( f -1 1 v";rf I rYVOW NEW BERN, N- C; SUNDAY MORNING'- MARCH1 24,! 1907. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR ft' 1 I 1, j ' it ' ! s ' w , ""3 T ' AkVfllTAIin,,...l tTf I YOUR BANKING i IIOLiE 7 - zV-.VvV' r V We want .you to make this be our aim to make your relations expression "diskiiik iiome win We want to make this bank ' and every business interest in thia era in thia vicinity, Either in our Commercial or can serve every one. JA8 B. BLADES, Pretldeat. r , TT4AT UKE f BVT LOOK Easter , . . f A 1 IF YOU NEED ANYTHING KOfc EA-5 TEUTON 'X TOKGET THAT OUR. STOtLtWfr THE IMCE TO BUY IT, AS WE CARRY mft TKST-CIASS (300D-5, BUT ELL J H E M AT .5ECOND-CLSS PRICED. CALL AND BE CONVINCED BEFORE BUY ING. , ; ' :. 'ty ' -"" '.z.rj$$v m stores J. J. BAXTER, iwo stohes mm ji --j . ' iieainana iviuugan rain neain ana uuiigaa raint, We guarantee it to be of tteceiveaAii snaoet. Pure Leads Middle Street 'pboM; ( I haveQw; moved r "i " into rh-'large l,-;." New Building 69 CRAVEN ST. ; and ani now prepared to 'A serve my cust omer s prompfly; : Call and see- Owen GDunrt '' f! fRINTKB BtATIONER,, 69 Craven St iIeW 8erm, N. C JUST. EECHIVED I , A Beauyful Line of ; ", Souvenir Post ; Csrds ' r'iiand Easter Noveltkfc'f.v: The following Cards are the latest : . u '- ,.-'.; ,..vj ;-. A Note from New Bern Jeweled Cards,- . '.' :': ,. ' Artistic Hand Colored, . ' ' Embossed Cellul61d Plush Cards Bamforth'. My Sweet Wild Rose; The Vacant Chair; My Cozy Corner Girl. Good bye Lit tie Girl, Good-bye; 3h Wore a Wreath of Roses, A Special Sale on all Souvenir Pontlardi all This Week com mencing Monday March 18ih. .rHK)cn bird And ' . NOVKLTY STOItK 06 Middlb St., Nrw Bern, N. C Rpwlitl AtUnllon slvmt tn Mull Oid'rii. si; :, your Banking' Home and it will here to pleasant that ; the at periecwy. ; iv a real jhelp to ' every person communlt and to the' farm t - i our Savinna Department we ! ' 1 ""t - ' - ' ' ' ; 7 . ... Wm. t, BUDEI, V. Pritldeat. '7 REJOL,VfD IFDUVANTTOLOOX. CLOWN JET A ClttWN S outfit And 6DonE with iT- r YOU VAN r TO KEALLY WELL DRESSED COMETo A PLACF WHERE THEY VE COT The G09PSjJSTZ, Q-OOGtSi! i. wean umgeit-vovars Moat high quality. : New Stock ; uat o ('-.. , , :v. Ana Oils V.v ;feKw Bern, N,JC.:f II rwiiii v u I ; i X 1 wiU Temove hj Grain and . Feed Store from: No.. 42 Middle '. Street to corner of South Front and Hancock .Streets Habicht: . ' Building,'; and will be open for 't buaineaa Monday; Come see ma . . Rt L Tiv..ITCit 6 t'AM'A'HKStt SUPPLY, .!,! '"''. -"' ':''f ,.':' Gold Band Hair. f , ', 8 to W pound average, ar r v' ; Simon Pure Lnrd V 8, 6 and id pound Pails.' c. V. ricQ: : : . PKND Al.tOttM M i . D. wUrpeqawn hi W r ti:.v: f.se to;f:oe : : V.ITH D KOjE Hli Can Qrewi Desperate and He I K Freaay. ! Fear 5 s Special to Journal. 'V ' '"v ' New York. March C3. The mad men's cell for murderer Harry Thaw grows more probable all the. .time. The prospect of examination by lun acy commission makes him very des? Dondent -and fearful. His ' lawyers bare filed affidavits contradicting the evidence of the seven alienists whose testimony has. been' to prove that Thaw Is Insane. V , v ' Taft Geae te Panama. , Special to Journal. . Washington,,' March ; ZS.-Secretary of War Taft left this morning to tlslt be Panani cjana'l. ' He will go by the way" of; Porto - Rico and visit Oiere.-; ' '- , Jamaica Has' Aaether Earthqaale. Special to Journal. 'Kingston, March 23.-VThe people are 5 'meatly - excited . over another earthquake shock. There were fatalities: ' i no , Great Saf erlng In Ckina. Special to Journal. . ' Shanghia, China, March 23. Re ports from many provinces where the famine prevails state that disease and death on account of the famine is In creasing and the horrors, will doubt less-exceed' the, dreadful famine .of India ln;i8M. , 'r Varsity Beats Wake Farestt Special to Journal. . , r - s Wake Forest, March 23.-r-Errors by the college "baseball team were re sponsible fof their defeat In af game with fthe University team. In manyin stances, however,; the . playing was sharp and exciting. - Score Univer sltv of North . ' Carolina B : Wake Forest, S. ' : ' x;, With a few cans of Argo Rel Sal mon In the pantryj and an Aro Red Salmon Cook Book, .the house-wife Is always prepared1 for unexpected com pany. It Can be Berved in many" dif ferent ways,.,, . . . Cetored Heirr A Physical Wreck. - Special to' Journal. '; ." : AtlaaUtf CTty,eK. j.i March, 23.--James Parker, the colored slant, who stood just . behind iCsolyost , ' at the, time be shot president McKlnley and struck down the assasaln la here In deplorable mental condition and a total physical wreck. , j ; " .",' .'' v,; i '.' , , . -; ' ' Jew Peneeatlen Herreri Begin.'' 'Special to Joujrnal. "' '" '.; i Vienna AirttrUi,; MarcVZa. The Waldavlaa' Uprising which took pldc Wednesday j hai .- been ; - apparently ekiecked. At the present tune Ahere are i persona who have' been klHed, 8,M0 have fled ,for refuge Into Aus tria end 10.000 ' Jews? are homeless. (BoldleraWlUHlmany today)- ' :fijj r-- ft-ii rn u ,'i ii ii . I ii i- ' r '! t; Services Chrlt Churcr Bar, u O. ItWUllams,1 Bectorfl cTc'V i-'p- Holy Communion- 'g , a ' ny ' XJtany, Holy Commnnlon .sermon' j QV ft n. Sunday "school : 8:30: V- Eveniaf prayer and sermon -liZd V-.'X'f'if V.Dally services ,19 I mi. 6 p'inLi ind pi;(; in;'f f)o)dTlday,tThree hbur,"aervli!e 1? to 3 .o'clock.' Morn ing, prayer ill -h',' m.rBiahop Strange will preach Thursday night and, next aundejas-nvTij - The RUe of conOrmatlon will be ad ministered on , Easter day at : :the morning? sirvLce. : Ojvj''VV v First c Churchi. of, ' Christ,' Scientist. Cprner of Broad and Hancock Streets. SwTloe lQ;ti a. Bi.. and 7:30 p. m, bible 1 1 on Sprroon. Subject :7'Real lty' i 'Mion,;lI:i5. PastorJ Th Ilble' and Science and - Health - with kejr to the Fcrlptiire.: 8unday, school t'12 m.,' All are Invited to attend. " Iegur services Lord's day at the Church ot ClirlHt . Little builders 10 a. m. tjfreacinng'il am, ; Subjects Ne Teacher J.lka Chlrst, Bible school 3 p., m.'. Preaching 7:30 p. , ml Sulh Jcf Following Christ.; Every1 mem li. t- of the church Is urged to attend the morning ' services, as' It ; Is de sired t eppolnt meBsengers to r the 1'aiiUlco Union. A cordial Invitation Is 'njw extended 'to the public, to at ( 1 all lliHe' services.. . ' V -'' " i . V .','',; ; The survlces toila , at the Pre- hyii-rlan church will be conducted by the ifiHtor, I!nv. J. a. Cnrlb but will 1 introductory to (he 8rlfS "f)f j ;'' :,il pitvIccs. Bnndny nli;lit BBong vl. t will begin the xcrclm at V 1") o'chr k. A npccnl choir WiU 1)8 'II? ?r. Onrth, funl tlio new hymn i " Inoi-.i i ;yi,.nn" will be iim". y ot 1mki1;s will Iir on hand fr :'i-iM ylnidy In I :i V If I Slid In : 1 I (i 1 t 'if i,ri 1, ' . Sit' v ! I f AO I : . i . ; ! 7 ;.-,). : 13 ZEUlATEp C3? Evidence That He is Interceptia'g - " 'pertant Official Sessages t . ' . .'-v". the Ualted States." ' Special to Journal, t , A'1 New' Orleans, March 23.-Wofd has keached here from Manama that the Nlcarauguan presiaent, xeiaya tam pered with' oablesgrama sent by the United States Minister i Merry to his government 7 The latter, it Is said, went to President Zelaya'g palace, de nounced him nltterly , and then, went on board his boat raised the legation flags and departed after defying the Nlcarauguane threat to capture the vessel. . i ' " ' ', ' ' ' 1 '' . "Stop your - groaning." Rheuma cide will cure you, nnd .make you feel ten years younger. Get It at your druggist . An Appeal for Colonial Belies for the Loan Exhibit at Jamestown. 4 One of the most Historic1 and- In teresting , features of the greatest ex position of modern times will be a united exhibit' ot Colonial relics of the; thirteen original ' colonies. 'I This is the special work of the National Society of Colonial Dames, each state having a separate space assigned It. These relics will be placed In a build ing absolbtelflrepropt, therefore perfect safety 'can" pe assured." j.- ; The North Carolina society appeals to our people for the, loan of any ar tlcles lUustratlve of the life and cus toms of these-early English colonies prior to the Revolution.- They - win be 'carried to, Jamestown by a rer sponslbleperson and aafely placed in locked cases.,. Receipts will be given for all articles-loaned, and the ex pense,' of packing, transportation and Insurance will be borhe by tne so ciety. . .''.j '.' .:" '."' - ': ,'- , ' Articles desired' for exhibition ate miniature, portrniu, rure books ant, manuscripts, silver and gold , ware such a watches and snhff boxes, and fans, etc., etc. . .':-"' The limited time allowed for the collection -of these relief necessitates immediate action and anyone willing to loan their heir-looms may com municate with the President of the North Carolina Society,. MM, James Sprunt. , ' - This work should appeal to the state, pride of our people, for it be hooves us to-remember that while Virginia la celebrating tha. birth pf a new nation upon her shores. North Carolina la really the mother of. all colonies; for White's. coloiy"on Roa noke Island opened the doors of colo nliatlon 20 years prior to Jamestown.' New Benj Cotton 00 ani Fertiliser P; : : Co, JIIII Be'bnlid.: .. lu- " . Several etreama of watenfwere pour ing Into "the ruins of the New -Bern Cotton - Oil mill yesterdar ' morning which ' wef e ' still smoking ' and bore evidence of a good deal'of Are and it may be two' or three days before the debris ' is' cool , enough to clea away. As soon as possible work will begin to Tomove; the debris and rebuilding will; commence at trace.- "i;?.'.;,Ht It ia cohsldereda wondeYful piece of work that the lonjf .wooden . ware' house which; was located in "the fire section waa saved. Tbe effort ofthe firemen-were weir directed to .aave the buildings which were In danger father than to put out a fire that was past! control,r,',Tbt,Vator woka Outfit of tha oil ;mllli ,the Broaddus ft Iyea Lumber Co,,'; and .the ,' Pine Lumber Co., were valuable assistants tothe lo cal firemen in holding theflamea. lp Jcheck. ,'i The lpss a estimated', to be between f4Q,Q0v and 50,00O. About 12 companies are represented ttt':tiia;lii- ' The "origin f the 'flre .' to jtlll?'ln doubt. It. is, thought, by. some tha it may have 'started frbm a hot box in the machinery. .There were about 300 tons' of - oil meal and oil cake ''de stroyed and a vast quantity of oil. ' v - v 1 : . Vf J . , "f Shall Wa Have avLeagiel ' .A letter, has ' been ' received '.here from a party in 'Washington, N, b.) who la Interested In organizing 'as Eastern Carolina baseball league. There isW' good , deal of entJiuBlasra over the prospect of such a movement and . the sporting life of New Bern ought to rise to the occasion and con tribute .their hare and enjoy the all engaging eport, ' It Is the purpoiie of thoe Interested to have a conference of yepresentatlves from the several towns of Chlar section at. some central place who will talk the matter over end If advisable will take steps to perfect the organisation. V , Let us do What we can to keep up a lively Interest In bashall atul have some cracking good gnmos here tbls iumnier. .V T , JijiOrJfCi.tiisT. To the - ppinoonuic' Voters of Third Ward of the City of Hern : . '' ' New Mc ,Krs. . H. . v;. j : rs. . il.y t and O. J. I t . 1 1 f 1 ;:::ld cieeest every qme Propoi(loBt Sew Bern People, to X Centtlhute Curies and 'Antlqoes " -' te Jamestown Exposition. r '' How Is NewBern trfbe represent ed, at the Jamest4nr exposition f I An appeal: has been, lhade-, toall cities and tows in the State for collections' of 'colonial' relics and as our city IS tne oldest the first capital, the home of the first, governor, many beautiful and valuable! antiques, are known to be -hoarded by families fco are lineal descendants -of anceslera. of that period., ' , .v Mrs, Patterson of Winston, the state Chairman, has-appointed Mrs. George Green, chairman for this city, and she haa endeavored to organize a commit-. tee- with poor success. . She 4s very enthusiastic, and ia working almost alone in an effort to secure, a credit able, collection'', from Craven county and Should have the support and co operation of all patriotic' citizens. ' . Those of us who Intend visiting the exposition .should be spared the mort ification' of seeing all of our cities represented except our own. -ifiraston' and Beaufort are both awake . to this, and are canvassing, and wTHope that Inactivity and indifference- will hot balk Mrs. Qreen and her committee In their laudable efforts to have New -Bern at the front at Jamestown. The ' state committee guarantee free transportation and packing, and the exhibit will be stored In fire-proof buildings, and safe keeping assured. Those tnost desired are articles ot the revolutionary and colonial period down through the war of 1812. Books, newspaper;"' documents. , pictures, miniatures, fir& 'arms,, silver, pewter, brass, and furniture with" histories which should accompany each piece. If persons who are willing to con tribute anything , of this - dlscrlptlon, will communicate with Mrs.'' Green, she will call and arange for Its trans portation. The fisheries in Alaska have paid the government more In revenues than -Alaslftk cost the United States. ThlB is where the Argo Red Salmon la caught and canned, Letter to 8. W. Hancock, New. Bern. Dear Slrr They'a glad they found out Devoe. . ' Corpus Christ!,. Texas, is right on the Gulf fend, one of the hardest cli mates: for paint; hot sun, salt air, and strong, winds. : 1 The, Sldbnry Building, painted De voe in 1899, Is a shining example of perfect paint ' snow-white after 7 years, as If painted last week. We. should like every property owner, from. Maine to Mexico to see tbit, white" white white. "Experience teaches who "wants to learn as welf as who waits to be kicked. :' yours truly 84 F. W. DEVOE 4 CO. P. 8. E. W. Smallwood sells our paint. ,.'... y.i":iS, Exhibits for Jamestown. ;i Raleigh, " March 23. Today a car load Of exhibits was shipped from tbe State museum to' the' Jamestown ex position' and. Iwo more carloads will follow in about a week: It is expected that by the last day of thia month the entire exhibit will be at the grounds. The "birds and the fish remain to be packed, woodsy building stone, min erals, agricultural products, etc, hav ing Hone:; There will be a very beau tiful display ' of gems : of the state. As a matter of fact the exhibit is a wonderful illustration of North Caro lina, and. it Wlll b;.' displayed ' wltn rery;gra toste.'':?-- fi Th dredge Albemarle will soon be ready for dredging and heavy . lifting. Also pile 4rlvlng. - For Information apply to Capt Hewitt or'; Capt Q. Dixon, lUocklbX'jV .; r, ' ,.., j t 11 i.; J. E.. Latham's Weekly Cotton Xettei1. Special to Jonrnal,''.'.:' Greensboro, March 22.-Ulu6tatlons are lower In all future markets, and for the grades of cotton, under, mid dling. But there is no demand for middling and above ; to keep . these grades up td near the best prices of the season. , This decline Is not to have been unexpected1, 'the thing to wonder at Is that decline has len 1,0 small, when-the money situation and the panicky condition of the to;k market, the large glnners figures md the continued free movement of the crop Is taken Into consideration.,' New crop preparations 'continue to K along In a very satisfactoryr man r r and' at the moment, everything loisiis to im Incrrased acreage. The iinrt from the dry goods district .! r c '!;'!nne full tit encourage- ht, nnd while the Kidnners can Dhaldy rt thronch mil. 11 a, new crop In a very comitn-tuoie manner dl' -I- !;!: crop wHl hi needed. it ion BI'e'OBCE rUILVi'AYS . : ;. i . O WALL STREET Thomas )v. Byan Utters 8ome Sage V Advice Along That Llnte. Special to Journal.-v, .- s - Washington, March . 23. Thomas F. Ryan the n6fed railway , and Insur ance magftate, said today ' "If the railways' were' taken' 'off from' Wall street, aha 1 the - stock tickers were taken out ot railway dfflces, the peo ple and hot Wall street would own the railways. - This, in my -opinion, la the only way of 'solving the railway-problem.. Hon. S. M. Brluson, the People's Candidate for Mayor, . The withdrawal of Mr. Patterson from the race for mayor Is a very happy ending of the co-itest aiiH i creditable to Mayor1 Patterson and assures the election ot Mr. Brinaon, For a number of years Mr. Prinfcon has been besought to become a candi date, but has alwaya r fused to allow his name used. lo cltb.en of the towu has ever had ' a higher compliment paid. him than was paid.' Mr. Brlnson when the large and representative mass-meeting held' at the court bou:o last Tuesday night unanimously re quested him to bjcome a candidate for mayor. He responded as-every true citizen wou'.l under similar cir cumstances and is today the people's candidate, and is pledged to au hon est and economical city government. No one can criticise bis private life, and no one can question the houosty of his Intentions. He. ' has never sought any office, but In every elec tion be has tendered bis services to the party and has probably canvass ed more for his party ( not for office for himself) than any man of his age In the county.. VOTER. Sew York Cotton. March 23. Open. May 9.46.. July .... 9.49 October 9.80 Close. . . 9.48 . 9.51 .. 9.81 NO MORE STENCILS To be Used la Signatures For Legist tothe Bills. Speolaj Correspondence. Raleigh, March 23. It is found that the President of the senate, and the Speaker ot the house, began the use of stencils in signing acts after February 4th. In most .cases, it seems, upon the statements of those, who have looked over the bills, that one signature would be In stencil, and the other In Ink. It la said that tbe attention of officials was called to this new way of signing bills , and that It was hinted It was not proper. No case has ever been before the PJorth Carolina courts involving this point but there have been cases In other states. The North Carolina legislatures from time to time have enacted special lawa, giving certain officials who were disabled, leave to use stencils,' but this is the first use Of stencils by officials In signing acts of any legislature., and It is expected It will be the last. It Is the comment, that the talk about the matter will be beneficial In preventing It ia tbe future.' t , Card of Thanks. ' Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co., wish to thank' the fire department, their neighbors and. public .generally, for aid rendered1 'in preventing" destruc tion of their, property, at the 'late oil mill conflagration,, ",;" ,Y .:', at - TiiPiini rim erniitnii ";.v ' r ' ' I ': '' " t, j "WerXever Knew We Have Steaacfe Unless, Something Is Wrong Wtth It "Whpn yon begin to rballxe1 that' ybti have a stomaeh, it means . that this organ is not in good condition, and i( Is reminding you, of the tact V - ' Do not. feel discouraged and miser able beeause of the presence ot ln digestion.". It IS the beat thing In the world for you lit you an -only see it and ' give the stomach proper treat ment !fi :J ph''t 'nfP Change the weak,, stomach T to . a healthy one by using Ml-o-na stomach tablets. - This remedy Is not a mere digestive, giving only, temporary, re llef.y but a combination of remedies' that actually strengthen the stomach, excite-the secretion of gastric' juices and enable the dlgostlve Organs to care for food you eat In a natural, normal way, ' V ',','"'' By taliing' a Ml-o-na tablet before each meal you cau enjoy a good din ner without dlHtress ani suffering, and you will never1 know, that you have a stomach. ' ' '" , r' ,F. S- Duffy has sold a good many r,0c boxes of Ml-o-na stomach. (nhletn, end the more the remedy Is r d, the more friends It him, for fvr y 'lint I'lvcn fiiiti '-ict'-m. It In sold ' -i ft 1 air - --' v' ' 1 ; ' ; New -FOR Mf.11, Ladies ALSO in Blue, Pink ana White HACKBU SO 0 0 ( 0 Clioice Lot Shafcr's ALSO FANCY ELGIN ISUTTKR :if, c-ent.s JUST RECEIVED J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Broad and Hancock Sts. c We are Making a Specialty MILLINERY This Spring I It's not profit that we seek, but Reputation by serving the public with the latest styles, best workmanship and satisfaction. It's plain enough that when a thing sells, and sells well it must have more than ordinary merit' The public is not easily fooled. Phone 288 J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 P0LLCK ST. OPP EPISCOPAL CHI RCH --50,i IbsVGalvanized J':,.. ... : 500 squares Corrugated Iron, i-1 , rt t, , " 100 Boxes Best Tin. f a - , 30,000 Tobacco Flue Iron, Gasolene Tanks of every description for sale CHEAP ' ; s:: Br p ar K e r. COR. SOUTH FRONT & CRAVEN NORTH? CAROLINA ' .lX-.';.-v'::vY0U 'HV':A''CANCE'T0 -HELP v.V i ', s t'lOME INDUSTRIES by becoming a stockholder and parlnelr in the Carolina Paper Pulp Company 1 Who are OfToring $100,000.00 worth of their non-aasessa i' ' bla Capital Stock for Public Subscription, in amounts of - " 1 100.00 and up, thia Company's bright prospects should make(this' Stock pay dividends of over 20 per cent, yearly. .1 , I Stock can be lnu(?ht for CASH, or monthly payments. ' Write today od "booklet" about ourselves its free. ' '. ' r' '-- nip cc;:iY.: rx and Children Oxfords -AT- By opening an account with uh you will avoid, in a (jro'it measure, the care and anxiety of looking afti r the de tiilsof your linancial matt tm Optn an account Draw checks mi 11a and we will do the rest. Do ii now. I'here's nothing like a HANK ACfOINT for K'vinu a man prestige and Ktandini; in thccommunity and business world. CITIZENS BANK OF NEW BR T. A CREKN. Pres. K. H. MKATJIIW: T. A. UZKLL. O.Hhu :. '. 1'. Small Hams, Breakfast Strips New Burn, -OK- Iron. 8TS -V i' ' NKW 6KKN. N. C. m. r -.. 1 . i. 'VVI ,?'v.;' P r,

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