pubiuued eTtor W ia ex :V cept Monday. mtJ(' f Craven street S-y PHONE.' NO: .8,v-; COiBLES lo 8TETSN8, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCBDPTWN BiTES. On Year; to' advance.?; i fv, One Tear, iot In advance. Monthly, by carrier In Ute city $4.00 v6.00 ;'.6o ' Advertising Rates furnished on ap plication. ' ' RntArad at the PoStOffice. New Bern, N. C as secondslass matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF NEW- BERN, ANO CRAVEN COUNTY. New Bern, N. C, May 15, 1907. DEMAND FOB ADDITIONAL 6BAD D SCHOOL BO0M. In calling attention to the need of an auditorium tor the graded school, there should not be forgotten or over looked the fact, that the present school room and .leaching facilities are already over taxed. It this so at present, what is to be expected next tall when there must be more child ren seeking admittance, than there are today? It Is doubtful If the trustees ef the school, and the parents who have children to send to school, are fully aware of the actual needs of the grad ed school. To som, the advocacy of an auditorium, may seem a superfluity and extravagance. But when school rooms become over crowded, and pu pils cannot receive the attention they ought, and other children cannot gain admission, it cannot be charged as extravagance, to provide suitable and necessary room, and to be able to give attention to each and every pu pil applying for a chance to enter school, and to not impose extra duties upon any teacher, because of an over crowded school room. The question of securing the East ern Normal school, sinks into insig nificance, compared to the issue, of giving the home children of this city ---the school accommodations that m-p due them, and which every pared feels fully entitled to, as a taxpayer and citizen. 20,000 to 30,000 eoiili' be well and profitably expended In graded school betterment, and revilly necessary additions to the present school equipment. This city has an obligation to perform in caring for the education, and providing suitably, the means, whereby its children may receive tjjis education. If $20,000 is demanded for needed school purposes it is not a question of hesitation in promptly spending the $20,000. If it Is needed, and inadequate school fa cUltles exist, it is neglect on the part of those who have the graded school in charge. Now is the time to gO Into this matter, not next fall, when child ren will have to be turned away, be cause of want of school facilities to take them. A few days, and the pies ent school year fe over. The needs of the future are already pressing upon the graded school, and eall for imme dlate attention. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Bend for list of testi monials. Address:. F. J. CHENEY 4k Co, Toledo, O. . Sold by Druggist 75c. "' , Take Hall's Family Pills for con " stlpatlon. '. ;..--;(- ' v. ;.: . v , - Goethe was 82 years of age when he completed "Fanst";C K : V port i a , .-,:. Minus 1M lllni TM Maw Always BotgM :-""..-.-ef : , A dinner without oornDtily la all la 'i'-rvnm Tamil ... i r;.. ,''-..: t ! ;v A. : Harrow Eimm I ', t ,., mo., naa a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a Jtmaea bar Into : " his thumb. ; He baysl ':"The doctor .wanted to "amputate It but it , would '.' .'not consent I bought a bos of Buck . ten's Arnica Balve and that cured the dangerous wound," 25o at all drug- flats. " ' ' ' ' ; ". . ::iTFyiiTCfFL::::i Get i4 of That Indigestion at Onc Jwf'iO bj "Using Mi-e-na. -.ifii-i ; XElthe sthrough Blackness, r care lessness iuuareda'; of people slowly poison themselves by chronlo lndiges-' tloiyl By neglecting to ;eurr M ;onc any, sluggishness of ., the Important nreans of digestion the system Is fill ed with, fermenting end-decaying food that results in sick headaches,; heart burn, liad . taste in the mouth, coated tongue, specks before the eyes, sleep lessness, nervous troubles "and i the many other symptoms that , are the direct result of ..lndigsttOBv;v& The want of a perfectly sate yet ol- t active cure for Indigestion and Stom ach troubles lit their many forms was felt up to the time of the successful investigation! that resulted in the pro duction of Mt-o-na stomach tablets. They quickly cure the worst eases of Indigestion, and the pain and distress which are often felt after meals dis appear In very few days snch. Is the wonderful curative power of M o-na. The old-fashioned medicines for stomach troubles merely digest the food, while Mi-o-na strengthens the digestive organs so that they Soon he come able to care for the food that is eaten. ' . Mi-o-na stomach tablets cost hut 50 -cents a box and do more real good than a dozen boxes of the ordinary digestive tablets. F. 8: Duffffy gives an absolute, unqualified guarantee to refund the, money If Mi-o-na fails Jo cure. . Vhy They I. ie Mirrori. Every season l!u'i I- ml Inireawri Iciniind fur nslircrs in public p'uee la New Ydi li Must lieiir t til.- prliii-ljiH! p iiilufl." iil(l mi old Hieliltect tlie othw tiny, "tr yon ov.m f ntvitsl to ni.opt my profession 'Vlien uii .m liiteol iiuds n few inctH'H t,X space tliat he u:e8 not Know what lo do nitli he just Mils it up with ii looking glass, mill he does not make miy mislnke. Peplo In New Vork ore proud and want to look nt themselves on nil pos sible oceasious They want mirrors In elevators. In cats mid ferryboats, on Ktnlrwnya mid in nil old chinks in the wall, and It Is the ureliileet who pro vides these tlrst ii ids to the good look ing that is going to get the bulk of the business." Boston Herald. For Buttons, $15,000,000. Little things count mighty big In this great country of ours. For Instance, to the past year it took $15,000,000 worth of buttons to keep the clothing on our men. women and children. This does not Include hooks and eyes. Those who nse lead pencils also spent money, tte sum rising a bit ever $4,000,000.--Pittsburg Llspatcn. WAS WASTING AWAY. "I had been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years," writes Robert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doc tored with, leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally!, tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles com pletely cured men and I am .now sound and well." During thes ura mer kidney irregularities: are often caused by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's- Kidney Cure. Davis Pharmacy. Manchuria last year purchased 2,- 000,000 worth of goods from the Uni ted States. PILES: PILES! PILES I Dr. Williams'-' Indian Pile Oinment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and Itching Plies.' It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acta as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and- Itching of the private parts. Every box is guaran teed. Sold by druggists, -by mail, tor 50c and 1.00. Sold by D. A. Harget Sir Thomas Upton has to pay taxes on property in Chicago assessed at $350,000. Piles get quick and- certain .relief from Dr. Shoop" Magic - Ointment Please note it is mads alone for Piles, ana its action is positive ana. certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by, its use! Large nickel-capped glass , 'jarl 'Jib cents. Sold by W & Duffy. X , ' ' It Is said that from 60 to one hun dred tone of boneless pork, miy for curing, arrive In Glasgow -daily, V j BEST FOR tfOMES AND CHILDREN1 On jiccount of Its mild action 'and pleasant tasteurino Laxative Fruit Syrup is .especially recommended tor women.-and children. It. 'does into nauseate or gripe like puis and ordi nary cathartics. Orino LaxaUve Fruit Syrnp talds.dlgesaon and ; stimulates the liver and bowels without irrita ting them. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes.- Davis Phar macy, v Whaling is a growing Industry . In the, South Atlantic, centring around the" Falkland Islands. 7 r . ' HOLLisTra's : . n pu.f pimn.iiiw hit Dw.f r9nf BrtnM SoliiM HeJl'tl Ind RWHl Vlrw AlP1llloforrmi'it.iilnn. In-'Vtl.n, TJr nd Kl'lnflr troui.l.'i, 1 in.t.x s, .-tiift. lili,ir lllooil. Itul Hr4Ml h, J- i i.iu r i Hawmi. .-M.lur Ur and iioU wiie, it i, . f fruiMitt.Mtt :i n 111 tut,. If-t -form, 'ift (nu t,.,. v . Ilf)M.lif rn J'Ni -n ( t- -w .a. COLCCK K'Z.i I w.l t:.Ltv if I ;" AtiV.c-.phcrii Ttrr: fiture. " - "Tha .temtKM'nttVi r.t i ntmos;ihcft tools on-an average aboi 1 dt'srea for every 800 feet that we a -end or warms ht the same rate ns we tscend. The mean temperature at the north 'pole is 0. and at the equator between 80 and 90 degrees. We can, therefore, get into a temperature 1 degree colder for every Seventy of eighty miles that we tra vel north and In o temperature 1 degree warmer .'for 'every seventy or eighty miles that we travel south. x . s V His' Idea ef Wt. v" At one time the halllflg in charge of a English jury 'was sworn: Jo keep them "without meat drtdk or flee." It was Justice Manle who ave-the etas ido reply- to the baniff, who Inquire whether he might -grant a ... Juryman's request for b j,1as9 of wateV; "Well, it is. not meatf nnd I should pot call It drink. Yea, you may." 5 i 1 $ i -The Tower ofEibql. 'v J The of Babel at5Babyiou was composed of eight sijuare- towers, 'one npon the otlior, the pile being C0Q feet high.:; Babylon wusn sqaare, fif teen miles ou each side, .lie walls be ing eighty-seven feet, thick? and feet high.. ' . . - I . . - ; , x : rf- -- -His' Hard Luekf;: r r "Can't you fin J any workjst ullT" ? "Plenty, sir, but evei-ybody wonts -eferences from my. last employer." - "Cfln't you get t'.icmr ; i'No, sir. He'sv been dead tweulyr eight years."-IlUHtrated Bits. All the world likes a lover, because he is usually such a good Joke. Den ver Post ' CRATING FOB DEINR DESTROYED The best aid to tetaerance is something that will stfengthen the drunkard's wrecked newous system and cure his unnatural fcfftvlng totj drink. We believe that any man who really desires to be cured of the liquor habit can cure himself by using Orfiue. This remarkable dis covery has made so many cures among our customers that we are glad to sell it under an absolute guarantee to refund the money If it does not cure.. It is in two forms; No. 1 that can be given secretly, and No. 2 for those who wish to be cured. M is not only the most reliable treatment known, but It is also he most economical as it costs only $1 a box and there Is no detention from the usual duties, while if cure Is not effected, there is no ex pense whatever. Mail orders filled. The Orrine Co., Washington, t. C, or C. D. Bradham. A sausage four feet long and one foot thick formed the wedding oake at a Hanover butcher's wedding. My Best Friend. .. Alexander Benton, who lives on Ru ral Route 1, Fort. Edward, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly riend. It cured me of asthma six years ago; . It has also performed a wonderful cure ot incipient con sumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cougbt and this accomplished, the other symp toms left one by one, until she "Was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Dis covery's pdwer over coughs , and colds is simply marvelousi" No other rem edy has ever ' equaled it.1"- FtiKyl guaranteed by All druggists. . 60c and -11. Trial hnttlft frftA. . ' . 1 Pigeons and turkeys each have a natural temperature, otOji ;desree9, which is ten " degrees - higher than man's. ' ..." i , - - BMrstlw Blpstwt Tlx Kiel TO Haw Always Booht Mother Salnte-Crolx, ot Quebec, has passed her ninetieth birthday, and is ths oldest lrsuline nun In the woVld. WILLIAMS' KIDSET PILLS. Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have i you overworked your; nervous system. and caused trbublti with-your Kidneys and Bladder T Have you pairs In the loins, side, back,; groins, and bladder! Have -you a flabby appear ance of the face,. especlaJtlyunder-the eyesj , Too . frequent 'desire- to pass Urlnet . If so -William's Kidney Pills Will cure you. Sample freeA. By moil M centa. ) ;Sold by. Druggists. -r -WILLIAMa MF0.& CO. Props. Cleveland, -'O Sold by p A.; Harget '; A. great-great-grandson .of s George Washington's brother VsamueL Cap- win Mervyn.. C. Buckey, is ,now; on duty 'aa aa. army, engineer-4a Puget w i - i'i" " J . i, CASTOR I A .Tor Infanta and. Children. ", .ill ICIrJ Yea E?:iite:jf$ BlCkaturtof '.Rev.' jf, C. Cox, ipho rowed in the University eight in the race pf 1842, when Oxford won Its first victory on the Thames, lias just diedat the age of 87. 1 . :: Chamberlain's Colle, . Cholera . and , : -. , Diarrhoea Remedy. ' ' There Is probably no medicine mads that is relied npon with more implicit confidence than Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur ing the third of a century' In which It has been In use, people have learned that it Is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with waier and sweefened It Is jile.isant to t ko. For sate by Davis rinir'-fy, F. 8. Vw"-;, FL'uCTiC;.3CFTKE STATE. IrstSrsstina Analysis Md Bishop ' v-v- - Stana pf Tall Diver. V In a- recent address in St. Mary's cathedral I;ihoi Stang qf Full Ulvr thns ftualyzed . the functions of the state: x' - ' ; .- "The state should ,Hot absorb the rights of Individuals. , lnt should keep them lnrtcrtntoTjule tUey clash with the -coininoa itood end the Interests Of othera: The proper office of the ernmcnt is to foster public well being niul private prosperity by maintaining peat's .and', good ? oriler. 'safeguarding family - Ufe, respecting religlou 'and punishing evil doera, -. . .i5 ,H31vll nuthority may step In tc -interfere if through j trikes there Is. im minent danger of disturbance- to Ntbe pqWic pencov if In workshops ant! fuc toiloa, there . isv danger to morals through tho. mixing of sexes piri!oui any -occasion of evil. If the health of laborers' la endangered by -excesnive work or tho want of sanitary arrange ments or if labor is unsolted to sex or age, but the state should not intervene In -or meddle with private concerns any further than iv required for the rem edy, of the evil, or the remoral of the danger.' Tboy state should not. only protect 'private v ownership ' as some thing cacred and inviolable, but Its poi ley should be to Induce as many people ns possible to Itecoroe wpers. The possessor of the ioorest cabin will -not change it for the dreams of a socialis th,' parndue." " i -. WonderfnJ Eczema , Core. "pur little boy had, eczema for five years," writes N. A, Adams, Henriet ta, Pa. 'Two of four home doctors said the case was hopeless, his lungs being affected. We then employed other doctors, but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bit ters; bought a bottle and soon noticed improvement. We continued this medicine untH several bottles were used, when our hoy was completely cured." Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at All druggists. 50c. The French government has intrust ed to Mme. Laurence- Fiedler, of Paris an exhaustive investigation into the social and industrial conditions of women and children in America. OASTORZA. Bean the M "N hlgnsti James Guest, of Peterborough, who has just retired from the service of the Great Northern railway , in Eng land, has traveled -2,122,700 miles in 52 years as ehgine-driver, never hav ing an accident or sustaining an in jury. Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. People everywhere take pleasure In testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mm. Edward Phillips . of- Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell ypn that I can recommend - Cbambertain's Cough Remedy My. juft! glrlr Catherine, who is two years old, has been taking this jremedy ' whenever she has had a bold since 'she waa two months, old. About a, month ago I ..contracted a dreadful .cold thyself, bat HookCham berlain'a. Cough Remedy and was soon fur well W 'qmc&fktftmttit ia'for sale by Davis PJharmaqrF.:S. Duffy, . Doctors are needed. In the navy. there "being 64 places unfilled at this time. - v X s- - .'' Sore'Kijppples'r ' Any- mother -who has had experience with tlflt distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure,' may be effected bjr ; applying . Chamberlain. Salve.-as soon as the' child , is doie nnrsing.WIpe iCm iwitba ; soft cloth.Jbefore hllowlng vUi" Vabo o nurso. VMany jtralned nurse hMthis sahre with best VeiultaV. iW-'.lvsli-D Davis Pharmacy. F. S. Daffy. hX?. t:. V1."" ."K") ..XJoVernmeni' experts; are? to 'estab lish an experiment,' station to study miniaccidfmtowithgvfew5 venting the loss of life In nUneiv Call at our-atorej please tor a? ree sample ot Dr;' Phoop's-"Health Coffee."- 2 If , real . coffee ;dlsturbt? your stomach, your. Heart, or Kidneys, then try this Clever Coffee IraifaUott. While Dn 'Snoop has Very closely matched Old Java-and Mocha Coffee n flavor and taste, yet he hat not even a single grain of real Coffee In it Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee Imitation is madqf rom pure toastedgralni or cereals, with Malt Nuts, to.-',tou will surely like Health Coffee BohF by 't j. 'Lt " Mc- i' '' ' ' ' - ' - ' Rev.- Mr. Mason, a new Methodist pastor ot Iola, Kan., Invited the con gregation at the close of last Sun day's service to" come forward 1 and have a good old-fashioned Methodist handshake.- "And," he added, "adjust your finger rings to avoid injury." I' WAB AGAINST CONgrsTTIOjr. ' All nations are endeavoring to cheek the ravages , of consumption,, . the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are n no danger of consump tion. Do not risk your health by tak ing some unknown' preparation, whon Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain In results. Ank for Foloy's Honey and Tar and in i il Lit upou hav ing It Davis rharmary. of iiar-7r. jlcam6 Thers nre (' i v, ' u Bn lione:;t hsi- f r f- l 1 ' r iilfiTS. FOU FARMEkS ?-t r-- - r .. i- - ' .. i T.-c.-m35f rf Ucivu. -abts.-eT? u rsat rur'v ar ft o.inflrmwl caso i beavers, but ui'Kh may be done by careful feeiia j-. tu l. wnteriiijr and the administration of proper tjules to alloviatj the Ulutrcsshv? sj mptoms, hs follows: Feed so rta act, to tverloa-.l tlw stomach tey$.jfivUHt'.Vun.4aoibt day. Water before ' feeding. Do isol put ti worlc- undo? nn Mar ntter fced big'ctKl but little roughage and only of the clcauest nud best quality. Shell ed joaU nve thK.Tery'.bast feed. MU four btmcea each of copperas aud salt peter and two ounce of nur vomica, all; well ; pulrerfeetliand divide.' Into twenty-four powders, 'ouo to be givei every jolght 4a Lran mash," After this quantity has been given skip two w three v weeks anil : repeat: Giving lull! an . ounce of Fowler's solution; of ar- seuie. every night when the animal Is at work In the spring will often enable the animal t5 do.n good day's work when . otherwise It could not do so. This JUlght bo continued for a month or , six weeks without danger; then stop for a few weeks or as long as the ant mal can do without It Atlanta ConsU tutlon.. Four Bad Snakes. Snakes are much maligned creatures, although they ar for the most part of 'Considerable value-to t)an, as they live almost entirely on insects and the small rodeuts that are injurious to crops. Of all the snakes that inhabit North America there are really i only four, that are dangerous. These are the copperhead, the moccasin, the rat tlesnake and a, little snake of southern Georgia and Florida known as the coral snake. Of course there are a number of different species of the rat tler "(about thirty), but they inhabit different parts of the country and are all to be known from the fact that they "rattle" When approached. All the rest of our snakes are absolutely harmless, and their bite Is to be less feared than that of a mosquito. Scrap Book. A Rsmarkable Church. A smnll watering place In Austria named KicliwiiUl can boast of possess ing a most remarkable church. It was first built by an Italian architect at Venice at the expense of Prince Carlos Clary-AMrinsen. a great admirer of Italian architecture. When it was fin ished, the church was taken to pieces again and picked in thousands of num bered cases for transportation to Elch wad. At this place in Austria it was eventually rebuilt and then mode over to the Inlii-.bltnntH as a free gift from tbe prlncb. Tr-i SJOc'a Wero There. Farmer Nubbins (shouting across the garden fence to his next door neighbor) Hey, there! What are you burying lu that hole? Neighbor Oh. I'm Just repluntlug some of my garden seeds. Nubbins Garden seeds, eh? Looks to me mighty like one of my hens. Neigh borThat's all right. Tbe seeds are In side. -K-London Mall. For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many re markable cures have been effected by them. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Davis Pharmacy, F. S. Duffy. The rails of the Belt Line railroad in Philadelphia are the heaviest in the world.' Donf- Pay'Ahnony. to be divorced from your appendix. There will be o occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New -Lite PUls;. Their action Is. so" gentle that the appendix never has cause to make tfie' leapt complaint Guaranteed' h all druggissts, 25c Try them, - ' , ' When a man's a bad dollar, what about his better half? Free samples of "Preventloe" and a booklet on Colds wil be gladly mailed you, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis., simply tn prove merit Pre ventics are little - Candy Cold Cure tablets. N Quinine, no Laxative, noth ing 'harmful whatever. Preventics prevent colds as the name implies when taken early, or at the "Sneeze Stage.?. For a seated cold or LaGrippe break t unjjafely and quickly with Preventics.:- Sold by F. S. Duffy. '- Many a rickety old fence has some rale about It , ; William's Carbolic Salve With- A rules ' "Jand Witch HaeL;?.-;J 1 The ,rbest Salve Jn ; the world " for Cuts, - Bruises; 'Sores, "t Ulcers, " Salt Rheum,' Tetter, 'Chapped Hands, 'and all skin eruptions,: : It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price SSo by drugglst. :x :, WILLIAMS M'FO. CO; - Prop's, Cleveland. 0. . Sold by-D. k. Harget L Senator Foraker repudiates-the Cox propostion . for a deal with the Taf t forces and declares he 'wilt, . regard the action of the state convention only as binding. .' Belief from Bheamutle Pains. suffered v ..with rheumatism . for over: two years,?, says Mr. Holland Curry, a patrolman of Key West Fla. "Sometimes it settled in 'my' knees and lamed mo so I could hardly walk, at other times it would be In my feet and hands so I waa Incapacitated for duty. One night when I was in severe pain and lusie from It rny wife went to the drug store bare and came back frith a bottle t Cbamberluliv's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with It and found the pain hud nearly rotis during the night. I kept on ukIuk it for a little more than two wee! ami found that It drove ths rheumatism in y. I lmve not hud pny trouble f;'-i I' ! " fur (iv, - ' ire rpoiiihV I - r ! - NEW SHORT STOIUES ' Syetem Worked Without- a iiitsh. 'ii t TTila story v as related of War Tatt' bya proiuiueut Jtiator at the cap! to) recently: I'"' It seems that a fortnight- pr to ago the senator : who iciate3 thednel ul. catchiug the blgjecretary Inlhc eenjtd chamber tone day,1 asked Mai to tauti him , certain document .Imui tlia war department 1 -f Mt.'Taft :mftd6r a" note of the request and promised to send, the toranieuts desired forthwith.: Seveeal gay elaps ed and nothing from UK, Tttfi irri vad in the. sauatoVs ..mall. jjsfvluR need of the documents In a speeoii hs was pre- "THAT WILI, DO," SAID TAI'T. paring the senutcr made a special Journey to the war department to get them. When he was ushered into tin? aeere tary's office be inquired after the docu ments. "Sure you never received them?" said Mr. Tnft with his blandest smile. "Quite," was tbe reply. Mr. Taft pushed a button and n col ored messenger appeared. "Do you remember," said the secre tary to the messenger, "my telling you to wrap up such and such documents and send them to Senator ?" "Yes, sir; yes, sir," said the messen ger, bowing. "You are certain you sent them, are you?" said Mr. Taft, with a touch of sternness In bis voice. "Yes, sir. I remember distinctly sending them to the senator." replied the messenger, looking straight at tha secretary. "That will do," said Taft. ' You -see, senator, the documents have been sent and ought to reach you soon." Wheu the messenger had left the room Mr. Taft turned to the senator and said: 'To be perfectly frank, I for got all about your request for those documents, and "they were never sent. I only cnllel the messenger In to show you what n perfect system we have up hero. "Now," the secretary continued, with a chuckle, pushing another button, "I am going to see that you get the docu ments. A Royal Joke. Spain's twenty-year-old kin,' Is still. It seems, very much of the buy. Every once lu awbile he drops unexpectedly Into tbe uncouveutlonal. tn a wny pro ductive of much embarrassment to his entourage. .-His 'latest prank was played In the great cathedral at Leon, to which, with his queen, ho recently paid an unoffi cial Visit. He bad gone alone' Into the organ loft and bad begun to play a chant for Alfonso's education has made of him Sn organist of ability as well as a linguist when with no i a ru ing whatever he switched off into a sharp military march, at the same time vailing out In a loud voice: "Attention! Quick step I Forward!" Priests and suit wore for the instant too surprised to do anything but gasp, aita the next minute there was tbe solemn strain of the chant again, with tbe laughter Of tbe king beard beneath It Harper's Weekly. No Old Glory on Bottled Beer. In a decree which patriotic Ameri cans will receive with grateful ap proval the supreme court of tbe Unit ed States has squarely affirmed the right of a state to enact laws to pre vent tbe. desecration of tbe United States flag. The mattercame up in an appeal from a decision by the courts of Nebraska, which held that the use of a reproduction ot tbe national em blem and the. words "stars and stripes" on the labels of bottled beer amounted to a violation ot the state law ngalnst flag desecration. The Army and Navy Journal urges that every state In the Union shall pass such a law and en force It J.- - 'v.-' - 'v.- Seasonable urn i caa, JuigJJiji&ui, LiHets, Teosinte, kte Seed Pctstces; E:chvt3:tt Velctes, unsea Clover, etc. prices and timoly information a-; iHiui nue as mat can be planted to advantage and profit at different seasons of the year, mailed free on request. Write for It -k i, -. 'GEimsMlCN. -ft:ci::.:cr:D, . va ' ; ' -TMSSfer : 1 i--'" ' ' '"'"""1"""l" ' "" '''''''' flie pntl Tot Have Always B?uae jot overSO years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-srood are dp Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Stents and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Fare , rorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tin otMT.un oommhv, n mummy amcr, New vork omr. FEED YOUR LAND AND II WILL FEED YOU -DO THIS MEADOWS' FERTILIZERS Meadows Cotton and All Crop Cuano for Cotton. Gold Leaf and Koanoke for Tobacco. Special Fertilizers for nil crops. Ask your dealer for our Brands, and jou will be pleased with tbe results. Not how CHEAP but how GOOD is our aim P H I A JM HI VL V as 11 WORKS NEUSE RIVER. MANUFACTURERS, NEW BERN, N. C. fl 3ROOFING Y 50,000 lbs Galvanized Iron. 500 squares Corrugated Iron, 1P0 Boxes Best Tin. 30,000 Tobacco Flue lion, Gasolene Tanks of every desciiption for sale CHEAP S. B. PARKER. COR. SOIJTIl FRONT & CRAVEN anlAVHISKEY HABITS Book of pwttttiUrs sent KKKkl. Address B. M. Woolley Co. Box 387, AtlinliGt OfflCt 104 N. Pryor St I left off your treatment four months afro. Hart1 no desire for an opiate. Your treatment is all it claims, Louisa J. Oakley, May 13th. 00 Snow Fluke ru. Over four year afro you cured me o' mor phine habit. Ella G. Starr, Macon, Mo. 1 have never drank whiskey since March 22, when I besrun your treatnent, J do not crave any whiskey to this day. U. D. Wilson. Direct, Tex. I have used yeur remedy both for the Liquor and Op urn habits and it has been a success, I prefor it to all other remedies B. C. NornuMrt, M. D. Darlington, B. C I boojrht your cure under a notn do plume in 1896; It cored me. K. A. Barnes Pittsburgh, Pa Wrltt to DR. M00LLEY' Box 387. Atlanta, Ga. KILLthbCOUCtT and CURE the LUNGS: King's WITH Now Discovery 0NSUMPTI0N Prica OUOHSaaa 60c $1.00 0L08 Free Trial. Guaranteed for all THROAT and LUNQ IE0UBI8,orlt0MKr 127 Middle Street Full line of ' Drugs, Medi cines, Toilet 1 Articles ' and Soap.V Fresh' Supply" of Flower Seeds. , . -. 'i PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY 1 r- n "i l'J' rc!!cf Trom OPIUM Henry's Pharmaey Boaght and which has been Ju borne the fdgnatwe of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive Ton in thin- Signature of 3QC 3 0 BY USING- BRANDS OF 0 MraiW Cn n If tJ WV y STS NMV BKUN, N. C. REMOVAL I I have removed my Shops from th old slarul, nrar Hincock street, to two doors west of Middle, on South Front sir t-t. where I wi 1 be pleased to serve my customers. A lot of New Carts and Wagons for sale. Repair work promptly done and guaranteed. I. 'S'HISJVWITD, H!VA1 'ItSMITH i WKEXLRIGHT THERE'S NOT Jt Anywhare that can eombeta in oualitv and price with us. W aave you a bar rel ot riour o: erery tealcla we sail yon. and eveaewnr boli in them .r Buaranteed to lUnd. WeVemain v Your bumble servanta, Q. B Waters & Sons GRANOLITHIC PAVQ! . :n - . t - ; ;-y; - ;wki' " -""i" . . lo oonnoctlon with my Una of buibfc ' uiff, 1 am now prepared to mit downs the bout frrade of Cranolithio Paving at , a reasonable price. AH work guarau- ' teed. E. E. Harper. Phone Ian ; "