L 4 . 'A NEW BURN, N C.K SATURDAY MORNING MARCH 2, 1907 TWENTy-FIFW YEAR NO. 237' - ..i..rVr.v.vU...y' c 'iV'S t ' v r ' (:. . v : , p. .-Cfc-V,-. THE TEST V if you are saving or have saved Bome, money and con tern- ; plate investing it, ask yourself if ;that investment will stand the test of time 1 'vS '"l : - y ' Will it be safe in the futare, safe enough to leave to your i wife and Utile ones T Could you cash it yourself lif you had . -, udden neei for the money. ' , -.' v'--- l; ' "'" ,' 'A savingB account In this strong and accommodating bank v, meets all these conditions perfectly. '.tY ' " T,."',; ''t-'. v It s an Ideal investment for your spare money.' .- m t 1AMEI B. BLADES, President.', ,-,'" CEO. B. PENDLETON, CCZEBCIJL IGGB99IS i pi ' c - The following Souvenir Post Cards, . ; RAND COLORED, have just arrived: v s The Harbor, V Z Neuse River Bridge, , - Middle Street, , Market Doek. Cedar Grove Cemcttry Fountain, , ' Cedar Grove Entrance, , Cntenary Methodist Church, ' 1 Water Front along E. Front St. ; ''. First Presbyterian Church, . . -' v .Broad Street, 1 'J Poetofflce, etc t all at the low piice i-T a for 5 cents A Come and see our large and select . . line of Real Photo Model Cards, also -' Greetings from New Bern, Easter and - other fancy card printed ' on satin. Every lady will be delighted to receive ' our line of cards to fill their albums, t 132 Middle St. Next Kafek's B'kby LeadinB Dealers ih Fancy Goods, Mus t cal Instruments and Phonographs, Deaf Friend "K Papa works ; hard so mamma gives him ham or y Vieniia sausage for breakfast The ham we used to get didn't taste good, r The sausage didn't either. V-Papa said if wasn't seasoned : .: . right. '..Mamma pays-18 cts a pound for ham, 10c a can . for sausage; Virginia Hams ; 18c a lb; Shafer's .Hams 18c. Sound. Boneless Breakfast lacon 18c pound. , ' ' A V Your friend,. ' - JACOB. p. S.-We got the ham and sausage papa likes at . - Armstrong's -;y- uoicn ;.v. r EDND ALL ORDf r.3 DIRECT TO - :vp. r -in U) tMgn to w. rv Srl.k Co. V mrmtm tm, m KrtMMi w ; Deaf Friend i Sy 'h t. ..V i Ll t 1 OF TL.IE Wm. B. BLADES, V.-Presldsnt Cstlfls CF FEES EIHIB; WITH TJS. We will look carefully af ter your Banking; Interests and treat you with every courtesy, and considers' tion.T Our method are thorough and conservative, our resources abundant, our facilities ample,: and our' stability ; and trustworthiness beyond question. . - Why not open a 1'ANK "XCvX)UNT ! DO IT NOW. ;, V . CITIZENS BAKK OF KEW BERI I. A (UtEEK. Piwk E. B. MEADOWS, V. P. , T. A. UZZBLl Cwhwr. THE BQAROot BDVERXQRS OF THE-- . ' Jamestown Exposition i i I Selected for the Cfficial piano of the Exposition, the sweet toned I Stieff Piano These grand instruments will be used exclusively in the Music Hall and other "Music rooms. V , '.This selection did 'credit to the S judgment of the Board, ef Gov- emurB. , y Ton will ahpw like good die-, cernment if pu .also select the . : SIFF PLWfl : V. - Write for particulars and prkes The Piano WHhthe Sweet Tone ChasM, Stieff I 166 firanby s" . Nerlolk, V. ' NEW MASONIC OFERA HOUSE WEEK BEGINNING Mch. NEW COMPANY,. t ; MEW PLAYS, -, "M MEW - . SCENERY . EVERYTHING .ALL .. RIGHT .1; POPULAR PRICES tr : ; v openinq play THE SEI!ATC3'S V.'iFE Interested in Thaw Trial? 'V . f, .-? -' ; f y- V . . I; . - ' WASHINGTON POST and NEW YORK WORLD have full accounts! AV-' ;"""''" " 1 inrs pi si: ?tttttyytttVt"tttt? ; A FRERII SUrrLY Gold T- 8 to 10 pound aver t M1 l'i .in 3, 5 e .1 10 t 1 li ' i i h'. - i pi-iipii SlQllLi!.. Silijliiiii illiiii Ai Institution to be Named Af- ter the Great Confederate' ;C4 General &"t wm cue e:ll : FissED Tt:::.3 r.Efj:::;3. The AVilmington, Sampson and Duplin y- Hallway Incorporated., General Election Day a Legal uouoay.- by LKl8latlve Act. Testa - n ' to be Made of Water, " Gaa and EtectrW' . 7S ' v 'Metera,' - , . rvj A, Special to Journt .- ., , -v , . .Raleigh Mawhl-rThe" following bilte were Introduced in the House: To Incorperate the Randolph xad kin railway., . h JL " To protect attorneys from loas of com tingent fees. ' , To incorporate the Blue Ridge asso ciation lor cnnstian , cowerencH y The special orden the bill creating Lei county out of parts of Chatham and Moore passed, 74 to 44 ' .-- The report of the committee on con f erence on- the railway passenger rate bill fixing the rate at 2J cento per mile passed second reading, 95 to 4, and then passed third reading, s ,,-5'. A. bill passed to aid firemen, in. the State' by ft tax of one per cent on gross fire insurance premiums to be applied to those injured or made sick in dis charge of duty, After an amendment excepting ' home companies had been voted down. - J-- : J A hill naased chartering the Wil mington, Sampson and" Duplin railway, A bill was totroduced in the Senate to promote Jhe oyster industry and in crease the State rerenue theielrom. Bills passed consolidating the Aber deen ft West End and the Montgomery Jackson Springs railways. , To Incorporate the TJeep River rail ay . r - r S ' - To require the SUte Commissioners of Agriculture and the Board of Agri culture to be practical farmers.. ' v To make general election day ft legal holiday. . , ? "i .,i-, ' The bill to codify the decision of the Supreme Court on the doctrine of men tal anguish,' and to fix this as a law was renorted without brejudice " and re- fcrred.-'. A j,- j -,t The bill prohibiting the sale of liquor in Anson county, which drives saloons and distilleries out of Wadeeboro passed aa dd the bill establishing the Stone-' wall Jackson reformatory or normal training school for white youths and a bill to allow Judges to sentence white youths under 16 years of age to a re forraatory or to county farms , A bill will follow 'making appropria- tiont for the Stonewall Jackson train ing school which will practically . make it a State Institution, v It i so named in 'compliment to Mrs. Stonewall Jack son who recently in declining a mouthly pension of SlOO, about to be voted by the legislature said she preferred the money should be used tot a reforma tory. - ' Bills were introduced by McKacken to protect the strawberry industry of North Carolina, ' By Douglass to require tests of gas, electrio end water metre. Hy Morton, to amend thecharter of Clinton..' . Tj ITampton, to authorize Currituc to levy recial tax for county homxa. Fy V.'iiiborne, to protect t' 9 r'J. of uiiborn clii.Jren and innoct t pur- cliasfira. To provi le draining the head of Fun;:1 river. To aid the naval militia, IT ,-. ; v .... ' 1 at 1 to bicorpors.! a Tol- f .-: I , t' -lr lc.j r: y. s. CGT. One Witness 'Fined forCon teinpt of Coui l, Another Wit; ness Faints,- Immigrants .Testify, Young Man Gets ; , ; Five Years For Man ? J'r . ; Slaughter. , ; - X: Special Correpondence. J ment was resumed by District Attor ney Holton." ), ' x - The first witness to be examinea. was C. W Johnson,, of Charlotte,- gainBt whom Judge Boyd ordered a judgment of 30 yestorday for failure to ; answer to his name In court. His .teatimony waa inr reference to the different con ferences held b,y the members of the Charlotte Textile Club on the . question of procuring foreign labor for the cotr ton nulla of Charlotte. H. M. Victor, a CharlotW banker, was called to the stand to tell of a note which was hand led in his bank and signed by Tbos. M. Costello, the immigrant agent; and en dorsed by E. A. Smiths ' ' J. R. Roes, business manager of the Charlotte Observer, and ,A. W. Burcn, advertising manager of -the: Charlotte News testified that the cotton mill men had not placed advertisements for labor in either of their paper. V In" the afternoon session several of the emigrants were examined, each of whom testified that Costello had offered them better Inducements than were of. fered in England, and gave them their passage and twenty-five dollars ' in money.- Quite an excitement was crea ted when Miss Jones, one of the Eng lish girls, who-has just come from the hospital, fainted jtnt as District Attor ney waa ending his cross examination. In Guilford superior court today wai ter Hedgepeth, , who is about twenty years of age, entered a plea of guilty of manslaughter which was accepted by Solicitor Brooks. He was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. , L. G. Carter waa convicted of retail ing and was sentenced to six months on the county roada. . -m- John A. Pearce, was found uilty of embezzlement in collecting money on an insurance - policy,- representing himself to be the agent of the company and was sentenced to eighteen months on the roads. '- " .,. -, ' About June-10, there will come to New Bern a eat load of . Florida favor ite watermelons. ' If Gertie will prom ise Sarah a fine sample her trouble will be over C E Whitcomb, Bomb Shakes Cathedral f , Special to Journal i ' ' ' : Madrid, Mch 1-While hundreds of people were in the' Catholic Cathedral saying mass someone threw a bomb in to the building 'and eeorM''were.,tn- jured. t. V -VV ,1 icuee FG3 - o?.'j::xei;:;ess Orrine Treatment it to be Used at j Home Without Publicity, or- Loss . of 1 ime From Bmlneii.' -V ' . Thousands of persons who really want to quit the use of whiskey or beer realize that they cannot do so without mediqal help, yet they can not afford the time or perhaps the money to go to a sanatorium. Happily a new cure for drunkenness has been discovered, which is. to be taken at home and costs lees than the average drinker will spend in a day for drink. In using Orrine there is absolutely no publicity, as the remedy is sold 'by the leading druggists in nearly every city and town,' or it can bo sent by mail Sure relief is positive when "Orrine is used. So uniformly successful is this treatment that in every box is a regis tered guarantee which entitles yqu to a refund of your money If Orrine fails to e.Tecc a cure. Orrine is in two forma, No 1, a secret remedy) absolutely tasteless and odor- less which can le given In food-or d.i. ' wiUifiut tne pationt s knowledge; No 2 in pill form for thoae who wmh to te'circd. The price of either form is a box. Send to the Orrine Co., -.'on, D. C.,' for free booklet i 1 c l.; ":.:! L.Uliu. re for liquor in soon (h:-.troye4 riiso tr'!'-t "t i:l co'imifr.rcd, The c f. 1 1 f.-- .1 1: (':,.:,- ,.ra lr:T X' a i - M w lrel t- , it c. ' c; -svi. ::, and t'-e -:l r.'.t 1.9 i' I, f-r r I . C. D. I'. aim. Greensboro, March L-In the Federal '"' M Kve an gtalka and the tree tops left inthe Court here yesterday morning, the what an enterprise wood8 to roi hy the lumber men cutting i -..rUL -v- L . the National Cash Register Co. at Day- out timbe. t.:e sracj iectce Life at The Rational .; Cash r Register Workg Interest- - ingly Described Civic s : Improvement the 1 -X'tJ'' ' -Objects ixS- There was a urge ana nignjy pieaseo attendance at the stereoptican enter- tainment at the opera house last night, j it - waa interesting ana instructive w . the highest degree. The views which! ton, Ohio, is, and more 4han that what jhe 'company will distribute, large can be obtained by the' system of co- Bura8 0f niony annually to North Caro operation between the emyloyers and j jina pe0ple for raw material and la- , j m.. .!-. u A 1. . ....... sons on the company s pay roll is 5,40 a small city in itself, and of course the very large majority of these are fac tory, workers The lecturer gave views of the hands at Work or play, the splen did, order maintained he educational advantages .offered by the company and showed how1 by; friendly intercourse under circumstances afforded by the proprietors that they are like one big family each interested in the other. Among the best features of intellec tual advancement is the Welfare Lea gue, a club of men which provides lec tures, concerts and : other entertain ments for those who work at tne lac tor there being a large hall for the purpose,- this weuare league is sup plemented by a woman's club who look after the interests of the female con? tuient of the great concern." One of the principal objects in giving this lecture la the village improvement Landscape gardeningJs very simple and adds io much to the beauty of a: yard, that the proprietors who have, made this a Study and a practical experiment have put lecturers on the road with a view to putting the ider of beautifying premises by means of flowers, shrub bery, vines and trees. Then the beau tifying of the public" thoroughfares by planting trees, removing unsightly ob jects and establishing things that will add to the appearance.1 Their theory is that what has been done in and around this community can be done elsewhere, and if the idea is only firmly set in the minds of the, people that it will accomp lish similafresmts.";,:,; Mr. E; S. Thomas, the lecturer, u a ydung man thoroughly conversant with his subject and enthutiastis because of the possible good that can be accomp lished by this meaiis of lecturing. The views and lantern were admirably hn died by Mr. Campbell, the electrician. y;'No Higher Court Spedai iourJial:-. Culpepper, Va. March lst'-Judge Harrison,' presiding over .the murder trial of the Strothe? bwthwe, wOd, that he recognized no higer court than his. Thia rilling ;"ame : f rom.' "an -attempt to change the, manner of trial " v The followm letter ' to Mr.i J: J. Baxter from Conartssman Charles R. Thomas explains the clock .situation and shows that Mr. Thomas is doing his best to make the. Government end of the transaction fulf ul its promise. Mr; Thomas says : "Washington, D. D., Feb. 27. r j .- Baxter, E&iM&W?M wew Bern. . Dear VM&pJ?T$S rXW I have your letter,7 X supposed that the appropriation of $5,000 would be sufflcient to provide a clock with an Illu minated dial and also a striking'clock There is so much profit in these Gov ernment bids it seems,, that they are going to exhaust all the money without carrying out the promise of the super vising architect to me. , I assure you I will do all. in my power to have the clock both a striking one and with an illuminated dial. " . Yours truly ; ' C R. THOMAS. Fancy grape fruit at Whitcomb 'a Korfetk & Southern Reduced Rates The Norfolk & Southern Rsilwsy has authorized reduced rates as follows: To New Fern,. N. C, April 14, 1907, account Convocation .at St, Peter's A, u Z-M cimrch, tickeU to be good 1 r ., fnwirg day April , 15th T, r.m .j,, ratea w;n ipply; From Coll' ro.. 11 65: teats, tl 40; La- '(-.., : X Cre.-k, I, 8; Tovr 11.10; f c; CoVP, 4 -e. ,rj f. V) I V-! '1, j ; I l ( ) O'mt rr " ttt'.o a ki:;o for Editorial of the C Christian -V Advocate' Organ-, of the " v Baptist .Church. - " Th hnilHinor and "nrtir)rr of- the paper ' mill at New Bern; N.. Cf by the Carolina Paper Pulp Company, will 8 market for' large quantities 6f raw material, now a waste product of our fields and forests namely, cotton The company is making an appeal for capital to -enlarge their plant at New Kern; N. C , and should have the sup port of all investors seeking a aafe and remunerative investment. . North Carolina id benefit from the purchase of the raw material, benefit from the expenditure made by the mill for labor, why. not also share in the distribution of the dividends to stock holders. Sunday Laws in Canada. Special to Journal. .Montreal, March 1st Parliament passed a law today making it a , crime to do any work on the Sabbath other than that of mercy or necessity. Lunacy Commission for Thaw. Special to Journal. New York, March 1st District At torney Jerome is still firm in his deter mination to have a lunacy commission appointed for the defendant. He ex pressed the belief that Thaw was in sane. . Big Craft Measure Spoiled Special to Journal. Washington, Mch 1 The Ship Sub sidy bill was voted on by the House of Representatives today and the measure was lost by seven votes. Grand New Capitol Building , Special to Journal Madison, Mch 1 Georgia white mar ble will enter largely into the construe tion of - the magnificent new Capitol building the plans of which have re cently been adopted, the cost is to be $6,000,000. -;"":-;:'Vl:.' : Ciiy Blown to Pieces Special to Journal Washington, Ark., Mch 1 A cyclone struck this town early today and blew down many houses. Several , people were killed. ' 0. fine Cotton Seel tor-Fanersi : Hawkins Extra Early prolific cotton seed: .1 have a few bushels for sale at 76 cents per bushels, .in lots not less than ten bushels, or. $1,00 per .'tingle bushel i Address I N. Howard, Jllades Craven Co N.C.W- --.ti-;'. Peruchi-fiypzene Company The Peruchi-Gypzene Stock Company comes to - the New ; Masonic Opera House Monday night for a weeks engage ment presenting "The Senators Wife' as the opening bill. This company come t I ; KOBERT MANSFIELD, LEADING HAN Or PEHUCHI GYFZENE COMTANY HERE NEXT WREK. to Uiis city w t' o 1 " T I U r'ornmnfl'-d as one c ;)rm!ar price shows a v 'I 1.. : t s n . v ' i r if- tors and artr.n. Vc. V-' .t A. 1- ! I Ci' l 'i t mm m .. w 4 yywwArwvwMrWw rlRFliSlinlTfiN T AfF! rEd iitd I Insertion to match s I Medallions in Points audi I Other Designs f C The Latest Up-to-datv i J Trimmings OC3C 0 CIta-oIco Lot Shafer's ALSO FANCY ELGIN BUTTER 35 cents JUST RECEIVED J. L, McDANIEL. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. At Old We are showine iewy Spring Silks, Mulls, Lawns, Ginghams, etc. ai Old Prices. It is a well known fact that Silks, Ribbons, and all classes of Cotton and Woollen Goods are much higher than they were last Spring, but we are glad to say to 'our customers that we an- ticipatcd the great advance and bought our en : tire Spring Stock early in the fall, before the advance and will be prepared to sell our trade goods at OLD PRICES. So don't forget that you can buy it for less at our Stores than any where else, 1,000 Yards 40 in. Lawns at 12. l-2c, worth 20c. J. J. BAXTE TWO , sin nnni run OISTER 'it ICWeplaci to get the, Finrtt; Oysters," eerved in,i anjj style.; Freeh" Supply of "Candii and Fruits. All the' Leading Fpuny Uiri DrinkeS HotChoeolate,V- ', 'Phone 187 when thlrety;-'vl . .:'' C. J. LlcSOIILE!. :;r.:::ir.ation t 'mil PARLOR Lot Just Made up, 20 Sheets f -r 5 cents '. O. D:!::n 30C Small Hams, Breakfast Strips New Bern, 59a QQ Prkes this week our Beauuiui STORES SEED POTATOES ; Maine Grown Early Rose and White Bliss. See us - we will make the PRICE ALL RIGHT.- . -: CUTHRELL & "LOKEY General Hardware, . Doors, Blind--lime kbs tm, lima l FEIiCE SCENE'S POT wn- 'i malt . vW it I Sash UNPKR HOTl-X CHATTAWKA "C. - i