THE JOURNAL Published evey day ,epl Monday.' Journat BuiUing 5W50 Crsn Street. -, - ; , -CHARLES L -STEVENS : . r EDITOR AN rROPRIETOR. . - . ' SUBSCRIPTION . 'w On Yen., in ft nce........-' Monthly, by earner ta the atf r .wi ii 1 -w"" 1 1 ' ' I C . j' 4.::. t f nmfahed OH DPU-' . " Advertiflinii Kates iurniiMsy VT - r " - ISntered at the PosW)ffice, New Bern V 0. m second-claw matter.. OFPICUL PAPBS OF NSW BERN AND ORAnEN COUNTY. ' New Bern, N. a, Ma ch 3. 1907., CRIME STORIES AND THE PRESS, ' New York city, has aroused in some nunrtera a Drotest. that it is too Un- clean for newspaper publication. This protest is not a new thing. JNeariy vr , ery great, criminal proceeding, involv ; big scandal and testimon that goes in '.social affairs of an intimate character, ' has provoked an outburst against, its 7 detailed publication' Only the newspa ' per man knows how much crime matter fa both suppressed in its entirety, or '" . given out in meager accounts. Some great .crime will come in for a detailed publication, and will cause a protest. That crime news is but meagerly pub- , lished compared to -what might be, is best known to those who know of the inside of the news gathering. -The detailed story of crime is wanted by a great many people. The smajl city or town, where crime is committed, v will pritest against its local newspaper giving any details. It is too personal It affects too many individuals and fam ilies. But the crime of a great city . becomes public property because its surroundings are cosmopolitan, there- ' fore does not touch so personally, ex cept those immediately concerned, and these cannot well hold the press from giving the detailed sensations- It is not that the story of the crime in the small town is not wanted for local consump tion, but it is the personality of the af fair that demands its suppression. , It is the mar bid tendency on the part of human nature that causes even the ' present amount of crime publication. ; This morbid tendency is to be seen on the public streets when the unusual oc curs. Let there be an accident, caus ing the destruction of human life, and there will be a rush to view the dead, no matter how revolting and shocking V the sight may be. And it is not the ignorant and depraved, alone, who rush :' tft look at ftrinffkinc aiorhta. Warj.h dm scene of disaster, and there will be seen men and women of apparent, if notxeal - reflnAmnAr. ami i.iilrnia Anil an in tha matter of crime stories published by the newspapers, it is not the lower classes that are the sole readers. If tL.n MMA ik. -1 .L-A. - JA a tailed sensation would not be so promt- .,- nent There is the demand for the sen sational, in every class of society, and i Miv uvnoynyvi UlUBIf (IVQ iu L1IC UCDV of Its ability, the crime story,: as 'well r as other views matter. The press does not exactly cater to a depraved public .;: taste. It gives crime stories, so that "less in the future,' hy giving proml- v nence to men and women, and so check .t - imr ntriAra vtiA rnto-hr. -cnmrnlf rtmaa 'r if there was the chance to escape the , . NATURE 8PARE8 - fo, Tim Btrlokea -Bwe Trim r Ortof, What a fortunate provision of nature It in, that deprtves the mm or tnantal ufferlng; for how poignant would b Its STlef to. aiseovw, in , tha height Of Its ' blooming-glory, that a canker fed at Its heart, and that lt baauty and fragranc war doomed forever. ' Nature always ' iparea-tha. suffertngj she Is a veritable . store-hous - of ; pleasing rewards, lor .hose who seek her -aid. In the rears - gone by .falling hair and. graynass have cast a gloom- over the Uvea of thousands of young women; but thanks to,tb In veetlgations Of scientists the. true .cause . -of, hair. destruction-1 -now known to be . n, germ, of parti site that burrows' Into the haltf follicles. .Newbro'g Herplelde bsolu(ely destrrtys v this germ,, thus iermlttlng the half to. grow as na ture Intended, j Bold- by leading drug gists'. , flnd lOo. in stamps for sample - to Ths Herplolde Co, Detroit. Mich, .Two sties SO cents and 11.00, . , a a BRADHAM, Special Agent , v In the hog yard It is often best to go to thejoot of the matter, v OADTOIllA. Baanthe . ylt Hind Vw Maw in t: Bijuturt " f; ' The sum of it all is that lots of peo ple think thoy are f'some.T , . ., a ' - A Valuable Lesion, 'Six years ego I learnl a vt ' mn," writes John TI. . ,', f ' i. I h "I then n ! 's Kcw Li fa l'i"'s, I 4 m W Hrt'?Terrth,orTr-tVrfV ... J -a 8i--iirfUi, or iverve v mir-., in, i . jr -n It voy. ri"i cue w li i. i - a i " if, ai".w i .. ' a bidil'ii tmy litna uai t ii-ai.y i e,i at 6. Tula olisuure nerva lee nhtw or Luwrt eive airimiy needs, and mtisr ave, more ptmur, more itelinitjr, m'r unim i , more sovi nf fM-ttM-Ul. V llO'ir "M itl i l.-U'l, -' 4 la fail, and tne t-miM-n aod .muil tie fca-ve Uie sme enntmnm norvn. luis i; uriy e-.m. m si e ' T", Bhm.n'B hi.KlrftllV hall III tl)B IMt m.i-i- IMI lull- -for weak and suing hearts. lr. buoop nrstt nniiKt tlx caue ol all Mia painiui, paip-uu'i.a-. an. ... .n. hi he, dlstrru. lr. Slioop I t-iis popular prescription ii alone directed to tHia lt"8trnsftheB: It offers tal, tannine heart Imp. H you would bars ftrout fci-arts, strong it ihs. wm- rMu.uiiii wwk ana watiiiiiK um t vruwn, ' ' m - testlou.. strengthen these iuerm- ' them as neeoea, tntn FaSaOUFFY.V ' CHURCH SERVICES; 'V Regular services at the JPreabyterian church todayyat 11 a. "mi, . o servi ces at night on account of the meeting at the Baptist churcr, which all Pres byterians are urged to attend,Those who wish to contribute to the Presbyterian building at the exposition at Norfolk, will please place the amounts in envel opes With the words "For Presbyterian Building at Exposition" written' on thenvc' v;; i;yy, X 4 Sunday school at three o'clock- p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:5 p. m. Topic: "Be honst Jth .yourself and God." " There wiU be some changein the ret ular services at the church of Christ today. The -Little Builders meet at 10 a- jm, preaching li m. subject "God 8. Missionary Turposein !;fi3t" The paalor twill- sii'g '- hr-' ti.iaiie solo IReadvvThlveailKl.. .saiori of fering, wul bejtaSni .-JSvryroeLiber of the church is urged, to .be ' present at this service,' as there is matter pf business of special interest to every one. Preachingat70eubjecjtc"The Bible'.' A cordial invitation I js Extended to all yx filially v..wwro..-pftea;,1"..juiMv 'rinm bring your frieiids.1 Fireturchcl 'Cht Scientist cor ner Broad andTlattcstk- ft? Services at 10;45 a m, and J&Op m. Subject "Man" Hebrews, 73.'- Pastor The Bible and Science and Health,- with key to the Scripture.' Sunday School at 12 m. " - AU are invited to attend. - -' . . ... -Christ Church Rev L G H Williams Rector. 3rd Sunday ,in Lent.v -J r Holy Communion; 8 a. nr. morning . Litany and Holy "Communion 11 a m. Sunday School at 30 p m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7;80 p m. - - Dail services (except Saturday) "5 p. M. Wednesday and Friday 11 a m ad- Tuesday To" children. ; v Wednesday Conflrraa tion. r ,. '' " Thursday 8 p. m. To mfn -i All Saint's Chapel Sunday School at 90a -n. 'Jhe, usual 'services wilLbe held at the Church of . Christ todayi Jonibt Builders 10 a. rh. Preaching -r$lt 11 a. .t tBible School at 8 p. 'm. Preaching at 750 p. m. Th9 pastor, A. J. Edmondson, will preachftnorning and evening' A cordial invitation ia exten ded to thrpublie.," , Ho w' This TjT ' We offer rne hundred dollars Ireward tor any case of jcatarrb that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. '.. F J.'CHENETT CO. V Toledo, 0." . We, the undersigned, have known P. J Chefley for the, last 15 years, and be lieve him per foe ty honorable in al) bus mess "transactions; and financially able to carry out ,anr obligation made by his tutaPiff ' ; r WALomo, Einnan & Marvin). -l;t Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ball's Ctarrh Cure , is. taken inter nally, acting jdirectly "upon1 the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free.' -' - Price 75c per bottle! - Sold I j ail druggists, -i t :.' V-.;' Take Hall's Familv. Pills for coristiDa- tloo A" i.' c . i ', s.ri''t.' i . '; ,' f P '"&ll"n t8Scl Birds.'. ; , .Long kgRejl birds have tails so Abort that jtb7 eaf to-be ' out of ptijJi ilon to their bodies. But there Is a reason for the short talis. Birds, wl" flying, and often while walking,-we their tails : for VstecrBge ' purp.. -. . y.'Ln birds wlh long less take to fllirht, V'f v throw their l-gs behind iu 8 m&mw that, caqaes them -to serve t!e un, purpose as a tatL' ' f - ; ; : 1 8poke For Hlmse'f. It is told of Charles Iaiiiib Umt; one afternoon, returning from a dlnuur party, having taken a sent lu a crowd ed omnibus, a tout - quently looked Iu km) i "All full liisltlH?" ,''I doi, i 1 It nifiy bo w lilt the other l- 4," answeiecl I.nmb, "but thut lv t iU e of oyster pie did the l-nslnr ttt riie." " Every Cay i f Write It In jour I . 1 dny la the l..-.t ' 1 v I 1 t t ei r. man hs Ir-iiM- l r -, ' t ' til he kix-v. titnt r h- ;r i r 1 1 f day. Fn-erxori. 't I "I am Jn-1 I n 1 bnifl'il 1 V i r i Exccit Hays to U Pro . dicc4ty Talented "Actors ' . ia Repertoire- v . ' , Vihninston llessenger. r ' Really -tilgh class perf jrmances, . well styled and costumed, are being given by the Peruchl-Gypzene Company at the Academy of Music. The success of the 'Senator's Wife" on Tuesday night was more than duplicated by that of "The Iron Master,?, of lat night. The company will give performances each MIssTAmy Laird, Leading Lady of Pe i-A ;' ruchi Gypzene Co. - I night this week with a-.matinee Satiir- f rlae fiftiu-nnrin-' - '-t . i, ' A day afternoon'1'." ! i J'Tlia Iron Master" gives Robert Mansfield a.fine opening and he takei full, advanUge'ofthlar depicting the character With'sbiUty. Mjss'Amy Laird as 'Ethel Crompton" was very att ac tive, while the others in the caste gave able assistance. -:- i- ... The. play tonight will Jba on '-comedy lines, this being, "In Mexico."; At the matinee Saturday 'Humpty Dumpty will be presented, and perhSpa ' Trilby' on Saturday night. Tha specialties are bright and ara changed nightly. -The admission prices are 10t 20 and 80 cents, and the performance is far ; .Queer Timekeeper. - To ascertain r the'" lime at night the Apache Indians employ'- n gourd "on wliSch. the stars' of the .heavens ,ttrs marked-' As the "constellations rise In the sky. the Indian refers .to- Ills" gourd and finds out the .hour- By turning the gourd around he, van tell the order In whieli' th6 constellations 'may : be "expected- iff appeal be-'bill "people of Assanj. .reckon tUne,nd- distance by the,- number Of- quid" of betel --nuts cUewed,,"It wllTbe remembered how, according to Washington Irving, Gov ernor, Wonter, van Twjller dismissed the Dutch colonial assembly lnvarla bly at the last puff of hli third pipe Df tobsecftUAiMontagBlg Tndlarrof Can ada r(il,eet. pp a.tall stick In the snow .when jtraveljng aheaCof friends wbo are: W t oUlo W. 4 He marks with his foot the, line of elMktoWMcastf' and by the change njthejtnjle:f the shadow the enforcing party can Jell.W arriving at the pbt" about how vIar -ahead -the leadeii-nft' 4oubtiesilM the "'first -time-keepeBjvasc.he. stomach, which noti- nee its pwner wnen the hour for j meat arrived; ''?:-iK"vr'-. i i i:-$t.sKVm ff.: i V ii i iif )f A"' "' '. Battles ttackM by , Single Shot V There -are,, certolnlyjtbreo Instances on record of a . siege or -Tttaitle having been decided of re slhgle'' shot. "First in order of importance , was the' -shot be lleved to have been fired by-one of hli 0n men which killed Charles XILin the trenches of the fortress, of , Fried-, rlcbsteln, which Immediately led to the raising of the. second siege of-, Fried richshaQ, i This Is perhaps the most lm partsftt ttti8ketshot ever fired in the history of ithe worlds Next 'comes the discharge of the mortar fired by Lord JCochrane during the defense .'of Port Trinidad In 1808. This 'shot foiled a French emprise and saved the fortress. Lastly, there was the. single discharge of grapeehot which saved the fortress and town 'of Haddington in 1548. The French' Jnvsders had actually forced their way Into the outworks of the cas tle when, the one well 'directed shot created such havoc In their densely packed ranks that there ensued an Im mediate panic, which ended In flight, ; ; : ; i i '.. J ; : .The 'Advantage of an Aooldant ""; ' "The small else -of the propellei screw,":, says a noted shipbuilder, "it not due' to the perception of any In veirtor of its greater effect as com pared whh a larger one, but purely tc aociuchtf Many yean aj;o screws foi i itinera were mado as large as t ' ' It r 1 -r f " t "nry t''t the p---nt mil j., i ; o liifc-'.it r t'.e 1 V I -R at Si t tO Bl'tt v ' ;i ft f In - t'-nt It vns deoiii II- 11 ti t t..!i blai'j ia tv.0 parts ami t:.i,i, wclil them toKother. Durlnif ti storm all Hires Mndes of the pnipt-ncc 1-rcKt at the welding, redm-Inif tlio d!ifn'Ui ly niore tlmn twot:.''-'!. " t1 o fcur 1 r.i 1 I- "lot f r J 1 Ul ! rii 1 I 1 1 t! f" . I MIII.I1 1 1 1 t'll'V V r'' 1 at and ! 1 1 1 ! I si ) t . 1 i A1 It - - -'.- three applicatuins external absolutely curej me,-" - " and the doctors had alrja 'y S'l-rested funeral ar-' f"' rangemt-ntt. It wua a 'J iii of Pneumonia, ' but from this on I &hill sin? the prcis of Gowau's v , - Piicuinonbi Cure. It is certainly 8. tn racle what . lr, - i; di"!." We keep it in the hmisrf a-l woyl J not da ;.' v without it ' All druggists handle it, and for good-:' . " ness Bake get a bottle and be" prepared. ' Splendid "T,;-t' A, for croup an J cilth. ' It is also external an 1 can do ' v- no harm-. - ' r .jj, J' :' M -' z '.'" Th Oamfcler's" Hands. iTliar-issi-ia a ..Jght Worker, prob abiy a ftiiv tle.ik'r" said "a detective to a ffleud as,' the -tw stjjd on a -street comer Ue otliwT nftemooii, Tv-hllo the povsoa n;i.evl to by-tUe detective passed Is', - liiiow llmTT asked tne fflena. - '"Xot jet.""roi)Hed'tba dejexf t:of"'but tway Inter," ."How do you (mow' heV a : fHM-tlealt'r, fhea?' tJ dorft uow it," :wHsitbei."rvply "bnt that he Is ,(u- 3011)9 snc-h business is CTlSnt fj-jiTi tli peculliir pallor of his fai-b; wulU" .vou.-iuay'jljave-noticed: You vouKn't rotl-at particular shade l'Xi 'jrHert lu 'a biink orjvt a' desk r.U i!a.v Una." Xt'J tho artificial light luii!,n:e Iwt veatllfttlou that do; it. I Eupsu, Keeriliij In'tbej 'norso 'of the vaf tlliig -cWps keeps'", out:, the .ate In pioJt rrtmi.-nud tbose"deiilera-w.orks'het parental table and confronted a Bief-1!'j mil as regularly, as anybody ,p"3. J'orlwps you aotIeod, toot ,lhat his lianas vero smootb and, clean, lu fArrbott?r condition" than yours ,or piUiy. ci tlis' average business ' manV llie fwfr! ;sliaal grmblcr may not like hli pallor, but ha' takes great pride In hli Uands-PliUaddlphla .Record. "J i-f -..-T..i r-- Covvb!-t!s Unnatural Parents.-' I i! " The c-owbltd is the only bird tbot we bnve ln this" country lyhich is unnatu ral (a its parental- duties, It never builds n nesr-for 4tself, but .lays its PSS in other' birds' nests,; thus forclu the rlgtirf uj owners to assume palvcta) duties... It ; It sagacious .enough , to Choose the nests of birds smaller, than itself,' so that -Its young, when Jt Is hatched, being inevitably,' the" laiest Of the broml, -must necessarily receive the lion's share of the attention oMtsUO-awier is V& aii-LT uurroau foster-pareura.The birds thus afflict- themsebes of this unwelcome addition to ' their litter; j, tThe ,' inosf Uiigenldioi inethpd js that frequently jised by the fittle fellow wabbler, -wh-a ,wH ofteq build a substructure on top pf br or!f$ Inal pest, thus burying the eggs of th cowbtrd 'and often ome of bee own w,Hh it, Jiosts, have frequently' been found with two of these sobstructurea in- cases where the wabbler has twice been visited by. the cowbicfl.".. i' ' . .For RhsumaVc Suflsrsrs. The qu'ck relief from pain-afforded by applying Chamberlain's Tain". Bslm makes it a favorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, '' lum bago, and deep; seated .arid muscular pains." For sole oy; Davis Pharmacy and PS Puffy.--.- ;.',C - In March much snow, to plants and trees much woe-Germah. A Piles get -qulck Treiiel front; Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment : "Remember it S: made; alone for riles and it works with fcertainty'and satisfaction.' Itch ing , painful, protruding, or blind Pilef disappear like magic by ito 'nse.t.Try it ana seei r.s. uiury, small; clou! m: y hide both the son and moon. Dan'ih :,;.".,'' " ., -r ?Vk.i!f,1 "i4 '-'-', 1 1 v v T v l . t WILLIAM K'IDNEYr'PIUI.f C; Have you: neglected your- Kidneys? Have y$i overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with -your Kid neys and Bladder? Have you pains, in the loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass uriner - If so William's Kidney pills will cure yon. Sample Free. By mdl 50 cents. Sold by Druf gists. . - ' J WILLIAMS MFC; CO.,' Props., Cleveland, O. Sold by D, A.- - Harget ' Flee sloth;-for the indolence" of the soul isjthe decay of the body.Cato. , -t, - Nsjlscted Colds Thrsstsn LK. '." .'. (From the Chicago Tribune.) V 1 'Don't trifie with a coU."; is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the ease cf a cl.lld. Proper food, good ventilation, .and dry, warm clothing are the proper safe guards against colds. If they are main tained through the changeable wether of autumn, wintt-r and 8:iii,, t!.i chances of a' snr;me from or" --y er"i will be s", ' r;t ti 0 t ' I' ' t cM will I .- i vf 'e if r ' I, 1 a v lrt i J I. " ,i'0. . f ( t 1 t . f ! ::j 1 ' 1 or , v '1 t r i ( !( ,.:t, t - t t f 1 CLARA. f-CeorQe Needed a'Barre', TJbe old courthouse Ji.til"beitt leplac- ea witu a new onot cfioujii.a. very orea- itjbld.rentiiueut jtrompted thef citizens otjEpottailranla't- make'":tt' of the same .architecture a -the.old -'-By a great,; effort the oW county - records were preserved and survived the .war records, antedating the Devolution by 100 'Jroars or. iuore. - One., dated -176C, .cites that: .-J,", . ? r rMarye "Scott nd- Clatlasn Drury 'hate fliys daye been made to receive fertye,and slxtye Jashes.'.respeotlvely, for stealing the clothes of one George Washington..-, Gentleman, Whilst "said George" Washington, ' Gentleman,,'-was Jn washing lathe nApldan-rlver,' ,t All. who lu youth sot at the, bead o steel engraving of. thtfdlgnlfle4 Fathe (7. is-Counrry may cryojutlnprotoilTY - of XL against sending the decorous Washing ton home ma. parrel, but. Spottsyl- vanla bounty ha the records to prove It-Mbtropolltao. lugastue. w : --: -, -i ., v About the toe family.- Whenever a polar -oSpedltloffMs In progi-ess we bear of Ice floes,' pack Ice, sailing ice and other ,-thlaga of .which the, reader lu a temperate climate has ouly a hazy, Idea,, whlch-'makes him miss the interest of the news. An "Ice Held" 14 u areaof 'frozen giiow or- wa. teXsp l.irge.tliat the llmlU ara inrlst iIeaiij tnkiwwn". - On too other baud, a 'iroe UU liasi tf Ice' perhaps 4Try hfrgoAbvt ifrhose1 4ion,Wtles A: seen by-JKie esplorcr 7When fccli noes, be ceiie "b:t!:i):i trjiJ tp'.ocili-ivejod ruey 101 1.1 -j-ara- te, iyj lerj-or or ii3 r ret if voc-ar'er. Wlwj r shl? rots J pnf-iC joe there it resahis fmt u." eon.Ti.ry ivi:i'ds qe currents Lrsifc-1 the pack, ati.1 tberr WO IUlt'0."Kf!.l3- '. a ,. ' Xe3trl3-. thi' fr.'cai i".i.ncfg master, died rit elgatHU.'o,' r.uf It wis eald he .would hare IheJ UU s hnudrei.Ltit for a suddou huX r-f'tnl' blow in the shane.-cf au Adcrt4e;ii.'Ote day he't'&ed a".. uew suapect probably fof the. first time lu .hlijife. ' cirfely; had be ppenisJ the sheet'.'wlioi'hls cyei ngoieqi upon tuo roiiowing: --wanreo, a' professor 'vof" dancing at -' Calcutta. MusTbdHi Skillful chlropodfet attho fame!tlnie."i Be-! took, to his bed-a. nd neerf)t at .again AHte . . , X-;, :t - vsa ,Bn,..nlp,;' " Mr. ToungwedThlsi dessert br-par-don urs-pfeetly Vvlreadful.i.iMrsi IToungweoVtf m -sorry- fteaft tbut the fact'lse,reclpe!jras given me by. a frh)qLaB4 he?.hadwrtlnf Is shnpjjf ntrpckwFlleo0,;,,. v r ,'- ir -...J-, r . j lIMlll L'.'-'- 5'-- -'" ,.t . A False -Alarm. Dechara'a v tailor - (forcing -tya vTray Into' the bouse)w-8tr. 1 want my money; eehsrdIott reUevs oev r thobgbt It was mine you 'were attes-Pele- !-'" ""S iSi y 'tl'a" Mli? w'i ryVtber .to; po. greater misfortune rthan. not DeiBg Svi v oear . tujsivtTunev-; --: iV-fc - r : HurW V- . : Ljttfe -Xtmpletou-How- long , will It take. you to gl vo o working icaowl edge of Jiu-jitsu!- vV ?'$ t 1 .The Prof essor-rOhi say two weeks;', -f But. heavens, ;mha.I can't wait all tha timo to- ket-ld of that cookr-o A-f -v"r"arnllyQrsetings.tll''.': ! a k ouuuiry wan v: uceuug. f preny peaaaut wenian leading s. donkey said ia passing,' "Good day, mother of, thi oiikeys." V '" - - ' -' ' ' . '.'.'CroodMayf my most 'beloved -son,! was - the Instant. ' reply. fl Dlavolo R0a.; . ' ' ' 'i n 4' ' 's ' ' ; . ' ...- . V ; -V. i. An InaUuatiita fuMil' v ""A Clergyman Madam, you' nrhsf bi, Cm. ioled with the ' thought that' youi ' bund Is st rest ;" - ' Widow-Do ydri mean that be dldul have auy-befoie he died? New Os leuus TluieeDeaiocrat."i't w ' . ... ' Net Partieular. t - "Doctor, bow can I ever repay yet for your kindness to me?" t""' . ' "'. "Doesn't matter, old man... Check Money oi " -r or cash." MUwtukel r"tiu. !.' .' ,wasi:. Special Cui asprnaffnee J .. A new buf'''1-? tor ib Bureau . ngnrtng ana i,nutuiivt cost $,!0. .000, lias beeu provided for in a -Jill I which : was- recently reported by llie house couiuilttee -ou- public ulldln "and cicunds,. ' ' , ' -' - , . The ovorcrowdlas of - machinery aid empl'l wg. lias, reached, to. everf ,-roorti In tliir btilldiua.--XotwlHist4udins.lbt - ever increaslug -dema ud , for - wprk joai ' clals say It Is a ouestlou under nre30a1 ConditloiM If the limit of capacity but not neen isacJieaa ys 'l" The djjslly lsjMatBf,ca' tlie tIrd floor, where the isaUiJiand press room ls located. t' Here tue 4conQitions are 'paid t'--ttowlaggrArAtMtB;ao jafly Other quarter of the. buUding. "ln aonnauotitt-uee-ina presses ay. nece slty are placed, against each either,, and ithe aisles befwieea- thVlme bynetual imeasuremeat are sixteen- inches wide, In these narrow. Spaces1 the. printer1 lnd their women asslstsnta, work,, the jmen.. performing the- hardest kind c manual labor.- - '-Vf-y '. t '-Only Young Woman Employed,.' s'.he women vwbx work In, these, sur- roundlpgs .are mostly young,, between thef age of seventeea-aad twenty-five It is'-thft. policy 1 of tber bureau ivpt X employ .womea as assistants .who are -more' than thirty-five years old." The nature -of the' wortc requires thst ti shall be Uoue qulekJy, and the persoi doing It must possess agility of mlu and body. It Is not' unusual, for then' to:faHraftfalptatthWwork;,' - " A ' hospital, tWlti), a' physician . to cuarge nas jeeo estaoiisnea,, out tor .raM S n-e annnn annn . lala In lianilnnitntn , The pew amusement ball to be erect ed at the Government Hospital For the Insane, so fur s? modern construction and designs -are concerned, -will 1. be Washington's, most -up, to date play The desrjn? "Show a-building which wUl bepractlcalry A theater, although Itwili be known as an amusemen hail. It will have every convenience, feature of eqnlpmeut4 and advantage In 'design -that lV known tn theatrical architecture. ' Tle ball will be devoted, to ii-forruniicesgrveu for the patients" Mt' the hospital and, wllr cost f 70,000 to build. iWjf 4 - , - K.'sWes being absolutely fireproof to iMrnstnictlon. tbo . building will be D(H5f,)teJ- v Mb- -everyi' known contrlv nace i aid Uius iu. cas;a fire should ever start, Ainoqg,tbese are the water 'curtain; 3beatna curtatni' ' automatic sprinklers and automatic sKyllgb Th nan ,vfinse. ;.Joa.Joplft-.ta.per maw auditorium andHOO additional in the, balcony, ajtblch will be used by guests '- Stags rror("Woderh.' ' - In designing, Lthstage every detail pi" modera qulpmeuti has -been- jtlen careful' thought aod study, with (tb euil In 'view tie have as complete1 and "lrof rorulJyI owect a tages poi sible. f There. iv,to, be brick fire .wall between the. stage and. hndltolnm. ana me stage opening is to m nroviaed hwfth-an asbeerus curtain, eurtata and drops-to be hnng tipon a. steel gridiron, rMU.iroo Diocna and wire ropes . ."..., - -i euspended" undorqeath. tbiO gridiron tborWwfll W en-' oritle sprinkler, so'atroogea to ply on the sabestu ' trartaln, all drops and all, parts of the at4ge-! K r V- ' 'jithtaii' ao vssehtlar requirement In modero tbeatWf eowrtsuctlon. as many fires occur, romdcfectlve wtoes in, dro loft and often "gala considerable bead wajf' before being discovered. ' ' TJetf vOixlWsfos- Mr RoeseveH. -. Jxqulelte orchids have been Imported from, toe Philippines' for the White "Hruse,r, TOnewatorles; When Mrs. jpreildes over the post Lenten gayetlbsi-soclety-at the' capita) wtU have tb pleasure of admiring these re sent acqnlsltlons. Since oomlng to tn Whlte.Hue Brs,. Boosevelt has clung persistently --to the imposing flower kaOwh as the "Lady., Finger" orchid. The variety' Was i gift, to police Com nuWlonerBlrfgluun of New York-whlls Irnajor &mQl tai White) House from Joseph iChAmbeyialset .BlroUngham, llngisnd, whs .beguiles, his leisure from poll Meal- cares1 . by.crbllecttag brcBids. The- (lower;- combines Jnait '.gorgeous shades-, of uleep purple ,to; pale. violet -Because of Its rarity an(J costliness It canftot becotse a popuhrllower: Mrs. Boosevelt , never sppearai, mt ' a State urictlon,' whether It wsav Whlto'Honse Wptlon.,'lnapguratlon .bail or a cabi net dinner, without, a large cluster of these orchidp ,tn her fcelt, The Philip--pine orchids wiM. showmor "yellow i'tno purple,' and they -are-'St-long beO shape. -A , i, V;t,. h m,- -j- .'Jr y.'M. C-A.' Boys' Building. i? -, Plans have been prepared for exten sive Improvements tb be , made oa.the boys' . bnIM!ng f.-tbeToung .Men's Christian JiwKsatlon,, on Q . street near Eevente-"'!!. . ,v-s, j ; 'Tbe biii. "n t. "V blch was the quarters of the v- 3 u iciatloa before Its new borne w as erectod on the property ad Jolub , y" be TmoflMrd and reno vatel t!inij,' out, v Wtun the In'rove meats are eompiew tlte boys' quarters will be as modern-and, well equipped la every way ss the ner t"" llpg. , ri -'..' j' Elateamen In Damand.. ........... All sorts Mini condlttiiii!) of people 1 . " "r, " .1 ! 1 a t.' ,'y I a t- ' ' 9 prt-'Mi-iit snd the 1 s cabinet - to make 1 i iu -s i-'iits of the corn- ' )V '.. , . j t.'io annual mwt- 1 f II ''' r f ' ' t'.ii f y i a s.a.. : ui'H 1 h I 1 a C '" -1 t ' .on f r - - ' in" i ' o t . " . .. .,,'1 1 1 1 1 . I I- t t ' ' ' If t n oi,' 1 f f . I 1 uoes nzRt;to tne seat gernu and poisons out of the blood; tones up the r-T!a-!vreuiafeaJ.ho livend kidney ! and builds up. he entire sysmJ .Rfceumacid cures after ail other r . : ilea, have failed, because it "Gets at the Joirtj ; ti, the) Inside and removes the cause of tRhcin.MWir6ciati6av: Lurribago, Indigestion, Con ; stipetlop JLjaOrlppand Liver Troubles. Rheuma-clde.tvc- orft Cures,t9 Stay Cured." Rheumaclde so en. tuatycleansts ,the entire system that it mmmmkM over." RbeuRicId cured Mrs Mary Welborn, of High Point ' s . s-T i waj us svs aonis puiivi af,u years. CUr6d John P. eilne; of Baltimore, after Johns Hopkins Hospital j had failed. Cured James Wilkes, of Dillon, S. C, after he hadbeen In bed three years and his limbs were twisted aga net his back. " . ' f 1. "YoHr D?J Sert nd Recommends It. Sample bot ii tie and booklet FKEg II you send five cents for postage to V BUBBI 1 1 GHE&'iCAL CUT, - j 1 jj . The original BsTV at aajBz . '. .St . '' nedj, For eongbs, colds, throat aaid long trwbles No opiates. Noo-alcohollo. Good for everybody. Bold everywhere., The genulno rOLErS UONEV and TAR U la aYollewpacksgs. RefasesabsUtalse. PrepareHl only ay -. PWay Company, flliUaajr DAVIR; PHARM;ArV. eeee ,o, .General Hardware, e Sa9h; Doom, Blinds, Lime J & Cement. AGENT. FOR AMERICAN PITj X , MmV BOXBb CHATTAWKA I New Bern, N. G 1 .eeeeeeet CA PUD I WE CURES wottiM the nvvMaud nilta tua aoaai and COLDS AND GRIPPE . j; feaa-Saehoe and Ktonlsisralio. No bad the Beat Bsfraaaiai Oris la ta Werli At aU (eeA Ban, UseMHesaaS Star J. ifisaiTEiCifJivii!;: v In connection with my line of build Ing, I am now prepared-; to- put down the best grade of Granolithic Paving at reasonable price. AU Work; guaran teed. -EVE. Harper, Phone 198. and WHISKEY HABITf eared t home wltti ovtpala. Bootof pi ; ticaiare seat FHKE B. M. woorj.nv, r - , k -vUa.GflicalMM.PryarWrcat (v CurfS) BISs fVe vents Paeaiajeiila Norfolk A' Southern "Redpcedc Batei The Norfolk g Southern Railway has authorized reduced rates as follows: r " To New Bern, N, a, ' April J4; 1907, account Convocation at St Peter's A, M. E. Zionthurch, tickets to be good returning following: day April 15th: : f ".owirjr rates will' apply :,'Trom ' !.oro, XI 65: Uests. - l40. La- "a, $1.2.-; Fa1liig;Creek,;t:W; .on, COc; Caswell, $0c; Dover; 6Scl C ve, '45c; Tuscarora, 80c; Riverdale, - ; Croatan, 30c; Haveloclt, 45c; New frt, 7i Wildwood,'iOc; Mansfleld c; Konhoad City,' f 1.00;v Beaufort, It's a. pleasure to tell "our readers a tiC.i'h Cure like Dr. fboop's ; a I'i .' "i " has fought ",;ain(t ii ff. ' i. ' ' ro'.irm, or other 1 c, ..i'.. 'f found in I -r. J , . it f vim, 1 1 0 iv .1 1,- l Drug 1 T r 1 w "3 wotk- 'i Cure I ' ! ' I! iflii,- why. LAXATIVE cctifei ol disease and sweeps all PropflBiflff, BALTIMORE, MD Certainly You can afford it I 38 cents per week pays for a TELEPHONE at your RESIDENCE TAKE YOUR CHOICE from our Beautiful Stock of Spring or Summer fabrics and hivn your euit made up by Easter, and you will hava garments that are swell in cut, fit and tye, made from exclusive -tirrs. You can't find anyone in town Unit ni I (five you the complete falisrl'. i 11 in ither price of workmanship tim' you get when Chadwick makca ur l.jth ;ng. F. M. CMAIDTwTICK TJJOJC!S:iE ICILLthe COUGH nd CURE the 1.UNC8 "m Dr. King's Now Discovery Mrv TONSOMPTION price ' :VLD$ ..-.v Free Trial. Guaranteed for all THBOAT and X.TJ1TO XUOTJBLES, or MOWBT V HAOJa.'.",-:- -. " . - ' Chamberlain's Cotjghnemedy . MM a . " a' "' " ' ' . - I ; ine jauaren a favorite . ; Oougha, Oolds, Croup-and . Whooping Covigai "I tbUramadria tamo fnrJtatmtasevs1 a Ursa part of Ilia elvlllaad trorlil, II aaa aiwn b dapandad owm. II eonteln ao oplnia or olha, liarmful drof and aoar be-S-a aa tmukdanilr to a babr a, to an adail Prloe SB ots; targe else, BO ols. ' ' Made rora pure dis- -.V, ' till"d filtftrprf v.--?- '111: 1 - -.-j . pj. p 1 ',- - r '"It, a . .