" J ' . 1 - n - , no. 288 NEW BERN. N G. SUNDAY MORNING MARCH -3, 1907 x' " - TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR" it, s 1H 2J 0 S3 3i THE TEST If you are saving or have saved some money add, ontem- -" ,,' plate investing1 it, aak yourself if that investment will stand , the test of time t v . ' T v Jl Will it be safe in the future, safe enough to leave to your " t Wife and little ones ? Could you cash it yourself if you had V Sudden ileel for the money. -;' : V .' ; 1 :'" V' ' A savings account in this strong and accommodating bank j ,'jpeets alj these conditions perfectly. V , . i,, Z It Is an idea) investment for your spare money. ' v ' I IAME8 B. BLADES, Prssldsnt;, V , Wm. B. BLADES, V.-Prasldsnt. V-.l v 41' 6E0, ft. PENDLETON, Cashier, ,u - r ' ' 4: VOBCIfi ACCOUNTS MA Thing of Beauty We are showing this week a Spring Muslin Underwear. These they are too well known to all the umuBiiif niiu c iim .CHEMISES SKIRTS NIGHT ROBES CORSET COVERS PANTS In addition to this particular Creations for Easter. Phono LADIES J. M. MITCHELL & CO. ; 61 POLLCK ST. OPP EPISCOPAL CHURCH COC DOC ;.ClioIce I-ibtJi y Shafer's u n t - r ALSO FANCY ELGIN BUTTER 35 cents -JUST RECEIVED H J. L. McDANIEL. ; J Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. OC3C DOC VIEWS OF NBV BERH ' c The following Souvenir Post Cams, BAND COLORED, have just arrived: .' vi The Harbor; . ' ' ; 0 ' ;', Nense River Bridge, ' , Mlddletreet, ; - . , : i' -"I Market Dock, Cedar Grove Cemetery Fountain,, " '. ' ' Cedar Grove Entrance, " f-. Cntensry Methodist Church, " . "Water Front along E. Front St,1 " , First Presbyterian Church, j--1 i ' Broad Street, . ' ' - - f ostoffice, etc. ,' all at the low price . uSS" Torv5 : cents ; 7 ;r. Come and see oar large and select fine of Real Photo Model Cards, also Greeting from New Bern, Easter and ' other fancy cards printed on satin - Every lady will be delighted to receive our line of cards to fill their albums. . ' ' i . . . ' mm . i.iic hio'jse 132 Middlk St. Next Kafir's B'kry " Leading Dealers In Fancy Goods, Mus ical Instruments and Phonographs. AN INVESTMENT is like money put into your own buainea, on Sn hand it works for yoo.1 under your own management, on the other under the manage Bient of others who are just aa wise, and.' way be far more successful. . I ry of three boilers devclnpinj- 230 horse power. T!i"reWal. C" TANY, lncorporatd, have an authoriid capital of f " 1 f I 01, e f ' ' 'i rUZ-MG FXirt fUtiXRIPTION, theUUncaUhrKlM tr-- ,y ' . r fall partner snj HAS a voice in the management. The C'. n As lon as these United States do giow, 1 row they muct, an inventrrnt in 1 OF TIME OF. FEER5 SOLICITED ; v is Joy Forever" most Beautiful Line of Ladies garments need no introduction, ladies for their Beauty, Work. at 76c to (L60 ; at 60c to 3.00 at 75c to 3 00 at SOpto 1 2fi at 85c to .7i line we are showing all the New ' 288. DOC 0 0 0 0 . - -.v-W-'if . F'.ii' : Small Hams, Breakfast Strips JewBern, . C. j . 30t icjo :" .-, IS THE NAME, V, ."' ;;.v;; "i OF THE ?.-' : New Laundry which wlfl begin operation on ' MONDAY, MARCH 4th. This is one of the best equipped plants In the Stote. which . guarantees ' absolutely first .class ervice. Our motto is: "to please all the patrons we have and to . to have all the patrons we please." ; We are here to stay and at your ser vice. . ; phone usr and our wagons will be out Phone 280 I pre 'U IT'-MI Prop, a Gen. Mgr. . crisis The Comnany 1 s hich is two st-i '- hh;h, have In it it i l,r,x l ::.iJ a .lira. Freight RateBillPassed After -Considerable Discussion, " BiH to Amend Watts V Special to Journal ; -k ' Raleigh, March 2. There was a sen- sation in the Senate today, Senator Mc Lean, of Robeson, alter reading a newspaper statementN which he de nounced, regarding bills he had intro duced, walked towards a reporter and said unless the policy of slandering him was stopped he would take the matter into his own hands and apply the cow hide to the man who did ft, " ; ; . ' , The Senate passed the bill regulating freight rates drawn to force the roads to give rates in this State as low as in Virginia. During the discussion, which was prolonged, it was said there' were several gateways in Virginia hone in this State, and the ablest railroad'men hafl' failed to give any reason, for the establishment of such gateways... It was declared the railways were in com' bination in this matter, and the' dis crimination against North Carolina cost the people milliops annually and was the greatest drawback to the bus iness developmentsf the State. '.. i - Bills were introduced In the House to amend "the Watts liquor regulation law by preventing the 'manufacture of de naturedalcohoL .' , ' Appropriating $5,000 annually for the Stonewall Jackson'' Manual Training SchpoL V r The House, after a! Jong debate, passed 84 to 23,' the bill agreed to. by the Democratic mucus Tuesday niht, to take control of Sampson county from the Republicans, the statement being made that the sheriff's total defalcation amounted to forty-five thousand doi lars, - '-( , ; The Senate passed a bill to prevent railways from reclassifying freight, m order to avoid the proviaiona of the rate bill, which it is claimed will have an obsolete effect' V, defeated bill to charter and guarantee the interest on the $U,60O,0CO bonds of ibe transconti- nential railway for thirty years at 4 per cent the State to be given control and the road to extend from Knoxville, Tepn ,Jo Greenville, S. C. - "' -V k , j. '' f'v-i ARGO, 3ARGO, ' ARGO, ' ARG3, ARGO, ARGO, ARGO, ARGO, ARGO, ARGO.,, ? : A . ' Paving Way to .6overnmen(0wn J -'' v -erehip -. special to Journal. ' t Omaha, Neb., March 2d--Hon.V, J. Bryan commenting on the 'examination of E. H, Harriman by the Inter State Commerce Commission and the dis closes male by him showed that pub-' lie sentiment on the government own ershipof railways.','-.,, . V V" '' ,' i , v , . j mm i It's a pleasure to tell our readers a bout a Cough . Cure like Dr. Shoop's For years Dr. Shoop has fought against theluseof Opium,: Chloroform, or other unsafe Ingredients commonly found in Coifgh remedies. ., Dr. Shoop, it seems, has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted for he was work ed along similar lines many years. For nearly 20 years Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other nar cotic poiBons. He has thus made it possible for mothers to protect their liildren by mutating on having- Dr. .' hoop's Cough Cure, Sold by F. S. Duffy.' . . '" The dude hasn't even a lame excuse for carrying a cane. . : ' oic? fiftpf - n seres of lnl rn t..e .m,- tt 'to,, "! i New IV. n, V. C.', " "j t ' c x :, t' e m- " If ii :'a. ;y a- i! )L i i ; , ' ' J r -" ""jn TP 1:1 t'JB OSL The Trial "Losing iis Sensa - tibnalism and The End . ; "WillbeSoon. Special to Journal , ' j, New. York, Mch2-The trend of the efforts of the opposing" Counsel 'in the Thaw case now seems to be that Je rome is trying to have a lunacy com mission' for the defendant and Delmas is fightug such a move. , Delmas wants the case to proceed, feeling sure of ac quittal.' ; t,t yt ''" tf,$ f Public interest in the trial is waning and -much of the morbid sentimentallsm has passed. , It is probable' that the case will be argued next week. ' "-' Police Think Robber Can be Located Special to Journal " - Chicago,1 Mch S-Chief " of Potlce Wilkie has so far failed to detect the thief who stole $173,000 froin the sub treasury, The tellei fainted during a searching examination in the sweat box but there was no development. - It is estimated by police authorities that the robber is known, is under sur veillance and will soon be arrested. It is said to be not a government e"nj. ployee, hor a prof essional .crook" but a business man who is well known in the city. - The" means' of his getting the money has not .yet been discovered. , Extra fine veal and mutton at Oaks, Market. .. industrial Convention - The fifth annual Industrial education' at conference of the New; Bern Colle giate Industrial Institute will open at the new brick church edifice 'which re places the Cedar Grove Baptist Church Tuesday evening March 6th at 7:30. Dr, George Sale, Supt of the Educa tional Department of the Amen can Home Mission Society will be present at the meetings. Dr.'. Sale represents a society : which has spent : more than four million dollars :in the fort years of its existence, 1 for the education of colored people alone; while it is Spend' tog annually now $160,000 for: the color ed people. ' Dr. -Sale also represents Interests of the General Educational Board to -which Mr. Rockefeller has given $32,000;000 for general purposes of education through the country, i Dr. Alex Turnbull of New York City will arrive Tuesday morning at 10;10, and will remain in iJew Bern until Thursday and -will be . entertained by Hon. J. B. Blades: . Rev. Turnbull came to this educational meeting last year' and as the ' result, of his visit several thousands dollart- was put in the- school " work , here, and the church was liberally assisted. Dr. Turn- bull represents the Home Mission So ciety and is the second- officer in the society. It will be seen from the above siatetrent that all pursons who are in terested in the educational progress of any race in this community should pres ent r at these meetings ' and express themselves fully. This is especially true of those interested in the public schools,' as the General : Educational Boards if properly taught, likes to as sist public as well as private schools. All of the citizens know of the needs of the community and let all turn out, We shall be glad to see all of the school grow in number, and be furnish ed with adequate equipment, but most of all, we shall be glad to see going from their halls young men and women who shall bo a blessing to their race, lifting it to a higher plain of intellec tual, industrial, moral and spiritual possession and influence. This is the great need of the community, but can not be met without the co-operation of all of its citizens. " . ' - ; Come one, come all.- ' ': ,' ' t , A. L. E. WEEKS, ' . ' , . rrf-iU nt i liil'owtr i r --mi PfPCRT "' i tit j ul,uLnf. The Latest Musical Fancies Played in Best Style Re-' . produced Perfectly- - " V "'t"1 , The phonograph business has attain ed very large proportions: and is grow ing every day. TheN science of repro ducing a song, speech, or instrumental piece has come to be so nearperfection that the pleasure of listening to them in the' phonograph is almost ss great aa sittiig at some big bpsra. The records embrace all performances of a meritor ious nature produced ; by ' artists who have won good reputation on the stages. ; s 4 M There was a concert at W, T. Hill's store last night in which the latest pieces' -were played. ' As it is well known R number of records .'are made every month and the latest operatic hits, vaudeville specialties, sentimental andsacred songs . and marches, two steps and walfacesare reproduced with accuracy 'that is truly wonderful -' Among the fine new ' pieces are Mr lowing The Mountain King,, a baps solo; My Irish Roeie, a charming love song from the l-Ould Sod"; I've got a vacant room for you, New Coon Song, Will there be any stars in my Crown? sacred songi and "Guard Mount Pa trol", a march with approaching and passing effect All these and hun dreds of others that Mr. Hill has in stock comprise a vast range of the best latter day musical productions. Eyery grocery store should 'carry Argo Red Salmon. If the Salesmen have not yet called on you, drop a card to the Alaska Packers Association, Richmond. Va., where our temporary advertising offices are located. Christian Science Finpnces to be v . . Made Public Special to Journal. v Concord, N. H., Mch 2 A startling development in the Christion Science finances has been made by the filing of a suit in the Superior court to -compel an accounting of funds received by the sect Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy is made defendant la the suit and the plaintiffs are George W. Glover, Mrs. Eddy's son, , Mary Baker uiover, a grand-daughter and George W. Baker, a nephew of Mrs Eddy. In reply to enquiries by reporters those imme diately interested in the suit say that they have nothing to say. - C LvAbernethy. Solicitor - Word-was received here yesterday that the governor had appointed C L. Abernethy Solicitor of the Third Judi cial District, vice L. I., Moore resigned. The choice is a splendid one and the Journal extends congratulations to Mr. Abernethy. It is just recognition of his Worth and service. - ' Gigantic Steal Consummated Special to Journal. " -. -Washington, Mch ,2-The HouB'Tf Representatives : today 1 re-considerfd the action of yesterday whereby the Ship Subsidy bill was defeated by seven votes and . by getting the Absentees back to vote carried the measure by twelve votes. ." ' ". .; ' - . - v'-';':" -... i Letter to L C Daniels . r t-r-'tf ' -,, "- '. "," , New Bern, V. C. . : Dear Sir: Why : do people sendee euch tales as this? D G Smith, Madison, Fla, " had his mother's house painted Devoe 11 years sgo. and the house' looks better today than other houses painted with other paint 8 or 4 years ago. . - They are full of goodwill for Devoe.; , ; ., . Yours truly, - F. W. DEVOE & CO. 23 . ; ' . . -. ." P. S. E. W. Smallwood sells our pj.int . . . l -I J ' CL i l r! i, a' o (, I T r if i i k K1 1'.uPI M '; ' ; KEIV BER:j IWTBY. Editorial of the N C Christian , Advocate, Organ of rthe' Methodist Church. , The building and operation of the paper mill at New Bern, N. C, by the Carolina Paper Pulp Company, will opn a market for large quantities of raw material, now a' waste product of our fields and foresta-Hiamely, cotton stalks and the tree lops left in the woods to rot by the lumber men cutting out the timber. "r s i ' The company will, distribute large sums of money annually to North Caro lina people, for raw material and la bor. ' , ' The company is making an appeal for capital to enlarge their plant at New Bern, N. O , and shouldnave the sup port of all investors seeking a safe and remunerative investment North Carolina vtiil benefit from the purchase of the raw material, benefit from the expenditure made by the mill for labor, why not also share in the distribution of the dividends to stock holders. Argo Red Salmon is standard in qual ity, quantity, color, and price. At all grocers. Spring Floods Doing Damage Special to Journal. Cairo, 111 , Mch 2 The regular spring freshet is beginning to assume a threat ening aspect The Ohio from above Cincinnati is past the high water mark and people are moving away from the lowlands. Great fears are hekf for damage to property. Fancy grape fruit at Wbitcomb's. ' J E Latham's Cotton Letter Special to JoumaL Greensboro, March 2d. The cotton market this week has been more active from a speculative standpoint than for several weeks but the demand from spinners is not quite so keen, and re flects to some extent that they hold comfortable reserves. The insight from day to day continues large and-it looks like this crop after all will pass into history as a record breaker as to size and unsatisfactory quality. Under such circumstances, no important ad' vance is likely on the merits of this crop but the need of another big crop Is how so generally conceded that the developments of the nevf crop will be closely watched. Thus far the winter s has been very satisfactory . for farm work and my friends in the Southwest expect a large, increase , in acreage. Spinners are well employed and have bought freely and continue to buy the all months in Liverpool and New York against their Sales of goods. . This class of buyers do not sell put freely until they convert their, contracts into actual cotton, therefore it seems to me that the buying ' is of such a substantial character that the advantage for aloag pull is on the side of higher prices possi bly much higher. , Fine Cotton Seed for Farmers . Hawkins Extra Early prolific cotton seed. -si haVe a few bushels for sale at 75 cents per bushels,., la lota not less than ten bushels, or $1,00 per single bushel. Address I. N. Howard, Blades Craven CoN. C. i -,.. A gossip Isn't like a- wagon, M her tongue can go when she's standing still About June 10, there will corns to New Bern near load of Florida favor ite watermelons.' If Gertie will prom ise Sarah a fine sample her trouble will be over.' CEWhltcorab. . . - r.::road faci'.lLiea, one bull.!:: 2 223 foet long by 36 feet wide, part ot llyal"! 1 "'epovtr c P"1 ,;ne shop, the remainder to llx f et Bud four e' ' 1 1 ' 'i r ir.!, a one 2! h. p. engine, one ' 1 l ' r Ii'mhu 40 x T) t ii e . Lr'. !?. iron roof, contains a -, . . v ' F (v-y I , ; ' '), r - ;' . "y t ' ,.c. .Ill'ei ' . lc If v ' i. ' i !. 1 iiu REAL HONIION LACE E Edjre and Insertion to match Medallions in Points and Other Designs Thc Latest Up-to-date Dress Trimmings hagkbur: Rt50l-Vt D That, nobody" is tolame for. liking beavjtiful UNDEP-VEAR ANDH0SIL"R.Y. IT PLEASES THE VEAPXR. AND THE BEHOLDER. IT CIVE5 A GRATIFIED AND ConFoRfAB!! FEELING To KNCVTriAT VJE ARE" DRE.S5EDWELL ALL THE WAV THROUGH DUSTER BROWN kimiv a jag- CK,I.HT MTHI PO YOU NOT, NOW WIJH To -SELECT YOUR PRINCi UNDERWEAR, AND HO-SIERY WHILE OUR LINE-5 ARE COMPLETE? YOU KNOW IF YOU COME HOW YOU CAN CHOO.SE FROM A LARGER LINE THAN IF YOU COME LATER. WE HAVE JU.ST RE CEIVED A LARGE -SHIPMENT OF THE EVER-WEAR HOSIERY, 6 PAIR- GUARANTEED To WEAR 6 M6NTH.S, 6 PAIR'MEN' FOR $2.00 AND 6 PAIR L'ADIEJ' FOR $3.00. RESPECTFULLY, Two Stores J, J. B A 2TP E M, Two Stores i 50,000 lbs Galvanized Iron. - ; ' 500 sizes Corrugated Iron, ' 100 Boxes Best Tin. 1 ; '( -. ... ' 30,000 Tobacco Flue Iron, ' Gasolene Tanks of every description for sale CHEAP ISr-B. 'PARKER. COR. SOUTH FRONT & CRAVEN STS. " , NRW BERN, N. V. AN f.i-a fioin s 'iment and all earthy matter, . " The CAROLINA PAPER PULP i ' ' " j pror.taLlo, $100,000.00 WORTH ARE NOW OFFERED TO THE '!' s of stock Non-assossable capital; Hoce each stock-holder Is a iiniLKOlt rOIJlU'KIl CKNT. AND WILL 15 A KN (' - ; ' '. I Is f-V-",'nr than any bank can give you WIVH US. We will look carefully af ter your BariMng Interests and treat you with everyVcourtesy and considera tion. .Our methods are thorough and conservative, oury-esources abundant, our facilities ample, and our st'jhility and trustworthiness beyond question. Why not open a HANK AC.:oU'T ! DO IT NOW. T. A GREEN. Pres. E. II. MKADOVVS. V. V. T. A. UZZELT. . Cashin-. S !.: ;. Gull ;-',vr DISPLAY Ol UNDER Wh'Ak. US tUfTHII BVOVJM CO. CHICAOO. INVESTMENT means safety of principal and, dividond re turns at regular intervals. The "Carolina Pa-,' per Pulp Company offers, an exceptional In- , vestment opportunity for both large and Bmall inventors Jn lots of f 100.00 and up. V.' X 1r n "? i:i r.'n cotton stalks.'-' i n f