( r 4 1 ' 'f :' ; , 1 .THE (JOURNAL V - wpt MondiT. Y Journal Building 56-60 Crave Street. , f p , T ; A CHARLES L, 8TEVEN3, . rros a pROPRirroa, ; , Phonh No. 81 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: efV . W "" 2.a 1 , ; f n Ymt. not in advance. -: -T- .rg-'-'p. - -.7- ..- , Monthly, by earner in the city r eauon. ...... , U DO ...... , v i 5.00 .60 Advertising Rates furnished on eppli i !. V ..'.'..; , r f 'i " -:J'MV i Entered at the Post-Office, New Bern N. C as second-class matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NSW BERN AND .', CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, N. C. Marc 24, 1907. 1UAUFY FOB ACCOMPLISH- MEJfTS. The need of individual lltne.-s, was never so greatly emphasi'l as it I? today. This fitness is not just being able to do the work of today. Young men are not sought and wanted, whose talent is Bimply get through a given task. There is personal char acter wanted.. There is the call for intelligence, honesty, integrity and steadfastness of purpose. How is this preparation to be made? In boyhood, for then must the boy lay the foundation for the fitness that shall govern his later years. It Is faithfulness In school duties, and school studies. The cultivation of habits of good and honest living. The realization that as the. boy, so may the man be brought into the higher stages of usefulness and worth to others, and the world. It Is this learning Belt in youth, and develop lng the best instincts, cultivating the higher purposes, that means every thing when life's demands shall come up. Accompiishmeit tloe.i not come except through preparation, and hon est and hard preparation. It is the conscientious school boy, that, will make the yonn gentleman at home. It Is the gentlemanly Instincts that develop the higher class of courage. It Is wanted in every bov's. every man's life courage of the quality that has humanity and in telligence to guide it. The boy or man with this brand of courage, Is no quitter. . It is not the task that can hinder his progress. There Is no failure to confront him, because he refuses to acknowledge that such an element is before him, to attempt to bar his way In life. It Is the parent's duty to teach to Instill in the child's inmost being, the sense, the faculty to pursue to final accomplishment, and its suc cessful finish, anything undertaken In the game, not less than In study and work, to win, to successfully complete, that is the thing. It is child-like to want to give up a task started, for It may look too severe, Here is where the parent's help Is called for, to point out and mlnimizo the apparent difficulty, and show how the task carried out,' Is worthy ol the effort made. Make the child ac quire the stlck-to-lt habit untfl the task Is accomplished, early Jn Its fit, and it will always cling, and as years pass, and each effort 'leads to greater, the child will gain in strength, and In the character to win smccets The quality of accomplish tnent is on the 'Bide "of 'success. It .jnarks with a wide gulf the difference ,i, jMtween success and failure. 1 Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local aplicatlona'as they cannot jreaeh the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one y ay to cure deaf ness, and that s by constitutional rem edies. Deafnes isc&u8ed by aa In lamed.on41tlonjof the mucous lining ofthe Btlstachian Tube. "When thU ;ijtube is inflamed, yon have a rumbling ; 6ub4 or Imperfect hearing and when It Is entirely closed, .Deafness Is the j'M??. be taken out and this, tube re? j., , ourou xu it -normal conaiuon, near '''t '', . '.will be-, 'destroyed . forever: ., nint I out of ten are caused by. Ca- ''.fit ., . carrn, wnicn is nothing' hut an in Jlaased eoadlUon of the' muoous ur- L; ?.y. VW wilt te One Hundred Dollars tj . ;' (. Deaioess (caused by :,it;'iataWh)?'' :that cannot be' cured 1 by j i vJHaU'ijCatarrh Cure, 6end fot circu- WlKNEVA'C;,Toledo,:a .6y;;rutri76a.'fti:; .'.' 'r'" wv iwuib nuuuuum : saffldavjta of (; alienists- who, consider ; "thaw Insane, and asked, tor the ap- tpoinunent of a lunacy commission. 'i'- 'OAo'PoniA.. 4 Scrofula is not a dist it .ii .t'.cnn..., . j. ft is a deep-Mated family Uood tui- U I c .'u':.-c r?Q6.itian to et eration, blightine the lives and ; , i; . V J 1 lwces innocent peisons who nave jnnemea tais tcacj c ; -s vao w4 raauoni or wha have a consumptive tca....,. or of tuiv character, are fare to transmit it to their Cipring, and it tJu&lly takes the form of Scrofula, Swollen glands, brittle bones, wea eyta, ares ana erujnioa$ on uxa boar. Catarrh, and often deformities with L:p d: are t' i principal way in which the .trouble is manifested. In awe c. s the blood is so filled with acrofulous germs and poisons that from birth the sufferer is an object of pity because of suffering and a total lack of health, while in other instances favorable surroundimji and prudent lrrinj hold the disease in check until later ia life. 'A deep-Mated blood daease uke Scrofula can only be reached b the verr best constitutional treatineat, ; A remedy is required that can renovate the entire blood supply and drive out the acromions and tuberculous mMiS, M.t.v aepossa.'.-- s. r. a. w : me srreatest of Mil "; blood purifiers if roes to the very bottom I CM ' I -Z!4 v. itf all blood disordera and lemovea ever I H Vv -W blood disorder and "removea every taints and ipoisoir.:from the, circulation, CHO "JO makes rich, healthy blood and cures Scrof. 5,. -,v!1i-.t'p,:i,;(-i- wa permaqenuy' - o.. o, o. auppiies ;un PURELY - VE6ETACLC aliased blood with the rich bealth. - : At ; x . . aMtaminir properties it is in heed of, and makes this life stream fit to supply every part of the ystem with Strength and vitality. Scrofula yields to S. S. 9. biscaose it is a hatufal blood puri fier. Write for book on the blood, and eny'wedical advice oesired. .. K4 charge for either, T1& tKCXIO CO., ATLANTA, GA-- ; The Airship Hay' Paris is showing a hat ?on the toque order, which Is known as the airship This hat takes Its name from iti. like ness in shape to an airship., a It U made up in soft straw braid, and will be one of the season's extreme -nov elties. . . '.;' Many sailor hats will also be wOrn all through the spring and summer. A very fashionable sallof'is a rather large shape with the brim wider' on one side and at the back than on the other. y In regard to straws, leghorn not' only in its natural color, but dyed in such shades as Bage green, old rose, blue and apricot, wil be much, used. A mossy straw known as cavellri Will be made up In many toques, mush rooms and turbans. Smooth, One chip hats will be fashionable, and also those or milan straw. 'Neapolitan will be used all through the' season, clev erly combined with a firm straw. Grac AJargar,et Gould in Woman's Home Companion fpr April. Hs Hd the WwfcPerhaps, ; A comic nctor who had been engaged . entertain n .-family 'baity proposed at 'jfhv cpucliiBlon Of the performance a little game Of his own. Each of the company, himself . Included, was , to 'stoke half a crown, and the pool would Be taken by the iwrsou who possessed the most of the articles which he (the comedian) would Inquire for. On his assurance that he would take no mean advantage, but rtu the same risk as toe rest all the members of the party 200Sfuted, and between 3 and 4 was loon laid on, the table. The actor add ed bis pleee to the pool, with a cuu Ojng smile, and theli said: "Noty. Wbloh of you ladles and gen tlemen happen to have the greatest number vt false teeth?" Deathlike, silence reigned for about a mlnuts, then a burst of laughter, both hearty and In some canes forced. have three," continued the actor'. "VTbo baa got more?" the comedian took the pool London Tit-Bite . ENSUSH IfgHWOS. The geld service at Windsor dines 130 persons. . London county has an area of 119 square miles. Among Cornish fishermen fish are sold by the long dozen of twenty-sis fish. A street knife cleaner has made his appearance in London. Be calls him self the flrxt of bis trade. His charge Is 2 cents s dozen. Doubts being entertained as to t$ stability of the steeple of Bt Michael's church. Bath, England, the rector climbed It and Investigated. He Is an enthusiastic mountaineer. In the reduced regiments of the Brit ish army there are now twice as many noncommissioned and commissioned officers ss are needed, and promotion promises to be so slow that a great, many of the latter are sending in their papers rather than waste their years la the service. A uw British expedition to the south pot? will leave England next Oc tober under the command of B. H; Sbackleton, who eyas third lieuteuaat on the Discovery In Its expedition- to the antarctic. A novel feature -of the voyage will be the employment motor car built for Ice traveling, -t. PLAYS AND PLAYERS. The r3iwbeiitf will produce "King Silly." a emle ra, $ Jh.elx Lohdon theater. Will Cressey and Blaaiehe paynewiy go luto the legltlmao WU mm & a three set comedy, , ; Frunk Plxley and Onstay - fenders bsve signed contracts to. deliver' an other comte opera to Klaw It Ertanger by Aug. l ef this year. They hay a number of sueefu plecef tfcff credit . , , : V John Here Is to appear Ixodes soon, in "La Belle Marseillaise," . The date depends largely oh the exteef 9t the run of "His House to Ordsr,-. as his leading woman, Irene VaBbrngh, Is playing In the Plnera drama. K : "All-of-a-Sudden Peggy" ran tot Con siderably more than 100 nights at the Duke of York's theater, In London, Henrietta Crostnan allotted only, four weeks to New York. This Is because ef fenjfracts made for a-tour ef the Paelfte tcoast. ;' ' ,: . y.;'; ' Does Cos ;i;'4MafAse ;wlth; ; you, Shoop's HsW Ceir. ;."ftealth Cof fee" la a clover eomWaafllon fff jparch ed cereals and Jmts, v Pf real Coffee, remember, to Df. Stmp' Health , CofTee. ,yet .-; itr Mfut y tad taste matches Closely Wd Java ' aad Mocha' Cff ee. , ,ir ! your stomach, heart,' or,' kldneya 'can't atand Coffee 'drtoksji tfy -Health ;Colfee;,f; It . la wholesome,', hourlshlng,'' and satisfy ing If a elce even or." the youngest cMid;"aoid :umwM. V Floods have Isolated tony pi thd NorthWesW tied op M)m4 fa California and cut a gsp l$- mls Wide In a, CUh railroad,;4 f ..( .1 , The flews No Pure Drug Cough Cure Law would be heeded. If all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure Is and has been for 20 years. The National Law now re quires that if .any poisons enter Into a cough mixture it must be printed on-the label or package. For this reason -mothers, and others, should Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Coufeh Cure. No poison- marks on Dr. Shoop's labels and none in the medicine, else It must by law.be on the label. And It's not only .safe, but It Is said to be by those hs know it best, a truly, re markable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with your cnlld- ren. Insist on baying Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Coajpare carefully the J)T, ghoop package with others and see. No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe, side by demanding Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by F. 8, Duffy. After thrse days' fighting the troops of. Nicaragua ere said to have defeat ed those iaf Honduras and Salvador. ' Set Crowd the Siwson. The first warm ' days of spring bring with ' thema desire . to get out'- and enjoy the exhlllratlng air anil sunshine. Children that, have been housed up all winter are brought 0bt"'end. you wonder where they all came from.' "The heavy winter cloth togT6 jthroWn ijslde and many shed tei,flnhe1s$ Then e cold wave cbiffi nt people say that grip is epldemlo. CoHls at this season are even more ' dangerous than In mid ty$&f wrf"to ff?. more aW Cos .'B4.' . ftowever, and you W'haye 'ftdthtrif to tear. It always cures, aaf e frav neyer known a cold to result Ja neumpnU when It M Pdet1 U in iAsant m,W9 til take.;)XWWre1 -1Ke Ppr; 'sal by pvtt'rpe';-A;: ''l5?s;'-!'' "m" ' : A .sifnep,testJfl4 at fl, tral pt thi uurderdrs tit: Profssapf Iffrtzenr iteltt inV.Fimand that the, Lfagaa pt the Russian people hired sssqa to terrorise the Douma. T 's?p; fcanse at iBteinae'h TroBbles.:I4;; When"'a tnW has (trbuble with his stomach you may, know that he'.-Is eating ; more than he should Ork of tome article of food or drink not suit ed, to bis sge or occupation, or that his bowels' are habitually ocnsttp&ted. Take Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets to regulate the bowels "and improve the digestion and s-e if the trouble did not disappear. A nit for a free sample., Bold by. Davis rharmacy, and F. 8. Dufty. nil, but M Canipirt Smile and Hi Cn , y. Charles Bomtpart. tbejattbr general ef the L'tilteJ :ato. can bs the suavest man in ail- ctearlon. He smiles so sWetly while be talks tbst people bflve gape swajr quite-pcifi,-l snd never realized fill after it ;as u!l ever that he; had cslmlr gone head and done precisely what he.prpposed to, do. - -" Y 1 '"-' To return to tlia smllet It is1 so like be poor No one "etep saw- bonoparte who could think , of much else. , True. the first 'tiling one sees on; meeting him Isthe bullet, round head--the Kapoleon bend With Its bold foreb'eud. Just bald enough to make It yet bolder. -.:i Then one holes the nose, a dominat ing' nose, the, full eyes between heavy eyebrows, ' the -shortj thick mustaches Then .the smile. : If ttartS', With .. the eyeSi droops to -ohe corner 4f the mouth, slips over to the-other,- then bei comes audible! .rn $af ' queer 'kind 1 W Chuckle In the throat which shakes eai Increasingly prominent double eblni i-li The upper chin Is very timid and ee ; tiring, but there's a dimple In it vWtuch works in wonderfully with that jinilSj siut oon i panes yeurseii ana par your-, self on the back-and' rblnknbe- attor ney general is dead easy. That smile Is only a cloak to cover up-you will nev er know what it covers up till ; you come away and discover where yen are. . . lie will cut your throat with a feath er -while he chuckles and' - smiles: : If you are not satisfied with befng tons graciously beneauea -ana answer xnctf you'll find an adept at sareasni'end Irony using b penknife, v J If yon still rebel, the next you Jmpw A backwoodsman will be at you wrth a brute or an axBut BesrUl be smUng and cfiuckling through It all. World Today. ' f Whr Thty Est Muskrets. ' ' One dealer on Dock street sslls abOut 8.000 muskrats a week. . These.-4re purchased principally by negroes,-who are very fond of the dish, though It ts Whispered that in season si some 'of the restaurants mtukrat after mssquer ades as rabbit."" It is SomeWbatf Simi- Inr to the latter In taste, but weetfer, and those who have eaten It pronounce It all rlgbt. Fpr this market the rats come already skinned and. when ' pos sible, frozen. They are round every where In the vicinity of Philadelphia, but a chief source of supply Is Suleni, N. J., where the catching of them Is something of an Industry., Whenever they are found they are frozen "upd kept until the supply bu hand 'Insuf ficient for a shipment and then Alls patched to this city. They are eaten In many small places by people who catch them, but ere not sold at retail except in toe larger ciuee. rnuaaei phla Record. - - How Bees Refuted the Selentists. ' Maeterlinck, thinks It ts ' emaa yanity which causes bin) tod,ubt the proofs-of Intelligence in flowers enf fhe lesser animal creatures. He relates jn Harper's Magazine en Incident 1 prove the intelligence f bees. Xwe RnifHsh entomologists geclatefl tbaf they wquld admj the reasanimt fapa) tips at bees when It wee pW'ed. the, bees b4d e?es ?had tb (dea ftt subs tutlng pay qr nmrta jf fttt Undhno pelfs," Just at tbls trmetB0tle aato; raJist, Andrew Knight, eesnettt of wax and turpentine .and wfth It eoated tbe bark pf treeft. 'rbeibeee t; AMAA ,kl. M . 1 I,' p w w w Hwmrawttitwiw log material, wbicb they foiwd already prepared, and ceased fathsnnf- ppe: polls altogether, thus proving that t$ey not only bad A new Wee, but acted, up on I, " ' ins-' I - , . - f - I I 1 v 4 . " ,' " ' y'x'l'yf fell ' ilJ Vis- .--.LI x ' . '"J Mi r-iu f :.ir. w .x -a . :-7. ! ' -v. Mi ' " ft is : kr-j' 'U A ' .1 . . --. ' ! . - - MSS MADEUNE CiyTUH '0.--, ..L-::3PV?IGIDE r r t y- . - , - ' " " 'II BENEFITTED ReadJier letter About it "I hereeitb enclose yon one of my latest ebotographa, whieb will show you what New bro!e HerpieHe has done for my hair Siuce i using- sour remedy my hair is much longer ' than It was, and it has that lustre to it that onea hair alwaya has when the scalp is in a healthy condition." (Signed) MIS3 MADELINE CLUTTER 3963 Michigan Avenue, Flat 210. Chicago, Illinois V Trje immense popularity of Newbro's Herpicide, particularly ?rriong,the better class, is due to the fact ineveriPdhts, It does all and more than is or it. Its delightful fragrance, perfect clearness and freedom ' from grease or oil,. appeal to the discriminating, and its cleansing, refreshing and health giving effect upon the scalp is immediately apparent. ' Herpicide mkes the hair light and fluffy and gives It a silken gloss. Extraordinarily long hair is agiftof Nature that relatively few pn b-pm but not many would complain if they could save Nature's head covering in it original beauty and luxuriance. I The dandruff germ is the greatest enemy of abundant hair. This is on account of the highly contagious nature of dandruff, which makes ir mI v most impossible to escape the duease without the occasional use of a tferm destroying solution, ; Newbro's Herpicide h the ORIGINAL remedy that "k ills the dandruM' germ." It promptly eradicates dondruff, stops falling hair and (except in 'Chronic baldness) restores the hsir to its former health and nrtmty. Il. i,i . eide stopsitching of the scalp almost instantly. J .TweVli 60e and $1 00 et Drug Stores. Send M- in Htamps The JlbKriUUX. t,U., uept. U, Detroit, Micb., for a namplc. Cuaiintcd mi der the Food and Drug Act., June 30, 1906, Serial No. !H.r kOTE-i-B any drsgylM tsffnti a substitute, walk out of his slora anil semi !he ail VSrtlies rlce dirsst to ss. Ms will Isunsdlstsly sxprs.s the Herpicide direct la your ear, sll charges s1. Tss Hsrplclds Co., Detroit. Mich. C. D. BRADHAM, Special Agent Applications at Prominent Hiii Imt Shops ms High Meed AnUnsis; r A spinster with money to burn 'j cently paid 19.000 for bulldog. A mail in Massachusetts lias lust beugtit A cow fo $ 8.000, Walter Oarrey Jae4 a bog for which be refused a cash offer of 14,000. Jamer Keehd refused I206.-'- 000 for Sysonbyj a race botseiV There! are several roosters of faihlohsble blood priced as blU aa 800 eacbv; Ion can buy a flue lion of . 300 and . tiger for 1700. ; By end by; we hall bare a craze for breeding BsheS, and e r. ; trjv' ' ' ttut -"' 1" Yw Haw timt Uqfll wiv? 'ii-r'v -v.;. 'tlw: ' Pluuderlng of ? Jewish houses . was yesumed by Roumanian.' peasants.''- r'-'ff !' ' 'V" " " ' '.' ; ;-' .r,' Hew'-ibj 'iumli-tmi.'.- : To continue Jronng In health and strength,' dp-'aa-lfrl.' K-'T'. Rowgn, McDonough, Oa,? dld. ; Bbe -S says: 'Three ; bottles of Electric ' ' fitters cured me of jshronlc liver and' stom ach tronble, complicated with auch an hnhealtby condition of the blood that my SWff nrnd red as flannel, I am DOW pmtfFtfly ?f) years younger thid'befwe f uti Ptrxfip' flitters, i can ' now do 1 my ''k Rill) leane and assist In my husband' Unt;" Opsrn tee at all drugglsl. Price B0(i,' Tbs dam at Assaun Is to be ralnnij 20 feet to lrrlfafe ; 1,000,000 aors more lend, ' ' .'' , . One male solmott educated to1 jiwif uiigndue worm i,isw--'j.ne se,vuu cow bns one calf a year. wocth4j000. -The female Salmon may become the mother or 300,000 l,ittle fellows in the aame time, worth In the aggregate possibly, ts much a ss' the ; calf. Kansas Clti JoorRa, ..- Vv'. : .-'-:; . -i''' Rvnlbls ' fieanemsei ? When the irst lady bf the ai)d 'ef j FHC nrst.roru.nf tue. innf Bf)e Wttft.f. grapaius pow, presante nef .piri whlcft -.wai ' WFftten. bF -ntSve. !ot knowing bowtafae read UH f t whether from rtebt'tP jeft, of fw left to rlghMfid desrtg W bp right In either cis( , be tpo bki 'fntfl- ind wrote, Madam, I'm AdIB,?'fX). ; Of coursi.jhl I o1d,i VW .;; Tbere Is Jn Nsw Vork- today, Jww erer, a contractor and 'dealer in glass who when weary : mm: writing bt name from left to rljfht cdti-msnie the process without In any way.hant lng the spslllng-Irfon ,,Noel. Kw Tertiw-- ' - ' '.-v ; ' I take"thls onnortunltv to announce myself' "Candidate for the office of ttty' f ax '(fcliectof for the ensuing terW subject ;to the Democratic prU iniSiry to -beheld 'in April; 1907. Thank rng ywt'for yonr generous support in the ptfst.' I'.,irlll iuch appreciate Vour continued support, " y:.I-C''''T,'iW'r.'QM'fht,' L .- .i .. .... : :i: i mw. For Catrrrh, let m soml you frr, Jimt to prove nil of Dr. ni.M-p's f'i. a biiow V.'", c B' liliO I ' -i : ! !.. (;-. , . ! a Tr 'i : i I I r: It 1 1 yj Fhnt -V.rcc:!,3 1 II J V ' " j' 11 1 mf r m '. A rcif Tsrenty-eiglit ye'ii x e .Vncs Our own seed Jaii, .t, tnul grounds and larpra iii.!ionna capacity give us an im " nt that is SnsurpiRHed aywher9 for supplying the l Kt See !n ! cililHiimlde. Our traua in setU J l- ;'ifort; e 1 (J 7 VOTING PRECINCTS, . following Is the list pf voting pre clnc ts and managers for the pri mary election to 'be -held on Monday, April 16:' " "First , Ward4-Pollin!T I'Uw, cPy hall. Managers, p, U. Hill. Furnle GTasklll ana J, T, Lewis, '.'Second Wftrd-yPqlllng place, court house. Managerat Mark niaosway, D. W. Bailey and R. . Blalock. 'Third Wftrd-Polllng place, Scott's stables. ' Managers J, B. Holland, W. JJUeSorley and J. D. McCoy. Fourth WardPolling place, Har gett'a shop. Managers. J. li Qaaklll, Brlce , Anderson and Jeae Harrison, .lfth Ward jPolllng place, Mc psrthy's. Managers, C. T. Hancock, A. Ai Paul and E. A. Smith. L.'lltxth. Ward-rPolUna place. Reel hosss.; Managers, a F. Paul, J. H. Stanly, and Walter Fulford. ANNOUNCEMENT. fo tbewyoters''of 'the City of New V. r New To tbe ypters pt tbe eity , of l. hereby announce myself candi date for , tht office of Chief of Po lice,) auhjecfrvta the Democratic- prl' narjr - pJadlngvrnyselfJ If; elected to dp, my whole, duty jot the t interest and : welfare of our cjty'.t; .i3 hereby bander my i grateful ' .thanks to .the publo j for. past support, and solicit thlr,,contlnu4 suffrages.-; I am your j-.';"f"',.; Obedient Bervant, v j To - the1 Democratic Voters of Now j Bern., -; .'v ,;' i v'-!'. ;.'';.'.. J '. , At the request of many dtlzena' in terested In the enforcement of Iaw,-'I have decided to becoma H'camMdute for Chief of Police, subject ;o the' Ot tlon o(, the Democratlo primary, '. 1 promlsn, If elected, to fulMifully and ImpnrUully discharge the dutlus of !' of!t-0. .;. j- - jqqnu'a q. im(N:i(n. -. .1 , '. , "Prevent c" will promptly check fold or tbe Grippe .whpn taken f "i'ly at tl'fj "Hneeyo Hln" i". - prevnn-t'- curs i- ' I cob!:i i: well, l're V l I ' i randy cold rni o l.ili- ! i : ?. i, r.H-iii.,-v.-!fi.,iii ' ' I V 'I I . '' -1 !, . 1 II ....,k APRIL 1st WE MOVE TO OUR STORE Prior to that We are Offering BARGAINS IN SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHKDULK IN EFFECT KKIUU'AltV IT. Unit. 118 Daily. 136 Daily. P kt Pianos NEVEK ;-fcQUALLEP. , Write for Particulars The rJano Wilh the Sweet Tone- S Official Piano 4amer I town Exposition. ChasM Stieff 1 56 SI. pierlelk, Va.. 4UST nCCEITDD M v A- rBERH SUPPLt '"' 4vf. una mna-ua friiftalb pou'averageW't, In A, 6 and 10 pound JWJiCtV ' e.r;hackburjni How to get Armour Art Calendaror 1907 F REEAsk E.?BAHaebur. y. e eeee eeeee 'e I: , General Hardware,, Sash- Ooort, Clinclt, , Lime 4 & Cemenl, ' ' .:n ic.r rr""Fr,r i 8 60 6 02 f 6 19 f 688 06 r 8 30 f 3 431 3 66 4 00 4 10 4 17 4 22 4 36110 69 f 4 46 4 64 6 06 6 6 36 6.00 Vt"Kts,Se 144 Ply A M 9 40 9 8- 10 09 10 16 10 29 10 39 10 49 11081 11 17 1130 11 60 1167 f 6 4tfl2ft4j , 3yJiaq 6 6rt2 KltflO 81 i? C-I 1 vilaViA 11 10 20 i!fl0 41 IttJ 10 62 mi 31 401 11 iZ V 108. Daily. AM 7 15 f 7 i8 7 43 7 48 8 00 8 06 810 8 22 8 33 8 42 8 64 9 16 8 19 f 2ttf 4 12 112 Daily. AM 1 30 f 1 41 2 00 2 OS 2 18 2 23 2 S6 2 2 3 03 8 13 8 2C (6 fll Cf fOMWiboa'a Mills. 11 1 11 26 I! 4W a as f (I f 48 6 68 7 16 Eagtern Time Lv GREENSBORO McLean Gibsonville Elon College. . Burlington Graham Haw River Mebanp Efland Hillsboro UNIVERSITY 3 52pPURHAM 4 02) East DurkaAi. . rajsfield 4 ST, Morris vihe 4 40 CAR Y li 16jlAlEIGH da ruer,. f MOjAubura. (Hay ton. SELMA .. Pine Level Princeton Rose GOLDSBORO.. Ar Lv. Ill Uaily. AM 3 57 f :i ;i i l :t in 2 57! 2 4 a 3(i f 2 OH 1 68 1 4:, 1 20 1 7i fia M 2 34 i m U ai 11 23 n OH 10 60 10 38 flO 26 flO 10 f 9 66 40 107 Daily I'M i r.o in nj (V. 121 13,r) Daily PM l OfJ n r.i' Kiy Dly ; I'M j ;i cm' s r.:: r.: 117 Daily 6 6 23. f IS, S 5 07, K : 7 11 41l 6 Oil! ,s 11 :i.'ij 4 r,-i! s : 11 l!l! 1 4"1'k 1' fll m,;f i n. lo rr,j -i :.r. 10 -.li 4 1 7 If. io 22 : o v ::o, 10 oh : :;;i 7 221 f 9 f,H f 9 40 9 2Ci r 9 0;.! in r.x :! I'.ll' r !l 17 r, ;; n:ij c 2 r.o I' ll f k 3H H 22 M 12 7 51) H 43 f 2 32 t; 09 8 37,1 2 21; t; mi1 2 10 r, roi 2 00 r. 3t; l 43 f ir, 1 36 6 01 1 24 4 na! 1 12 4 42 1 00 4 30 8 2.1 8 10 7 631 7 40 7 30 7 17 7 00 N. fcoTaeee schedule fleurea are published only as information anil an- not psranteet Trains iNos. . 102 and 112 connect with the Atlantic Coat Line i.t . 7vHeDaaaM UOIdsOoro; siSO Wlin US AUaniKana Morth Carolina trainH for More- : U bead City and. intermediate points. alliots,t)ot!fnorttndMtb1' : , .Traiaijo.a44 roaadt cleee'oftneectfcm at Selma with the Atlantic Count i,ln both north and south, also at QoldsborP for Wilmington. N. C. Moniuad Ciiv Slid Intermediate points. , " .Train No; 107 connects at TJnlverslty SUtion for Chapel Hilldnilv except Sun dly;atGrehsboro with Main line trslnsfor the north and oouth. Train No. W handlee througi eoaebes between Ralelgb, ChaaeCity and Rich moml, where close coimectton is made wilh the Washing ton & Southern Kuiiway for eaHtein eithM. k a h; hardwick, p. t. m. c. h. ackert, v. v. nmi c m. Rd'-'-V-.' v ? W.4C; TAYLOE, G. P. A. Washington. I C , lt. U YBRNUW.X, f-.A.,, . 1'. E. liKEKN, C T A. y';rvPhlptte, NiiC.: RaleiKh. N. C. Ill TM VrTkole; Tow. - i. it' f! 1 Teleplione sl ; , -WKE :Y0UB CHOICt trim our Beautiful Stock of Spring or Summer fabrica and have your, suit-' made op by Easter,1 and yoii will have garmento that are swelling Cut, fit and,' ' style, made from ' ews'usl ve patterns, f d':- . You can't find anyone in town that will . t - ' ' give you the complete aatlsfsction Jii '',- either price of workmanship that yoi J, vV: get when Chadwkk makes your cloth V' ' -X, lng. s'.'.vXv ;':-,'N'N'''''T'Vs,!vvii. l IIO'." c r