P, - ) ! '2 r1 - D"IY, J" .'1 4 ' Bern. N..Ct-My 15. XWJ, , ATHE5IA XODGE SO. X OP P, r'Omeeta every Tuesday night'st I J. o'clock in Xnlgbts of Harmony HaU ; pollock St C. D. Pulcher., C. C J. v' x H. Smith. K. ot ft. and S. ;sVisltlng ; " ' Knights will receire a cheTeJler wel come. y t ' - . Meets every Monday night. In Knights - Tt...,i tloll C TnllfU.b BtVMf. ti. m Fjlimrton. N. a.: J- H. Sxoltn, Sec. Visiting Brother cordially welcome. WOODMES OF TBI WORLD meet at Scott's Hall seml-anonthly, First and Third Wednesday nights at 7 :30 o'clock. Visiting Woodmen art umt ed. . CRAVEN LODGE Ha, 1, JSIGHTS OF HABMOHY. Meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In K. of Harmony hall Pollock St; at 7:30 o'clock. Samuel R. Ball, Prest dent; J. H. Smith, Secretary; R. R. Hin Financial Secretary. Index to Jfew AdTrttoementi. For Sale Launch. For Sale Farm. B. B. Davenport Just Received. Williams ft Bryan Just Received. Simmons ft Hollowell Tan Ox fordB. BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICES IN THIS COLUMN FOB LESS THAN ONI MONTH MUST BE PAID FOB IN ADVANCE. FOB SALE An improved farm situ ated on railroad. Apply,, to H. C. Whiteburst, New Bern, N. C. JUST RECEIVED A nice lot grown chickens, young chickens, guineas and ducks. Seed Peanuts. B. B. Dav enport. FOR SALE Kerosene tug boat Es telle, 42 feet long, 9 feet bean), draught 4 feet, with 20 horse power International engine with reverse gear and friction clutch. Boat has pilot house, engine room and cook galley with berths for three of the crew. Can be seen at work at our plant De fiance Box Co., Oriental, N. C. JIST RECEIVED A fine lot of Portsmouth Corned Mullets and Mackerel. Williams ft Bryan. FOR BENT OB LEASE. The brick store on Broad street formerly occu pied by the Broad Street Fruit Co. One of the most desirable business locations in the city. Apply to Geo. Green. FINE TOMATO Plants for sale at Barfield's. WRITING PAFEB . SPECIAL One pound plain linen paper and two packages envelops for 25 cents. Sim mons & Hollowell. FOB BENT A Uensmore typewriter in first class condition for four months commencing June 1. Apply at this office. ' ' WHEN IN NEED Of a stenographer, apply to Klnston School of Steno graphy and Typewriting. Mrs. W. A. Bobbltt, Prin., Klnston, N. C. WANTED A position by experienced Stenographer. Address Stenographer Care Journal Office. FLOUR Try our U. 8. Standard flour none better. You will be pleased with it. Anything else in my line of choice Family Groceries. Sure to give satisfaction. Wood and hand ' made shingles. N. F. Vincent, corner Met calf and South Front 8ta. Phone 87. COLUMBIA Dry batteries, gasoline lamp fixtures, gasoline in stock. We also do general repairing. L M. Ed gerton, 88 Middle street ". EABLT AMBEB CANE SEED Pearl millet seed, at J. 'ij;1 Whlttj ft Co.? iCE CBEAM FBEEZEBS That freeze. 100 JusA" received. .' Peerless Iceland ft Frezo.. Are the quickest and best, price from 11.25 npi-1. 8 Millar. FBESH CHOCOLATE CANDI-Both loose arid in pacakgea atf James", B. Dawson,. 103 Middle Street" i Phone 209. :-.v- JCST :.. FKrWHEDr-Vnloftd---.-'! "I other large carof f urnltnr. thia 'week and will unload another; oaf'.; .next week.- ' That will be three' cars hvi' " loaded in four wetks, so call 'at once 1 and get, Hght tnrbltari) an4, right ti- prlcea, . : Will open1 a 1 alee mattress factory May ' T,"J. Turner Funlthre CoNw, 47 Middle 3U" Phone i72.V "! FOB BENT -A 6 room house corner of Nun'n and Cypress Streets and a 7 room house 6n George street next to " "!thv Stewart .Sanatorium. The latter house hat an. water, conveniences. 1. CALL (W-L' tt Cannon tor Wlllow-t rockers, a fine line. Bryan Block, ' '. FOB. BENTNew seven'room house ' with aompleti plumbing on National avenue,' adjoining the residonce of H. ' M. Groves.; B. E' Harper. , i. (. . - - Li JL CAN50N-i-For fancy Iron bed . steads. Bryan WocV. ' Fa.......; LbT l; To be Awarded at the Kortlcultaral VaIr"te the Tobacee Warehouse - t.C ""rNext Week. ' " . v Largest and best, collection of green house plants,; not less" than 25 . vari eties,', first . prize $20; secoad. prUe $10; third prize $5c ' : V'-- V ' Handsomest '-'display of. blooming plants,: flratpriee 110e'cond- prize $5; third prize $2.' ,- . V - r-,1 "Largest and best display ot Cera uluma in jloom. first prize $5; eecond prlze($2; third prize Largest and 'best, display - ot Oera; niums In variety, first prize $5 f sec ond prize $2; third prize $1,, : Largest display of Peonies In bloom, first prize' $5; second prize 2;"thjrd $1. ' ' Best display ' of wild JBowere, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. - " V Best display of t wild . ferns ; first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1 Handsomest display of Calla llHieB In bloom, first prize $5; second prize $2;-third prize $1. ".v - , Handsomest display of other lillies in bloom, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. Handsomest display of decorative plants, first prize $5: second prize $2; third prize $1. 5 f Handsomest colleedons of palms, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. Handsomest collection , ot Ferns, first prize $&; second prize $2; third rize. $1. -. ' Handsomest collection of Cacti, first prize $5; second prize 2; third prize $1, Handsomest display of Sweet Peas, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. Handsomest display of Cut Green House flowers, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize$l. Handsomest display of Pansies, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. Handsomest display of cut Roses, first prize $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. ; Handsomest display of Magnolias, first prize. $5; second prize $2; third prize $1. ; . Plants entered for largest collec tions cannot compete for special, pre miums except the one offered far handsomest display of blooming plants. . . ' - - Plants entered for special premiums must be placed to themselves as far as possible. Where there - is no competition premiums will not be awarded unless there is decided merit . ' All cut flowers entered for . pre miums must be placed on exhibition not later than Wednesday morning and remain until the fair closes. All exhibits must be placed on Mon day the 20th, except cut flowers, they may be sent Tuesday .or Wednesday morning. -i The fair management .'will' have : a wagon to take the potted plants to and from the talrbuildlng " THE! C0"E 1KD SO. Miss Nellie 'Barker ' of Stella was In the city yesterday. Mr. Frank Batemah returned from a t'slt ta.Edenton yesterday. - Mrs. R. B. Lane is visiting friends and relatives in Chestertown, Md. " i Dr. W. L. Hand, returned yesterday' from a visit to his home In Burgaw. Mr. C. D. Morton of Blades Waa business visitor In New Bern yester day. , ' - v':- ; v Mrs. Raymond, Pollock ot . Dover, spent the day In the city -yesterday. 8be was accompanied to her home by her tiMfsWafAmdFw BUSQSSHOCflSr WAITD--rocery. Clerk: hot afraid of wotfMust' havi goi4 reference. Good habita and abber, and willing 16 study - his' employer's Interest -at -all FOB 8ALE-GaBollne: launch, t'h. p Mearures 25 feet In' length, over all, "and feet across. Can be seen by apply to R. A. Damon. For terms address R.,N, Deppe, Deppe, Vt. CM NEW ABBIJALOf Porch- Rockers, Lawn Swings, and Hammocks at X 8. MlileB5:;',:t UWlf SWINGS, ; 8ETTEBS And orcb Rockers. Store; Plaza and win dow awnings, at John B. Ivet ; -i; - FIELD PEAS A lot of choice peas, reliable ' for planting Whlppoor will, clay and black ; varieties desire ' id close them out as soon as possible. Call 108 Craven St, or address, L, E. Duffy,' Box' 17,' New Bern. N. C. ' ' BEINQ OVERSTOCKED with Readr Mixed Paint .-We' f 11 sell' for the next SO days in order to reduce stock at 90 cents per gallon. ; Good quality. J. C. Whitty.ft Co.'-'-v'"l." ,"; .', '"' 10U CAN ETYour wood sawed on Short notice by calling on OaHkins Cycla Co.'s wood sawing machine. Phone 285. . A FINE LOT Of dry plue end 1 ,1 Wood fifiWPfi 111 tiv; -i " i. ; ;' L i . Weather forecast for today; Cloudy, somewhat cooler. " The fire alarm system wil be, test ed today between-the hours of 12 and l -e'ciock,- : , -; Invitations, have been Issued for the opening ball at Atlantic totel. More head City; Saturday, June . ( f v Subscribers to the telephone' will please add to their list Dr. J ST. .Pat rick's residence number, 844. t'j -- " Mra Carrie Haas was taken :tel the Stewart "Sanatorium yesterday buffer ing with an attack of 'append cltii 'y ' Invitations "have been' received ' to the 15th annual commencementTpt the North Carolina College of. Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts to take place MayS- to thXl&pJ? The; ladles of the Christlai chufcli will hart thelf missldnary meeting this' Ifternoon at, 'o'clook afci'ttie home of -Mrs.' MW.' Andeisdn. o'n Graves St', All members ? guested to he present ' . , ; t Mr.' Jl. B. Dlalock killed a mad dog on Pollock St.? near Mrionshineailey Monday evening. A dog belonging to M W. Q.: Boyd; which had been bit ten by the animal with the rabies was also dispatched.'" ' 1 , "The dance at the armory tomorrow night will be one of the most)leasant affairs of the season, . The: proceeds are to be used for the beneit'of the New Bern 'baseball club. Thefe should be a liberal tpatronage. , 1 ; A spark on the roof Ot Jhe boHer housa at" the Blm City Lumber mUl was the cause of an alarm ; of fire about 8 o'clock -yesterday afternoon, the fire was .quickly put out. by the department' and did no damage what ever, v ' : -V '' " . v r A horse of a team belonging td Mr. Walter Bray dropped dead in Its har ness on Craven street yesterday about noon. The animal gave no sign of a struggle or apparent sickness; it merely trembled then fell. Horsemen who' were on the scene immediately could detect only the slightest heart beat as it fell.- '! . J.' '. Some one whose sense of humor Seems a' little overdrawn and whose sense of shame is entirely imissing gave a false alarm of fire early yes-, terday morning. The. atarnj. came from the usual number 34 i A Some, of these days one w-Jhese ultra fqpny men will be discovered at their tricks and. then the laugh will be on them and not by them. "The Jones Carnival which 'was to open in Klnston Monday was post poned until Tuesday eveningon i ac count of the sudden death of- Mr. Lewis Wiley, f Mr. Wiley was as? ex Confederate soldier and was standing watching the unloading of the arni: val paraphernalia, when death came suddenly. : Mr. Wiley lived just in front of -where the show tents were to be set up and ft was very nice of the carnival people to shoaLsuch respect for his death. - . "a: ; It will he wise for the board of ald ermen to request the Norfolk ft Sooth era to have some kind of guard at the National atrenue crossing, Jelther gates or ' flagman. ' Tta become dangerous on accoyni of the passing of so many' trains and, lis to their own interest as well as the 'pub. He's) that they take s'nch precadtloh hry step. '.The baseb'all seasonwitlt its crowds of pwjple coming and gH Ing inakf this provision a necessity; :i' The Greenville etfectorfnotesat the knitting mill,' there, is turning pnt 235 dozen knit garments per. tfayj Su- gests' that 0reenVllle rtget : buBy: and establish .'a yarn 'Mli. Keiri$ nueh roldeVjmuchi- larler Jndiwr-'' hapB richer has neither knitUng inilfa 9orjriiidU'Tlif on. to .say ; that notwithstanding) . the large productlonitteinill la far -bf-hlnd in filling Its orders.' - Btrange thatrNewBeril capitalists dA; not be come interested' in, such; IndustrieSvl r--.'fif'i v 5.:.s v Mayor Bryan- laid down the: la, yesterday ;injtha poilce'oonrt and told. OMrrofthe t vielators wha' he1 could; t IT "w f 1 fmwm-m tifv k J COTIMUES . EVERY DAY.l, Uf''1: h-;'. 'SWtf tne 8tock we are selling was bought at jobbers prices and mi' n afford to sell goods at what other merchants have to pay for fxl thera. A visit will convince yoi3'?.'t';''---'- :r''0S. U.J. b; ..aililliOiial 0k ,...' 45 rOLLOCK STREET And if you are at homo anywhere in the juwtlry tra h it is nere. uur watch trn !a IB more and still more vvsitchoe ev. iy this or that, niaka tl.o Ix i t, wo r - -people have a pref rr" e. You I f oiij bo can j !. 9 every'. 1 yon, V!."n ty-; j U cor 11 n- j- i rei. . ' 1 ' i !. expi-ct If he t. juld e;.r come I the i ou. on a u - cL.. I Mr. A C. Moore and was rrc.:ted for drunkenness. He was ;- taxed wiu costs. The other prisoner was Chari ty Pope,. a "olored t woman .arrested for disorderly. conduct - She also was given some strkightvfallr bj Cie mayor -who. told hr vwhatr.she must do""aod, tti&t'ji must be doaa at.'the earliest possible timei - -, rTh'e.JvinBton," Free. resiremttt-ks that "this has been goodsesofjffor cut 'worms,1' and cities a- case whera . much 'damage was done garden In onenightpur, ariculturar 4edJtor recommends" the following preVenta; tlvei.Take a'pieccSf ordinary Writing or stiff Manila papera strip an Inpli or bo wide, place! around the' plant at ground tormmgj -tiibfe large Enough to not coma-itt.-contact-wlth-etemby halt an InchT And 'fasten with; la. Thi TOsJwsghgVtJ1 knt near "ihe" ground and When ' hefi ids the paper fthg jteels itTattie' wltk I im fiojriej jinothef pTan'J Tf'fljijj The Raleigh, -TimesV..th.WllmlnV' ton Messenger and Winston TSe'ntihfeT agreed that tramps vand yVagrgpts should not be ailowerf to go frewhen taken , up provided', tbeymove oq ,;to Bom"othefto.wn. ,Uo? they'ahouldbe sentenced ttf work- tor, a, Umeand; made t serve the sentence, before her ing turned loose. If air communities would rigidly enferce - the vagrant law, tramps would becomf scarce and that floating-, "mlschievious, criminal ly disposed part" of 'each' town and ctf i. wpuratipnr could be" made " to become mot-e ipdustrlous,' and other wise more desirable .citizens Don't let the children suffer. It they are iretf uL. jpeeyish IpnA Cross, give them Holllster'H Rocky. Mountain Tea. The beat baby tonic known. Strength and health follow: its use. ' 35 cents, "p. a Duffy. v i .- ' J: NO P-tint experts agree that . - r Obs'iilHiir cent tethe American Standard of Excellence. It is Absolutely ' Pure-Hxntains nly the Costliest Materials -and combines the maximum .' ' - .-- v ;,. ""..DENSITY SPREADING CAPACITY DURABILITY with the MINIMUM COST. ' ' . FOR,3AtE BY, ; fWe have "'been' makiri llanos h oVer hlta' tt(Tiid ;d fi -all1 tliar rtima moHntr thatn ,M'-a that t -"ff . .., . .. . 'Pianos have no superiors;' that, gajiavfi a oeuer. y-';':? .s inateau oraeiunir vo dealers in . .the usual way, "we -maintain our jl own ware-rooms ana , sen . to the i ; I peopleVt wholeeale prices on easy n mUtnuLIki lis tell vou about It: i? Aduress, ChasT.LSlie it' IL; C STEELE. MVr.'-M 1 & U Granby SU: ..Norfolk, Jv ;j : ; Wfy30mmr-'1l m-n-m m-. m , - ; - y-m, m mm m - .mm mi ! - - ... i i VjS Ef i 1 -y J f c ilium 3 J'"lierfectlisosslble.C ' i S U W daint-mbfect' Ifco 'toof- 1 Stieff ) ... v-r , "W 1'1T- EVEKYBODY ThohAtfeasotf.WilU soon bal , here, and how to keep. the house! as cool" will interest everybody-M If f Cleanlmeis, can'' never-lxi i m the kitchen, where, wood or $al Is UBed'for fuel,-jour cook cannot eoai and dabble in ashes, and have leao.elothe8s.nd clean "handiv nor can yon; bavff clean ood.'-. f ft .Get a Gas . Ranire and "have I Clean . toeals; Ranees sett n readv-for use- 22 down and $2. ter month nntii tiaM for K .... ... .- T . .TTt f;EW BERN 'LIGHTING & FUELn COMPANY " : OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE , Dear Friend: Trii7 Vitta VireA ma down at the grocery. What do you think I do ? Every-! where they put my picture, j a new one each time, in the paper.- My work is to tell everybody where to buy good groceries. I lice mvplace very well be- S'cause it is a good place where they "treat me well, ' They treat everyone well where I vork, btcause they icarry: good grocerios anid sell them at the right j prices 1 'Your friend," ;r.y: ; ' . . jacob. C RS. , I . work at . t:ZiJ ,W T ! umw au I imr 111 I l lll V Mr v.v IS J iiSWE; GIVE SPECI ALATTENTlON TO FILUNG J SlEiBrC B;I PI:B!n S. ;i Lr That-'"is our specially; We 'department, We dispense only the best drugs and each pre" Wiption entrusted to us receives lh most tarefuf attentionT iXet os 9Xt ypor; presUMtg.' 'H3Th "Vvr ' DAVIS PHARMACY IpNregARRIAIiSlift X:i-.W have -just "received Gents Fine Oxfords in all 'hs pujjuuu mats miu . mui.ii. - ' opular" lasti Russia Calf, If. Willow Calf in . mens 5 to 10, widths A to D. - Four doren Ladiea Two Ey-. ;,v - l l Fnilor Tics In Russia Cnlf, - 2 l n, I; C nn.l D. . ; To !'..e rt'iuly sellers, we . . . I ; " 1 puj.ular pncfes, : . s. 'i ... i . I j iil fiM.'.o ta n ' 1 r ifr r i"-:ivj;':j we ' . ' K.T.t ;(.r v s.'.i,,e i C'-'x-s free. IN F.LL ITiL lit -t ' v is guaranteed to people who car ry Hamilton American Rilrod or Longines Imported Watches I -'The Quality Store shows these move ments In all grades and sizes, with tiaseffof Gold, Gold Filled or Silver-models-for"" Lidks - and Gantiemen. Come here for S reliable Eight Time Watch.' 'r J O. BAXTERL THE EEJJABLE JEWELER. NOTICE Having disposed of my insurance business to Mr. G. A. Nicoll I respect fully refer my customers to - him, thanking' them for their patronage, heretofore. N. C. HUGHES. . I respectfully solicit the renewal of policies written by Mr. Hughes as suring his patrons that I shall give my best attention to thjfir interests. Respectfully, G. A. NICOLL. MAY NUMBER OF EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS JUST RECEIVED AND ON SALE Over 3,500 Records in Stock, includ ing every selection catalogued. A full line of Bicycles. Base Ball Goods, Gillette Rasors and Blades, Pocket Cutlery, Pistols and Cartridges. Wflle 1 IlILL 91 MIDDLE ST. PHONE 263 99 -THE- Ideal Light With the Latest Improved ap paratus, like the " DAVIS MACHINE." This beautiful light can be installed and oper ated, anywhtre that light is wanted, with absolute safety, riquiring very little attention. For-full information and prices Waite to ii E I' v,. . . NEW BEEN. N.C r ' . AGENT FOR NORTH CAROLINA S 1 1 T take, pride tb our prescriptioa' '-''".' , - . M,5 :-..', . r - -v ' . III T Acetylene HIDE -v " t I .1 V J'.ll - . J. PERFECT FITTING CLOTHES v 'It is so easy for us to fit you : perfectly-in a light weight two piece Suit, , A large line in light colors as well as blue Serges at pop ular prices, $12,50 to $22,50 the Suit. Every Coat guaranteed to hold its shape. Why not ' see the new styles; no trouble to show them. We can suit you in every particular. J. 6. DUNN & CO., 'PHONE 212. 55-17 POLLOCK ST. E FRIG Doesn't Mean Anything. Its What You Get for the Price that Counts No Suit is a eood Suit that is cheaply made. The look may be good, but if it is not built good the looks soon de part. The name Finite " in a Suit means something to you. We have a splendid stock of these famous garments c f all grades, $10 up. See them; you will like- them; try one suit and you will find out what real satisfaction means. We especially invite you to call and inspect our new Spring Suits and Furnishings. S. COPLON 75 MIDDLE ST MONEY t - Two Nttle words by themselves but if acted upon will influence your whole future 1 The. first hundred dollars saved will be the haidest and will necessitate self denial on your part. The second hundred comes easier the habit is formed and the 4 per cent, interest we add helps, increase the amount quickly. - Our Savings Department will assist you to save money. Bank of New Berne Jas A. DnTAN, Pres.' Jno Dunn, V-P. I : G. H. Roberts. Cashier. We;are Eiihing Paint The paintfhg ' season i'.:"at harid aWrwe ar ready to) Lei us figure on; the paint for y6ur housed. W. P. will prove ' the';best land' most economical aint ' you "can . Full color card . for , the asking. , .' , i, .' ; j. , '. - ," A "'' ii i i SOLt V ' .J L...iL.iL..jLffLi PKC' H f ' 17 CRAVEN Copyright 1907 by Mart SchafFncr ttf Miix ALONE Columbia Gold Model RECORDS The latest peces from AprM and May to play on Eiison or Columbia Phonographs at 25c each Also Edison Records and Phonographs and evrrt ing in the Music and Station, ry line. Our selection of Souvenir Post Cards and Colored Views of New Bern U tho finest ani largest in this city With eery 25c worth of Views of New Bern or tinseled cards we furnish you one wire Post Card or Photo Holder, holding 60 cards FREE of Charge. Southern Music House Box 286 Nw Brn, H. C. I have now moved into my large New Building 69 CRAVEN ST. and am now prepared to serve my customers promptly. Call and see 'me Owen Q, Dunn PRINTER 8TATIONSR. - 69 CbaviK St.-; Mew Bern, N. C We are now prepared to do any kind of Plumbing. Steam,; Gas,' pr Hot Water Fitting v in ; a...thorwagh, nptodU tnannert Satisfaction guaranteed. Give ns a trial $fcj$,;Erota,'-. . it Craven 8t. 'ext Puna's Ptr Office. mx1.. Li- I Ull 1IU..! J1..LLL' .UL-JUfeS'"" Sillier A lekey, Ko. 61 Soirfh front j, St.. Krndiiiiarters tat IStrtrtei . .'' Good Plumbinsf .- m Standard makes also the Easy Bwisvi Ing Karjcle.' r . : All i" it f nmrlitnes !tUei,'? T.'!--' ' ' i I" ' "t r ! r rnlrrd On short ':.'i ? ;'iv . . : t tvr. .. .... - 5 (a L. I!, fi' r' '!.!.

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