1 yZ v i f i i NEW ' BERN,' III Qjj SATURDAY MORNING; MARCH 23. 1907 TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO,' 305 1 1 .GCJ-C1DL L.:.E0; KRis3'FouneaiT. l n "On 'L'y', '-'if;..? IT IS i DESERVIIIG that in dealing .with the - business men-' and;, farmers ty' carry -j theirs "checlring; accounts here this bank considers its own' interests est served when the interests of its -patrons are best protected and promoted. . A t ; Hjghcr praise orbetterrason'fdt r patron-!f age no banfc can hav'e. Do! you not"wanWoA be' identified with such a O We are showing this ''Sonne. EASTER penheimer, Griffon and Schoss Bros. Clothing we ever carried. ' ; : A New Line of Oxfords. Shirts, and Neckwear,: also just in, all at Reasonable Prices. TWO STORES J- J. . ; , i , 'i. i , ; : i i .i ) I Beautify the Home ! 1; NOW IS THE TIME JO PAINT-; , . . 7 We have just received a Hneof beautiful coWa of Sunshine VarniRtv Stains. It will make complete line of Colors. v Middle Street I have now;, moved into my.larg'ey,., New 69 CRAVEN ST. t.'i'-r and am now prepared to. serve my cust om ers promptly, Call and see; OwehGriDurin !''v;'iTOtNTEA:8TAnONa.'t.& 69 Cravbn 8 ' NbW Bebm.N.C JUST RECEIVED ! ' i A Bewllf ul Ut ot . , - ScmnirvPflsr CS !t 1 and Easter Noveltkiu , ,( ., v ' The fol9 wing Card are the latest: ..' f. if ; .' m ; A Note from New Bern, , Jewekd i;ards, -: i. . . ! ' Artistic Hand Colored ' Embossed Celluloid Plusli Cards ' Bamfortb' My Swset Wild Rose; The Vacant Cliairj My Cozy Cornjr Girt-(iood-bye Lit tle Girl, Good-bye; itt) Wore a Wreath of Hoses, v ' ' v A Special Rule on all Souvenir Post Lard all This Wwk eom meneing Monday March lBlh. 'BLOCK'S RIKI) AND NOVKLTY STORK - 90 Middle St., -New Cehn.N. C F:-iiil Atntlon given to Mnit Or-I'T. TT ItJ ' J H It 1 1 U- ' 1A Z ncaui aim Muugau rami OF ELiPSIASIS 1 bank ? $ c the" 'GrandestnLine bfKwp old furniture look new, ,' : , ' (- Also a 'X. ', I ,' mW remoWmy ' Grain ' and i i Feed 8toreN from' No, 42 Mlddl i Street ito corner 'of South Front and ;. IlaDcock Streets; H Habicht ' I BUiwirar. ana win newpen. ior j JJuiineBS Mohdaj. , vCome see me ,1 ., , - .it "in'! i g n ,i i I ' i i i a -fresh SurrLY; Gold; Band Hams 8 to 30 pound average, and , Simon Pure: Lard I f. 'in 3,' 6 iand 10 pound rxi Is. . , t , BEND ALL OllDKRS IHllC' T TO MI. D. om v. 9wt ,Mr, to W. V. ltl k Co. CLOTHING! BAXTER;wstobeS DEMftVAII ' r AT JZESTP.KfulTl'::! Some Very Interesting Tenlclea to Jbe I, Seen In the line of Cemmon; i J'4r f Carriers.',, v - Norfolk.' Va.,,? -March -; : 28.--BxpoBl- tlons are the mediums through which the progress and industrial growth of the' eountry are set -forth' In compro heuslre dlsplay 'showlng. to the worjd the 'latest development tf Jnvehtldn and, lessee. hp Jamestowi, Ter Centenniat .ieipo'aition to- fee "held 04 the snores Hampton Roads,,-neat Norfolk; Va., from April StfitiC to Nov. 30th. 1907, while it is to be ftotobly a historical ' and educational celebra Hon, commemorating the, three, hun dredth anniversary of the first perm anent ' English speaking , colony In Xaflri4'rllt nevertheless have a complete- industrial exhibit, empha sizing particularly - - the!, wonderful achievements made, in transportation facilities in the last few years. ' The1 term "transportation"' has sHven.. shch a'.wlde significance in lav, years that It is extremely , dif ficult to-.deflne.' The exhibit' kt. the exposition, however, will Inltself be comprehensive definition of the term; Including, as it will, every type of transportation facility, from the helahta of aerial i navigation, to the latest form of submarine craft " The Palace of Machinery and Trans portation, one of the largest build ings of the exposition, containing 360,000 square feet of exhibit spaqe. wilt house .the greater part of j the traoiporUUon display. This bulldlhg In "a central part of the grounds, over looking the waters of Hamptoh; Roads is Of - permanent brick and concrete construction, built along the lines of colonial architecture, and la xfonsld ered one of the most attractive and UUly structures of the Ter-Centen nlal. (,., .,. . i Among the principal exhibitors at the" exposition w(H be thi , Bldf In Locomotive. Works, the largest loco motive Imanufacturel-s' ltt the, world turning iitf seven : finlshe,dengjnes a ttay.1 mis nrm nas securea unny thousand square feet; of spate on which they are erecting their :wn bulldlhs!' to house 'fctheir exhlbitsN'of locomtives of variousi' typei in er fice, .jtogethaxw process of construction. The Ameri can LocomotiveWorki, ;an; qWUy prominent firjnV'wlll hayje'ai, -similar exhibt to that of the1 Baldwin display. fehsyiv4raIrOM he represeniedf at the" exposition' ' by an exact ' reproduction' of a portion pf .their famouii tunhel, under the Hud son river, together wlthi an immense reiiei map, of- jner now .orK,iermi nal ahd,ystmxpt;'approhes.Si' '.The Grand' Trunk Railway of Canm ds "realljslng ' the linporUnce of fteidg represented, at an fexposltlo,n Where transpdrtattotjj ls;,to;pl f ,iueh . prominent part haver., fallens In line, and will have an extensive exhibit, illustrating the i .immense' f mineral wealth, stored, aionglta' '4,000 )niles of tracltj-The;Orand. Trunk .wllf hhte aii lndivlduar building, ,100 it ,'to house, lti exnlblt; which : w(li include handsome palntlngs'ot Canadian lit industries . ano. nunqng scenes, :ie: . 'yA fully equipped up-to-daU- passen; ger Itraln' will Represent -the Ba'U. more and bblo tallroad. ; at jtheVox nosltion.The irain Vlll be Installed j la., the transportation.' .building 4nd duty t explain lo visitors all details of mechanism In connection with .the engine' andNcars, These railroads in connection with many of the southern system, will give the exposition one of the most comprehensive displays of transportation7 equipment that the fttuhtry . ha:eVer!.seen.-i(,yy ' The 'prominent, stekmshl lines of the country,' including the" Hamburg American , Line, together with, many 91 me local sieanmuip cumpamei win exhibit, model of their, finest- steam rs; Many' of , these models, owing to their. exactness In deuil' of construc tion, cost " several thousand ' dollars. Manufacturers of motor-boats,,; ma rine engines and 'appliances wll also have .exhibits which will he housed la the Marine , Appliance building. Here' will be" seen, submarine model and exhibits, Installed, by the Impor tant ship-bullding plants of the conn try. , ; 1 .v Street ' and , Interurbnn 'railroad transportation wll be ezlilultcd uttli Ter-Centennlal, and In the-event of the American Street, and, Interurtmn Street Railway Association, holding their annual conventions at the ex position, there will be one of the mo( comprehensive street railway exhibits that the country has ever seen. . A special building in charge of tlu JameHtown Aeronautic CongrHS will house ttie exhlliHs of serial nnv'. v t!un end iiianiif.ictiirers perl ' '. U;tei.. The bull ing which in r: 1 f t long by 65 fvot wide, coii'-.Ii.k ...:iie 8,0(( Bijiinre feft of e.r' " !t i nee, mid will I e one of (he 1. -1 1 i ( 1 v I Mild InffTfu'iii f-Htiirrn of t ti. ! 11 1! , .;y. IV' ' V A Disastrous CeaflsKation InUictlng About 140,000 Loss, Oecnrred The New. Bern Cotton Oil and Fer tiliser Mill was destroyed by fire last night . The alarm sounded', at 11:08 and; so fierce ' was the . fire. that the Immense - structure- devoted' : -to y-. the manufacture iof, cotton oil and meal Was one rma'ss of, Beething flames.: . The fury "of Ihe fire was. increased by the nature ind immense quantities or the manufactured product,' The oil add he- meal . though not, as particu larly inflammables gubstanca, i when once on fire made a terrific "blaie. Tbe structures built of 'wooden'frame and coVered with Iron, burned. like .tinder The destruction of the expensive ma chinery constitutes the hulk of the loss ,wh!oh' altogether, will probably reach I4QJI00, a. portion 1 of which tt covered- Ay insurance. Many bales r . . "The Bremen aid spienma wors ano their efforts were ' successful in sav Ing pne (.4he- .large' warehouses In which was 'stored thousands of tons of cotton seed meal. There, were more than ten streams of water playr lng, on tne Ore. Tne origin , is saia w have been' in the engine room. The Cotton Oit Mill was ene of New Bern's best industrial establishments, employing' more than 60 "men, and when they ran at full capacity It gave work to more than a hundred men. The loss Is really deplorable, , not only tq the owners but to the city and It is to be hoped that they wlH soon be able to resume, work. . 4 .' The Ben- EleiardseUfOeaeer. The,, copy of the item botn the Don Richardson ' concert Thursday , nlht was accidentally misplaced and con sequently, did not appeaw In yeeter days paper. The congeal was oneof those rare ;inusrcark eyeta- whleh js at rea 'misfortune' t mis. ( Tie, au-; dience although small was. highly ap preciative ana me perrormance . whs rapturously' applauded. Mr. Richard; son Is an artist, of a very , high or der, . His viplln playing Is wonder ful and he renders the pieces in ,the spirit jnwhlch the composers origi nated them. ., .;' .: . .7 1 Especially delightful were ' the piece's "Trahun.er er and "Nearer My Qod .to -Thee." Both were glten!,by request? nd ttey 'werv executed- by a master hand. Mr. - Richardson gives perfect ex pression to his- violin. The 'cello Is comparatively a new.lnatrument here at least In -i(s jise- afqtte. rThes per former Herr j Peter :gay ? aome ei Cellent pieces which were -greatly h-, Joyed. r-r ; Th pianist -Was a raost' cpmplished musician. " His solo piecrt weV magnificent '. 1 ' ' . ' ,' Throughout' the ehtertalhrnent there was a' Sense prevailing that the performers 'were' musical ' artists 'of unusual . abIlltyK, 'while perhaps ', their program was not so Interesting as It might have been' with so tilled "pop ular" tnuslc iiiterperBed. if was' greatly,- enjoyed. -v--.'4 W&fi&i clde wll) cure you, and make you .feel teryea, youger;Ctetfft"at 'ff rfarrjette tane;,the' Infant;.daugh' ttr of ,W.' B. and Emma Swindell -died yesterday .t ihe age of 18 days. The fuheV,lirfhe hoM at th; fiarents Jjoflie" No.;4',; .Broad ttreeiij aU,0 o'clock' this mwntefr&eyt&fyir. man wiH.pfaciat-V--'F t'f 'qilek' Koittito. 5rfai;'f i It Is quite probable that folk Southern; road .'Will establish a .through . train front' Ooldsboro to Norfolk yla New. Brn at .iwoa aa. the Raleigh! ft Pamlico Sound 'railway" Is completed In' order to accommodate the exposition traffic. V It Is ' under Stood the train will leave CoTdsboro about. 10 o'clock at night and,1 will reach Nw Bern at midnight, arriving at Norfolk between 4 and 6 o'clock In the morning, allowing a full day in Norfolk, a plan which' will afford the business man who makes commercial trips a big advantage.- The return ing train will leave Norfolk at a late heur and reach New Bern and Golds boro In 'time to make ' connections with the early departing trains. ,. Let mm support iCessr.. C. T.' 3fe (.'ct'lice and Hamoel i, KudHon for our next Al.lermen from Cie Third Ward. Tlicy ;ud for the. bent lntereM f ti e rlfr, and are urrrsful liunlnchN men. ,'.'" ' - gcniilng one, fir more war l ulloons to the expoHltlon, and a iiiiiv-in!;t , is now on foot to have f:uilm I'i- n' iiir:ihl) "The l:inl of 1'if " on K- hil.lt in the At The trm. .IllllH -low II 1 11 ti rely, v : ! ) i-r.- I ,. - ),' '-:i:. 'i i-l.:Mt at the 11, 1,'tken In Its of I' 1 t com- '1 t "! . K'li'(-U'.'-e-r 1 ' "ii fi'" The Plerce'lmHement Cempaiy Will , Present the Original Creation" - ; s'V - 'Bern,-Week of ' ' 2t' -C , i April S. V ' I j , Lovers of the beautiful In scenic effects and electrical display will .be richly, rewarded during-' the week of April 8th,? when the Pierce Amuse ment' Company will present the ori ginal "Creation? show In New Bern Un4er one; Ja'rg? ycanvasa ' theatre, Whi0h will be located at the foot of Middle street."' Pierce was here last spring wlt,h a very nice-Carnival attraction, and has slne dlsoontintaed that line of amuse ment 'He has spent the whole of the pab 'winter building this - wonderful "Creation' Show,, which, depicts ; the beginning, of the world in six beauti ful ,tab1eaox.s ; i This attraction has a fine band and orchestra which will greatly add to thte artlstle success of the production All. who have seen this attraction at the St Louts World s fair or at Conef Island can verify these state ments as to the merits of the show and as this is the first opportunity to see It outside of the above named places, -you had better not miss it DISTILLERS SENTENCED v " i ' Tim; Allowed by Judge Boyd for Them .'r b' Raise the Price of Their : : - -r '. - Fines. . Special to Journal. -' Greensboro, March 22. In Federal court this morning sentences were passed again Bt the following Wilkes county mail who pleaded guilty to the charge of Illicit distilling was de ferred until the regular term of court Beginning April 1.x Collector K. James Smith. Judge Boyd said he would give defendants until then to get. thtf'cash ready, it being -un derstood that fines ranging rrom liuo to ISOO'wll) e imposed. He said it Was" surprising how moderate the moonsbming.had been in Wilkes county slnee 1904, and 1905, consider lng 1 tuat revenue oiacers caa prac tically given up the territory. Death ef Capt Rogerson. CaDt Hi' Rogerson, died Friday, MaVchf 22nd aTilr30 a.r m., at New port, and his funeral -takes place there this afternoon. Capt Rogerson will be remember ed With kindly thoughts by many New Bernlans. v He and his family lived in this clty some, years .ago, and was here that a series of fatalities tobk'from the kind hearted Captain, bis wife and sons, causing his latter days' to be, very sad ones. His re lease fromearthiy Jetters will be a relief to this one, whose days were sorrowful and lonely ones. , Hew Terk Cotton Market - . - , ' March 22. May.. 9.T1 July.. .. ... .. -. 9.70 Odtober! I ., .', .. i.H . ; Order fer City Primary flection. f Ihij . city eiecdtl ve conimlttee filet last; hlght at tfhe dty hall.' , On mo tion,- wTvvF. v McCarthy, , "was ; made chairman, and Jan.- B Hill, secretary MessrU,Wv B.? Flannjer' and .A.J Qaskins, -were appointed , credential eommltteei' Temporary,' organization was made permanent i It was moved adopted ' for the; elty primary. ; It was moved and. seconded that no caadldate Jor' mayor.) city' collector and chief ot police be allowed to run In the primary' unless' the 10 fee Is paid' to the chairman,, 1.0 days, prior to the legal primary according to law, irid all candidates ' for alderman" be . , a . . a . A. ' , . . t - requireg, u pay .vu u ;cuyr iio cost 6f printing hetlckets.;y, ; It, was moved and seconded that the primary he held "Monday,' April -16th, andi the ' -following f named-? persons were, aopolnted ' managers for , sa(d prlmaryV ! ' 1 ' fp, '- &i--'pi;'.j?- First ;Ward-Poll'n(t r plaoe, u oKy halj, Managers,-; R. .R, Hlll, furnle GaBkill and, J. ,T. 'Lewis.- Second Ward Polling place, court house. Managers. Mark. Dlsosway,' D. W. Bailey and R. B. Blalock. : .. Third V.,3ri'rl)!llng place, Bcotfs stables. &: ; , , 3. B. Holland, W J.McSorley nnd 4. D. McCoy. ' " Fourth Ward I'olllng place, Har gett's Blio. i' miii-crg, J. 15. Oawklll, Brlc'e Anders 1 ni-d JeH Harrison. .'Fifth Ward lng place, -McCarthy's. Kauasers, C. T. ' Hancock, A. A. I'mil aml.E. A. Hmllh. r;i;h Ward Polling - place, . Reel hom o, r ,s ; i i s, 3. K. Paul, J.' H. S'auly, Walter Fulford.- ' . TI103., T. MCCARTHY. Chairman. jAs.'b. HILL, Bccotary. v v.. To wh T: - Diiciinn & l y tlm un- i..ii 1 c The Gate tlty Municipal Affairs Wfll be" Given Whirl. CaBd"ldaW- ' Anxious loSere"Thelr , ( Special Correspondence. .1 , ; Ureensboro, Marcb Ti. Speaking yesterday of the curious .fact, that there were no candidates offering for positions as city ablernfen for Greens boro, and but two had 'announced themselves as candidates for mayor, the present Incumbent, T. J. Murphy and city Alderman L. . Brandt, the opinion was hazard that "things-may get more interesting from now on." And .so things have already. A whole aidermanic ticket was placed Before the voters this morning, evidently as a "flyer" old Mr. "Pro Bono Publico" puts its straight by naming these ex cellent citizens as candidates. First ward, E. A, Brown; second ward, J. M. Hendrix; third ward. W. C. Bain; fourth ward. Neil Ellington, fifth ward, Thos: A. Glascock: sixth ward, C. C. McLean. From this hour forward this politi cal ball will continue to roll, until at least one hundred names will have Increased Its size it not its momen tum. And the mayofalty fight be gins to get Interesting. Mr. E. J. Staffird, a former alderman, who Was a candidate for mayor two years ago. but Withdrew the day before the prl mary comes out today in a card an nounclng his candidacy. This makes three. There are unmistakable signs this morning-of growing concern and a warming up to the impending local political battle. Groups of men can be found cohoodltng at street corners, in durg stores, at the cashiers win dows of banks, (on the outsidej and it all means "we are Just talking about who d best serve tne city as alderman or mayor." In consequence of all this talking and kernoodling" people who seemed satisfied yesterday with only two can dldatea for mayor, have had their ap petites so Whetted by having a third one today, they are coqlly, vaguely, but persistently calling for a fourth candidates for that responsible posi tion. This is none other than Ex- Judge Thomas J. Shaw. ' Judge Shaw it is understood, when approached by friends has declared be would not under any circumstances volunteer an announcement that he was a can dldate, or in any sense enter, the race for the position. Still, It Is general ly being talked that he is the Ideal man for a city as big as Greensboro to oversee Its governmental affairs and administer Justice from the po- Ulce vonrt bench. He was formerly an alderman, one of the best the city ever had, and knows the ins and outs of the city, its needs its limitations and Its prospects. So Intent are those who' are looking to Judge Shaw for haappy issue out of present compli cations, it ,li highly probable that mass meeting will be called to en dorse him for mayor, and bring be fore the city voters at the primary In thsl way,., A petition Is already, pre pared aajtls numerously atggwdv ask Ing Judge Shaw to allow fcle -name'to oe usea. . f v IJiNOtrSCEMENT. To. the Voters of the City of New :l Bern1: -: v I take, this opportunity to announce myself a candidate for the office of City 7 Tax Collector for. the ensuing term, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held In April, 1907. Thank ing, you for your generous support In the past,' t will much appreciate your ontlnued support j A - ' - . " Yours Most Obedient, v - - . J. J, TQLSON. To the , Democratic Voters of New .iBemiyvW:''',. t;..v yy At the personal request J.of many cltixens and la response to ' the call made, upon me by the' masa-meetlBg of , citirens held -at the. court,. house Tuesday, night, March 49th, t hereby annuonce" nr iAndldacyl-for'.,'the mayoralty nomination' at the coming Ij Democratic-primary.', 1 pledge my self, If elected, Jo faithfully discharge the duties of the office, td enforce the laws and strive earnestly, for the "up building of oar-'lty;.V; iMTi Ji--ts :: ' :;.,.-.y;s.-iM.'.BRrNS0N;; ';'. ;-;';. AkNOimCEMEXT; To ,th voters of the Cltyf .oftfew' V. Bern :' ," y.--h'. :V ; -:y , I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office Of 1 Chjet of i Po lice, subject to the Democratic prK mary; pledlng myself, if -elected, to do my whole duty for the Interest and' welfare of our 'city, ' I hereby tender . my grateful, thanks - to the public, for past support and solicit their continued suffrages. I nm your - - Obedient Servant,' .'. V : J. M. HAItGET, ' Axxorx'tni'M. Tq t ho Democratic Voters of New ' Items -, . At the reqiie-it of many clvl.e'in In tcretiteit In lhe eriforeciuent of law, I have deelilml to p"fn:., h cnnil'dntn f r - f c.f !',,!., h 1 1 1 J . i To Ion ar- I New Oxfords I FOR ; Men, Ladies and Children I Canvas Oxfords I V in Blue, Pink and White llACKBURN'S j IBANIpG otoc I0CSKZ30I 0 Clioice Xjot 0 0 0 o Shafer's ALSO' FANCY ELGIN BUTT Kit JUST RKCKIVED J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Broad, and Hancock Sts ; jo EASTER Style Reigns Those who arc interested in Fashion will be charmed by the vast Assortment of Spring Stylos displayed in every section "of our Store. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER ANYWHERE, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE BETTER TO RE HAD I You can do worse everywhere there i3 quality in every De partment, and the quality so pronounced that it needs jno argu ment. Good judges must recognize it at a glance, it cannot es cape you. See our Spring Line for unusual moneys worth, it is very al Phone J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 POLLCK ST. 1 .5(Wnbs "Galvanized x i - luu uoxes test i in. rf . ' 1 .' 30,000 Tobacco Flue Iron, (Gasolene Tanks of every description for sale CHEAP 'WMWM&Mt. ? A ! R : K '' E R. ' CORr SOUTU.FROXf & CUAVKN I i:eh eer;i builoing i .':''' 'X. I-' A-V.'": ;. -5Palnli, 0ilJ.(--Llm.,' Cement. Brick an)i' - General Buildori ' ',' Supplies. ') ' : V. ?n'm 51, By openinp ,-in account with us you will avoid, in a piroit measure, the care and anxiety of looking after the le tailsof your financial matt-r.i. ('pen an account Draw checks 011 un nn l we will do the rest. Do i! new. 1 hero's nothing like a BANK ACCOi'XT for iiivintf a man prestige unil stnnuinn in the community an l business world. T. A CUEKN. Pres. 1'. It. MKAHOWS, V. 1'. T. A. IJ.Z'LL. Ciishi.T. Small Hams, Breakfast Strips cents New Hern, CREATION Supreme Here ! 288 s OPP EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7 Iron. STS. , . , , vNKW;BEN, N. C. KC SORLEfS 0 ''':". -''-f.'-V'S-'-y jiv.-.v'i' Is the place to jet -the Finest Oysters, served , to any' , style, V Fresh Supply, of Candia find, Fruits." All the Ixsadlng; Fmmti tain Drinks', Hot Chocolate.'' . Thona 187 when thirsty. ', STER PARLOR 1 ft PI conn n