have you pains in the loins.' side, back. - eroins and blad der? - Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially unaer tne eyesT Toe frequent desire to- pass Urinef. If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. sample Free 'By mail t0 ceLts. bow by DruggiBts. " --- , WILLIAMS' MFG. CO., Props Cleveland. 0.' Sold by. D. A. target She who- fishei fox a husband seldom catches one worth whiles - , j i. ' : WhsHe'do Whsn Blllstts. i., -VThe right dnrig W do wbW you' feel bilious is to take a dose of Chamber lain'! Stomach and Liver Tablets, They will cleanse' the stomach and regulate the' liver 'and'bownls. Tnr IL Price: 25 cents." Samples free at Davis" Phar macy ana f. & irony a arug store. The Secret of success furnishes much food lot jgosalp. SklD- Dlitsii ot Twenty Yssrs' Standing -I want you to know bow much Cham- berrain'8 Salve has done for me. Jt has Qlred my face of a akin disease' of al most twenty years1- standing- I have oeeu treated by several ar smart phv sieisns as we have In this country and they did roe no good,, but two boxes of this salve has curech-fnev-Mra, Fannie Griffin, Troy, Ala, Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Daffy. - ;' A blush is often but a feminine con ventionality, William's Carbollo Valve With arnica sad The best Sabe In the world for Cuts, Bruises. . Sores. 'Ulcers.. Salt . Rheum. Tttter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, refunded; Price iUC DV arUgWBlS. . . im - . - . WILLIAMS H'ru.-- CO., ; Frop'S, Cleveland. O. - Bold by D. A. Harget . j.-. c- ' . Country life Is mighty much like a graveyard to be called any such thing".. Chimbsrlaln's Cough Remtdy a Fsvorl Is - "We prefer Chamberlain's - Cough Remedy to any other ior our children,' says Mr L J Woodbury of Twining, Mich. ''It has also done the work for us in hard colds and croup, and we take pleasure in recommending- It.". For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duf fy. I' 1 1 .1' A strange little creiture is the r.orth ern shrike, or butcher bird, which comes south nearly every winter. About , as V X a a robin, the butcher .bird gener a. y travels alone. lie preys on mice a;.J t slk-r liirdit, which he hangs on locuiit tl.orns, sl.i.rp twigs or the points cf a wire fo.tce while he makes his r. cul -- - -.' - -; K'z' 'iC' ' Thrs'en tl's.'. (Fr.i 0ieCi.:.-r:o Trll.une) r ' "iii't t "'. v ' 'i a coll", ia pood ' r; ' .1 II' In on i. It L' '.1 1 dm' '1, r. 1 r t , ' 1 n, 1 ! ( a I Almost everybody who reads the news s jrs is sure to know of Uie wonderful ( cirf-s vnde .by Dr. 'I or s Srt.i!"nr- J koot, the great kid JL ney, liver and blad- . der remedy. - It is the great med ical triumph of the; nineteenth century ; J i, "j( J Yf-Js-A discovered after years 1 1 n I rtzrB scientific research (1 ' J I icr! by Dr. Kilmer, the -'""-'a' r eminent kidney, and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame nact i uric acid, catarrh of the. bladder a4 Bright'S DiseasetsOivhicU is the worst form of kidney trouble. . -" , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ia not rec ommended for-everything but if yon have kidney,' liver, or bladder trouble it will be, found just the remedy you need. ' It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already,' may have a . sample bottle sent tree Dy maii, aiso a uook teu ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findbutif yon have kidney ot bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer ' F-fTJ. L' Co., Binghamton, 1 Y. c The Tegular J nftv-cent- and- one- dollar size bottles are'; & swHta-aws,. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the - name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swa nip-Root, and the addressingfaamtottj N. Y, on everybottJe. - r r J vr X : IIook-3pn is tlie most melanoholj fellow I Ritrv.-u.4-i suoui ituins so, liidced tfi urtfiiosed to a- girl once hy askliiK lieh?w , she would like tc be pi widow. la BU Wa Col.l i To- mark hK gratitude n manwho was acqiiittett -on , a charge or koun teTfeinna"cc-ms; India added 8 to to his lawyer's fee f 50, hilt the lavyyer afterward' fot'ut that the u'hile.inn JonMsled" of,x eoHitrfplt miwni.j Al, )ahabnct PI'Muvf ' - t . ; . - W i i Nil I Mlwiiii''i i I t 8pselst Annouftcsmsnt . Rsflsrdlng ' the Ha- , tlopsl Furs Foos and Drag Law We fare : pleased to announce-' that Foley'? -Honey and Tar for ?-COughs, colds and lung trouble ta hot affwted bv the National Pure Food and Drug law aa it contains no opiates oi other harmful drugs, and we reeomraend It as a safe -remedy ?, for children " and adults. Sold by Davis Pharmacy i-t Children makeeweetmusic in a home until they get old enough y . take lea Sons. 'To". . s J It's a pleasure to tell 'our readers a- bopt, a Cough Cure like Dr . Shoop's t or years lr snoop nasiougni against theuseof Opium,' Oiloroform, ot xther unsafe ingredients commonly found In Cough remedies. ' Dr. Shoop; it see ma, has welcomed the Pflre food add. -Drug Law recently enacted for? he was work ed along sinuJar lines many years, . For, nearly 2Q years Dr. Shopp's Cough Cure containers have had a : warning printed on them against Opium and, other, nar cotic poisons. - He,' has thus made it possible for mothers to "protect their children by ins'stlng on having Dr. Shcop's Cough Cure; ' Bold by. F. at. Duffy, -a r , j y h 7 1 , 1 r .-r. 'A .- .y . .".J-. T-..'. .'.-'..,. gpeak well of yourself, c Your ene mies' will do all 'the hammer wielding decessary, , - rii.fct riLCBi riLtai. tw Dr.illiams Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding,' Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs:, the tu mors, allays the Itching at ence acts as a pouiuc Williams oultice.- gives instant relief. Dr. Hams' Indian Pile Ointment-is pre pared for Piles and Itching of. the pri vate sarfa.: Everv box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, lor 1 60c and LOO Sold bv D. A Harget. -. A woman cares not who save matrey just so she is permitted to spend it,-' (,--. - 1 m - f CASTOR I A For IuMts and Ciuildren, ,-!. .' IT. 3 Yc4 l.-i3 Denature of v An order designating February 27th next as Longfellow day, in observance of the One-hundredth anniversary of the poet's birth, has been paused by the Maine Legislature.'' ' : l' To slop a coid with'Treventics" is after than to let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze stage"' Frevcn tice will head OiT all colds . and Grippe, and pci haps save you from Pneumonia or rronchi' a.' Prevcntics are little tiolh''iinecau.!y coU cure taUetj 'se" ii:; in fi conts and 1 cer t Lox -i. If you aro chilly, if you 1.- ...'.ii to sneeze, try I'revciitics. Tlfy will surely check ( tliftcoMii, end ph-nse-you. foil 1 y , F, S. Purry. ' -'. VI;:-: ' 1 f "it y T -i's I ' ..LD'S MIND.- I Its !(. me, la Df-vrlop hf it L j:tt;i-r t-.y are U.-neiv'htti ..jEe ii'. jiT r'-morrd ttxiiu the wrld that Is oars nuJ deeper I laceJ In thelf own world. A good . bauy nMbutU' pcre.; : Every oue who if rlg.iJ cm- . Bt. lUtcd HUllk-S t th iigit uf It. . " They are- busy they ate cUc-eriul. As a rule, they aeciu to t klu.l W bujf another 3 hey , are. not Jjre j..ipt ntf less the weather la iugutieratd yr. thV are Bkk.thJ arte, pot ileiwwO, . r Whap'ifo-wi ji(jis- y-WIim; tij(i'. Is tttr4p.tli4f;tltfi.K rf nnperverted i-uild ulioul.t tlK nhrimw tlan Ideal? ! "l. i IhefgreSjt, (jtvf Itildr.. si tMUfT pautoQs4,(li tU', the. 4iy t:th "J ,tfu-.r tolerations: Tuey. sw wj; to plrtiu-.' agreeabu to nioMt itropositlout nu.1 not, very crltlcaLj-"'' y;" ' t- ! : They do not "know eter.V,'Tuat 1 one':of5helr'.jdeljgnjfufeit trait.;, CbH-f dren wllj trust jrou. 'and tliat -la one itC Ihe most gruWylng-nSpirments 'poV. cavn:; j -. " : In;Miny or thlhlreu you have relief In considering , what gi H pay. The thlrig8thaf tBey do and prefer to? do, doupt.pajS5 1 pileexcetjt lu the aorfig of ihem ,-1,3 4 -f Wise eloerawtlo are quallQeJ ta train the;inlnrl of a child are pretty Scarce; ' therf pext) bes thing Is the elder-who Is wise euougb W respect the child' mind and give It a ebuiien' to develop 'In a sympathetic atmos phere'" by iltsVwUrnatnrai preceii.)os.r Br ft'yprMfl&Vftqijfr gsgiue. fAKlOliD 'GERMAN LEGEND. iwt-fty-.'sft'yn i.n n-.j .--..'f. i ' , .: Th.'J SkuU rvVHb" llf'vN'all Drlvea .4t;:;-iJTh'riM; tttTmwfW. i At reiUurg.'tprden, In front of an old cbapefrlcn ttT mediaeval painting I depicting the Rewards of - virtue, and. the wages of. stu, stands a great cross, at Its foot ;akull with a nail driven Into tbe.teinpiej f V -: A shoemaker of Freiburs. accordlni to tradttltin; dfed suddenly In the good old days 'i before: . coroners i and J urle were Joqi, InquIJtJye, aud was buried" near where the ross stands. : Scaccely had the.eartb upon his1 grave been wet by the rains before his wife 'took a see- oM:iWiBaBd.:-'!"4?: -i'r'j - Neighbors talked, tut fhn't was -all. Otie" -ghrie'prle?t; of the- parish awekebM''tdlnc ht t!ie fiot of i bis 'bed,, the, ghost of the dead shot-- mnuuf. jiiv nuuu jijuip r.-.ruj . u gqry'loch froiu Its forehead and point ed toft nail qi'lveo In the templo. wa, Wbmea,( and; there was the evidence of the crime liwt a the specter had indicated. Thej wife confessed, the murder and was pxeeut ed.; Butithe) gUull was placed ft "the fooi of the cross as a warnhig. j ' j The) eff eet was ' most54vholesome.' relate.'("theFnyW .Chronicler, "for slncar then not a wife of Freiburg tuts murtered-uer husband?' - ' ; .' .' '.' - -f., "v.-'Jv'iA Coasrv.i ,f UutK' .!' . 'S; ' ' If ever, there was anything In the WbrloiVtttBtwent'iy1' eratrariea'-.l'.;i t&e Chinese dag. . will tie. rer-a,IIe( Bat;lani 1 of; ,tha( gaj?es qattanai atonaais..jihesibi3dy ( the. banners pf 'a jal yelow-. Ta the Uppr .left hand" '.fier;-;-ijisnalt-Ttid.: sun. aniil lookIng;Rf 1t.hS flerw CULose4ragoa; About. 1.000 years 3ft ,,sp; tti story runi:the Chinese made wat npon. s japftnesftThey prepared fdf i great invasion Aa i.n.propbecy ,of k-tory they .adpptod standard whlph .la that Of toe present 'flme. '"theytdok the sftvof "Japan 'nnd.made 4t'er smaltT This they put In front of 4b dragon's Wemtn.9-Jtprw:ll't' the' Chinese dragon; Vonld" devour the ap anese. : I tiisppened.- however, that the Chinese:.: fleet -onvejlur n.U rmy of 100.00Q aiiecked'on Its way to JaW by great storm, pd all but three 4f the J0u,000- pcrishay Tho re- uit.or,receDtfef M os npit pee any 1- . j Abdur Rabman.'the latejameer 'of Af ehentstan; uiid-a- krim sens if hiimor whW was tmietlmes exercise ; rlth. ft--i c. . . 1 nn- 'nt, AA Inn ' , A.. fjciteipeui-ruskwto, ma uuwuqs vyereaurniicmir to jnvaae Af shatit a 11' - Tiilulug iside for t mo-; m'eut'tfr7mn!-luslaeiir-,'jir' the late piiivvr ili) .tU.hioHt uucoucerned (ones order ed : juhi shiihgiiasl, to coil duct the- mun to the'summlf W acSrtalti watch tjwer. iLpok you out well. for '.he ItusslntiH." Foiuiuauded Audur Hah- roan, v-tor yotf do uiettt 'uVitHujl see' lUfeiu rrlvf."-ar8.od gaalM f ..i..i"ii - :jjii; - Cook nela'iTfce'v'eetoyi', ','.' 1 "I oever seasou things up to my own' taste.'- said: a man abo bas cooked iq restnurapt for itny years. ''Very: rev i-ooks da,.YuK have-palates that trnye hlgl), sosOulug. -.Th, ouj;er they I "ook .the . torf; salt," ithtl "pepper and spk-e) tUc.V require. If I 'shoul.I ;ietid up my''ll.he4"Tik l';llke"theuJ. they would be sj liat aniTlpeppery that half the patrons Ii. the restaurarit.ouKl l unable to ent.themv''-;lSiej Jfork rress. i- t -vouv luoun ipau ; iuBj; uraj $ ff air that; the - Chinese' flag ha Wiifcor-: recfly;ncel5S- 4 : bar. he wa'fj fioidlug1 watQieVrubtSd by: a man, who,-'4ir4'st'lelf the' greatest CvirX-IiJA i:;xTVdL C. ! .LrPe-ru .a As a Family ' ; 1.. w f 1 nti jii "mi 7HE3faman of nndanh wl ranuti. , v v uon eomesoat squarely to publle print, giving unqnalified endorsement to-j . r- - . a household remedy there fflnst besomet Uiing genuine to aoeonnt for ICi. -tiuj.- ' Hon. W. X. Hnnter,"of Korth paro Unsf weU-known In Washington and Uiroaghoutthe Sonthera-Stetsseays of Fernnathathe regards 1 a the greatest family medicine ever discovered. Hs does- not "hesitate. to- say that Peruna Invigorates - and ' gives -fresh strength to mind sad body. , . - Snoh testlmonlala- aa this- ought to make' Peruna popular, .v. v,;-' , :j j No adver tiaing known to the arts of man, no commercial management could ever raise Peruna to soche high stand ard of appreciation as the frank snd un qualified statements.of such men. 1 - f ernna is- sn' Jdeai bonsehold wards off colds and re lieves catarrh In PE-JRU-NA ' A Reliable Remedy 5" far Colds, i all its forme and phases. . ; fiy ridding the system of eatarrh, it hleanses the body of thoe conditions which Invite chronio diseases. - "" Cold Affected Head, Throat and Lungs. ; Mr. Matthew O'Hare, 146 William Ut., Fall Biver, Mass., writes: "About four years ago I consulted a physician to get relief from a Cold wblch had stopped up my head and lo settled on my lungs, resulting In ea tarrh and also throat difficulties. "He gave me some medicine, but four months faithful use ef theeama did ms no good. I then tried ether doctors, but it. was Just the same. "80 1 decided to try Peruoa and aftor using two bottles my -lungs began to heal, I did net eoaga nearly so much 1 and sleptbetter. "in six months the oough, catarrh and throat difficulties were all cured. "I wa pleased with the result and Wish to write yon of It. Seven bottle of Peruoa cured ate. " A. L. Hewitt, J, P., West Berlin", Vt., writes: "I am happy to be able to write you this lettef In relation to what your Fernna has done tor my family. Wheal brdughttheflrst bottle home, I found my wife and daughter both sick my wife with indigestion and my daughter with a severe cold. They were both cured.. "1 am willing to state that Peruna, taken in the beginning, will eure the worst cold in 24' to 86 hours.'? .-.'.Mf: A HOUSE ! ' Let us Bargain with yoa - on any kind of ,1- .We alsa sell Stoves. Step in and examine our stock, It will please you in .both quality and Prices. Chamberlain iv.V,: Couh Remedy ' The. fJWldren'k Favoriie- V , -Oooghe, Oolde, Croup end .' "' '. ,' Trooping Qptigh.1 ."','4'i - ThH vm7 It fuooti tnr-ti rn mm : ftlArir rl ol kh clTUIaod vtM-1,1. Jl Alwftvs b d"pbdd nwjo, - II o.ritalna BO oplvm or otiiwr rviful drnt mod mt b -k.M m oob&.)bU7 to m babf dull PrtOa S6 ot; Lrf 8U,,60 oU. : OUTFITTING mm S 1 K Dividend K6tiCB.-;'!vi;r v -") Goldsboro, N." C , Jan. jth 1007. ; At a meeting of tie directors of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroal Co., held in this city this da,' a dividend of 1J per cent, on the capital stock of aid company was deel fed, the same tO be payable at the ufTke of the Treasurer of Buul Company in Gol.!:iboro, North Car,.:: 1, on l ib. 1, 1307. The books f.,r t!.e ti 1. f-.-r of stock in sai-l com I y v ill Le cloai-d at 12 o'c' -tk M. J 'y 10!h. 1307, Bin! re rpened at 12 n'clw. k li. on Ftb 2.1, 10' 7. I), j. r;:0Ac:iuioT, LECISLATOn. rl'f - HON. WM. G. HUNGR$ Cough, Colds, Catarrh . Relieved By Pe-ru-na. Hon. Wm. O. Hunter, ez-memher North Carolina Legislature, writes from the Census Office Buildlns;, Wash ington, D. )., concerning Peruna : The greatett family medklne ever discovered, In my opinion, which cornea Jroru experience as well its observation. Is He rune. The moil common affliction to human kind Is a baa cold. Peruna drives It out of doors, wards off catarrh, invigorates and gives fresh strength to mind and body. I give Peruna my unqualified endorsement. " Mr. G. W. Taylor, ClenUeuiu, W. Vs ' writes : "I think that Peruna Is the greatest tonic that was ever put on the market. For several years my eyes bothered me so much. The pain was so severe some times I would think they would ' surely bnrst'ontof my Load. t'l tried Peruna and Manalln and am to-day a well man. am sure I should, have died had it not been for Dr. Hart man's wonderful medicine, Peruna." Such testimony as the above has Riven Peruna a high standard in the tiuiation of the public-. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! E.W.SMALLWQOD General Hardware, Sash: Doors, Blinds, & Cement. lime AGENT FOR AMERICAN I FENCE & DEVOE'S PAINT : : t 1 UNDER HOTEL CHATTAWKA New BernN.C e eeee eeee eeee eeee eeee eee The-original - remedy. 4- J,,U,V-,J. for eoafhs, colds, throat end leaf trouble. Ne opiates. Noa-eJeohoUe. Good for every body. Sold everywhere, ? The ijjiuln rOLCY'S HONty and TAR Is te aYellewpackaf. Refuse subetitmtes. ". ' ' -' PVepered -onU b . ray ss uoni0ny w 1- ,1 DAVIS' PHARMACY, -:7M BLADE8.;, NO ANNUAL. TAVi'xV If you wish to test 'J--V one or these Razor without RISK or OBLIGATION orr your part. strotv I to ue for y I -V ' TM s ' ScCbahlonKiroflJto. ff e UiuUqt "turn lu Wwws." PKtlAbAGftNT' m K j - -''' V - FOLEY'S HONEPTAR i V II' ' nun 1 1 Made from pure d! ';;-v.-- tilled tcr. . , filtered 4 fiy.' . Ill wnmiuii I r-rnii.-r' ' ' r 1, luit t t 7,0".